12:01 (1993) - full transcript

Barry Thomas is the average office worker. He becomes attracted to Lisa Fredericks who works in the same company. After work, Barry witnesses the murder of Lisa and goes to a bar to get drunk. Later that night, there is a storm and Barry gets a shock from a lamp's faulty power wire at exactly 12:01 am. The next morning, he realizes that everything is happening exactly as it did the previous day. The next morning the day is repeated again. It is now Barry's job--being the only person alive who is aware of this time loop--to stop the murder of Lisa, and stop the time loop or be caught in time forever.

The time is 7:35.

Please wake up.

Wake up. Wake up.

Lazy boy, please wake up.
Please wake up.


Lazy boy.

Lazy boy. Lazy boy.

...cutting edge project

by researchers in particle physics

has been shut down by
government order. Hosea?

Mary, big news
at Utrel Corporation.

Researchers here working
on particle physics

believe they've discovered a way

to accelerate a subatomic particle

faster than the speed of light.

Now they are using
a groundbreaking device

called a superaccelerator.

But public outcry has been so great,

the government today finally
ordered a complete shutdown

of the project.

This tool will help us

to finally define the
nature of the universe

and harness its energy.

Now, imagine a facility this size

powering half the state of Califor...


Hi... Mom. I'm late. How are you?

Yeah, I... I know.

I know we haven't
talked in a while...

Because you're going
to ask me if I'm dating.

Yes, mom. I'm dating.

A lot of really nice girls.

You know, I can't even
keep track of their names.

You want to know
one of their names? Uh...



Brillette. Yes. She's French.

She's small, but she's wiry.

She loves to clean up
around the kitchen.

Mom... look. I'm really I...

But, mom, mom,
mom, mom...

I will call you later.
I promise. Goodbye.

Pathetic. That's not
how you throw the ball.

What's wrong with you?

Good morning, Kyle.
How you doing?

Any work?

Hey, what do you say we all
clean up the planet together? Huh?

Can't do it by myself.


Be careful, all right? I don't want
to see you get run over now.

Up yours, my man.

Nice. Nice.

That may very well be
our president someday.

Oh, man.

Where are the quarterlies?

Jackson's ready to cut your throat.

Good, thanks. How are you?

Ted, do you realize your hair
spray may be solely responsible

for the ozone hole?


How's it go?

You know... it has
been a bad morning...

Oh! Oh! Jack!

Oh, Jack, I'm so sorry.

Thanks for the coffee.

Rook to queen's bishop.

Well, look who decided to show up.

Anne, I'm sorry I'm late.

- You know I'm doing you a favor, don't you...
- Oh, yeah.

- keeping you on with a work
performance like yours? - Sure.

So let's just finish the personnel reports,
complete the monthly billing,

and clean up the desk
by the end of the day.

You know, I was working
on finishing that...

We both know if you wanted
to show up on time, you would, right?

There was a car accident, Anne.

Barry, Barry, Barry, I
don't want to fight with you

and I don't want to be your friend either,
so let's just do the work, hmm?

I would hate to kick you out,

you're one of the cute ones.

You know, she had sex once in 1983,

but she didn't like it.

What did we do last night?

I woke up tasting
pavement in my mouth.

Well, we drank, and you left...

and then I picked up the blonde.

- No, you... You did not pick up the blonde.
- Yeah, I did. Yes, I did.

- She was not even interested in you.
- You left, she got interested, all right?

You owe me 20 bucks for your drinks.

Here's the update
on the new filing system.


It's a shocking computer disk.

You press that, and within
three seconds it shocks you.

It's a cure for the common
hangover. Is it working?

Are your parents related?

- No.
- No?

Well, I think they...


Morning, Lisa.


Out of your league, man.
Did you read the profile?

Ph. D. at 25.
The chick's got no social life.

Look at that. She doesn't
even smoke. He knows that.

He's offered her a cigarette
before. What a jerk.

Look. Whenever she's nervous,

she always just brushes her hair
back over her right ear.

- Did you see that? Right over the right ear.
- Yeah. I saw. Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Listen, this has been
going on for six months.

Why don't you just go
over there and talk to her?

What, and spoil our relationship? No.

Yeah, you're right...

the whole, like, peeping Tom thing
you got going is really much healthier.

- Guess what.
- What?

It's time to leave my cubicle.

- Right now?
- If I had a door, I'd open it.

Excuse me. Barry Thomas?

Yes, but you probably want to speak to
my boss. You see, I'm just a small gnat...

- on the great landfill of life.
- Well, you signed this...

- and you're the man I want to talk to.
- Dr. Moxley, you look great on TV.

Anne Jackson, head of personnel.
I've been watching the news and...

- you are a very impressive speaker.
- Miss Jackson, two of my assistants...

have been removed by some
paperwork that Mr. Thomas signed.

- Oh, really?
- I've already sent two memos to him...

regarding the subject
and I've gotten no response.

I don't think I got those.

Please, let me help you
personally, Dr. Moxley.

- Come into my office...
- That won't be necessary, Miss Jackson.

Just put them back in the system.

- Lois Hope, Thomas Plume.
- Done.

Miss Jackson,
we all make mistakes.

Just correct it.

- Yes, sir.
- Thank you. Good day.

- Good day. Anne, we just let 150 people go.
- You made me look like an idiot!

- You are off of technical staff.
- Right.

- Off.
- Off.

You will take résumés and file
résumés, and that's it.

Howard, would you believe it?
Howard, is now in charge of technical staff!

You... you bounced the head
of the program's assistants!

I... I... one more.
One more slip-up,

and you're bounced,
you got it?


Good day.


The whole office, rattled!

You slow down the work, and
we all suffer you know that.

Let's hug.

Just once.

It'll break the tension.

Eh, just slop me on
some of that macaroni.

Yes, sir.


That is just terrifying.

Excuse me?

Are you all right?

You don't smoke.

What are you talking about?

You don't smoke. I'd offer you
a cigarette, but you don't smoke,

so what's even...
why bother even?

Rico, can I have some
string beans, please.

- You know, I don't smoke either?
- And I'd like some rice, too.

So even if you did smoke, I wouldn't
be able to offer you a cigarette. I...

just... don't... smoke.

So, I'm sorry to bother you.

Where are you usually locked up?

Oh, I'm just an experiment
gone horribly awry...

in the personnel department.

I see.

I'm Lisa Fredericks.

I'm Barry Thomas.

