A Caribbean Dream (2017) - full transcript

Contemporary re-imagining of Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' set in the Caribbean on the island of Barbados. Chaos ensues when Puck the Butler and staff of a tropical paradise home turn into mischievous fairies and tamper with the wedding plans of three multicultural couples or was this a changeling boys dream ?

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Subtitles by explosiveskull


LITTLE BOY: In the land
of sunsets, and flying fish,

Spouge, and Calypso beats,


and magic.


True love is tested.

DRIVER: Welcome home sir, madam.


♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ This one for the
children that raise up ♪

♪ Runnin 'bout barefoot
foot full of nail chucks ♪

♪ Girls look good with out the makeup ♪

♪ Cross the road, making
everything brake up ♪

♪ Peppa sauce for the
food for the flava, ♪

♪ We's play cricket the ball tape up ♪

♪ No straight drive, bare
swipes, no square cuts ♪

♪ At the match, see the
man with the baked nuts ♪

♪ You can pay your
neighbor for a haircut, ♪

♪ We hear cocks crow when we wake up ♪

♪ Strictly 246, no vacation ♪

♪ Proud to be one ♪

♪ Because I is a Bajan ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing ♪

♪ In the world ♪
♪ Raise up the fun ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪
♪ Check up the heart ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪
♪ Raise up the fun ♪

♪ Check up your heart ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing ♪
♪ Raise up the fun ♪

♪ In the world ♪

♪ Check up the heart ♪
♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Raise up the fun ♪
♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ Check up the heart ♪
♪ You can tell ♪

♪ Where we come from ♪



Get up man.




Fair Hippolyta, our
nuptial hour draws on apace.

Four happy days bring in another moon.

But oh, methinks how
slow this old moon wanes.

She lingers my desires.

Four days will quickly
steep themselves in night.

Four nights will quickly
dream away the time.

Hippolyta, I will wed thee with pomp,

with triumph, and with reveling.

Tonight, four day mourning time.

We jump along the streets
all covered in mud and paint.


MAID: Go, go go, go, go.


You do realize there's
no water in that bucket.



Stand forth Demetrius.

This man hath my consent
to marry my daughter.


This man hath bewitched
the bosom of my child,

turned her obedience which is due to me

to stubborn harshness.

Be it so, she will not consent
to marry with Demetrius.

What say you Hermia?

Demetrius is a worthy gentleman.

So is Lysander.

DEMETRIUS: Relent, sweet Hermia.

I am, sir, as well derived
as he, as well possessed,

my love is more than his, my fortunes

every way as fairly ranked
if not with vantage.

And which is more than
all these boasts can be,

I am beloved the beauteous Hermia.

Why should not I then prosecute my right?

Lysander, yield thy crazed
title to my certain right.

You have her father's love, Demetrius.

Let me have Hermia's.

Do you marry him?


I would my father
looked but with my eyes.

No, rather your eyes must
with his judgment look.

What is the worst that may befall me

in the case if I refuse to wed Demetrius?

You will forsake all rights
to your land and wealth,

not to mention your father's love.

Therefore, fair Hermia
question your desires.

My soul consents not
to give sovereignty.

Demetrius, I'll avouch it to his head,

made love to Nedar's daughter
Helena and won her soul.

And she, sweet lady dotes, devoutly dotes,

dotes in idolatry upon this
spotted and inconstant man.

I must confess that
I have heard so much.

I have some private
schooling for you both.

Come, Hippolyta.

What cheer my love?

Demetrius and Egeus go along.

And you fair Hermia, take time to pause

and by the next new moon
either prepare to wed Demetrius

or to lose your inheritance.


Ay me, for aught that I could ever read,

could ever hear by tale or history,

the course of true love
never did run smooth.

Oh hell, to choose
love by another's eyes.

Hear me, Hermia.

I have a widow aunt, a
dowager of great revenue

and she hath no child.

And she respects me as her only son.

There gentle Hermia,

may I marry thee?

But what of that?

Demetrius thinks not so.

He only knows what all but he do know.

Love looks not with the
eyes, but with the mind.

And therefore is winged
Cupid painted blind.

And when this hail some heat from Hermia.

God speed, fair Helena.

Call you me fair?

That fair again unsay.

Demetrius loves your fair.

Oh happy fair.

Oh teach me how you look

and with what art you sway the
motion of Demetrius's heart.

I give him curses, yet he gives me love.

