24 heures de la vie d'une femme (2002) - full transcript

Set in 1913, 1936 and 2001. When he returns to the casino and sea-side resort of his early adolescence, Louis, a seventy-eight-year-old man encounters Olivia, a nineteen-year-old girl madly in love with a violent cad. Louis tells the story of his own mother having a passionate, driven fling with his Italian tennis instructor in 1936, and of Marie Collins Brown, the slightly older widowed woman who helped him through his confusion and pain by recounting the story of her passionate twenty-four-hour fling with a hopeless young Polish gambler in 1913.

- Good night.
- Good night.

I Iove you.

Spread your Iegs.

- You want to change pIace?
- No.

- What's the matter?
- I don't know.

Say you Iove me.

- So?
- Say you Iove me.

Come on. Let me do.

You're crazy.

Stop that.

Stop that. You now it's scaring me.


Room service sir.

Yes. Yes, what?

- I want to go back to Lyon.
- Aren't you happy here?

Answer me. I'm taIking to a waII.

Poor chiId, you're sweating.

Don't move, I'II put your
smoking in the wardrobe.

I'm taIking to you.

Why do such a face?

You can taIk to me.
I'm your friend.

No pain, no gain. I didn't
have your chance to study.

Your grandfather put me to work at 16.
I cIimbed up the steps of the factory.

Stop repeating yourseIf darIing.

Louis, ready for your tennis Iesson?

Sorry PaoIo but it's too hot.

Sorry boy, the court is
reserved, you wiII go.

WiII he darIing?

I'd Iike a tennis Iesson with
PaoIo, if he doesn't mind.

Good idea. My son's a wet
bIanket. A wet bIanket.

I'II go take the rackets.

She's gone. Stop. Stop everything.

Louis, she's gone.

Stay on your machine cause...

You won?

Great you won. Stay cIose to me.

OIivia, how do you say
''bring Iuck'' in EngIish?

Get Iost I'm Ieaving.

Stop being a pain.

- Leave me.
- You're here to have fun, stop suIking.

Have fun.

- You bring misfortune anyway.
- And you, what do you bring?

Excuse me but you're way too noisy.

What? You won, count
your money and shut up.

We asked you. You agreed
to come to the sIot machine.

You don't have to get excite.

CongratuIations Sir,
you won the jackpot.

- I'm not trying to be cIever.
It's ok I'm caIm. - CaIm down.

- I'm spending my money here.
- Come with me.

If I may say, you Iet
anybody come in here.

Ok, I'm Ieaving.

- It never happens Sir.
- Don't touch me.

Go to your home, you're tired.

Stop that.

I'm very sorry Sir, but it's the
onIy thing these peopIe understand.

You're happy? It's your entire fauIt!


- What are you doing? Get off.
- This one's crazy.

HoteI Riva BeIIa.

- Open!
- Let's go.

What happened?


Stop at the next corner.
This Lady wiII get off.

- You can go now.
- No.


Come out, we wiII waIk.

I advise you not to.

Keep the change.

- If I were you...
- You're not me.


Excuse me.

Did he hurt you?

I'm ok, it's not bIeeding anymore.

- Let me see.
- I toId you I'm ok.

I don't know happened. I've
never seen Herve Iike that.

I'II go to my hoteI. It's nearby.

- I'II go with you.
- No.

I can waIk aIone.

Come, don't stay here. Come.

- Where are you going?
- Come.

Is it a grey car?

I don't know. It's ridicuIous.
What are you afraid of?

You were afraid too.

I thought your friend wasn't vioIent.


He must be so angry.

I don't care.

He shouIdn't have hit you.

I hate him.

But I'm addicted. There's
no other word, addicted.

It's the first time.
Do you see what I mean?

- How oId are you?
- 19.

- PeopIe say I Iook oIder.
- You don't.

- Where are you going?
- To sIeep.

- Sure you don't want a Iast drink?
- Thank you, it's Iate.

You mother says you're bored.

It's true Madam but it must be my fauIt.

I must Iack imagination.

By seeing you I don't think so.

Look, I drew the young IIs Von HeIm.

She's bored too.

It's very IifeIike. You're so taIented.

I'm not Iooking for Iike-Iooking,
there is photography for that.

I just try to catch a hidden feeIing.

SteaI a thought.

Senora Henrietta. ShaII we go?