What is it that you do?

Oh... nothing. I just
sort of boost morale

in between threats
of being fired.

Ah. Well, you seem
to have a mind.

That doesn't usually
fit in the system.

- Nice to meet you.
- Uh... It was...

nice meeting you, too.



And good luck.

I'm not shipping
off the continent.

I'm just having lunch.

Right, right.


So, uh, she likes me...

a lot.
Wouldn't you agree?

Yeah, I'd say like you and a vicious ice
cream headache are probably neck and neck.

Do I always sound
like such an idiot,

or do I just save it for
the people I really want to impress?

You're thinking the wrong way, man.

What if the ice queen
thing's an act?

A defense?

- Okay.
- All right.

What if she's the lonely one?

Huh? She would be thankful

to the first guy that came
over to her and said anything.

I know these things, man.

I know. I picked up
a blonde last night, right?


Um, right.

She's dying
to be talked to.

I got an air conditioning
repair for... Dr. Specter?


Uh... Ahem.

Yeah, go ahead.


Barry Thomas. I'm here
to see Dr. Fredericks.

There's a slight problem in personnel.

What, are you going to erase her
from the computer, too?

It's regarding her paycheck.

We're updating our filing system,

and I have to verify some personal
information, Miss... "Zebo."

Otherwise, her check
may be delayed.

Well, that's the type of confusion
we always expect from personnel.

Thank you.

Well, you don't seem to
be doing very well today!

Get out of my office!



- Who are you?
- I'm, uh...

- Are you authorized to be back here?
- It's all right.

- It's all right.
- It's all right.

Please come in
and shut the door.

I'm just gonna come in
and... shut the door.

You know, I was just
taking care of Dr. Moxley,

I was helping out
with one of... Hey!

I have a geranium plant
at home. That's funny.

What can I do for you?

Nothing! Nothing. I was just
in the neighborhood,

so I thought I'd say hello.


You came back in the
middle of a restricted area

to flirt with me?

Is this... a bad time?

We spoke for 10 seconds
on a food line.

That gives you the right to come
back into my office and hit on me?

No. No. No...

No, you don't seem to get the point.

I don't consider playful banter
over steaming string beans

grounds for romantic
trysts, sexual advancement,

or even... can you get out
from behind there?

...even a long-distance friendship.
I'm not even interested in a pen pal.

It was great seeing you, too.

I'm sorry, Barry, but just timing is
everything, and this just isn't the time...

It's not the time, right?

How'd it go?

Oh, good, good, thanks. I'll be alone for
the rest of my life. But good.

Thanks, pal.

Drinks tonight?

Yes, Howard. Let's just
drink our lives away, shall we?



Bar, what's up my man?
Are you with me? Let's do it!


Hi, Reynaldo.


Ah. My dozen, please.


Oh, those
are quite beautiful.

Thank you very much.

Por nada, Señorita.

You say this
happened just after work?


What time was that?


Did you know Miss Fredericks?


No, I didn't know her at all.

I'm sorry, Barry. I know
how much you cared about her.

I'm quitting tomorrow.


Getting on with my life.

What are you talking about, man?
What about me? You're not gonna quit.

If I stay in that job one more day,
what do I have? What do I have?

I have my pants behind a
desk, that's what I have.

We need two more of these, please.

You know, my dad said
I'd never amount to much.

I don't want to disappoint him.

Look, man, I don't know what
you're talking about. Okay?

Whatever happened
today, it was horrible,

but it doesn't stop us.
We get to keep on going.

What are we going to do?
Are we going to turn back?




The time is 12:00.

I wonder what
she was thinking about.

Not about me, that's for sure.

Lazy boy.

I don't have time for this.

The time is 12:01.

The time is 7:35.

Please wake up.

Wake up. Wake up.

Oh, please. I have a hangover.

Lazy boy, please wake up.

Please wake up.

No, I don't.

...this cutting edge project

by researchers in particle physics...

has been shut down by
government order. Hosea?

Mary, big news
at Utrel Corporation.

Researchers here working
on particle physics...

believe they've discovered a way...

to accelerate a subatomic particle...

faster than the speed of light.

Now, they are using
a groundbreaking device...

called a superaccelerator.

Come on, Hosea, that's old news.

What about Lisa's murder?

...finally ordered a complete
shutdown of the project.

This tool will help us...

to finally define the
nature of the universe...

and harness its energy.

Now, imagine a facility this size

powering half the state of
California. It's remarkable.

If we could actually
power a particle...

faster than the speed of light,

the energy released
would be catastrophic.

Time and space
would be shattered.

We'd be punched
backwards in time...

and then move forward...

until the accelerator is fired
again, and we're punched back again...

in an endless loop,
like a skipping record.

This circular time bounce
would become our prison,

and we'd be prisoners
without memory...

in a cell
without a key.

Which theory is true?

Another tune going out over
the KBRY lovers' request...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Scientist
killed at work. Come on.

...and temperatures will
diminish by early next week.

We may s...

One of us fell down last night.

Oh, man, I'm going to be late again.

Okay, I was drunk.


Hi... Mom, I...

I'm running late again.
How are you?

Yeah, right. It's been a real
long time since we talked.

I did.
I did meet a girl.

No, I don't think
you're going to meet her.

Because she was shot.

No, not... not with
cameras, with bullets.

Mom, I... I got to go.
I'll call you later.

Okay... I was really drunk.

That's not how you throw the ball.

Pathetic. What's wrong with you?

Talk about pathetic.

Ho! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Didn't I tell you
to be more careful?

Up yours, my man.

All right! Now we're
getting somewhere!

Where are the quarterlies?
Jackson's ready to cut your throat.

On her desk. Calm down.
Comb your hair. Iron your pants.

Jack, would you believe there was
nothing in the paper about Lisa Fredericks?

Why? She win
an award or something?

- Aah!
- Oh, Jack!

Oh, Jack, I'm so sorry.
Can I help? I'll get you more coffee.

No! No! No!



Damn it!
This isn't funny.

Well, look who decided to show up.

Anne, I cleaned off this whole
desk yesterday before I left.

You know I'm doing you
a favor, don't you?

Keeping you on with a
work performance like yours.

So, let's just finish
the personnel reports,

complete the monthly billing,

and clean up the desk
by the end of the day.

- I did this work.
- I can see that.

We both know if you wanted
to get in on time, you would. Right?

There was
a car accident...


