3 Efes (2007) - full transcript

Sissi, the young daughter of an unemployed widower, struggles to support her family, while dreams of sharing an apartment with her boyfriend, a soccer player. Martina, who has a more stable financial situation, struggles to be desired again by her adman husband, or by whoever is around. Giane has already changed her life, and can influence Sissi's future. According to Professor Valadares, these three women are only trying to satiate their most basic appetites: Food, Sex, and Fasma.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

According to Prof. VaIadares,
humanity has three appetites:

for food,


...and fasm.

In order to survive, an
individuaI needs to eat,

...and so defeat its hunger.

To perpetuate the species, it has
to find someone to have sex,

...and so satiate its Iibido.

To communicate and Iive in
society, it needs to fasm.

Fasm is the representation
of reaIity,

...the origin of mentaI Iife,
and the basis of aII Ianguages.

'Fasm' comes from the Greek word
phasma', which means simuIacrum.

AristotIe used the term 'mimesis',
which means imitation.

And semiotics prefers 'sign'.

But in both cases, we Iose
the reIation to the other two Fs,

...which give the fasm the proper
sense of urgency and primitivity.

Prehistoric caves were, for Iong,
settings for fasmic spectacIes.

Covered by a bonfire
from the night dangers,

men gestured and grunted to
report hunts, dreams, and fears.

With the advent of new
technoIogies, the fasms improved.

And men started to use drawings,
speaking, and written texts.

Cinema, invented in 1895,
is a kind of fasm,

...composed of moving pictures
aIong with synchronized sounds.

According to VaIadares' theory,
the humanity's supreme task

...is satiate the 3 great appetites
of every man and woman on Earth.

...making civiIization reach its
pIenitude and totaI happiness.

To Professor VaIadares, however,
this is nothing but a dream...

that sometimes can become
a nightmare.

Anyway, dreams and nightmares,
and aII you'II see in this fiIm,

...are just manifestations
of the fasm.


Dad! It is time, dad!

Turn off the Iight!

You said you'd Iook for a job.

Turn it off, damn!

It's aII we got.

- Morning, Mr. Z?!
- Morning!

Come back at 1 1. Mrs. Martina
wanna get rid of some oId papers.

- Can I take it now?
- No, she's sIeeping.

AIright, then.

- Hey, Mr. Z?!
- Yes?

- You have any oId bread there?
- Sorry, I don't.

- Ok, thanks.
- You're weIcome.

Good morning!


I'm on a diet, Martina!

Everything is Iight, honey.

Ugh! What a sour juice!

What's aII that for?

Because I Iove you.

No. It's to cheer me up.

- You think I'm depressed.
- And you aren't?

- No, Martina, I'm great.
- Fine, then!

I convinced a cIient to cast
this country's most famous modeI.

He paid $ 8 miIIion of media
to have her saying on TV:

''The supermarket of your famiIy!''

You seen her and her boyfriend
on the web smoking pot?

Everyone's seen it.

So? It's not your fauIt.
It happens.

And that's what I'II teII
the cIient? It happens!

I may serve this breakfast,
with this sour juice,

...just to see if he feeIs
Iess depressed!

I'm sorry.

Iphigenia thinks she is going
to her wedding to AcchiIIes, but

...when she gets to AuIis,
she Iearns she'II be sacrificed

...for the winds to bIow
the Greek fIeet towards Troy.

At first, she resists.

But after seeing the thousands
of starving soIdiers,

...she reaIizes her Iife is nothing
compared to Greece's destiny.

So she decides to die with honor,
without fear.

Iphigenia, so young
and so sensibIe.

The greatest heroin
in CIassic tragedy.

Thank you. See you
next week.

- You want?
- No, thanks.

- How are you?
- Good.

You want a bite?

No, thanks.

Are you sure?

Ah, it Iooks so good!

Go on, bite it.

- ReaIIy?
- Go ahead.

- Thanks.
- One more, come.

I get off at two.

Then, if you want,
I'II buy you a whoIe one.

Let him up.

- Good Morning!

Mr. Z? said you had
some stuff for me.

- Yes, come on in.
- Excuse me.

This way.

- Over there
- Excuse me.

WiIIiam, aren't you hungry?

My husband had to Ieave
in a hurry so... pIease!

- Can I reaIIy?
- Sure. Drop those things.

Sit down.

Too much work?

At this time traffic must
be hard, uh?

- Thanks.
- Eat the other.

I won't eat it anyway.

- No, come on!
- PIease!

- ReaIIy?
- Yes.

A bit of juice.
So it won't get so dry.

Taking what you are paying,
that'II make a 40% saving.

You'II aIso get
100 free minutes,

...to taIk to 5 other subscribers...

Of course, I see.

- Excuse me.
- Good afternoon.

- Sandwich?
- Yes.

- How much?
- $ 2.

GirI, a sandwich?

Not today, thanks.

Hi, Mr. OIiveira?

This is CeciIia,
from Leader CeII Phones.



Hi, Iove! I'm Ieaving
the supermarket.

No probIem,
I understand.

No, just some stuff
for dinner.

It's OK, honey.

I Iove you.

- Sissi!
- Hi, Giane!

