1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992) - full transcript

Big budget account of Christopher Columbus' discovery of the Americas. Released in 1992 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the discovery. Shows the disastrous effects the Europeans had on the original inhabitants, and Columbus' struggle to civilize the New World.

[ 500 years ago, Spain was a nation
of fear and superstition. ]

[ The Crown and a merciless Inquisition
punished all who dared to dream. ]

[ A single man defied this power, ]

[ crossing the unknown sea
in search of honour and gold, ]

[ for the Glory of God. ]

« Of all the words my father wrote,
and there were many, »

« I remember these most: »

« "Nothing in human progress
is achieved with unanimous consent." »

« "Those enlightened before others" »

« "Must pursue that light
in spite of others." »

« "At one time
the New World didn't exist." »

« "The sun set in the west,
where no man ventured." »

« "And beyond that..." »

« "infinity!" »



half of the hull has gone.


And now?

Now, I only see the mast.

Close your eyes. And don't cheat.

I'm watching.

Open them when I tell you.

« I asked my father
where he wanted to go. »

« He replied: »

« "I want to travel over the seas." »

« "I want to get behind the weather". »


It's gone.

What does it tell you?

It's round,

like this.


Come on, lad.

FarangSiam thanks you. Enjoy!

Good morning, Father.


Kiss your brother, Diego.

I have something for you.

You'll be heard at Salamanca University.

In a week!

That's what it says.

How did you do it?

With some difficulty.

I promised them you weren't a total fool.

Marco Polo said he found Earthly Paradise
off the coast of China.

Do you believe it?

I believe in Paradise and Hell.
And I do believe both can be earthly.

Now... let's go through this again.

Why do you wish to sail west?

To open a new route to Asia.

Asia is the richest Kingdom.
The land of spices and gold.

There are two ways of reaching it...

By sea...
Sailing around the African continent,

which takes a year,

or by land. But the Turks have closed
the route to Christians.

There is a third way...

by sailing west across the sea.

The distance is unknown...

It's said to be infinite.


I believe the Indies

are no more than 750 leagues
west of the Canary Islands.

How can you be so certain?

The calculations of Toscanelli...
Marin de Tyr...

- Esdras...
- Esdras is a Jew.

- So was Christ!
- 2 minutes...

and already you're a bad man.

For telling the truth?

They're burning people for less.

The man you're to confront

has no emotions.

Learn to control your passion.

It's something one can't control.

You need their blessing.

If they say no...

you would have to give up.

I will not give up.

Is it ambition?

We've been told lies for so long...

The world is flat like this table...

Monsters guard the edge of the world...

I will not be told what
and what not to be afraid of!

I want to find out for myself.

I just hope your passion
will be contagious, my son.

Look, father!


« Do you repent your Sins »

« in the name of the Father, »

the Son and the Holy Spirit?

Burnings in the square...

They agreed to see me in Salamanca.

If they accept I could be gone for years.

I know.

I haven't given you a real life.

True, I have a child by a man
who won't marry me...

Don't argue.

I'd love to argue more often,
but you're never here.

« Unfortunately, that is precisely
where our opinions differ. »

« You're familiar with Aristotle?
Eratosthenes? Ptolemeus? »

I am, Your Eminence.

So you can't ignore their calculations
that the Circumference

of the Earth is approximately
22,000 leagues or more...

making the ocean uncrossable.

But you...

may have found new evidence
proving these great men mistaken!

You are aware of Marin de Tyr?

We are.

Hen you are aware that his theories
contradict Ptolemeus...

De Tyr believes the ocean to be
only 750 leagues.


and the French Cardinal D'Ailly,
both think De Tyr

is accurate in his calculations.

Therefore the ocean can be crossed.


Are we here to examine
this man's proposal, or not?

Let's suppose...

Marin de Tyr is right.
In your opinion,

how long would it take?

Seven weeks.

Six, during the summer.

De Tyr is wrong.

He's contradicted by the finest...


Your voyage, < Señor > Colombus,
would take a year.

Suppose you cross the ocean
and reach Asia...

What would Spain do there?

Trade, Your Excellency.

