Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Episode #1.8 - full transcript

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- Hey, I know you've got
a million things going on,

but this
is just a gentle reminder

to email the invites
to Emily's baby shower.

- Something like, "Please
come to Emily's baby party,

where there
will be baby things"?

Something like that?
- It's tricky.

Emily doesn't
really like baby showers,

so she doesn't want it
to look or feel

or sound like a baby shower,

so, no--no storks
on anything, 'kay?

- Got it.
Ix-nay on the orks-stay.

- And no baby animals.

And are you coming with us
to Dr. Hamara's today still?

- Of course.
I gotta meet this Howie

you guys keep talking about.

- Wait a--What the?

- It is not exactly
what I expected,

but I'm rolling with it.

- All right, you don't
have to look so surprised.

It's just a simple
sleight of hand, bud.

- You really missed out
on Movie Night last night.

I am doing a whole deep dive
into the Jim Carrey oeuvre.

I'm halfway through
the high-concept comedy phase,

slowly working my way towards
serious-artist territory.

- Which movie are you on now?

- The eternal classic
that is "Liar, Liar."

- Oh. Well, maybe when
you get past his blue period

and he returns to his roots
with "Dumb and Dumber To,"

I'll be ready for Movie Night.

- FYI, this isn't my fault

just because I wrote
the entire calendar code.

- What's not your fault that
really sounds like your fault?

- The bug in the Sprq Watch.
It's causing every event

that someone creates
to be posted on December 25.

- Christmas? That's weird.

- Have no fear.
After talking to my boy Leif

and doing some
mad intense soul-searching,

I am now
new and improved Tobin 2.0,

hardworking, committed, serious.

Watch how fast I nail this.

Speaking of nailing--
nope, not gonna make the joke.

Not gonna do it.
Tobin, stay focused.

- I have to tell you something.
- What?

- I can't believe these words
are coming out of my mouth.

- Uh-huh.

- I saw Joan and Leif kissing.

- What? Like, kissing kissing?

- Yes. And not only that,

I heard him sing
"I Put a Spell on You."

Seemed real sketchy.

Leif is definitely
up to something.

- Are we talking like witchcraft

or just shameless
career advancement?

- Either way,
hooking up with Leif

is like kissing a Slytherin.

- Zoey, can we see you in here
for a minute, please?

- "We"?
- "We"?

- So Danny Michael Davis
is coming to town today,

and he wants to hear
our pitch for The Chirp.

- Today? Like, actual today?

- Surprised me, too,
but when the CEO of our company

says he wants a meeting today,
we give him today.

- Okay, but--
- This is our chance

to show him what we can do.

- But can we do? I mean,
do we have enough to show him?

- We better. The Chirp
is a wonderful product,

and Joan deserves to be rewarded

for all her hard work
and dedication.

- Take it down, like 80%.

So, uh, what do we have to do
to give Danny a timeline

showing him that we can have
The Chirp ready in six months?

- Um, I could do more like nine.

- I'm hearing six.

- I just think that--
- Six.

- I could--

- I would like
to hear six months.

- Six months, it is.

- Great. Thank you.

- Zoey! Tech bloggers are
starting to reach out to me

for comments on the watch.
Any estimates on a fix?

- What? No, not yet.

Um, Tobin's working on it.

- Great. I-I'm gonna
make some calls.

- Wait, can I ask you something?
- Mm-hmm.

- We are pitching
Danny Michael Davis today.

- Ah.
- You know him, right?

- Kind of.
He helped me get this job

after we snuck out
of the same boring tech panel

and ended up hiding
in the hotel bar together.

- Oh, so you do know him
better than me.

The man's never here,
and when he does show up,

he's surrounded by a force field
of nervous execs at all times.

- Well, he's definitely intense,
and he operates

at a whole different frequency
than the rest of us.

Look, if you're
feeling overwhelmed,

try being still and
taking 10 long, deep breaths.

It's part of this new meditation
technique I'm doing.

- Hmm. You got a technique?

- I do now. Just trying
to keep things calm up here.

Know what I mean?

- I don't know what you mean.

I've got a super-chill brain

that never needs calming, so...

- Lucky you.
- Yeah, well, it's cool

that you're working on yourself,
though. Is it helping?

- I'm not sure yet.

What's wrong?

Bad timing.

I've got all this work to do,

and I have to go to my father's
doctor's appointment,

which, according
to my Sprq Point Watch,

is now scheduled
for Christmas Day.

