A Cape Cod Christmas (2021) - full transcript

When a children's author hosts one last Christmas dinner with her disagreeable siblings before they sell the family house, she reunites with her childhood sweetheart who helps her find a way to keep the home she loves so dearly.

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♪ It's in the air,
it's in the air ♪

♪ It's in
the new-hung mistletoe ♪

♪ I feel it here,
I feel it there ♪

♪ I feel it everywhere I go

♪ ♪ Christmas is coming,
did you know? ♪

♪ Flying faster than
fresh snow ♪

♪ Creeping up on me and you

♪ Christmas is coming soon

♪ Christmas is coming soon

♪ The little boys,
the little girls ♪

♪ They close their eyes,
but not too tight ♪

♪ To catch a glimpse
of Old Saint Nick ♪

♪ He's slipping down
the chimney tonight ♪

♪ Christmas is coming,
did you know? ♪

♪ Falling faster than
fresh snow ♪

♪ Creeping up on me and you

♪ Christmas is coming soon

♪ Christmas is coming soon ♪

♪ Lights are shining up ahead ♪

♪ Oh, sparkling green and red

♪ It's in the air,
it's in the air ♪

♪ It's in the new-hung
mistletoe ♪

♪ I feel it here,
I feel it there ♪

♪ I feel it everywhere I go

♪ Christmas is coming,
did you know? ♪

♪ Falling faster than
fresh snow ♪

♪ And oh, there's so much
left to do ♪

♪ Christmas, don't come
and go too soon ♪


If it isn't my favorite sister.

Well, I'm your older sister,
but I'll take it.

So you're down there already?

And in the Christmas spirit,
I see.

Yeah, I just walked in.

- How does the place look?
- Good.

The same. A little dusty.


Can't believe I didn't get
down here once last year.

Oh, really? Wow.

It's been probably a couple
of years since I've been there.


Kind of bittersweet, huh?

I'm not sure I can taste
the sweet part of this.

Come on, Margs. Come on.
We talked about this.

It's the right thing to do.
Is it?

Yes. It's too expensive to keep.

Well, if Tom would just
pull his weight...

Hey, come on, now. Come on.

It's the season of the year
to be charitable.

Besides, we've already made
this decision, right?

I know, but then I got down here

and this place is filled
with so many memories.

Well, I'll be there in
a couple of days.

At least we'll be able
to say goodbye together.

- Yeah.
- And cheer up! It's Christmas.


- Bye.
- Bye.

"It was then
that Caroline realized"

that it didn't matter
if her house was big or small

or not much of a house at all.

A home is more than
bricks and blocks

and windows and locks.

A home is more than a bed
or where you rest your head.

They say that home
is where the heart is,

and Caroline
knew that to be true.

But what she didn't realize

"is that your home
is within you."

Thank you all so much
for coming.

It's such a pleasure to read
in a place that I love so much,

and in a place that I call home.

I'm going to be sticking around
for a little bit

if anybody would like to get
a copy of their book signed.

Hey, Jackie. Thanks again.

Are you kidding me?
You're really getting good.

- Think so?
- Yeah, I know so.

Did you see those kids faces?
They loved it.

You know,
you pull in more customers

than most of the other authors
I have in here.

It's the local draw,
but it did feel nice.

Great message, too.

Mm. I wish I believed it.

Shh. Your fans.

Yeah, right.

Hey, what's going on?

You look like you saw a ghost.

I'll tell you about it later.

You better.

In the meantime,
your adoring public awaits.


Hi, guys. What's your name?

Do you want me
to sign this for you?

- Yes, please.
- Okay.

Is your family here yet?

No, Meredith, Jeff, and Ace
get in on Thursday.

- What about Tom?
- Mr. Reliable?

He's probably
in the Caribbean somewhere.

Good for him.

He's supposed to come, but
I'll believe it when I see it.

He'll settle down someday.
Or maybe he won't.

So what's your plan
while you're here?


This is actually
our last Christmas here.

We have to sell the house.

- What?
- Yeah.

How long have
we known about this?

A few months now, but it didn't
seem final until I got here.

Meredith and Tom hired a realtor
who evidently has a buyer

that wants to close
before the end of the year,

sight unseen.
So what does that mean?

You won't
come down here anymore?

- I guess not.
- How do you feel about that?


I mean, it makes sense
with Mom and Dad gone,

but the Cape is part of me.

Oh, Margot, I'm so sorry.

Well, if this is
your last Christmas,

then you better
make it a good one.

See, that's exactly
what I was thinking.

I want to make this
the most special Christmas ever.

That's the spirit.

And then maybe I can convince
Tom and Meredith

that this place is so great,
they shouldn't sell.

How likely is that?

At this point, not very.

- Ahh.
- You need to take that?

- No, that's my agent.
- Then answer it.

No, she's just calling to see
if I have any new pages.

And I take it you don't.


I've been feeling
pretty stuck the last few weeks.

My mind's been on other stuff.

Well, that's understandable.

Hey, I'm sure
you'll figure it out.

I hope you're right.


Hey, can I help you something?

Yeah, this gallery.

I haven't seen it before.
Is it new?

Yeah, we just opened.

Let me know if you have
any other questions.

I was just looking at
these beautiful paintings.

They capture
the feel of the Cape so well.

Who's the artist?

It's a local artist, actually.

I think his name
is Christian something?

- Christian?
- Yeah.

Do you know him?

I... We were k...

- Christian?
- Yeah.

I am Christian, the artist.

I just... I don't
like to lead with that.

I don't want to taint
people's opinions of the work.

Christian, it's Margot.


