1922 (1978) - full transcript

Inspired by Greek novelist Ilias Venezis' book "The Number 31328", Nikos Koundouros depicts the Asia Minor Disaster, as seen through the eyes of three central characters who have failed to embark on ships bound for Greece: the wife of a merchant, a teacher, and a seventeen-year-old youth. The dramatic consequences of the Destruction of Smyrna and the Genocide of the Greeks in Turkey are portrayed through the agonising ordeals of the Asia Minor Greeks, who had been arrested and led to meet their end by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's troops and armed-to-the-teeth groups of Muslims.

The Greek Film Centre

A Film by Nikos Koundouros.

Based on the book "Number 31328"
by Elias Venezis.

Written by Nikos Koundouros
and Stratis Karras.

August 15, 1922

Greece, you are crowned
once again with Glory eternal...

Once more the canons of your
sailors are echoing on the sea.

Greece, your children are forever covered with immortal glory.

Alexander the Great's gaze
protects your every step.

Look at the peoples of the world, who support your noble cause.

The English, French and Italians
protect the Parthenon!

O Greece, unique land.
Mother of heroes.

It is my honour and pride
to be killed for you!

O Greece, unique land, fearless state,...

Glory herself awaits
to crown your children.

For the death for you is
a sweet death indeed.

He who dies today will
never has to die!

I fancy this, and I fancy that too!

I fancy them both,
and will keep them.

I fancy this, and I fancy that too!

I fancy this, and I fancy that too!

I fancy them both, and
I won't give them to you.

I like my sweet and I
will not give it to you!

Keep your mouth shut or
else we will get in trouble.

They say that our allies, the Italians, are planning to support the Turks.

Do you believe they will
pull a fast one on us?

Don't be afraid, brother.
This is complete gibberish.

I myself heard...

Don't say a word to anyone,
otherwise we're screwed, okay?

Our French Allies are
selling guns to Kemal!

I fancy this, and I fancy that too!

I fancy them both and
I won't give them to you.

Did you see him?
Down in the stalls!

On the second line.

Don't say a word.
The army is leaving.

The streets are full of
vagrants staring at you.

Everybody sees it except you!

I'm a woman, and I feel it.

Right now...

There are 15,000 Greek
soldiers in Smyrna.

Allied warships anchored in the port.

British ships, Italian ships, french ships.

And you are scared of three
vagrants on the corner.

We're going to buy tickets tomorrow.

The conversation is over.
This city is driving me crazy.

All eyes were on you in the theater.

Italians only look at women.
They never do more than that.

So they are used to.

If we stay, we will go to
their reception on Saturday.

We will be gone since Saturday.

All the people we know will be there.

Captain Ferro, Bertini...

Amalia's brother who works
at the French Embassy,...

Italian captains,...

and this secretary of the British Embasy who makes advances to you.

They say that they rape women
and kill them afterwards.

Who are "They"?

If the Army leaves, the city is lost!

The Turks will spare no one.

Alekos came to say goodbye.
Leave him alone.

Have a nice trip, my child.

Have a nice trip.
Farewell, my child.


This is not a transfer.

This is a retreat!

You're right!

And they didn't say a word to us!

They know what they're doing.

What about all these people?

There are 4 million
Greeks in Anatolia.

We were born here.
We will die here.

Anatolia is Greek!

It is our homeland!
I was born here!

My father was born here and
my grandfather as well!

And my grandfather as well!

{\pos(200,250)} [Italian]We are ready... four persons.

You,... the lady ... two children

Yes, you! You must bring a certificate from the Italian Embassy.

I'm sorry but without a
certificate nothing can be done!

And you, Mr Chavras! You have
registered a family of 9 people...

but here it is written fourteen!

Please don't push!
You will break the door glass!

And you, Madam!
Your passport is not valid!

What do you want from me? I am an agency employe. Ι am not the government!

- Ask the State for help!
- What State are you talking about?

Where is the State now?

They took their documents and ran away!

That's right! They ran away!

Greeks, we have been betrayed!

The army is withdrawing and
they don't say a word!

Here it is! "The Turks will
never reach Smyrna!"

The Turks are coming! They're outside the city, while we are being fooled!

There is no Greek State
in Smyrna anymore.

And... what about us?
What are we gonna do?

What will happen to us?

We will wait for the Turks... unarmed...

like sheep to the slaughter.

I have a name here, Marcagini!

Antonio Marcagini!

Marcagini, two people!


Antonio Marcagini, two people.

You have to find a
fake certificate! Now!