- Ah. Everything okay
with your dad, though?

- Yeah, yeah, I think so.

If he gets his back brace off,
he's gonna be really happy.

- All right.

Well, tell him Merry Christmas.

- Thanks.

- The next thing I know,
people are screaming.

I am going blind, and the guy
takes off with all my money.

- Oh, God.
- So, bottom line is,

never rub your eyes
when you're in the middle

of a ghost-pepper-eating

- I concur with that statement.

Would you mind giving me a few
minutes alone with the family?

- No problem, Doc.

Uh, but try and keep it short,

'cause Mitch and I
have a lot of plans.

We've got go-carts.
We've got UFC fight,

maybe a pub crawl later.

Nice to meet you, Zoey.
- You, too, Howie.

- Why don't we all have a seat?

So here's where we're at,
my friend.

Your medication is no longer
stopping the progression

of the disease, which we
all knew was a possibility.

- I don't understand.

Are you sure?

In the last week, he--
he's been--he really--

- I've been investigating,
uh, studies

with these experimental drugs
online, so maybe we could--

- I wish there was
something more we could do,

but I'm afraid we're entering
the final stages of the disease.

No, that can't be right.

I mean, it's not his time.

We're clearly not there yet.

- That--that's true.
I actually--

So, the other day, I actually--

- I know this is
hard to hear, but...

- Ma'am, are you okay?

Are you okay?

- Zoey?

You all right?
Someone making you crazy?

Was I just singing out loud?

- Um, yeah.

- Oh.

Like alone or with dancers?

- Alone.
I-I don't see any dancers.

- That's really weird.

I thou--
I thought there was dancers.

Do you think something's weird
with my powers?

- Well, I'm no expert,
but it seems like

they're making you crazy as--

- Am I going crazy?
I feel like I am.

I mean, I don't know
what crazy feels like,

but I--I feel like this is it.

- Okay, before you
totally freak out,

just remember
a lot of people sing out loud--

small children,
waiters on your birthday,

me every time I hear
that song "Africa" on the radio.

- I didn't even realize
I was doing it.

I thought it was happening
inside my mind,

but apparently I was
for real singing and dancing

throughout the entire lobby
of our building.

- That's bad.

Okay, so, look,
normally your powers--

which is still
very weird for me to say--

let you hear
other people's songs,

but now it sounds
like it's the opposite,

which is very confusing.
- It is very confusing.

- Okay, what song
were you singing again?

- "Crazy,"
which I guess makes sense,

because that is clearly
what today is turning out to be.

- Right, because
Danny Michael Davis

just decided
to drop in unannounced.

- Yeah.

Uh, our CEO just showing up
without notice,

so crazy.

- Well, maybe...

it's just a one-time thing.
I mean,

I honestly wouldn't
worry too much about it.

- I really have to take this.

- Okay.

- Hello,

- Are you okay?
Because you left so quickly,

and we didn't get
a chance to talk.

- I'm sorry. I just really
needed to get to work,

but I'm fine. Are you fine?

I mean, I know
you're not fine, but...

- I'm just trying--

not to cry in front of him,
you know?

- Nor should you.

Doctors always want
to give worst-case scenarios.

I'm sure there's
plenty more we can do.

- Well, I don't know
about that, Zoey.

Um, Dr. Hamara
was very definitive,

but we all knew that this day
was gonna come at some point.

Here. Talk to your brother.

- Tobin, how we looking?

- Okay, so, uh,
Dad wants to have

a family meeting tonight,
uh, just--

There's some things
to talk about and, um,

you know, his wishes for how
to proceed with things and...

- Proceed with things?

- Like, medical interventions
he'd want, ones he wouldn't,

and, um, I mean,
I know it's tough,

but we need to talk
about it, so--

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, I understand.

It's just, uh,
our CEO is coming in today,

and I'm not sure
how late it might go,

so if I end up
not making it tonight,

maybe you can fill me in later.

- Sure. Uh...

- Love you, bro.

- "Bro"?

So where are we?

- We are almost done.

Just gotta switch
these two parts in the intro,

which will lead directly into
you demonstrating the prototype.

- Right.
So I will talk about The Chirp

and describe what it does,
talk about how great it is--

- How great we are.

And then I'll do,
like, a little demonstration.

- And then they will loudly
"Chirp" their appreciation.

Danny will probably call you
a "Chirp" off the old block.

