Xena: Warrior Princess (1995–2001): Season 6, Episode 8 - Xena: Warrior Princess - full transcript

Gabrielle, Brunnhilda and Beowulf find Xena alive after the Grindl's attack. When they arrive to the mine where the Grindl is hidden, Xena reveals the monster was once the valkyrie Grinhilda, who put the Rheingold Ring on her finger as a desperate attempt to stop Xena's reign of terror.

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Previously on Xena...

My name is Beowulf.

He had this-this lock,
it had two ravens on it.

It's something I did
a long time before I met you.

She wants to correct some great wrong
she did in the past.

Her trail has taken me north...,

due north.

Farther north
than I've ever been.

Does your tapestry have
a story behind it?

They're called Valkyries.

- She looks different from the rest.
- Xena.

Do you know about this Valkyrie,

Xena brought Odin out of his despair

by sharing with him
her lust for life.

He, in turn, made her
a Valkyrie.

Tell me about the Rheingold.

The first thing
you should know...,

the Rheingold
is very dangerous

to someone
who hasn't forsaken their love.

I just hope we don't run into Grindl
along the way.

Who's Grindl?

"What's Grindl's"
a better question.

We're deep
in Grindl territory.

The chances of finding her
are getting less and less.

Then we pick up the pace.

What I'm trying to say is,
don't get your hopes up, Gabrielle.

I'm not relying on hope.

Xena's tough to kill.

Xena's blood.

This is where it ended.

It's where she got away.

Not long ago.


Are you being totally honest
with yourself?

I mean, all of the evidence
points to the fact that Xena...

She got away.

She waited for her chance
and she escaped.

Where are her tracks?

Xena is alive.

If we split up,
we can cover more ground.


- Xena...
- Shh.



- Oh.
- Don't ever leave me again.

Look at you.

Yeah, I know.

It's all right.

Don't fuss, okay?


Are you all right?!

I'm fine.
Xena needs water.


Yeah. Clean yourself up.

- You look awful.
- Thanks.

I'm gonna go check on
our friend.

Be careful.

Xena, I have waited my entire life
to meet you.

If I knew I had a fan coming,
I would have combed my hair.


I never should've doubted
that you'd be alive.

Only the legendary Xena could survive
against Grindl and the power of the ring.

I would've thought the legendary Xena
wouldn't be too welcome up here.

Weaklings don't like you.

I have nothing but the utmost respect
for you and your philosophy.

From the very first story
I ever heard

I knew I wanted to be
a warrior like you...,

to live for battle...,

die with valor...

Well, I've gotten a lot smarter
since then.

I've learned to respect life,
love and peace.

Why? What happened?

Lots of reasons.

It seems to be gone.

Yeah, she's out there

When it heard us looking for Gabrielle,
it doubled back behind us.

With the cliffs behind us,
it cut off our path of retreat.

That's right.

Let's get you outta here.

No, Gabrielle, I can't do that.

Grindl and I have a date
with destiny.

Gabrielle, I know better than to try
to talk you into leaving,

but you two should go.

Live to fight another day;
this is my battle.

Our battle.

I won't leave Gabrielle.

Neither will I.

Well, I guess
we're in this together then.

This way.

In the time of ancient gods,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena,

a mighty princess
forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage
will change the world.


This is it.

This is its lair.

Are you sure about this?

I'm sure.

So, what's your plan?

I'm going to lure Grindl in here.
When she's in position,

I want you to bring the mountain down
on her head.

What is this Grindl?

A mistake...

from a very long time ago.

I defeated the Rhine maidens
to steal their gold.

Not for the wealth
it could have brought me...,

but for the power foretold
by Odin's rune stones.

I melted down the Rheingold...,

harnessing all its power
into a single ring.

A ring that could give a mortal
the power of a god.

Give me that ring.

I've thrashed you before, Grinhilda!
I can do it again.

I won't let
the power of the Rheingold

fall into the hands
of a monster like you.

It's no use to you!
You know what the runes say.

Unless you have forsaken love,

the power of the ring will destroy
what you value most.

The runes also say
that anyone who puts on the ring

has a surge of godlike strength before
the destructive power kicks in.

You'd gamble that you can beat me
before the ring destroys your essence.

I'll take that chance
to destroy you.

The Valkyrie had honor once...,

before they learned to prize
the thirst of blood.

You taught us that, Xena.

Let's see if you took notes.