- What can we do now?
- We should have left a long time ago!

- So many caught up and left.
- Bullshit, how many left?

We are always among the last! Why didn't we leave like the others?

- You insisted not to follow the mass.
- Yes, but this time is different.

Of course, it is not!

The man at the travel agency
said that he will leave today.

- Do not be afraid!
- I'm fine!



What is our fault?

What is MY fault?
Nobody asked me!

Come on say it!

Come on tell me!


And what else?

What else?


Why do you speak Turkish, huh?

Why do you speak Turkish?

Why do you speak Turkish
since you can speak Greek too?

- Calm down, my love!
- Why does she...

All is fine!

- She can't speak Turkish in here!
- Calm down, dear!

Why does she speak Turkish... ?

Calm down, calm down now...

Forgive us, my child!

Two men killed in one's
family is too many.

Open it at page 43.

You must forgive me!

{\pos(195,242)}And dogs, wolves and birds of prey...

{\pos(195,242)}And dogs, wolves and birds of prey...

{\pos(195,242)}Will tear your flesh apart...

{\pos(195,242)}and will put your bodies
out of the ground.

{\pos(195,242)}And we will laugh out loud
without the slightest remorse.

{\pos(195,242)}Widows, orphans...

{\pos(195,242)}Children without a home or a future,...

{\pos(195,242)}for as much as the iron
perfomed it's duty nicely...

{\pos(195,242)}And the dead
are dead for good.

You are leaving.

AUGUST 25, 1922

But not you! You will stay!

Take these out!

Forget about them!

Do you want to leave? I want the truth!
Do you want to leave?

These were Petro's. He and
you had the same height.

You look like him.

Yorgos was...

shorter even though...

even though he was a year older.

Kosmas stays with me.

Let me introduce you.
Elias is a student of mine.

Elias, come next Thursday,
at the same time...

as always.

AUGUST 22, 1922

{\pos(195,242)}[Italian] For the Country, my brothers!

{\pos(195,242)}And for England and France too!

{\pos(195,242)}And for the Tabaco Company...

{\pos(195,242)}And for the French Railway Company...

{\pos(195,242)}And for the Bank di Santo Spirito.

Can we have some water, please?

I pity you, by Santa Madona!

I pity you, Greeks.


{\pos(195,242)}Romans (Greeks)!

{\pos(195,242)}Do not be afraid!

{\pos(195,242)}[Turkish] Romans, do not be afraid!


{\pos(195,242)}[Turkish] Long live Kemall!

{\pos(195,242)}Long live the Army!


Sweet, and hot!

{\pos(195,242)}Prepare to die, you Greeks!

{\pos(195,242)}Time to die, Greeks!

{\pos(195,242)}You shall perish,
you filthy Giaours (infidels)!

(armeninan name)

Open the shop!

We want to shop.

Come down, you bastard!
Open the shop!

All these years you were "stealing"
the bread of the Turks!

- Armenian pig!
- Come down, Armenian!

Bring your wife too!

Tell her that Ibrahim wants to
talk to her. She knows why.

We will put you on fire!

Krikor Ecoyan! Son of a bitch!

Do not sit and look at him!
Kill him!

This is the key!

This is the key, Armenian!

This is the key, this is the key...

{\pos(195,242)}Cut this armenian ass!

{\pos(195,242)}Long Live Islam!


and Giaours...
(he is reffering to Greeks)

"steal" our bread!

Markos Kasapian!
(Armenian names)

Vartabed Miran!

Garbis Khartupian!

Aram Kasase!

Kevork Gulpekian!

Khigor Vahan!

Khigor Tsakrian!

Stepan Amiran!

{\pos(195,242)}Long live Islam!

{\pos(195,242)}Long live!

I can't think straight.
My mind is paralysed!

You are leaving tomorrow! It's over!

After all, what will they do to us?

They have to respect the treaties!
The foreign fleets are still in the port!

They won't touch us!

They are after the Armenians now!

Didn't you hear?

Woe to the Armenians!

You are leaving tomorrow! It's over!

As soon as we get the message,
you will be gone in no time!

They won't touch the women...

For what reason...?

The same goes for old men.

They do not want them!

They only keep men, aged between
18 and 45 as prisoners of war.

"Prisoners of war", then so be it!

When the storm is over,
order will prevail.

You will see.

Tidy the house.

Lock everything in trunks.

Lock the rooms too.

I will stay behind with Elias.

What will they do with the prisoners?

Kemal is not evil!

The Turks have changed.

Now there is a regular army.

There are foreign ambassadors!
There are Treaties!

