9th Company (2005) - full transcript

The film is based on a true story of the 9th company during the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan in the 1980's. Young Soviet Army recruits are sent from a boot camp into the middle of the war in Afghanistan. The action is not like a boot camp at all. It is very bloody and dirty. The 9th company is defending the hill 3234. They are hopelessly calling for help.


CTC TV Station

From translator : I tried to stick to verbatim translation.
The characters in this film are using inferior language which often is not correct grammatically.

1988 Afghanistan war
has continued for 9 years.

Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, 1988, Day 1

Don't cry, please.

Two years.
It's only two years.

Vorobyov ! Yes

Chugainov ! Yes.

Ok, go now

Is Ryabokon here? Here he goes.
He's over there.

The enemies won't pass!


It's time to say goodbye.

This is for you.

Brothers, the border is locked
And the key's in the pocket.

Come on ! Go! Quick

Put your stuff on the table ! Quick !

Bags here !
Beer, vodka and other booze on the table !

Is she your girlfriend?
Have you fucked her at least for one last time?

Hasn't she given you?

Alright. Don't worry.
Everything will be all right.

There are many nice boys out there.
They'll take care of her

What's this?
- Paint.

Warrior, what are you going to
Draw there?Wheel of a tank?

Have you brought the easel, painter?



You thought she's gonna wait for you?
She's gonna fuck in two holes while

What do you want from me
What have l done to you?

Oh, you can talk ! So maybe
you wanna punch me in the face? Come on.

Come on. Bitch.

Relax, son. I'm gonna make you
a real soldier.

Do you know the first rule
in the army?

endure toughness and difficulties
of the army life.

Say, why you wear a suit?
You think it's a party here?

I have no other clothes.

Let's switch.
I'll give you mine, plus cigarettes.

You don't need it anymore, right? And l need
go out to the city, disco and girls

Can you understand?

Yes, nice service you got.

You bet.
It's like a beautiful dream

So, deal?

Of course.
- That's my boy.

Take the sheet away,

Beautiful dream, you say

Hold it motherfuckers!

Hold it, l said !

Relax, son.

What you said there about enduring
toughness and difficulties, huh?

Let go of me,
Let go.

Can you remember?

Can you remember?

Finish your hairdo yorself

Guys, is this the 6th unit?

And where you think you going?!
Fucking Rambo, piss off

Chill out, Chugun.

What's the name?

Volodya Vorobyov

Lutayev Oleg, for short: Lutyi (Fierce)

This is Ruslan, Gioconda

Stas ,Seryi

It's good to see you.


Ryaba( Pocky), Chugun (Pig-iron), that's it.

Move, mate

Sit, Vorobey (Sparrow)

Continue, Ryaba

In short, I wake up in the morning

My head's exploding

Open my eyes with fingers
Look around...

How the hell did I get here?

There's a girl sitting next to me.




And her father .
Stands above me

He says, dude , you real fucked up.
The girl is under18.

Or police.

And the slut covered her tits with the
blanket. And looks innocently

Like nothing happened.

And ugly....
Like a bulldog.

But l said no, papa

I would rather lie
under tank wheels.

than with her.
Grabbed my feet and start running.

Hoping I get here first
before him getting

And l got
married yesterday.

The wedding and the send off at once.

What? Congratulations.

Pretty boy.

Alright,she said,now l am
yours. Come on,

She thinks l am a fool.
l open the door and be out for 2 years,

She yelled all night long.
How come l didn't touch her.

But l said, when l get back.
I will check it

And if it ain't there - l'll kill you bitch

Left it as is.

That's him. That one.

Wearing a suit.

What's wrong with you, sucker?
Who are you pointing at?

Quiet, quiet.
Go have a rest.

I'll crop your dumb head myself now.These are
Afghan - Units, dickhead.

Come on , bitch.

Ahh... Oh...

Fergana, Uzbekistan, Day 3

Where are you from?

I am from Grozny.



From Grozny.
So you'll be called Pinochet now

- What?
- Pinochet.

Why Pinochet?

I don't know. Why not?

Is him coming for us?

Whatta face.

Where are you from, clowns?

We are from Siberia,
Mr. Commander.

I am lieutenant Dygalo


Are you hard of hearing?
Come on, get up.

Get up quickly.

Stand in a line quickly.

Put your hats on


I don't think there's any blinds here.
That's our mountain there.

Beyond it
is Afghan.

And for you not to die.
The first day you get there

I will train you for 3 months
twenty four hours a day.

From this minute on.
Any questions?

No questions.

Turn right.

Follow me to our camp.


When l order to run.
You should bend your arms.



Private Ryabokon

Private Chugainov

Soldier's straps is not
for holding the balls, warrior.