Barry, Barry, Barry,
I don't want to fight with you...

and I don't want to
be your friend, either.

so let's just do the work.

I would would hate
to kick you out.

You're one of the...
...cute ones.


Did you see that?

She came in here just
like it was yesterday.

You know, she had sex one time
in 1983, but she didn't like it.

Here's the update on
the new filing system.

Whoa, whoa, what, you think
I'm a cretinous moron?

Why would I fall for
the same trick twice?


The shocking disk trick.
You got me with it yesterday.

Hey, how come Lisa Fredericks'
murder was not on TV,

it was not in the
newspapers, nothing?

Lisa's murder?

Come on, Howard,
stay with me, please.

You were standing right next to me
when she was shot, last night, right?

We talked to the police together.

We went drinking last night, Howard.

You're supposed to remind
me I'm quitting today.

Homicide, please.
Detective, uh... uh... uh...


We drank. You left.

I tried to pick up the blonde. I paid for
all her drinks and she blew me off,

I went home and watched Batman. I called the
Power Line, and gave myself a little treat.

No, no, no, that was two nights ago.
The blonde was two nights ago.

You said you scored.

Detective Kryles? Yeah?

You questioned me last night
about Lisa Fredericks' murder?

Lisa Fredericks.

She was killed last night.

Well I saw it. I was there.
You were there. You questioned me.


He hung up the phone.

You... You called him, didn't you?

You set this whole gag up.

I'll go pretty far for a joke, Barry, but I pretty
much draw the line at covering up homicides.

Dr. Fredericks.


This is fine.

Why don't you have the other
papers on my desk by noon.



Barry from the lunch line.

you kicked me...

I can't get over this.

Sorry. You must have me
mistaken with somebody else.

You're not dead.
I thought you were dead.

No, I'm very much not dead and I
hope my condition continues. Goodbye.

- Good morning, Lisa.
- I'm just so happy you're all right.

- Look I'm sorry but...
- Who is he?

I really don't know.

I don't know you.


No, thanks. Goodbye.

- Shall we get this over with?
- Shall we?

Miss Jackson, we all
make mistakes. Just correct it.


- Good day.
- Good day.

Dr. Moxley, rest assured...

What's going on?

You gotta tell him I had
nothing to do with it, okay?

Barry, you made me
look like an idiot.

- You are off of technical staff. Off.
- Fine.

You will take résumés
and file résumés.

- All right. Right
- That's it.

Howard, from now on
you will handle technical staff.

I can't believe
I'm saying that.

You bounced the head of the
department's two assistants.

Anne, Anne, Anne, I took
care of that yesterday.

One more slip-up like this,
one more, and you're bounced.

Got it?

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.


Hey, come on, man.

Come on, man, that...
that's my paper there.

Come on.

- Dr. Moxley.
- Yes?

I'm Barry. Thomas.
We met yesterday.

- Oh, you're Thomas.
- Yes.

We haven't met.

Anyway, that matter's taken care of.

I heard on the news today,
something about a time bounce...

that time just stops,
goes back, and repeats.

They used all my
remarks out of context.

But I can't really blame them,
becuase it's very complicated.

But, Dr. Moxley, I think
the time bounce has happened.

This day is repeating.

What an unusual
thing to say.

But, I've seen it... things
repeating all over the place.

Mr. Thomas, if the bounce
were to happen,

everything would loop back
to a starting point.

Your memory would also be reset
along with the rest of the universe.

The fact that you think
you remember anything about it

means it hasn't happened.

Don't worry about it.

- Good day.
- But...



The whole office,

You slow down the work,
and we all suffer. You know that.

Right. Right.

I'm sorry about the way
I came at you this morning.

It must have been
a bit of a shock. Huh?

Are you assuming this moring's
encounter has made us friends

and we're now going
to have a conversation?

No! No no no no. God no.
That's the last thing on my mind.

Good. Can I have some string beans
and rice, please, Rico.

I just hate meeting new,
and interesting, and attractive people.

Don't you even think of starting
up a conversation with me...

can I please have some macaroni?

- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.

I'm sorry. I didn't
catch your name.

Me? Uh, Barry.

Barry Thomas.

Would you... like to have
lunch with me today?

Well I'm... I'm sure you're very
nice, but I just don't think so.

Aw, come on, I'll make it
worth your while.

- How's that?
- Well, I'll pay for your lunch.

I promise not to spit
food in your face,

or make silly noises
with my lips. Thank you.

What do you say?


Thank you.


I'm strictly into theory.
No grease stains.

The physical world
is just too disappointing.

Yeah, but to get your hands dirty and
use your mind and create the thing...

that's the exciting part. Isn't it?

Things do not always work out
the way you want them to, Barry.

Yeah, but...

Lisa! You shouldn't be
picking up men at lunch...

you don't know
where they've been.

Joan, this is Barry. Please eat
something. You're getting mean.

He's not wearing
any rings.

- Wow.
- You are.

Oh, relax. Her sister
gave it to her.

She's available.

Aside from dinner with me
tonight, her schedule's pretty open.

Well on that very subtle
and private note...

You're... not going to make that dinner.

Oh yes, I am, cause Joan will
murder me if I flake out on her.

- Again.
- It was only twice.


No. No, I mean you're
not going to make...

that dinner tonight.

Why not?

This day is repeating.

The time bounce
has happened.

Right after work
at 6:15...

you go across the street
to buy some flowers,

and you're... shot.

I've already seen it.

You... you got to believe me.
People are saying the same things...

that they said to me yesterday.
They're doing the same things.

The news has
the same story.

It's all happening again
the same way.

Ok, prove it.
Point something out.


- Oh.
- Oh.


I haven't been
paying attention.

All right. I'll make it easier.
What do I do next?

Your beeper goes off,
and then you get up and leave.

Well, I hope you've had fun
with your little games.

Why don't you call me
when you grow up.

You have to believe me.
You get shot two times.

Uh, can I help you?

Uh, personnel. Going to see Dr. Moxley.

He's expecting me.

- Okay. Fine. Go ahead.
- Thank you.

Looks like it's
contained. Just in that one seal.

Just one seal...

So this means we can't
shut the accelerator down today.

But, Lisa, we don't have a choice.

We've got to keep the
accelerator fully operational...

until we can get this
situation under control.

You know this could have been a
catastrophe. If one more seal had broken,

you would've irradiated
the entire lab.

Perfect condition.
I don't understand what happened.