I know. I'm so sorry,
I'm messing with you,

I saw you at your book reading.

What? You...?

I thought I recognized you.

Wow, how long has it been?

It must be 20 years.

My gosh,
you look exactly the same



- And you're...
- Not a ponytailed tomboy?



The last time I saw you
was right before

your family moved to Michigan.

Yeah, that's right.
Grand Rapids. You remember.

Of course I did. Yeah.


So are you here now
for good or...?

Uh, for now.

Yeah, after Michigan,

my dad got transferred
to Sydney, Australia.

- You're kidding.
- No, it was great.

We spent about 10 years
Down Under

and then we went to Europe,

studied there
for a couple of years,

traveled around a lot, and
landed back here on the Cape.

- Wow.
- How about you?

I live in Boston.
I have since college.

Seems very boring
compared to your world travels.

And you write children's books.
That's not boring at all.

Well, I guess that's true.

How's the family?

Oh... they're good.

Yeah, my mom and dad died
a few years back.

My mom from cancer and my dad
from a broken heart.

Yeah, they say that happens.

I'm sorry.

I remember them well.
They were great people.


So are you here alone or...?

- Yeah, it's just me.
- Oh.

My sister and her family
and hopefully my brother

are coming next week
to celebrate Christmas.

Oh, like the good old days.


It is so great to see
all of your artwork.

You always were
such an incredible artist.

Yeah, I guess it just
kind of stayed with me.

It sure did.

It was such a nice surprise
running into you.

Yeah, it was
a wonderful surprise.

Come back in anytime.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.

Oh, you, uh... you've
got to really push it.

It gets stuck.


♪ There's a place
I'd like to take you ♪

♪ For the holidays

♪ Far away from here

♪ A little getaway

♪ I'll pack a picnic basket

♪ Champagne and caviar

♪ All we need is a telescope
and a fast car ♪

♪ Come on, baby,
grab the wheel ♪

♪ Point it at the moon

♪ Take me into your arms

♪ Kiss me till I swoon

♪ Once we get there, baby

♪ I know a place to park

♪ Up upon the crater's edge

♪ We'll wait until it's dark

♪ We'll climb into
the back seat ♪

♪ And watch Saturn rise

♪ Gaze into the galaxy
and each other's eyes ♪

♪ And we'll never
come down to Earth ♪

♪ But ever will remain

♪ Up on the moon,
down on Lover's Lane ♪

- Hello.
- Hi.

- Fancy seeing you here.
- Oh, not really.

There's only a couple
of coffee shops in town.

Do you wanna join me?



you sit and I'll
grab you a coffee.


Oh, regular coffee,

or are you like
a sophisticated, urban author

that only drinks lattes now?

Regular coffee,
black, strong, unadulterated.

Okay. I remember that
decisive quality about you.

Can I get another coffee,

It is so weird seeing you.

Good weird or bad weird?

Good weird.

Yeah, I feel like
I know you so well,

but I missed
the whole growing-up part,

and I'm just wondering
if you're the same guy.

- I'm the same guy.
- Just with facial hair.


So I woke up this morning
and something occurred to me.

- What was that?
- Well...

this is actually our last
Christmas on the Cape.

- You're kidding.
- I wish I was.

We have to sell the house. Why?

Well, my siblings don't want
to keep it up anymore,

and I don't have enough money
to buy the other two out.

- It's far too common a scenario.
- But I was wondering

if maybe I could commission you
to paint a picture of our house.

I want to give it to my sister
for Christmas.

I think she would love it.

Sorry, you can't commission me.

Oh, why, are you booked?

- I don't do commissioned work.
- Oh, okay.

But I will make you a deal.

What kind of deal?

Do you remember years ago,
I drew a portrait of you?

Yeah, I still have it.

You do?

Okay, well,
I will paint your house

if you'll let me draw you again.

I don't think a picture of me

would warrant a place
on your gallery wall.

I disagree.

Really, you'll paint
a picture of our house?

Yeah. I'd be honored.

Okay, you have a deal.

Great. How long do I have?

- Until Friday, Christmas Eve.
- Oh. Oh, okay.

My sister and her family
get in on Thursday.

Is that enough time?

Uh, it's going to be tight.

I'd have to come over
every day to work on it.

- Okay.
- That works for you?

Yeah, that'd be great,
catching up.

And what will you be doing?

Oh, I will be busy

providing you
with snacks and drinks

and anything else
you might need.

Yeah, that'll be helpful.

And I'll be decorating the house

and getting ready for
the Christmas Eve feast.

That sounds nice.

Well, unfortunately, my motives
aren't quite so selfless.

I'm hoping to make it so special

that my sister
reconsiders selling.


- So I'll see you tomorrow?
- Yeah. Bright and early.

- Thanks for the coffee.
- You're welcome.

Hey, Jackie.

I'm kind of in
Christmas overload.

What time are you done
with work?

Mm. I so needed this.

So, any progress
on the new book?

Uh... no.

I've been too distracted.

What's it going to be about?

I'm thinking it's going to have
a Christmas theme.

So you haven't
even started it yet?

Well, uh... no.

But I ran into
a Christmas angel this morning

and it sparked an idea.

A Christmas angel, huh?

Do you remember
Christian Williams?

Of course I do.

He just opened up
the new gallery right next door.

He's who I thought I saw the
other day at the book signing.

He's your Christmas angel?

He's painting our house for me,
for my sister.

It's going to be
the best Christmas present.

You're kidding me.

And he's not even charging.


Oh, you guys had
a little something, right?

Oh, no. Come on.
We were just kids.

But he was my first kiss.

