1313: Giant Killer Bees! (2011) - full transcript

A young college student inadvertently unleashes a global biological disaster in the form of giant, zombie, killer bees...

My name is Bensington. I'm
a professor of entomology

here at ... University. More
to the point, I'm a professor

of apiology, or the study of
honey bees. If you're

watching this tape, it means
you've somehow managed

to survive the single worst
biological disaster this

planet has ever seen. You'll
want to know how it

happened. Why it happeneqd.
Who caused it.

I have the answers,
I have the answers,

because I caused it.

I don't have much time. The
world outside has gone to

hell.The power went off for
good this morning, the

police and the military lost
control a little while after

that. There's riots and
looting everywhere. It won't

matter by tomorrow.
Everyone will probably be

dead by then. How did this
start? I had no intention of

ending the world. I wanted
to help people. I actually

thought I was doing good.
That's why I sent my

research assistant to a
private facility in the

Carribean a few weeks ago.

Redwood. I trusted
him implicitly.

I had set up a special
research facility on the

island of San Marino in
order to conduct my

experiments outside the
jurisdiction of the F.D.A.

and the U.S. government.
The actual work was being

done by a group of
exchange students, all of

whom were gifted enough
to handle the work, but

once it became obvious
things weren't developing

as quickly as I'd hoped, it
was time to have Redwood

take over the project.

Mr. Redwood?

Hey, That's me. You must be

Nice to finally meet
you face-to- face.

How was your trip?

It was Very long.

And tired.

Ya but, Unfortunately, I
don't have the time to be

tired. Bensington has
about a week before we

have to show some sort of
result to the investors.

A week!

That was my reaction, too.

We've been e-mailing our
data to Bensington from

Day One. Surely, the
professor knows we haven't

perfect the formula yet ...

Relax. We don't have to
repopulate the world's

entire honey bee
population, we just have to

show progress.
And we will. Trust me.

I'm sure you two have
something in mind.


Now, If you could just show
me around and introduce

me to the rest of the team ...

Sorry where were are my
manners. I've been under a

lot of pressure lately.
Here , follow me ...

That's RANDY and STEVE.
You wouldn't know

it to look at them, but
they're two of our best

Unfortunately, they're

obsessed with soccer.

We'll be there in a minute!

As soon as I beat him!

See what I mean?

I think I'm beginning to see

why you're behind
on the research.

They're great scientists.

Then, they should be in lab.

They both just came off of a
fourteen hour shift.

Do you want to see the others?

Well, That depends.


Whether or not we'd be
interrupting their

Ping Pong tournament.

I wouldn't go any further
without protective clothing.

I think you're both safe. I
just used smoke on the hive.

We've been raising our own
colony to cultivate samples

from. PAUL here is the

All of the male drones are dead.

So? Doesn't the hive
usually kill off the males

during the winter months?

Or when there isn't enough
food to feed the entire hive.

The drones don't do

anything except mate,
there for considered

expendable. See the hive's
dying out.

The same thing's
happening here that's

happening everywhere.

Well, that's what we're
here to fix, isn't it?

I hope so..

Follow me the others are inside.

This had all began because
of the bees. At the turn of

the new millennium, the
world's honey bee

population had begun to
thin out. Pollution, changing

climates, the spread of
humanity cutting into the

insects' prime real estate ...
all of these things factored

in as a threat to the
species' survival. And

without bees, many
important plants and

flowers were losing their
sole means of pollination

and reproduction. It
seemed almost

inconsequential at first, but
it was already leading to

bigger and more
devastating consequences.

And that's where I came in.
I was developing a

chemical agent known as
"Herakleophorbia Four", or

"HKP Four". If we could get
it to work, it would augment

the bees' genetic makeup
and allow it to adapt to the

world we were cluttering up.
They would be bigger,

stronger, able to travel
further to pollinate their

crops, able to endure the
rapidly changing weather

streams.If we could
get it to work.

This is the rec room.
Unfortunately, as you can

tell, our entertainment here
is somewhat limited.

Oh, This is CHARLIE. He's
our maintenance man

slash-caretaker- slash ...

Slash-babysitter. If all of
you are such geniuses,

how come I'm the only one
around here who can empty

a garbage can? You can't
do anything without my help.