A terrible embarrassment for me.

We tell him it's safe,

and now we can't dismantle
the core for at least two weeks.

I'll get a cleanup crew
on this immediately.

I'm sorry, Thadius.

It's not your fault, Lisa.

40 years something's
gone wrong...

with every damned project
I've ever worked on.

Well, you're bound for a change, then.

Maybe the next project will hit.

No, this is the last project
I'm gonna supervise.

The way the press
is handling this...

I can't take any
further disappointments.

Why don't you check
the other seals.

No cleanup
until 10 A.M. Tomorrow.

I'll go check those other
seals and structures now.

Wait a minute, will you. I'll examine them.
I'll determine what happened.

No, let her do it.

Thadius, it's my job.

One more seal breaks, and we'll
all be reading at night by our own glow.

This is my department.

- I can handle this.
- I want her to do it!

Thadius, I have been in with this
project since the very beginning.

It is my expertise...
You've caused enough problems...

- How did you get in here?
- Um... The um...

- I want security down here immediately.
- Security, accelerator room. Right away, please.

You see...

Take those files to level three,
and call Mr. Stevens.

I need to speak to him by 4:00,

and get me some coffee,
some... fresh... coffee.


Employee of the month.

You trespass into the
highest level security area.

You accost three
heads of the project,

and I'm supposed to explain it.

I like you, Barry. I really do.

You're fired.

Give me your I.D, and clean out
your office by the end of today.

You know what's funny?

If today was really today,

I would have quit by now.

Hey, sorry, man.

Yeah, well, stuff happens.

What's up? They fire you?

Will you believe me if I tell you
something that sounds impossible?

Ye... Well, yeah.

Lisa Fredericks is going
to be murdered today at 6:15.

This whole day is repeating.

We're in a time bounce.

Uh, did you tell this to anyone?


Okay, that's why they fired you.

It's okay. You're stressed out.
We can explain it.

You have déjà vu or vertigo,
or something.

But... But, they have
laws against this, don't they?

They won't...
They can't fire you.

Howard... up yours.

Sorry, man.

Dr. Fredericks, please.

Well, will you have her call
Barry Thomas, please, extension 322?

It's urgent.

Lisa! Lisa!

Your I.D., sir.


- Lisa.
- Sir, I can't let you in there without I.D.

Hi, Reynaldo.
Ah, Señorita.

¿Como esta?

- Good. Do you have my roses?
- Ah, sí, sí, sí, sí, sí.

Hey, Bar, hold it. Heh? What...
What's up? What's going on, man?

Talk to me.


Get down!

Oh, this can't be happening.

This can't be happening.

Uh... I guess I...
I came out before Barry...

- when I heard the shooting...
- Excuse me, sir. Are you Barry Thomas?

All right, Detective,
do you believe me now?

I'm going to have to ask you to come to the
precinct to answer some questions, please.

- What?
- Wait. Hold on a second.

He already gave a statement.
We were across the street together and...

he, uh, I mean...
He didn't do anything.

He called me this morning
to tell me about her murder.

- Now do you want to go to jail, too?
- Let's extend the perimeter out to...

This day's about to repeat.

Yeah, no kidding, Biff. They're all
about the same around here.

My god, but what if it doesn't?

I want another chance!

Hey, no more chances, man.
You're doing time now.

The time is 7:3...


Today I save her.

Well, look who decided
to show up.

Anne, you're absolutely right,

if I wanted to be here
on time, I would.

So I'll finish the personnel reports,
complete the monthly billing,

and clean off my desk
by the end of the day.

You don't want to fight with me, Anne.
You also don't want to be my friend either.

So why kick me out
when I'm so damn cute?




Get rid of that stain. Hm?

That's good work, man.

You almost prevented her
from talking... entirely.

You don't remember a thing
about yesterday, do you?

What's to remember, man?

We had some drinks.

I picked up the blonde
after you left.

- No.
- Yeah.

She blew you off. You went
home. You watched Batman.

- What?
- Howard,

I want to explain something to you,

but you're not going to believe me,
so just trust me.

I need to talk to Dr. Moxley.

He's going to be here
in about 30 seconds,

but first I have to talk
to Lisa out in the hallway.

So, when Moxley gets here, I want
you to keep him here. You got it? Good.

Hold on. Dr. Moxley,
the head of the department,

- is coming down here to talk to us.
- That's the one. Yes.

How do you know that?

Trust me.

I know.



The time bounce...


Is a fascinating theory,
don't you think?

Excuse me. Who are you?

Oh, I'm Barry...


Well, you seem to know your name
very well, and you seem to know mine.

Look, I know you're in a hurry, and
I don't mean to sound forward,

but I'm having lunch
in the cafeteria at 12:30.

Personally, I hate meeting new,
and interesting, and attractive people...

I'd much rather eat
by myself, but...

if we have to...
if we have to...

isn't it better to discuss
how wonderful theory is...

and how disappointing
the physical world can be?

- Wow.
- Yeah.

- That's quite a qualified pickup line.
- Tell me about it.

I've been working on it
for two days now.

- Enjoy your very nice morning.
- Morning, Lisa.

So please, 12:30.
Okay? Don't forget.

- Who is that?
- I have no idea.


She doesn't smoke.

You've been worked here for what?
Four years now? Pay attention.

How'd you know about Moxley?

- Moxley was already here?
- You...

- Barry, you made me look like an idiot.
- I thought you were going to keep...

- You are off of technical staff. Off...
- I know. I know all about it.

Dr. Moxley?

Oh, Bill. You wanted
to see me about the...

Joan, I need the isotope
studies from Dr. Morgenrau.


Oh, yes.
Doctor Fredericks.


Should let us fire it just once,
don't you think?

If we're right,
we disprove Einstein.

That's pretty
groundbreaking work.

Of course it is. Looks, it's been
three years of my life.

What are we supposed
to do, break the law?

Some people would.

Look, they told us to pull the
plug, and we're pulling it.

Don't make this more difficult
than it already is.

- Okay
- Okay

Oh, by the way, I saw some
coolant studies in the lab.

They look like yours.

That's funny. I thought
I brought them all back.

Oh, Bert, I'm sorry I snapped.
It's not about you.

It's all right. All right.
Forget it. Oh, Marilyn.

Do you have those
papers I needed?

I'll have them this
afternoon. Soon enough?

Yeah, fine. Thank you.

Shut up.

