1612: Khroniki smutnogo vremeni (2007) - full transcript

The czar of Russia has died and a power vacuum has developed. This period in the late 16th and early 17th century has been called "The Time of Troubles." There are many impostors who claim to the right to rule, but there's only one heir, the Czarina Kseniya Godunova. She has married a Polish military leader who wants to claim the Russian throne in her name so he can rule all of Russia. As the Poles move in on Moscow in an attempt to install the czarina on the throne, Andrei, a serf with a life-long infatuation of the czarina attempts to save her from her brutal Polish husband. A complicated story wrapped around mysticism and legend climaxes in a bloody battle between the Poles and the Russians for control of the empire.

Film by Vladimir Hotinenko

In 1604, Polish king Sigizmund has accepted
a runaway monk Gigory Orep'ev...

...as a son of Ivan the Terrible,
and has proclaimed him the Tzar Dmitry

...as a son of Ivan the Terrible,
and has proclaimed him the Tzar Dmitry

The False Dmitry converted to catholicism...

...gathered an army and advanced on Moscow...

Moscow, Summer of 1605

After the sudden death of Boris Godunov...

...the power went to his underaged
son Fedor, but his reign did not last...

Tzar Fedor Godunov and his mother
were killed on June 1st, 1605

Tzar Fedor Godunov and his mother
were killed on June 1st, 1605

They've brought out the Tzar!

It has ended!... The foul lineage of Godunovs

Tzar! Tzar!

I am the Tzar now!
The righteous sun!

Get out!

They've hurt a God's fool! Such a sin.

And now my blood has been spilled...

Now I've been proclaimed a Tzar!

A month later the army of False Dmitry
has entered Moscow.

The Boyars have sworn their allegiance to the impostor

Russia has descended into the Dark Times...

Rome, Fall of 1605

Padre Antonio wrote me about you...

I feel the strength within me, Your Holiness

I will bring God's word to the savages

And if it pleases God,

I will be happy to suffer for my Faith.

I will be happy to suffer for my Faith.

The Indians will wait.

They will be Catholics sooner or later...

Right now the Church has more important business.

You are Polish, correct?

I doubt it matters much in my work for God...

In this case it does...

You will go to Russia.

Russia is a big and wild country.

What will I be able to achieve on my own?

You were eager to go to the Indians on your own...

Gods name be praised!

Gods name be praised!

Moscow River
Easter of 1606

What's out there, Andrei?

Cant see anything, but I sense it -
something interesting!

Our new ruler came up with entertainment

Brought out a monster against the folk!

What? What kind of a monster is it?

Hell! Proper Hell on wheels!

And what of the Orthodox folk?

The Orthodox folk is in fear.

Rejoyce, Moscow!

Look! A unicorns horn!

Reconsider, lord...

We didnt come to Moscow...

Not for these infernal games...

We must bring the light of true Faith...

Vanya's not afraid of the monster! He came out in front of it!

I wish...

That in Russia...

Everyone rejoyced...

Look how he dressed himself, that smerd

The False Dmitry ruled for less than a year...

And did not please neither Russians nor Poles...

Burn! Stomp the demon!

Came from the ashes, and to the ashes he returned...

Turn it to the West!

We'll return him to where he came from!


Moscow, Devich'e Pole, 1610

After the ashes of False Dmitry were
scattered over Moscow...

4 more years of anarchy followed...

Tired is the Russian land...

Without a righteous ruler...

But God heard our pleas...

And forgave us...


now he is here...

A strong and just ruler...

There's God's will for everything...

We are giving him our nation with all its subjects and lands...

How is he... Our new Tzar?

Does he look scary in person or kind?

There's no Tzar! He didnt come.

Who are we swearing allegiance to then?

The Polish Sigizmund?

No! His son Vladislav!

We're swearing allegiance to an empty throne!

A gilded piece of wood! Pagans!

Kiss the Cross!

for the Tzar Vladislav...

Rule over Russia, Tzar Vladislav!

You, christen the throne!

Say: "Begone unclean spirit!"

Ah! Smell the sulphur!

Lets go... Speaker...

- What?
- come, come...

Glory to the Tzar Vladislav,
son of Sigizmund! Glory!

People! We have chosen the Tzar!...

We have chosen the Tzar

We have the Tzar now!

Cherish the ruler!

Love him!

Respect him!

Serve him honestly!

Do not fall for temptations!

Long live Vladislav!

Let him rule victoriously,
in peace and happyness!

Live long!


Come, come!

Move faster!

- Who are we carrying anyways?
- Foreigners...

Come on! Dont halt!

- Who are they?
- Mercenaries...

Move faster! Faster!

Carefull, your highness.
The mercenaries are ruthless people...

(with heavy spanish accent)
A horn of a real unicorn!
Not pigs feet!

Fly is flying, swallowing teeth!
(with heavy accent)


I will whip you to death, bastards!

Keep falling, Andrei...

The skies are close...