- We'll go to a reception
and have some "Chirps" and dip.

- Think you mean
"Chirp" and "dirp."

And then Zoey will chime in

with her beautiful keynotes,

and let's see
your work on the timeline.

- Oh, this? Um...
- Can I see your keynote?

- This was...
- Yeah.

- really just for me,
but it's just a starting off.

- Well.
- Oh.

- Um, o-okay.

Can you read that?
- No, I actually...

- Is this like
a Rorschach test? Wow.

You--you read it.
- No, no, I can't.

- You try to read it.
- No, you go. You go.

- Zoey?

Are you okay?

I'm prancing.

What's happening?

- No, no.


- Are you high?

- Just high on life

and this fantastic presentation.


Oh, you know, um,

uh, it's just how a song
gets stuck in your head

and, you know, the calendar
thing with the Sprq Point Watch,

um, turning everything
into Christmas.

Um, that's why
I was singing the song,

because of the watch
and because of Christmas.

- Do you understand
how important this pitch is?

- Totally.
- Listen...

do you need to go
to the hospital?

- Oh, no, I don't think so.

- Okay. Then this is not the day

for any Zoey shenanigans.

- Couldn't agree with you more.

So, um, do I normally
have Zoey shenanigans?

- Can you schedule your nervous
breakdown for another day?

- Yep, consider it rescheduled.
- Thanks.


- Okay, so it's officially
not a one-time thing.

I just sang out loud
for a second time

to Joan and Leif,
who now think I'm on drugs.

- Well, are you?
- What?

- All right. I'm just asking.
- Here's the worst part,

I couldn't stop it
from happening.

Who knows what song
I might sing next

and what
corresponding dance moves

might go along with it?

- Oh, what's that?
Are you guys talking about

how Tobin fixed the glitch?
'Cause I did it, son.

- Good.

- That's great.
Thank you, Tobin.

- However, much like in life,
in solving one problem,

I've now created another.

July 4th
is no longer on July 4th.

It's complicated, but I'm on it.

I'm in it. Do not be afraid.

- Look, maybe you're
just stressed out

and stress is what's causing
your powers to glitch.

We just--we need
to figure out why.

- Okay, well, uh, normally
when I hear someone sing to me,

I try to help them
with something

that's going on
in their life, so...

- Okay, so, maybe you
need to help yourself.

- And how do I do that?
Because helping myself

would mean taking a vacation
from Sprq Point

or curing my father's disease,
and both of those

seem like problems
I can't exactly solve right now.

- Hey. Hey.
- Hey.

- How was the doctor's office?

- Uh, same old, same old,
you know?

"Open your mouth."

"Here's a lollipop."

- Zoey,

Danny's here.

His helicopter just landed.

- No.
- Mm-hmm.

- No! I need more time.

I have no idea how to make
these numbers work yet.

- Well, let me
try to stall him for a bit,

maybe give him a tour
of the new rooftop garden.

- You would do that for me?
- Sure.

And if that doesn't help,
I'll pull the fire alarm.

Bless you.

- Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas.

- Leif, please don't bother me.
I'm trying to finish this.

- No, this will
only take a moment.

I'm just so curious
about that song

you sang to me and Joan
earlier, 'cause, you know,

um, it didn't really seem

like a song that just
got stuck in your head.

It seemed more like,
I don't know,

like a-an accusation.

Like maybe you heard something
or saw something

where someone was
doing something with someone.

- Fine. I saw you and Joan

making out
in the conference room. Happy?

- I knew it.
- And truthfully,

I think you're up to something,
and I don't like it.

- Up to what? Up to cherishing
an incredible woman?

Showering her
with all the affection

and attention
she so clearly deserves?

- I am nauseous,
and I still don't believe you.

- You don't have to believe me.

Some people
don't believe in Santa Claus.

It doesn't stop
the magic of Christmas

from entering their hearts.

- What are you talking about?

Danny is gonna be here
any minute, and I...

- Danny Michael Davis is here!

Danny Michael Davis is here.

Danny Michael Davis is here.

- Great.
- Great.

- Yeah, no, I don't shake hands.

Are you Joan? J-Joan?

So good to see you again.

- You, too.
- Joan, look at this carrot.

This is fresh from the roof.
I just picked it myself.

Can you believe that?
- Wow.

- You know what?
Maybe we should whip this up

into a smoothie.
What do you think?

Actually, no,
we should probably save it.

No, let's whip it up
into a smoothie. Thanks, Tony.