Well, now.

Any rekindled feelings there?

I don't know. Maybe.

He's ridiculously cute.

It probably won't even matter.

In all likelihood,
I won't be spending

very much time down here
in the future anyway.

I believe in angels, you know.


We're getting way
too ahead of ourselves.

A girl can dream, can't she?


I had such a crush
on him when we were kids.

I think I cried for a week
when he left.

Well, just be careful.

Rumor is, he's got a reputation.

Reputation for what?

It's just what
people say about him.

Be careful, you hear me?

Oh, thanks, Mom.

- Good morning, sunshine.
- Hi.

I... I fell asleep on the couch.

Good thing you had
your Santa hat on.

- It was for inspiration.
- Ah.

Come in.
I'll put on some coffee,

I actually brought you some.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

And I brought you
a breakfast sandwich.

Gosh, thank you so much.
The house doesn't have any food.

I haven't had a chance
to go to the store yet.

- Yeah, I figured.
- What time is it?

- 7:00.
- You do start early.

Yeah, I've always been
a bit of an early riser.

I like to walk on the beach
first thing in the morning.

Best time of day.

- Have you been already?
- Yep.

Maybe I'll take you with me
one of these mornings.


Oh, wow.

You have a fake Christmas tree?


Like, in the box. It's...

That's not not going to do.

Of course it will do.

I mean, not if you're trying
to impress anyone.

What are you talking about?
It's completely practical.

You set it up
and then when Christmas is over,

you stuff it back in the box and
you're good to go for next year.

It's what we've always done.

Okay. Suit yourself.

Are you getting self-righteous
right now

about a Christmas tree?

I'm just saying, it's...
you know.

I don't have time
to go get a real tree anyway.

Okay, well,
I'd better to get to work.

I wanted to see the house
in the morning light.

- Thank you for the coffee.
- You're welcome.



Painter's block?

- Something like that.
- I can relate.

Blank canvas is probably
as intimidating as a blank page.

I actually can't get over how
big the red beech has gotten.

I remember being like
half the size.

Yeah, it's my favorite tree.

Secret fort in the cedar bushes?

Still there.


Listen, I know you said you
wanted a painting of the house,


as I was sitting there,
I started thinking,

is it really the house
or is it this?

I hadn't considered that.

What is your absolute
favorite memory of this place?

My favorite memories
are down on the beach.

I thought so.

But without the house, no beach.



Okay. Here, sit down.

This is what I'm saying.

You see, it is this view
framed in by the porch.

It's special.

You're so right.

"Home is more than
bricks and blocks"

and windows and locks.

"A home is more than a bed or
where you rest your head."

Somebody very wise
once wrote that.

"Your home is within you."

I'm gonna
bring my stuff up here.

Hey, so how did you get into

writing children's books,

I don't know.

I guess I've always loved the
way that children see the world.

but inquisitive and honest.

That makes sense.

Plus, reading's always been
such an escape for me.

Anne of Green Gables, right?

I can't believe you
remember that.

Yeah, I have that book
upstairs in my room.

- No way.
- Yeah.

That's the book that
made me want to be an author.

Not that my children's books

hold a candle
to Lucy Maud Montgomery,

but least I can give back
a little bit.

Here, let me help you.

Oh, thanks.

So do you want kids
of your own one day?

Yeah, if the right person
comes along.

- Hmm.
- You?

as long as they're boys.

No, I'm kidding.

I've been meaning to ask,
where are you living now?

I actually got a little place
down by the water.

- Oh.
- Next to a lighthouse

that you might remember.

- Oh, yeah.
- Yeah.

Is it just you, or...?

It is just me, but I do have
a special lady in my life.

- Oh.
- Yeah, her name's Maggie.

- What's she like?
- Well, she's got brown hair.

She's about 80 pounds
and she drools a lot.

- She sounds lovely.
- Maggie is my chocolate lab.

I was in a relationship
not too long ago,

but we wanted different things.

Is that why you moved back?

I'd rather not talk about it,
if that's okay.

Just... old relationships
are super boring.

Yeah, you're right.

Hey, do you remember
when we were kids

and you gave me
that little compass?

Of course.

I was just about to
move to Michigan,

and you told me that
I could use it

to find my way back home.


I guess it worked.

I guess it did.

Hey, sorry I'm late.
I was cutting this thing down.

- Christian!
- What you think? Is it too tall?

If it is, I can trim the bottom.

I told you I didn't need
a real tree.

Yeah, and I think you do,

because Christmas is not
the time for practicality.

It's the time for authenticity,

especially if you want to
impress your siblings.

- I don't know what to say.
- Say "thank you."

Thank you.

You're welcome. Come on,
let me help you set it up.

I cannot believe this.

It was just sitting there,
begging to be cut down.

Okay, how's that?
Is it straight?

Hang on. Uh, nope.

- No?
- This way.

Okay, right there.
Tighten that up.


Got it.

- Oh.
- Wow.


Tell me again
why practical is bad?

Oh, come on.

You got to admit,

a real tree
is way more Christmas-y.

Can't beat that smell.

It does smell wonderful.

It'll make a difference,
even if it only

elevates your Christmas spirit
a degree or two.

It was very thoughtful of you.
I really appreciate it.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Hey, sis!

I'm just unloading
the car from the grocery store

I'm making Grandma's pot roast
for dinner.


I guess we sort of have to have
the pot roast, don't we?

Of course you have
to make the pot roast.

We always make the pot roast.

Alright, well,
we'll be down there

sometime around noon
day after tomorrow,

so hopefully we'll be there
in time for dinner.