Geez, you're gorgeous, huh?

New cIothes! What about you hair?

Fancy haircoIor, honey.
A reaI fortune!

Won the Iottery?

I teII you Iater.

- Hi, girIs!
- Hi!

- You Iook great, Giane!
- Thank you.

Big news:
Estev?o is going to Europe!

- And Vandeir?
- End of year, maybe.

- First, to S?o PauIo.
- My ass! It's a meager wage.

I toId you, girI.
It's Iike a show window!

Show window my ass!

Which country?

PortugaI, Spain... or Japan.

- Japan isn't in Europe.
- Yeah?

Here they come!

Hi, Iove!

- Gee, you're hot, uh?
- Thanks.

Estev?o, you can pack up.

- Which team?
- I don't know yet.

But it's the wage you asked for,
pIus board and Iodging!

Oh, fuck, I toId you!

Come on, your mother
gotta sign the papers.

But I got a date with Sissi.

It's up to you.

If you prefer to go out...

See you around.

Come on, Mr. Lopes!

Wait! Wait a sec!

Dunno how Estev?o
can stand that ass.

I do. The ass gave him a car.

A car? You caII that a car?

Come on, it is not so bad!

Ah, he said he didn't
want to go!

But he gotta heIp his mother,
you know.

Vandeir kept
teIIing me this, too.

Today, it's his father,
next, his brother.

I'II teII you something.

I asked Vandeir:

''If we saved money to rent
a pIace, wouId you stay here?''

- You know what he said?
- What?

That he wouId stay.

And did you rent a pIace?

No, but we've been
to a hoteI twice.

- DeIuxe suite.
- How did you pay for?

Ah, I quit the snack bar
and got a new job


I toId Vandeir I represent a
cIothing brand.

I seII 20, 30 pieces in 1 day
and get a big commission.

Which brand?

Get reaI, Sissi!
It's not true!

I'm doing it.

I can make 200, 300 reais
in one day.

- You're doing it?
- Yep, I'm doing it.

Giane! How come you didn't
teII me before? Since when?

Ah, I didn't teII you because
I thought you'd get mad at me.

Ah, Giane,
I don't know what to say.

I'm tired, I'm hungry.

I didn't eat anything yesterday
nor today.

Can you Iend me $ 20?


Thanks, Mr. Z?, but I won't
go out.

- Have you had dinner?
- No, not yet.

- Here's some food.
- For me?

- Yes.
- Thank you so much.

- My husband didn't come to eat.
- I see.

Do you know how to find
that waste guy?

WiIIiam? Sure!
I can caII him tomorrow.

No, there's no hurry.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Good night.
- G'night, ma'am.

So, dad, got anything today?

Shut up, I'm watching TV.


I'm coming down.

- Are you going out?
- Yep.

Bring some bread and miIk.

- So how was it there?
- NormaI.

- What you mean?
- NormaI, Sissi.

Mom signed some papers for Mr.
Lopes and we went out for dinner.

- Did you sign anything?
- Yes, I did.

You know the team
or country?

No, Sissi, I don't.

- You got the tickets?
- Damn, Cec?Iia! Not yet.

Easy, Estev?o!

Honey, don't get Iike this.

I worry about you
because I Iove you. That's aII.

Me too.

- So Iet's go to the Drive-in?
- No, Estev?o, not the Drive-in.

- I don't Iike it there.
- Listen! We don't have much gas.

It's the Drive-in or we
do it right here.

How was the meeting?

Borges got a great idea.

As the cIient's aIready fucked,
not to Iose the account,

...we'II show him that he'II have
advantages if he stays with us.

MarI?cia found it great
and reIeased the funds.

The oId Iady ruIes.

What did you do next?

Next, we picked up the guy at the
hoteI to show him round the night.

Rog?rio, your breath stinks.

Oh, fuck off. Didn't you
wanna fuck this morning?

At Ieast, go brush your teeth.

No need to kiss me.
It's not your mouth that I want.

- Take off that angeI nightie.
- No, I won't. Don't bother me!

So fuck you, Martina!

Look, as husband and wife,
we shouId have fun together.

But never mind,
I can have fun around.

This morning, you didn't
even Iook at me.

This morning, I wasn't
feeIing good, Martina!

Now I am.

I mean, I was feeIing good.
Now I'm feeIing bad again.

If you want, you can
feeI good again.

- What's wrong?
- Cramp.

I toId you this position
wouIdn't do.


I got to come back, anyways.
It's about time.

- Right now?
- Yes, right now.

I have to buy some
bread and miIk.

Drop me at the gas
station near home?


What's wrong?

Fucking shit!

Sissi, someday we'II
Iive together.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Let him come up.

- Hi, auntie.
- Hi.

I Ieft Diego at schooI nearby.
I decided to drop by.

Great! Come on in.

- Long time no see!
- Excuse me.

- So how've you been?
- Good.

- Is Diego OK?
- Yes. He's grown up.

Good smeII, huh?

I was making coffee.
Want an omeIet?

Yes, pIease. You know
I'm not the formaI type.

Rog?rio didn't eat, he
had to run.

He works a Iot, uh?
AIways running.

That's true.

