Years of Upheaval (1991–…): Season 1, Episode 23 - Episode #1.23 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Brought to you by WITH S2
Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad

- Yongsan Station -

Come look at this.

This is wheat,

and we got this as aid
from the Americans.

But the wheat we got was much
less than the original rations.

This is more wheat,
and over there...

That's rice.

What are you all looking at?


Why don't you tell me what
you are looking at?

I don't know how much influence
you might have around here,

but I'm afraid I've got some
backing from the Americans!

Why don't you try and fire me?

- Go ahead.
- Yes.

As I told you, the rice we
received was different than...

Get out of the way.

- Move!
- Get back to work.

- Episode 23 -
Originally Aired on 12/18/1991

All right, but talk one at a time.

Looks like the US Army
has begun investigating.

They're looking into suspicions of irregular
rationing and everyone's in a frenzy.

- Why, they're not happy with them?
- When your patient laments that he's got...

foot rotting inside his stomach,
need to cut him up.

And then sweeten the blow
with a few candies.

Sounds like a fitting metaphor?!

And once you get used
to those candies,

you lose the will to fight for your next
meal and forsake the revolution.

Quite the refined subterfuge.

All right, I'll be sure to mention it
to the other superiors next time.

The only weapons left in our hands
are our own pathetic lives.

The desperation that forces
you to kill, not to be killed.

I'll repeat your very words, then.

May I ask who that woman is?

Have you found her?

I'm actually supposed to report
about her to our superiors first.

That was one of my tasks.

But I haven't done it yet.

That's because I'd rather
convince you to forget her.

What are you implying?

It might not have been long
since we've met, but I like you.

Particularly the fact that
you never speak in vain.

You know how many people
just prattle on for no reason...

I asked you what you're implying,
when you say you want to "convince me".

Women are not good for men.

They make them speak in vain.
Don't they?!

Let's go in, shall we?

Hey! What are you doing?
We have a guest.

- You're back?
- Yes.

That's an influential fella.
He's my connection!

We have a guest, what are
those scoundrels doing?

Who's that?

- Who is he?
- Don't know.


It's okay.

No need to be afraid, here...
Take it.

- Let me share it.
- Forget it, I will!

Why are you hitting me?

You're really something. We don't even
have enough to feed ourselves...

- A little kimchi will do.
- Aigoo, I ought to...

Don't you even have kimchi?

Since we were liberated, I thought I'd just
sell everything and get here on a boat.

So that brought me to Busan.

Busan was right there, and yet
everyone on board was wailing.

Everyone would head to the
deck and point at it, crying.

"Look, it's our Joseon!"

Everyone started crying...

And I did, too.

My... Tears just wouldn't stop.

But the moment I set foot on
this "homeland" of ours,

I realized how much of
a farce all this is.

There was this fella called Yoon Deoksan.

He sent me to Japan on one
of their labor camps.

Now that's a contradiction.

That fawning little lackey of the
Japs becomes a landlord,

appropriating the little lot of land I had.

And I'm sure you didn't just let it slide?

What could I possibly do?

He was backed by the police, who in turn
had the Americans backing them.

So I just decided to say the hell with it,
and came to the capital.

And yet...

Seems like there's a Yoon Deoksan
everywhere you go?!

No need to go to Geunjeong-Dong.
It's where Minister Yatabe resided.

I'll have my boys prepare all the documents,
so move in right away, uh?

Also, do me a favor.

Looks like I might face a few difficulties
with my business, so watch my back.

Uh?! One hand washes
the other, you know...

Ahh... Yes. Certainly.

That would be perfect. Yes.

Look what I have to go through...

What's his name, again?

I don't really know...

You don't even know that?

They just call him Jang.

We even gave him an office because he
said he'd investigate on all the lefties,

but all he looked into was that.

And because he works for the Americans,
it's not like we can do anything to stop him.

- Kim-gun.
- Yes.

- Go look for that man you know.
- Yes.


Would that do?
Looks quite generous to me?!

Want more?

Who gave you this?

Ma'am, more meat, please.

Are you working for him?

- He's just watching my back.
- By stealing rice?

That?! Oh... Well...
Why, is he the only one?

You know how everyone tries to
get in once they smell profit.

It's a mess.

So he's stealing that rice and then selling
it back on the black market, isn't he?

I've even heard some is sold to Japan.
Is that true?

To Japan?

That's nasty.

Do you even realize how
serious this is getting?


The Yongsan warehouse can't be the
only place they're stealing from.

What else are they scheming?

Why, isn't the money enough?
Asking for more won't be much of a problem.

Miss Yoon.

How's your work load from today?
- Busier than now?

Mister Jang will be back today.

He'll probably have a
lot of work for you.

Can you work the whole night?

Merely out of convenience, the US
Military Government is keeping status quo,

entrusting key positions to the same
bureaucrats who served the empire,

not to mention maintaining the compulsory
levies Japan forced upon our people.

The rice levies forcibly collected by US
troops are controlled by a few men.

And just like the Japanese, they are engaging
in profiteering, speculation and embezzlement.

The end result is that despite
a successful harvest,

the price of rice is skyrocketing,
quickly rising a few thousand fold.

The situation can only stir anger,

the key reason why the People's Committee
is so rapidly gaining approval.

I would also like to report that any
shallow generalizations suggesting...

that the People's Committee is only a front for
the Soviets would aggravate the situation.

How long must I wait?

When will you give me an answer?

I asked Hialty.

To find out about my baby in Japan.

If they manage to find her,
let's raise her together.

- I can't... You know I can't.
- I know.

And that's why I've been waiting.

All this time.