Private Bekbulatov.

Private Stasenko

Private Petrovsky

It's you, our painter.

It's me, Comrade lieutenant.

What are you doing here, son?

Should stay home.

To draw them naked women or
flowers in jardinieres.

You see, comrade lieutenant.
Accordingly to dr. Freud

Any painting is a sublimation of
subconscious instincts.

Including the instinct of violence.
But you can disagree with this.

Because Soviet science does
not recognize the bourgeois doctrine

Very clever.

Sorry, l'll fix it,
With your help, comrade lieutenant.

Rule No.1

Paratroopers should be always
ready for a sudden attack.

Very good. Name.

Private Lutayev

Rule No.2.

Brighter than a lieutenant
ls only the first lieutenant

Forget who you were and what you knew.

Remember, clowns.

You ain't good and ain't bad here.

No bright nor stupid,
Not even a painter. You are nothing.

You are not even humans.
Here you are shit.

I'm the one who
will make humans of you.


Yes, sir!

I did not hear it.

Yes, sir.


Yes sir!

Fill it up!

Comrade lieutenant , how come the first unit
runs with light equipment.

Take your girl to the bushes.
with light equipment.

Here,The more ammo you bring,
the more chances to survive.

The mission is,
Beat off the armed enemy.

Take the height, confirm
your position and report me

Comrade lieutenant . The second
unit is ready.

The preparation of
the mission is done.

Stand up.

Run, forward.

Forward, forward.


The mission failed

You are all corps.
You, you and you.

Cargo 200
in the black tulip.

Piece of shit
in a zinc coffin.

The convoy that will go here

encounter the enemy's ambush

You know what's the
meaning of one machine-gun?

Up there, on the height.


Do you know?

Get up, dead men.
Put on your helmets. Run down.

I said, run, run.

I wish to get to
Afghanistan already.


Whatcha want?

Take my dick to piss
so tired, can't get up

Him?! Nah...
He'll overstrain himself.

Look, Snow White comes.

Come over here.

Snow White.

Snow White, come over here, sit with us.

Snow White, come here.
Come over here. Don't be afraid.

Dammit, now it'll stand till next morning.

Who's this?

Were you born yesterday?
This is Snow White, the

Half of Afghanistan have fucked her

They say she's hot
Not you her,

There's such a disease
How you call it?

Get outa here, scholar.

Can you try to arrange it with her?

Why to try?

She's non-refusable, just
like Kalashnikov gun.

How we gonna get her through two sentinels?

No, Guys. I think it's a bullshit.

The previous call up
leaving in couple of days.

And we will stay here
for three months.

If you get caught - it's your end.

Listen, Lutyi. Would you
sleep with her after


Me neither. It's better
to die than

and l ate. I ate.

Have you ever been
starving so bad ,

So shut the fuck up your hole!

Our dinner was three spoons
of carpenters glue.

After eating that, we were
wandering around the city

Looking how you and your bitch
sit there in a restaurant.

Hoping to get your leftovers after!
Dig it?

And the bitches l had were all like her
l can't have something else, fuckface

Guys, stop it.

Shut up whelp ! First smell a woman.
Then talk.

Quiet, quiet.

How to quiet? You don't touch

and l won't touch yours

Pick from the lgarbage cans...

Maybe she's better
than all of your rich sluts.

You bastard, one more word from you
and you'll eat shit. Got it?

Who is Soviet paratrooper?

Soviet paratrooper

Is the glory ,
power and pride of the military forces

Who is Soviet paratrooper?

Sovie paratrooper is the assurance
of all units and people.

Who the hell are you?

We are the shame of all
units and you personally.


Iisten, he is an idiot.

Nah. He's cool
l don't get only one thing.

Why the first unit is
always in the front?

Run with light equipment.
And have

While we eat shit here.

We have done nothing bad.

Should be by turns. One time
for them, one time for us.

Yes, it because
their lieutenant is sane.

And ours Dygalo is an idiot

Making his ranks on us, bitch

No, he was hurt badly.

In the head

He lost all of his men
in Afghanistan

He's the only one who survived.

He's been reassigned here

But he writes letters to the minister ,
wants to come back

But with his head injury
Who needs him there?

So he's going mad on us.

We are in the deep shit guys.

Company get up !

Put on your uniform

Stand in line

Why you move like pregnant
l don't get it!

What's taking so long?

You are not soldiers,
but pregnant cockroaches!

What's the matter girls,
is it heavy?

Is't because of your skirts?

What a hell is this line ?



Come on, help our dystrophycs!

Get up

Get up

How you think to fight like this?

Go back, clowns

Take Chugainov up




Lower, lower!