According to Marco Polo, China is one
of the richest lands in the world.

The meanest buildings are roofed in gold.

It's your only interest?



I'll bring these people to God

and make them subjects
of Castile and Aragon.

From a Realm,

Spain will become an Empire!

If God intended our proximity to Asia

do you believe he'd have waited
for you to show it?

He Chose a carpenter's son
to reveal Himself.

So you consider yourself the Chosen One?

Asia can be found to the west...

And I will prove it!

The Treasurer of Spain honours us.

The State has an interest
in his proposition, Your Eminence.

With all due respect,
the judgement is ours.


And if he were right?

I've always found
such independent minds dangerous.

If he had wings
he'd return from the skies

and say heaven was empty.

I'd deplore the loss
of such an opportunity for Spain.

Especially over a point of geography.

It's not geography. It's about reality.

This man is a mercenary.

States often use mercenaries.

If it is to the benefit,
the stability of Spain... No?

It should be as much your concern
as it is mine.

You would use your
influence to assist this heretic?


Your Eminence, the fascinating thing
about power...

is that what can be given...

can be taken away.

...and nothing could justify
Your Majesties' participation

in a venture that relies on
feeble assumptions,

and which any man of knowledge

would take to be impractical...
if not impossible.

They didn't listen.
They don't want to listen.

- Don't give in. You must wait.
- Wait?

After seven years,
how much longer can I wait?

If God intends you to...

- Damn God!
- Christopher!

Damn you! You sit concocting theories
based on what?

You never leave your gardens. Go out!

Well then, tell me something I can accept.

These are full of assumptions!

Just lies!

All of it lies!

All of it lies!


Don't disturb a man

doing penance.

What can you do?

Nothing. That's the point, Fernando.


< < Señor > > Colombus?
[ Sir ]

I've looked all over Sevilla.

Never expected to find you in a monastery.

I'm Pinzon.

Martin Alonzo Pinzon.
I'm a ship owner from Palos.

Is he a spy?

What is it? Are you a Trappist?

Vow of silence?


Just my luck.

I'll do the talking for us.

Just nod, agreed?

As with my wife.

The commission turned you down, right?

What do you expect? You're a foreigner.

And I want to help you.

Why do I believe in you?
I'm a seaman, too.

We don't like to be told
where to go or not to go.

I don't look much, but I have

important friends.

A banker, for example.

Santangel. He finances me.

Heard of him?

He'll get you in to see the Queen.

You know why?

She owes him money.

You, me, the Queen, the world...
Everybody owes something.

What do you say?

- Where can I meet him?
- Here.

Right there.

« May I ask a question? »


Why do you want to help me?




But greater than all these...

is banking.

Wait, < < Señor >es >!

The Moors built Granada centuries ago.

We've taken it back.

A tragic victory.
We're losing a great culture.

But I suppose there's a price
for every victory.

Isn't there < Señor > Colombus?

Don Luis de Santangel

to see Don Gabriel Sanchez.


< Señor > Columbus, < Señor > Pinzon.

Rise... Come forward.

I should not be listening to you
since my Council said not to.

But Santangel says you're
a man of honour...

And Sanchez says
you're not completely mad.

No more than she who said
she would take Granada from the Moors.

They believe the ocean is... uncrossable,

< Señor > Colombus.

What did they say about Granada?

That it was impregnable.

I can't ignore my Council's verdict.

Surely you can do what you want.

How little you know.

Why should I believe in you,
< Señor > Colombus?

May I speak freely?

You are not inclined to speak otherwise.

I know what I see.

I see someone who doesn't accept
the world as it is.

Who's not afraid.

- I see a woman who thinks...
- A woman?

Forgive me...

you're the only Queen I know.

That makes us equal,
you're the only navigator I know.

How old are you, < Señor > Colombus?

Thirty-nine, Your Majesty.

And you?

I'm forty...

You will be informed of our decision.

I thought you were younger than I.

The cost would be ruinous.

No more than the cost
of two state banquets.

Two banquets, for new lands and spices...

and gold.

What are you saying, Sanchez?

That if he's right
we have everything to gain.

And if he's wrong...

we've so little to lose.