- I'm coming PaoIo.
- Madam.

I'm Ieaving.

PIease have a sit.

I wouId Iike to portray you.
15 minutes wiII be enough.

I'm sorry but I have nothing
to steaI. I have no secret.

We aII have secrets.

Here, it's a present.

Do you Iive nearby?


Do you Iive aIone?


- Are you married?
- No.

- Do I bother you with my questions?
- Yes.

It's funny, I didn't thought
you'd stay in a pIace Iike this.

Before the war, it was
different. There was...

a famiIy house.

Pretty nice, hoId by
a coupIe from Genoa.

With a big garden up to the sea.

A tennis court.

The first house was at 200 meters.

It feIt totaIIy isoIated.

Is there anything Ieft?

Maybe a paIm tree.
Yesterday when I arrived...

It seemed famiIiar. But...

- What is your first name?
- Louis.

I am OIivia.

Do you prefer tomorrow?

Tomorrow... me... Ieaving.



- ShouId I caII a doctor?
- No, no.

I'm fine. I'm fine, forget it.

- I hope she didn't drown.
- I won't get her.

I can't swim.

Get her? She was with the ItaIian.

I don't know.

Any news from about mother?

No. Why?

She disappeared.

ActuaIIy, she didn't
come back from her waIk.

Her waIk?

Where is my father?

He went to the poIice.

The Iast time I saw her, she was
pIaying tennis with the ItaIian.

It was earIy in the afternoon.

She Ieft!

Stop it aII.

Are you feeIing better?

- Did I sIeep?
- One hour.

Do you often faint?

You scared me.


I thought you were dead.

No. It's a bit... It's
a bit rusty in there.

It's not unpIeasant you know.

I was going sIowIy.

That's how I imagine death.

Don't say that.

On the contrary. I must say that.

It's not sad.

I've aIways hated sadness.


How weird id this room...

What are you doing here?

What about you?

I needed some fresh air.
The smeII of a casino.

I was banned 30 years ago.

How much did you win?



I don't beIieve you.

You're crazy to keep it with you.

- You couId be robbed.
- That's right.

It wouIdn't matter to you?

What is your name?

OIivia. You've forgotten.

WeII, OIivia, you wiII go home.

I need to be aIone.

I can't. I Iive with Herve.

- Can I stay here tonight?
- It's impossibIe.

- How oId are you?
- 19. I aIready toId you.

You thought I was minor?


Take it aII and Ieave. Hurry up.

- I don't want your money.
- Of course you do.

You can even take a
room at the Negresco.

You know, I...

I hadn't pIanned this so...

PIease, Ieave. I'II put the biIIs in...

in a pIastic bag.

You think I'm a whore?

Why are you saying that?

I don't ask for anything.

I don't know you

and I give you 200000.

There is nothing to cry for.


What do you do for a Iiving, OIivia?

- I study psycho.
- Psycho?

- Why? Are you surprised?
- A bit.

I'm in first year at OrIeans.

I'm working in Herve's shop.

It pays my hoIydays.

Can I take a cigarette?

How chic.

It Iooks Iike a woman's stuff.

I'm so stupid to Iove a man Iike him.

It's none of my business.

It is.

I need to caIm down.

It's not Iove, it's rage.

I feeI so useIess.

I feeI Iike suffocating.

Like I have too much
Iove for my IittIe body.

Sometimes, I'd Iike to die.

Do you think I'm crazy?

Go away.

An honourabIe woman
wouIdn't Ieave Iike that.

I think it's hereditary.

It's astonishing.

The ItaIian came here two days
ago. They didn't know each others!

You're so naive dear friend.

It's a frame-up.

PaoIo came here to set up
their eIopement's detaiIs.

Just think.

I think it's hereditary. There
are faithfuI wives, and the others.

(peopIe gossiping...)

Do you think, Doctor, that a woman,

Mrs Henriette as it happens,

couId bIindIy run away

in an affair she herseIf considered
impossibIe a coupIe of hours before?

Things Iike that happen.

- Waiter.
- Yes sir?

Pack my bags pIease.

So a woman cannot be responsibIe

for what is, after aII, madness.

Let's say that her emotionaI state

weakened her moraI sense

What are you trying to prove?

That she cannot be condemned?

Did you think about
her husband? Her son?

As a psychiatrist, if
she needs my heIp...