Looks good, huh?


Let him up.

Just a sec, Sissi.

- Morning!
- Hi.

Do you have any stuff
for me?

I did, but now this is aII
I got. I can't, right now.

- Can you come back Iater? Noon?
- I can.

- OK?
- OK.

- DeaI.
- AIright. Bye.

A bit more, Sissi?

No, thanks, auntie.

Eat mine. I'm not

Aunt, don't insist or
I'II have to accept it.

It's reaIIy good.

Auntie, you're the best cook
in the famiIy, by far.

- Don't you have cIasses today?
- I'm skipping.

I don't Iike greeks so much.

And besides, aunt,

...actuaIIy I came to taIk
about something.

Go ahead.

It's just that...

Go ahead, Sissi.

It's the foIIowing:

When Mom was aIready iII,
in bed,

I was organizing her things, and
found this bag in the cIoset.

She didn't remember
what it was, I opened it.

She said you gave her
these things.

Can I see it?

I promised not to teII

She toId me to get rid of it, but
it's so pretty that I couIdn't.

Your mom must've
been very disturbed.

Wasn't it yours?

No, these things aren't mine.

You knew mom.
She didn't use to Iie.

I didn't say she Iied. She must've
been confused, for the medicine.

Dunno, these things are not mine.

Of course.

Sorry, I was a fooI.
I shouIdn't have come.

No, pIease. Can I heIp
you anyway eIse?

- No, no. I have to go.
- Right now?

Yes, it is about time.

- I'm reaIIy sorry, huh?
- It's OK.

Sissi, are you aIright?

I guess I just ate a bit
too fast, that's aII.

- Can I use the toiIet?
- Sure.

Are you OK?

- I'm fine.
- You sure?

It was the best omeIet
I've ever had. ReaIIy.

Take care.

- Yes?
- It's Martina.

- Martina who?
- Your wife's sister.

I didn't notice it.

She's too thin.

She's aIways been skinny.

No, she was aIways pretty.
Now she's scrawny.

What can I do?

Look for a job,
instead of staying home.

WiII you bother me?
You'd better Ieave.

It's absurd this girI
supporting you.

You know how many doors
I knocked on?

I'm too oId. Even to wash cars
at the garage on the corner.

Any vacancies at your
frozens joint? I can ride a bike.

No. We cIosed Iast year.

I'm worried about her.

Now you're worried about
her? Why?

You haven't caIIed
her since Rosana died.

If someone needs heIp,
I'II caII you.

You know how many
times I heard that?

I didn't teII everything, but
MarI?cia got it.

This is quite pretty, uh?

Too short.

If we keep the account,
I'II get a Christmas bonus.

She didn't Iike
Iast night's expense.

- AImost $3,000, Rog?rio.
- Fuck!

500 bucks each bottIe of
Champagne. And GiIson's girI, 800.

GoIden pussy, uh?

This one here, 5 ft 11 inches.

Doesn't taIk.

What about me?
Do you think I'II stay?

I think it depends on you.

- What do you mean?
- MarI?cia.

MarI?cia, yesterday, asked me
a Iot of questions.

If you had enjoyed the party...

If your marriage was OK...
These things.

- You kidding?
- No, I'm not kidding.

Vanessa. This one is cIever
and has got the know-how.

- She's married.
- Vanessa? I didn't know...

- MarI?cia, damn!
- So are you, Rog?rio, tie.

I think MarI?cia was
throwing a bait.

I toId her you were
a bit depressed.

Which is normaI, with aII
you've been through.

I said: ''MarI?cia, Rog?rio is
in need of understanding.''

Let him up.

Morning. I came for that waste.

Come on in.

WiIIiam, actuaIIy I'd Iike you
to have Iunch with me.

I'm gIad you accepted
my invitation.

My pIeasure.

Maybe for the food.

But an oId Iady's company
isn't pIeasant.

The company is great.

Borges toId me you're
a bit depressed.

Borges doesn't know me,
I'm great.


After aII that happened?


You must be kidding, right?

He toId me you'II manage
to keep the account.

That I mustn't
Iay you off.

You must know you're
IikeIy to be fired.

This is what this Iunch is for?
To teII me I'm fired?

No. No.

This Iunch is for us to see
what wiII happen next.

At this moment, this exact moment,

...I think you just need

I'm aIso in need of

Won't you drink the wine?
Maybe some beer?

No, that's OK. Sorry, I forgot.

Very good.

- But you bareIy touched the food.
- I'm not hungry.

Don't worry, the cook's great
pIeasure is to see the others eat.

It's scheduIed, December 31,
then I quit.

But how wiII you afford
an apartment?

I'II have saved enough
for a year's rentaI.

If Vandeir doesn't move,
I'II hit the road.

God forbid! I Iove that boy.

HeIIo? It's MicheIe.

At 3, I can.

Yes, if Heitor picks me up.


$ 230? Gosh, you're an angeI!

Ok, bye.

Brigite raised my fees and put
my pic on the site's main page.

- There's a site, uh?
- Of course.

- With photos of you?
- Course. They cost me a fortune.

Without good photos, nobody knows
me so nobody caIIs me.

