A Christmas Break (2020) - full transcript
School teacher Addison Tate wants this Christmas to be special for her kids especially since the School Board has decided that it will be the last as the school will be closing.
Looks great, Liam.
Thanks, Ms. Tate.
Not in the hallway,
thank you very much.
Addison, Addison,
the photocopier is down again.
Is there any room in
the quarterly for us to...
Phil, we're at the point
where we may have to start
bending back staples
and re-using them.
Oh, lovely.
We'll be down to writing
with quills by year's end.
As long as you make your own.
Three in a month gets you
picking up garbage at recess.
Oh. My caffeine angel.
Christmas blend?
- Yup.
- Hint of cinnamon?
- A whisper.
- Soy milk?
Thanks, Judy.
I know, I'm a pain.
No, I'm sure a lot of people
change their coffee routine
with the seasons
and major holidays.
Well, I thank you.
Don't forget there's a budget
call at eleven, okay, Addy?
Too hot?
It's perfect.
I know enrollment
is down a little,
but our test scores are among
the best in the district.
Forcing these kids to bus
an hour away will kill any
chance they have for
after-school activities.
Closing the school is
short-sighted in my opinion.
Thank you for your time,
Superintendent McKenzie.
Good timing, Jude.
I didn't want you to
lose your job today.
It's your anniversary.
It's a year to the day
since Mark and I broke up.
C'mon, sweetie.
Tonight, it's you, me,
a whole bunch of chick flicks,
while we make
Christmas decorations.
I don't have any
glue sticks for the glue gun.
Got you covered.
What would I do
without you, Jude?
I appreciate your help, Phil.
Ah, well, everyone's
prep time's been cut.
We'll all either be replaced by
robots or instructional videos
because they don't
take sick days.
I'd be surprised if we
make it through the year.
Sorry, Addison. I didn't
mean to be so pessimistic,
it's just, uh...
...rumours are rampant.
Which is why I'm counting on you
to do your best
under the circumstances.
It's about what's best
for the kids, right?
Dylan Davidson.
Anyhow, in other news,
Jude, you're still organizing
the staff secret Santa?
You bet you.
Same deal, twenty dollar max,
no re-gifting this year?
Dylan Davidson,
didn't he go here with Addison?
High school, too,
and, apparently,
they were quite close.
I'm not one to gossip
about my bestie.
Well, if I were to theorize...
Oh, hypothetically.
Of course.
He'd be the one that got away.
How long, Garth?
Three weeks filming, Dylan.
What's the director's
name again?
Gaston Lapointe.
He's supposed to be pretty good.
It's a French production shot
in Bulgaria with a Czech crew.
It'll be like
working at the U.N.
What happened to Seascape Six?
You didn't want to do five
and you were replaced.
Last couple of movies you did,
they bombed.
You mean "underperformed."
Just do the gig, Dylan.
It'd be good exposure for you.
Is it in English?
Maybe this is where
you're at career-wise.
A lot of people would think
getting paid to do a movie
in Europe would be like a
dream come true. You used to.
It's not about the money, Garth.
It's about...
The work.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Look, those meaty roles
are not coming in right now.
It is what it is.
It has been pretty quiet.
Garth Turnbull here. Yeah.
A different direction,
different look,
someone with a lot more heat.
Well, I can't help but think
that you're making a mistake.
My guy would've
just killed that role.
Okay, then,
I'll talk to you later.
All right, bye.
They went with, uh,
that other guy,
you know,
the one with the show.
The one with the talking dog?
- Mm-hm.
- He's good.
- Him or the dog?
- Not funny.
Look, it's not as if you're
going out of your way
to schmooze or take
advantage of social media.
Monique always hated that,
my low profile ways.
How's she taking it, anyway?
About how you'd think.
You got to stop dating models.
I know.
I need someone with substance.
You need someone
that you can talk to,
someone I can talk to,
someone that can make
your eyes light up.
I appreciate the help, Addy.
I know how crazy things
are for you at the moment.
Oh, I love helping, Dad.
I love when I go home
and my clothes still
smell like Christmas trees.
Have you picked
out your tree yet?
Well, that's not
like you at all.
I don't have time to
properly decorate it
and I can't have it sitting
in the living room naked.
No, you can't do that.
So, uh...
I, um... I saw somebody today.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, Mark was in.
How'd he look?
Ah, fine, I guess.
No massive weight gain?
- Nope.
- He still have all his hair?
- Yup.
- No humpback-like growths?
No. No, humpback like growths.
Was he by himself?
Well, not exactly.
Not exactly with who?
Uh, Dee-Dee Lockert.
Wow. Great.
Yeah. Yeah, that's...
that's really great.
Did they look happy?
I'm sorry. You know, I shouldn't
even have mentioned it. I...
Should I be making
hot chocolate right about now?
Yes, that would be lovely.
He wasn't the one.
He wasn't, was he?
And you were too good for him.
I was, wasn't I?
Two marshmallows?
Yes, please.
Hey, Garth.
Did we have a meeting?
No, we got a problem.
It's Monique.
Now what?
She's writing a book.
Okay, someone's
ghost-writing the book,
but they're talking
to unnamed sources.
How worried should I be?
She's booking
afternoon talk shows.
Nothing late night yet,
but getting out of L.A.
for a little
while would be best,
just while she's trying
to stir things up.
- Well, where would I go?
- I don't know.
What about me getting
behind the camera?
Some indie work.
You mean like directing?
Yeah. Is that so crazy?
After being the bane of
directors for so many years,
now you want to be one.
Yeah. Shape the clay
instead of being the clay.
No, poetry's not in your future.
All right.
But directing, not a bad idea,
if you're willing
to start small.
How small?
"It's a Wonderful Elf"?
I know that directing a play
isn't exactly in
your wheelhouse, Phil,
but I think you'll
do a great job.
No other volunteers, huh?
Not a one, but I volunteer you.
There's a literature
conference in Florida
that I could get a lot out of.
- When?
- March.
If we're still a going
concern in March,
I'd give it a definite maybe.
Hmm. Slightly better
odds than the lotto.
Thanks, Phil.
Mr. Johnson is going to
need a lot of cooperation
to make this play work.
I'm counting on you to help
keep the other kids focused.
No one listens to me, Ms. Tate.
Remember, you don't have
to be loud to be heard, Liam.
Leading by example
seems more your style.
If you take it seriously,
the other kids will, too.