Cool, I was thinking we could
just have Chinese that night.

Oh, that sounds great.
Anything else you need?

- Mm, some wine.
- I'm on it.

Hey, do you remember
Christian Williams?

Oh, my gosh, wow. Course.

You two were inseparable.

- He's here.
- What?

Yeah, it's kind of a long story.

I'll tell you all
about it later.

No, no, no. Margot, spill it.

Jeez, I bet he grew up
to be incredibly hot.

Times ten.


Alright, I got to go.
I'll talk to you later.

- Margot...
- Bye!

Don't... did you
just hang up on me?

You did, didn't you?

You're unbelievable.

- Hey.
- Hi.

How long you been
standing there?

Not long. How's it going?

Oh, no, you don't get to see
until it's done.

- Come on.
- No, stop. Uh-uh.

Okay, well,
I could use some help

decorating that gorgeous
Christmas tree you brought me.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

You want to take
a break and give me a hand?


We've got about
an hour until sunset.

I don't wanna miss that light.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Oh, hey, it's starting
to look pretty good.

Yeah, we still have
a long way to go.


Oh. I know this girl.

No. No, no!
Give me that. Give me that.

Oh, come on.

You were adorable.

So are you going
to help me or what?

Yeah. Yeah, sorry.

- Okay.
- Okay, what do you need?

- Hand me the box.
- Box.

♪ Oh, Christmas tree,
oh, Christmas tree ♪

♪ All aglow, your branches

♪ Christmas tree,
oh, Christmas tree ♪

♪ With tinsel ropes
and candles ♪

♪ Silver bows and golden light

♪ Shine so brightly
in the night ♪

I can see that
it's a chocolate bar now.

Yeah. You got it?

Thank you.

♪ All aglooooow

♪ Glooow

♪ Your branches

- Hey.
- Hey.

I made us some hot chocolate.


Ooh, that is good. Thank you.

Well, thank you
for all of your help.

I could not have
done this without you.

It's my pleasure.

Sorry I didn't leave you
very much time to paint.

That's okay.
I'm making mental notes.

I'll get back to it tomorrow.

You know,
seeing the place like this,

I have no idea
how I'm going to let it go.

Do you have to let it go?

Yeah, I don't really
have a choice.

My siblings want to sell it,
particularly my brother,

- But you don't want to sell.
- Are you kidding? No.

Well, it sounds like you
might have some thinking to do.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

You have been
so incredibly helpful.

Can I take you
to dinner tonight?


I'm... I'm sorry, I can't,
but maybe some other time.

Okay, sure.

But I will be back tomorrow
to paint.

Okay. Yeah, yeah.

I should work on my book anyway.

It's not going to write itself.


Here you go. Thank you.


I'll see you tomorrow.

Oh, and please don't look
at the painting yet,

'cause it's not ready.


I promise.

Okay. Have a nice night.

Margot, sweetheart,
where have you been?

Hey, Judith.

Sorry, I go away
for the holidays.

Holidays, schmalidays.
Where are my pages?

Publishing waits for no one.
I know.

I promise I'll have
something brilliant for you

in the next few days.

Mm, okay, doll.

Where do you go again
every year?


- Cape Cod.
- Right.

That's... that's actually
one of the things

that I wanted to
talk to you about.

What do you need?

I was wondering
if it might be possible

to get an advance
on my next book.

I've decided I want to buy
my family's Cape house

and my brother and sister
don't really want to sell it,

and some extra money
could help me figure it all out.

Honey, you know I'd love
to negotiate in advance for you,

The sales on your last book

weren't quite what
the publisher expected.

I'm really not sure
I can get approval

for something like that.

I can barely get advances on

our established
children's authors.


I guess I'll just reason
with my unreasonable siblings.

Do you know, we've come here
every year since I was a kid?

Hmm. Sounds darling.

How could they want
to sell this place?

What, dear?


So what's your next book?
How far into it are you?

Oh, about halfway.

Um, it's about a...
family tree at Christmas.


Why don't you write another book
because your character Caroline?

People love a series.

Or I could do that.

I'm sorry I can't get you
that advanced, Margot.

Maybe if you or a little more
well-known internationally.

Let's try to get you there,
okay, doll?


Hey, merry Christmas.
You too, kiddo.

Good morning.

Is everything okay?
What time is it?

Oh, yeah, everything's okay.
It's early.

Do you want to go for that
walk on the beach with me?

Wow, you are a morning person,
aren't you?

Yeah. Coffee?

Plus, I want to
show you something.

Go get dressed.
I'll meet you out front.

I've never seen it like this.

Something about it, right?


We get so caught up in our busy
lives and our cellphones,

we forget to stop and take in
where we are.

I think this might be
my favorite place on Earth.

Me too. It's why I came back.

Maggie! Come here.

Come here.

Hi. What's up?

What are you going to do
if you have to sell the house?

I don't know,

but I think it's
going to break my heart.

Do you remember when we used to
dig up quahogs under the dock?

Do you remember when we carved
our initials under there?

I'll race you.

Oh, like the good old days.

- On three?
- Mm-hmm.


- One.
- Uh-huh.


You're such a cheater!

Maggie, come on!

Do you see it?

- No.
- Ahh.

Oh, hey, here it is.


So many years have gone by.

It's still there.


We should probably get going.

Why, what's the rush?

My family's coming,

and you need
to finish your painting,

and I don't want to hurt you
when I leave.

Yeah. Right.

Maggie, c'mon.

Hey, how's it going?

Uh, pretty good.

Do you want some tea?

No, thank you.

Listen, I'm going to take the
painting home with me tonight

and then work on
the finishing touches there.