I believe you wanted
the string beans.

They're quite
excellent today.

You are a very
unusual person.

So wait a second.
What do you do again?

Well, I used to
work in personnel,

but now I'm just sort of
trying to figure out my life.

You're changing jobs?

No. No. The job is the
same... every morning.

I want to show
you something.

Look over there...
in the lunch line there.

You see those two people?
They're about to bump into each other.

And that woman right there?

She's gonna sneak
an olive off the salad bar.

See that guy...
right there?

He's gonna sneeze.


Okay, you're psychic.

No. No, I'm just learning
to appreciate the moment.

It seems to be
all I have anymore.

Do you believe
in second chances?

No. Um, no, I don't.

What if...

What if the time bounce
really happened...

and you had a second
chance... to know someone,

someone you watched
from a distance...

and then got closer to?

Someone you talked to once,
and really got to know.

Like... what their
favorite flower was.

Like red roses.

Well, you could have
seen me buy them.

Your ring?

Your sister gave you
that ring.

Joan sat there
yesterday and told me.

She's... supposed to
be here today,

but something happened.
She's not here.

I told her
I had a lunch date.

This is very weird.

Look, you're a scientist.
Let's talk theory. Okay?

- The time bounce must have hap...

Oh, excuse me, Dr. Fredericks.

I've just had a complaint that...

Mr. Thomas here was seen
in your office this morning.


Look, I was passing by and
I saw Denk go in to your office...

and he was looking through your files.

- He took something while you were checking the coolant
studies. - What were you doing in my office? I don't...

I am so sorry. If I had known about this,
I would have had him fired immediately.

Look. I made a time map
of everything that hap...

I'd like an answer of
what you were doing in Wing B.

Right up to 6:15.
You go across the street...

- and you buy some flowers and...
- I'm not interested.

I know this sounds crazy,
but you're killed.

- You're shot. I've seen it twice now.
- You are fired.

You have one hour,
one hour to clean out your desk.

- Fine! I'll do it...
- Yes, or I will call security.

- You are fired. Get out.
- G...


Your beeper's
about to go off.


Dr. Fredericks,
I am so sorry.


what a disappointment.

Actually, I didn't
hire him.

He was here
when I came.

Hey, man, sorry about the job.

Thanks, Jack.

Hey, what happened, man?
Did she fire you?

- I need a yellow utility worker badge. Got one?
- Why? You don't...

- Listen, man, I want to have children. Okay?
- Yeah.

Stay out of my stuff. Okay?
Jackson'll castrate me.

Look, she doesn't come back until 1:20
that's when she fired me yesterday.

We got four minutes.

So, the air-conditioning repair guy,
he goes back into the science wing at 1:40.

That's 24 minutes from now.

If you could just whip me up
one of those work requisition orders...

I could just fake
my way through. Okay?

No, I don't know what...

People can die of stress,
Barry. It happens.

It's happening to me.

What are you doing? You redecorating?
I'm about to be blacklisted.

I'll have to be crossing guard at a
feminist camp for the rest of my life.

Yes, Miss Jackson.
- Oh, god. I'm...

- We're done.
Annette, take those files to Level 3...

and call Mr. Stevens. I
need to speak to him by 4:00...

and get me some coffee,
some fresh coffee.

Ooh! Ooh!


Oh, Miss Jackson,
what happened?

- Annette, what did you do to my chair?
- I don't understand.

Promise me one thing all right?
That your just not going to have...

a large furry pungent bear child
coming streaming out of your chest.

- Just promise me.
- Promise!

Hey, how ya doin'? I have to
repair an air-conditioning unit for...

Dr. Specter.

Where's your uniform?

Hey, they told me
to carry a window.

They didn't tell me that the
paint was wet. Right? You know?

- They'll get me another one.
- All right. Go ahead.



I have an air-conditioning
repair for a Dr. Moxley.

This says
Dr. Specter's office.

Oh! Moxley, Specter.
What's the difference?

All these offices
are interconnected.

It could be 100 degrees
in there tomorrow morning.

Just sign this.

I don't understand
what happened.

This is a terrible
embarrassment for me.

We tell them it's safe...

and now we can't dismantle
the core for another two weeks.

I'll get a clean up
on this immediately.

Let's go, Denk.
Come on.

This is Robert Denk.

We broke an isotope
seal in the core.

I need a cleanup crew

All right.

Clear a cleanup crew
for tomorrow at 10 A.M.

Ahh. Come on, Lisa.

Get your butt out here.

What's up?

Come into
my office.

Stay off of hardware.
That's my business.

I'll take responsibility.

You will not
take responsibility!

Thadius has asked me
to check on your work...

and we have equal
status around here,

- Damn it!
- Doctor.

Let me do what I do well and
we won't have any problems.

You're not doing
very well today.

Do not jeopardize
the time I put in here.

Is that clear?

Don't interfere
with my work.

I'm warning you.

Don't you threaten me.

Get out of my office!



What are you
doing in my office?

Uh, air-conditioning repair.
Nothing to worry about though.

Good thing I was here.

Your office would've been
a sauna by tomorrow morning.

I've got an air-conditioning
repair for, uh, Dr. Specter.

Yeah, right. Uh, yes.
Somebody's already here.

That's impossible.

They just called me
30 minutes ago,

and I just got here.

We might have
an illegal entry.

Two minutes
of your time, please.

What are you doing here?

- No no no no no.
- Security.

No no. Listen to me, the accelerator
is going to be fired tonight.

- That's impossible. We're dismantling it.
- It's not impossible.

- I want you out of my office. - You're not
dismantling it because the seal has broken.

How do you know that?
That's classified information.

Look, go check the computer.
Someone is delaying you on purpose.

They sabotaged it so
it can't be dismantled,

so now they can
fire it tonight.

Please. Check
the computer

If I am wrong,

I will be happy to throw
myself out of your office.




I should have
clearance for this.

You see that?

They're trying to keep
the information hidden.

There's a file I
don't use anymore...

Mathematical theory that should
still be linked to the accelerator.

Oh, my god.

I've been trying to tell
you now for two days.

Attention, we have
a security alert...

for all science divisions.

Please detain a worker with
paperwork for Dr. Specter.

Guess who.
I gotta get out of here.

Don't. I can explain it
to them.

You're gonna explain it to them? What are
you going to say, that the day is repeating?

Believe me, it's not gonna work.
I've tried it before.