It took a lot of courage
to step up and do this.
I'm trying to step
outside my comfort zone
a little bit.
Good for you.
Get back to class.
Mission City S.O.S.
How did it go
with the kids today?
Oh, the kids understand.
There's just a lot going on
in their world right now.
What about yours?
Are you going to do any
dating before the New Year?
There's that guy at...
No, no. My heart's not in it.
Well, the rest
of you could be.
No New Year's Eve kisses
two years in a row?
- Ouch!
- Sorry.
Don't give up, okay?
Anything for you.
Good things can still happen.
I know. Speaking of, how'd you
do with the phone blitz?
Every member of Congress
I tried to get a hold of
was already on holidays.
It's like those
people don't work!
My highlight was a nice lady
from Senator Pearson's office
gave me a recipe
for nutmeg logs.
Ooh, interesting.
I'm gonna need that recipe.
You think it's too
late for a bake sale?
We sold the muffin tins
for pencils, remember?
I got to go to choir practice.
Hit some high notes for me.
♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪
Ooh, Mission City S.O.S.
Addy, I'm just checking
the connections here.
Can you tell me if
you see anything?
- How 'bout now?
- No.
It's over between Dylan Davidson
- and Monique Monteith.
- Dylan Davidson.
I'm sorry. Was that a yes?
Yes, yeah. Yeah.
Earlier this week at
the premiere of her new movie,
while her heartthrob beau
was conspicuously absent.
You know, you never really
get over your first big crush.
You're lucky yours was Mom.
Yeah. That I was.
So, what's going on
with the school?
Parent and community
groups are working
more than I have a right to
expect right before Christmas.
We're gonna do it.
Now, that's the spirit!
Plus, I'm hoping for
a Christmas miracle.
Well, I think you're about due.
You can say that again.
I think you're about due.
Well, you got to start
Hey, Addy.
Judy, I've got an idea.
Can you come in early tomorrow?
Will there be cinnamon buns?
With extra icing.
All right, then.
Shut the door, Addy.
This isn't going to be pretty.
I might need to
re-apply my make-up.
So, your grand plan is
to get Mission City alumnus
Dylan 'The Dream' Davidson,
the man who broke your
heart in senior year,
to direct our Christmas play.
Thereby creating publicity
and overall social awareness
for our and his school's
current economic crisis.
And you're basing
this on what exactly?
His ex-girlfriend is
all over social media.
His career is in the dumpster.
He needs positive publicity
and he owes me.
Does he know he owes you
or is this some kind of
karmic piggy bank thing
that you've invented?
There might be a slightly
porcine karmic aspect to it.
Okay, if that's all we got.
Believe me,
that's all we've got.
Hi, Dad.
Hi, Bill!
He says hi.
What's up? Everything okay?
Okay. Thanks for
letting me know. Bye.
A friend of my Dad's
down at county hall
told him they've started
the tendering process
to sell the school outright.
Thought I should know
sooner than later.
So, it's a done deal?
Not quite,
but it's getting close.
I got his number!
Yes, good morning.
I am looking for
Dylan Davidson's manager.
Well, this is
the number that's listed.
It's Principal Addison Tate
of Mission City Middle School,
reaching out to
alumnus Dylan Davidson.
When can I expect a call back?
It's very, very important.
This is life or death
for our school.
No, not literally. It's just...
Yes. I'd appreciate that.
Thank you.
Maybe next week.
They said he's filming a pilot.
It's a business lie.
Like "The cheque's in the mail."
Was that his publicist?
It was.
May I?
Oh, you have some
experience doing this.
Well, in a need to know world,
I need to know.
And voila!
That is Dylan's manager
Garth Turnbull,
his email address
and cell phone number.
A-plus Phil.
I'll leave you to it.
You have some telephone calls
to make, Principal Tate.
Thank you.
Dialling for dollars?
Have you heard of
Mission City Middle School?
That's my old grade school.
How'd they get my number?
I don't know.
Maybe they want some swag
for an auction or something.
All right.
You gonna answer that?
No, I'm going to let my
voice mail handle that.
Garth Turnbull here, please
leave a message after the beat.
Hello, this is
Principal Addison Tate
from Mission City
Middle School.
If Mr. Davidson
would be interested
in taking some time out
of his busy schedule,
we could certainly
use his expertise
in directing our school play
and it might help save
the school in the process.
So, if you could give me
a call back to discuss,
I'd really appreciate it.
Voice sounds really familiar.
What'd she say her name was?
No, that part was garbled.
I couldn't make it out.
Garth Turnbull here,
please leave a message
after the beat.
Hello, Mr. Turnbull,
it's Addison Tate,
the principal at Mission City
Middle School calling again,
um, just in regards
to your client
Dylan Davison directing
our school play.
If you could call me back,
I'd really appreciate it.
Garth Turnbull here,
please leave a message
after the beat.
Oh, hi, Mr. Turnbull.
It's Addison Tate.
Can I call you Garth?
I mean, it really feels like
I should be able
to call you Garth,
seeing as I've heard
your voice so many times.
Call me back, please?
Addison Tate here,
if I didn't
mention that already.
It's Addison Tate.
Addison Tate here.
Just asking for Dylan's
help to save our school.
That's it in a nutshell.
"Hollywood star saves
old middle school."
It's a great headline.
Could you just
call me back, please?
No, I'm not getting
enough of a response on Twitter.
This book will never
get off the ground.
Something juicy?
Yeah, that's just it,
there's nothing juicy!
Dylan is what he is,
he's a decent guy. No dirt.
No, he doesn't drool.
Maybe a little in his sleep.
Why? Would they want
that in a book?
Good. I'll think
of something else.
Now, let's see what that does.
I can't believe Monique
would even post that.
I know.
I mean, we were rehearsing
for a part I didn't even get.
It's totally out of context.
- What's the reaction been?
- It's not good.
PR firm's saying the same thing,
that negative traction
is negative traction.
Still nothing?
Well, are you gonna try again?
- I don't know.
- Here, let me call.
- I'll do it.
Wait, how many times
have you called?
Counting this time?
He's going to think
you're a stalker!
No, he won't.
He already knows I'm a stalker.
It was so much easier
keeping tabs on her
when we were together.
Unchecked, she's like
a blonde tornado.
And you're like a trailer park.
Oh, it's your old
grade school calling.
Let's give them a gracious no.
Put it on speaker.
Garth Turnbull here.
How can I help you?