HELENA: Oh that my prayers
could such affection move.

The more I hate, the more he follows me.

The more I love, the more he hateth me.

His folly, Helena, is no fault of mine.

None but your beauty,
would that fault were mine.

Take comfort, he no
more shall see my face.

Lysander and myself will fly this place.

Helen, to you our minds we will unfold.

Tonight, from the revelry I'll fly.

And in the wood, a
league without a town.

We two will meet and turn away our eyes.

To seek new friends
and stranger companies.




MAN: Hermia!

Farewell sweet playfellow,
pray thou for us.

And good luck grant thee thy Demetrius.

Helen, adieu.

As you on him, Demetrius dote on you.





WOMEN: Morning.

He dotes on me.

Nice young man.



♪ Figaro, Figaro, Figaro ♪


Boy, talent contest come here.


Grand prize, $15,000.

HOOK: That's so sweet!

And a trip for two to England.

HOOK: We can do that!

We can do it.

All right, let me come and
sit down talk about it,

all right?

I know what I want to do.


Well, Romeo and Juliet.

Nah, Arabian Nights.

No, no, no, no, no,
Ti-Jean and His Brothers.


We shall perform a play
never before seen in Barbados

or the world.

It shall be called King Jaja and Becca.

The Untold Love story of
King Jaja and Young Becca.


The tragic untold story of King Jaja.

Quincy, say what the play treats on,

then read the name of the
actors, and so grow to a point.

What she say?

She said to hurry up and
say what the play about,

and who playing what.

What can't she ever
speak normal English?

Now a lot of people
don't know this, right?

But Barbados was once the
home to a Nigerian prince

named King Jaja.

He was a slave and he
worked the way up the ranks

to become one of the richest,

most powerful businessmen in Nigeria.

So you know the Brits had a
serious problem with that.

They arrest him and bring all kind

of false charges against him.

And eventually kick he out to Africa.

But he came to Barbados and it's there

that he met a young sexy girl named Becca.

But there's a folk song 'bout it, man.

You should know it.

♪ 1892, a king from Africa ♪

♪ His name was King Jaja ♪

♪ Came to Barbados and fell in love ♪

♪ With a Bajan girl named Becca ♪

♪ King Jaja won't left Becca alone ♪

♪ King Jaja won't left Becca alone ♪

♪ King Jaja won't left Becca alone ♪

♪ What Becca got is what she own ♪

♪ King Jaja won't left Becca alone ♪

That's it, back up.

He fall in love with Becca.

But Becca and Jaja have a love
affair that was forbidden.

So in fear they run away.

All you keep hearing
is that Jaja gets sick

and he died on his way back to Nigeria

and Becca was never seen again.

Nobody knows what happened.

But I feel that they would rather die

than to let go of true love.

It got to be an important story,

otherwise would they
write a song about it?

Now, we can do a play about it.

Yeah, man.


Just like Romeo and Juliet.



You name the part what
I'm for and proceed.

You Bottom have been cast
as the lover King Jaja.

A king?

I am to play a man?


Well, that will ask for some tears

in the true performing of it.

If I am to do it, let the
audience look to their eyes.

I will move storms.


Ah, but he was also a brave soldier.



You will play Becca.


You can't make me play a woman.

Look, I'm growing a beard.

Well, wear a mask.

And try to make your voice
as high as it can go.

I will play Becca's father.

Sinker, you are the steel donkey.

Hee haw.

You got your lines written down?

Because I think I'll
start learning for early.

Man, look, you can
improvise the whole part.

It's nothing but neigh.

Let me do the steel donkey too.

I will neigh that I will do any
man's heart good to hear me.



Oh, shoot.


You can play no part but the king.

For Jaja is a sweet
faced man, a proper man,

as one shall see in a summer's day.

A most lovely and gentleman like man.

You the only one who can play King Jaja.

Well, I will undertake it.

Yeah, all right.


Meet me in the forest outside the village

beneath the bearded fig tree.

That's the best place to rehearse.

These people too malicious.

Am I right?


♪ King Jaja of Opobo ♪

♪ Sailing down to the shore ♪

♪ King Jaja of Opobo ♪

♪ Sailing down to the shore ♪

♪ Down by the wharf
when Jaja stepped off ♪

♪ Many Bajans came out and
you could hear them shout ♪

♪ King Jaja of Opobo ♪

♪ Sailing down to the shore ♪

♪ King Jaja of Opobo ♪

♪ Sailing down to the shore, oh ♪

♪ And Becca tell he I don't come free ♪

♪ If you want to have your
dream, make me your queen ♪

♪ King Jaja of Opobo ♪

For ere Demetrius
looked on Hermia's eyne.

