A Bear Named Winnie (2004) - full transcript

It's 1914, the beginning of WWI. In White River, Ontario, en route to a training camp in Valcartier, Québec, with the Winnipeg section of the Canadian Army Veterinary Corps, Army Lieutenant Harry Colebourn, who has a natural rapport with animals, saves a black bear cub from being killed by a hunter, who killed the cub's mother. Not knowing what else to do with the cub, Harry brings her along to camp to act as the unit's mascot, who he names Winnie - short for Winnipeg. Most of the men in the unit bond with Winnie, but having such a mascot is against the wishes of the head of the Canadian Expeditionary Force's veterinary division, Colonel Barret. Barret is a tough but fair man, who may have more problems than Winnie in the form of the Expeditionary Force's commanding officer, General Hallholland, a dipsomaniac who uses his position in the army for his own vainglorious purposes. Winnie's stay with Harry and the unit is not always a smooth one, especially in trying to stay under Barret's radar. Over time, Winnie becomes completely tame, craving human companionship, which Harry realizes is a problem as the unit is scheduled to get shipped overseas to England and eventually to France to do their duty on the front lines. Sending Winnie back into the wild may no longer be a viable option, as Winnie has a mind of her own, but finding a home for her where she will get the human companionship she craves or else possibly die from not having what she needs - which means an owner that understands that she's no ordinary bear - may be a problem.


Pity we haven't

got any honey.

Do you think

he'd prefer honey?

Winnie, that's

what they call her.

--Real thing.

Yeah, Tommy,

come have a look here.

She likes honey

best, you know.

That's what they like.

- Honey?

Yeah, that's

what they like to eat.


Winnie, over here!


That's enough, children.

Kindly pick that

up, young man.

You can't just litter

the place with sticky--


Father, why do

they call her Winnie?

Well, I--

I don't know, really.

It's a funny

name for a bear.

Yes, I suppose it is.

I wonder how she got it.

Got what?

Her name, silly.

Yes, I wonder.

I'll bet it's quite a story.

Hey, bear.

Hey, bear.

Bear, you get down from there.

Come on, get!

You won't get no

sympathy from me.

A bear's a bear.

Stop that, right now!

All right,

no more bets.

No more bets.

You need.

Give me one, Captain.

Oh, just one?

Just one, huh?

All right, there's mine too.

All right, are weplaying cards here or what?

Are you playing cards?

- I'm in, Harry.

Who needs cards?- Let's go.

Let's go.


play some poker, here.

- How about you?- You know, playing cards--


--Is a good way

to pass the time.

You're being

annoying again, Taylor.

Sorry, Harry.

Uh, Sir.

I guess we're in

the army now, eh?

That's right, Corporal.

We are in the army now.

$5 says it falls

in eight seconds. $5.

- I got it!

- Who's in?

Captain's got it.

Corporal collects,

that means you.

All right, let's play in there.

Dougal, are you in there?

Put $5 in here.

Wait, wait,

wait, wait, wait.

- OK, OK.

- OK?

All right.

And one, two,

three, four, five--

- Come on!

- Six--





I can't believe it!

How did you call that?

Well, you know.

What am I going to say?

CONDUCTOR: White River, 20 minute stop.

White River's next.

Look out!

Go, get out of the way!

Get back!

Get back!

Get back!

Get back!

- Easy!

- Get back!


All right, steady

up with you now.

Shoot him!

We got him.

We got him.

Get that horse.







Atta boy.

Atta boy.


Atta boy.

Atta boy.

Atta boy.



Atta boy.



Atta boy.


Just spooked a little.

Walk him.

He'll be fine.

Hey there, baby cub.


You're a bit worried, are we?

Not surprising, I suppose.

Help you, soldier?

Cub fur good for anything?

It's not.

So why is she

tied up like this?

Hunter didn't have the gutsto do what has to be done.

I see.

What exactly is it

that had to be done?

Shoot it.

As if I didn't

have enough to do.

I'll tell you what.

I'll shoot her for

you, if you like.

I'm with the Veterinary

Corps, Winnipeg Section.