She wiII not need your heIp.

She is in Iove with this man.

She is happy.

If you see her tomorrow with this
young man, you wiII greet her.

I wouId not be an accessory to a woman
who pubIicIy ruin a Iegitimate coupIe.

But that poor woman was bewitched
by an adventurer and his money.

Shut up!

Why are you teIIing this?

I never toId anyone.

That's no reason.

Why me?

We don't know each others.

That's the point.

Did it reaIIy happen on this beach?

Did your mother come back?

Are you reaIIy interested?


Are you coId?

It's scary.


The time.

The time is passing by.

Do you wanna drink something?

There is everything we need?




and vodka.

Stop making mixtures.

You wiII be iII.

So, what do we do now?

- Midnight bath?
- Midnight bath?!

- What are you doing?
- You don't have to come with me.

There are peopIe coming.

Two Germans have been
attacked recentIy.

Mister, Madam, your papers pIease.

I don't have it. I Ieft
it at Herve's pIace.

It's embarrassing. You wiII have
to come with us for a check-up.

- Where do you Iive?
- It's my niece.

Of course. Do you have your papers.

Excuse me Mister the Ambassador.

- I am sorry, I didn't know.
- Sure, sure.

Good hunting.

Good evening.

You're an ambassador?


Can't you say?

Where do you Iive?


I don't understand.

I spent my whoIe Iife abroad, OIivia.

I needed to come back.

I needed to know

Know what?

There is nothing Ieft. Nothing.

Not even sand.

Excuse me, I need to pee.

Come in.

Excuse me sir. Since
you were not in your room

I came to your parents'.

- Is this for me?
- Yes sir.

Come in.

Come cIose.

Don't you want to sit?

- I don't have much time.
- The DeviI is after you?

He aIready took my mother.

- I don't think so.
- Do you know anything?

In a way I do.

Your mother must be somewhere in ItaIy.

Where your father precipitate himseIf.

I wouId have done the same.

Can I pour you some tea?

Do you reaIIy think I am
not someone respectabIe?

I don't know you Madam.

I just think your French is
good for an EngIish woman.

My father don't Iike that.

Then reassure him.

I come from Bordeaux. A good famiIy.

My father was a dipIomat.

I met Captain CoIIins
Brown in Rajasthan.

Who become my husband.

Does this story offend your famiIy?

You know, Louis...

- Can I caII you Louis?
- Yes Madam.

When I Iost my husband,
I Iost faith in Iife.

A disease took my most precious thing.

And reIigion forbid me to go with him.

I Iived 3 years aIone.

Far from noise and peopIe's anger.

I stayed confined to our manor.

Refusing visits.

My own famiIy wanted me to go to Vienna.

To meet a miracuIous doctor.


It took aII the obstinacy
of my step-sister

Duchess EIizabeth

To bring me back to Iife.

EIizabeth, whose nickname was Betty

couId bear the whoIe worId a grudge.

Born with a bad foot.

Caught tubercuIosis at 15.

She was the happiest person

the most energetic person I've ever met.

It was aImost 20 years ago.

She didn't stop taking care of me.

Repeating I stiII had
a whoIe Iife ahead me.

Sit down, pIease.

Pardon me, Mrs. CoIIins.

Since my mother disappeared...

I'm totaIIy Iost.

You know Louis...

You are suddenIy subject to sarcasms

from peopIe who must
fiII in their boredom

What is worse...

to make a new mask of virtues.

You know,

Iike women making beauty masks.

Do you mean...

that I shouId be proud of her?


I wouIdn't go that far.

I just beg you not to
judge her in a rush.

So I was with Betty on the French Rivera

The Duchess' room is the same.

A Iarge baIcony with view on the sea.

So we are the same.

Come see the view.

- Later, there is too much sun.
- There is never too much sun.



That day,
when we were aIone in our room

Betty started to cough badIy.

She knew.

She knew she was cIose to the end.

She begged me to Iive.

She died a year Iater.

LuckiIy we're the same size.

Not too tight?



WiIIiam offered me
this madness from Wade.

It totaIIy suits you.

WaIk a bit.

Oh yes.

Turn around.


Turn as you're dancing waItz.

I drank too much champagne.


- Betty!
- I'II dress up.

I aIways wondered why
Betty, since the first day,

insisted so much to
bring me to the casino.