Keep your ass lower, dammit!

Stand up

Stand up

Lower, Lower

Raising your head like this
is a gift for sniper

And your mothers get obituaries then!

I said faster!



Turn back

You screwed soldier,
after dismissed come

Get up,

Hold up your weapon


Second squad, come back

Run back

Lutaev, Ryabokon, pick up the soldier

never live yor soldiers behind

Forward, l said forward

10 minutes, rest

Take it


Tell me Sparrow,
l need to care you like this

I got enough shit of my own

So, kill me, come on,
kill me

Sod off

I can't stand it anymore

Then fuck off,
step forward and tell everyone,

Yeah, l will tell !
What?! You despise me?!

I don't give a shit,
I don't care.

Olya's waiting there for you,
she can't wait anymore

Tomorrow l quit too, guys

Got a letter from my mom

It's been a while already,
she is sick

If l die,
then she has no one

Didn't want to quit first,
like some scum-sucker

Ok, guys,
is there anyone else?

I herad from the first call up

In Afghanistan you make one week out
Two at the base

And here Dygalo will finish you even before
you get to war.

He'll destroy you.

What do you say, Ryaba?

Sparrow, then we decided, yeah?

We quit together, ok?

Eyes to the center, attention !

Comrade colonel ,

The regiment is ready.

- Hello, comrades paratroopers
- Salut, comrade colonel

At ease

Everyone of you, voluntarily

Has made a decision to serve in Afghanistan

Now l must ask you one question

Is there anyone who has changed his mind?

I don't ask why

Your will be merely
reassigned to another division

Who doesn't want to go to Afghanistan?

Thanks for your service

For the Soviet Union



It ain't no girl, but iron gun

Kill him

Don't fear, kill, don't fear

You only have one strike
to save your ass

Crush the ribs, rip the guts

Take 'em down

Give it to me, like this, look

Like this

Right, kill him

Come, soldier, kill him




Come here

Yes, Sir


Come, take off your weapon,
put down your bag

Come on


Take the stuff away

Beat him,
punch him in the face

You are going to war,
come on, son

That's how you're gonna pet your girlfriend

Punch his mug!

Full contact , quick ! Both of you

Hit first

Yeah, that's it

Come on Sparrow

Don't back off, don't fear

One more try

Get up

Come on Sparrow, hold on

Get up

Come on, come on

Come on, more

Get up, warrior, punch him!

Finish him, Stas

Get up, when he falls down,
you must finish him

Only dead man won't
shoot you in the back

Sorry, Sparrow, forgive me

Sparrow, good done

Let's continue

Looks like a plasticine

Everybody touch it

Touch it, feel it

You see, it's soft

It can take any form

looks like a harmless toy,
that everyone of you had

Every one of you molded,
squirrels, rabbits

But in a fact ,in your hands

you hold a powerful weapon

Plastic explosive


It has its chemical formula

But we do not need to know this

Plastid is irreplaceable

It's a necessary item
in equipement of every paratrooper

The question, why

First, in this condition

It's absolutely safe, easy to store
and always available

As they say, in the hand

But in war

It is very efficient

and has enormous destructive power

But you've got to be skilled,
for using it


There are two simple rules

First ,the more you squeeze it,
the more it blows

Number two,
don't stick it everywhere!

But by itself this thing won't work

For it to blow we need what?



We need to insert detonator

Your name soldier?

Private Petrovsky

You screwed, soldier
l've got to report to your commander

Come in

Comrade lieutenant, private Petrovsky

Come in

Well molded, quite realistic

Can you paint?

I learned painting

A portrait, kinds of big

I could

I'm here...,
The girl's writing...

We met before the war

She wants my photo

What am l gonna do?
Send it with this?

Can you , like...
Without it...

Yes, just need some time,
couple of days

I certainly won't go to
see her after war

Just let her write for the meanwhile



Goddam tractorists...

Eat this


Pissed his pants

You laugh? My bed
is under Sparrow's bed

So what , birdy, do l need
to sleep with umbrella now?

I don't get it, soldier

Did you see something?

Nothing, Sir

And you?

I misunderstood, sir

Then tell me what's it all about !