Tell me what he says.

He demands to be made a Knight,

with the right to wear the Golden Spurs.

And that he will receive the title
Don Christopher Colombus,

which will be passed on
to his descendants.

What else?

He'll be named Admiral of the Ocean Seas.

Viceroy of the West Indies...

Governor of all islands
or lands discovered,

or as will be discovered by him.

The highest titles of nobility,
Your Excellency.

To an immigrant sheltered by monks!


he'll receive one tenth

of wealth or monies,

precious gems,

pearls, metals, spices
and other lucrative sources

acquired under his jurisdiction.

You worry too much, Francisco.

He'll have to lower his demands.

Believe me...

He will.

I won't!

We have considered your proposal
carefully. It is excessive.

The responsibility is excessive.

- Consider the contract...
- No.

- No?
- No.

And I thought he was an idealist.

Idealism and ambition
are not incompatible.

I've fought too hard.
Now you expect me to take risks

while you take the profit. No...

- I'm not a servant...
- < Señor > Colombus,

you are in no position...

to bargain with me.

I'm not bargaining.

Then you are too ambitious.

And were you never ambitious?

Is ambition a virtue among nobles
but a fault for the rest of us?

If you won't accept
we can simply find someone who will.

If you can do that, Excellency...

I'll become a monk!

Your Majesty.

He'll become a monk...

It'd be a pity, wouldn't it?

Call him back.

She said yes.

If I ever come back, I swear...

I don't want you to swear anything.

Don't wait for me.

That's something you can't decide for me.

Forgive me Father, I have sinned.

I am listening, my son.

Father... I have betrayed my family.

I betrayed my men,

and I betrayed you.

I lied.

The journey is longer than I said.

How long?

I'm not sure...

How could anyone know.
It could be twice the distance.

Tell them.

- Tell your men.
- They wouldn't follow me.

You know I'm right.
You must trust me.

You must speak to them.
If you don't, I will.

You made an oath.

May God forgive you.

I believed in you.

Give me absolution.

Absolution, Father.

< Ego Te absolvo a pecatis tuis. >
[ I absolve you from your sins ]



Sit down.


What is it, Mendez? Speak!

They wonder how you know our position
with no sight of land?

What do you think, Mendez?

I know you navigate by the stars
like the Moors...

but I don't know how.

Take this quadrant.

Find the North Star.


Keep the plumbline vertical.

Don't move.

A mistake of one degree
and we'll be off 600 leagues.

What do you read?

- 28.
- That's it!

28th parallel.
And we'll follow it until we reach land.

How do you know we'll find land there?

I don't.

« Mark 26, Sir. »

« Mark 27, Sir. »

Mark 28!

« Mark 29! »


629, Sir.

I heard.

Captain, I don't understand.

I think I do.

We should've seen land.

We've been at sea nine weeks, Alonzo.
Can't be that far.

Can't be that near.

I don't like the smell of this sea.

Smells like a whore!

'Course it does.

That's why sailors go to sea.

And why is that one at sea?

Nobody knows.

He never says a word.

Captain Pinzon requests
permission to board.

You misled me. You lied to me.

We are way past 750 leagues.

- Six days ago, yes.
- You must be mad!

Keep your voice down!

- There'll be a mutiny!
- You think I don't know?

We're lost!

Land is there. I know it.

You don't know.

Listen, these are my ships
and we are turning back.

Half of the water has gone,
the rest is putrid!

I shouldn't have listened to you...

Listen, Pinzon! Pinzon.

All we can do...

is go forward.

The land is there...
The land is close.

You tell that to them.

God doesn't want us to cross this ocean.
This voyage is cursed.

We set sail for greed.
God has abandoned us.

The voyage is cursed.
There are signs.

Juanito has the voice of an angel.

His mouth is blessed,
but what comes out of yours is cursed.


We're all afraid at first.

But those who overcome fear
will rightly earn their reward.

I don't know if it's God's will
that we should cross this ocean.

But I am certain it is you
who puts fear into our hearts.

We won't be lost if we keep faith in God
and in ourselves.

In time...

they will talk of the courage
of the first men to cross this ocean.