Just meet me out by
the front entrance at 6:00.

Don't do anything. Don't talk
to anybody. Okay? 6:00.

We've got him.
Code 4. Section "B".

- Heading into the mainway!
- Hey, watch it.

Oh, hey!

Hey, you're under arrest.

Hey, stop!

He's gonna get away.

Hold it, Mister!
Hold it!

Hold it
right there!

Hold it! Hold it!

Buddy! He's in
a brown four-door.

- Call the main gate.
- Yeah, I got it.


It's me.

Look, we may have
a problem.

Fredericks is
working with someone.

I don't know!

I may need some
help in this.


When you find him,
you know what to do.

All right.

Okay, um...
I'll see you tomorrow.

Stay there.

Stay there, Lisa.


Thank you. Oh...


Oh, my god!

I told you
I'm not crazy.

Get up. Let's go!
Let's go! Let's go!

Call the police!

Move! Move! Move!

You all right?

I don't know.
Oh, god.

What did you do
after I left the office?


- I...
- What did you do?

I copied the evidence
against Denk.

Onto a disk?


Have you got it?

No. I left
my briefcase.

Oh, god.

Oh, god.

Watch out!


Hold on!

Move it!
Back it up!

Get it out of there!

We'd better call Washington or
the police or somebody.

There's no phone
in there.

I'm sorry?

My mom's idea. The old man brings
his mobile anyway. You know.

- What?
- He's, you know.

There's no phone,
there's no disk.

What are we supposed to
do, mail in a complaint?

We have time.
We'll think of something.

Aw, it's...
it's beautiful.

You know, the last time
I was in the woods,

I was 9 years old.

I was burying
my pet canary,

and I made a gravestone
out of a paper plate...

and I wrote on it...

"Fly to heaven."


I haven't told
anyone that in...

20 years.

Why do you remember?

What makes you different
from the rest of us?

I don't know.

My memory's not
that great anyway. I...

I don't know.

Something happened to you, or...
Or you did something.


What did you do
that first night?

Well, after you got shot...

I got drunk.

I came home. I knocked
a bunch of stuff over.

I collapsed in bed.
And, I woke up.

- It was the same day.
- No, you're missing something.

No, that's it. Believe me.
My life is that exciting.

You drove through
something unusual.

You were near metal or a chemical or
something. You were hit by lightning.

- Come on now. Use your mind.
- Okay. All right.

All right. I... I collapsed in bed,
my clock said 12:01,

- and I got a shock.
- A shock?

Yeah, my lamp was broken.
There were some loose wires.

I tried to fix it, but it was plugged in.
I lit up like a Christmas tree.

And then?

it was morning.

There's a theory...

Scott's theory
has a corollary...

that says consciousness exists
separate from the time bounce.

You could've gotten
that bad shock...

just when the first
bounce happened.

Then maybe it changed
your energy level.

It pushed you out of the loop
just enough so that you can remember.

I bet you that's it!

Lucky me.

I'm... I'm sorry.

No, no. It's...

I mean,
you saved my life.



I've been watching you...

out of my office
for such a long time.

The other day, I gathered up the
nerve to actually speak to you.

I made a fool
out of myself.

But I thought, hey, I'll have another chance
to speak to you someday. Right?

But then you... well...

We spoke?


Yeah, we did.

How was I?

You were great.
You were very nice.

You threw me out
of your office.

I'm sorry. I...

I guess I was having a bad day.

That next morning
when I saw you...


I realized
I had a second chance...

A chance to save you.

I'm sorry.

Hey, hey.

I'm not going to
let you die again.

- Hi.
- Hi.

You know, I'm usually
not this type of guy.

I'm supposed to
say that.

What time is it?

Oh, my god.
It's 12:00.

No. We've got to
do something.

There's no time.

Quick. Tell... Tell me what
your favorite color is.


Just... Just... What's your
favorite color?


Your favorite food.

Smoked oysters.

Your favorite number.


Favorite music.

That's hard.

- Come on. Just tell me.
- I'm a little embaressed.

- What is it?
- The Carpenters.

The Carpenters.
You got to be kidding.

Lisa... I love you.

The time is 7:35.

Please wake up.

9:17... Lisa's in corridor
with Denk.

Lights cigarette.

9:25... Denk goes
through Lisa's office.

12:30... Lunch with Lisa.

Mom, I'll call you back.

The day's repeating.

1:00... Lisa's
beeper goes off.


You're pathetic. That's
not how you throw the ball.

What's wrong with you?

Well, look who
decided to show up.

Oh, Anne, don't get your
panties in a bunch.

If you just left us alone,
the work could get done,

but no, you're so damn invasive that
no one can concentrate around here.

So just stop assuming
that we're all idiots...

and don't you judge people
by how cute they are.


This is what I get for covering
for you all these years.

Thank you.

Well, it might be time to look
into your performance record.

You do that.

Well, nice knowing you, Barry.

Excuse me. Barry.


Yeah. I'm a little confused. How
do you... How do know me?

Okay. I know you like it compact
without the crap, so here we go.

I'm gonna tell you something
that sound impossible,

but then I'm gonna back
it up with some facts.

The time bounce has happened.

And we have met before...
three times now.

And you've told me that
your favorite food is oysters.

And your favorite
number is 37.1.

And your favorite music
is the Carpenters,

even though I think
you could do better.

Now Denk has been illegally
firing the accelerator.

You're gonna find that
out later this afternoon.

And then you're gonna transfer that
proof onto a computer disk.

Now here's where it
gets a little sticky.

I've seen you shot,
twice now,

- because of that disc.
- Oh.

But yesterday... yesterday
I was able to save you.

But then the
time bounce happens,

and I wind up here, at the beginning
of each day with my memory intact.

You see, I'm the only one who
remembers anything around here.

I made you a time map.

You just sit back and watch
the whole day unfold.

It's 9:15 now.



Barry Thomas?

Yes, doctor. I've gotten
your memos.

You, too, Lisa. Are we
all losing assistants?

Actually, I...

Dr. Moxley, your two assistants
are back on the computer.

- They'll have their passes back by lunchtime.
- Thadius, Barry was just...

Dr. Fredericks was nice enough to explained the
whole thing to me. Weren't you Dr. Fredericks?

I appreciate that, Lisa.

Dr. Moxley, you
look great on TV.

- Anne Jackson, head of personnel...
- Anne, Dr. Moxley's a very busy man...