Tony works out.

Oh, it's nice to be
back at Sprq Point.

You know, your first company
is like your first child.

You just love it way more
than all the other ones.

- Ohh.

- So, is everyone
still loving my cereal bar?

That was my original
workplace innovation, you know?

- Loving it. Love it, right?

- Though sometimes
we switch it up.

We've had taco bar,
salad bar, bread bar.

- Bread bar?

I don't eat bread.

- No one does.

- I do. I love bread.

- All right, let's do this.

- Okay.

Social anxiety
has never been higher.

We need a greater sense of
connectivity to our fellow man.

That's where The Chirp comes in.

- Look, stuff in this vein
already exists,

so I'm gonna ask you
what is different about this.

- The technology of The Chirp
is distinctive,

and I think once you hear
the whole presentat--

- Can someone bring me
a--a metal straw?

- Oh, so sorry about that.

- Yeah. The environment.
- Uh, right.

- How long
would it take to build?

- Well, with all the information
you'll ever need

about the timeline,
I give you Zoey. Zoey.

- Um...


No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Please, not now.

- Zoey, the timeline?

- Aw, boy.

- ♪ Pressure

- And that's The Chirp.

- Is--That's--that's the end?

I don't--I don't understand.

- No, no, no,
it's--it's not the end.

See, The Chirp
helps relieve the pressure,

get it, of awkward situations,
like this one.

- Ha. The--The Chirp
is the duetting partner

you've always wanted,
but didn't know you needed.

It's there to help you and
back you up in any situation.

- Yeah. See,
someone like Zoey here

may not know what to do or say

at a party or an interview
or a big presentation...

- He's not wrong.
- but with The Chirp

chirping everything
you need to know

about everything into your ear,

you will never be
at a loss for words again.

- Great. Thank you, guys...
- Great. Yep.

- so much.
- We're done.

- Ah, well, we will email you

the rest
of the fantastic proposal.

- Okay, yep, that's fine.
Um, what are you--

What is--I didn't--
Did I ask for this?

I'm just kidding.
I already finished my smoothie.

- All right,

I'm gonna go pick
some more carrots

to, uh, bring
to my biological parents.

All right, let's go.

- Wow.
- Okay.

Uh, Danny, uh...

Danny, just one second.

- I'm sorry I ever doubted
your whole powers thing

or whatever this is,
because no person

could ever make up
what just happened in that room.

- How mad is Joan gonna be?

- I don't know,
but I'm guessing about as mad

as the time Tobin
brought a squirrel to work.

It was a ferret, bro.

- This is terrible.

If I don't find a way
to stop singing,

things are gonna get real bad.

- Getreal bad?

Okay, let's just
work through this thing

like we're debugging a program,
line by line.

What makes this day different
from any other?

- I am constantly
humiliating myself through song.

- Okay, sure, but starting when?

- This morning.

- When this morning?

- On the way back

from my father's
doctor's appointment.

- Okay.
Did something happen there?

- Nothing worth talking about.

What really matters
is you saved me in there.

So whatever happens,
whether I get fired

or killed by Joan,
you're a very good friend.

- You're just lucky
I grew up with

"Billy Joel's Greatest Hits,
Volumes One and Two."

It's kind of a rite of passage
for every East Coast Jewish boy,

like going to summer camp
and not playing for the Knicks.

- Still.

No one else would
have done that for me, and...

I guess the thing is...

- Um, you just sang me a song.

- I...

I don't know why that happened.

- I do.

This is your inner truth, right?

Isn't that
what this whole thing is about?

- Uh-huh, yes,
but I don't know if that song

is saying exactly
what we think it's saying.

Maybe I'm feeling
like you're always there for me

and I want to be there
for you, too.

You know, like, I'm yours,

dot, dot, dot, if you need me.


that make sense?

- Mm, no.

I think it's pretty clear
what it was saying.

- You sure?
- Yeah, pre--

- How clear?
- Uh, crystal.

- Joan would like to see
both of you right away.

It's probably
nothing to worry about,

unless you're worried
about getting fired or...

- I'm sorry about all of this.

- I'm not.

Whatever happens,
I mean, it's totally worth it.

- Why are you smiling? Huh?

This is not a happy day.

This is not a happy day
where people smile,

like your birthday
or your wedding day.

Not my wedding day,
but most people's.

- Okay, yes, I'll admit
I'm in a good mood,

but it's for completely
unrelated reasons.