This is Addison Tate.
I'm... I'm the principal here
at Mission City Middle School.
I was actually hoping
that we could help each other.
I've left you a few messages.
Yeah, I got 'em.
So, what's in it for, Dylan?
Um, well...
Dylan was recently the recipient
of some pretty bad,
totally unsubstantiated
Saving his hometown school
from the wrecking ball
might be just the ticket
to combat that negative press.
Wow, she's good.
Is this really Addy Tate?
I say we do it.
What do we have to lose?
Hello, Addy?
That's Dylan.
- Hello?
- What do I say?
Oh, my gosh. That's Dylan.
Hi! Yes. Yes,
it is I, Addison Tate.
Wow, it's great
to hear from you!
You're still
as articulate as ever.
Okay, let me handle this.
Ms. Tate, we would like
to accept your offer
and Dylan will direct
your school play.
Thank you, thank you so much.
You have no idea what
this'll mean to the kids.
Hey, Addy, is, um... is
Robinson's Bakery still around?
I'll have a dozen
chocolate chip cookies waiting.
and what's the weather like?
Um, it's, uh, just like spring.
A balmy 38 today.
Okay, that sounds
very spring-like.
When do you need Dylan there?
- Yesterday.
- How's Thursday?
- Thursday is great.
- I'll send you my email.
I just sent you an itinerary.
Of course you did! Hey, Addy?
I can't wait to see you.
We'll see you Thursday.
Thank you so much.
I-I can't wait to
see you, too. You, too.
"I can't wait to see you!"
Look at you, man!
Morning, sunshine.
Oh, I don't feel much like
sunshine at the moment.
I think that I did
something that I may regret.
Okay, well, now,
you got to spill it.
A hint of cinnamon?
Yeah, and soy milk.
I got Dylan Davidson to agree
to direct our Christmas play.
Wow. Really?
You think that'll work?
I don't know, but I had to try.
I mean, if they close the school
I'd just be kicking myself.
Well, how do you feel
about Dylan coming back?
Fine. It was a long time ago.
I doubt he even remembers.
Dad, you're killing me.
I don't even have
time to go to the gym.
They're waffles.
So, you have
a power bar for lunch
and you have a salad with
lean protein for dinner.
It's about balance, Addy.
How can you turn
waffles into a life lesson
and dietary advice?
It takes practice.
- You cold?
- Oh, yeah.
Dylan Davison, what's it like
being back in your hometown?
Uh, well,
I literally just got in,
but it's, uh... it's great
to be back in Mission City,
and to have the opportunity
to give back to the community,
but, really, this is
Mission City Middle School
Principal Addison Tate's...
And you and Principal Tate are...
We're old classmates,
but we lost touch
after I went to theatre school.
- Here's my card.
- Thank you.
♪ It's that time of year
♪ When Santa comes
to bring that cheer ♪
♪ He ain't coming
by boat or plane ♪
♪ He's loaded down
with candy canes ♪
♪ I only hope he
keeps one open seat ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ Come on, Santa,
bring those toys ♪
♪ All the presents
for the girls and boys ♪
♪ The only thing I need
♪ Is my baby on Christmas Eve
Thanks. I'll be right with you.
Just want to take care of
a few of these kiddies first.
You told her that?
The sign outside
said it's for sale.
We can't let her down.
I never really doubted you.
It was just my
silly common sense.
And you and Principal Tate are...
We're old classmates,
but we lost touch
after I went to theatre school.
Oh my gosh, these are good.
I wonder what she's up to, huh?
It's called
Christmas spirit, Phil.
So many things have been given
up because of the budget cuts,
but I'm just not willing to
lose the hot lunch program,
it's too important for the kids.
Make sure that they...
Sorry. Dylan.
Hey, Addy.
Oh. Uh, should it be
Ms. Tate on school grounds?
No. The kids all
know my name's Addy,
so you're not giving
away any state secrets.
You're already
on the local news.
The reporter.
I, uh, I kept it pretty bland.
I mean, if I had said
that we were good friends,
then it'd lead to speculation.
You don't need to
explain anything.
No, I do. If the press
thought that there was
anything between us,
then you'd have a camera truck
parked out in
front of your house.
I live in an apartment.
And this is Mission City,
I don't even think the local
TV station even has a truck.
They just walk everywhere.
Okay, but you get the idea.
Yeah. Sure.
And thank you for reaching out.
I really needed
to get out of L.A.,
with this whole Monique thing.
The supermodel ex.
Yeah. Nightmare.
In really nice designer shoes.
I'd do anything
to save the school
or else I wouldn't
have called you.
Well, tell me all about it.
All right. You want the long
version or the Cliff Notes?
I will take the long version.
It's kind of nice
hearing your voice again.
You're getting the Cliff Notes.
I'm a busy woman.
I bet you are.
Not quite as busy
as a Hollywood superstar,
I'm guessing.
Thanks, Addy.
I'll take it from here.
You sure?
I got this.
Go save your school.
I mean, great, yeah.
Um, I'll just...
I'll leave you to it.
Hey, everyone.
Why don't you grab a seat?
Anyone sitting here? No?
Now, as some of you may know,
my name is Dylan Davidson,
and what I'm going to say to you
was said to me
for my first big role
by someone far,
far smarter than me.
No one is bigger
than the production.
We are all but disparate parts
working together in harmony,
and we support each
other to bring the play
to its successful conclusion.
Any questions?
What does "disparate" mean?
Let's just get to it, shall we?
All right.
Let's move the bags and chairs
and stuff and see what you got.
Santa's not coming?
But why?
What will the children think?
Okay. Liam, um...
Santa's not coming, okay?
And you need to believe
that in your heart to make
the audience believe that.
Think about the anticipation
of unwrapping that
big shiny present,
but then, it's not there.
There's nothing under the tree.
What was the best
present you ever got?
Yeah. Okay, great.
So, think about that.
Think about the waiting.
All your friends,
they're playing online
and you think you're
going to get it and then...
Bam! Nothing. Nothing.
What would the children think?
Let's try it again,
but this time from the heart.
Santa's not coming? But why?
What will the children think?
That was amazing.
All right, get out of here,
you guys, for now.
Quick meeting after school.
Good job, everybody.
You are surprisingly
good with them.
Well, that's why I get
paid the big bucks.
I didn't know what to expect.
Look, I get it. I get it.
But it just... I don't know.
Feels good to be doing something
worthwhile for a change.