Turkey has become a modern state!

There's not bad blood
between us anymore!

We will live together!

It's not the first time and
it won't be the last either!

We live together for ages!
Now is no different!

I have no differences
with my neighbor!

What did Ibrahim do to me?

Lock the doors.

When the storm is over, we will see.

You must be ready. As soon as we
get the message, you will leave.

Don't worry about Ilias.
Do you hear me, woman?

I will be here!

You must look after your daughters!
Don't worry about us!

We shall make it.

- What's your opinion, Elias?
- I'm going to surrender.

What can they do to us?





I am a Greek.

Α Giaour (An infidel).

An infidel!







Hey you, talk to your mom!

Fear not, Elias.

Fear not...

We do everything to save you.

Your father goes everywhere.

We will get documents telling
that you are 16 years old.

You will come with us.

You will come with us too,...


Your sisters send you their greetings.

And your little brother.

Don't worry about us!

Take care.

A lot... take care a lot.

I brought you clothes.
Flannels or something.

It's cold at night.

Enough, mother!
Off you go, now.




They are killing us!

They are killing us!


He is... infidel...
Bad infidel...

A teacher!



Hang him!

Are we going to take him to court?

Death to the Greeks!

Death to the enemies of the Turks!

Turkey belongs to the Turks!

Turkey belongs to the Turks!

{\pos(195,242)}Get in line, you filthy infidels!

{\pos(195,242)}Go to hell, bastard!

{\pos(195,242)}You stand up!

{\pos(195,242)}Patience, infidels!

Stand up!

Prodromos Diavasoglou.

Prodromos Diavasoglou!

Get ahead.

Naoum Hadjiyiannidis.

Naoum Hadjiyiannidis!

Efrem Efremoglou.

Efrem Efremoglou!

Efrem Efremoglou!

Thomas Avrasoglou
and Michael Avrasoglou.

Michael Avrasoglou
and Thomas Avrasoglou!


Not me!

{\pos(195,242)}I am sorry but your excellency is mistaken.

{\pos(195,242)}I am Itallian!

{\pos(195,242)}I am not Greek!
I am not Armenian!

{\pos(195,242)}I am Italian!

{\pos(195,242)}My name is Giuseppe Mura!

{\pos(195,242)}Giuseppe Mura! Mura!

{\pos(195,242)}Long live Kemal!
Long live Turkey!

{\pos(195,242)}Go on! Hurry, you devils!

{\pos(195,242)}One... two... one... two...

And you too?

Hi, Elias.

I'm here too.

Why shouldn't I?

Yes, of course. Why shouldn't you?



Here he is, captain.
Here he is.

- How old?
- Sixteen.

It is written on the document. Here.

This is when he was born.

This is when he went to school
for the first time. He six by then.


when he enrolled in
the French school.

At the age of twelve...
It's written here.

Here is when he won the award!

He was awarded two years in
a row. That's two awards.

"Furteen years old".
Here it is!

These are his papers
from middle school.

"Sixteen years old".
That's today.



Mother, save me!

Tell father...

Do somthing!

Elias! Elias!

Don't be afraid.
We will not leave you alone.

Do something, hurry!
Hurry up!

- Before it gets dark!
- Don't be afraid!

- Elias...
- Mom, before it gets dark!

Mom, hurry!

- Elias...
- Before it gets dark.







{\pos(195,242)}Twenty-six, twenty-height...

{\pos(195,242)}Thirty... Fourty... Fourty-five


{\pos(195,242)}Five more...

{\pos(195,242)}One... Two.. Three...

- You too?
- Certainly.

They took us from our home.
They told us not to be afraid.

It's no big deal, they said.

Good thing I got
dressed on time.

I brought this shawl.

It gets cold early in the morning.

I brought an umbrella too.

For the sun...

{\pos(195,242)}Go ahead! Μove on!

{\pos(195,242)}Alas to you, infidels!

{\pos(195,242)}You, with the violin! Play!

{\pos(195,242)}Long live our nation!

{\pos(195,242)}Long live our army!

{\pos(195,242)}It is him!

{\pos(195,242)}Greeks... forward!

They betrayed us...

The "Great Idea"!
The national war...

to liberate our brothers!
Nothing happened!

The Alies bertrayed
us for the oil!

Kemal recognized the Bolsheviks!

He knows what he's doing!

{\pos(195,242)}When in trouble, take
whatever luck throws to you.

On our side... the British,...

the French and the Americans.

{\pos(195,242)}All the world is with us!

I am a merchant.