And hailed down oaths
that he was only mine.


Come on!

I will go tell him of the lovers troth.

Then will he up straight
and pursue them both.

By this means seek I to enrich my pain

to have his sight thither and back again.






You are that shrewd and knavish sprite

called Robin Goodfellow.

I am that merry wanderer of the night.

I jest with Oberon and make him smile.

And I serve the fairy
queen to dew her orbs

upon the green.

The king doth keep
his revels here tonight.

Take heed the queen come
not within his sight.

For Oberon is passing fell and wrath

because that she as her
attendant hath that lovely boy,

stolen from a mortal king.

She never had so sweet a changeling.

Oberon, and here is my mistress.

Would that he were gone.





Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania.

Jealous Oberon.

Fairies skip hence I have
forsworn his bed and company.

Tarry, rash wanton.

Am not I thy lord?

Then I must be thy lady.

Why should Titania cross her Oberon?

I do but beg of thee a
little changeling boy

to be my henchman.

Your heart at rest the fairy land

buys not the child of me.

His mother had oft worshiped the same moon

and in the spiced Indian air by night,

full often hath she gossiped by my side

and sat with me on blessed yellow sands

marking the embarked traders on the flood.

But she,

being mortal, of that boy did die.

And for her sake, do I rear up her boy

and for her sake, I
will not part with him.

Well, go thy way.

Thou shalt not from this grove

till I torment thee for this injustice.

Fairies away.

We shall chide downright if I longer stay.

My gentle Puck.

Come hither.

Fetch the flower.

The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid

will make man or woman madly dote

upon the next live creature it sees.

I'll put a girdle round
about the Earth in 40 minutes.

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I am, I am, I am, I am ♪

♪ I cross the oceans and
I like the mountains ♪

♪ And I fly the winds on high,
I am the bright blue sky ♪

♪ I swim the seven seas,
I am the morning breeze ♪

♪ Whispering to the trees ♪

♪ I am she, I am she, I am she ♪


Sing me now asleep and let me rest.


♪ Get to work ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Time slipping away now ♪

♪ And I ain't get enough drinks to drink ♪

♪ I ain't get enough gal
to wine, gal to wine ♪

♪ Sleep in me mind is played out ♪

♪ I on the road and not in me bed ♪

♪ I gone sleep enough
when I dead, dead, dead ♪

♪ I am the CEO of the jamming company ♪

♪ All the people you see
working work for me ♪

♪ I am the CEO of the jamming company ♪

♪ If you on the job start
working right away ♪

♪ I'm fine, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam ♪

♪ Let me jam, jam, jam, jam, jam ♪

♪ Fine, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam ♪

♪ Let me jam, jam, jam, jam, jam ♪

♪ Fine, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam ♪

♪ Let me jam, jam, jam, jam, jam ♪

♪ I'm fine, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam ♪

♪ Let me jam, jam, jam, jam, jam ♪

♪ Till the break of day ♪

♪ Till the break of day,
till the break of day ♪

♪ Till the break of day ♪

♪ Till the break of day,
till the break of day ♪

♪ Every man to a woman,
pair up, pair up, ♪

♪ Pair up, pair up ♪

♪ Every man to a woman pair up, pair up ♪

♪ Pair up, pair up ♪

♪ Every man to a woman pair up, pair up ♪


What thou seest when thou dost wake,

do it for thy true love take.

Love and languish for his sake.

The next thing then she waking looks upon,

be it on lion, bear or wolf or bull,

on meddling monkey or on busy ape,

she shall pursue it with the soul of love.

And ere I take this charm off her sight,

as I can do with another herb.

I'll make her render up her child to me.

I love thee not
therefore, pursue me not.

And even for that, I
do love you the more.

Where is Lysander and fair Hermia?

Thou toldest me they were
stolen unto this wood.

Oh hence get thee gone
and follow me no more.

Do I entice you?

Do I speak you fair?

Or rather do I not in
plainest truth tell you,

I do not nor I cannot love you?

You draw me you hard hearted adamant.

I'll run from thee and
hide me in the brakes

and leave thee to the
mercy of wild beasts.