Seeing how dialled
in these kids are,
seeing their potential,
I see why you love
doing what you do.
But, Addy, um, I have to say,
these kids, they seem tense.
It's like there's a real
negative energy around here.
I know. I know.
I think we need to
create a bonding moment.
Do you remember Mr. Dawson
and that ancient
projector he'd pull out?
We still have it.
Movie night?
And here comes the scared baby,
my kid brother Harry Bailey.
I'm not scared!
Go, Harry!
Come on, Harry!
Come on, Harry!
Come on, Harry! Come on!
Hang on, Harry!
Help! Help!
Hey, okay, do you see
how emotionally invested
those characters are?
Okay, that's what
I need from you guys.
If you don't
believe it in your soul,
your audience is never
going to believe it.
Okay, well,
they might give you some slack
because they are your parents,
but you know what
I'm saying, right?
Okay. Watch.
George saved
his brother's life that day.
Um, that was a really
nice teaching moment.
I suppose it was, wasn't it?
I wish I had a million dollars.
difficulties here, guys.
Sorry. I think you'll have
to catch the end on TV.
It's on about fifteen
times before Christmas.
Yeah, and study
your lines, okay?
You got to know those
things cold. Hey.
I'm expecting big
things from you, Liam.
May, I walk you home,
Ms. Tate?
Well, Mr. Davidson,
that would be very lovely.
I don't know how you do it.
What's that?
Being you. Being famous.
Being on all the time.
It's not so bad.
Do you still like it?
It's given me a great life.
Some parts of it
are kind of lonely.
People wanting Dylan 'The Dream'
instead of just
regular old Dylan.
Oh, you were never
just regular old Dylan.
It's who I'm most
comfortable being, anyhow.
I think you were always
bigger than Mission City.
Even when we were kids,
I could see that.
While you were
alphabetizing your toys?
They are more fun when they
were in alphabetical order.
So, what about you, hm?
Shaper of young minds.
Fighting the good
fight for the community.
I'm not sure about
any of it anymore.
I miss being in the classroom,
making that kind of difference.
Watching the kids learn
and grow, that was fulfilling.
Now, I'm just an administrator,
chasing after
money for a budget.
Not feeling a whole lot
of satisfaction from that.
If we could go back...
Can I... can I
tell you something?
It's been bugging me
for a long time.
When I left for Julliard,
I never said goodbye.
Things were so hectic
and the scholarship
was so last minute,
but I've always regretted it.
You had to do what
was best for you.
I never really
gave it much thought.
Oh. Okay.
What is it?
It's my Dad, he needs me
to go to the tree lot.
That's weird, he never texts.
Something's up.
We should go.
Dad, are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine.
Wow, Dylan Davidson.
It's good to see you again.
- You too, Mr. Tate.
- Call me Bill.
What did you do
to your arm?
I, uh, I may have
sprained my elbow.
How did it happen?
I fell off a ladder.
You believe that?
I'm with the fire
department 35 years,
I fall off
a six-foot stepladder?
Oh, Dad.
Think you'll still
be able to play Santa
in the Christmas play?
I've done it for
the last seven years
and I will not let this stop me.
Garth, hey. I texted him.
He's great in a crisis.
Addy, this is Garth Turnbull,
my long-time manager.
Ms. Tate. Everything okay?
- Yeah.
- No.
I'll be fine.
Dad, you're gonna
need some help.
Can I lend a hand?
You know, kind of need one
of those right about now.
Used to sell a lot of these
Christmas trees In my day.
All right. Okay. Thanks.
All right. Well,
I'm gonna need a few things,
a parka, work gloves,
thermal underwear,
snow boots,
and Merino wool socks.
You know where
I can pick those up?
Anderson's Outfitters,
that's the best place in town.
It's the only place in town.
Bill, why don't you
let me take you home?
I'll come back
here for the night,
and keep an eye on the place.
That's a great idea.
Thank you.
Then, you get a good night's
sleep in your own bed.
I don't know.
I can head to
Anderson's in the morning
and you can show me the ropes.
Come on, Dad.
All right, fine. Done.
All right. Good night.
Take care of yourself.
Thank you.
No problem.
Wow, this place is awesome.
Are you hungry?
Uh, famished. The kids
finished all the pizza.
He already made
some waffle batter.
You know how to make 'em?
Wow. Okay,
these look really good.
My dad would say
it's all in the batter.
Bon appetit.
I haven't had a carb
this good in years.
Stop it.
Hey, um...
Are you seeing anyone?
Sorry. Are you okay?
Hey, let me help you with that.
Hey, Garth.
Oh, let me guess.
My dad took you to
McElhenney's for a nightcap?
Just a drop to help
the poor man sleep.
Of course.
Hey, Dylan, why don't you,
uh, walk Ms. Tate home?
You... you don't have to.
I guess I should do
what the man says.
Good night.
I'm gonna lock up for the night.
Smells like waffles.
Oh, we saved you some.
I'm sorry about prying if
you were seeing someone.
Oh, no, no. It's okay.
And it's a hard no on
the man in my life front.
- Huh.
- Why'd you ask?
I'm just surprised
nobody's snapped you up.
I know, right?
I was engaged, but we broke up
around this time last year.
Oh. Well,
I'm sorry to hear that.
Obviously, the man's a fool.
What about you?
Oh, you know,
the whole Monique thing
was the hot mess
that never seemed to end.
And before that,
I was just focused on my work.
Okay, yeah, so there were
some other girlfriends,
but nothing serious.
I mean, I could
never talk to anyone
the way I could talk to you.
Must be important,
it's the Bat line.
You have a Bat line?
Yeah. Don't you?
One sec.
Dylan! We need to talk.
I'll let you two talk.
Could you book me a room
in Dylan's hotel, please?
- No, she's not...
- Not your assistant?
No. This is
my old friend Addison Tate.
Addy, this is Monique.
Well, any friend of Dylan's.
We don't actually
have a hotel or motel.
No, you know what?
Monique, I thought
I made myself pretty clear.
Please, let's just talk, okay?
Could you be a dear and book
that room for me, Madison?
It's Addison.
I'm sorry.
I'm terrible with names.
But if you could,
that'd be great.
I'll look into it.
- Wait.
- I missed you.
- Well, I didn't!
- You didn't miss me?
No! I thought
we talked about this.
A little bit?
Why do you have such a big bag?
So, you got her a place?
I got her in at Bedford's.