When your soul flies off,
you wont even notice

Move along!

That's my share.

Lazy nags!

I've ordered you to come to me...

...Only when the Poles are being beaten
in Moscow, not before that.

They've all hidden in Kremlin, afraid
to show themselves outside.

Pozharsky is gathering militia.

(Speaking Polish)

What of Ksenia?

She is on her way.

We're going to Moscow...

Put a real queen on the throne.

Ah, at last. I kept thinking - you have
Kseniya Godunova.

So then what are you waiting for?

Victorious is the one who knows how to wait

How long since the Dark Times started...

I've been here for seven years,
and you still wont calm down.

Why is that? Tell me, Ksenia,
why has God turned away from you?

Once we convert to Catholicism...

...Everything will be fine?

Yes. It must be so.

God bless...

There is nothing wrong with Latin Faith.

I sometimes pray, and everything is so fine!

Husband's an angel.
Children are angels!

I dont want to talk about it.

Are you tired?

Then go to sleep...

Drink this medicine...
Pray to St. Veronica before you go to sleep...

And then sleep... sleep...

I wish I could fall asleep...
And never wake up.

It's a sin to say such things.
A sin.

Get out of here, smerd!

A thief! Get him, a thief!


Hold it!

Anyone wants to bet on this smerd?

You are slow, Andreika!

Good job, son. Stay here.


Oh, God!

Baby, you cant do that!

Hey, you!

- You little pervert!
- Let me go!

Feel it!
His thing is hard, like he's a grown man!

He didnt mean it!

That's not a simple girl!
That's a Tzarina you're looking at!

You mutt! Little bastard!


What? Changed your mind about dying?

You've suprised my spaniard!
He bet 1 thaler on you, and won 5!

Pretty girl...

How are you about girls anyway?

I'm mad for them...

But I see that girls are the
least of your concerns now!

Koshka! Come on, come on!

Caballero! I dont have 10 hands!

Tell the spaniard to buy me.

I'll tell him, let me go.


I swear on my life and the life of everyone...

...who has given blood to me, or who
I will give blood to... Let go...

I could have lied.

Then you'll have to carry all that junk yourself.

I used to be a slave too.

But now I do well.

Pray that the spaniard buys you!
I'll pray for you as well!

I've been praying...

For the past 7 years without a break.

A Unicorn...

In our talk - "The Indrik-Beast"...

The ruler of the animal kingdom.

Yeah... from his miraculous hooves became...

.. all the caverns, trenches

The rain then fed them...

And they became rivers and seas.

And the rest are fine as they are.

And it's horn is not only a remedy
against any poison...

It also gives its owner power...

And makes his dreams come true.

Also, the horn glows, and can
grow to 6 spans in length!

Here is my royal gift to you...

For your wishes to come true.

... Allforgiving Lord...

Will this bed become my coffin
or will my soul see another day...

Here lies coffin waiting for me...

Here lies death waiting for me...

I am afraid of your judgement day...

- I'd like to buy your smerd...
- You can buy him, if we agree on the price...

I paid three times as much for him!
He's my best!

He's a lousy worker! He escapes all the time...

.. I should have hung him, but
felt sorry for him...

So, who did you pray?

St Ioan Damasceno.

And I - the immortal Idris.

The prayer worked!

The fly flies, swallows teeth...
(with heavy Spanish accent)

What does it mean - "Fly flies"?

Means we should hurry.

And the tooth?

WAS a tooth...

My name is Koska. I'm a Tatar

I am Andrei.

I'm Russian.

Who are these people?

Mercenaries. Our Alvar is with them.

They dont care who to fight...

As long as it pays...

War is easy. All you have to do
is kill all of your enemies.

And who is the enemy?

Whoever you're hired to fight
is your enemy.

What if you get killed?

Nah, they wont kill us.

We, artillerymen - fight from afar.

... besides, they protect us.

Canons are expensive.

Alvar wants to return to Spain
before Winter

Promissed to take me with him.

They dont have a Winter there.

And the girls...

Not like ours - "stomp, stomp"

Dancing - dan-dara-da! dan-dara-da!

It hurts?

It's ok. Once we settle down,
I'll fix you up.

Treason! Treason!

What horros is this!

Come! Come, Ksenia!





There, there... Man up.

You must get well soon.

If we work hard...

Spaniard will buy the girls.


When you return to Moscow...
You'll rule...

The mercenaries are ready to go with us.

They will wait by the monastery.

Good work.

Get some rest.

Did you hear it?

There is no turning back.

We're going to Moscow...

Tell me about Julia...

How is she?


She sent a gift for you.

There's a lot of neat things
in Alvar's chest. Look...


- Hey fellas! Dont waste your lives in vain!
- He's like that every morning...

Koska, lets go, lets go.

Caballero! Easy!

We will learn through mathematics...





do we need this "skill"
to kill the enemy?

Yes, if he wishes to die.

Lets go!


Faster, lord!