It's a whole new "you",

Now we see
what you prize the most, Grinhilda.

You've lost what you hold dearest
in your heart:

your humanity...;

your beauty.

You mean, this monster
that's been killing my people

is... actually Grinhilda...,
the Valkyrie?

Then why didn't you just use
the ring to kill her?

Killing her would have been kind compared
to what I had in mind for her.

As fearsome as she was
in her new form,

she knew that she was no match for me
with the ring.

She fled.

Using chains
I stole from Odin

and Grinhilda's own necklace
as a lock...,

I transformed this mine
into her prison.

Then I drove Grinhilda
towards her fate.

I knew being trapped
in that hideous form

would be the ultimate torture
for Grinhilda.

I wanted her to suffer
with her own ugliness forever.

Don't think you've won anything!

These chains will hold you
for eternity,

and you will never! use
the power of the ring.


I wasn't going in that cage
without the ring

and Grinhilda wasn't about
to give it to me.

It was a stalemate.

I knew that the power of the ring
would be useless to her unless...

...she learned
to forsake love.

That's right.

35 years of imprisonment
is enough

to drive love out
of anyone's heart.

And once that happened,
the power of the ring was hers.

She broke free.

Now nothing would stop
her murderous rampage.

You ready for this?

Come and get some.

Come on.

Come on.

What are you waiting for, huh?

Come on!

That's it. Come on.

Here they come.

Wait for Xena's signal.

You know you want it.

You remember me, don'tcha?
Huh? Huh?

Come on.

Come on.

Stay here!

Xena, no!


I thought I told you
not to come in here!

I never listen!


Beowulf, get to the other side!

What about you?!

Don't worry about me. Go.

Gabrielle! Look out!

- Gabrielle. Are you hurt?
- Are you all right?




She's right behind here!



Watch out!

Help me!



W-Wait! Gabrielle, wait!





Forgive me, Grinhilda.

Are you all right?


I'm all right.

What is it?

Let's get out of here.

Xena, you killed it.
It's over.

No, that monster that I locked
in the mine long ago,

I cut off one of its fingers.

What I killed just now,
it had all of its fingers.

If that wasn't Grinhilda,
then what was it?

That's Grinhilda.

And whatever it was I killed,
she's not happy about it.

We gotta get to the Rhine maidens.
I got somethin' that belongs to them.

She really is giving up
the power of the ring.

She is not the Xena of the legends.

She fights for good now.

I don't know. I mean, in battle

she's everything that I imagined,

There's more to being a warrior
than skill.

There's fighting for what you believe in,
for people that you love.

You know, before I met you,
I never thought of a warrior

as having any love
but the love of battle.

I'm gonna tend to this.

Brunhilda, could you scout up ahead?
See what's over that ridge?

Thank you.

I don't like her.

- Why do you say that?
- I don't know,

she's just not who she says she is,
that's all.

Xena, she's searching.

She doesn't know
what she believes in.

No, she believes in exactly
what I used to believe in.

I don't trust her.

You don't like my friends,

They're my eyes and ears
in the field.

what went wrong, Brunhilda?

The plan was...,
once Xena had the ring...,

you were to attack her in a weakened
state and take it!

Yes, but there were complications.


My ravens..., they tell me
you've fallen in love with her partner.

Is it possible you thought
that killing Xena

would kill any chance you had
with Gabrielle?

Those mangy stool pidgeons...

I had to play up to Gabrielle

so she wouldn't suspect
my true motives.

- You failed to bring the ring to me.
- But I j...


I'll deal with you later.

Xena... has the power
to kill gods.

She's also capable of taking out
her share of Valkyrie.

But she has a weakness:

her partner, Gabrielle.

Capture her...

and the ring... is ours.

- And if she won't trade?
- Oh, she'll trade.

Or Gabrielle will be killed.




What's keeping Brunhilda?

Somethin's going on.

That one!
Get the blonde!




Brunhilda, stop!



- Xena!
- Gabrielle!

Beowulf! See if you can find
where they're headed!


Let's talk about this...


35 years.

You look amazing, Xena...,

for a mortal.

You've come for the ring.

And you want your friend.

- May I suggest a trade?
- A trade?


No, I saw your faces
when Brunhilda carried Gabrielle off.

You were as surprised as I am.

She's acting alone.

You killed Grinhilda's son.

- Her son?
- Yes.

She was with child
when you caged her.

She'll be most upset when
she finds out it was you killed him.