That's where Dylan is staying,
and it's nice!
I know!
Oh, Addison,
have I taught you nothing?
You could have got her in at
Haberman's across town.
It's not bad.
Look, as long as she's not
a distraction, I don't care.
So, do you think they're
gonna get back together?
I don't know.
Well, would it
bother you if they did?
Totally ambivalent.
I mean, me and Dylan Davison?
Come on.
You could totally
do the red carpet.
I could, couldn't I?
I even know what
shoes I would wear.
Oh, come on, seriously.
How close were you two?
It was the best summer ever.
We did practically everything.
Camp counsellors together,
hung out down by the lake
together, just talking.
We had this amazing
It was like we could feel
each other's thoughts.
I mean, it's crazy.
We were just kids,
but there was this...
Energy around us that
was so innocent and pure,
and even though we were young,
I could see that
he could be the one.
But we never got
a chance to give it a try.
That scholarship to Julliard
was my ticket out of town.
And after that,
we just lost touch.
We got busy with
different lives, moved on.
But I never forgot
that feeling I had
when we were together.
Anyhow, that was
a long time ago.
That was a long time ago.
Hey, Addy!
Uh, hi, Dylan!
Hey, Garth. Hi.
Uh, Garth, this is my
friend and co-worker Judy.
Uh, thanks for finding
a place for Monique to stay.
Oh, yeah, no problem.
I mean, just let me
keep the director happy.
Okay. Well, I'll see
you in the morning.
Yeah, bright and early.
- Right.
- Yeah.
So, there's no interest there?
Nope, none.
Okay, kids.
See you back here at 5:00.
Oh, and don't forget
to take me in your posts.
That's fantastic.
Yeah, I've always
wanted to work with him.
I can't do the call right now,
but can you set it up
before my next rehearsal?
Great. Yeah. Awesome.
Talk to you later. Bye.
Oh! The photos turned out great!
I got to post these.
Okay, yeah, so she was
a bit of a distraction,
but I think everyone got
a lot out of her advice
on how to take
the perfect selfie.
- Really?
- No.
- Dylan?
- Yeah?
Can I come back tomorrow?
I just posted these
and they've already got,
like, a million likes.
- Really?
- Dylan, I think, for tomorrow,
I'll get some shots of me
helping the kids, you know?
Those type of things
really blow up on Instagram.
- Oh, and Dylan?
- Yeah?
I need to get back
to my room and meditate,
be self-centred.
I'm pretty sure
you mean centre yourself.
Yeah, that one.
Good idea.
Okay, I'll make sure she's
not at rehearsal tomorrow.
Okay? Hey, and good job
with the lines today.
Hey, can I let you in on
a little trade secret?
Go over them in
front of a mirror, okay?
And match your
expressions to the lines.
Do you do that?
Yeah, all the time.
I mean, you look like kind
of a knucklehead doing it,
but it helps.
Thanks, Dylan.
Yeah, you got it, pal.
Huh. Where's my phone?
Hey, Addy, have you
heard from Dylan?
No. Why?
The kids are all
in the auditorium,
waiting for rehearsal
and he's nowhere to be found.
He didn't say anything to you?
I'll call you back.
The last time I saw him,
he was in the auditorium,
talking to Liam.
I'll be down
in a minute.
I think you took my phone.
I have an important
call to make.
Can you just throw down your bag
and I'll see if it's in there?
- Thank you.
- Mm-hm.
"Jezebel PR?"
"Love Dylan and the kid pics.
"Great publicity for you.
Keep it going."
I thought we were done before.
We're doubly done now.
Oh, shoot! Dylan, wait.
Just don't...
I'm sorry, Monique.
I just can't be
with you anymore.
Well, can I at least come by to
get more photos of the kids?
Addy, wait up.
Addy, wait up!
What is it, Dylan?
- It's not what it looked like.
- It doesn't matter.
What matters is you
blew off rehearsal
and you let the kids down.
I don't have time for this.
If you haven't noticed,
I'm treading water here.
If you could just bring the play
home I'd be happy with that.
- I just.
- Not now, please.
First Christmas together?
Got to be a noble fir,
and this one's a real beauty.
Merry Christmas.
You are a born salesman, Garth.
Ah, it's easy selling
people what they want.
Is this where
the hot chocolate comes in?
So, you want to talk about it?
I'm not sure.
You want another marshmallow?
No thank you.
Dylan blowing off
rehearsal today,
I mean, it's so not cool.
I don't know what to do.
This is usually my
favourite time of year,
the magic, the hope, the spirit.
And instead, I'm pretty sure
they're gonna close my school.
I'll be out of a job.
And Dylan, I...
There are times it feels like
we're 17 again and it's magic.
I just don't even know
what to make of it.
Well, it may not
be my place to say.
You can say it.
Dylan's eyes light up
when he's around you.
Monique, not so much.
And yet she's with him
and no offense, guys,
but I'm here,
drinking hot chocolate
in a Christmas tree shack.
Save our school!
Make a donation.
Merry Christmas.
Oh, thank you, sir.
Have a candy cane.
Save our school!
Merry Christmas.
What are you doing here?
Um, I had some free time,
now that I didn't have
to direct the play.
Little charity work
is good for the soul.
Am I that much of a curmudgeon?
Only an English teacher would
use the word "curmudgeon,"
but, well...
I know. "If the shoe fits..."
I like it.
You think we're gonna make it?
Fingers crossed.
Toes crossed, too.
I just want you to know,
you have inspired me, Addison.
I was a little burnt out and...
You don't say?
Thank you for not
arguing with me.
But you've given me a spark.
I'm going to be better.
The kids deserve it.
And the play's gonna be great.
Thanks, Phil. I needed that.
You okay?
I will be.
They're decorating
the tree at the town centre.
Yeah, I'm not
feeling too festive.
I know.
Thank you.
You should go.
I'll think about it.
Don't think about it,
just do it.
All right, I'll check it out.
You do that, Principal Tate.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Phil.
Save our school!
Merry Christmas!
Oh, I'm gonna need that
recipe for those cookies!
They were stupendous!
Save our school!
Merry Christmas!
Make a donation.
How are you?
Oh, I'm glad you're here.
Wouldn't miss it.
Wouldn't be Christmas.
This is Mission City
at its finest.
It's tradition. Right up there
with the summer cheese toss.
Oh! Oh, no. Not a fan.
Shouldn't treat dairy
products that way.