- Why in the world
would the two of you

go rogue like that
in front of Danny Michael Davis?

He just texted me
saying he needs space

to think things through.

That's what I say when I'm
about to fire somebody.

- Joan, I am very sorry.

- I don't know if I can
ever trust you guys again.

And now you have me
raising my voice.

You have me raising my voice
like I am a mom at a Target

who's telling the kids we don't
have time to look at the toys,

and that's not who I am.
I've never even been to Target.

Hey, guys.

Zoey, uh, we got a situation
with the Sprq Watch.

I don't want to say
what it is in front of Joan.

- All of you, get out.
Fix it. Fix it.

- Okay, so here's the dillio.

We fixed all the holiday
switch-a-roos on the watch.

- That's good.
- Yeah, but now

there are these "reports"

of the watch
sharing calendar events

with everyone
on your contact list.

For example,
I can see on my watch

that Max
has an appointment on Saturday

for something called
"Judo with Sensei Don."

- I'm honestly lucky
he fit me in.

- Okay, this is
getting worse by the second.

Please get it under control
ASAP. Max, can you help?

- Yes, whatever you
need me to do...

I'm yours.


two, three...

- Whoa.
- Ahh!

- Hi.
- Look at you.

You're trying
my new breathing technique.

Give it time. It helps.

- Um, are you...

hiding from the great
calendar crisis of 2020?

- I'm actually meditating
in the meditation room.

Healthy body, healthy mind.

- Ah, that makes sense to me.

I just needed a break.

Fair warning,

I might just stay
in here forever.

- I don't blame you.

It's actually
my new favorite place.

You know, if we're really quiet,
maybe no one will ever find us.

- No. No, no, no.

- You okay?

- Uh--

I apologize in advance

for whatever is
about to come out of my mouth.

- What does that mean?

- What?

I'm sorry.

That was, um...

- Oh.
- Max?

- I had a programming question,

but I-I didn't want
to interrupt your song, so...

- Max, wait. Just...

- Yeah.
- Damn it.

Uh, I--

I'm really sorry.
Just know it's not me.

It's my body.

- Huh.

- Hey, can we talk about this?

- No, I'd rather not right now.

- Max, I'm sorry.

- I just don't understand.
I do not understand.

You sang a love song
to me today,

and then right after that,

you sang another love song
to Simon?

Do you have any idea
how messed up that is?

- I know. Believe me, if I
had any control over this, I--

- Then you wouldn't sing

to which one of us,
your best friend

or the morally questionable,
totally engaged guy?

- I am just as surprised
as you are that I sang to Simon.

I had no idea those words were
about to come out of my mouth.

- That's great, Zoey.
Blame the powers again.

- You can't be mad at me
for singing a song

that I didn't mean to sing.
- Really?

- Really.
- It actually seems

like the best reason
to be mad at you,

because when you sing,
you're singing the truth.

And the truth isn't
that you can't be with me

because it's endangering
our friendship.

No, we can't be together,
because you have feelings

for two men at the same time.

- Do I? Because I'm not sure

I even knew I had those feelings
until I sang them.

- Well, they're out there,
and you can't take 'em back.

You sang
two heart songs today, Zoey.

That's what
they're called, right?

And while one song told you
that you want Simon to want you,

the other one
told you that I'm yours.

One song is about attraction.

The other one's about love.

Personally, I would choose love,

but I guess you're gonna
make up your own mind.

- 'Sup, dude? 'Sup, Zoey?

Are we gossiping about someone?

Tell me what you heard.
I'll tell you if it's true.

If it's Susan from HR,
it's definitely true.

- Oh, hey, grab coffee with me.

- I really need to--
- Don't care.

- Okay.
- I heard from Danny.

- And?
- Well, he says he thinks

you're weird, which is a pretty
big statement coming from him,

and he said
he looked at your timeline,

which seems to imply The Chirp
is going to take about a year.

- I tried so hard to make
that year not look like a year.

- And he said he's gonna
give us the money we need.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Why?

- I mean,
I guess he liked the pitch?

Crazy attracts crazy?

- That's great.

- Don't start celebrating
just yet.

Why did you not express
concern about the timeline?

- I tried.
- And that song?

You performed a song for Danny.
That was a big swing.

I don't mind a big swing,
but I can't not know about it.

I can't be the one
who doesn't know things.

- Then...

I should probably tell you

that I saw
you and Leif kissing...

- in the office the other night.

