Xena: Warrior Princess (1995–2001): Season 1, Episode 16 - Mortal Beloved - full transcript

Xena's dead love Marcus appears on earth to tell her the underworld has been taken over by mad Atyminius, who has confined the good souls to Tartarus and given evil the run of the Elysian ...

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Help me.

Who's there?

What do you want?

Please, help us all.

A ghost! I saw a ghost!


In the woods, outside of town.

What makes you think
it was a ghost?

It was around me, everywhere
I moved.

It seemed to glide over
the earth. It was horrible.

I'll go take a look.

-You stay here.
-No problem.

It's all right.

A ghost, huh?



I'm here.

-What do you want?
-You, Xena.




Behind you.

I'm a ghost, Xena. The
living can't touch me.

-I've missed you so much...
-I've missed you too, Xena.

I'm glad you came.
I've got a lot I want to talk to you about.

We don't have time for that now.

What's wrong?
Why are you here?

Something terrible has
gone wrong in the underworld.

Good souls are in danger.
We need your help.


The Alconian lake. If you just...





Listen. Would you just listen?

Now, I know that you care for
Marcus, but you shouldn't be doing this.


Well, for starters, he didn't
finish his instructions.

Maybe he didn't mean for you
to dive to the bottom of the lake...

...knowing for being
unusually deep.

What else could he have meant?

Consider the consequences
if you're wrong.

Even if you reach the bottom...

...you won't have enough air left
to make it back to the surface.

Then I'll make it to the underworld
one way or another.

It's not funny.


The man I love has asked for my
help to save good souls.

I have to try this.


Yes, you do.

Well, I'll camp here
and I'll wait.

In the time of ancient gods...,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena.

A mighty princess

forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage will change the world.


-You must be Charon.
-No, I'm Talula, the dancing girl.

Of course I'm Charon. Who
else would be crazy enough to be down here?

Mind you, with all the changes
that are going on...

...I could be losing a job soon.

No more Mr. Nice Guy.

I refuse to take any more dead people across,
unless they got a coin.

Charon, I'm not dead.


-You're not dead?

-You mean you're alive?

Ay, yi, yi! What is it all
coming to?

Charon, I know something's gone wrong
on the other side.

Oh... "I know something's gone wrong
on the other side."...

Yeah, well, you can say that again.
We got everything turned upside-down.

All the wicked
are in the Elysian Fields.

All the good guys are down in Tartarus.

And now, we got tourists already.

I want to help set things right.

You wanna help set things right?

When Hades can't do anything?

This I gotta see. Here, get on board.

She's gonna help
solve the problem...

Hey, you're gonna be back, you know?
Under different circumstances...

...if you know what I mean.

-Can't wait.
-Yeah, well...

Bring a coin next time.

Don't be scared.
I'm not going to hurt you.


I'm here to set things right.

Thank you. Have you seen my mommy?



It feels so good to hold you.

I've thought about you a lot.

I know.

Whenever a living being thinks of
us, we can hear it.

Thanks. It's meant a lot to me.

I know the problem.

The innocents are here, in Tartarus.

How did this happen?

You ever hear of a
mad-man named Atyminius?

Yeah, of course. The old men in my village
used to try and scare young girls...

...by saying that if we didn't
behave, he'd come and get us.

The story had it that he specialized
in killing brides before their weddings.

Not just killing them. He liked
cutting them into little pieces.

This guy stands out as a bad
one even down here.

He's somehow managed to steal
Hades' helmet of invisibility.

And he used it to confine Hades and
turn this place upside down.

He loves torturing innocents
and rewarding fiends.

Where is he now?

Well, he moves around.

But he likes the pleasures
of the Elysian Fields.

That's the best place to find him.

-Can we go there?
-Yeah, I know way.

When we go in there, will anyone notice
we don't belong?

No one pays that much attention
to anything in the Elysian Fields.

Come on, try it!

They have everything they could
possibly want, and yet they want more.

Strange thing. They're not
happy even in Paradise.


-You know him?
-I killed him.

You ended up with the wicked
after all, Xena.

I guess it's hard
to make up for a lifetime of evil...

...with a few good deeds
at the end.

Tell me, who had the pleasure of killing you?

No one. My horse threw me
and I broke my little neck.

Oh, I love that. You didn't even
get to go out like a hero.

Well, listen. I want you to know
there's no hard feelings.

Sure, I hated you for a while...,

...but when this change happened
down here, I was actually grateful to you.

It's great to be wicked and dead.

I hear we owe
all this to Atyminius.

-Is he running the place?
-For the moment.

Between me and you, Xena,
this is one very sick man.

-You'd know.
-Is he around?

He may be, you never know.

He can make himself invisible
with Hades' helmet.

So he could be standing here,
right now, listening to our conversation.

He might even have heard
you call him a sicko.

Yeah, I guess he could have.

I meant that as a compliment, of course.

Of course.

-You enjoying yourself so far?
-I'm not sure.

I still haven't figured out all the rules.

That's the great thing. There are none.

At least for us.
We have the run of the whole place.

Even Tartarus, if we want.

The good, on the other hand,
have to stay where they are.

Isn't death grand?

Let's keep looking around.



How were you able to travel from
Tartarus to the Elysian Fields...

...if only the wicked
have the run of the place?

Xena, the place is in chaos. I just...

Tell me the truth, Marcus.

You were put with the wicked
when you died, weren't you?

Well, like your friend says...

It's hard to make up
for a lifetime of evil...

...with a single good deed
at the end.

So if we succeed
in putting things right...

...you'll spend the rest of eternity
in Tartarus...

...with the very people
you're about to betray.