Don't turn me down.

Or try to reason with me.

Let's just stop acting like
this and get married.

Choi Daechi!!

Your mother had been collecting these.

It's been a while, but still...
Take a look.

Beautiful, aren't they?

Tell her that she needn't prepare anything.

Dealing with all the marriage preparatives
on your own can be so disheartening.

If your mother were alive,
she'd be so eager to help her.

- Where do I put this?
- There.


The baby's crying.

That's strange?
I thought he just fell asleep...

He usually sleeps a lot longer...

Wow... Look...

Already home?!
I thought you'd be late.

Have you had dinner?

Look... He looks like me.

I knew he would.

I really can't believe it.

I could never imagine it.

That even my boy...

It's a boy, right?

That's right...
I knew he would be.

I knew the moment I saw him.

Just like I knew you'd be alive.

And that we would get to meet again.

I thought of you all the time,
I even saw you in the newspaper.

How long has it been since we
last saw each other in China?

Feels like ten years.

It must have been tough to bear,
especially with the kid.


I shouldn't have come?


That kid...

is mine, isn't he?

I'm getting married.

You can't even imagine what I had to
go through all these years, can you?

If it weren't for him,

I would have died a long time ago.

Is it that man I saw before?

- New Daily Wages Announcement -
Starting from 9/1, Department of
Transportation employees will receive daily wages

What are you all doing here?

Nothing to see here.
Hurry up and leave.

Wait, what did you just say?
Nothing to see?!

If anything happens we'll let
you know, so just go back.

Wait. "Go back"?!

Is that the reason you're
starting this daily wage thing?

Wow... We've got some clever folks here.

Look, Choi. Will you keep making this
much noise in front of everyone?

Don't you know that talking all
the time is what communists do?

Fine, then!
I'm a communist!

Whereas you are a thief.

You little...

You hit me?!

So now you're hitting me?

Look at this little son of a bitch...

You dare beat up people?

Move! Get out of the way!

Go back!
I said go back!

Will you go back to work?

The hell are you looking at?

- September 7, 1946 -
Arrest Orders for Top Communist Party Officials
Park Heonyoung, Lee Juha and Lee Gangguk

Open! It's the police!

Open the gates!


Who is it?

The police!

- Who?
- Open the gates!

- Harim.
- Yes.

Open the gates!

It's the police!

- Don't worry and open.
- Yes.

What's the matter?

Are you Jang Gyeongrim?

Which police station sent you here?

You're not Jang Gyeongrim?

You work for the US
Intelligence Department?

It's my brother you're looking for.

He hasn't been here in a long time.

If there's anything else you'd like to know,
send someone to the Intelligence Department.

What do you think you're doing,
barging in at this hour?

Let's go, the intel was wrong.

- Pardon our intrusion.
- Yes.

I might not even make
it to your wedding.

As for that...

Should anything happen,
just give me a call.

All right.

I know the reason why you
work for the Americans.

Should that ever change,
you'll always be welcome here.

Come back before it's too late.


I'll do the same, if I ever
feel all this is wrong.

Before it's too late.



Take good care of yourself.

- September 23, 1946 -
Busan Railway Workers
Announce a Strike, Begin Sit-In

Enough with the daily wages,
and establish a fair salary system!

- September 24, 1946 -
15,000 Seoul Railway Workers Join Strike

The police are treating us all as
communist sympathizers.

Let us never give up and keep fighting on!

- Abolish the daily wage system!
- Abolish it! Abolish it!

- I can't take this anymore.
- Tell me about it...

Who's there?

Who is it?

I'm sure I heard some noise?!


Catch him!

Stop, you piece of shit!

Stop there!

Go check that way.
You go that way.

Choi Daechi...

That's right.


How can someone like
you still be alive?

Why did you kill Noh Ilyoung?

Was it so important to follow
the Communist Party's orders?

Can't you think for yourself?
How could you do that?

Did you kill Yoon Hongcheol as well?

You did...
You're the one who killed him.

He left to find you, saying he'd
make a decent man out of you!

And you just kill him?

- US Military Government Headquarters -

This is a mere strike! You don't have
any strikes in your country?

Don't you know its meaning?

Did you read all of my reports, or are you
putting them away after looking at the title?

There will be a warning announcement.

A strike by anyone will not be allowed.

The brass wants you to stay on this case.

There's one more thing.

And it's top secret.

We're looking for the right man
to go up into North Joseon.

North Joseon?

Yeah... A spy.

And his qualifications are...
One. He must be a Korean.

Two, he must be experienced
in intelligence matters.

And three, I prefer a single man.

You mean that if something
happens to him, he could die?

That's right.

I don't like it.

You wanna play a chess game
using Joseon people as chess?

It's done.

So Miss Yoon handed in her resignation?

Are the rumors true?


I hear that she's got a baby?

Is that the reason you
canceled your wedding?

I see you didn't know...

- September 30, 1946 -
Yongsan Railway, 2 am


This is where it begins.

Keep quiet and head to the back.


You stand by over there for a moment.


Get moving!

The police...

Folks... The police are coming.

The police are on their way here.

Kill all those commies!

- WithS2 Presented -
20th Anniversary Special
E Y E S of D A W N
- Episode 23 -

- Starring -
Choi Daechi (Choi Jaesung)
Yoon Yeook (Chae Sira)
Jang Harim (Park Sangwon)

Park Chungeum (Byun Heebong)
Hwang Seongcheol (Im Hyeonshik)
Gyeongrim (Kim Donghyeon)

- Translation and Timing -

- Timing QC -

- Editing -

- Coordinators -
ay_link, mily2