Cost you $35.

Wait, now hold on.

You know, I thought I wasjust doing you a favor.

What do you want him for?

I didn't say I

wanted anything.

I said I'd shoot her

for you, if you like.


$25, and you can wangaway till cows give beer.


train now departing.

All aboard!

Valcartier, train

leaving for Valcartier.

All aboard!

Excuse me, folks, I havea little situation here.

I was wondering if you can--


No, she's not dangerous.

She's just a little bit--

A regimental mascot, I'll bet.



I've just been a tad impetuous.

Go give the Kaiser a goodkick in his royal Bosch behind.

Oh, George!

You shouldn't say that.


All right, all right.

I understand.

I'm not really a

bear sort of person,

and I have a train

to catch, which means

I'm going to have to find you--

That your bear?

You like bears?


You know that they makewonderful pets, far better

than dogs.

Did you know that?

My dog died.

Oh, I'm sorry.

All aboard!

You must be sad.

Hey, what's your name?

Timmy McMurray.

Timmy McMurray.

Well, I tell you

what, Timmy McMurray.

How would you like to have abear for your very own pet?



Get away from that man.

Can we have

the bear, Mommy?

Bears make good pets.

He said.

Don't be silly, dear.

Little children don't

have bears for pets.

Even big, brave

soldiers know that.

What am I going

to do with you?


You're going to get me

in trouble, aren't you?

Aren't you?

You're gonna get me in trouble.

Who's your friend, Harry?

She got a name?

What were

you thinking, Harry?

Captain's not

going to like this.

I can't believe

you got a bear, Harry.

What's your

name, little fella?

Aww, she's a sweetie.

Have you

trained him yet?

Is it a she?

Is it a she-bear?

Is this a she-bear?

You bought her?

I bought her.

For how much?


Holy smokes, Harry.

That-- That's a pair.

You got a pair, there.

- Yes, I do.

Yes, I do.

- Yes, you do.

A wild bear.

Thank you, Taylor.

Wild bear on a train.

Harry, what are

you doing with that?

To tell you

the truth, Captain,

it's not really an ambitionof mine to own a bear,

but the circumstances were--

It's wild, sir.

A wild bear.

I can see that.

Her mother was shot,

and she was next.

You know the rules.

Yes, I do.

He knows the rules.


Sorry, Harry, Captain.

I'm, uh, just, uh--

You can't keep a pet.


Is that what you think?

Well, whatever it

is, you can't keep it.

That's the rule, is it?

Afraid so.

And rules are rules.

There you have it.

Well, there's no rule

against having a mascot.


No rule against mascot.

Unit mascot, what

do you say, boys?

This is an opportunity!

Mascot with no name?

Of course she's got a name.


Come on, Harry.

Come on!


- That's right!


Is that a good

name for a bear?

Winnie for short.

Winnie it is!


Yeah, I like that.


Winnipeg, all right.SOLDIER: Hey, Winnie!


Come here, Winnie!

We've got a mascot.

No bears on my train.

Oh, uh--

Well, hold on now, sir.

This is no ordinary bear, sir.

No exceptions.

He's the, uh--

Uh, she's.

She's the unit mascot.

I don't give a hoot if she'sthe King's great-grandmother.

I won't have a beardefecating all over my train.

She's not defecating.

Will be.

You can count on it.

You can count on that.

Sir, we're allwith the Veterinary Corps.

We've all been trained

to deal with animals

of all shapes and sizes.

Look, sunshine.

Wild critters don't give twohoots where they defecate,

and this here one

won't be defecating

where it's against the rules.

And that would be in

first-class coach.

You want to keep a bear?

You keep it in freight.



Good morning, sir.

And what the devil do theythink they're doing with those?


- Sir!

Pack my charger.

Absolute mess.

What do you think it is?

It's nothing but a mess.

And there's no drainage here.

Move the tents up the slope.

Yes, sir.

And for heaven's

sake, keep them in rows.

You can't have

tents helter-skelter

all over the place.

Order and discipline, lads.

That's what wins wars.