It was not onIy to get
ride of my bad thoughts.

Maybe unconsciousIy

trying to advertise me

she was getting revenge
on her sadness.

The hands was the most
fascinating things.

AII the hands on the Iookout

each one in his way.

Some naked,
some decorated with rings,

or jingIing chains...

Some hairy Iike wiId beasts.

The others fIexibIes
and moists Iike eeIs.

They aII reveaIed, by the way they
waited, the pIayer's expectations.

PIayers can controI
their face's emotions.

But their hands...

betrayed their deepest secrets.

Marie! Marie!

What are you Iooking at?

There is nothing to see.

PeopIe are grotesque here,
they Iook Iike mummies.

You are the greatest here and
they aII Iook away from you.

- What? I don't want
them to Iook at me.

But I want this!

Excuse me.

Can I remind you that you
are in a respectabIe pIace?


Do what you want. I
go back to the hoteI.

She is the Duchess, sir.

I feIt guiIty for Ietting
Betty aIone in the hoteI..

But I was magnetized

by what I just saw.

This green square

in which the baII fIickers.

From number to number.

God protects you from this fascination.

Charme Chambertain. 1924.

- WiII you taste it?
- Of course.

Mister wiII taste it.

I aIways had a soft
spot for this Bourgogne.

So Iight,

so soIubIe.

UnconsciousIy, I came cIoser to a tabIe.

I heard a crackIe.

It sounds Iike broken joints.


I saw two hands Iike I
had never seen before.

A right and a Ieft hand hanged together.

Like animaIs biting each others.

They were agitated by the game's fever.

He just Iost his Iast stake.

His hands feIt Iike stroked down.

I had to see whose hands it was.

And then...

I saw a men whose face was
as frightening as his hands.

A face which aIso had
this Iook of desperation

but aIso a deIicate beauty.

He onIy had a 100 Fr chip Ieft.

He took it. And pIaced it on the 10.

I wiII aIways remember it.

My heart started beating
Iike I was betting with him.


I stayed an hour.

Seeing him Iosing...


Iosing again.

I was with him.

But at no time our eyes met.

ActuaIIy, I existed for none of them.

I was Iike a ghost.

I onIy cared for one thing.

The baII.

Which must stop on the good number.

Did he Iose?


He was scariIy coIourIess.

He stood up so suddenIy
that his chair feIt.


Do you need heIp?

Can you Iend me 100 Fr?

To pIay or pay your room?

I'm sorry.

I've aIready experienced that moment.

It sinks you inevitabIy.

I can offer you a drink.

Or get you a car.

But for tonight it's over.

Don't go back.

Excuse me.

I'm not sure I shouId but...


You're kiIIing him.

This man was right.

I stiII can't say

if I just didn't wanted him to disappear

or if I wanted to Iive again

the game's madness which bring you
from ecstasy to depression in a second.

StiII, 15 minutes Iater...

the poor man Ieft the casino
with a face worse than depression.

It couId onIy Iead to suicide.

Excuse me I...

It's nothing sir.

- Do you know this man?
- No Madam. WouId you Iike your coat?


- What do you want?
- Don't stay here. PIease come.

Where is your hoteI?

I have no one. I came from Nice today.

- I can't go back.
- It doesn't matter. We'II find a room.

Listen, pretty, your timing is awfuI.

- I don't have any money Ieft.
- Don't you recognize me?

I gave you 200 earIier!

At the casino!

That's true, I've been given money.

- It was me.
- Do you stiII have some?

I can onIy give you
a room for this night.

Sometimes, things can onIy go worse.

- It appIies for you too.
- What?

How much did you win tonight?

It's a mistake. It was
my first time in a casino.

Come. You have money for a room?

Let go of me!

- What do you want?
- To heIp you.

HeIp me?

That's enough. Get Iost.

Got it? Get Iost!

No. You are stiII
mistaken but I don't care.

When I want something I get it.
And I want a room for you tonight.

Then you wiII be on your own.

Come. Hurry up.

- Drive us to an hoteI.
- An hoteI? What kind of hoteI?

Quiet and cosy.

What's your name?

It doesn't matter.

I want to know.

You'II be the Iast person I taIked to.

I'd Iike to name you.

I am Marie CoIIins Brown.

Are you EngIish?

No, French.

I was married to a British Captain.

He died aImost three years ago.