Just like that!

Stand straight!
Smile and thank the Tzar!

Was that you that got caught
in the bathhouse yesterday?



Who did you raise your hand on? A Tzar!

I'll beat you not with birches, but
with cudgels untill you piss blood!

Stay here and see what's going on.

And me and Matrena will check out
the mercenary camp.

Greetings, people! Enjoy yourselves!

The Tzar is alive! I'm going to claim
the trone that rightly belongs to me.

Have you got anything to eat?
I'm starved!

Can I have some meat?

Dont give him anything!

What's your name, Tzar?

The father didnt recognize me.
I'm Feodor, son of Boris Godunov.

A natural Tzar's seed.

Stop fooling around.

You are not a Tzar.

I've seen them kill Feodor.

They crushed his throat with a boot.

Where's my adams apple?
They crushed it, so I swallowed it.

Why are you stalling, kid? I'll eat some meat,
drink some wine and leave.

Come on, ask him something else.
If he doesnt answer, we'll hang him.

What ornaments were there on the gates
in Tzar's palace?

A two-headed eagle! Red!

He's right. Let him go.

Here, take it. You've worked for it.

For the Tzarina Ksenia,
a heavenly beauty.

I cant anymore...

I'm tired.

Let me go, find another one.

Call her a Tzarina and say:
"Here is the real Ksenia!"

People believe everything these days.

And I'll seek blessing from an elder
and go live in a monastery.

I dont need another one, and you
dont need anyone else either.

Noone will love you like I do.

God punished me with your love.

There's so much blood on your hands,
but I keep wondering...

A human being..

...not an animal...

...without fangs...

...without talons...




- Mommy!
- Ksenia!


Please, dont!
Have mercy!

Let go!

Have mercy!
Please dont!

You cannot kill me!
I'm a Tzar! I'm a Tzar!


... a Tzar.

If you touch her..

...I will kill you.

Move it!

Are we going to the elder?

You promissed.

It would be safer with the troops.

I promissed.

I dont see their Ghetman.

Or a Tzarina.

Koska! Give me the arquebus!

Come, come!


This is your share...

Caballero! Your arquebus!

- where is he going?
- What's the difference? Follow him!

Get off the road!

- No, it's not real.
- Osina...!

There is no Tzarina here!
Only men.

- The stones are real...
- Their Ghetman isnt here.

Maybe someone escaped?

No, we've killed them all.

- Ok, gather the gear and lets go.
- Collect the weapons!


- So what?
- They killed Vasya!

How many of ours died?

God only knows...

Come on, get ready!

Alvar! Caballero Alvar!

Here he is, silly sinner.

That's what I was always afraid of...

Afraid of what?
He's dead and we're alive...

We too will join him soon...

How did he buy you?
Tossed a coin, and it's done...

We dont have any papers
Whose smerds are we? Noones!

And if we're noone's smerds, that means
we're either runaways....

...or bandits...

They hang the bandits...

And the fugitives...

also hang...

- that's right.
- I feel bad for him...

If you live with a prayer,
God will love you.

Mom... I'm tired!

How long has he been...

...standing like that?

Ever since the Dark Times came.

When the Dark Times pass, he'll come down.

- Do the bandits bother you?
- They showed up once, looked around...

...And said he's worse off here than
in prison...

You wont believe it! We've brought
some fine bread to him for a holiday...

...and he sent it back in a waste bucket...

Do you bring the water to him too?

No, he collects his own water...

from the rain...

We barely convinced him to put up an awning.

Holy father...

Please listen to me...

God will listen

...and you help yourself with
prayers and tears...

What if I do something that is beyond
forgiveness through prayer?

You're not the only sinner...

Many are burning...

Take your bloodied companion, for example..

Promise him...

...As soon as first snow falls...

you will conver to catholicism...


Dont worry, just promise...

But stand your ground untill
the first snowfall...

Take the cross.

When things get tough, kiss it and pray...

Alvar Borja, Spanish caballero...

You dont have a scar.

And you're younger. But there is resemblance.

I just have one question, old man.

They say...

you see beyond today...

and can predict the future...

What happens to who...

What happens to who...

...is only known to God.

I can suggest what to do,
and what not to do...

Who to be friends with...

And who to avoid...

What to take, and what to give up...

Where to go...

And what to excape from...

To you I'll say...

Grow a beard like a respectable man...

Wear a descent robe...

A heavy cross on your neck...

Then perhaps the Russian folk
will listen to you...

And wont insult you...

with foul words...

Go now.

Maybe you should have gone
to the Indians after all?

As soon as the night falls, your elder
will come down

And sleep tight on a soft bed

Judging by your own standards?

Holy father, we must go!

What could your elder have told him?

It's not important what was said,
but what he heard.

You do look alike

It's just that scar..

So where is your Tzarina?

with their Ghetman.

We can enlist as artillerymen with him

He pays well.

We cant go to the army - they dont
allow looting...