Right. It bruises the cheddar.
Okay, it's time!
Merry Christmas.
I, uh... I kind of
brought you a Christmas tree.
I can see that.
Tell me one good reason
why I should let you in.
I'll give you three.
Go on.
Well, one, it's Christmas time.
That's a copout.
You know I like Christmas
and you showed up with a tree.
Two, I really need to explain
the whole Monique situation.
I'm not sure
I really want to hear it.
Fine, three.
I... I actually
don't have a three.
It just sounded more
convincing than two.
But, okay, you know what?
Three could be
that I'm sorry. Okay?
I'm sorry for missing rehearsal
and I'm sorry for letting
you and the kids down.
Can you charm your way
out of any situation?
It's a noble fir.
It's very nice
and I already have a stand.
I know.
And I'm quite particular
about the way I do things.
Oh, I know.
Yeah. Yes.
I baked cookies.
And you're in luck,
I've decided to let you in,
but only because I need a tree.
Do I get cookies?
If you're good.
I can live with that.
Here I come!
A little to the left.
How's that?
It's good.
All right.
Don't spill.
It's, uh, real hardwood.
Extra careful with this.
It was my grandmother's.
Um. Hm?
All right.
Here we go.
Anything else
while I'm down here?
Well, no. That look good.
You can come up.
- Lights, huh?
- Yep.
All right.
Oh, no.
So, about you and Monique.
You know what?
Forget that I said that.
I don't actually want to know.
Addy, we're done.
Nothing happened
between us here.
She's toxic.
And, you know, more than that,
I didn't much like
who I was around her.
Hey, she accidentally
took my phone
and I was just
trying to get it back
'cause I had an important call
with a director about a part,
that's it.
Well, that's exciting.
What's the part?
Well, I don't have it yet.
It's just a possibility.
Possibilities are good.
Yeah, they are.
Oh, dear.
I'm a rookie.
You know what?
It's nice having you
back here, Dylan.
It's nice to be back.
It's Judy.
It's Garth.
- Bat line?
- Yeah.
Yeah. No, I'll call you back.
Addy, I'm so sorry.
I had no idea she was capable...
I'm sorry.
When I'm stressed, I revert back
to being a second grade teacher.
"Hollywood has-been?"
"Hometown homewrecker."
Mr. Davidson! Mr. Davidson!
Well, I guess we made
the best of being trapped, huh?
Yeah. Got my tree decorated.
Good news? Bad news?
It's Liam.
Three, two, one! Fire!
- This way!
- Let's get out of here.
So, you kids
come up with something
or is hiding out in the shack
still your best option?
I'm not ready to go
out there just yet.
You hungry?
What is it?
I just got put on
administrative leave.
I'm so sorry, Addy.
It's because of all
the negative press.
They want me to just take
the time off before Christmas.
Kind of convenient.
What do you mean?
He means the
school budget review,
they don't want me to present.
Administrative leave and bam,
they just close the school
without another word.
Call Hans.
Who's Hans?
He's the shark.
I'm on it.
We need to get out
our version of the events.
You know what?
We can make a call of our own.
Hi. This is Addison Tate
How would you
like an exclusive?
Are you ready?
Yeah. We'll hit it
when the light turns on.
Where to start? Um.
This social media post
misrepresented a small snapshot
of a much bigger story.
Thanks for coming, guys.
I really appreciate it.
I hadn't had any contact with
Ms. Tate in, what? 20 years?
So, when Ms. Tate
reached out to my manager,
I felt like I had an opportunity
to rekindle some
old friendships
and help out my old school.
And my only intention
was to save our school,
which is on the chopping block
due to county-wide budget cuts.
Having someone of Dylan's
stature would raise awareness
and, hopefully, keep us afloat.
Reconnecting with Dylan
was an obvious plus.
As far as
Monique's accusations,
Ms. Tate and I,
we're good friends.
Miss Monteith and I,
we broke up some time ago
and I thought she had
come back to Mission City
to try and reconcile,
but in reality,
she was here to drum up
social media interest.
Welcome to the age
of the internet, right?
And how does that make you feel?
The important thing
is to save our school.
-We've started an S.O.
as in "Save Our School" site,
where we'll be
livestreaming our production of
It's a Wonderful Elf.
Once you donate,
you get access to our livestream
broadcast of our play.
All of the details
are available on
WMCY News Hawk Five's website.
Thank you
and have a Merry Christmas.
Yes, have a very
Merry Christmas.
That wasn't half bad.
It was hard to tell
who the movie star was.
Oh, stop it.
No, no. Addy, you did great.
Talking dog guy dropped out
and Gaston really
wants you for the part.
So, what do I do?
This type of part has got, like,
awards written all over it.
It ups your quote for
whatever you want to do next.
But, Garth, I mean,
I already walked away once
and I always regretted it.
I'm not gonna do that again.
Addy will understand.
I know she will,
but I can't take this part.
This is a good role, Dylan.
Now, I haven't told you every...
You know what?
Just forget about it.
I've been burning
the phone lines for over a year,
trying to get you a gig.
You never said anything.
Well, confidence
is a funny thing
and I didn't want
you to lose yours.
So, what about Addy?
She's the type of woman
you should have been
dating for a long time now.
I know that now.
This opportunity,
you can't pass it up.
I'd put my foot down
and tell you you got to do this,
but I'm not like that.
All right. I know you're not.
We've known each
other professionally
for 15 years, right?
This director is hot
and this film is gonna be great
and you need to do this.
You have to do this.
You look pretty cute
in your work clothes.
Well, thanks. So do you.
But you're not
wearing work clothes.
Hey, um, you got a sec?
Oh, no. Is it bad news?
I just got my Christmas spirit
up to an acceptable level.
I'd hate to regress.
It's good and bad,
depending on how you look at it.
You're good to present
at the budget review
and you should expect a letter
of apology from the board.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Oh my gosh! Thank you!
So, that's, um,
that's the good news.
What's the bad news?
And he said he'd give it
up if you wanted him to?
I couldn't ask him
to do that, though.
That would be crazy!
I got nothing.
I just hope the kids can
pull off the play without him.
- The show must go on.
- I hope so.
He said he'd being
watching from Bulgaria.
And how are we feeling
about him being gone?
We had a magic summer
when we were seventeen.
We have different lives
and priorities.
I'm happy with that.
I've seen the way
he looks at you, Addy.
With the work you've put in
you guys'll be able
to pull this off.