I also wanna share you joy

You can swallow your snots
Can call your mama

Piss your pants, but your mission

Must be accomplished,
Die but do it , and he did

Turn back

Basic knowledge of your
communication with locals

You can get from this


The first thing, you should rember
when you cross the border

That you're in
a muslim state

Islam it's not merely
another religion

It's another world which
has its own laws

Another approach to live and death

Muslim doesn't afraid to die
fighting the infidel, in other words - us

If he gets killed he goes straight
to heaven

Where all he was missing in this life
awaiting him there


The fruits in the garden,
beautiful maids

How Muslims treat women
it's another topic

The most important holy
thing for muslim is his house, Harram

From which derived the word Harem

The second meaning of it - "forbidden", "prohibited"

Looking at the muslim women is Harram

Everything regarding
sexual intercourse is Harram

Harram to show a muslim indecent gestures

Those you all are so used to them

For this you can get a bullet
even from a common peasant

Another important thing,
Muslim will never profane

That means when you enter
their village, you are

To kill a guest
even an infidel - harram

So, you must remember
this one

As long as you're in the villige,
you are safe.

But after you crossed
the borderline of the villige

The same man,
who's been drinking tea with you 5 minutes ago

May shoot you in the back

Because it is a glory to kill
an infidel

It is a staircase to heaven.

I'm telling it for you, soldier


After all, Afghanistan is a
multinational country.

Over 20 nations live there.

Tajiks Turkmen,

Pushtuns live along the Pakistani border

In the north, live
Khazarss and Mongoloids

The word khazar means
thousand in Turkic languages.

Am I boring you, soldier?

Comrade captain, Does it matter
who you shoot?

During the whole history

No one ever succeded to conquer Afghanistan

No one, ever

Squad, Get up

What are we doing
in Afghanistan?

Fulfilling our
international incumbency,

to resist the aggression
of imperialism.


Private Ryabokon, done!

Private Chugainov, done!

Right down

You pull the trigger too sharp

Very dense, but too high
Breath slowly.


Have you ever shot before?

No sir, I'm a painter,
l have a very accurate eye

Over here.


Give him.

Private, Vorobyov


Put down the gun and
come here.

Yes, sir!

Here. Put it there.

Yes, sir!


Oh, cool, Gioconda


Listen, Gioconda, tell me honestly.

Why did you come
to Afghanistan?

You could sit at the headquarters and draw.
They even offered you.

You won't understand

So make it simple


Do you see the
tank over there?

Beautiful, isn't it?
What a power!

and nothing otiose,not a bit

Weapons are
the most beautiful!

The most beautiful thing the mankind created

So what?

There was an artist named
Michelangelo in the renaissance

One day, someone asked him how
he sculpts his works.

He said, very simple,
l just take a rock and get rid of the otiose parts

Understand? Beauty is
something without anything otiose,

Without any crap.

In the war,
there is only life

and death, nonting otiose

War itself is a beauty.

Listen, Gioconda, l don't
understand you

Are you a fool or what?

What is so beautiful?

When the guts are
twisted around the tank tracks?

You think it's a kids play?

I said you won't understand

Fuck you, freak!

Guys, letters.

Calm down!

it is mine.

What day is today?

Wednesday. Third!





That's it

That's it?

My friends asked me out to disco.

But l will not go without you
because l love you!

Give it to me!

But tonight l found two nice boys...

You fucking got tough, bitch, motherfucker

Come on! Come on!

Come on, sparrow!


Attention, soldiers!

Stand at attention! You screwed soldiers!

You two come to me later.

Very good!

Very good, man.

Stand at attention!

Turn back and march!


Ok, guys. Listen carefully!

March steady. Don't fan out.

To the top of this rock.

Sparrow, Stas and Ryaba, you guys
hold their legs and push them over.

I don't give a fuck how, even bite 'em

Pinochet, Chugun, Gioconda,
you guys come with me.

All come with me!


Be steady!


All squads, stand up!

Stand up, l said!

Come out, lie down!

All down on the floor.

Creep, l order you!

Creep quickly! All! What?

What did you say?
I don't understand.

Stand up

I don't understand
what someone said.

Who said? Who?

Who said?
I don't know.


It is you?

I don't know who said.

Who said?

I don't know.

Go there, you!

Do you want to tell me?

Tell me. Tell me what you know
Tell to my ears!

Whisper, l will forgive you.

All of you!
Come on, l'm alone

Come on , you and me.
No one will know

Are here some normal people?

Or just fucking freaks?

Was it a bad dream?

Aha! Maybe
dreamed something.

Looks like an aggravation

Wait! I heard that he wrote
a request again

He wanted to go to
Afghanistan with us.

He was refused

Hold on .
Who's there?

What are you doing?
Stay where you are!

Come on, quickly! Slient!

Hold this.

Is there any pot left?


Heh! She sings again!

Did you see it !
she comes like a machine gun

Guys, Dygalo won't be looking for us?




Lutyi ,
l thought l smelled something good!

Something left?


I'm gonna fuck tonight so hard, that it
won't rise for the next year and a half

Man, let's smoke some more

Ah, Sparrow, bird!

You know how we used to smoke
in orphan house?