And how do you fight a war
without looting?

They only have peasants' horses,
subpar rifles, and puny cannons.

Besides, today they're the army,
and tomorrow run off to the Poles

Or to Tzar Dmitry....
that was killed 4 times!

Yeah, funny, but not really

We are fighting each other

...Poles and the mercenaries are
looting Russia.

- No matter where you turn, it's bad.
- Dont stress it, Andrei...

We are too mercenaries

...only the lazy are
not looting Russia right now...

Why should we pass on that?

Town of Novolok
June of 1612

Desided to fight with the Poles...

...Get some strong clothing and boots...

Bread to last you 5 days...

...And fight where I tell you to.

Stand to the death - hack, shoot,
bite with your teeth.

You have to want that, and we dont!


Duke's words are the law!

If the trouble came, deal with it.

Duke Pozharsky speaks reasonably...

If we dont unite...

...Poles and impostors will
keep on tormenting us!

Am I not right?

What will you say about the Tzar?

We will choose our own Tzar now.

As soon as we free Moscow,
a new Tzar will be chosen.

And I heard the Poles are bringing us
a tzarina....

Maybe we shouldnt even worry?

The men cant hold on to the throne...

Maybe we'll be luckier with a woman?

Who is that with such a big mouth?

Stepan the "Horse Shoe". A no good lad.

I'll trim that tongue of yours!

What about that tzarina?

Have you heard about my law?

Whoever proclaims himself, or someone else...

A Tzar, Tzarina

Will be killed immediately.

By hanging.

Go with God, duke.

We'll stay here on our own.

We've contributed with taxes,
but will wait with the war.

What kind of a man are you, duke?

And what about you?

what kind of men are you?

I have to stand here before you...

Plead... threaten... hang you...

Cant you see for yourself...

...what needs to be done?

Think you can quietly sit out
the Dark Times?

Without sticking your head out?
It wont work.

Russia's got to the edge...

The very edge.

Ring them!

There we go.

First bells

fear for the demons.

Let me.

Ring, duke!

Perhaps you'll wake the folk up!

Check it out... The Spaniards smile.

Now show me your walk...

Like so...

Good, good...

And look, this is how he cheered when
he got paid...

That's him cheering?

Well, yeah.

What's the song about?

A lullaby. Spanish.

A mother is putting a child to sleep.
Father is at war, kid is crying.

Overall, just like us.

He didnt eat fish. Didnt like it.

Why is that?

The SPanish dont eat fish out of the river.
Only from the ocean.

Such fools!

Didnt eat the broth either.

Ralish, mushrooms...

You cant have buckweed porrige.

Well, I cant say no to hot broth

With some sour cream!

Better be hung rightaway!

I will teach you.
(with heavy Spanish accent)

We will learn through mathematics...





Lets go!

What is dexterity?

The ability to defend yourself
with weapon in hand.

With a force from the shoulder.

Force from the elbow!

Foce from the wrist!

Can we use this skill to kill an enemy?

Yes! If he wishes to die.

Noone wants to die.

Enemies desire to die is understood
from his mistakes.

If you stand straight - you die.

If you stand still - you die.
Feet positioned like so - you die.

The kiss of death!
The most terrible attack...

The sword goes through the teeth...

impales the brain...

And the last thought through your head is
"Devil take all Spaniards!"

The ghetman doesnt need your fortress.

If you withstand the first attack
he will move on.

Prepare for the defense well.

I'll do my best, with God's help.

But the cannons....

I took some of your horses

And the cannons...

I need them more than you do

Well, good bye!

Will this do?

It will, it will.

First we clean the barrel.

Insert the charge and the stopper...

Stuff it all down...

Not too hard, but not too soft either...

If it's too hard, the powder wont
catch fire...

And if too soft, the cannonball
wont have any power...

Through the ignition hole we punch
a hole in the charge...

Pour in the primer...

Roll in the cannonball...

Stuffing, so that the cannonball
stays put...

Then we take the lit wick to the primer...


Nikolo-Solbensky Monastery

You want to speak to the ghetman?

Hey, soldier... why are the gallows empty?

It's waiting for you.




An artilleryman gets one gold coin a month

Each battle gets you another gold coin.

I'm accustomed to getting 5 coins a month
and 5 per battle.

If you're worth 5 coins...

...I'll pay 5.

I think I've seen him before.

Did Sapiega have any Spaniards?

He had one, but he died.

What about the Italian artilleryman?
Isnt he from those parts?

He was born in Italy.

Never mind...

Let him call himself a "Spaniard".

That's a cannon of all cannons.

Pride of our ghetman.

We're screwed now.

Should have gone to serve under Pozharski.

He's only got small, light cannons..

Pay is small, but he's got people...

We'd be defending the motherland now.

What have you found in that Tzarina...


Koska! Fly flies! Give me aim!

Harder, harder!


Lets hope he does well.

Punch the charge.

Cover your ears!

We've hit it, Coballero! We've hit it!