Yes, sir.

- Carry on.

- Sir!


What do you make of that ragtagbunch at the end of the ranks?

Veterinary Corps, sir, Winnipeg Section.

Blasted cowboys.

Fetch, uh, what's his name?

That new man.

Come on, what's his name?

What's his name?

Colonel Barret, sir.

Barret, thank you.

Have him deal with it.

Yes, sir.

Canadian Army VeterinaryCorps, Winnipeg Section

reporting for duty, sir.

Prepare for inspection.

I'm Barret, Chief VeterinaryOfficer and Director

of Veterinary Services.

I don't care who your fatheris, what school you went to,

or any of that

high-brow baloney.

As of this moment you

represent your country

as part of the 1st

Division of the Canadian

Expeditionary Force.

From all the

information I can gather

and what I can see

with my own two eyes,

your military training

has been slight to nil.

That's Winnie, sir.

Short for Winnipeg.

Our unit mascot, sir!

Get rid of it.

Eyes front!

I don't believe in

mascots, and you men

must close your picnic

hampers and begin

to harden your hearts.

What you are about

to face is more

vicious and terrifying

than anything

you can possibly imagine.

Carry on.

You can't just leave

her in the woods.

There's wolves and

foxes and coyotes and--

Thank you, Corporal.

She wants you to, um--

Yes, I'm aware of that.

Yeah, it can't be this row.

It's got to be the next row.

Well, maybe another

regiment will take her.

I mean there's no regulation--

The order was

to get rid of her.

Well, you never

used to follow orders.

Yes, we're having

a lovely little war,

now though, aren't we?


I think we found your billet.

Get up there!

Why are you being such a--


Oh, I'm sorry.

Can we give you a hand?


No, thank you.

I'm Harry Colebourn.

This is Captain Elliot.

Oh, oh yes, hello.

Uh, Ian Macray, formerKings College scholar now

colonial fodder for a

pompous imperial empire.

Let me.

We're tentmates, I think.



As a man thinks, so he becomes.


Harry, I have some news, andyou're not going to like it.

I-- I was tying her up righthere, and then I looked away.

And then I looked back, andshe-- she- she was gone.


All right, split up.

Let's go!

Wh-- wh-- who-- who's gone?

It's Winnie.

Who's Winnie?

It's our bear.


Have you seen a black

bear cub through here?

Is his mother around?

Here we go.



What's going on?


Get back here!

Get out of my

kitchen, get out!

Get out!

Hold on!


Enough, bear.

Back to the woods with you.

Come here.


Fine thing, mascot.

Had one myself once

in South Africa.

Sir Hugo.

Supercilious old billy goat.

Took his last time with

us at Paardeberg Drift.

Stray flare caught the

munitions, and dear

old fellow burnt to a crisp inthe of.

Yes, well, in any event hewas awfully good for morale.

They're noble creatures, bears.

You make sure you

look after him, Major.

It's Lieutenant, sir.

And move this tent!

It's a pig sty!

Do you know why we don'thave women in the army?

Actually, sir,

I've often wondered.


the shooting starts,

the men rush to protect.

To fight and live requiresa soldier's full attention.

Eye on the ball, not the bear.

Yes, sir, but

the general seems

quite adamant about

having a mascot as--

Yes, I understand

the situation.

You have a week or so.

Do what you need to doto take care of your bear

before we leave for England.

Yes, sir.

So they have teeth, ofcourse, and the intestinal tract

of a carnivore.


Come here.


Uh, but they, um, they'reopportunistic eaters and--

which makes them

omnivorous and explains

their fondness for ants.

She'd have to

eat a great number.

Yes, that would be

a factor, wouldn't it.

It says here their

olfactory sense--

that means you-- is

more acute than a dog's

by the power of seven.

Isn't that amazing?

Yeah, that's why

their noses are bigger.




Winnie, come down from there.


Her-- her preferred foods are, um, nuts, acorns, insects, uh--

Winnie bear.

- --Succulent greens, and honey.- Winnie!

And, um, and, uh, berries.