No one person is bigger
than the production, remember?
I mean, directors,
actors, producers,
they get replaced all the time.
You... you don't need me anymore.
I can't do it.
I'm afraid I'll freeze up there.
Hey, you know,
you have this quiet confidence
that comes across
when you perform.
It took me ages
to figure that out.
It did?
Heck, yeah.
You know, I'm going to try
and watch it from Bulgaria.
Make sure you're
hit your marks.
You got this.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Did you just smell those?
They always smell better
than they taste.
Yeah, fair.
You know, I cannot get
the smell of those waffles
you made out of my head.
It's my dad's recipe.
Hm. You want to sit?
You know I can't come visit you
in Bulgaria right now, right?
You've got your review.
I just can't think about
anything else right now.
I saw you the other night,
you were decorating the tree.
I didn't see you.
Ehh, I wanted to
let you enjoy your moment
and not tie you
into my melodrama.
Well, thanks. You're practically
a human soap opera.
I just...
I just don't think it's
the right time, you know?
I'm in flux.
I get it.
Yeah. I just need things to
be a little more settled.
Something like that.
I hope it goes well
for you tomorrow.
I'll be crossing
my fingers for you.
I'm actually really nervous.
I just keep going over all
the numbers and the statistics.
You've got this.
Just speak from the heart.
I should go.
You think they'd
open up the terminal
for the only flight of the day.
Hey, Garth,
do you think if I shave my fee,
they'd push back
the start date of the film?
Yeah. I think they'd give you a
week for some money off the top.
Addy's not answering.
Yeah, bonjour.
It's Garth Turnbull. Listen.
We're gonna have to push back
Dylan's start date a week.
Yeah. We're willing
to shave his fee.
He wants to know why.
Tell him it's about a woman.
I mean, he's French,
he'll understand.
Yeah, um,
Dylan's in love.
No, no, no. It's not Monique.
Okay. Okay.
I'll see you in a week.
Ten days tops!
I'll see what I can do.
He went for it?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
He's gonna give you ten days.
But he's also
wondering if he could
get Monique's phone number.
I could never do that to him.
Yeah, I couldn't help
but notice that you
didn't so much as flinch when
I said that you were in love.
You're gonna wear
those trees out,
you keep moving them back
and forth like that.
I have to do something to get
rid of this nervous energy.
Oh, with the review
this afternoon?
Yeah. Yeah, that and Dylan.
He asked me to go to Bulgaria.
And you're not going because?
Well, I can't, not with
my school in crisis.
I just hope it goes well today.
Thanks. You are my rock.
But you're my rock?
Can we be each other's rock?
Let's do this.
Yeah. Hey, good to see you.
This isn't easy for anyone,
especially this time of year.
So, if there are no objections,
I have a few things
I'd like to say.
I've colour coded my report
to emphasize why we should
save Mission City Middle School
and just how to do that from
a budgetary perspective.
As principal of Mission
City Middle school...
I'm just a
second grade teacher at heart.
I never wanted to
be principal, but here we are.
I just want you to know...
Hey. Uh, was your
flight cancelled?
I got them to
push the film back.
I want to finish what I started.
So, how'd the hearing go?
She was remarkable.
But they're still
closing the school
after the Christmas break.
I'm so sorry, Addy.
Oh, it's fine.
I mean, obviously, it's not,
but we just have to make
the best of it, I guess. Bye.
This a brainstorming session
or are we testing to see
if we're claustrophobic?
You know what? I just...
I want to donate whatever
it's gonna cost to do this.
Let me stop you
right there, cowboy.
You've already done more
than I could have hoped for.
And he needs the money.
I do?
What we need to do
is figure out how to get
five full fiscal years of
funding to get the board...
On board.
How's the S.O.S. fund doing?
Quite well, actually,
but the play's gonna need to be
successful in bringing
in some outside cash.
Okay, um,
why don't we shoot a promo?
Get that up on the web?
Okay, yeah, yeah,
and get the play some traction
Yeah. I could get it out
to my PR contacts.
I can email it to
my choir group.
And I could make waffles.
But seriously, you're
gonna make waffles, right?
Hi there.
I'm Dylan Davidson
and I'd like to tell you
about my latest project.
I'm very proud to be directing
the Mission City
Middle School Players
in our production of
It's a Wonderful Elf.
Please check out our
Save Our School site
and for a small donation,
you'll be given a link to view
the live performance.
So, I invite you to
come watch our little play,
and if you can,
please give generously.
But, most of all, have yourself
a very Merry Christmas.
Good afternoon, everyone.
As you have no doubt heard,
Mission City Middle School
is slated to close
after the Christmas break.
We've started
a Save Our School site
with a link to our
live streaming broadcast
of our play once you've donated.
What we need is for you
to get those fingers going,
to post
and re-post the site links
to all of your
social media accounts,
all of your contacts
and get them to do the same.
If we want to
keep our school open,
we need this to go
viral in a big way.
Let's burn up the internet!
That was good,
some of your best work.
I'm proud of you.
I just hope it works.
Me, too. The commute'll kill me.
Hey. How long have you
been standing there?
Oh, long enough to see
you're enjoying yourself.
I am.
And the kids are stoked
and so am I.
I just keep thinking
what if it doesn't work?
We're staging
a Christmas play at Christmas.
Most of the Midwest
just got hit by snow.
We're gonna have
great numbers, Addy.
This... this has been
the strangest couple of weeks
in my entire life.
Whatever happens,
I just want you to know that
I really appreciate
everything you've done.
I, um...
I had a lot of making up to do.
Thank you so much for coming.
Hi. How are you?
- Hey.
- Hey.
Liam's missing in action.
What? What do you mean?
He had a real rough time
in dress rehearsal.
So, he's around here
somewhere in costume.
Can you find him
and talk to him?
He's done such an amazing job,
and I don't want
to him to miss it
and destroy the play
in the process.
Sure. I'll go look.
Thank you.
Have you seen Addy?
Uh, no. Have you seen this?
Liam, are you okay?
Do you want to go on tonight?
No problem.
I mean, it'll be a shame
because Dylan says
you've been doing really great.
You just have to
take this next step.
I know it's a lot
to put on your plate,
but you're going to
help us save the school.
I am?
You are, by going on.
And I'm betting on you
being great. I just know it.
Look how far
you've come already.
At the beginning of the year,
did you think that you'd lead
a snowball fight rescue mission?