ReIax! My face won't
show, they put a cIoud on it.

How do the guys choose?

They've other interests
besides the face.

So this is it: a phone caII
and you go get $ 230?

$ 180, I deposit $ 50 for Brigite
and everybody is happy.

What's that Brigite Iike?

There's ice-cream and
petit gateau. Do you Iike it?

I guess so. I Iike ice-cream.

But, ma'am, I gotta go now.

Gotta get some stuff at 3.

- Now?
- Yes.

But I've got something for us.

- Do you smoke?
- No, thanks.

No? I don't smoke often, either,
but I thought... sorry.

- I'm going.
- Can you do me a favor?

A picture to remember
our Iunch. OK?

- Do you mind?
- Nope.


- It's great. Wanna see it?
- Yep.

Ma'am, do you have any
stuff for me to take?

Not today. Maybe some
other day.

I'm going.

The cIient Ioved the photos.

Vanessa knows
you're in her hands.

What you mean?

Next week she'II do the ad
photo and GiIson wiII be there.

She knows the campaign
gotta work out.

- We don't have a campaign.
- Course we do.

Tonight I'm dining
with GiIson and Vanessa.

You're coming aIong.

I can't.
I got an appointment.

CanceI it.

I can't and it's your fauIt.

Ah, Rog?rio!

How wonderfuI!

Good Iuck to aII of us, Rog?rio.

I miss her, you know?

Since Rosana died I can onIy taIk
with my shrink.

And he charges me.

Yeah. I aIso miss
taIking with mom.

We trusted each other.

How Iong's your break?

- 20 minutes.
- So I'II be quick.

I Iied to you.

CaII MarI?cia.

Put me through.

MarI?cia, is it aII set?

8 o'cIock?

Right. Bye.

This friend of mine, Giane,
she makes $ 300 a day.

- WonderfuI. What does she do?
- She's a caII girI.

Oh, Sissi, forget about it.
After aII that we taIked about.

Let's do the foIIowing:

I'II Iend you $ 300 and
you'II pay me back when you can.

No, aunt, no way.

PIease, I hate being in debt,
I never borrow anything.

That's what famiIy is for, too.

Thanks, auntie.

I'II pay you
when I get paid.

OK, Iet's forget about this.

- Wanna see my waste guy?
- Sure.

His pic...
when he came for Iunch.

- He came for Iunch?
- Yep.

I took a photo, he got
aII embarrassed.

- Look.
- Geez! Handsome, huh?

Pretty, huh?

You know what?
He smeIIs good.

Ah, Sissi, you think
I'm getting crazy?

I don't know, aunt.
I guess so.

Ah, since I met him, I've had
this fantasy about him, you know?

A fantasy...

I don't want you to think
this was a trade,

Like, you fuck me
and I keep your job.

It's kind of sordid, isn't it?

It wasn't kind of sordid.
It was kind of good.

This Borges' thing, you stay if
the cIient stays,

...that's reIative.

Borges is too ambitious.

He isn't doing it for you,
it's for him.

I see.

Can I turn on the TV?

Haven't seen a porn for ages.

What an awfuI Iight, Iook!

This is better.

First thing to do is the hardest:

You go back
to creative dept.

You'II Iose something,
you know that, right?

Who takes my pIace?

- Borges, it's his award.
- I didn't need that!

I knew you'd get mad.
Don't be a fooI. Trust me.

- Why didn't you teII me?
- And ruin the fuck? No way.

- I'II quit.
- Where wiII you work?

Look, I have a 10 years'
experience. I'II just do this...

You don't get it.
I hate Borges.

I Iike you. A Iot.

Trust me, OK?

Come to bed, come on!

Once, I was with Rog?rio
and this baId fat man came.

Put out his hand and said:
''Remember me? I remember you''.

- CIient?
- I thought so. AImost fainted.

- Martina, I'm Dick.
- Dick? The guy's name was Dick?

''Your cIassmate,
I heIped you cheat in Geometry.''

Then I pictured the hair growing
on Dick's baId head. The idiot.

Then I reIaxed.

- ReIaxed with Dick.
- With Dick.

Then I said, ''this is Rog?rio,
my husband''. What a situation!

- Hey.
- Hi honey.

Hi, uncIe.

- A IittIe party?
- Just a famiIy gathering.

- Want a gIass?
- Yes.

So how was the meeting?

Which piece of news do you
want first? Good or bad?

First, the good one.

I won't be fired.

WonderfuI, honey!
I knew it.

Now the bad news:
I'II earn haIf what I earned.

I can't beIieve.

But that's iIIegaI.

No, it isn't. I'II keep the wage
but Iose the bonuses.

Course I don't have to accept it,
I can Iook for another job.

- What do you think?
- I don't know.

- Hi.
- How are you?

I forgot to give something to
Martina. Is there a maiI box here?

Yes, ma'am. There's one
just over there.

- Thank you. Good night.
- Night.

- Have you brought anything?
- MiIk and bread.

Diego sIept without eating.

Tomorrow I'II give
him a big breakfast.

They didn't hire me at the
parking Iot. Too oId for the job.

They're Iooking for a secretary.
The wage's fair, you know?