But, uh, but I think--

I think it's a little late inthe season for-- for berries.

Oh dear!

- Winnie bear!

Winnie bear!


You know a lot

about bears, do you?

Well, not much I don't

know about, really.

I thought so.


I think what's important isthat she needs to learn how

to defend herself and

forage for herself

and, uh, and to sleep-- oh!

And to sleep alone.



Wonderful, isn't it?

Macray, no offense intended, but what in the name of glory

are you doing in uniform?

Know everything, done nothing.

That's me in a nutshell.



You hungry?

Don't wake him up.

Don't wake him up.

Go back.

Come here.



Taste good?

Comeon, everybody.

Pull those tents




Good Winnie.


Good Winnie.

Good bear.

Wha-- wha-- what's--what are you-- that's-- no,

the-- the horse is--

This horse is old and sick.

What-- no, they

don't have to do that.

No, no.

She's contagious.

But no, it's not.

I've ruled it out.

It's not epizootic

lymphangitis, and it's

not glanders or farcy either.

- Really?

- Yes, really.

There's a swelling.

It's a-- a-- a-- ch--

perhaps a boil or

maybe a splinter.

A splinter?


Sergeant Major.

Professor Macray here seems tothink old Zeb's fit and able.

This animal?

I can see he is sick.

Just give me a minute.


Easy, Zeb.


Hey, good boy.




It's all right.


Come here.

Atta boy.

Atta boy.

Up, up, up.





Atta boy.

Atta boy.



Good boy.

Good boy.


Atta boy.

Atta boy.

Easy, easy.

Good boy.


Good boy.






Good boy.

Good boy.

Come here.

Come here.

Want some apple, huh?

Comeon, pull those tents down.

And move this tent!

Ready and pull!

I said pull, you lummox.

Just slow and steady

effort, the way

you would remove

a burr from a cat.

Ready and pull!

General, may I have a word?

General Hallholland, theconstant relocation of tents

robs the men of valuable

time for training--

I understand you graduatedtop of your class at RMC.

Sir, the men need

practical training.

They have no idea what's

facing them in France

So you must be related tothe Montreal Barrets, huh?

Old Charlie Barret

and I, we played

rugby together at McGill.

My father was a miner,

barely spoke English,

and as far as I know he

never played any type

of game his entire life.


We depart by convoy in 48 hours.

That will be all.



Come on, let's go.


Wake up!

Go, go!


at the stables!


They all went down that way.



But there must have beensomething that bothered them,

and, uh, it was dark.

It was night.

I just-- I wish I

could have seen.

What did you see?


Well, I-- I didn't see.

What I mean is that it-- itwas dark, and it was quiet.

And then all of a

sudden, uh, you know,

they were kicking or-- or--


Find it.

Yes, sir.

Still some are missing.

Look down by the river.


What you have done?

This is not good.

Unless you have any

pertinent remarks.

Sir, there's no evidencethat says that Winnie

caused that stampede.

She's wild.

That's all the

evidence necessary.


Respectfully, I decline onthe grounds of an oath which

each and every one of

us swore to uphold,

to use our skills for

the benefit of society

through the protection

of animal health

and the relief of

animal suffering, sir.

All right, Lieutenant.


Winnie didn't do it.

What happened was I saw that oldmongrel dog run past on the way

out of the stables, and--

Did you see it

enter the stables?

Well, I-- that-- that--that's just the-- that's just

the thing, sir.

I-- I was, uh--

I must have--

Sir, I fell asleep

at my post, sir.

That's a court martial

offense, Corporal.

Lieutenant, we

strike camp at 0800.

We'll take care of it, sir.

I'm awful sorry, Harry.

I-- you know, I wouldn't

do anything to hurt--

I know.

I know.

I'm sorry.


I'm going to set herdown over here in this clearing.

Oh, easy, girl!

Easy, girl.

That's it.

What d-- What does she want?

What does she want from me?

Look, there's some

raisins in my bag

down there, in the satchel.

Girl, good girl.

No, she wants out.

I don't have the raisins, Harry.

We left the raisins.

You're doing great.