Like Gypsies
One joint for all

Show me

Look, what they doing!

Hey, guys, you are so good
l love y'all

Bird had enough ! Don't give him more

Otherwise we'll need to cary him again


I'm going

Tell me, you a man ?

No really, tell me,
are you a man or what?

Let's not , Oleg


I have a girl, Olya,
you know how she is.

Ah, Olya

So love your Olya
Everyone has his Olya,

We all have ,
but do you remember

Now you became a real man,
and there's last test left

You must, bird,
You gotta!

It's not a resort we going to

maybe this your last chance

You can't go a virgin to war

it's a men thing, understand?

Come on, Sparrow,
go for it, come on

Maybe she don't want me

Are you fool ?!!!
she likes you the most

Really? You kidding me

I swear, ask the boys
l am not kidding

C'mon c'mon , go!

She has seen you many times at the camp

But you paid no attention,
she felt hurt

No, l can't do this before you all

Well, drink in the meantime,
l'll be back

Are you so special?

Better than others,
l don't get it!

Shut up,
I'll explain you later

You need help Sparrow?
Want me to hold your legs

Sparrow, just go

Go fight !
Take the sword out !

If l don't come back

Say, he died bravely

Warriors, forward

Stas, what's the matter?

Why are you so sad?

I miss my family,
toss me one

It's scary a little , isn't it?

If to be honest,
without any bullshit


Not all die...

If it happens fast,
It's not that scary

The worst thing if you get crippled

When l was in Tashkent, l went to
that hospital, and some

The whole ward

Each one occupies only half a bed ...

I knew a guy who came from
the battlefield

He is good,
only his bladder is cut by splinter.

He got a pipe coming from his stomach,
and a bag tied to a leg.

They call him bagpipes...

What's up with Sparrow
ls he sleeping there or reading books?

Wait, l'm going to see

You are bruts!
Understand, animals!

You all are like animals,
don't care with whom and where

I can't do like this,
You all are animals

I wanted it to be good...

What are you looking at?

Have anyone told you
that you are very beautiful?

Are you in love with me?
so marry me,

You must know it,
you are so beautiful

Are you an idiot?


Cyprida (Aphrodite)

Cyprida, coming from a sea


Goddess of beauty

The sea washes away
all the sins

Eternal purity


Everyone worship her!

On your knees, you freaks

Guys, l love you


Comrade lei...At ease.


Turn left

Run towards the plane, move


Is there someone from Krasnoyarsk?


I am

Where are you from?


And l'm from Yershovka , my countryman!

Just stay cool


I got back, you'll come back too

Here, this is amulet

Take this

4 over-periods, 28 missions,
and not a scratch

Wear this, don't take it off,
do you understand


Countryman, don't take it off

Then pass it to others when you come back,
just wear it


What's your name

Oleg, and you ?


Look there, guys

Commander, from the right

No brakes

Keep it steady

Help me

Melkumov, yes

Sitroylov, yes

Ryabokon, yes

Vanifatiev, yes

Demchenko, yes

Bekbulatov, yes

Go to the fourth company,
follow me

Bye, guys

Take care, bye

So long, man, bye

So what's your story,
junkies, alcoholics and sex maniacs.

Yor are in the 9th company

Follow me

Oh, a fresh meat is coming

Get hanged, ghosts


Stand at attention

Warriors, congratulations for
coming to the valiant 9th company

I don't get it,



The ninth


Hooray, hooray, hooray

Fuck it Hohol
Take them outside and wank them there

I am lieutenant Pogrebnyak,
Forget all you've known

Here you ain't bad and ain't good
Here, you're nothing

Yes, brothers, we've already heard
it in some other place

I plan to deal with you day and night,
until you become a good soldiers

Is it clear?

Yes, comrade lieutenat


Yes, comrade lieutenat

That's good

Private Chugainov

Why is it so gnawed?

This machine gun is Samyilin's,
He heroically died

He killed 8 ghosts by it

And got a medal

It's scratched a bit,
because he died of grenade

It's not such a big deal,
Glue it

The barrel is skewed,
How am I gonna shoot?

You are very lucky, dumbass

This gun is special

You should feel proud,
instead you're bitching here

Solder! Sign here!

Turn left, move

Who was your former commander?

1st lieutenant Dygalo


I thought he retired
He slept there

Been screaming whole night long,
going to a combat ,no one could sleep

Then they took him to the hospital
To Tashkent l guess


Was a good guy, joyful,
Used to laugh a lot

He had some illness,
hey doc, how'd you call it?

It is called contusion

I thought you'd say something clever
what a dickhead

Oh , shut up!

Is that snow white
girl still there?

Snow white's there

Say, painter

Is this good?

