1974: La posesión de Altair (2016) - full transcript

A newlywed couple disappeared in 1974, their 8mm tapes reveal one of the most horrifying events in Mexican history.

First I heard screaming,
then a terrible explosion.

Any thoughts?

I thought the power cables
had short-circuited...

...and that the house was burning
with the neighbors inside.

Iran out here to see what had happened...

...but the house was
in perfect condition.

Doctor Canseco...


Is it true that four people are missing?

Were they patients of yours?

What's in the box?

Who the hell do you
think you're talking to?

- Do you work here?
- Yes.

- What did you see?
- I was asleep and a sound woke me up.

What kind of sound?

It sounded like a train, but we
don't have trains around here.

Then I heard screaming, I got up
and saw fire near the house.

What can you tell me about the tenants?

They recently moved in.
Just married, good people.

I think someone was following them.
They looked scared.

They always had a camera with them,
as if they were investigating something.

Good morning.

- Good morning?
- Good morning.

- Do you want some cereal?
- Yes, please.

And the spoons?

Happy birthday, Mrs.

- Oh, you're mean.
- Come here.

Thank you.


Do you like it?

- Why are you combing your hair for?
- Look over there.


What is it?

What's so funny?

- I already have a name for it.
- Let's hear it.


- The worst of it all is that I like it.
- Of course you do.

It's actually not negotiable.
It has already learned it.

Very well. Carlo.

Do you want to see what
my students gave me?

- Can you hold this?
- Yes.

How about it?

It's nice.

It's pretty.

I have to show you what
they wrote to me.

Let's see it.

Oh, the film is running ou-

All right, let's do this.

- Ready?
- Ready.

They're eight years old, okay?

Besides, I want you to see who wrote it.

All right.

Miss Altair...
sun of my moon, sun of my love.

You are a heart that beats.
You are an angel to me.

I can fight like you,
and I know you'd fight for me.

Happy birthday, from Carlo.

- Manuel!
- What?

I'm testing the audio.


Are you filming this?


It's beautiful.

What's going on?


What time are you going to get here?

Friends of Manuel, friends of mine.

At nine o'clock, but you can come earlier.

Come on, at least for a while.

Te re, it's Friday.

Don't be ridiculous, you'll only
be out for a couple of hours.

I'll be waiting for you.

No. I'll see you here.


Tell him to stop recording me, Carlo.

If only you could see what I see.

Turn that thing off, Manuel.

- Manuel, I'm serious.
- Ok, fine.

I'm really testing the audio,
but I'll turn it off on one condition.


Put on your flight attendant costume.

Come on.

Come on.

Why are you hiding?


My God.




Who is it?

Let me hear.


- Can you help me with the terrace?
- Anything the birthday girl wants.

What do you need?

Rake the leaves, clean the garage,
turn on the lights, take out the trash.

Make it look good.


All right, just like we rehearsed.
Three, two, one...


Yeah, smooth.

Weed, nice!

No, no, no! Don't!

Mauricio Garces.

His babe.

Couple number one.

Couple number two.

The birthday girl...

...and Manuel.

Very nice.


Hi. I'm Callahan.

Do you know what a steak
sounds like when it's cooked?


Good one, right?

Callahan, stop recording and come over here.

Someone has to do
the dirty work, Manuel.

Callahan, get over here.
We're talking about Bergman.

Mmm, nah.

So, Tere is coming?

Your sister is coming?


Supposedly, yes.

- She's coming with Bergman.
- Does she know I'm here?

What are you laughing about?

Let me call her.

Geez, my friend.

The captain and his crew would like
to welcome you aboard this flight.

Estimated time to our destination
is around one hour.

Don't stop, don't stop.

For your safety, the use of cameras
will not be allowed during our flight.



And they should be turned off
until we reach our destination.

We will experience turbulence,
you have been warned.

So please don't disturb the captain,
nor me.

I wasn't dreaming.

I'm telling you it was real.

He was in front of the bed.

Did he talk to you?


What did he say?

He said he was an angel.

You're going to laugh
when you see this.

See? You haven't seen it and
you're laughing already.

I'm not laughing, Manuel.