She's attacking.

I'm-- Hello.


Good Winnie.

I'm not sure if she

likes me or not.

I thought you

knew about bears!



These berries?

Uh, bunchberries,

cornus canadensis.

They are very tasty

for bears, but sadly

dried up and out of season now.


Yes, perfect.


Come on!

Come on, Winnie.

- Show her those.

- Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Look, see?



Look, berries.


Good girl.

Good girl.






OK, go.


I can't help feeling

we're abandoning her.

Well, perhaps we

should think of it

as returning her to her rightfulplace in the great chain of--


Yes, well, she is

unusually clever,

an extraordinary bear, really, asurvivor if there ever was one.

Don't you think?

Do you have any ideas?

You're the smart one.

Well, not like her.

OK, I'm going to put

her down right here.

Let's go!



Can she get out of it?

I think, judging by

her past performance.

You're right.

You're right.

Won't take you long,

will it, Winnie?


This is where you belong, girl.

You'll be fine here, OK?


Good-bye, Winnie.

Forgive my impertinence, Harry, but you're not

Canadian-born, are you?

Or rather, I-- I mean I canjust detect a slight hint of--

My father died

when I was young.

Mother remarried.

I was sent out here at 14.

My uncle's with

the grain exchange.

That's interesting.

Is it?

No, no, no, no, no, no.

No, it's nothing really.

I just--


If a simple veterinarian

from Winnipeg, Manitoba,

is interesting at all,

I want to know about it.

Well, it's simply that, um, what I find interesting

is that--

well, your sensitivity towardsWinnie being abandoned when--

when you've experienced

something similar

yourself, in a manner of

speaking, more or less.

My good old dad came out herewith a piddling remittance.

You know, the black sheep ofthe family, the feckless son who

just couldn't measure up, and sent to the new world

to seek his fortune.

And unfortunately

his family was right.

And my mother, well, she taughtschool, and she still does.

All of which I suppose

explains why I--

I can speak Latin, but Ican't swim or throw a ball.

When this rotten war is over,

no more soldiering for me.

When I get my civvy clotheson, oh, how happy I shall be.

No more church

parades on Sunday.

No more putting in for leave.

I shall miss that SergeantMajor, how I'll miss him,

how he'll grieve.

When this rotten war is over, no more soldiering for me.

When I get my civvy clotheson, oh, how happy I shall be.

I shall sound my own reveille.

I shall make my own tattoo.

Now this, I must have.

I can't do without.

You know, it's al-- it's alwaysDickens or-- or Longfellow.

Do you find?

I find that it--



Where did you come from?


That's-- that's Winnie!

She-- She's here, but I

thought that you-- well,

it is good that she's here?

No, it's not.

It's not so good, but it'scertainly extraordinary.

Whoa, what are

you going to do?

Because I mean, she's

not so wild anymore.

She obviously likes people.

We can't?


Wh-- wh-- yeah, but we can'ttake her with us, either.

We-- I mean, what

are you going to do?

Smuggle her in your--

in your haversack?

This is not good.

I hope this works.


Leonard, right?

Well, Leonard--

Let's-- let's go.

Over there.

We got this, Jake.

A big strapping

fellow such as yourself.








In a few weeks you will standagainst the Prussian army,

the greatest, strongest, mostprofessional, well-trained

military machine in the world.

I suggest over the next weekyou take a few moments to plan

how you intend to stay alive.









have one of these.

Oh, lovely.

Our-- our dressing stationsare well behind our lines,

so we're not going to

see any real action.

Technically we're still in rangeof their guns so there's always

the off-chance--

One-ton shell might

blow us into next year.


But what are the odds?

What-- What do you think, Harry?

Wh-- What are the odds?

I think I've made

a terrible blunder.

We can't take Winnie to war.

To the front line?

- No.

She'll end up

like old Sir Hugo.

Or worse.

You're right.


What I'm trying to figure is, if Zeb's back to his old self,

then there must be a reason whyyou want to keep him inside.

Well, I don't think anotherday or two of reprieve

would hurt.

Would it, Taylor?