I don't think he has the time to
listen to you suck up to him. It's sad.

Dr. Moxley, if you ever have a problem,
please, come to me personally...

not to my low-level staff.

Well, everything seems
to be under control.

Thank you, Lisa. I'll see you
at the 9:30. Good day.

Good day.

Good day.


Look. Over there.

See that? He's about
to light his cigarette.

He's met you in the hallway
these past few mornings,

but today he can't cause
you're here with me.

What we have to do is keep Denk from
finding out about the computer disk.

So today I'll take all
the information. All right?

I... can't just
accept this.

The epitaph on
your canary's grave...

you made when you
were 9 years old...

was on a paper plate,

and it said,

"Fly to heaven."

Oh, my god.


Oh, yes, sir.

Why, yes, they are.

Excuse me?


I don't think so.

You trust me.

You may not
realize it yet,

but you trust me.

Now, let's meet out by the front
entrance in a half-hour. Okay?


Pimp daddy, that was great.
How'd you do that, man?

Shake it, baby.
Shake it.

Barry, I want you
in my office immediately.

Relax, Anne. I'm quitting. Okay?

It's something I should've
done a long time ago.

Oh, no, no, no, Barry.

Dr. Moxley just called.

You're under arrest.

Well, what for?

For stealing classified
computer information.

Come this way, please.

Hey. Howard...

Marital status.


And occupation.

I don't know.
What time is it?

Just put down

Hey, at least it's not
murder this time, right?

Social security number.

Really, you should
learn to type.

I mean, we may be
doing this for years.

Well, I could always
start again in six hours.

Hello. How are you?

Thomas. You made bail.

You guys got nothing
on me. It's a bum beef.

Hey. There are
second chances.

Yes, sir.
That'll be fine...

How did you get the
money to bail me out?

Don't even ask why
I'm doing this. Okay?

I don't even know her.

You're not killed today!
That's great news!

Barry, um...

Look, we...

You really like me a lot.

You just can't
remember it.

You know I'd love
to stick around,

but that would be a lie.

Barry, call me when
your insanity clears up.

Close the door.
Get... Get in.

I don't mean to be realistic
about this or anything,

but shouldn't we call,
like, a professional...

- to take care of this?
- Howard.

- We're not prefessionals.
- Howard.

Well look, we got to
think of something.

He's going to fire
that thing tonight.

I'm going to be back in the
hamster wheel. You're gonna...

The police kept
the computer disk.

Okay, great. We call the police.
They'll come in and take care of it.

- Howard. - It's out of their
jurisdiction. We need Washington,

- and we don't have any proof.
- We need to get back in that building.

Is there any way
to get us back in?

Yeah, I think so.


The accelerator needs a two-hour
warm-up period before it can fire.

- Right. - And that means
he'd start it, uh, in three hours.

If we can get security to tape the lab
through their surveillance cameras,

we could get the proof that we need.
We could stop them.

Pay the lady.

What? I don't have
any money. Barry?

You know, we had a lot
more fun last night.

We did?

Yeah. We took a walk
in the woods,

and we sat by a fire.

We sat by a fire?


Are you saying that you...
that we...

I mean,
did you get lucky?

Oh, my god,
you got lucky.

You got lucky, too.

It wasn't just me.

This is so strange.

I know, but it was
also tremendous.

The earth moved.


Want to step
in the alley, please?

Let's go. You, too.


Over there.

These are the guys that
have been killing you.

Where are
the other disks?

- Who are you?
- Shut up.

Aw, come on.
Why don't you just leave...

to the question...

Did you make
any more disks?

Excuse me, sir?
I'm not really a part of this...

Shut up.

There's no reason
to have me here is what...

Shut up!

There are
no other disks.

I'm sorry, Bar. You tell them that I
don't have anything to do with this.

With anything, okay? Any information
that would give would be useless. Okay

I don't know anything.

Oh, my god!

Hurry up!


Check down there.

I'm sorry about
your friend, Barry.

I know you
cared about him.

That's funny.

He said the same thing to me
when you were killed.



I didn't leave a light on.


Thadius is
in that house.


I'm sorry I wasn't able
to tell you this before, but...

six months ago, the
Justice Department asked me...

to help them in their
investigation of Thadius.

Why are you
investigating Thadius?

Because they suspected he'd
broken safety regulations...

trying to get the accelerator
up and running on budget.

What are you talking about?

Lisa, he was the one who
broke those seals today...

to stop the dismantling.

Moxley broke
those seals?

- That's right.
- Uh, huh.

And we don't know what
else he might do.

I think we better talk to him.

I don't think so.

I'm afraid I'm going to need
you as material witnesses.

Shall we?


Thadius, what are you doing here?

I'm sorry, Thadius. It's over.

- Thank god, Lisa, you're all right.
- Thadius.

Now, Robert, you're not going to
fire that accelerator tonight...

- it's much too dangerous.
- What are you talking about?

It's true, Robert, your name is
down in the computer...

as authorizing the firing
sequence for tonight.

That's impossible.

Dr. Moxley, with all due respect,
what are you doing in my house?

I'm sorry, but I'd hoped
to find other disks...

with the proof against him.

He crashed the mainframe
computer at work...

before I could retrieve anything.

He's lying.

Who were you waiting for?

Who were those two men in the truck
you were talking to? Who are they?

Hello, Ted? It's me.
Where the hell are your men?

Who are you talking to?

Don't move!

Ah, I'm just, uh, taking
off my coat. Okay?

Oh, thank god you made
the right choice.

He set me up.

Don't you understand?

The accelerator is going to
be a $50 billion industry...

in five years.

He doesn't care about you!

Thadius, you said...

I said what I had to.

Sometimes you do what's
wrong to do what's right.

I'm sorry.



I truly am sorry.

The time is 7:35.

Please wake up.

You bastard.

What kind of a man are you?

I can't believe it.
You shot her...

and him...

and me in cold blood!

Well, that's it, pal.
You're finished.

No more hamster wheel
for me, you slimy son of a...


The time is 7:35.

Please wake up.

Please wake...

This cutting edge project...

by researchers in particle physics...

has been shut down by
government order. Hosea?

Mary, big news
at Utrel Corporation.

Researchers here working
on particle physics...

believe they've discovered
a way to accelerate a subatom...

Hi, mom.

No, we haven't spoken
in a while.

Yes, I have met a girl.

I just don't think
it's going to work out.