Is that ok?

Pardon me.

For what?

I'II pay your room. And
tomorrow I'II go back to Nice.

Did you hear me?

Why are you doing this?

It's no time for questions.

I'm getting coId.

I am eager to go to my
room and have a warm bath.

- Tomorrow if you want...
- Tomorrow?

How can you speak about tomorrow?

When you are in a good bed,
you wiII think differentIy.''

And I won't give up untiI you
are in the train with your ticket.

One cannot give up
Iife for Iosing money.

Or maybe you are just weak
and I was wrong about you.

Mister. PIease, mister.

- Yes Madam?
- Give me your best room.

With a bathroom.

Here. Keep the change and do your best.

Tomorrow at 9 I'II come and bring
you to the train station. Is that ok?

- Good.
- Come.

Do you think you can save
someone by putting him in a train?

No matter the destination it wiII do.

I'm stuck to a troubIe more
dangerous than a disease.

Can you understand that?

My brain is broken.

I enjoyed Iife but...

one must go when its time comes.

What bothers me is...

when you say: ''Tomorrow
you wiII be better''.

I won't.

I won't better. I wiII be worse.

It's coId!

I have a gun in my suitcase in Nice.

An officer's gun.

By the way, I'm an officer.

Lieutenant in the PoIish CavaIry Army.

- Are you coId?
- No.

- I'm ok.
- You're shivering.

I'II ask for another bIanket.

I'm begging you...

I made my mind. EarIier on the bench.

I swear I don't fear death.

I fear Iife.

You must undress.

You can't keep wet cIothes.


Now, the hardest has been toId.

I hope you'II beIieve me...

if I swear you on my honor...

that untiI this second...

not the sIightest thought of...

an union with this stranger...

came to my mind.

I was...


This night...

turned Iike an unstoppabIe struggIe.

It was about the Iife or death of a man.

I feIt him cIose to the abyss.

I had to carry out my wish to save him.

I must go to my hoteI.

Betty must be worried.

Betty? Who is she?

My step-daughter.

I don't want to upset her.

Stay a bit.

You shouId rest.

You sIept just one hour.

I must go. Let me go.

You wanted to Ieave and
disappear whiIe I was sIeeping.

You were asIeep.

I didn't want to wake you up.

I swear I'II come back to
bring you to the train station.

I think, dear Louis,

that I become a new wife

at this precise moment.

I was sure of myseIf.

Of my desire for Iiving.

From this night which
shouId have ashamed me

I onIy kept the evidence
of a mission accompIished.

Now I had to make sure
of the convaIescent.

And sereneIy come back to the manor.

You aIready had breakfast?

You ask me if I had breakfast?

Are you going crazy?

Not at aII.

I reaIIy enjoyed the casino.

I foIIowed your advices.
I stayed untiI the cIosing.


I went to the casino.

You were not there.

And the cIosing was stiII far off.

So you're watching over me.

Excuse me but...

For the whoIe night I was anguished.

At some point I couIdn't
stand my bad thoughts anymore.

I got up every hour to
see if you were back.

You're the one crazy.

If you met someone just teII me.

It wiII reIieve me.

It wouId even me a exceIIent new.

No Betty.

I met no one.

I though you trusted me.

I was wrong.

Nothing couId affect me.

When Betty disappeared,
I forgot in a second

this incident.

which wouId have
destroyed me some days ago.

I hurried to prepare me...

for meeting the man
I stiII considered...

in my refIections...

Iike my favorite.

Your ticket.

The train Ieaves at 6: 12 pm

Tomorrow you'II have a
connection to Varsovia at Paris

Can you smeII this odour?

BasicaIIy, you know nothing about me.

I think I got the essentiaI.

I just put you on the good path.

You'II write your future.

It's your Iife after aII.

I can't do more.

You aIready made a Iot for me Madam.

The future you are taIking
about is no easy thing.

In Varsovia, I won't be
weIcome with open arms.

Don't you have a famiIy?

There is onIy debts Ieft.

I borrowed a considerabIe
sum from my sister.

I bet a hundred times my
money. I soId everything.

My watch, my ring...

I even stoIe a priceIess
jeweI to my godmother.

I bet it on cards and I Iost.

Imagine the heir of a famiIy

cheating his sister,
steaIing his godmother...

I ran away.

That's the truth.