No, no, no.


I-- I think I know.

It-- it's because

of her, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

It's-- it's because you don'twant Winnie getting lonely,

because boy oh boy,

if she gets lonely,

then the first thing she'sgoing to do is run to camp.

And then the Colonel

and everybody--

Thank you, Taylor.

Sorry, Harry.

Just uh, just had towork that out a bit, huh?

Just, just work it out.

The front is no place

for you either, is it?


Old man.

Now you be a brave bear

and look after Taylor.

We'll be back as soon

as we can, all right?

You know what to do

if the brass turns up.

Sure do.


We should get

there in plenty of time.

Wait, wait,

wait a minute.

We never discussed we.

It was always you.

The situation's changed.

It needs to be we.


In any event it will

be a walk in the park.

Harry, I'm afraid

I'm not terribly brave.

Haha, you'll get over that.

No, one does not

get over a firing squad.



Excuse me, sir.


Canadian Army, VeterinaryCorps, Winnipeg Section

ready for inspection, sir!

At ease, Corporal.

Where is she?

I have no idea

what you mean, sir.

No idea whatsoever?

Well, yes, sir.

Well, no, sir.

I-- no idea whatsoever, sir.

Very well.

I know she was on the boat.

I have evidence, and

I know she's here.

And when I get to the bottom ofall of this, the bunch of you

will be finding yourselvesfacing disgrace, dishonor,

and a punishment so cruelonly English schoolboys

could have thought of it.

Do you understand?

Yes, sir.

Understand, sir.

No idea whatsoever, sir.


This is uh, this

is from Whitehall.

And uh, ha!

I don't know what--

I mean, what the

hell do they know.

I know they need the because apparently it's

machine guns that are

going to win this war.


"Each one replaces 80 rifles."

Codswallop, isn't it?

I mean, what--

and what if it jams?


What then?

Well, no, sir.

Thank you very much.

I'll take the 80 rifles

and a crack cavalry.

It's horses that are

key to this fight.

And they always have been, and they always will be.

What do you think, Colonel?

General, may I speak candidly?



General, I recommend youlift your ban on alcohol

for our boys and

loosen the restrictions

you've imposed with regardto leaving the base.


I don't impose orders, boy.

I give 'em.

And I expect them to be

followed by everyone.

Sir, the men need to letoff steam every now and then.

Yeah, and it's,

um, it's clean living

that keeps my lads sharp, and that means no liquor.

And if they have to go

looking for it off-base,

well, they'll be shot.

Will that be all, Colonel?

Men prepared to sacrificetheir lives for their country

should not be

treated as children.

Don't you tell me

how to run my army.

General, the Canadian

Expeditionary Force

is not your private

army, and I will not

stand by while the

lives of 30,000 men

are compromised by

some vainglorious whim.

Who the hell do

you think you are?

Don't you dare talk

to me like that!

Do you know who I am?

Do you realize the

prime minister--

your father was a

nothing, a nobody,

and that's exactly

where you'll end up if I

have any say in the matter.

Sir, the sun is aboutto set on your day to have

a say in anything that matters.

And as to your other point, my father didn't need to wear

a uniform to be a man of honor.

Get off!

Morning, Colonel.

I knew it.

Come over here.

Come here, you.

OK, don't-- don't--don't do this to me, bear.

I don't-- we-- no, this

doesn't work with--



Oh, my goodness, you stink.

I know exactly

where you've been.

Come on, let's go.

Corporal, we need

to have a chat.

Did you sleep well?



No problems last night?

No, sir--


Are you all right?

Yeah, everything's fine.

Just another day in--

Gasoline, oil, and oxygen.It's highly combustible.

That's what makes

the engine go.

Yes, I know, but, uh, what I'mwondering is whether, uh, well,

between here and where we'regoing, we-- we wouldn't be

in harm's way at all, would we?

Harry, are you positive

this is the only way?

It's the only fence

that's not patrolled.

Get down!



That would be the reason why.

Cease fire!

You, there!

That's no way to

treat your weapon.


This here Ross rifle's a

terrible piece of junk.