Oh, okay.

Do you think you're
going to be done in time?

Yeah, absolutely.

But you won't be
coming by tomorrow?

Uh, no, I think you should
probably be with your family.

Let them know how you feel
about selling the house.

- Yeah, sure.
- I don't wanna be in the way.

Plus, it'll ruin the surprise.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Yeah, but...

you could call me or text me
and let me know how it's going.

Okay, I'll do that.


So I guess I'll see you
Christmas Eve?

Yeah, I'll see you
Christmas Eve.

Don't look at it.

- Hey!
- Hi!

- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas!

- How was the drive?
- Not too bad.

So how are you? You look great.

I'm so glad you're here.

- Hey, Margot.
- Hey, Jeff. Hey!

Hi, Aunt Margot!

I'm so glad you could make it!

I'm going to go check out
the fort in the cedar bush.

- Can you believe this wind?
- Oh, my gosh.

What is it?

Uh... deja vu.

Christian and I were that
exact same age when we...

Have you seen him?



Enough already. Spill it!

- Not right now.
- Come on.

- Hey, Ace, honey!
- What?

Come on, let's wait till
we unpack, okay?

Aw, Mom!

Come on.

Don't worry. I got these.


- Margot, you did all this?
- Yep.

It's mostly our old decorations
mixed in with a few new ones.

Yeah, and all the poinsettias
on Cape Cod.

It looks really wonderful.

Boy, if
Mom and Dad could see this.

Oh, Grandma's Santas!
I always loved these.

What's the big deal?

Well, Grandma Mary
used to collect Santas,

and then she passed them down
to our mom, your grandma, Angie.

Oh, we should continue
that tradition.

Whoa. Am I in the wrong place?
Is this the North Pole?

- Very funny.
- Lame joke, Dad.

Looks great, Margot.
Nice job, really.

Your rooms are all set up,

if you want to
take your luggage up.

Alright, thanks.

You've become quite
the hostess, haven't you?

Just trying to make
a good impression.

Oh, I've been meaning to
read your last book.

We've just been so busy
with Ace's hockey.

Oh, that's okay.
Don't worry about it.

- Is something burning?
- The cookies!

No, no, no, no, no!


- Everything okay?
- I burned the cookies!

Don't worry about it.

No, I want everything
to be perfect.

Everything's great.

You okay? You seem off.

Yeah, everything's fine.

I just...

I'll tell you about it later.
It's okay.

You go up, get settled.

Okay, well, don't worry
about the cookies.

I like mine
a little crunchy anyway.

Me, too.

Have you heard
anything from Tom?

No, nothing.

He's supposed to arrive
tomorrow, but who knows?

But forget about him.
Tell me about Christian.

I haven't heard
that name in years.

Boy, did you
have a crush on him.

- Was it that obvious?
- Obvious?

The whole town knew it.
Oh, get out of here.

So what's he doing now?

He's an artist. He just
opened a gallery in town.


Is he single?



what are you waiting for?

It's not that simple.

We were just kids.
You can't relive the past.

Why not?

Oh, must be the Chinese food.

- Hong Kong Cafe.
- Hi, thank you.

Thanks. Have a good night.

Dinner is here!

This looks great, Margot.

- It's really good.
- Yeah, this is awesome.

I slaved.

Here, I'll pass that
down to you.

I'd like to make a toast.

- Ooh, okay.
- Okay.

I would like to propose
a toast to Margot,

for putting this all together

and making our last Christmas
here so special.

This is really a great tribute
to Mom and Dad.

To Margot!

- To Margot.
- To Margot.


Margs, what is it?

I came here knowing that
this would be our last Christmas

at this house
and here on the Cape.

But after I got here and saw
how final all this was,

I realized how much I really
don't want to sell this house.


We have so many memories here.
I don't want to let that go.

Well, Jeff,
you want to chime in?

It's not really my place.

I thought you knew
this was for the best.

Is it though?

Margs, we could
really use the money.

I mean, we have college
to think about.

Right, but it's not just
about the money for me.

This place will fall apart
if no one's here to maintain it.

Who's going to take care of it
when you go back to Boston?

I don't know. I haven't got
that far in my thinking yet.

Well, it sounds like you haven't

thought this through at all,

that you're just basing it
on emotion.

And what's wrong with that?

It's too expensive to keep.
The property taxes alone.

I mean, look, the realtor
already has a buyer lined up.

All we have to do
is sign the papers.

I love this house and
I don't want to sell it.


We already lost Mom and Dad.

How can you let
this place go too?

Of course I miss Mom and Dad,

but I was really hoping not to
have this kind of conversation.

Avoiding a conversation is not
the way to solve a problem.

Okay, think practically.

Both Tom and I believe that this
is the best thing for all of us.

You know what?

Christmas isn't the time
for practicality.

If you'll excuse me,
I'm going for a walk.

♪ Oh, come all ye faithful

♪ Joyful and triumphant

♪ Oh, come ye, oh, come ye
to Bethlehem ♪

♪ Come and behold him

♪ Born the king of angels

♪ Oh, come, let us adore him

♪ Oh, come, let us adore him

♪ Oh, come, let us adore him,
Christ, the Lord ♪

♪ Sing, choirs of angels

♪ Sing in exultation

♪ Sing, all ye citizens
of heaven above ♪

♪ Glory to God

♪ Glory in the highest

♪ Oh, come, let us adore him

♪ Oh, come, let us adore him



Oh, honey.

Come on in.

Hey, you still awake?


What you reading?

Aunty Margot's book.

Cool. What do you think?