You will be able to say:

"I was on the Pinta..."

"I was on the Niña..."

"and the Santa Maria..."

My jacket to he who Sights land.

And 10,000 maravedis a year for life!
[ a medieval Spanish copper coin. ]

Get a man aloft day and night!


don't let the wind escape us.

You lucky bastard!

« Mendez... »



« 25 fathoms! »

[ fathom: unit of length equal to 6 feet,
measure the depth of water ]

« 24 fathoms! »

« 23... »

« 22... »

« 21... »

« 20... »

« 19... »

« 18... »

« 17... »

« 16... »

« 15... »

« 14... »

« 13... »


Land ho!

Drop anchor!

Don Christopher...

< Excellencia... >
[ Excellency ]

By the...

By the Grace of God...

In the name of their Gracious Majesties

of Castile and Aragon...

By all the powers vested in me...

I claim this island and name it...

San Salvador.

Don Christopher...

- Muskets!
- No!

« October 21st, 1492. »

« We have returned to Eden. »

« Surely this is how the world
was in the beginning. »

« If the natives are converted
to our ways »

« Then it will be by persuasion
and not by force. »

« No man will ever see this land again
as we do... »

« for the first time. »

« We come in peace and with honour. »

« They are not savages,
neither will we be. »

« Treat them as you would
your own wives and children. »

« Respect their beliefs. »

« Pillage will be punished by the whip.
Rape, by the sword. »





- Co... Colum...
- Columbus.

Co... lombus.

Where did you find this?


I've got a river of gold to piss.




No good, no.



Alonzo! Alonzo!

Help him!

Help him!

« Do something! »

« Pray for him. »

« With Alonzo's death, I realise
how vulnerable we are in these islands. »

« How much we have to learn. »

« On every island... »

« the natives welcome us
with great generosity and trust. »

« Because of our appearance
we have been mistaken for gods »

« and are treated accordingly. »

« Despite the Indians' compliance
we have not found gold in quantity, »

« except for the few artefacts
they gave us as a sign of submission. »

You will speak first.

Tell him we thank him
for his hospitality.

He knows.

Some of my men are staying here

to build a fort.

I want them to be well treated.

Tell him...

we'll come back. Many of us.

How many?

AS many as the leaves on that tree.

And many more will follow.


To bring the word of God.

He says he has a God.

And also to bring medicine.

He says...

...he has medicine.

Tell him...

we admire his people.

He knows you like his women and gold.

« Pinzon is ill... »

« eaten up by a fever
that refuses to leave his body. »

« We must return to Spain. »

« 39 men have volunteered to stay behind
to build a fort. »

« I name it... < La Navidad >. »
[ Christmas ]

« After 7 months,
I haven't seen a civilisation »

« that compares
with Marco Polo's descriptions. »

« No cities, no bridges.
No temples roofed with gold. »

« The mainland still escapes me. »

« But I know it's there. »

« My ships are not fined
with the spices and gold I hoped for. »

« But this land intoxicates my senses
and my soul. »

« And all I can think of
is to return to this untamed land. »

« This unexplored Eden. »

« This is a chance for a new beginning. »

< Majestates conjuncta Hispania. >
[ Majesty joined Spain. ]

< Reges Ferdinandus et Isabella >
[ King Ferdinand and Isabella ]

< executores voluntas Dei sunt >
[ executors of the will of the God ]

< et cum vobis Regnum Domini >
[ And when the kingdom of God ]

< per terras novas ultra mares crescatur >
[ From the increase in new lands ]

< et in eas Crux Cristi >
[ and on the Cross of Christ ]

< maneat semper. >
[ Always stay. ]

It won't be easy to get rid of him now.

On the contrary...

It seems he is preparing his own cross.

Let the palate
enjoy the flavour of the tobacco.

Try it.

You say this is an Indian vice?

I don't see the pleasure
that would make it a sin.

The Indians have no such word, Moxica.

Have they such thoughts?

They come and go naked
as God created them.

God? Which God?

Nature is their God.

It's as if God and Nature were one.

They see him in a leaf... in a stone...

in a shell.