You deserve all the credit ...

I don't need to be patronized.

You're the new guy, huh?

I guess I am. My name's ...

Unimportant to me. I'm the
janitor. I guess, if you need

a light bulb changed, you
can yell "Hey, you!" at me

or something.That's what

everyone else around here does.

And don't walk around
on the floor in here.

I just mopped.

CHARLIE's a little bitter.
He's a good worker,

though. He takes care of

At least he wasn't playing
soccer when we walked in.

You seem to have some

doubts about are research team.

Very astute of you.

You don't think we're doing
Bensington's work?

I think you guys need
some proper motivation.


I'll define it later. Right
now, I want to see your lab.

Mr. Redwood ...

Look, your boss is
thousands of

miles away. You're working
with a bunch of grad

students fresh out of a
classroom. Some of you

are taking this seriously,
some of you aren't. I get

that. I understand that.

None of us want
to lose our jobs!

We'll see what happens ...

I heard our new boss just
arrived. I'm ANNA.

Uh, You can call me
"Redwood". And I'm not the

boss, I'm just here to get
things back up to speed.

I was about to take
Redwood to the lab.

LEWIS is in there. I'm
sure he and our charming

guest will have much
to talk about.

LEWIS is our top
biochemist. Head of the

research team. He's the
one you won't have to

worry about taking this
seriously. He

spends every waking
moment in there, studying

on Bensington's formula.

He might as well move in
there, as far as I'm concerned.

We'll talk more later, after
you get settled in.

I look forward to it.

To the lab, then?

Of course.

So "ANNA", huh?

That's LEWIS' girlfriend.

Great Just what we need
around here: Some more

drama. Well What about

I doubt he knows he has a
girlfriend. The lab's right

through that door.
You can ask him yourself.

You're not joining us?

Three's a crowd. Anyway,

LEWIS is the one you
came here to see.

Whatever it is, I'm afraid it'll
have to wait.

I'm afraid it can't.

Forgive me! I heard you
were coming in today, I

must've lost track of time ...
I'm LEWIS ...

So I hear. I'm Redwood.

Yes, of course. It's an
honor to finally meet you.

So this is where the
magic happens?

Not as much as I'd like.

It's lot of responsibility
for one person.

Oh, You haven't met the others!

Oh I have. That's why I say
"one person". So far, the

only people that are
working on the formula are

you and the beekeeper.

You must realize this is a
very unique situation,

Redwood. I mean there
college students, they're

working on a diploma, not
so much a scientific


Why are you doing it?

This is my life's work.

Those are four fresh test
subjects. Female workers,

PAUL gathered them from
the hive this morning. I'll be

giving them doses of HKP
Four, tagging them, then

releasing them back into
general population. Now If every

thing works, they'll be able
to release the chemical to

the rest of the hive through
their pheromones.

Why not the queen?

The queen uses
pheromones to suppress

hive activity or entice
mating. The female workers

spread the dose equally to
the rest of the hive so the

entire hive gets the same

And you think this variation
of HKP Four will actually work?

I've only seen the
computer mock-

ups. On paper, it works.

I need results by next
week, LEWIS.

I don't need a hive of super-
bees, I just need some

positive results. Hive
growth. Resistance to

temperature changes. Just

With all due respect, even
if this works better than

expected, it is very unlikely
that you will see results

with in a week!

Your right ! Of Course!

Hey You, Mind if I
call out on the satellite

phone? I wasn't able to
reach anybody from home

when I got to the airport. I
just want to call my mom,

let her know I got here okay

Ya, it's right there.


Alright REDWOOD!


Hi, Mom! It's me!
I just wanted to let you

know I arrived in San
Marino okay.

I assume somebody's
listening in on this call.

Sorry about the static. You
never can tell with this

international phone service

Okay. You're at the lab, right?

Pretty much. But, The
weather here's a little iffy,

How "iffy"?

I just saw a seven- day
forecast and it doesn't look

good. Probably rain.

They have nothing we can
show the investors?



I guess We're going to
have to go with Plan "B".

You have my new additive
with you, right?

I never go anywhere
without my insulin kit.