Why was she so upset
tonight at dinner?

She loves this house
and doesn't want to sell it.

Do you want to sell it?

Well, it's not really up to me.

It's up to your mother
and her siblings.

I don't have to go
to college, Dad.

I want to keep the house, too.

Did you read all the way
to the end of the book?


Read me
the last couple of pages.

"A home is more than
bricks and blocks"

and windows and locks.

A home is more than a bed
or where you rest your head.

They say that home
is where the heart is,

and Caroline knew
that to be true.

"What she didn't realize is
that your home is within you."

And what does that mean to you?

I guess that no matter
where you go,

you take your home with you?

That's right.

We'll always have the memories
of this place in our hearts,

and we'll always
have each other,

no matter where we go,

especially at Christmas time.

I still don't want to
sell the house, Dad.

I know.

You get some sleep.

- Good night, champ.
- Good night, Dad.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Can we talk?


Why don't you sit down?

- So I...
- Look...

I shouldn't have
run out on you like that.

I did a lot of thinking
while you were gone.

No, no, no.

You were right.

I've decided to
agree to sell the house.

It's the practical thing to do.


It's just a house.

It's not my family.
You are my family.

That's right, we are,
and we love you.

We can have Christmas anywhere.

But why the sudden change?

I think that the House

helped me to feel connected
to Mom and Dad,

but you can't relive the past.

I know that now.

You can remember it fondly,

but you can't relive it.

Well, you have us,

and we're your
connection to Mom and Dad

and all the amazing memories
that we have.

I'm just having a hard time
letting go.

It's totally understandable.

But I'll be okay.

Well, while you were gone,
I read your book "Homesick,"

and you talk about a home
not defining you,

that your home is within you.

I guess it's hard to practice
what you preach sometimes.

You have given us
such an amazing

Christmas gift this year,
just making it all so special.

Hey, let's...
Let's not spoil it, okay?


In my head, I know you're right.

It's just my heart, you know?

Yeah, I know.

I want you to have that money
for Ace and his college

and for your family.

It's important.

I'm going to head off to bed.
It's been a long day.

Okay, sleep tight.

Love you, sis. I love you, too.

♪ The streets are a little
emptier this time of year ♪

♪ The wind is blowing cold

♪ But even though it's quiet,
there's still magic here ♪

♪ Love is making its way home

♪ And maybe we can find it

♪ Love is in the air

♪ It's you and me
on Christmas Eve this year ♪

♪ And we'll fly, oh, fly

♪ Looking at the lights
like little kids ♪

♪ Just you and I

♪ Tonight, so high

♪ And we're falling,
really falling in love ♪

♪ At Christmas time

♪ Oh, suddenly,
you're all I need ♪

♪ It's all so clear

♪ It's you and me
on Christmas Eve this year ♪

♪ It's you and me
on Christmas Eve this year ♪

Here we go.

- Oh!
- Oh, big five!

One, two, three, four... ohh!

- On Vienna? Ace?
- Yes!

How did you do it? Alright.

- So good.
- $2,000.

You got me. I'm out.

You did it! Alright, your turn.

- Hi.
- Hi, is Margot here?

- I'm...
- Christian Williams.

- Yeah. How'd you know?
- I remember you.

- Come on in.
- Thanks,



I brought you guys
some Christmas cookies

from that new bakery in town.

- Oh, thank you.
- Best on the Cape.

So nice of you.


Ace, why don't you you come
help me get lunch organized?

So it's, uh, it's all done.

I think you're really
gonna like it.

Thank you. Really.

So how'd dinner go last night?

Did you get her to agree
not to sell the house?

I changed my mind. I decided
I'm going to let them sell it.

- Really?
- Yeah. I was being selfish.

They could use the money,
and I was just

holding on to old memories.

Surprised to hear you say that.

I think reality finally set in.

Hey, did I...

do something to upset you,
because you seem angry with me.



Talk to me.


- I saw you.
- You saw me what?

Last night, at the restaurant,
I saw you.


And I mean,
I have no right to be mad.

It's your life, you've traveled
all over the world,

and it would be naive to think
that you and I

could even possibly...

I mean, what we had was
when we were kids.

- It's so long ago.
- Margot.

And it's none of my business.

It's just that
I was caught by surprise

- and I was hurt.
- Margot!

- But I'm fine.
- Margot, that was my sister.

- What?
- Yeah, that was my sister.

She's in town for a few days
before Christmas.

She leaves for New York
to see her fiance today.


I feel like an idiot.

Listen, there is no
other woman in my life,

and ever since I saw you
a few days ago at the bookstore,

I haven't been able to think
about anybody but you.

- Really?
- Really.

But it is kind of cute.

- What?
- You were jealous.


That means you care.

- I do.
- Yeah.

- Christian.
- Hmm?

Would you like to
join us for dinner tonight?

We're going to
the Christmas stroll after.

I would love to.

Did I interrupt something?


Okay, we'll see you later then.

Okay, what time should I be
back for dinner?

- 5:00.
- Yeah, 5:00 is great.

Okay. Thank you for the invite.

Are you sure you want me
to come back for dinner?

- Yes, absolutely.
- Okay.

I just have to take care
of a few things.

- Okay.
- Okay.

And I am really sorry
for the misunderstanding.

I never meant to hurt you.

No, I'm the one who should be
apologizing to you.

I'm not normally like this,
I swear.

I just... I have
a lot going on right now.

I know.
I hope you like the painting.

Oh, wow.

Hi, you've reached Judith!

Unlike most people, I still
listen to voice messages,

so why don't you leave me one?