- Oh, God, it was a mistake.
It was a huge, colossal mistake.

It's against
everything I stand for

personally and professionally.

- I know this
is none my business, but I--

I just want to tell you,
as your friend,

that I think Leif might not be
in this for the right reasons.


Can you imagine if either of us
was in it for the right reasons?

Oh, my God, no. I--
- Oh.

- Please, thank you
for telling me that.

That is such a relief.

- Okay.

- Was I caught up
in a moment of passion?

I was. And did it happen
again later at my house?

It did.
- Whoa.

- Will it ever happen again?

I can tell you absolutely not.

I can guarantee
I can stop any time I want.

And in fact, after we're
done here, I'm gonna go up,

and I am going
to tell him it's ov--

Oh, I have a meeting.

Tomorrow is actually a good--

Ooh. No, cardio funk.
I have a blowout?

Getting another dog?

- Okay, so, um,
do you want to know

what that was before
with the song?

- I'm not exactly sure
why you sang it,

but sure looked and sounded
like you want me to want you.

Is that what you
were going for there?

- If I sang it,
I must have meant it.

That's a strange way
to phrase that.


I'm confused.

I thought there was
nothing between us.

We decided
there was nothing between us,

and now I don't know
what to think.

- Maybe I couldn't keep
the truth inside of me anymore

so it, like, had to come out,

and I don't want to ruin
anything for you or Jessica,

but maybe I do have
residual feelings for you,

feelings that I
can't just lie about.

So there you go.

Now you know.

Hey, that rhymed.

- I need to go.
- We should go?

- Yeah, okay.

- Going.
- Mm-hmm.

- Zoey.

I found the mistake.

Watch is fixed.

- That's good. Crisis averted.

- Yeah, but it was my fault.

I was the one
who wrote that code,

so maybe Leif is right,
and maybe I'm just a screw-up

who doesn't
take my job seriously.

- Or we all make mistakes,
and you owned up to yours

and spent all day working
super hard trying to fix it,

and that doesn't sound
like a screw-up to me.

- All right,
let's go with your version.


- Hey, why is your mom
asking me if you're okay?

- She texted you?
- Yeah.

She said she's called
a few times.

She wants you to call her back.
- Oh.

I haven't looked
at my phone all day.

- Well, maybe you should.

People are
really worrying about you.

- Okay.

My father only has
a few weeks left.

That feels so weird to say.

We found out this morning.

Or at least I think
it was this morning.

This day just keeps going
and going and going.

- Zoey, I'm so sorry.

- And when the doctor
told me, I just...

I ran away. I couldn't face it.

And now I'm supposed to go home
so we can all talk about it.

I don't know
how to be around him.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know how I'm supposed
to look him in the eye.

I don't--

I don't think I can do it.

- Yes, you can.

I know you can.

- Were you even here today?
- Were you?

'Cause here's what I saw.

All day long, you were
laying down truths to everyone,

Joan, Leif,
Danny Michael Davis, me, Simon.

And guess what?

You made it through.

You didn't get fired.
Nobody hates you.

Maybe just a little bit.

- I honestly don't know
how much longer

I can go on singing
out loud like this.

- Isn't the whole point
of your powers

to help people face things
they don't want to face?

Maybe everything
that happened today

is the universe telling you

you need to stop avoiding it
and go face your father.

You've got this.

- Hey.
- Hi, Mom.


That's a big hug.

I'm so glad you made it.

Uh, David and Emily
just ran out to grab dinner.

- Hey, Zoey.

So I'm gonna give you guys
some alone time,

but if you need anything,
I mean anything--

Seriously, I will rob a store
if you tell me to.

- I'll be chilling
in the guest room.

- Okay.
I think we're okay, Howie.

- How's my dad doing?

- He's fine.

He's just binge watching a show

about surviving alone
in the arctic.

Seems very relaxing.

- You gonna go talk to him?

- Yeah.

I mean...

I think I'm kind of
afraid to, but...

I want to.

- Yeah.

- Hey, Dad.

Did that man
j-just kill a moose?

Can we, um, talk for a sec?

I feel horrible
telling you this,

but I didn't want
to come here tonight.

After the doctor,
things just got...


And I don't know why,

but my instinct
was to run away from you.

Which I guess makes me
the worst daughter in the world,


what kind of kid is scared
to be with their dying dad?

It's just...

- Hey.

You guys okay?

- I think so.

Just watching this show
about survival.