More or less

Some boy here made it by memory

Listen, Hohol

Pomidor - this son of a bitch,
gave him broken Samylin's gun

And the new one probably washed out and sold...

What? He trades weapons ?

Some die at war, and some make profits of it

Sir, l heard that we'll
go to combat in two or

Not a combat, but we go out, our mission
is occupying a height

Hold the line of defence,
protecting our convoys

Is this all?

Yes, what you thought
it's Stalingrad here?

He's so monumental,
l'd make him a statue of bronze



Kag - ra - man

Dushmans call him so

It means angry giant

Our commander is the only one
in the whole Afghanistan

He's been nominated for hero three times

But each timehe returns from a combat
He beats shit out of some brass hat

They don't take him
to the martial court, though

But he ain't getting his star .

Afanasyi, who are them?

These are the Green

Afghanistani army,
Darned Allies

There is nothing worse
than working with them

When it gets tough a little, they run

While you think they
cover your flank,

Three kilometers away

We got surrounded once because of them assholes

Where the Dushman
territory begins?

After the block station

There they are

They say - Russians are our friends and brothers

But when the night falls
dig out their guns

And go Allah Akbar,
and shit.

So do not haste to
join this war,kids

You probably already made
a bet who kills a ghost first

Of course

Bet on what?

Marlboro pack

I add another one

Who was the first then, lieutenant?

He killed the first ghost

He also left first, in the zinc,
What remained of him,

There they are ,savages

The frontier guard

We'll drop some ammo and food and go on


You gonna take it with you?

Of course

And when it grows?

Take with me...

And eat?

What am I? A Korean ?

Is it good?


Has it fermented yet?

Sure, With a sun like this
Better than a Crimean winery

Let's get 5 liters or so, for the kids

So ,boys, Let's drink for our encounter . ok

Say, what are the
girls wearing now?

He hasn't been out for half a year yet

Well, dresses and jeans

I know that they not wearing helmets,
I asked

What kind of dresses,
describe me in detail.

This summer, they got them skirts

totaly transparent against the sun

you can see their legs,
so charming

Like this?

No, longer

It's kinda broad

Waves in all directions

A little breeze
and everybody grab their skirts

And Gorbachev? I've been listening to the radio

Couldn't understand a thing.
Perestroika and stuff...

What do people say?

Hey won't you shut up?
I'm trying to have a conversation here

So, she walks, the skirt's waving to and fro

To and fro



Just like that?

Just like that

I'll be damned

How long have y'all been here?

Year and a half

15 months

Look, I can count without you, stupid Ukrainian

The only good thing to do with you is eat shit
You won't let me open my mouth

Calling me stupid Ukrainian?!
And who the hell are you? Barbarian!

Only yesterday got out a cave

Here was your first time you seen a toilet

If you keep pissing me off like this
I'll fucking piss you....

Hey, hey fellows! Break it up!

Be quiet, let's drink for our discharge

Moscow time is 22:00,
We begin our program by your requests

So gentlemen .Let's go shooting

Get down


Hello, guys

What's up? Are they moving? - Moving

How many of them?
Five or six, I don't know

Above the"tortoise",
30 meters left from the "big tooth"

Right under the "elefant"

Here they are

Ladies and gentlemen
Make yourself comfortable...

Beside your radios.
- They are five


Ahmed, is that you?

Ashet ! Salam Aleikum my dear

Ahmed! You still alive?
You worthless shit eater

Fucking whore, fart sniffer

I'm gonna kill you now

Ashet ! Me your guts cut
your throat strangle

Me your mother "fuk", Your father "fuk"
brother, sister "fuk"

Your "dik" hasn't grown yet...


And now your favorite tune,
by AC/DC band, bring it on

They're leaving

Thank you for choosing our program, see you next time

Let's go fellas

Halt! Halt! Halt!

- Volodya

Voloda, salam Voloda

Are you Ahmed?

Ahmed yes

Me go soon
You is no wait long

Very soon

Business Tashkent?
Papa, mama Tashkent?

Krasnoyarsk, Siberia,
Oh, cold

Girl have Siberia? Love?

How call?
- Olya,

Yes, very

Me too, have pretty Fatima

Very much love

- Yes, bride

Next village

Bride, wife, love


Me go

Soon, go


You shot?
Where he came from? Look!

These ghosts got some nerve to come here like this.

This is Ahmed
-Say, Patephone, he's your pal, right?