Hey, Judith, it's Margot.

You mentioned that I needed

some more international
recognition as an author.

I'm not saying it's a done deal,
but I might have the opportunity

to have Christian Williams
illustrate my next book.

I was just wondering
what that would mean

in terms of an advance.


Oh, and merry Christmas.

I can't believe you guys
are leaving tomorrow.

I know.

Jeff's parents
are dying to see Ace.

I bet. He's the best.

Hey, thanks for
making this so special.

Let's enjoy our last night here
as a family, though, okay?


It's been so great
hanging out with you.

We shouldn't let it go
so long next time.

- Yeah.
- Once we sell the house,

I'll be able to afford to come
visit you more in Boston.

That'd be great.

So... what was going on
with you and Christian?

Well, nothing. I just made
a total idiot of myself.

- How?
- Well...

I saw him out last night
with another woman.

Turns out, it was a sister.
Oh boy.

- And you thought...
- Yeah.

You're such a drama queen.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Come in.
- Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.
- I brought you guys wine.

Oh, awesome. Wow.

I'm going to go
let this baby breathe.


Do you want to take
off your coat?

Yes, please.

Wow. You look amazing.

You don't look too bad yourself.

- Thanks.
- Come on.

Christian, it's a pleasure
having you here.

Oh, thank you.
This all looks delicious.

Margot really stepped up
to the plate this year

with all the cooking
and decorating.


- Tom!
- Whoa!

Merry Christmas!

Oh, my gosh!

We didn't think you were coming!

I couldn't not show up

on our last Christmas
in this house.

Come on, Uncle Tom.
Dinner's getting cold.

- Whoa.
- Merry Christmas, Tom.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

- Hey, I know this pot roast.
- Mm-hmm.

Let me do the honors.

It's so good to see you, Tom.

I can't believe all you've
done to this place.

I haven't seen the house
look this Christmas-y

since we were kids.

I can't believe you came.

My reputation's that bad, huh?

I'm just glad to see you.

Well, I canceled the last leg
of my trip

and hopped on a flight standby.

I would have called,

but I thought a surprise
would be more fun.

Yeah, it was a great surprise.

what a blast from the past.

I think the last time I saw you,

Margot was all gaga,
chasing you around.

I was not gaga.

What was that old
Paul Anka song, "Puppy Love."

Stop it.

No, it's been really
nice getting reacquainted.

Oh, so I brought the papers
from the realtor

for everyone to sign
for the house.

- We can deal with that later.
- Excuse me for a moment.

Uh, what'd I say?

She's just taking it harder
than the rest of us.

- Hmm.
- Is she okay?

I don't know.

So, Christian,

how long have you
been back on the Cape?

A couple of months.

Is it the same as you remember?

With age comes perspective,
so I have to say it's better.

I just wanted to say
that this has been

one of the best Christmases

that I've had
in a really long time.

Ever since Mom and Dad died,

I got so focused on my career
and then this house

that I didn't take any time
to focus on all of you,

my family.

I came back here
and I ran into Christian

and found out
that he was an artist.

Well, actually, you've been
an artist your whole life,

ever since we were kids.

But it turns out that
you're quite the famous artist.

But of course, you being you,

you didn't say anything
about that.


I had Christian paint you
a Christmas present, Meredith.



- It's beautiful, Christian.
- That's... that's incredible.

I want you to know I'm okay
with selling the house.

I wasn't initially, but I'll
sign whatever paperwork

you need me to sign
before you go.

I just wanted you
to have something

to remember the place by.

It's so lovely.

Really. Thank you, Margot.

But I really feel like you
should keep the painting.

Absolutely not. It's yours.


I had no idea
he didn't want to sell,

but I'm glad
you're okay with it.

Me, too.

Okay, so I know
I haven't been around much,

but I'm going to make it
my Christmas promise

to try and make you guys
more of a priority.

You better.

Who's ready for
the Christmas stroll?

- Yeah!
- Yes, let's roll.

♪ Hark, the herald angels sing ♪

♪ Glory to the newborn king

♪ Peace on Earth
and mercy mild ♪

♪ God and sinner reconciled

♪ Joyful, all ye nations rise

♪ Join the triumph
of the skies ♪

♪ With angelic hosts proclaim

♪ Christ is born in Bethlehem

♪ Hark, the herald angels sing

♪ Glory to the newborn king

♪ Hail the heavenly
Prince of Peace ♪

You know, you really
are quite the artist.

And you are quite the writer.

No, I mean it.

Even before I knew it was you,
I was drawn to your work.

And then Jacklyn said
that you had a reputation

and I was worried you were
a ladies man, a Casanova.


But that does explain a lot.

Well, then I looked you up
and it turns out

that you do have a reputation...

A worldwide reputation.

- You didn't know that?
- Mnh-mnh.

Not before last night.
You're kidding.

I thought that's why you
wanted me to paint your house.

No, I wanted you
to paint the house

because I like your work
and I kind of like you.

- Where are we going?
- Come with me.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

The carolers were
really good this year.

They were.

What are we doing?

Oh, well, it is time to make
good on your end of the bargain.

- What?
- Oh, I want to draw you again.

I don't know what to do.
I feel so awkward.

No, you're just going
to sit right over here.

Yep. Perfect. Down there.

And then talk to me.

- I look a mess.
- No, you look beautiful.

This is so uncomfortable.

No, this is perfect.

Tell me a story.

Tilt your chin
just a little bit up.

Can I look yet?

It's almost done.

Ugh, the anticipation
is killing me.


- Oh, one sec.
- Yeah, go ahead.

Hi, Judith.