Good boy. I want you to
inject twenty units of the

additive into the test
subjects' food supply. And

for God's sake, be discreet
about it.

You don't want me to share
those cookies you made

with everybody else?

Absolutely not, Redwood.
For now, I want this to be

completely top secret. Give
the bees the additive, let

LEWIS think he's feeding
them his latest batch of

HKP Four and get back to
me as soon as we have

some valid results. Are we

Ya, Mom. Ok I love you, too.

So, How are things back in

Oh, you know how parents
are. Over- protective.

Ya, Oh, you're a diabetic?

Ya, Oh, Yeah, Mom was insistent
that I had to take my insulin.

I got to get a fresh batch
of HKP Four from the

refrigerator down in the rec
room. Do you mind

watching over the test
subjects until I get back?



The formula
takes a while to get

through their system, and
even then, if there's any

results, they're minimal ...

Are they feeding?

They appear to be ...

No ...!

What happened?

The formula killed them.


They're dead. It didn't give
them a lethal dose.

I don't understand ...

Are you sure they're dead?

They're bees. They don't
remain motionless like this

unless it's extremely cold or
they're dead.

So, Calling your "mother" again?

Actually, no, I'm trying to
call Professor Bensington.

There's no answer.

Give me some credit,
Redwood. I know exactly

formula, and I know none of
it is capable of killing a

Bee What did you
do to them?

Look, I realize you're under
a lot of pressure, okay? But

the last thing I would do
here is kill off the test

subjects. Blame one of your
non-existent co-workers.

Blame the variables you
introduced .

But don't
blame me.

Is that why you're calling

I'm calling Bensington
because this entire

operation is now on the
line? It's The professor's

money is what's running
this place!

Do you want to look over
my notes,

see if we can trace the
problem back to its source?

I don't know what it is get
through right now. It

could be the time
difference, bad

weather. Whatever it is,
before we do anything else,

I need to talk to the
professor. Are we clear?

Yes. So What do you want me to
do in the meantime?

Just Pray that I don't ask
you to drive

me to the airport.

Man, it's hot out here. I
gotta take a shower.

Otherwise, I'll be spending
all night in the lab stinking.

Ya, Like you do at soccer?

I'm serious man!

Suit yourself.

Well , You coming?

Maybe later.

I still have to work
on my moves.

Well , You know
where to find me!



I guess you've decided to
stop talking.

Wise decision, my friend.

Well, While you're back there,

you mind scrubbing my back?

Cold hands ...

What happened to you ...?



Hey, I had to pretend the
satellite phone was on the

fritz earlier , otherwise
every one would have been

calling you themselves.
Cant believe I got ahold of

you by cell phone ...

Why are you calling me?

Your "additive"
Well it didn't work.


It killed four test subjects.
And we're damn lucky it

killed them right away to
otherwise they would have

taken out the
rest of the hive, as well.

You wouldn't have anything
except a bunch of dead

bees to show your investors.

That shouldn't have happened.

Ya, I'm aware of this.

Do you think it interacted
with the HKP Four?

No, it didn't.

You sound pretty sure
about that.

What aren't you telling me?

Have LEWIS e-mail me the
data on the dead test

subjects. I want a complete
workup, down to the

smallest detail. I want it by

Professor, you can't send
me thousands of miles,

have me be responsible for
destroying years worth of

work and just expect me to ..

I expect you to do what I tell
you, Redwood. No more,

no less. You want a
degree, I want to continue

my research. At this point,
this is the only way to do it.

Have LEWIS e-mail the
data. And do whatever you

have to do to keep them
happy and working until I

say otherwise.

You have to come with me to the


We have a problem.



Mother of god!

Thank God! We have to get
inside quickly! There is

something horrible after me ...!

What's wrong with you?
Didn't you hear me?

What's happening ...?


So, What did you have to
talk to me about?

Like I said, there's a
problem. Shortly after you

and I left the lab today, I
found this ...

What is it?

The test subjects were gone.

I don't follow. So Did one of
the other students come in

here and ... what,
take the bees?

I have no idea. Four dead
honey bees couldn't have

possibly opened this glass
cannister by themselves.

Okay. Let's get the rest of
the team in here and ask

them if they know anything
about it.

I'm asking you.