I know when I'm dreaming, and when I'm not.

I'll be fine in a moment.

But what about last night?

Do you remember us doing
the Russian trampoline?


What about the Chinese butcher?

Feeling better?

What was that?

- Did you find anything?
- No.



Just this.

Such a hard worker!

What do you think?

I love it.

I can't wait, I want to see it.


Stop it.

- Hey!
- Carlo!

What do you want for dinner?


We don't have any.

You don't even like it, you liar.

Go buy some, I'll prepare it if you want.

I can see one from down here.

You're gross!

Stop it!

By the way, did you keep
having weird dreams?

No, not anymore.

How's your project going?

It's going well.

How long will it take to finish?

About four months.

What's with that"?

I already told you this
one would take longer.

No, I mean the doll... the Pinocchio.

It was already there, on the table.

It's not yours?


Then, who knows?

What do you mean?

Me neither.


- So what?
- So where did it come from, Manuel?

I don't know.

Hold on. Careful.

Lean forward. Hold it tightly.

Above the nose.

Hold it right there.

I brought you something.

- Call Carlo.
- Mmh?

- I said... call Carlo.
- Why?

Just call him, you'll see.


Look at it's cute face!

- Ugh, why did you paint his face?
- No, I didn't paint it.

Carlo, Carlo?

Where are you going?

I hope it's not what I think it is.

- Carlo! God damn it!
- What happened?

- Come here!
- Manuel!

Don't mess with my work.
Do you understand?

- Not with my work!
- Manuel.

It ruined my day's work, Altair!
I told you not to let him go near the living room.

You're sleeping outside.

Stop whining you little son of a bitch.




Are you hearing this?


Come here.

What is that?

I don't know.



What are you doing?

Come to bed.

Are you having strange dreams again?

Did you see the angel, again?


Good morning.

What are you looking at?

Is everything okay?


Yes Manuel, every-thing's fine.

Aren't you running late?

I'll be out in a moment.

Why did you lock the door?




What is this?

What are you doing?


I hate it when you don't answer.
What are you doing?

Help me paint these, will you?


...what are we painting them for?

Just help me.

Are they for school?

Are there any more boxes?


- Are there any more boxes?
- No.

So you did order them?


What are you doing?

I'm talking to you!

No, they are not for school...

...and no, I didn't order them.

I'm just doing what they asked me to do.

Who's 'they'?

The angels, Manuel.

The angels?

The angels told you to
paint the bricks black?

Yes, I know what you're going
to say and I don't care.

But yes.

They were here last night.

They told me I was chosen to help them.

That all I needed to do was to build a door of black
bricks in my room, and another one in the basement.

You're picking me up from school and tell me some
boxes with bricks and black paint arrived to the house.

What's wrong with you?

Tell me.

What's the matter?

- You don't get it, do you?
- What?

You don't understand anything at all.



I can't sleep.

I can't find Carlo.


Carlo, Carlo!


Way to go, Manuel.
Way to go.

What were you thinking?



What the fuck is this?


What are you doing here?





What are you doing... Altair?

Altair, I'm talking to you!





Can we talk now?


Can you tell me what this is?

Do you remember what happened last night?

Were you asleep?


You talk too much, Manuel.


I need you to come over.

Okay, at what time do...


- I'm ready.
- Thanks for coming.

- Where's Altair?
- At school.

So, she...

...had a dream about... angels?

And minutes later birds fell from the sky?

And your dog is missing.
And you haven't found him?

I'll need to see everything you've recorded.

- And I mean everything!
- Yes.


Then, a load of bricks arrived, right?

Bricks that you didn't order, and neither did Altair.


It's easy, Manuel.

We have a stalker, stalking us.

This is one of them.

And this is the other one.

What the fuck is this, Manuel?


Where are the rest of the film rolls?

Right here...

...and over here.

There are more on the way.

Should I save some for your clay models?


- What about Carlo?
- Nothing yet.


The idea is for you to film the interesting
parts, not literally everything.

Yeah, right?

Good evening?


Who the fuck calls at this hour...

...and then say nothing.


What's that?

It's my magic cube.

That doesn't answer my question.

A real traveller would know.

Ever been to Budapest?