I am enemies with nobody!

Tell me what harm have
I done to the Turks?

I was nice to all.

Nice with the Turks,
with Italians too.

I was nice with the French, with all!

For us the war is over.

Petros was killed.

Yiorgos was killed.

I can't believe my own words.

"My Petros".

"My Yiorgos".

[French]Without disturbing our joy,
we have to laugh....

because the dead will
be as good as dead.

Where are they taking us?

They're going to kill us, what else?

Nobody says a word.

Why isn't anyone saying a thing?
We are only women.

Why don't men just
say something?

What Lookia did to hurt them?

She will not hurt a fly!

Regarding Loukia,...

when her turkish maid,
Fatima, got sick,...

She took her to our house with her seven
children, and she looked after them!

She looked after seven little
turks like our own children!

Whatever you do for a Turk,
he remains a Turk!

{\pos(195,242)}What a luck to be born a Turk!
[turkish proverb]

{\pos(195,242)}Shall we [the Turks] disappear,
Turkey will disappear with us.

What are we going to eat?
Where are we going to sleep?

{\pos(195,242)}Shall we leave this earth for a moment,
no one will help us [another proverb].

In Pergamon, they murdered aunt
Xanthippe and aunt Asimina...

and aunt Olga and grandmother
Antigone. Four women!

What are they going to do with us?

What is our fault?
Have we ever harmed anyone?

Oh Lord...

If you exist, do something!

I can't take this any longer!

Do it now!


{\pos(195,242)}Atatürk is all talk and no action!
The Turks can not change.

{\pos(195,242)}The Turk is not used to
hard work. He likes to rest.

{\pos(195,242)}He sleeps... he eats...
he drinks... he shits...

I am scared...
I am scared...

I am scared...



Won't you give us some water?

Come closer!


You! What is your job?

I am a teacher.

Teacher! You are lost!

Why are we lost?

Will you give us water?


{\pos(195,242)}Snow comes in through the window.

{\pos(195,242)}Oh, Ali, diaspora is...

{\pos(195,242)}too cruel for me to handle...

{\pos(195,242)}Fuck you!

{\pos(195,242)}Infidel, you play!


Come here, teacher.

My name is Ali Osman.
Do not forget it!

So what?

Ali Osman will kick the
bucket from syphilis.

Even though he is a regular
Turkish Army officer,...

{\pos(195,242)}graduate from the
Munich Military Academy,...

{\pos(195,242)}and the favourite
of Major von Gergerman.

He will die alone in the
wilderness, like a dog.

So what?

There are millions of Turks here!

The is Kemal... the Great Turkey...

the New Turkey!
Do you hear me, teacher?



Go on!

Did you finish?

Me too...

Go ahead, Greeks!
Who is next?

{\pos(195,242)}They shot me in Çanakkale (Dardanellia)...

{\pos(195,242)}They put me in the
grave before I die.

{\pos(195,242)}Before I die...

{\pos(195,242)}In Çanakkale there
is a long grave...

{\pos(195,242)}That's where they put me...

{\pos(195,242)}Oh! Alas, my youth...

{\pos(195,242)}Welcome, brothers!

{\pos(195,242)}Glory to the victors!

{\pos(195,242)}Welcome, brothers!

{\pos(195,242)}Take off your hats,
you filthy animals!

{\pos(195,242)}Take this... off!

{\pos(195,242)}Make haste! Undress!

{\pos(195,242)}Come on! Quickly!
Undress you filthy infidel!

{\pos(195,242)}Make haste, you filthy infidel!

When I was 12 years old
I wanted to be a nurse.

I said I would never marry
I was going to be a nurse.

Then maybe I'll be a teacher, I said.

I will have a thousand children
and a garde filled with carnations.

Only carnations.

I would marry red and
white carnations,...

and their children too,
would be red and white.

Everything is possible
with carnations.

It takes only to be
patient and wait.

You can make blue
carnations too!

I have seen them!


Turkish dog!

Damn you Osman!


What were we talking about?

My mom always wears black.

My father, didn't... let us talk...

about the Turks... in our house.


What do you think, Greek?



as much as you want.

Tell me what do you think?

Are you alive?

Are you alive?

I do.

Lets go.
We are leaving.

Between 1914-1923, some 750,000–900,000 Greeks were slaughtered by the turkish state.

The events, known as the Greek
Genocide, were part of the...

systematic killing of the
Christian Ottoman population.

To this day, Turkey refuses to
admit those crimes,...

even though turkish politicians refer
to them frequently with pride.

Vlassis Mantziokas