I'll follow thee and
make a heaven of hell,

to die upon the hand I love so well.


Puck, a sweet and graceful lady

is in love with a disdainful youth.

Anoint his eyes.

But do it so the next thing
he espies, may be the lady.

Do it with some care so that he may prove

more fond on her than she upon her love.

And look thou ere fore
the first cock crow.

Fear not my Lord.

Thy servant shall do so.

Wake when some vile thing is near.

♪ You got to pull them horse man ♪

♪ Pull them horse man ♪

♪ Pull them horse man ♪

♪ Pull them horse man ♪

♪ Pull them ♪


♪ Pull them horse man ♪

♪ Pull them horse man ♪

♪ Pull them horse man ♪

♪ Pull them horse man ♪

♪ Pull them horse man ♪

BOTTOM: Neigh!

MEN: Shut up, Bottom.

Fair love you faint with
wandering in the wood.

And to speak truth I have forgot our way.

We'll rest us, Hermia,
if you think it good.

And tarry for the comfort of the day.

Be it so, Lysander.

Find you out a bed.

For I upon this tree will rest my head.

LYSANDER: One turf shall
serve as pillow for us both.

Nay, good Lysander.

For my sake my dear lie further
off yet, do not lie so near.

Two bosoms interchained with an oath,

so then two bosoms and a single troth.

And by your side no bed room
me deny for lying so Hermia,

I do not lie.

Lysander, you riddle very prettily.

But gentle friend, for love and courtesy

lie further off in human modesty.

Such separation may well be said

becomes a virtuous bachelor and a maid.

So far, be distant, and
good night, sweet friend.

Thy love never alter
till thy sweet life end.


Amen to that fair prayer say I.

Then end life when I end loyalty.


This is he my master said
despised the love lorn maid.

And here the maiden,

sleeping sound on the
dank and dirty ground.

Pretty soul.

She durst not lie near this
lack love, this kill courtesy.

Churl, upon thy eyes I throw

all the power this charm doth owe.

When thou wakest let love
forbid sleep his seat

on thy eyelid.

Awake when I am gone for
I must now to Oberon.

QUINCY: Listen to what I'm saying.

- Everybody can...
- No, you are playing Becca.


QUINCY: I know, but
you're gonna play the part.

SINKER: I can't play Becca.



Now according to what it say,

King Jaja and Becca used to speak through,

through a hole in the galvanize, huh?


But this ain't dangerous?

Man, you gotta think
health and safety, Quincy.

You can't be serious, man.

I know, let Sinker
also play the galvanize.

- Me?
- Oh, yes.

Let him hold his finger thus

and then King Jaja and Becca

can be spoke to each
other through that crack.

All right, all right,
well that settles it, okay.

That settles it, let's start.

Now King Jaja, you will
say your lines first.

And then afterwards, you
will hide behind the bush.

In fact, I want everyone behind the bush

when they're not on stage.

Dear Becca,

I want to bask in the
ambulance of your radiance.

The ambience of your radiance.

Ambience of your radiance.


But what's that?

A voice?

Wait here, I'll be right back.

Go behind the bush, right.

Am I supposed to speak now?

Yes, yes, you're supposed to show

that you understand that King Jaja

heard a noise and is going to check on it

but he'll be back soon.

Most handsome Jaja.

No, as Becca.

Most handsome Jaja.



I will meet you at
the constipation statue.

My love for you grows by every second.

Emancipation statue.

All right, Sinker you missed your cue.

You're supposed to enter and say neigh

when you hear the word second.

SINKER: Oh sorry, neigh.

Louder, Sinker.



Neigh, baa.

Like this Sinker, baa!

LINE: Call the boys back!

This is a joke just to scare me.

I will walk upon down
here and I will sing...

that they shall hear that I'm not afraid.

♪ I was once engaged to a lady ♪

♪ Her love was all for me ♪

♪ No matter the distance she did live ♪

♪ It was not trouble for me ♪

♪ But alas that girl she didn't love me ♪

♪ And sent me away from she ♪

♪ And the only thing that bring me back ♪

♪ Was a cup of that coco tea ♪

♪ The coco tea is a poison for me ♪

♪ Every time I drink it,
I don't know where I be ♪

What angel wakes me from my flowery bed?

♪ 'Cause she got my head upside down ♪

♪ With a cup of that coco tea ♪

I pray thee gentle mortal, sing again.

My ear is much enamored of thy note.