Heats up.

Jams up all the time.

Breech explodes.

Can't shoot straight,

even if I'm trying to-

It's a poor workman

who blames his tools!

Yes, sir!

All right, listen

up, everybody.

Get down!

Now let me tell you the Rossrepeater is the most perfect

military rifle in the world.

I helped modify it.

This weapon is the mostaccurate weapon ever fired.

Every single one of you

should be able to pink

his enemy every time.

Come on.

Come on, let's go.

Let's go.

Harry, I must say I

feel rather exposed.

Here, take Winnie.

Not to worry, with

this little beaut

we will be there

and back in no time.

There's not a lot of roomthere for me and the bear,

is it?

What's that?

24-hour pass for both of us--


--Signed by--


Do-- do you have any

idea what just occurred?

I think I do.

All right, Winnie.

It's time for you

to do your business.

Still have a fair ways to go.

We don't want you to be doingyour business in the sidecar

as there's not much room for abear's business in the sidecar.

Harry, I've been, uh--




Well, should anything

unfortunate occur,

I would like my mother to, um--

you see, she wasn't for this.

It would be my honor.

Thank you.

But it won't come to that.

Oh, no?

Well, you haven't swallowedthat home by Christmas nonsense,

have you?




That's funny.


I wouldn't have taken youfor a man of the church.

Faith in you.

Henry, come

look and at this!

He's a beast, isn't he?

Ah, look at him.

She is, uh, clean, isn't she?

It doesn't do to,

uh, muck up a zoo

with some mangy,

flea-ridden creature.

They spread disease, you know.

Bears have their own

diseases, of course,

but they affect other animals.

Had a cross-infection betweena giraffe and a beaver once.

Very nasty.

Well, here we are.

One of our larger, more

spacious enclosures.

As secure and reliable

as the Pope has penury.

Oh, now listen.

I shouldn't worry.

She'll soon accustom herself.

They all do.

Winnie's used to a fairbit of human companionship, Mr.


She-- She's

been tamed, you see.

Yeah, completely tamed.

Yes, well, no animal is evercompletely tame, are they?

Winnie's different.

Look, I can't take risks, notas far as the general public

is concerned.

We know her.


Uh, well, so-- so to speak.

She needs human contact.

Yes, well, she'll have

me and the underkeepers.

We're perfectly convivial.

I don't think youunderstand, Mr. Protheroe.

Believe me, Lieutenant.

I have worked with bears

for the past 20 years.

Yes, they can be beguiling.

They have a-- a knack of

amusing us and putting

us at our ease, so to speak.

But believe me when

I tell you this,

you can never lower

your guard, not

for an instant, not with bears.

I don't think Winnie

knows she's a bear.

Yes, well, listen,

I've got to lock up,

so you, uh, say

your final goodbyes.

All right?

Hey, we have to goaway for a while, Winnie.


No place for bears, so

you have to stay here.

You understand?

Mr. Protheroe's going

to look after you now.



Winnie, play fair.

Play fair.

You're an impossible

bear, you know that?

This is what we're going to do.

I'm going to come back,

and we'll get in a ship.

And we'll go back to Canada.

We'll go home together, promise.

You take care.

You'll be fine here.

All right?


I've got a bad feeling.

Time to eat, Winnie.

Lovely bits of fresh fruit.

I cut it meself.

Come on, girl.

Any luck?

Same as every day, sir.

Won't touch nothing.

That was peculiar.

What, sir?

Oh, the way she

just looked at me.

I could have sworn--

Just curious, probably.

No, it was more than that.

It was her eyes.

It wasn't like an animal at all.

It was as if she could

see what I was thinking.

Whatever she is, sir,

she's gonna starve.

Yeah, well, I'm afraid itmay be past that point already.

Well, she's really not lookingvery well at all, is she?


I don't like the look of her.

You know, I think she's

missing the soldiers.

Is it not very well?

What's wrong with the bear?

Have you seen a child come by?

A little girl.

She's wearing a

blue dress, and--

it's a green dress

with, um, brocade.