Then I'm afraid I can't tell you.


All right, I'm going out for a while.

Okay. Where are you going?

Te re's house.

- Hi.
- Hello.

Hi Tere!

How is my sister doing?

- What about Altair?
- She's at school.

So, let me start.

I'm discovering a side of Altair
that I didn't know before.

The lively woman I married to is now...

...serious, apathic and bitter.

She doesn't want me to talk to her,
come close, or even touch her.

You are her sister.
You know her better than I do.

Is there anything I should know?
Was she... is she like this?


Manuel I respect you, and I love my
sister... but your problems are yours.

You're on your own.


Okay, I see now.

Thanks anyway.

- Let's get the fuck out of here.
- What about the angels?

Altair says she talks to...

Let's go out. Where should we go?

I'm fine here.

Let's go to the movies.

You can...

...choose whatever movie you like.

I'm fine here.

- Are you sure?
- I said I'm fine!

Is this what you heard in your room?

It's 4:00 AM.

I heard the sound again.

It woke me up and
I can't go back to sleep.

I almost finished solving my magic cube.

I've been thinking of removing the
fucking stickers so I can finish it now.

My photo camera ran out of film and...

...everyone is acting strange in this house.

Except me.

The sofa I'm sleeping in is...

...very comfortable.

But that doesn't help because...

...I'm not sleepy.

Where the fuck did...?




Fucking Manuel!

Fuck Manuel for bringing me here...

...to help him out with his bullshit investigation!

And I'm keeping your camera
because you're both assholes.

That's right.

...you're going home.

You're going to smoke a doobie.

You'll go to the cinema tomorrow.

You'll watch Hitchcock's new film.

And everything will be fine.

Everything will be all right, don't panic.

These fucking roads are a mess.

What's wrong with that crazy bitch?

Nobody laughs at me!
I'm the friend who came to help!

Fuck this shit.

What the...?

No fucking way.

Oh, no.

No, no, no.

There's no way I'm going back.

No. No. No.

I refuse. No!



I want to show you something.

- What time is it?
- Who cares? Get over here.

Look what I found.

What the fuck is this?

What do you mean?
It's Carlo.

That's not Carlo.
Carlo is two months old and this one is not.



And I have to talk to you about something else.

Look at this Carlo, look.

- Carlo?
- What are you doing?

Nothing, we're just playing around.


What happened to you, Carlo?

I think he might have giantism.

What? Didn't you see that movie...

...The Giant Constantin?





Is that the stalker?


Listen to me motherfucker... I don't
know who you are, but I will find out.

- Hello?
- Manuel, this is Tere. Can you talk?


Can you come over? Right now?

Yeah, sure.

- It's urgent, Manuel.
- We're on our way.

- I'll see you here.
- Thank you, Tere.

Is that the radio?

Hold this for me.

May I?


...the doll.

Who is he?

He's our brother.


What does this have to do
with everything I've told you?

And how come I didn't know
my wife had a brother?

My parents gave us the news.

Altair had been asking for a little
brother since her first words.

After birth...

...we found out he was a boy.


Altair played with him all the time.

She would change his diapers, and
help my mom bathe him and feed him.

Until Altair's sixth birthday.

That day...

...she enjoyed her party, opened up
her presents and went to sleep.

She suddenly woke up...

...screaming, saying Pablo
had been taken away.

My parents told her that...

...Pablo was asleep in his cradle.

We all went into the room,
looked into the cradle and...

...the cradle was empty.

We searched for him...

...and searched...

...and searched.

For some reason, my parents decided...

...that Altair should be
taken to a psychoanalyst.

My father approached to me...

...and said...

For the sake of your sister,
I'm going to ask you...

...to never...

...ever talk about Pablo again.

Did they ever find out who took him?

What did she dream about?


What did Altair dream about?


What is that?

I don't know, but let me get it
out of the fucking way.

What is it?








You never go to work, don't do this to me!

- I have to go today.
- It's okay if you don't go.

- I'll get fired.
- Then come work with me!

- No.
- Callahan!

Listen, Manuel!
This shit is bad.

You asked me to come help you,
but you don't let me.