Sing again and dance.


So is mine eye enthralled to thy shape.

♪ Coco tea is a poison for me ♪

♪ Every time I drink it,
I don't know where I be ♪

♪ If you want to find me,
you got to look for me ♪

♪ 'Cause she got my head upsided down ♪

♪ With a cup of the coco tea ♪

Thy fair virtue's force
perforce doth move me

on the first view to say to swear.

I love thee.

Methinks mistress, you should
have little reason for that.

And yet to say the truth reason and love

keep little company together nowadays.

Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful.

Not so neither.

But if I had wit enough
to get out of this wood,

I have enough to serve mine own turn.

Out of this wood do not desire to go.

I am a spirit of no common rate.

Peaseblossom, Peaseblossom.


TITANIA: Mustardseed.


Your name I beseech you sir?


I promise you.

Your kindred hath made
my eyes water ere now.

I desire you of more acquaintance,
good Master Mustardseed.

Bring him to my power.

♪ Am I dreaming ♪

♪ Sweet dreaming ♪

♪ Am I dreaming ♪

♪ Maybe I'm dreaming ♪

♪ I dream of tears that flood the Earth ♪

♪ Fear and prepare us for rebirth ♪

♪ We have a purpose to fulfill ♪

♪ According to a higher will ♪

And I thought I had to much to drink.

Are we going to witness
a real live donkey show?

♪ Must be dreaming ♪

♪ Am I dreaming ♪

♪ Maybe I'm dreaming ♪



Oh, I am out of breath in this fond chase.

The more my prayer,
the lesser is my grace.

We cannot fight for love as men may do.

We should be wooed and
were not made to woo.



Lysander, if you live good sir, awake.


Lysander, where is Demetrius?

LYSANDER: Oh, how fit
a word is that vile name

to perish on my sword.

Do not say so, Lysander, say not so.

What though he love your Hermia?

Lord what though?

Yet Hermia still loves
you, then be content.

Content with Hermia?


I do repent the tedious
minutes I with her have spent.

Not Hermia, but Helena I love.

Who will not change a raven for a dove?

Wherefore was I to
this keen mockery born?

Good troth, you do me wrong.

Good sooth you do in such
disdainful manner me to woo.

But fare you well,
perforce I must confess,

I thought you lord of
more true gentleness.




Help me, Lysander!

Help me, do thy best to
pluck this crawling serpent

from my breast.


Alack, where are you?








Wonder if Titania be awake.

Then what it was next that came in her eye

which she must dote on in extremity?

My mistress with a monster is in love.

This falls out better
than I could devise.

But hast thou latched the
youths eyes with the love juice,

as I did bid thee do?

I took him sleeping,
that is finished too.

Stick close, this is the self same one.

PUCK: This is the woman
but not this the man.


Out cur!

Thou drivest me past the
bounds of maiden's patience.

Hast thou slain him then?

I am not guilty of Lysander's blood.

There is no following
her in this fierce vein.

What hast thou done?

Thou hast mistaken quite
and laid the love juice

on some true love's sight.

About the wood, go swifter than the wind

and fairest Helena look thou find.

By some illusion, see thou bring her here.

Flower of this red dye,
hit with Cupid's archery.

Sink in the apple of his eye.

When his true love he doth espy,

let her shine as gloriously
as the Venus of the sky.


Why should you think that
I should woo in scorn?

Look when I vow, I weep, I swoon,

I am torn.

HELENA: These vows are Hermia's.

Will you give her o'er?

LYSANDER: I had no
judgment when to her I swore.

Nor none in my mind
now you give her o'er.




LYSANDER: Demetrius loves
her, and he loves not you.

Oh, Helena.


Goddess, nymph,

perfect, divine.

Oh, to what my love to what
shall I compare thine eyne?

Crystal is muddy.

Oh how ripe in show thy lips,

those kissing cherries tempting grow.

Oh spite, oh hell.

I see you all are bent to set
against me for your merriment.

You are unkind, Demetrius, be not so.

For you love Hermia, this you know I know.

Lysander, keep thy Hermia I will none.

Helen, it is not so.

Disparage not the
faith thou dost not know.


Why unkindly didst thou leave me so?

Why should he stay whom
love does press to go?

What love could press
Lysander from my side?

Lysander's love that
would not let him bide.

Fair Helena, who more engilds the night

than all yon fiery oes and eyes of light.

You speak not as you
think, it cannot be.