Five gold coins, Coballero!

That's the kind of guys I like!

Pan Ghetman...

May I have your attention please...

I am Diego Velasquez' servant...

He is also a Spaniard from Madrid.

Caballero Velasquez...

Invites you to share a meal with him...

And open a bottle of wine to
selebrate a successfull shot...

Fresh fish! Just out of the river.


?Se?or amo!

Thought you could trick him?

The Spanish dont eat river fish!

Caballero! I am inviting senior
officers for a dinner

Join me...

You'll find a more acceptable
food at my table, and a better

Andrei, you're a proper Alvar!

Same fighting style! Just dont relax,
And dont even think about dancing.

Otherwise everyone will know that
the only dancing you've done...

...was while strapped in
to the boat on a shore of Volga.

Turn around!

Will you frisk the bear too?

Fine, come in.

Caballero Alvar from Spain!

Our new artilleryman!

bow down, bow down...

If I, God forbid, miss...

... you stab her...

.. and do it selflessly...

Ksenia, dance with Caballero...

The Spaniards are fine dancers -
famous throughout Europe.

Attention, please!

A popular Russian entertainment:
trained bear!

If only Julia could see it...
She'd be happy.

Maybe she does see it. And is already happy.

Tell me, who you are

Remember the Unicorns horn?



No, dont remember...

Doesnt matter anyway.

What are you planning?


I heard you want to leave, but
Ghetman wont let you go.

I will help you.

I dont need help.

Especially from such a fool in disguise.

"Hijo de puta"...
It's a curse in Spanish.

You are the one to talk, Tzarina

You live with a Pole, speak Polish...
Hissing with him like a snake.

He killed your mother and brother...

Have you no shame?

Han matado a tu madre, a tu hermano...

He followed orders.

To kill all Godunovs! ALL!

He didnt fullfill the orders.
He saved me.

And you forgave him.


Then we will escape tonight.

There is no one to resque.

And there is no Ksenia.

She hasnt existed for a long time.






The Poles are coming!


Now then...

Let them come..

Mom! Angels!


Come, come! Run!

Lets go!

Perhaps, you are going to hell...

But once you pass the circles of hell
you will purify yourself

And advance our Faith.

"And the lions dared not
devour prophet Daniel"

His Faith protected him!

God's name be praised.

Caballero Alvar!

There you are!
I've been wondering where you were!

And here he is...

See! She was locked up, so I took her.

And the name is nice. Yelizaveta.

Untie her.

It's not very tight...

Go, I release you.

Where will I go? Poles will rape me.

And he seems nice.

I'll be better off with him.

Girls sense this - who's a nice guy

And how is not

let's go, let's go.

Look around here.

Come Yelizaveta, They'll manage
without us here.

Quiet you fool, quiet!

Let go!

Are you stupid?

Think you're in charge?


Drop the sword, Spaniard! Down!

I'll take pleasure in gutting you, boy!

That'll teach you to stick up for girls.


He was not assaulting the girl.

They'll sort it out on their own.

Run! Run, I'm telling you!


She is still a child!

You cant touch her!

Huh! Look how well our Spaniard
speaks Russian!

I'm smart too...

How could I take this fool for a Spaniard?

We took the girl, and the Spaniard
tried to take her from us.

- He is no Spaniard...
- Who is he then?


I'm wondering that myself...

You shouldnt cross swords with a smerd.

How do you know he is a smerd?


I recognized him.

Era el siervo del verdadero espa?ol.

He was the real Spaniard's smerd...

When the sun goes up,
we'll put him on a stake...

Let him scream.

Wake everyone up instead of a rooster.

Is he still hanging?

He is.

We cant find his friend, the Tatar, though.

You promissed...

To bring Julia...

Wait untill we get to Moscow.

It's not long till we get there.

You promissed!

You also promissed a lot to me.

When will you accept the Roman Faith?

When the first snow falls... then...

What snow, Ksenia?

Convert to catholicism. We'll marry then.

You'll be the Tzarina. Birth a hair.

I'll sprout roots in Russia for hundreds of years.

You're thinking of yourself, not me.

Every man thinks of himself first.

I cant smell her! There is no smell!



Where are you from?



- Who is that?
- No idea.

It's Genoveses, an artilleryman,
serves under Sapieha.

Come out, it's me.

Thank goodness!

I thought you perished,
my little Tatar.

What could happen to me?

Caballero... Caballero,
It's me, Koska...


Koska doesnt abandon friends!

We'll make a run for the fortress...

Yelizaveta knows a secret way...

I wont go without Ksenia!

I knew it.

hm.. Tatar...

That bastard. When I catch him
I'll shred him to pieces.

There is your sword and documents.

Sit! Dont move!

What's with her? Ksenia?

Medicine... She's asleep...

I want to sleep...

And never wake up...

She's asleep?

(speaking Polish)


Medicine, to sleep better.

And who prescribed such medicine?