I am a thief, traitor and a maIefactor.

You can arrange that.

We wiII go to the bank. I'II give
you money to buy the jeweI back.

If you stiII have any honour...

Swear me...

Swear me...

That you won't gambIe anymore.

TeII me if I can stiII
take your words for it.

What do you want?

Trust me.

Come with me.

Repeat after me.

I swear...

I swear...

I swear I wiII never be part
of a random game anymore.

WeII? I am waiting.

I swear I wiII never be part
of a random game anymore.

That I wiII not expose my Iife

nor my honour at this dangerous passion.

That I wiII not expose my Iife

nor my honour at this dangerous passion.

God sent you.

I just thanked him.

I thought about it.

I want no money.

Once in Varsovia, I'II manage.

It is not about it.

You must give your
godmother's jeweI back.

You took the oath.

- Didn't you?
- Yes.

Now we wiII part.

Yes, right here.

I hate goodbyes.&

I prefer to shake your hand.

Like two friends parting...

knowing they won't see
each others anymore.

Go. Get on the car. Run away.

God bIess you.

Drive him to the train station.

You understand...

he Iistened to me...

Iike I was his mother.

I feIt Iike a reaI woman.

If he had come back

to ask me to go with him...

I wouId have foIIowed him
untiI the end of the worId.

I am teIIing you this story
because of your mother.

Who ran away with a man she didn't know.

Prepare the biII and pack my bags.

Don't you Iike your stay?

I do but I must Ieave.

- I'II caII the director.
- I don't want to taIk to him.

Look at your hands. They are shaking.

You have a fever.

Yes! Your forehead is boiIing.

Go to the reception
and ask for a doctor.

Can you hear me? Yes! You!

Don't Iook at me this way!

Stay here, and keep working!

WiIIiam wiII arrive tomorrow.

I asked him to come.

Do you know what you
remind me of? A vampire.

I shouId have feIt exhausted
but I was insaneIy worried.

Mad about Betty for Iosing my time.

I onIy thought about one thing...

catching Anton at the train station.

Get there in time and
you wiII get a reward.

Can't you go faster pIease?

I'm doing my best Ma'am.

I can't knock down peopIe for a train.

At this time it was not about
shame nor remorses anymore.

The onIy thing that mattered
was getting there in time.

- I must take the train to Paris.
- It's too Iate Madam.

- I must!
- The next one is tomorrow.

It was a nightmare.

Fighting against time...

PeopIe were onIy there to hoId me up.

The whoIe worId didn't
want me to see Anton.

They succeeded.

When I arrived to the pIatform,
the train was aIready Ieft.

I hate peopIe.

I hate their hypocrisies.

Are you drunk?


I drank too much.

HoId out.

The Cognac was great.

But it's good...

I feeI good.


It's my fauIt.


Wash your face.

PIease, it's important to me.

You knew they were here.

I'II pay.

You knew. That's with
you brought me here.

- No, it's by chance.
- I don't beIieve you.

It's absurd.

I wouIdn't do that.

Now you decide.

Make her see reason.

After what you said?

Did your step-sister
made you see reason?

Louis! Louis, come back!

What wiII you teII your father?

- He wiII Iook for her in ItaIy.
- So wiII he.

Maybe he wiII find something.

Do you feeI better?

You can stiII catch them
at the train station.

No way.

And you?

What did you do?

I was disheartened, Iost.

I didn't know where to go.

Thinking about my
step-daughter was making me iII.

I went to the casino.

I don't reaIIy know how nor why.

32! Red, even.&

0. 24.

Red, pIease.

Oh, it's you.

It works for me.

I feIt it.


Do you see this man?

He is a Russian GeneraI.

Yesterday, we pIayed together.

But I didn't take advantage of him.

His hands aIways win.

You got it? I pIay Iike him.

Did you forget everything?

Your oath...

Your prayers...

Is it just gone?


Anton, if you have some honour Ieft...

come with me.


Forgive me.

I'II come.

It's the Iast. I promise.

Stand up. Right now.

You have no honour. You
are worse than an animaI.

Go away!

Got it? Go away.

You're bad Iuck.

I Iose when you're here.

You made me Iose yesterday.
It's starting over.

Yes, you're bad Iuck.

Go away! Go away!

I don't want to see you again.

Never. Do you hear me?

I toId you to go away. Are you deaf?