Lo, she is one of this confederacy.

Have you not set Lysander as in scorn

to follow me and praise my eyes and face?

And made your other love, Demetrius,

who even but did now
spurn me with his foot

to call me goddess, nymph, divine,

rare, precious, celestial?

I understand not what you mean by this.

If you have any pity, grace or manners,

you would not make me such an argument.

But fare ye well, 'tis partly my own fault

which death or absence soon shall remedy.

Stay, gentle Helena, hear my excuse.

Lord what fools these mortals be, cha.

My love, my life, my soul, fair Helena.

Oh excellent.

Sweet, do not scorn her so.

Helen, I love thee, by my life I do.

I say I love thee more than he can do.

If thou say so withdraw
and prove it too.

Lysander, whereto tends all this?

Away you land shark.

No, no, he'll seem to break loose.

Vile thing let loose.



Oh me.

You house hopper.

You fartblossom.

You thief of love!

What have you come by night

and stolen my love's heart from him?


Will you tear impatient
answers from my gentle tongue?

You yard fowl, you idiot you!

Yard fowl?

Have you grown so high in his esteem

because I am so dwarfish and so low?

How low am I thou painted maypole?


How low am I?

I am not yet so low but that my nails

can reach unto thine eyes.




Good Hermia, do not
be so bitter with me.

I evermore did love you, Hermia.

Demetrius followed you.

For love, I followed him.

But he hath chid me hence and
threatened me, to strike me,

spurn me nay, to kill me too.

Why get thee gone.

Who is it that hinders you?

A foolish heart that
I leave here behind.

What, with Lysander?

With Demetrius.

You, mistress all this
coil is long of you.

Nay go not back.

I will not trust you aye,

nor longer stay in your cursed company.

Get you gone, you dwarf!

Oh when she's angry
she is keen and shrewd.

She was a vixen when she went to school.

And though she be but
little, she is fierce.

Little again, nothing
but low and little.

Let me come to her.

I am amazed and know not what to say.

- Helena!
- Helena!

This is thy negligence.

Still thou mistakest.

Or else committest thy
knaveries willfully?

Believe me, King of Shadows, I mistook.

Robin, overcast the night,

and lead these testy rivals so astray

as one come not within another's way.

Crush this flower into Lysander's eye,

whose liquor hath this virtuous property,

to take from thence all
error with his might,

and make his eyeballs
roll with wonted sight.

Here will I rest me
till the break of day.

Heavens shield Lysander
if they mean a fray.

♪ If you're ready to Foreday ♪

♪ We must been oi, oh we
must been oi, Foreday ♪

♪ You bet, we going to play ♪

♪ Foreday Morning Jam ♪

♪ It's the Foreday Morning Jam ♪

♪ It's Foreday morning fun ♪

♪ Foreday Morning Jam ♪

♪ Boom, here we go ♪

♪ Choose a bumper to ride
or stand on the side ♪

♪ You're blocking the action ♪

♪ Find an action to do
and follow it through ♪

♪ Get bodies in motion ♪

And sleep that sometimes
shuts up sorrow's eyes,

steal me awhile from mine own company.

♪ Foreday, today ♪


On the ground, sleep sound.

I'll apply to your eye
gentle lover, remedy.

When thou wakest thou takest true delight

in thy former lady's eye.

Jack shall have Jill, nought shall go ill.

The man shall have his mare again,

and all shall be well.

And now I have the boy,

I will undo this hateful
imperfection of her eyes.

And gentle Puck take
this transformed scalp

from off the head of this homespun swain,

that he awaking when the other do,

may think no more of
this night's accidents,

but as the fierce vexation of a dream.


How came these things to pass?

Silence awhile.

Robin, take off his head.

Titania, music call.


Now when thou wakest with
thine own fool's eyes peep.



Thank you.


Good morrow, friends.

I pray you all stand up.

Pardon, sir.

I know you two are rival enemies.

How comes this gentle concord in the world

that hatred is so far from jealousy

to sleep by hate, and fear no enmity?

Sir, I shall reply amazedly.

Half sleep, half waking but as yet I swear

I cannot truly say how I came here.

But as I think so it is,

I came with Hermia hither.

Our intent was to...


Dear Egeus, I know not by what power

but by some power it is.

My love to Hermia melted as the snow.

And all my love is only Helena's.

Fair lovers you are fortunately met.

Of this discourse we shall hear more anon.