Ghetman, so that she could sleep better...

... and not think bad thoughts.

Alright, Ghetman...

It's not dangerous.

Not dangerous? Not dangerous.

- Drink... drink
- What for?

Drink, so you too may sleep better.

And dont think bad thoughts.

Over here!

Over here?

Some escape this is...

I hope there are no snakes here...

Dont worry. They'll give her up tomorrow.

Yelizaveta, my daughter!

Forgive the old fool.

And who's that?

A Spaniard artilleryman and Koska.

My groom.

Noone said anything about a marriage!

What do you mean - a groom?
Without a fathers permission?

Stop complaining, daddy.

I'm not complaining. I'm rejoycing!

Stop rejoycing, daddy!

Why should I not rejoyce? Because of him.

Who let them into the fortress?

Who are we hanging tonight?

It's fine. It was Terenty's daughter.

Terienty? I see.

She led them through a secret passage.

And how did she learn about this secret passage?

Pero Nikitovich... Her grandfather dug it!

And noone could undig it? Very well.

Perhaps we'll need this passage ourselves.

Who are you?

Do you need artillerymen? When the Poles
attack, we'll help you fend them off.

Take us in..

You should be happy! He's a Spanish artilleryman!

He also understands our talk.

And who are you?

That's my groom, Koska.

And that's the Spaniard's bride.

Poles kept her captive, she nearly died.

An artilleryman is good...

Except we dont have any cannons.

The duke took them.

How can that be?

How are you suppose to defend yourselves?

Things are grim...

One could try to fix things,
but it'd just get worse.

We need a cannon.

We need a cannon!


I know the location of Pole's werehouse

With gunpowder.

Who's that?

It's just a leather bucket...

You'll have your cannon.

Roll it tighter! Tighter!

Let me try...


for help, but got screwed instead...

Bring it over.

The Poles will just threaten us, then leave.

What do they need our fotress for?

They're headed for Moscow, the battle is there.

Our town is unimportant.

They wont leave.

It's made of leather??

Leather, among other things.

I think we should keep our distance.


What do you want?

Go as you went!

Give us Tzarina Ksenia, and we will leave!


The girl!

That wandered in yesterday!

With a phoney Spaniard!


You thief...


Lookie here!

Tzarina... A lot of people are about
to get killed because of you!

What kind of a Tzarina is she?
Just a regular broad!

And here's a Spanish caballero!

My name is Andrei.

I was born a Russian.

And she was born as our Tzarina:
Ksenia Godunova!

A Polish doormat!

It's not her fault that noone could defend her!

Now there is someone...

What are you doing here?

I saw you in action.

Well, Caballero, you bastard...

Nothing's easy with you.

My appologies!

Pobre, ?verdad? E infeliz.

A poor girl, eh?
Noone to defend you?

When it came to running off with
the Poles you were fine on your own!

And she lives in luxury, not like us!

Shoot! What are you waiting for?

It's all the same - women and children
will die under cannon fire because of her!

Give her up!

- Surrender her to the Poles
- To die because of this whore?

Send her back!


Stop! Where are you going?

Get back!


Back off!

We're wasting our time here, your Highness.

We need to be in Moscow.

Everything's being decided there.

We have no business in Moscow without Ksenia.

They have enough fools without us there.

You can give her up...

Then you will have to kill me.

And what of tomorrow?

We'll keep on living like cattle?

...No matter whose land we're on...

...No matter what Tzar we're under...

...Just as long as they wont touch us now?

And no matter who takes the throne?

...Thieves, bandits, anyone?

Doesnt matter to us!

So we'll keep on living without
a Tzar in our heads...

And without a Tzar on the land...

Blame everything on the Dark Times?

Let me...

Well spoken.

Now listen to me.

These folk are about to go die for
their Tzarina...

And you shame them?

Why die? Personally, I dont plan to die!

Even though you're in trouble,
you must fight on.

If we must, we'll all die!

Now back to business...

We are not giving up Tzarina.

For now.

You cant fix the wrong by doing wrong

But whatever

Two cannonballs to the gates!

So? What do you say?

See the gunpowder stash?

I see it.

So what? We didnt invite them here...

So, you have a different Faith.

What if, God forbid, you get killed?

What rules do we follow during the burial?


Push harder.

A special custom for a special cause.

I'm not going to ask about a funeral
traditions so that I dont jinx you.

But what of the marriage?

What are you doing? The jar will crack!

Carve it with a knife!

What a simpleton.

You have to...

Take the bride by the hand...
Bring her in front of people

No less than 10

And say three times:
"Wife, wife, wife"

That's all.

How so?

Wife, wife, wife!

Dont get it?

Wife, wife, wife... and that's it?

Leave me alone, please!

Very well then!

Congratulations with the marriage!

Did everyone hear him? He said "wife" three times!

We heard him, so what?

I wasnt serious!

What do you mean - not serious?

You called her "wife" thrice in front of everyone!