- Hours?
- Morning and afternoon.

I can't, Dad, there's
the university.

I'II quit the teIemarketing.

I'II be a saIes representative
for a cIothing brand.

A friend of mine's earning
weII, she needs heIp.

Ok. I'II get her.

It'II be aIright.


Giane... I mean, MicheIe
expIained it to me.

I got it.

Maybe... HeIena.

FamiIy name? I don't know.

VeI?squez? Fine.

I can. Is he nearby?

Giane toId me.

No, I wanna do the photos
this week.

AIright, bye.

She said a Marco Aur?Iio
is coming to sit with us.

- How are you?
- Good.

- Nice to meet you. Marco Aur?Iio.
- Cec?Iia... I mean, HeIena.

- I aIready expIained it to her.
- Everything?

Yes. Deposit for Brigite
on Mondays, bank account.


WeII, on the site we'II say
you are a novice.

So they won't expect
anything speciaI.

Just the basics:
bIow job, vaginaI sex.

Kiss if you want to.

Have a shower,
taIk a bit.

If he wants some more, give him
another bIow job and vaginaI sex.

You've the right to ask
him to wear a condom, aIways.

In short, you stay for two hours
with the cIient, then Ieave.

AIright, HeIena?


Brigite wanna know if you'd do it
anaI and how much you'd charge.

Sissi, he asked you a question.

Sorry. What question?

If you do it anaI. I don't.

But some girIs do it
for extra $ 100.

Can she understand?

Course she can. Don't worry.
Everything wiII be aIright.

It's the waste guy.

TeII him I've nothing
for him, today.

- Yes?
- Is WiIIiam stiII there?

- He Ieft, but if you want...
- CaII him, pIease.

- Bye-bye.
- See ya.

- Hi.
- Hi. Where's your friend?

- She's downstairs.
- Why?

She's ashamed and
won't come up.

Ashamed of what?

Betinho, she's just
starting, you know.


- There's onIy $ 200.
- You'II get the rest Iater.

I'm aIready giving a discount.
It isn't my Iist price.

- What Iist price?
- My Iist price.

For shoddy work, you
hire VanderIei.

You're being picky.
Let's do a deaI?

I know your kind of deaI,
Giane, there's no profit from it.

I'II give you another $ 50.

I'm going, OK?
I gotta work in 30 min.

Come on! I got the hoteI
booked, heIp me!

I'II heIp you.
If you give me $ 400.

This is Sissi.


- Sugar or sweetener?
- Sugar.

Lace or crotchIess?

Oh no, Giane, crotchIess no way.

But Iater you'II get naked.

Better naked than crotchIess.

I'm ready.

Lace or crotchIess?


I can't.

Sorry. I shouIdn't...

My bad, I caIIed you.

No, I shouIdn't have come.

So why did you come?
Were you hungry?

No. I came to see you, ma'am.

Just to see me?

Let's start in the tub.

In the tub? In a Iace panty?

Yeah... Better not.

WeII, then Iet's start on the bed.

Maybe Iater.

Oh, I'm a bit coId.

Giane, she's coId.
You got a coat for her?

Coat? Never seen this kind
of photo with a coat on.

Yeah, those see-through coats,
you know?

Come on! In my pictures,
there were never any coats.

- Right. It'II warm up soon.
- Thanks.

- Come on, sit down over there.
- There?

Let's start by the portraits.

But my face mustn't show.

It won't. If it does, we put
a bIur on it.

Yes, that cIoud I toId you.

- Yeah.
- Ok.

Do the foIIowing, throw
your hair forward.

That's it.

Now, turn your face a bit.

That's it. It's perfect,
just perfect.

That's it.

It's gorgeous, gorgeous.

I can't.

I see. In this bed,
must be hard to you.

It isn't the bed.

- Then it's about my smeII.
- Your smeII is wonderfuI.

It's just...

...that I wanna
ask you to do something.

What? She stiII has
her bra on?!

You toId me to go sIow.

Not so sIowIy!
Gotta go in 1 hour.

Brigite won't take these photos.

You gotta show tits, butt, and
aII. She's shaved, I checked.


Sissi, Let's go?

Sissi, dear, now without the bra.

That's it, Sissi.
You can take it off.

What's up?
You never turned your back to me.

She's a novice, Giane.

Hands down, Sissi!

CaIm down. Let's start this way.

We must show your body as
the supreme promise of happiness.

- What?
- To make room for imagination.

What's beauty? It's the
promise of happiness.

So you have to show
a bit more, you know?

Yeah, that's it.

That's it, yeah!

It's pretty.

You're pretty.

Look, these photos wiII be great.

The photos didn't work out.

Maybe a probIem whiIe zipping
the fiIes. They were corrupted.

We want the money back, Giane
got another photographer.

Another photographer?
What's his name?

I don't know... VanderIei,
I guess.

VanderIei? No way! He'II take
advantage of you, no way.

Betinho, we aIready paid you.
Can you return the $ 200? PIease?

ActuaIIy... there's no probIem
with the photos. I just...

can't send them
to Brigite.

Why not?

Betinho, what's going on?

He said the photos are OK.

What? You must be joking!

You send them right now
or return the money.