Egeus, I will overbear your will,

for in the chapel by and by with us,

these couples shall eternally be knit.

Come, Hippolyta.

'Tis strange, my Theseus,
that these lovers speak of.

More strange than true.

Lovers and madmen have
such seething brains,

such shaping fantasies as apprehend

more than cool reason ever comprehends.

When my cue comes, call
me and I will answer.



Line, Sinker?

My God.

Stolen hence and left me asleep.

I have had a most rare vision.

I have had a dream past the wit of man

to say what dream it was.

Methought I was,

methought I had...

But man is but a patched
fool if he will offer to say

what methought I had.

I will get Peter Quince to
write a ballad of this dream.

It shall be called Bottom's Dream,

because it hath no bottom!



♪ I'm coming home ♪

♪ Back home to you ♪

♪ And I know now for sure ♪

♪ That my wandering days are through ♪

♪ I look around most every place ♪

♪ But all that I ever
see is your lovely face ♪

♪ When I came back darling
say you'll marry me ♪

♪ I wanna spend my life with you ♪

♪ A little band of gold
for everyone to see ♪

Has she come home yet?

Nobody ain't hear from her.

I think she get kidnapped.

We can't do the play without her, right?

Nope, that would be impossible.

There's nobody in Barbados

that can play King Jaja but Bottom.

Poor Bottom.

And she always wanted to go to London too.

Where are these lads?

Where are these hearts?

ALL: Bottom!

I have something quite
amazing to tell you all.

What happened?


Right now, we have to
get ready for our play.


Dear actors, eat no onions nor garlic.

For we are to utter sweet breath

and I do not doubt but to hear
them say it is a sweet story.


ALL: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Wait, wait, wait.

What she say?


ALL: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!




Say, what abridgement
have you for this evening?

What masque, what music?

Is there no play to ease the
anguish of a torturing hour?

Here is a list of the acts
that have been prepared.

Amazing Grace sung by
an Anglican church choir.

No, I want none of that.

Romeo and Juliet, that's an old device.

The Untold Love Story of
King Jaja and Young Becca.

A very tragical mirth,
I shall hear that play.

No sir, it is not for you.

I have heard it over and it is nothing.

Who are the actors?

Some poor fisherman from the village

and none of them have
any acting experience.

I know they've worn out
their out-of-shape brains

to put on this play for your wedding.

I shall hear that play.



FRIENDS: Hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!


Ladies and gentlemen, our play is called

The Untold Love Story of King
Jaja and the Young Becca.

It is something I made up in my head

based on a story that
my grandmother told me

when I was growing up.

To tell you the truth,
it could be my uncle

now that I think of it.

This speech is like a tangled chain.

This man in the steel suit portrays

a horrible piece of galvanize

that comes between the lovers.

The lovers are happy to
whisper through a crack.

My name is Sinker.

King Jaja and Becca

speak sweet nothings through my hole.

- Crack.
- Crack.

It's the smartest
partition I ever heard speak.

Oh, grim looked night.

Oh night with hue so black.

Oh night oh night, alack, alack, alack.

I fear my Becca's promise is forgot.

Thanks courteous galvanize.

What is this?

What's the eye?

No Becca I see.

Cursed thy steel for thus deceiving me.

The galvanize methinks being
sensible should curse again.

No, in truth, sir, he should not.

Deceiving me is Becca's cue.

She is to enter now and I am
to spy through the galvanize.

You shall see.

It will fall pat as I told you.


Thus deceiving me.



Galvanize, you know I've
been waiting on my beloved Jaja

and you couldn't tell me he was here?

I see a voice.

I will now to the hole to spy

and I can hear my Becca's face.


Jaja, baby, is that you, my love?

Oh, look.

Kiss me through this hole,
this hole of the galvanize.

Wilt thou to the constipation
statue meet me straightaway?

Emancipation statue, emancipation.

Wilt thou to the emancipation
statue meet me straightaway?

I will have to catch two zedars

and walk across Bridgetown
but I will come.


This is the silliest
stuff I've ever heard.

The best in this kind are but shadows

and the worst are no worse
if imagination mends it.

The moonlight that King
Jaja and Becca meet under.

And the evil steel donkey that
foils their romantic plans.

I am wary of this moon.

What he would change?

The moonshine will now play
the Bussa Emancipation Statue.

Well done, statue.

Under which the lovers meet.


THESEUS: Silence, here comes Becca.