Based on your laws, you're married.

And I'm satisfied.

Yes, Koska, you called me your wife.

I accept.

Where did they get a cannon?

They said Pozharsky took all of their cannons.

That damn Spaniard thought of something, it seems.

How bad are the casualties?

Pretty bad. They'll deliver more
gunpowder and cannonballs by morning.

But we're loosing time too!

I've already told you.

I wont leave without Ksenia.

I will not repeat myself anymore.

You see everything...

Have mercy on me, save me

My God...


Oh, Caballero...

Now you look like a descent man.

Enough already.

Why are you unarmed?

My hands are occupied...


That's good.


Everyone get below the walls! Hide!

Below the walls!

Oh! Horseshoe!

Look how things have changed!

Yesterday you proposed to kill Tzarina, and today...

...ready to die for her.

That's fate - noone to blame here.

Let me out of here!

Let me out!

I cant be here! Let me out!

He will kill her, let me go!

Ksenia is there...

God willing..

...she will be fine

Look at that...

A dressed up smerd tricked me!


Either she is mine...


Ready the muskets!



Where are you going?

Dont show yourself!


Get the grenades up on the wall!

Here we go!

Dense fire, Caballero!

Or are you not a Caballero anymore?

Wont even let me poke my head out!

They'll start scaling the walls now.

It started.

Koska, shoot!


Terenty! Load it!







Ivan Nikitovich!
Ivan Nikotovich, my dear!

Stepan, help the Spaniard!







Take that!

We would have smashed the gates...

But that damned drawbridge!

We need to knock out the second chain.

Aim all cannons at the gates.

All cannons at the gates!

Bring the cannon down!

Hey you, with the haircut!

Dont just stand there!

Koska? What's with you?

It was hot today.







God, have mercy...

I wish to talk to the Spaniard!

With a Spanish Caballero!

We have no Spaniards here!

I said - with the Spaniard!

My obeisance, Caballero!

No wonder there are so many
impostor Tzars....

If even the smerds are impostors

What do you want?

I'd like to know...

...what it is you want.

But that can wait...

Is Ksenia alive?

She's alive, but wont return to you.

Are you sure of that?

Did she tell you that?

Give her a message then.

Tell her, if she's not
here by morning....

...this will be the last one.

Where did you get that?

The Pole asked me to give it to you...

If you wont leave the fortress
by the morning, it'll be the last one.

What is the meaning of it?

What is this doll?

My daughter makes them....


He wont let me see her...

Hides her...

He says..

If I run away or kill myself...

Julia wont live...

I'm sorry.

I'll lead you out
of the fortress.

what about you?

After all you've said
to the people?

They wont forgive you.

Tzarina has ran away!

Tzarina has ran away!

(yelling in Polish)

Lord, protect them from foe
both visible and hidden...

...and from any trouble.

You fell in love with a smerd.


You can love a dog for all I care.


Make me a Tzar.


Spaniard is here!

I'd like...

...to ask your forgiveness.

Ask for my husbands forgiveness.
Should I lead you to his grave?

Be quiet, Andrei...

Look how simple it is for him!

Just like a child!

You've brought trouble here
with that Tzarina of yours!

So what, Caballero?

You were fine in the morning,
now not so much?

The cow is black...

...but it gives white milk?


Guilty of forcing us...

...serve our purpose.

Guilty of making us feel human.

So we didnt just live

For no purpose.

And that we've spilt our blood...

...for our motherland.

Those are just words,
Ivan Nikitovich.

Up until now my words
had some meaning for you.

That's true.

Oh, well.

Tell me this.

Before thinking ill...

...think well.

Where was Ghetman headed?

To Moscow.
Right, to Moscow.

To Moscow...

With an army?

Dont halt! Speak what you
have to say!

And outside of Moscow...

...two forces will
stand in ballance.

And God knows what will happen next.

But we too know something.

We've beaten the beast...

Pounded him.

Pounded him well!

And perhaps we've already offset...

...that very ballance?

Played out our part?

Here it is, our part...

...Although small

But small deeds...

...have great effect.

Devich'e Pole, Moscow
September 1st, 1612

The Russian history did not keep
the full list of contenders for the throne...

...but there were no less than ten...

Well? Who else wishes to claim the throne?.

The people want a Spaniard, Alvar.

A famous Caballero...

Brave, smart, courageous.

He'd make the best Tzar for Russia.

What Spaniard are you talking about?

Have you all gone mad?

We've agreed...

...No foreigners.

Rurick too was a foreigner

And now...

Everyone starts their lineage
from Rurick these days.

And what if he starts hanging everyone?

Or burn people at the stake?

- No way.
- Why not?

Or, God forbid, send people to Americas?

To fight for the new lands?

If you dont want the Spaniard,
choose Pozharsky.

He'll save Russia, true.

But our heads will certainly roll.

No need for Pozharsky.

But it would be foolish to
choose the Spaniard too.

Choose a Russian.