Stinking freak, let me see his mug at least

He killed three our men,

Well, congrats !
Let's make a mark on the butt

This is yours, Sparrow

Farewell, our dear friend,
we won't be seeing you again

But memory of you
will remain in our hearts forever

Let's go, guys



The train reached its final destination,
Please clear the carriages


Come on

Occupy the height,
and strengthen the line

Come here,
- Rock

Unit one, I am unit nine

Unit one, I am unit nine,
I'm in the position

Freeze, two steps back

What's up freak? Are you walking
with your girl in the park? Huh?

Don't you see ?
There's a petal.

The worst mine of all

It's ours, the ghosts don't have such

We plant them, and then we blow up on them.

If you step on it - your feet is gone

Step back all

The Houst province, height 3234, day 181

Bring a big one

Get that rock there

Pile here

Come on, come on

There, put it there

On the right !
- Fire to the canyon !

It's us!

Salut, comrade captain


It's our Ryaba,
- Fellas take the soldier

The far cordon's been entirely shot,
Only he survived



First, affirmative

- Second affirmative

- First, affirmative

- Second, affirmative

I'm sor... I'm sor...

I'm sorry,
- What ? What's up, Stas ?

Had a nightmare?

Get up, bitch

You know how it happens? Huh?

They come here, right here,
And cut, cut 30 kids

One by one, cut

Cut like this, Stas,
From ear to ear, like they were slaughtering pigs

Because of one motherfucker like you
That fell asleep on his watch , Stas

This is not a school! This is battlefield
It's not the "F" you getting here! Here you get killed !

Take this piece of shit away

Vorobyov! Take his place
- Aye

Afanasyi Kurbashi,
with me

The Houst province, height 3234, day 210

Listen, draw one for me too

Come on

- Yes

Hohol is calling you,
- I finish when I get back

Comrade lieutenant
Private Petrovsky has fulfilled your command

Look at this ace.

And this...

Gimme the money, dickhead

You're two minutes late
Have you got it?

I don't get it
Are you sneering me?

It's all that left
Do you know when the next supply comes?

In one day? Two? Maybe a week?
For how long we gonna be here?

You have one hour
to get me two full match boxes, clear?

Where am I gonna get them?
I don't give a shit !

Find, steal, make!
Is my order clear, soldier?


Once more
- OK, dumbcluck

Stas, got any matches?

Bachar! Bachar!


I said stop, bastard


Hey, bachar



Matches, understand, matches, matches

Me...For you....This

Tasty, tasty, me, this, for you, tasty

You, for me, matches





Walk, walk

Get here,
Who allowed you to leave the position?

Being a fucking hero? You'll be punished

Aye, comrad captain,
Picasso, God dammit

What took so long?
We already planned to storm the village

Have you got it?

Very good

The country will not forget you

They coming!

How many ...



Get ready to combat

Arrow, arrow

This is falcon

Do you read?


Arrow, do you read?


From the left!

Cover me!

Don't, don't!


There they are

Curbashi! Cover me!

Behind the rocks!



take the captain

Sparrow, Lutyi, Gioconda
come with me !

Kurbashi, Grab him

Pull back!

Fellas, me first!

Get down

I said get down!

Sparrow, get down!

Let's go

Get down

Hold it!


Where's your gun?

Let's go,
They are in the village

the center is yours

I come from the right

Got it


Chugun, Curbashi,
the right yard

Stas, Lutyi - go straight

Where's this?


Where teh hell you went?
What were you thinking?

Stop shooting!


It's ok, it's ok

It hurts, of course it hurts,
It's ok

Hohol, let's pull back

The artillery is about to strike.

Where the hell you going?

Hold on, hold on, Kurbashi!

Come here, Stas got wounded, quick

Come on, pull back

Stas, Don't close your eyes

Everything will be ok

Stas, hold on


Don't close your eyes,
Stas, look at me

Afghanistan, day 237

Let's go


Look, what they doing, dammit!

Ok, let's go

Hey you, what the hell are you shooting?

Guys, get down

Whatta freaks, huh?

Your own soldiers will shoot you
For a box of canned meat

Discharge for you,
is like walking to China backwords

Me and Kurbashi gonna pack soon,
Guys, we shouldn't have...

It's not right, maybe they
needed to deliver it to some garrison.

Yeah, right, teach us how to live
- Guys, do you know what kinda man is Sparrow?

Tell 'em, bird
- I should feel embarrased?

I went to college, studied philology .
- Sparrow is a teacher

Why is it so funny?
- If I got you in school....

Teachers were afraid to come to our class
- How many guys you were at the course?

Three. - And girls?

You probably had all of them, huh?
Come on, guys,

He's got his Olya

I swear, I'll come to you especially,
just to meet this Olya,

Wait, what you saying is...