I set with VanderIei.

The money! Or you'II photograph
cows at cattIe fairs forever!

OK. I'II send her the pictures.

OK. Next week Sissi'II pay
the extra $ 200.

No need. It's aIready been paid.

I heard Tadeu, in Sao PauIo,
wiII be fired.

So I take his pIace and
you take mine. It's aII set.

Who toId you he'II be fired?

MarI?cia. Your MarI?cia.

Mine, my ass!

Fine, Rog?rio. My MarI?cia.

- What do you mean?
- Me? Nothing.

- You fucked her, too.
- Me?

- You did, you big rascaI.
- Quiet down.

You're the worst guy
in the universe.

I'm the guy who saved your job.

How can you do it?

You're reaIIy rotten.

Rotten? What a drama, Rog?rio!


You know how I can do it?

Last time I went to a hoteI with
MarI?cia, puffy MarI?cia,

I said, there's this game on TV,
do you mind if I watch it?

When she Ieft I caIIed the
hottest sIut in town.

600 bucks, Rog?rio. I stiII got
wood onIy by thinking of her.

I can get you her number.

She takes credit card, Rog?rio.

And the woIf huffed and puffed,
but couIdn't bIow down the house.

- Why not?
- Because this was a brick house.

- And the woIf couIdn't come in?
- No.

- The woIf wanted to eat the pigs...
- That's right.

- So he must have been hungry...
- Oh, I guess so.

Poor woIf...

Sissi, is Diego asIeep?


I got miIk and bread.
You want?

Where did you get the money?

I worked.

Dad, you got a job,
how wonderfuI!

- No, I got a street.
- What you mean, a street?

I work there on Thursdays and
Tuesdays, and give the owner 20%.

- But doing what?
- Guarding cars.

Today I made aImost $ 15. And
I aIready gave him his part.

They're pretty!

But, Sissi, caII them and
canceI it aII. Those guys...

I'm not afraid of the guys.

Brigite has poIice friends,
nobody wiII mess with her CGs

- CGs?
- CaII girIs.

I'm rather afraid of
other things.

I don't know... Not to know
what to do, or how to do it.

Giane gave some tips.
Said I gotta moan.

Oh, but I don't say
a word when I fuck.

How did you do not to sound fake?

Gotta start sIowIy so he won't
notice you're faking it.

SIowIy, how?

Ah, Sissi, that's absurd!

Is that aII?

Yes, you start Iike this
and then go Iouder.

And Iouder.

Move your head to Iook more reaI.

At times, you needn't fake,
which is better.

Did anyone ask you
to say f-words?

Yes, f-words, weird
fantasies, everything.

If I wanted to finish,
I had my speciaI moan.

He thought I was coming,
so he came too.

What was that moan Iike?

Everyone has her own.

Oh, aunt, but I don't have my
own. PIease, show me yours.

WeII, mine's Iike this.

Hi, uncIe.

Hi. I was teIIing her about
a movie I saw.

Which one? ''CaIiguIa''?

No. An ItaIian comedy,
an orgasm championship.

An 80-year-oId Iady won.
Very funny.

Sorry, uncIe. I made her moan
Iike that. To show me.

- OK. Is there anything for Iunch?
- I'II fix it in a minute.




No... Yes, I can.

The cab picks me up at 2?
Then straight there?

OK, I got it.

Thanks, bye.

What happened?

- Brigite, the agency's Iady.
- So?

She put my photos on the
website and a cIient caIIed.

I'II start tomorrow.

You Iook great. Pretty!

You know what you're
gonna wear?

Why? Does this Iook bad?

Maybe the pants
couId be tighter.

It's what's beneath that counts,

Can I see it?

- See what?
- The panties and the bra.

- Oh, Giane!
- Oh, Sissi!

No. Have you smaIIer ones?

These are the smaIIest I got.

You Iook Iike a nun.

WeII, I got... some oId things.

Let me see them.

Hundred and twenty reais.

$ 120... $ 120...

Wow! Where did you
get these things?

Never mind, Giane.
How do I Iook?

You Iook great. A bit oId, but
it works out very weII.

Fine, then.

The driver is Heitor.

Kinda coarse, fights jiu-jitsu.

If the cIient misbehave,
caII him.

- OK.
- Everything wiII be aIright.


- Remember my friend Giane?
- How cute!

- Are you going to a party?
- I'm starting in a new job.

I know, dad toId me you'II
work on TV.

- On TV?
- Yep. Won't you be a presenter?

- Hi, MicheIe.
- Hi, Heitor. This is HeIena.

I'm pIeased.

So HeIena, wanna Iisten to
some music? Samba, funk...?

No, no, thanks. No music, pIease.

- You're new with Brigite, uh?
- Uh-hum.

- Come from the countryside?
- Nope.

Who did you work for?

First time, isn't it?

- Did Brigite teII you?
- No, but...

I can wait for you at
the parking Iot.

For $ 35, you got my first-rate
service, incIuding the ride.

There's no need, thanks.

Some girIs Iike it.
They feeI more protected.

You can caII me in case of
troubIe, right?

Giane toId me.

If he misbehaves, caII me and
I'II come and beat his ass up.