Tell me, mom. What?

What's all that matters?

Yeah? All that matters
is how it feels?

It does. It...

It feels right.

Yeah, you said it.
Nothing good comes easy.

Mom, I'm... I'm running late,

but I, uh, I promise
I'll call you later, okay?

I love you, too.

Bye, mom.

You're pathetic.

That's not how
you throw the ball.

What's wrong with you?

Treat them with respect.
They are human beings.

You know, you're
not such a bad guy...

when you get to know you.

What the hell are you doing?

I know who you are.

You're helping the Justice
Department catch Moxley,

and I want to blow
him out of the water.

You want to help?


Come in.

Robert, what is this?
I've got a report.

You, uh...
you better sit down.

Barry here has
something to tell you.

The time bounce
has happened.

Excuse me?

The time bounce.
We're in it.

The earth has stopped
as we know it.

Children don't grow up,
people don't stay dead,

we'll never have
another holiday,

and you'll never see
another flower bloom.

What are you
talking about?

And I've fallen in love
with a beautiful young lady,

and, so far, I could only
see her for a few hours,

and it breaks my heart...

to meet her every morning...

a stranger.

See, I want her every day.

I want her
to grow old with me.

That's why life
is so precious...

because time passes.

Who is this...

Who's this girl?




The Carpenters.

Fly to heaven.

All right, look.

We play the day
as normal.

When he goes to warm up
the accelerator tonight,

I'll call for backup, you two
will be out of it, and it'll be over.

Because if I wake up tomorrow,
and it's today, I'll kill myself.

Well, look who decided to show up.

I am Robert Denk, and
this is Dr. Fredericks.

Oh, yes. Well, of course I knew that.
And may I say what a pleasure it is...

Miss Jackson, we need
more men like Barry.

He's an excellent worker and we
would like you treat him accordingly.


- Barry?
- Yeah?

I'd like that evaluation report
of Miss Jackson on my desk by noon.

- Sure thing.
- Evaluation?

Oh, we are like this.

- Mmm.
- Oh!

- Hey!
- Ohhh.

Howard, you're alive.

What are you talking about, man.
I wasn't in the bathroom that long, was I?

- Oh.
- Oh oh oh!

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Careful, guys.

- Oh!
- Ohhh

Oh, Jack!
Oh, Jack I'm so sorry.

This is a terrible embarrassment for me.

We told them it was safe,

and now we can't dismantle
the core for at least two weeks.

No one was hurt.

The radiation is contained in the core.

I think people will understand.

Better double-check on those
seals for you, Robert.

Thank you, Lisa.

Thadius, I take full responsibility.

I'll get a cleanup crew, and I'll
deal with the press immediately.


I admire your attitudes.

Dr. Moxley?

No disturbances.

Thank you.

...this is just on an inuition,
really loves red roses.

May I?

- Señorita. - Hi, Reynaldo.
- Sell me some roses please.

I got 'em. I got 'em.

- Really?
- It's my pleasure.

Hey, what the hell
do you...

Thank you.

Are you aware that coffee is

one of the five all-time
great smells in the world?


Well, it is.

Then you have
home-baked sourdough bread,

opening day at Wrigley Field...

New shoes...

Fresh roses...


Your perfume.

Um, I don't know what's
happened the other days,

but I think we just have to take
it a little slower this time, okay?

It's too late for that.

I've died for you already.

I got to get used to this.

It'll work out, you know?

It already has.

And now
for the local news.

A man identified
as Robert Denk,

a research scientist
at Utrel Corporation,

was found murdered this evening.

The victim was discovered in his...

Moxley hasn't changed the codes.

Is that good or bad?

I don't know.

Dr. Fredericks?


- You must be Barry Thomas.
- Hello. How are you?

I'm gonna have to ask
you to step inside.

You're wanted in connection
with Dr. Denk's murder.

- What?
- Dr. Moxley's orders.

Listen, fellas, it has
been a really tough week.

- It has been all Tuesdays.
- Sir...

I've already been
killed today... twice.

- Sir, I understand.
- So please stop giving me a hard time...

- Mr. Thomas, there's no...
- because I'm going to have to come back here...

in the morning and make sure that
you're fired before we get here tonight.

Don't think I can't.
I am in personnel.

Please give her
the gun. Please.

You guys don't seem to get it.

I wake up every morning
clutching the pillow,

and it's not Lisa,

and Jack still gets hit
with the coffee.

So please, I'm afraid you're
going to have to step inside.

Go... now...
move it... 1, 2, 3, let's go.

So much for the surprise visit.

How about a little
something special at 11:59?


Hold it.

Give me the gun.

Thadius, you can't
fire the accelerator.

Why are you
trying to stop me?

- The time bounce has happened.
- You know what they're asking me to do...

- is wrong, Lisa. You know that.
- Listen to me, Thadius,

- the time bounce, it's real.
- Go ahead.

15 years ago, they stopped
work on my superconductor.

- Thadius you're not listening to me.
- 10 years to design a phase-gravitational field,

- and the Germans beat me by a month.
- The time bounce has happened.

And now they're going to
dismantle my accelerator...

- before I've had the chance to test it.
- It doesn't work!

No! No, I have no more time.

Thadius, it doesn't work.

Go on, get up there.
Go on.

Go on.

Is there an abort switch
on that thing?

There's a yellow button.

Please don't.


Are you okay?
Oh, my god.

That's all right.

Hey, Doc, tomorrow
I may shoot you first.

I'll just keep coming back
till I get it right.

Got you a little surprise, Doc.

Power fluctuation now at 30%.

Did it abort?


Is there any way to stop it?

No. He disconnected it.

Damn it!

Damn it, get away from there!
Get away!



- I can't get it!
- I'll get it.

There's not enough time.
We'll never make it.

We'll make it.

We'll make it.
We have to make it.

This is it. No more.
No more second chances.




My god.

Lisa, I love you.

It's Wednesday.

It's Wednesday.

Don't move!
Don't move!

Yes, sir.

This man's been shot.
Call an ambulance.

Who are you?

I'm Dr. Fredericks.

Dr. Moxley tried to fire
the accelerator illegally.

He tried to kill us.

That's not
what we were told.

You're under arrest.

We have proof!

Put the cuffs on and
read them their rights.

We're under arrest.

How about that?

We're under arrest.

Every minute...
will be brand-new.

We'll never know
what'll happen next.

I know what'll happen next.

You do?