Sparrow gonna stand with a pointer near the board,
like some woodpecker

It's clear regarding Gioconda

Kurbashi will slice people
- No I won't, I had enough of this shit

I'll be a vet, horses, sheep

What about you Hohol?
Whatcha wanna do after you

Yeah, sure, for a week or so, but after that?

Drink again

And then? - Still drink.

Till I forget all this

Then I'll rise, wash my mug

And start a new life,
If I could

The Houst province, height 3234, day 267

Faster bird,
because of you we've missed the New Year

It's ok,
in Vladivostok they all rolling drunk already.

Say, Chugun!
- What?

What have you done to the compote?

- So where is it?

I forgot it,
Yeah right, forgot.You intended


- Pinochet

Pinochet! Pinochet!


Hello, drop it here

How did you get here?
I've been reassigned to your unit.

I broke some motherfucker's teeth
He said, you champ like a pig

You see, for us, muslims
Pig is an impure animal

Give me a drink.
- It's a pure alcohol

Go ahead

Let me introduce

Afanasyi, frightening man

Kurbashi, medic

This is Hohol (offensive term for an Ukrainian)

For some Hohol...And for others comrade lieutenant

Come on, man, he's one of us, Dygalo's disciple


Well, let's sit down, fellas

Fill it in...
Guys! Gorbachev's speech starts! Turn up the volume.

For the passing year.

Let all the bad things stay behind.

Come on, fill the second right now.

For discharge.
Hooray, Hooray!

This year we dicsharge, guys.

Fill in, what left!

Brothers, the third toast

To our fallen comrades.

To Samylin
To Nikita Balashov, To Potap.

To Ryaba, to Bold, to Kostyan.

In short, for all those
who didn't make it.

To Stas

To Stas

- Come on! Yeah! Hooray!

Wake up! Dude!

Guys!!! Ghosts!!!

Get ready to combat, company!!!

Put through the Falcon, quick
- Ammo, Chugun!

It's a major bummer!
These bastards gonna fight to the fucking last one of 'em

Come to me!

Don't let them close.

Come on

Shoot, Shoot
- We have two wounded

Where's Gioconda?


They pulling back.
-Mortars... Incoming!

Get down

Falcon! Falcon!

Where's the captain?


- Aye

Get to the captain's dugout!
They all drunk as a skunks there.

Get the mortar !

In the coomb, among the rocks, 150

Aye 150


Excellent - you hit it!

Get the wounded here!

Captain's down
Are there any officers alive?


Company, listen to me,
To comb....

They are coming.
-Get ready

Come to me!

They running,Hold the center

Don't let them get any closer

For nothing. No one is there

Don't waste the rockets,
We might need it later.

They must come some time.

If we hadn't contact them all day


Why they use only machine guns?

It seems they ran
out of mortars

But they got plenty of RPGs

They save it for the convoy
won't spend it on us


Hey, Russian! Come out!
Alive be.

Be patient,
it won't take long

Our troops will come here soon

The choppers will take us

To Tashkent

There is good, warm.

Nurses in white coats.

How long we sit here?
- 3 hours.

They'll start soon.

Get down!

They shoot grenades!


Kurbashi! Get Kurbashi here!


Allah Akbar!

Crawl over here, Sparrow!

Go, go.

Sparrow, crawl.


Is there anyone alive?

Fellas, any ghosts left?

All clear here.


Enough. It's over.
Everything is over. Enough.

Is there any officer alive?

Is there?
- No.

Listen to my command.

Number off.








Go get all the ammo
that left.

I have two rockets.
-I've a half magazine.

Two grenades.

Shit. It ain't enough
for even one attack.

They start again.

They're going to attack.
- We are fucked ...

Company get ready.

Listen to my order.


Our troops!

Comrade colonel. The 9th company has
accomplished the mission.

The convoy may pass securely.

There'll be no convoy, we are leaving.

Comrade colonel, we hold the height.

The convoy may pass.

Can you hear me, son?
Why the communication

Why there's no connection?
Can you hear me?


Afghanistan, Chaugani, February 9th 1989

We were leaving Afghanistan.

We, the 9th company.
Have won our own war.

Back then, we hadn't known a lot of things

We hadn't known, that two years later
the country we had been fighting for

And wearing the medals of non existing country
will become unfashionable.

We hadn't known that
Lieutenant Dygalo

And train recruits
somewhere near Tula

He will die of a stroke, a year later
During a night march.

We hadn't known that Snow White
with her mother and lots of

Will stay in the abandoned army city
on the Afghani border

And we ourselves will be
scattered ruthlessly, by the new life.

Some to the top,
and some to the very bottom.

Non of this we hadn't known then.

We even Hadn't known that we
were simply forgotten

On that remote height.

We were leaving Afghanistan...

The 9th company

We, we won.