What did I do?

Things have been going
badly since

you arrived. We are
actually further behind now

than we were before you
got here. What's to prevent

you from stealing the test
subjects and bringing them

back to America for your self?

We're all on the same
team, LEWIS. Look I need your

expertise here. So does the

So, Then, why did you lie to me

about calling the

I think you're keeping
things from me.

Look, At the end of the day,
I'm just a college student,

same as you. I wish I was
part of some big conspiracy.

Then, I wouldn't have to
travel halfway across the

world to earn a passing
grade. We need to talk to

the others. Maybe it was
just an accident ...

CONNER's Getting for
them now. Go

get some rest, Redwood.
There's little else you can

do at the moment.

And the next time you
talk to Bensington,

I want to be there.

I thought you might need
a drink.

And some company.

And I thought you'd be hanging
out with LEWIS.

As I said, he lives in that lab.
He's obsessed.

You don't share his enthusiasm?

I'm here because of him.
And It's a great opportunity, I

suppose, but I don't think
we see things quite the

same way. What about


I just want a degree.
Otherwise, I'd still be

waking up at three in the
afternoon and

skateboarding up and down
Venice Beach.


You know the others
they don't trust you.

I can see why. How do you
feel about me?

I feel you would be an
Extremely nice change of pace.

You guys got
Room for one more?


Where the hell are you guys?

You're supposed to
be in the lab!

What Are you guys hiding
out in here?

Look, if it were up to me,
you guys would have the

day off. LEWIS wants
everybody in the lab.

I was hoping I'd find you
still alive.

I really missed your people
skills, CHARLIE. What can

I do for you?

Yesterday, I heard STEVE
screaming in his room. I

went up to see what was
wrong. STEVE was gone.

I found this instead.

What is it?

Look for yourself. After I
saw it, I spent the rest of

the day locked in the broom
closet. Today, I'm leaving

this place. And if the rest of
you were smart, you'd

follow me.

You brought
death with you.

Is that ...?

One of the test subjects.

YA, It still has traces of the
paint marker you put on it.

How could this happen?

I was hoping you could tell me.

If I had to guess, I'd say the
test subjects must have

grown to enormous size,
broke out of the glass cannister

and crawled out of an open

It gets worse. CHARLIE
said he heard STEVE

screaming yesterday.
When he went to STEVE's

room, this is what he found.
STEVE was gone.

Where is STEVE now?

This is your research team.

The stinger's gone.

Ya, That's what killed it.

So the bee stings
STEVE, dies ...

And now STEVE is gone.

We can round up the others
and go looking for him.

If he's still alive, which I
doubt, he's not here, or we

would have seen him by
now. He probably

wandered off into the
jungle. We wouldn't be able

to find him without a

Where's everybody else?

Probably Sleeping getting
ready for their next shift or

working around the

Ka, I don't want anyone outside.

If the other subjects are like
this, we're in great danger.

We have to get in touch
with Bensington, then.

Ya, What's that going to
do? I'm pretty certain you

and him are responsible
for this.

You think I could have done
something like this?

Not on purpose, but, yes. I
think you had something to

do with the test subjects
dying. And whatever killed

them turned them into
some sort of mutant.

I know about as much as you do,

Ya, Forgive me if I
don't believe you.

We have numerous
problems here.

First and foremost is,
there's three more subjects

like this flying around the
compound. Everyone here

is fair game.

What's to prevent them
from just flying away?

Their Bee hive is still here.
If they still behave like they

did before becoming
mutations they may be

close to it. But them
attacked STEVE, however,

may have made them
aggressive . They may

attack animals or humans

not directly threatening their

And the other problems ...?

We haven't found STEVE.

I agree. He should have

went and got some medical

No, I mean, we have found
STEVE's body.

There may be enough bee
venom in him to take down

a full-grown elephant.


The Bee's were dead
before they grown to this

size, So what ever made
them grown to this size

Maybe transferred
to another host by fluid

transference. STEVE may
be infected, And not dead.

Your saying it could have turned
him into something like this?

It may affect
humans differently.

HKP was tailored
specifically for

honey bees. I mean
what ever is in their

didn't turn him into a
Giant if that's what your

worried about.