But make sure he's a quiet one.

With few relatives.

Spain is far away...

Even if his family is big...

...he cant bring them all here.

The army supports him too!

And the cossacs.

Cossacs too?

Lets see his pedigree!

Does he have a pedigree?

does he?

I'm sure.

Start with Rurick...

And make sure he has Ghengis Khan
in his family tree

It's easy to add Ghengis Khan...

But how would a Spaniard be in
the same lineage as Rurick...

...Being that he is Spanish?

Dont ask me these questions.

Think with your own head.

A great Duke Yaroslav the Wise...

...Son of the great Duke
Vladimir Svyatoslavovich...

...married his daughter
Anna Yaroslavovna...

...to a French king Henry the First...

That has conquered the shores
of the Northern Sea from the Brittons.



The battle outside Moscow lasted 3 days...

It's so entangled here with the
Dukes and the Kings...

Read from the bottom, what's there?

Ghengis Khan is here...


Is Alexander the Great there too?

Rurick is related through his
son Igor...

Then through the daughter
of Yaroslav the Wise...

And the French king.

Makes sense.

Apparently the Spaniard....

...has deep roots in Russia

Lets pick the Spaniard.

He doesnt know anything
about our past affairs.

In the Spring we'll choose someone else.

If we dont like this one.

If it wasnt for the Spaniard...

...who knows...

...how the battle on Devich'e Pole
would turn out.

This is serious...

and scary...

But we cant be without a Tzar.

Spaniard it is then!

We'll vote together, so there be
no conflicts later on.


Lady bug...

"fly to the skies...

...Bring me some bread".

On the 3rd of September, 1612,
the Polish army has suffered a defeat...

...While attempting to storm Kremlin.






I will not set foot in Russia...

I must tell.

must explain.

Where are you from, you monster?

From Russia...

I was sent to fullfill an important mission

"And there were angels that did not rebell against God"...

..."But were not true to Him either"...

Will you see him, your Holiness?


Why must I hear to something
I can see with my own eyes?

What a day...

Shoes are too small...

My back hurts...

And now this poor guy...

Who are we trying today?

A Tzarina...

Silence, silence!

We've seen enough death...

And what did it give us?

They've been captured under Astrakhan'

Just remain calm, Andrei

You're not a Tzar yet. For now
Pozharsky is calling shots there.

God willing, he'll reason with them.

If not today, then tomorrow....

We will have a true Tzar in Russa.

There will be no more impostors.

And starting a new life with death...

...is not good.

it's not Christian-like!

Where is my daughter?

Where is my Julia?

Our daugther.

Send her to the monastery!

So we've decided altogether...

Ksenia Godunova will be sent
to the monastery...

Till the end of her days...

To pray for forgiveness for her sins.


Dont release her!

Hold it! I have something important to say!

Speak, dog!

She has converted to the Latin Faith.

She has betrayed Christianity!

- And abandoned her own.
- It's not true!

She cursed Orthodox Church with with foul words.

That is not true!

A roman priest was always at her side.

She prayed in Latin!

Did he speak the truth about the
Roman and the praying?


Open the gates!

We're here for the Duke

On government business!

I'm telling you - Open up!

Let them in!


He's our Tzar... Future Tzar.


I've heard the nobles were deciding.

Didnt know who, though.

Duke! Lets settle this through God's Court.

I will duel him

God will judge us.

You want God's Court?

I dont oppose this.

But I'm too high-ranked to fight a smerd.

He's not a smerd.

He's our Tzar.

Future Tzar.

Give him a sword.

Let him try his fate.

Tell me at least now...

Where is she?

Now I will tell.



A long time ago.


What about...

Ah, yes...

"Berries, beads, red tears"

A mad midget was making the dolls.


- Andrei!
- No! This is God's Court!

Behold, Russian people!

You've chosen a whipped man as your Tzar!

A smerd!

Get up!

Get up!

I interprete my enemies mistakes
as his desire to die.

The kiss of death.

Fetch me a ladder.


Fetch me a ladder.

God's Court is over.

Let her go, Duke.

Very well.

By God's Court...

Ksenia Godunova is aquitted of charges
of treason of Christianity.

There are still questions about you, though.

What questions have you, Duke?

I wish to know - are you a smerd or not?

Russia doesnt' need any more impostors.

You're right, Duke. Russia doesnt need impostors.

My name is Andrei!

I am a smerd!

Son of a smerd


Let her go.

I cannot.

Ksenia Godunova...

Is to be sent to a monastery

That is all.

Thank you, Duke!

That is all I wanted.

We need a Tzar.

Live long, Andrei.

Be happy.

Remember be once in a while.

And I'll pray for you.


The Dark Times are over!

It's over! People!

On November 4th, 1612, the Polish and Lithuanian forces...

Have left the pillaged Kremlin
and surrendered to the victors.

On the 21st of February, 1613
Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov became a Tzar..

His dynasty has ruled Russia for over 300 years.