That was pretty cool.
Way cool.
What do you say?
How about you get out there
and act your socks off?
Thanks for believing
in me, Ms. Tate.
Come on, Liam.
You got it, buddy.
Christmas, a time for giving,
for family and for joy.
It's the time of
year that brings out
the best in all of us.
But most of all,
it's time for Santa Claus!
No problem.
We've created a monster.
Nobody'll notice the arm.
Santa's not coming?
But why?
How will the children feel?
Was that in the script?
No, but it's better.
He's a natural.
Christmas is saved.
Ho, ho, ho!
I found him!
Get to work, you goofballs.
You, get the sleigh.
Santa's gonna have
to lose some weight.
Come on, guys.
We got a lot of work to do.
On Dasher!
On Dancer! On Prancer!
Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!
Dylan! Dylan! Dylan! Dylan!
Oh, come on, stop it. Enough
You guys, I mean.
Look, thank you all for
coming and supporting our kids,
your kids, and for all
of those watching at home,
for helping our school.
I just wanna say how proud I am
of all the work that
these kids have put in.
Great performances
all the way around.
But none of this
would have been possible
without Mission City Middle
School Principal Addison Tate.
Come on, Addy, take a bow!
Addy! Addy!
Addy! Addy! Addy! Addy!
Thank you all so much
for being here tonight.
Whether you're at home
livestreaming this on
the internet
or here in the auditorium,
we appreciate you're
support so much.
I just wanna take this
opportunity to thank
Dylan Davison, who took time
out of his busy schedule
and flew all the way
here from Los Angeles
to help us bring this play home.
He did that out of his
love for Mission City
and out of his love
for this school,
and for that,
we are very grateful.
it's with a heavy heart
that I have to tell you
all we didn't quite make it.
But you should all be so proud
of the fight that we've put up
over the last few weeks.
Christmas is bigger
than all of this,
so let's remember
that as we go home
and spend the holidays
with our loved ones.
May I?
Can we get a round of
applause for Addison Tate?
Hello, Mission City
Middle School,
parents and supporters.
My name's Garth Turnbull,
Dylan Davidson's manager
for many, many, years,
and with the help of
the audio visual club,
I would like to
show you what's trending
number one on the internet,
and I'm not talking cat videos.
I'm just a second grade
teacher at heart.
I never wanted to
be a principal...
You get used to it.
But here I am.
I just want you to know that
this town needs this old school.
Mission City Middle School
has an outstanding record
of academic achievement.
It's served this
county's children well
for more than 63 years,
and that is because of
the dedication of the teachers,
the support staff, the parents
and the surrounding community.
Generations of our
children have passed through
and they've gone on to become
valuable members
of our community.
Some of them even
grew up to be movie stars.
We can do better.
We can find a way. We...
We have to find a way.
I urge you to reconsider.
This town needs this school.
It's the lifeblood
of our community.
This school is us.
How can you
take away part of us?
How can you take away
that from these kids?
Thank you and I hope you
all have a Merry Christmas.
That heartfelt speech
has gone viral
and has been re-posted
four million times.
Can we switch over to
our Save Our School site?
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
No, thank you, Addy.
You know the reason I never
said goodbye when I left?
If I'd seen you,
I never could have gone.
And I probably
wouldn't have let you go.
I've wanted to do that
since I was seventeen.
Well, took you long enough.
Man, I love you, Addison Tate,
I always have.
I love you too, Dylan Davidson.
You've always been my dream.
I mean, even before you were,
like, everyone else's dream.
Okay, you know, I've never
actually carved one of these
things before.
Oh, you really are
just a pretty face.
Oh, and if you need a hand,
I've got one.
Okay. You know what?
I'm just going to just
hack my way though it.
As long as I get my cut.
Fine. You can have
10% of my piece.
Thank you.
Remember that guest spot
I did where I played a doctor?
- Oh my gosh.
- Yeah.
I was faking it then, too.
I'm not really one,
but I play one on television.
Are you gonna be able
to do that on your own?
I think I
can probably do it.
Does that look right?
Thank you.
This looks so good, Addy.
To Addy.
Aww. To Addy. Cheers.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
Mm! Let's dig in.
So good.
It's good.
Get some more
on your plate. So yummy.
Sink okay?
Yeah, yeah.
Just put them there.
Listen, um,
you still haven't told me if
you're coming to Bulgaria.
Oh. Well, I wanted it
to be a surprise.
I didn't have time to get
you anything for Christmas.
Are you kidding me? You...
You've given me
everything I ever needed.
Merry Christmas, Addy.
Merry Christmas.
Are those pies ready?
We can't forget the pies.
- No. Hey.
- Yeah?
Serious question,
are you a pie a la mode person?
Well, that depends.
I mean, apple, yes. Pumpkin, no.
I prefer whip cream
with pumpkin,
doesn't overpower the nutmeg.
You are quite a complex person.
You don't even
know the half of it.
Hey, wait, um,
we are having waffles
tomorrow, right?
- Of course.
- Okay.
Look at that. Wow.
♪ It's that time of year ♪
♪ When Santa comes
to bring that cheer ♪
♪ He ain't coming
by boat or plane ♪
♪ He's loaded down
with candy canes ♪
♪ I only hope he
keeps one open seat ♪
♪ Oh, yeah
♪ Come on, Santa,
bring those toys ♪
♪ All the presents
for the girls and boys ♪
♪ The only thing I need,
come on, Santa ♪
♪ Is my baby on Christmas Eve
♪ Let's hope
the weather's good ♪
♪ And his elf flight
crew finds my neighbourhood ♪
♪ I know that he's
been here before ♪
♪ But this year he's
going to use the door ♪
♪ I'm begging please
keep an open seat ♪
♪ Oh, yeah
♪ Come on, Santa,
bring those toys ♪
♪ All the presents
for the girls and boys ♪
♪ The only thing I need ♪
♪ Is my baby on Christmas Eve ♪
♪ I wrote him a letter
and tried to explain ♪
♪ I sent it Santa mail
on a North Pole train ♪
♪ It wasn't a list,
the only thing it said was ♪
♪ "She's about this tall
and her lips are ruby red" ♪
♪ She doesn't take much room,
it's just one seat ♪
♪ Come on, Santa
♪ Come on, Santa,
bring those toys ♪
♪ All those presents
for the girls and boys ♪
♪ The only thing I need
♪ Is my baby on Christmas Eve