Is this the constipation statue?



Where is my King Jaja?

Where is my King Jaja?




Well roared steel donkey.

Well run Becca.

As Becca ran away from the steel donkey,

she dropped her scarf which
was stained with the blood

from the steel donkey's mouth.


But stay, oh spite.

But mark poor knight.

What dreadful dole is here.

Eyes, can you see?

How can it be?

Oh dainty duck, oh dear.

O fates come come,

cut thread and thrum.

Quail, conclude, crush, and quell.

This passion and the
death of a dear friend

would go near to make a man look sad.

My soul is in the sky.

Tongue lose thy light.


take thy flight.

For now, die.

Die, die, die, die.



Hey, hey, hey!

Asleep my love?

What dead my dove?

Oh Jaja arise, speak.

Quite dumb?



A tomb must cover thy eyes.

Oh sisters three come, come to me.

Come trusty sword.


Fine tragedy, very notably discharged.


We won!

ALL: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

♪ King Jaja of Opobo ♪

♪ Sailing down to the shore ♪

♪ King Jaja of Opobo ♪

♪ Sailing down to the shore ♪


The iron tongue of
midnight hath told 12.

Lovers to bed, 'tis almost fairy time.



This palpable gross
play hath well beguiled

the heavy gait of night.

Sweet friends, to bed.

Now the hungry lion roars and
the wolf behowls the moon.

And we fairies that do run
from the presence of the sun

now are frolic.


Through the house give glimmering light.

By the dead and drowsy fire,

every elf and fairy sprite hop
as light as bird from brier.

Hand in hand with fairy grace

will we sing and bless this place.


LITTLE BOY: Now until the break of day,

through this house each fairy stray.

To the best bride bed will we,
which by us shall blessed be.

And the issue there create
ever shall be fortunate.

So shall all the couples
three ever true in loving be.

And the blots of nature's hand

shall not in their issue stand.


If we shadows have offended,

think but this and all is mended.

That you have but slumbered here

while these visions did appear.

And this weak and idle theme,

no more yielding but a dream.


LITTLE BOY: And this
weak and idle theme,

no more yielding but a dream.


Subtitles by explosiveskull



♪ Dum, ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world, ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ This one for the children dat raise up ♪

♪ Running bout barefoot
foot full of nail jacks ♪

♪ Girls look good with out the makeup ♪

♪ Cross the road making
everything brake up ♪

♪ Peppa sauce pon the food for the flava ♪

♪ We's play cricket
with the ball tape up ♪

♪ No straight drive bare
swipes no square cuts ♪

♪ At the match see the
man with the baked nuts ♪

♪ Your can pay your
neighbor for a haircut ♪

♪ We does hear cocks
crow when we wake up ♪

♪ Strictly 246, no vacation ♪

♪ Proud to be one because I's a Bajan ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ This one for all who's
let the club last ♪

♪ Then does go wait to catch bus ♪

♪ For the people who know
every Christmas morning ♪

♪ Dum eating ham cutters for breakfast ♪

♪ For the girls in short
skirts with nuff nuff class ♪

♪ When dum pass making
all the men just cause ♪

♪ For the people who's
wait pun the bread, man ♪

♪ Sunday's to buy
turnovers and jam puffs ♪

♪ For the ole rum shop, men,
with guts plus glasses o'rum ♪

♪ Making dominoes shuffle up ♪

♪ Bring another one 'bout day so horns ♪

♪ Giving way quick and
I feel we's get enough ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Raise up your foot, jack up your hand ♪

♪ If you know you's a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Raise up your foot, jack up your hand ♪

♪ If you know you's a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Raise up your foot, jack up your hand ♪

♪ If you know you's a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Raise up your foot, jack up your hand ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing in the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing ♪
♪ Raise up your foot ♪

♪ Jack up your hand ♪
♪ In the world ♪

♪ Jack up your hand ♪
♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪

♪ Raise up the foot ♪
♪ Anywhere we go in the world ♪

♪ Jack up your hand ♪
♪ You can tell ♪

♪ Where we come from ♪

♪ Dum ain't nothing ♪
♪ Raise up your foot ♪

♪ In the world ♪

♪ Like a real real Bajan ♪
♪ Jack up your hand ♪

♪ Anywhere we go ♪
♪ Raise up your foot ♪

♪ In the world ♪
♪ Jack up your hand ♪

♪ You can tell where we come from ♪