The islands...

are covered with trees.

Forgive me, Don Cristobal...

What about gold?

It's not the purest metal I've seen.

Is there more?

We are more than gratified, Cristobal.

< Excelente. >
[ Excellent ]

- You fence well.
- For a commoner?


Your second expedition, hm?

17 ships...

and 1500 men?

Thanks to you.

This is Don Francisco de Bobadilla.

He can be valuable to you.

He's very well acquainted with our laws.

I heard you'd be appointing Governors.
Will you consider my application?

Forgive me, Don Francisco.

The positions are taken.

May I ask by whom?

By two very competent men.

Men of quality?

Francisco is qualified
for high administration.


we do lack notaries.

Please contact my administration.

Francisco is a judge.


we also need judges.

Except, there are no crimes as such.

I see I was mistaken.

He has no need

for my services.


You have a special talent
for making enemies.

Do I have so many already?

Don't you think to rise so high
in so short a time is dangerous?


I can arrange for the Queen
to take the boys into her service.

It's a great honour.

We couldn't hope for better.

Anything better?
Better than being with their mother?

It's not what I meant.

- What do you mean?
- I'll be gone...

for several years.

I have powerful enemies at the court.

The boys bear my name and titles.

This way they'll be untouchable.

And you'll be free to see them
when you please.

You don't know what you're asking.

I do.

I wish I could give you another life.

I am sorry.

Don't say that, because you're not.

You lead the life you chose...

and I Chose you.

You might have given us a choice.
I'm a map maker!

And now you're Lieutenant-General
of the West Indies, Bartolome!

He's just out of seminary
and can't use a sword.

Never touched a sword!

You have time to learn.

What are you complaining about?

You can live the way we dream of.

I don't share your dreams.

Do you refuse to help me?

To help your brother?

Are you going to desert me?

You bastard...!
You always had your own way.

- I have always supported you.
- I know.

- I went to Portugal...
- I know!

- I'm the eldest!
- How could we forget?

You've said it enough.

Let me Show you something.

« Excellency... »

It's about my son...


Now, who can I trust?

We're brothers. A bloodline.

I need you. Both of you.

« Admiral! »

« The horses are here.
This pair's magnificent! »

- Send them back!
- What?

They're like mules!

I hope you did better with men!

Who did we take on today?

30 blacksmiths. 28 halberdiers.
20 carpenters.

100 farmers.

20 miners.

And Doctor Chanca,

the royal surgeon.

Hen we can count on royal health.


Fire again!

Where are they?

Drummers, sound the advance!

< Almirante! >
[ Admiral ]


Is this your New World, < Almirante >?

We will teach these animals savagery.

Three heads for every life taken.
No mercy!

< Vamonos! >
[ Let's move on ]

No Moxica!

No revenge.

These were our cousins,

our friends, our countrymen.

But you say no revenge?

We will wash this in blood and now!

If you want to keep your head do as I say.

I lost friends, too.

39 brave men who trusted me.

You want war? Fine.

We are 1000.
They outnumber us by 10.

Who will you kill? Which tribe?

- We don't need to know.
- Moxica...

Try to remember who you are talking to.

We came here to stay.

Not to start a crusade.

So, we will swallow our anger.

And in the name of those who died,

we will accomplish what we came for.

They're here.


« Guarionex!
Ricardo! »

< Arquebuses! >

< Preparen! >
[ Prepare ]

Ask him.

What happened to my men?

Warriors come from the sea.

Caribes. Guarionex says...

All fled to the hills.

When they came back

all the Spaniards... had gone.

God's mercy on them.

The monkey's lying.

You talk too much.

Here they are. We should kill them.

No... You'll do it my way.

Tell him we will not harm his people.

Even though we have the power.

I'm prepared to believe him.

We will work with them and we want peace.

Ask if he understands.

He understands.

Will he help?

He says you know

the answer.

I need your horses.

My horse does no work.

We all have to work, Moxica.

Not my horse.

Forgive me, Moxica.

But it was your horse

that I was talking about.

Thank you, Moxica.