So, I'm leaving.
I'm telling you, she is possessed.

- She is not possessed.
- That's because you haven't watched the movie.

I'm telling you... she is possessed.

I know about these things.
If you don't hire an exorcist, I'm leaving.

- Callahan, that's bullshit!
- You won't understand until you watch the movie!

No. I'm not watching any fucking film.
And we're not bringing a priest in here.

And you are not going anywhere,
you are staying with me.



Dr. Canseco, thanks for coming.
I'm very pleased to meet you.

- Where is she?
- Good evening.

In the kitchen, I haven't moved her since...


Do you remember me?


Do you recognize my voice?

Do you recognize my voice, Altair?

Tere, get close to your sister please.

Place her left hand over the table.

Do the same with her right hand.

Place her left hand with her palm facing upward.

- That is all for today.
- What do you mean?

How do I...

Is she going to stay like that
all night long or what?

Tell me five symptoms of a cataleptic disorder.

- Eh?
- Eh?

I'm going to say this nicely...
Don't ever question my methods again, young man.

And we have to wait a whole
week until you come back?

No. I'll come back tomorrow.

I'm going to do my job.
You do yours.

Your job is to take care of her.
Are we clear?

Yes we are.

What is that?

What is it?









Get off me!


No! No!


I don't want them to come anymore.

I don't want to dream
about them again.

They took me to a horrible place.

It was dark.

There was a bed in
the middle of the room.

They said God wanted
to have a child with me.

That I shouldn't be afraid.

One of them...

...walked towards me and put
his face right in front of mine.

The others kept staring at me.

But I couldn't do anything.

I couldn't scream.

He put his hand on my forehead...

...and his fingers on my face.

He closed my eyes...

...and he took my clothes off.

...and he...



What's wrong?

They're calling from Altair's school.


Can you tell this woman
that Altair won't be going?

Tell her she is sick or something.

Tere, don't say anything about this. Please.

Yes, of course.


- Manuel...
- Good morning, I'm Tere, Altair's sister.

- Yes, I'm sorry... Altair has been very sick.
- Altair?



This goes completely against my work ethics.

What I am about to give you,
is for you and only you.

If you don't comply, there will be
severe consequences for all of us.

Is that clear?


What is it?

I don't think you understand.

- I repeat. Is it clear?
- Yes, it's clear.

I know people who's job is
erasing this kind of material.

Okay. Can you tell me what it is?


But I can tell you two things.

Your wife's situation is completely
beyond my control.

And also...

...shut off that camera immediately,
and hand me the film roll.

Aren't you going to open it?

There's another one beside me.

How did he enter your room?

His face is right in front of mine.

He's an angel.

An angel?

And what does the angel say to you?

There are many of them around me.

They are staring at me.

Did you invite them?

Did you invite them, Altair?

They want to take Pablo with them.

They want to take your brother?

- Yes.
- Where?

Where do they want to take him, Altair?

To heaven.

Why do they want to take him?

They promised they will come back.

Did they tell you what's going to happen?

Are they going to bring Pablo back, Altair?

They don't let me... remember.

Ask them for permission.

Why did they take your brother, Altair?

They want to play with him.

They want to play with him?
What do they want to play?


What do they want to play?

They want to play with me.

They also want to play with her,
and with him, and him.

- They want to play with the four of us.
- Which four?

Altair, which four do they want to play with?

She's throwing up.

Give me your hands.

We're leaving, okay?

I'm going to carry you.

I need you to help me.

- Don't answer the phone!
- Why not?

We're leaving. Get the door.

- Callahan, get the car keys.
- Where are we going?

We're leaving.

Open the door! Open it!

Callahan, turn on the camera light!


Callahan, turn on the light!

All right, all right.

What was that?


What is that?

What was that?

It's the bricks.
It's the fucking bricks!

What? No! No!



No! No! Tere!
Let go of her!

Get off me! Get off me!




What do I do? What do I do?

What do I do?

What do I do?



Let's go! Let's get out of here!

Listen to me, Altair!








Altair, what are you doing?

What are you doing?

What are you doing?

Let it go...

Let it go...

What are you doing?

Oh God.





Where are you?

Where are you?

Where are you?