She had a little gold locket.

Her name is Muriel.

- Muriel?

Muriel McGuiness.



Do you like biccies?

Here you are.





- Muriel!

- Your gun, sir.

Muriel, sweetheart!

Darling, come to me!

The bear's escaped!

Miss McGuiness!




A little bear.

Prime minister impatientwith his eccentric ways.

Well, that's a surprise.

Come on, let's move it!

All right, all right.


the Eastern flank.

Battalion's falling back.

Where are they coming from?

Through Wood.


My men are there!

Pass me that one.


Here you go, Zeb.


Do you like that?


We're going to

get you home, Zeb.


All right, come on.

You're a handsome

old man, huh.



Macray, it's Harry.

They're all gone.


Goodbye, old man.

Macray, we've got

to get out of here.

I-- I was wrong, Harry.

I was dead wrong.

About what?

A man doesn't

become what he thinks.

He becomes what he does.

He becomes what he does.

He becomes what he does.




I know the way.

This way now.

So why don't youstep inside, and then I--

I'll have another look at it.

Won't go outside.

Won't leave the room.

Most days he won't

even get off bed.

Just lies there.

Doesn't let any of it out.

What those poor boys

had to go through.

How can I help him?

Does he speak?

Little, not much.


His friend, mostly,

the one who was killed.


And sometimes at night,

he whispers a name.

His mother or

girlfriend, I suppose.

Do you know her, sir?

Who's that?


What's that?


What the-- What's

that doing here?

Gah, keep it away!


You might as well--

What is it?

What on earth!

Visitor for you,

Captain Colebourn.


It's you.

Look at you.

You got so big.

You got so big.

Hey, Winnie.

Hey, Winnie.

Good girl.

Yeah, good girl.

Good girl.


It's a remarkable bear!

Wave for Harry?

Missed you so much.

I missed you.

Good bear.


There's a good bear.

It's all over.

It's hard to imagine.

- You can go home.

- Home.

Winnie too, but this

time, not in my trunk.

Thank you, sir.

You did a

hell of a job, Harry.

You all did.

Fine brave hearts,

every one of you.

Thank you, General.

Transfer's all

in order, Captain.

Inoculation jabs,

delousing, and so forth.

Oh, the blue one you have toshow to immigration in Canada.

Shouldn't be a problem,

though, should it?

Of course, she's a

Canadian citizen.

Thank you very

much, Mr. Protheroe.

I'm very grateful for

everything you've done.


That's a.


She's the most infamous

animal in our keep, sir.

A fair bit of human


I think that's how you put it.

Do you remember?


I mean, look at them.

They can't keep away from her.

Horrible little hatchlings.

Overrun the entire

area, they do.

They come in droves.

And on Sundays, well, it

taxes a Christian heart.

Need a herd dog

to get them away.

I love my zoo, understand.

It's just those pesky little--

yes, well--

--it's not

an issue anymore, is it?

Mr. Protheroe, what

would you say if--

what I'm thinking

is Winnie seems

to have find herself a home.


Here, at the zoo.

You can see how she adores them.


What do you mean--

Oh no, no, no.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no.

You can't go back on your word.

Besides, I've already

given you the--

the paper--

No bear could be better lovednor have a greater purpose.

The bear is not the problem.

It's them.

They-- They drop

their sticky wrappers.

They-- They kick up a ruckus.

They-- They scare the monkeys.

Animals are one thing kept, butthose sticky, thankless vermin.

I'd better say goodbye.


I guess this is

it, old girl, huh?



You know I'll come back

and see you, don't you?


No, I promise.

Why am I telling

you anything, huh?

You're just a bear.

Extraordinary bear.

You know that, don't you?


Of course you do.

You know I love you.


You'll be fine.

Where do you think shelived before she lived here?

Where do you think, my boy?

Well, I imagine in the woods.

You're probably right.

What did she eat?

Why don't you ask Edward?

He's not Edward.

He's not?

Not anymore.


He's Winnie.



There once was a

bear name Winnie.

Who lived in the wood.

And who loved to eat honey.