« My dear sons... »

« In unbearable heat, »

« we are building
the first City of the New World. »

« I brought the plans
of a Florentine architect, »

« Leonardo... da Vinci. »

« God willing,
we will build his ideal city. »

« We are adapting to the Indian diet. »

« Meat is only a memory for us. »

« In a week,
the mill will be producing flour. »

« Soon, we'll be eating bread. »

« I'll never underestimate it again. »

« Nor the simple comforts of home. »

« You are always in my thoughts. »

« As ever, your Father. »

You want her?

Then you can have her.

To the New World, my friend.

To the Governor...

of the mosquitoes.

She's a good cook.

What meat is it?


What's wrong? It's Indian.

I'm not an Indian.

You know Christopher,
I think Giacomo is right.

We can't live on corn and pepper.

For the plantation, we need black slaves.

Everything rots
before it can be harvested.

Have you noticed?
The horses and pigs multiply.

They keep mounting each other...
Must be the heat.

I must confess that the heat
has a similar effect on me.

You're both right.

But the fort must be finished
before the rains.

We must rely on our strengths.

What do you mean?

Every able man must work.

All of us. Including nobility.

They're exempt, Christopher.

Well... Now they won't be.

« Next. »

« Name? »

« Next. »

« Name? »

« Next. »

« Name? »

- Name?
- Colpa.


What's he saying?

He's found none.

Why? Ask him why!

Stop him! Bring him back!

Hasn't found any.

He's lying.

Tell him...

to put his hand on the table.
Like this.

Tell them...

I know they are hiding
the gold from us.

And tell them...

this is how we treat
thieves and liars.

Don Adrian,
you cannot do this thing.

I can't?

I can.

« Your act of brutality
has created Chaos. »

« All the tribes
are joining forces against us. »

« All of that because of your
criminal savagery. »


is what monkeys understand.

You should have done the same
a long time ago, Don Cristobal.

Your ways...

don't work.

You'll be put in detention,
deprived of privileges,

until you are sent to Spain for judgement.

Anything to say?

For four years now...

we've been here.

We stayed here... four years

because we believed
your promises.

But we find neither gold

nor your earthly paradise.

You and your brothers...

have failed.

< Señor >... Colombo!

- Don Giacomo, come at once!
- What's happening?

In the mine!
Get Don Christopher!

« Cut him down! »

« Cut the ropes! »

« Cut the ropes! »

Moxica's right.

Your ways don't work.

We must find them.

Did you hear me?

You have to find them!

You see what they did?

You did the same to your God.

You know them?

< Goohooni. Goohooni. >





You know...

what will be said about this in Spain...

don't you?

You are nothing.

Your bastards will never
inherit your titles.



We are everything.

We are immortal.


Don Christopher...

I wish to return to Spain.

I have no desire to remain...

in this Godless place.

Hey are criminals.

They have a debt towards Spain.
Moxica paid. They will pay, too.

I don't understand you, Don Christopher.

You treat Christians equally
with heathen savages.

What do you offer in return?

A New World, Buyl.

No one wants one.

Only you.

Not only me.

Look at them.

They could go back to their families.

But they stay.

They want something new.
A new world.

I'll leave...

on the next ship.

Leave if you please but...

your departure won't help me
make this place more Godly.

Perhaps hope only exists in the journey,

At first everything's possible.

Every expectation, every dream.

No one expected this to be easy.

This isn't how I imagined it to be.

Marchena was right, Bartolome.

Paradise and Hell can both be earthly.

We carry them wherever we go.


Speak to me!

You never learned
to speak my language.


« Majesty, here are the true facts
concerning Hispaniola. »

« Your servant Columbus, »

« Admiral of the Seas
and Governor of the island, »

« now presides over a state of chaos, »

« of degradation and of madness. »

« He had shown he was incapable
of managing the islands »

« when he gave his brothers
very important positions, »

« injuring the pride
and dignity of nobles. »

« He promised to build a city. »

« "Isabel", after Your Majesty. »

« A group of mud huts
in the wrong place, »

« swept away by the rains and mud. »

« He promised gold, »

not finding the amounts he promised.

He has since commanded the Indians
to pay a tax...

a monthly tribute of gold.