Take your money and go home.


I don't know you.

And Anton, what happened to him?

Ah! You're interested in Anton.

No, but I wonder what
a guy Iike him became.

He wasn't on a good road.&

So, what happened?

He committed suicide
where he had pIanned to.

24 hours Iater.

At the kiosk?


Does this kiosk stiII exist?

I don't know.

Let's see.

So, are we going?

I know a great pIace near the hiII.

Let's rent a car...

find a cosy pIace...

take a room...

I'm kidding.



Did you see her again?

Why did you come back here?

Why did you come back here?

- Is it the first time?
- Yes.

I couId Iie.

Say that I'm cured, that
everything is fine...

But no.

I dreamt of him just yesterday.

Now, when I put fIower
on my husband's grave...

I'm thinking about Anton.

No one eIse.

Don't Iook at me Iike I'm crazy.

I am crazy.

I'II get the car.

Go with him.


Trust me.


I'm sorry.

I went mad.

I hurt you.

I can't be forgiven.

At Ieast is was the most
intense moment of your Iife.

What are you saying?

It was the most dreadfuI of my Iife.

I pretended...

pretended to be in Iove, but I couId
not stop thinking about your father.

I thought of you too.

You are so bored with my father.

AcknowIedge it.

He is my husband.

I buiIt my Iife with him.


I destroyed everything.

Beside Marie CoIIins Brown,
everything seemed so mediocre...

My famiIy...

The girIs I met...

It seemed so shabby,
compared to Anton and Marie...

I traveIIed aII over the
word. In each embassy...

I thought I couId find
what I was Iooking for...

I earned a Iot of money.

I spent it in...

in brotheIs...

in casinos...

But I couIdn't Iook Iike Anton.

You're so compIicated...


Come here!

Come here. Come here...

No, I Iove it!

I wiII Ieave you then.
I go back to the hoteI.

OIivia! Stop it.


You saved me.

You're totaIIy drunk.&

You need to drink Iike a fish!

That's cIever! That's cIever.

You're drunk!

Come, Iet's go back.

To the hoteI.

To the hoteI.

Yes, we're going.

You're drunk.

I'II take a boiIing shower.

PIease make yourseIf home.

Can I stiII in your bed?

Can I sIeep in your bed?

I prefer you to sIeep in the sofa.

PiIIows are in the cupboard.

That was a sIeepIess night.

You Iike naming things.

We made a IittIe madness.

That's the right name.

I'II change cIothes.

Can I pinch a cigarette?

Look into the tabIe.

You came here to commit
suicide, don't you?


Stop fooIing me.

Go take your shower.

- I need to sIeep?
- I am too young to understand?

You know, the best homage...

we can pay to Iife is...

to Ieave when it's time.

You're a young girI...

very attractive.

You know that.



To each his pIace.

Hurry up.

You'II get coId.

It feeIs so good.

According to you...

Is it normaI to be obsessed by a boy?

PhysicaIIy, I mean.

Before, I didn't enjoy making Iove.

I thought I was frigid.

But with Herve it's crazy.

Though he's not my type.

At the beginning he seemed such a jerk.

A true mystery.

Do you see what I mean?

I'm gIad I met you.

Stop it.

Where are you?

What are you doing?

Excuse me.

I'm tired.

Do you want one?


My throat aches.

There is something I don't understand.

You wake me up asking for sex...

And now you say you're tired.

What did you do Iast night?
Had sex with the oId man?

Did you enjoy it with Kate?

What did you do?

I sIept on the beach.

I don't beIieve you.

You Iove comfort too much.

I made up my mind.

I need you.

A Iot.

You don't beIieve me?

Say something.

Dear OIivia.

You brought me back to Iife.

It's not easy with someone that oId.

Thanks to you, I decided
not to me a ghost anymore.

I was running after a dream.


I met you.

I don't Ieave you.

I just go further.

I Ieave Iike a thief.

But... it's your smiIe I'm taking.

It's never too Iate for
a dream to come true.

I know what I want now.

I wish I couId teII you...

Thank you.

Not for the money.

I don't want it.

I Iied.

I never studied psycho.

I didn't went to coIIege.

But I'd Iike to teII you...

I won't forget our night.

It was Iike a dream.

What we Iived together...

It's our secret.

The first secret of my Iife.

A reaI secret.