- Margot, it's Judith.
- I know.

Who else is working
at 9:00 on Christmas Eve?

- It's my agent.
- Oh, okay.

I got your message
and I ran your idea about

Christian Williams
illustrating your new book

up the flagpole.

- And?
- The publishers love it.

Christian's global fan base
could mean big business for us.

It's a whole different audience.

Wow, that's fantastic.

And they're willing to offer
you a six-figure advance.

What? That's incredible.

I figured that was news worth
sharing on Christmas Eve.

Is it ever?
W... Thank you, Judith.

We'll sort out the details
after the holidays.

Yes, of course, yeah.

That is one heck
of a Christmas gift.

- Merry Christmas, doll.
- Merry Christmas.


Come on, now the anticipation
is killing me.

I think I have a way of
buying out my siblings

and keeping the house.


Oh, my gosh.
This is unbelievable.


Christian, that was my agent.

Yeah, I know. You said that.
What did she say?

I sort of bounced
the idea off of her

about the possibility of you
illustrating my next book.

I see.

And she just told me that
the publishing company

loves that idea

and they'd be willing
to give me... us...

They'd be willing to give us
a big advance.

If you're interested, of course.

I don't know, uh...

I've never illustrated
a children's book before.

I know, but you're going to be
amazing. I know it.


That's beautiful.

Yeah, do you think
I have the chops?

You definitely have the chops.


I'd be honored to illustrate
your children's book with you.

- Really?
- Really.

- Really?
- Really.

- Oh.
- Thank you.

Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

You've no idea
how much this means to me.

Oh, I think I have an inkling.

This has been
the most wonderful Christmas,

but I have one more gift
for both of you.

No more gifts.
You've given us enough already.

You sure have.

This has been the perfect
goodbye to this place.

And now I don't have to leave
Harbour Island anymore

when it's freezing cold up here.

I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

- Hey, am I too late?
- No, no, no.

I just gave them their presents.
Come in.

Open them up! Open them up!

What's going on?
Open your present.

I want to buy the house.

I'll give both of you full
market value for your third.

Christian and I just got

quite a lucrative deal
for a new children's book,

which I'll write
and he'll illustrate.

It's called "The Family Tree,"

and it's about
a giant red beech tree

that grows in the yard
of a very special Cape Cod home.

The tree, in its quiet wisdom,
is the guiding force

for the generations of family
that live in this house.

My Christmas wish
is that you'll allow me

to be the steward of this place
and keep it in the family

because we, this family,
are what make a house a home.

Jeez. Wow.

Does this mean we're
keeping the house, Dad?

It means Auntie Margot's
keeping the house,

but I'll bet
she'll let us visit.

Anytime you want.

So is that a yes?

- Yes!
- Yes!

You better come back
next year, Tom.

I wouldn't miss it.
Hey, I'm proud of you, sis.

You made it happen,
and nothing makes me happier

than keeping
this house in the family.

- I love you.
- Love you, too.

See you, Tom.

You better take good care
of this house.

- You hear me?
- I will. You know I will.

Well, actually, go ahead
and trash it. It's yours now.

No, it's still all of ours.

I'm just paying
the mortgage now.

- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.

Thanks, Margot.
That was wonderful.

Happy New Year, Aunt Margot.

I'm glad you're
keeping the house.

Me, too.

- Nice to meet you, Christian.
- See you.

Drive safe, guys.

- Hey, you.
- Hey.

I have something for you.

- What, why?
- 'Cause it's Christmas.

No, you've given me
so much already.

Come on.

- What is this?
- Just sit.

Merry Christmas.

You kept it,
after all this time?

Of course I did.

And it led me home,
just like you said it would.

It led me home, too.

♪ Took a reindeer
off the village green ♪

♪ Covered Santa Claus
in Silly String ♪

♪ Made off in a beater
built like a tank ♪

♪ A broken heater,
but the radio cranked ♪

♪ The snow is falling down

♪ The bells are ringing out

♪ Just a couple of misfits

♪ On the night
before Christmas ♪

♪ It's been a minute
since we kicked up some dust ♪

♪ We're wrapping presents
and we're catching a buzz ♪

♪ Kids all fast asleep

♪ Hey, mama,
now it's just you and me ♪

♪ The snow is falling down

♪ The snow is falling down

♪ Bells are ringing out

♪ Now we're Mr. and Mrs.

♪ On the night
before Christmas ♪

♪ Christmas time
comes and goes so fast ♪

♪ Wrap the presents, then
the wrapping's in the trash ♪

♪ When it's here,
I wish that it would last ♪

♪ Snow is falling down
♪ Snow is falling down

♪ Bells are ringing out

♪ Yeah, we went the distance

♪ On the night
before Christmas ♪

♪ Christmas time
comes and goes so fast ♪

♪ Wrap the presents, then
the wrapping's in the trash ♪

♪ When it's here,
I wish that it would last ♪

- ♪ Snow is falling down
- ♪ Snow is falling down

♪ Bells are ringing out

♪ Yeah, we went the distance

♪ On the night
before Christmas ♪

♪ My younger son has
had a couple of kids ♪

♪ Out in Chicago,
and they're all flying in ♪

♪ We used to
run around this town ♪

♪ Now it's grandkids
gathered around ♪

- ♪ Snow is falling now
- ♪ Snow is falling now

♪ Bells are ringing out

♪ Just a family of misfits

♪ On the night
before Christmas ♪

♪ Night before Christmas

♪ Snow is falling,
snow is falling down ♪

♪ The night before Christmas

♪ Snow is falling,
snow is falling down ♪

♪ The night before Christmas