Those unable to,
we find, have been punished

or massacred.

He forced nobility to hard labour,

treating them equally with Indians.

He reduced them into his slaves.

When Adrian de Moxica
protested against this,

he was executed.

Is this true, Brother Buyl?

Yes, Your Excellency.

All of it. I saw it.

With my own eyes.


He promised a Paradise.

He failed.

He must be replaced.


And who would you think of
for such a task?

I am thinking of a man.

A man devoted to Your Majesties.

A man extremely motivated.

« Excellency, I'm sorry. »

Don Francisco de Bobadilla.

Yes... I remember.

My letters of appointment.

I am the new Viceroy of the Indies.


Then I can search for the mainland?

The mainland was discovered weeks ago.

By another Italian.

Amerigo Vespucci, Excellency.

How far?

I'm no seaman, but I heard
it's no more than a week at sea.

Not too disappointed?

How could I be?

The mainland has been found
exactly as I said it would.

I'm afraid this isn't the worst news.




Oh, my God!

A man?

How did this happen?


Don't worry.

We're going to get you out.

- Santangel's going to the Queen.
- Good.


I'll go back when they free me.

This time with me.

In your present state it is madness,

You needn't come with us.


Oh Diego.

Rise, please.


I do look older than you.

I have looked for a reason why
I should allow you to go back.

And though I tried I could not find one.

Help me find one.

All my life I have dreamed
of reaching the continent.

I thought my dreams... grandiose.

But reality was beyond my expectations.

Far beyond.

And now...

I want to explore that land.

Before I die.

I allow you...

to undertake another voyage.

Thank you.

But without your brothers.

You can't go to Santo Domingo

or the other colonies.

The New World...

is a disaster.

And the old one... an achievement?

I know...

I Shouldn't tolerate his impertinence.

Then why?

Because he's not afraid of me.

« Sanchez! »

You're a dreamer.

Look out there.

What do you see?

I see towers.

I see palaces, steeples.

I see civilisation.

And I see spires that reach...

to the sky!

All created by people like me.

No matter how long you live,

one thing will never change between us.

I did it.

You didn't.

You're so beautiful.

I can't believe another man

has never taken you from me.

They tried... but I didn't let them.

They took everything.

Not everything.

You think I care?

I'm a free man again.

Riches don't make a man rich,
they only make him busier.

God! How much I've missed you.

« By the Grace of God
and Your Beneficent Majesty, »

« a new continent has now been found »

« and Claimed
in the name of the Spanish Crown, »

« in the year 1492. »

As Your Majesty is aware,

the University of Salamanca

has always defended the theory

of the existence of unknown territories
to the west.

The surest route to the continent
is now firmly established.

West by south-west for 750 leagues
to Santo Domingo.

From there...

west north-west from San Juan
to the north,

reaching the island of Hispaniola
on the Cape of San Raphael.

« Then onto the mainland
at Cape Gracias A Dios. »

« Spain, by Your Majesty's grace, »

« has confirmed for all humanity, »

« the existence of a New World. »

< Terra Incognita. >
[ Unknown Land ]

« It was discovered by a mariner
commissioned by Your Majesty. »

« His name... »

« Amerigo Vespucci. »


What a tragedy.
What a waste of a life.

A waste?

If your name or mine is ever remembered...

it will only be because of his.

Diego is at court with Santangel
hoping to get your privileges restored.

But how is he?

He wants to start a pearl trade
in Santo Domingo.

He has received many letters
from your men.

He sent some.

- This one's from Mendez.
- Mendez?

What does he say?

He wants to visit you.
He left his address.

Huh!... Huh!

He never had one.
Except aboard my ships.

Tell me everything you remember.

I wouldn't know where to start.

Tell me the first thing
that comes to mind.


I remember...

[ In 1502, Columbus made a final trip
to the New World with Fernando. ]

[ They reached Panama where the Indians
told them of the Pacific Ocean. ]

[ His son's biography gave Columbus
his rightful place in history. ]

[ In 1992, one of his descendants is
Honorary Admiral of the Spanish Navy. ]

[ "There is more imagination in life
than in dreams..." ]