But that won't happen.
Don't worry.

It wiII be aIright.

- Betinho?
- Hi.

- What are you doing here?
- Wanna come in?

- Where's the cIient? JuIiano?
- Come on in.

Wanna sit down?

Sissi. I'm sorry, I Iied to you.

I'II pay you.
But we won't have sex.

I don't get it.

I'm in Iove.

I Iove you, it's true.

You don't even know me.

- But I want to.
- But I don't.

Look, Betinho,

...I have a boyfriend,
I'm mad about him.

I just need some money.

So take it.

- What are you doing?
- CaIIing the cab. I'm Ieaving.

- No!
- I won't fuck you.

I don't wanna fuck.
Just taIk.

My other job was about taIking.
I'm fed up with taIking.

HeIIo, Heitor?
Can you pick me up?

- Sissi, don't!
- No, it's OK. We'II taIk Iater.

- Sissi, pIease!
- OK, bye.

I gotta pay the cab driver.

And, for you, Betinho,
my name is HeIena.

- Sissi, wait!
- Bye.

Sissi! Sissi!

No, now the IittIe fag
gone too far.

Fuck, the guy gone crazy.
He gotta act professionaI.

And I'II teII Brigite.

No, no. Forget it, I think
he didn't mean it.

Oh, I don't know,
I don't Iike his face.

But, OK. It's up to you.


Hi, Brigite.

No, I'm aIready free.

OK, bye.

- So, where to?
- To the square.

Let's go.


I'II teII Brigite you're
staIking me.

- No, wait, don't, pIease!
- Get off my back!

Look, I have an offer.
A serious one.

I got a friend who works at
a big modeIs agency.

I couId do your photos, introduce
you, there may be a chance, a job.

You trust me?

- Brigite?
- No need. I'II Ieave.

HoId on a sec.

No, It was nothing, it's OK.

OK, bye.


Get in.

Nice to meet you. I'm Borges.


- I booked the goId suite.
- Just a second. I'II reIease it.

You Iook nervous. Are you?

I just Iook so.

Brigite toId me you're a novice.

When did you start, HeIena?

About six months ago.

I doubt it. I bet you started
Iast week.

Fine with me.

- You know, I hate SSS.
- SSS?

SIut Standard Speech.
AIways the same.

''I'II work tiII the end of year,
get some money,''

''... to heIp my famiIy, go to
coIIege, then marry and have kids.''

It's ready.

Let's go?

Sure you don't wanna
have a shower?

I've just had.


StiII nervous?

Not anymore.

- Sorry?
- Not anymore.

- Are you sure?
- I am.

Come over here.

ReIax, HeIena.

Can I make a request?

I guess so.

Never put siIicone in your
tits, I Iike them just Iike that.


Thank you.

Whoa! Easy, easy, easy!

Drink a IittIe bit.

Drink it up.

You know, HeIena,

...you don't Iook Iike a whore,

you don't speak Iike a whore,

and you don't do what
a whore must do.

But it's fine with me, HeIena.

Do you know why?

I Iike to treat a whore
Iike a woman.

Caress her,

...take care,

...kiss her...

- Brigite said I needn't kiss.
- Brigite!

Brigite isn't here, HeIena.

I bet it's been Iong since a man
took care of you.

Look at me.

ReIax, HeIena.

ReIax, 'cause we'II have fun,

Want me to caII a cab?

I've aIready caIIed, thanks.

What are you doing here?

Waiting for you.

You're crazy...

- Stay with me.
- Gotta go home.

- Let her go!
- Off!

- Get off!
- Stay!

- Let her go!
- No!

Listen, you fag son of a bitch,

Mess with her again, and you'II go
to hospitaI or the cemetery.

For God's sake!

- Got it?
- OK.

- Let's go, for God's sake!
- Sucker!

It's odd, on the weekend...

If I'm fired, I'II have aII days
off, Monday through Sunday.

- Can I take you to the airport?
- No, Borges wiII pick me up.

If everything works out,
I'II be way better off.

Yummy. You didn't teII
me you made it.

- When did you make it?
- Today.

I toId you I was going to traveI.
You made this huge pie...

- That's a waste...
- I made it before you toId me.

So save I sIice for when
I'm back.

If there's something you're
good at, it is that.

It must be Borges. Get it,
I'II get my Iuggage.

- Hi, auntie.
- Hi.

I started today.

Come on in.

- Are you aIone?
- Rog?rio's Ieaving.

- Who's there?
- I'II come back Iater. Thanks.

Borges caIIed, he's downstairs.

- Hi, Sissi.
- Hi, uncIe.

- Are you arriving?
- I just brought her something.

WiII you take the eIevator?

I wiII. I'II caII you.

Nice trip!

At first, she seemed a virgin.

But after she reIaxed,
it was great.

And it was for reaI.
I can teII if a woman is faking.

She grew up. Fantastic!

It's ringing.

Hi, Giane.

HeIIo, HeIena? I'm gIad
you answered.

I'm going to a friend
of mine's.

He knows you, he saw you
this afternoon and adored you.

Where are you?

I'm going home.

He got a friend who
wanna meet you.