What should I be worried

I don't know what
happened to the bees, I'm

not sure until I perform an
autopsy on this specimen

and run some tests.

Can't we start a bonfire or
something? Use smoke to

drive them away ...?

Beekeepers use smoke to
diffuse the queens pheromones

and keep the hive
from attacking. We would

need extreme cold, fire
or some sort of grade A

insect poison.

Ok I have to call Bensington ...

Redwood? Where is my data?

Your about to be getting a
lot more than you bargained for.


Long story short: your
"additive" caused the four

test subjects to mutate into
giant killer bees. One of the

grad students might be
dead or infected with

something. Which is a mood
point, because the three

killer bees that haven't
stung anybody they somehow

managed to get outside and
could be anywhere right now.

Dear God ...

What was in that bottle,

You need to tell me ...

I ran tests ... I was certain
the additive wouldn't have

any detrimental effects ...

What was it?

It was a substance recovered
from a meteorite.


Last year, a meteor
crashed in the Mojave

Desert. A N.A.S.A. team
was doing a survey and

discovered it. There was
unusual plant growth

around the crash site -
plants that hadn't grown in

that region for thousands of
years. It was determined

that a mixture of unique
chemicals and radiation

from the meteor somehow
stimulated biological

reproduction. I was part of
the research team that

examined it, so I altered the
formula and tested it out on

insect cells. I thought it was
a shortcut to make HKP

Four actually work!

Yeah. It worked, all right.
You sent me out here to

die, just like you sent these
students out here to die.

My research was sound!
Nothing like this should

have ever happened!

Well, now I'm outside of my
area of expertise,

Professor. What's the plan?

This is what I want you to
do. Pack up the dead test

subject and evacuate the
entire team. I can have the

local government over there
quarantine the entire area

and destroy the other

What if it's too late?

Let me worry about that.
You worry about getting

everyone else out of there
as soon as possible.

Let me worry about that ...

What did Bensington say?

We're on our own.

What about this specimen?

That's the least of our
worries. Bensington's

probably going to have this
entire compound quarantined.

We'll be lucky if they don't

call in an air strike
on this place.

What about us?

We'll have to get
somewhere safe.

You take one half of the
compound, I'll take the

other half. We'll round up

everybody and hightail it
out of here.

There's something you

need to know about
this specimen.

Tell me later. Right now,
track everybody down. If

someone's infected, we'll
have to leave them. And if

you see one of those things
coming for you, get inside.

I'm going to try to find
something we

can use as a

Stupid college students.

Giant bees! Why did it have
to be giant bees?!?

I see one of you
finally got smart.

It's a long way back to
town, though. You might

want to put on some shoes on!

It looks like the bee's got you.

Where is everybody?!?

What happened?

Are you stung?


What happened? Did you
get stung?

No! Bitten!

We'll have to stay inside. That
door should hold them off ...


What happened to them?

The bees. They died, they
mutated and then they came back.

When they transferred their
venom to a human, the

same thing must have happened.

There's no blood. It didn't
even break your skin. Is

that what's going to happen
to you?

I have no idea.

I'll try calling the police, get
some help in here...

No one's going to be able
to get in here. Not with

those mutations. I'm not
going to make it, anyway.

Listen ... if you make it out
of here, there's something

you have to know about the
giant bee. I did an autopsy

on them. And come to find
out the size isn't the only

thing that was mutated.

I don't follow.

Those Are female
worker. Without

pheromones from the
queen, they could

potentially lay eggs.


Those mutations are all
carrying fertilized eggs. If

one of them escapes ...

Listen to me. The bee's
venom has turned the

students into some sort of
mindless zombies. I'm not

going to make it out of here
alive. Take LEWIS'

research Ahhhh ...

That was the last words I
ever heard from Redwood. I

can only assume he was
killed. We know now that

the mutated insects were
carrying fertilized eggs, and

that once those eggs
hatched, a monstrous

swarm overtook the island.
Then, the South Pacific.

Asia. Europe. And finally,
here. The cold doesn't stop

them. Lack of a food source
doesn't stop them. Nothing

stops them. They have
become monsters, and they

have taken over the world.
I've held them off for as

long as I could. I'm sorry ...