If I enlist her help as an ally,
together we would be formidable.

Why don't you give me the ring,

Go back to Greece...,
where you belong.

Odin..., I'm taking the ring back
to the Rhine maidens;

I owe them that much.

Trust me...,

I won't let it fall into the hands
of one who's forsaken love.

Don't! make me kill you.

You want that ring for yourself.


It ensures my power
against other gods...

and god-slayers like you.

Have you forsaken love?

After you..., it wasn't very hard.

Then I'd be a fool
to give it to you.

Then you leave me no choice.

You remember...,

your ability to forsake love
is long gone!

I'll give Grinhilda your regards.

She's taking Gabrielle
to the Eastwyn bog.

Take me there.

What are you doing?

Odin and the others
were gonna kill you for the ring.

We left Xena to fight
them all!

- Is Xena all you think about?
- She...

Xena is my family;

she's the most important thing
in my life.

All right, Gabrielle,
listen to me.

I bring to Valhalla the bravest
warriors slain in battle...,


But your heart...

has more truth and courage
than any that I've seen.

The beauty inside you burns
like a star, Gabrielle.

I was supposed to betray
you and Xena.

But I couldn't. Not now.

You've changed me.

You've opened my eyes
and you've change me

the way you changed Xena.

I don't know what to say.

I'm sorry.

I defied my god for you,


You're looking well.

I know who killed your son.

The same woman who robbed you
of your beauty: Xena!

Yes. Come.

I'll take you to her.

Fighting together,
just like old times.

You want your revenge, don't you?!

Xena and I have a connection.

It's stronger than either one of us.

We're soulmates.

My love is strong.

- I can feel it!
- I am trying to tell you

that Xena and I are meant
to be together.

We didn't... We didn't make it
that way. It just is.



I can see your heart
lies with Xena...,

but I'll prove to you
which one of us deserves your love.

You do know your way
around this place, don't you?

I never had a reason to come
into this foul pit.

But for Gabrielle...
I would go through the fires of Hell.


That's her.

Over here.

Give me the ring, Xena.

Step aside
or join the Olympians.

Very well.
I like the odds.

So do I.


Find her friend,
and at my order...,

kill her.


Give me the ring, Xena...,

and I won't kill your friend.

Look..., you can't defeat us all.

You must forsake love
to gain the ring's power.

Your feelings for Gabrielle guarantee
that it won't work for you.

The ring works for everyone
at first.

Ask her.

Yes..., but eventually...

it kills the essence of one
that has not forsaken love.

What do you hold dearest
in your heart, Xena?

Are you ready to lose it?

I'm out of options, Odin.

Kill her!
And kill Gabrielle!

Brunhilda..., you can't win.

Listen to me,
this is wrong.

Can we just...?!
Let's just talk about this!

Get back.

- Xena...
- They're gonna kill her

before I get a chance
to prove my love for you.

What are you fighting for?!
You want to win my love?!

You're going to shed blood for what?!
For me?!

You call that love?!

You're sick.


Let her go!

She has the ring!

But right now it's killing
what she values the most.


Odin will bring all of his forces
upon Gabrielle

until you give up that ring.

You have to trust me.
It's the...

You've put the ring on your finger.

But Xena, you haven't forsaken love;
take it off!

I don't know
what you're talking about.

The curse is already working.

I don't know how I got here.

What's my name?

What's my name?

You've lost your memory,
your sense or self.

What about Gabrielle?

I don't know her.

Xena, give me the ring.

Why does everybody want
my ring?

Xena, give me the ring
and everybody will leave you alone.

Thank you.

- Xena!
- Gabrielle!

Brunhilda, I am going to find Xena.

Xena won't know you.

Won't know...
Won't know me?

What are you talking about?

She put on the ring.

- No...
- And she lost what she values most:


The memories of you and the woman
that you helped her to become.



This ring is too powerful
to fall into undeserving hands.

And so are you.

But I can't protect you
in this form, not from Odin.

And he and Grinhilda
will stop at nothing;

they'll kill everything associated
with Xena.

In this form?

I'll become an eternal flame
for you.

Only your true soulmate
will be able to pass through the fire.

You'll be safe.

See, Gabrielle?

You have changed me.




I can hear you...

laughin' at me.

Who am I?

Please, tell me.

Who am I?!!!

Who am I?!!!


Subtitles: @marlonrock1986 (^^V^^)