It's $ 500, through
Sunday night.

- No commission?
- No commission for Brigite.

Look, I don't think I can.
I got an appointment, actuaIIy.

- How wiII you go?
- On foot. I'm near home.

- Bye, uncIe.
- Bye.

This is MicheIe, Rog?rio.

- How are you?
- HeIIo. And your friend?

It's not gonna happen.
She's got an appointment.

Don't worry, Rog?rio.

CaII Brigite and see if
PauIa is free.

You know what PauIa's
great advantage is?

She can cook, and we'II
need to recover from the workout.


Hi, Sissi.

- Sissi, what's that?
- I missed you.

- Yeah? But I'm aII sweat.
- It doesn't matter.

I Iove you so, so, so much.
Even aII sweat.

Me too.

- I got a surprise.
- Yeah?

And I gotta taIk to you.

- Let me just have a shower, OK?
- OK.

- OK, then.
- OK, then.

Sissi, it's getting embarrassing.


- Let's go out?
- Yes.

But I gotta be back at 6.

No probIem.

Get ready, honey, today
there won't be anything cheap.


- Wait.
- Why?

- HoId on.
- Why?

- Because we have to enjoy it aII.
- We do?

- Drink it.
- Can't stand any more.

Drinking any more?

Neither drinking, nor fucking.

Aren't you a sportsman?
Sportsmen must endure.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Remember I said I had a surprise?


What is that?

My new job. Now I'm
a saIes representative.

Oh my Iove... we'II be abIe to rent
a pIace just for the two of us.

Can you imagine it? You and I...
Wasn't it what you wanted?

What's wrong, Estev?o?

It's just that I'm going to
Europe in two days.

I signed the contract today
before the training.

My mother is coming aIong
and so is Mr. Lopes.

That's a Iie, Estev?o.

Lopes's been fooIing you for
over a year. You got any proofs?

The pIane ticket.

Mine and my mother's.

Sissi, I tried to teII you
in the car but I couIdn't.

I couIdn't.

Sissi, wait, Iet's taIk.

Let's taIk, Sissi.

- HeIIo.
- HeIIo.

- I'm going to Mrs. Martina's.
- Sure.

- Good evening.
- HeIIo.

Do you know if Martina is in?

Guess so, the waste
guy's there to do a job.

- Excuse me.
- Sure.

- The guy has a gun.
- What guy?

- The one who came in.
- He can't, I know him.

I saw the gun,
caII the poIice.

CaII 911, hurry up!

- There's a precinct nearby.
- CaII!

CaII uncIe Rog?rio too.

HeIIo, poIice?

It's a robbery.
490, Souza Lobo Street.

Wait! We'd better not
scare the guy.

The PoIice are coming
and so is Mr. Rog?rio.

Are you sure?

I am. Otherwise I may scream.

You got the key?

No, but the owner has
and he's on his way.

We'II wait, then.

- What's up?
- Who has the key?

- I do, but what's going on?
- Gimme the key.

We'II come in quietIy, OK?

He's onIy one, and
there are 3 of us.

I'II take care of him,
you'II protect the victim.

Nobody comes in tiII I say so.



We have, at this
rare moment,

...two humans trying to satiate,
simuItaneousIy, their 3 appetites.

For food, sex and fasm.

According to Prof. VaIadares, the
consequences are unpredictabIe.

Let him go, it's a mistake,
it's not his fauIt. It's for fun.

Let him go, it's a toy gun.
Let him go.

- Are you OK?
- Yes.

It's just a fantasy.
Let him go.


You know the perp over there?


Sissi, expIain it aII,
for God's sake.

He's my aunt's boyfriend.

Weren't you in SP?

- We came back earIier.
- We didn't go yesterday...

You Iied to me.

''I'' Iied to ''you''?

What are you doing?

- SIut!
- Don't taIk to her Iike that!

Look, I say what I want,
when I want, you brat!

- Stop pointing your finger!
- The heII I'II stop!

- Stop!
- Look at that sIut, Rog?rio.

- Say it again if you're a man.
- I'II say it again.

Dunno about his wife, Rog?rio.
But this one is a reaI sIut, paI.

- Bastard!
- SIut!

- CooI it down!
- SIut!

I never thought you couId
cheat on me, Martina. Never.

Me neither.

HeIp over here!

Go, go heIp! Over there!

I'II have to take everyone's
testimonies, OK?

I wiII...

...wait out there.

Sir, you wanna take the pie?

- Are you sure, ma'am?
- Of course.

So you may testify tomorrow.

- WiII you come to the precinct?
- I wiII.

- Good night.
- Good night.

You come with me.

Who's that?

He's Betinho. He stuck to me,
he won't get off my back.

I'm in Iove.

I think he's crazy.

Everyone in Iove is crazy.

I think I'm a bit crazy.

WiIIiam, do you think I'm crazy?


CompIeteIy crazy.

How couId you give my pie
to that pig?

To Prof. VaIadares, human Iife...

...has rare moments
of entire happiness.

Not onIy are they rare,
they don't Iast Iong, either.

In any case, it's been proved:

Even if it's a brief moment, even
if it's nothing but a fasm, it is...


Liziane KugIand