Why are you doing this, Marcus?

Xena, I died doing a selfless act.

You taught me how sweet
that could be.

And I knew you'd do the same thing
if you were in my place.

You'll pardon me, will you? You can't
hit what you can't see!

I take it Atyminius has arrived.

Why all the glum faces?
I'm in a wonderful mood.

The thought of travelling always cheers me up.

Where are you going, Atyminius?

I understand you were a
leader among the living, Toxeus.

Well, here, you are my slave.

Is is "Lord Atyminius" to you.

Of course.

What's the matter, Lord Atyminius?

I smell mortality.

One of the living is among us.

It's that woman there! We need
to make her one of us!

Kill her!

Get her!

It's not gonna work, Atyminius.

Go ahead, try to kill me.

You'll just find
he's lied to you.

He's trying to cast
suspicion on me...

...because he knows I've been asking
the wrong questions.

Questions? What questions? Nonsense!

Like why do you get to keep the helmet?

That's right. Just because
he stole it from Hades...

...doesn't give him the right to lord it over all of us
for eternity.

Toxeus, how do you feel
about being bullied by this maniac?

This is ridiculous!

Put a sword through her and
see if she's telling the truth.

I might be dead, but I'm not gonna
let you mutilate me without a fight.

Of course, that's
what he wants, isn't it?

Us fighting amongst ourselves
when we could be fighting for the helmet.

-Good point, Xena.
-Come on, get her!

Kill the women.

-I want the helmet!
-Your reign is over, Atyminius!

It's mine! It's mine!

Atyminius, you'll...!

Enjoy eternity
without a body, Toxeus.

We'll never get to Atyminius
in this mess.

Let's get out of here while we can.

You going to the festival?

No, I'm waiting for a friend.

Is she coming
from the other side of the lake?

Sort of.


-I need to talk to Hades.
-Well, reaching him won't be easy.

Atyminius has guards
around Hades' palace.

Well, we've fought guards

No, not like these.

What are they?

The harpies.

Get back! Get back!

Be careful, Xena!

Eat this!

They're not real keen on fire.






-You lost some weight.
-It gets hot down here.



-What are you doing here?
-I could ask you the same thing.

Why aren't you trying
to get the helmet back from Atyminius?

Without the helmet of invisibility,
I'm almost powerless.

You have got to do something.

Atyminius plans to go up
to the world of the living...

...and start his killing spree

He'll be sending more innocents
to Tartarus.

-What did you say?
-He'll be sending more inncocents...

No. About the land of the living.

That was his plan. He could
be there now for all we know.

He may have made a key mistake.

What do you mean?

Normally, when one of the dead
goes to the land of the living...

...they're only a shade,
a ghost.

Unable to do anything
but scare little children.

He certainly
couldn't kill anybody.

But wearing that helmet
will bring him back to life.

-He'll be mortal again.
-I'm sure that's what he wants.

He loves his mortality,
and the suffering it can cause.

Yes, but once he's
mortal, he can be killed again.

But when he dies, the helmet
will return with him to the other side.

Send Marcus and me
up to the world of the living.

-We'll get him.
-You're not dead.

You're free to go at any time.
But your friend's a ghost.

Not much
help against Atyminius.

Then give Marcus his life back.

You don't know what you're asking.

I am telling you I can't
do it without him.

Has the great god Hades become so powerless...

...that he can't do this one small
thing to save his kingdom?

All right. But I can only manage 48 hours.

Then he dies again.

Take this passage here.
You can avoid the harpies that way.

Which way
would Atyminius have gone?

If he wants to return to
the world as a living mortal...

...he'll have to travel as a mortal.

I suspect he left
the same way you came in.

Thank you.


Is that you?

Hello, little one.

Who's there?

You aren't about to be married, are you?

Who are you?

No, I suppose that
would be too much good luck.

Still you'll do for a start.

Where did you come from?

Oh, the look of fear
in those beautiful eyes...

How I've missed that.

That's why I had to appear
in front of you in flesh and blood.

The anticipation is the best part.

A struggle...

What a nice bonus.



Missed me, Xena?

How does it feel? Your fear excites me.

Marcus... The footprints.





-Where's that maniac?
-We drove him off.

Did you see the nosebleed I gave him?
There was blood everywhere.

Then he kicked me in the head and...

And then the next thing I saw was
you. It's a very pleasant sight.

Are you all right? You look like
you saw a ghost.

I lost him. He took to the trees.

Gabrielle, this is Marcus.

Oh, I've heard so much about you.

I'm sorry we didn't get to meet
before you were...

...killed. You're dead.

But he's alive again, for a while.
We'll explain as we move.

But right now we've gotta to go after
Atyminius. And remember...

-He could be anywhere.
-Let's go.

Here it is. This must be
where he came out of the trees.

Looks like they lead out of the forest. He's
got a good head start on us.

Maybe his wound will slow him down.

No, the bleeding's already lightened
to a few drops.

There's none up here.
Must be a minor wound.

We'll keep going...

...and try to close the gap
as much as possible before nightfall.

There's no way we'll be able to follow his
trail in the dark.

And if we don't find him by
sunset, we'll have to make camp.

Camp? Who's gonna sleep
with that monster roaming around?

I wouldn't worry about it.

He's trying to put as much space
between him and us as possible.

He already knows the punishment
we can hand out.

he won't attack us at night.

It puts him
on the same footing as us.

He can't see us
in the dark either.

No, the advantage of being
invisible comes with daylight.

Just the same. I don't plan to close
my eyes all night.

She had a rough day.

You should get some sleep yourself.

-And what about you?

I want to be awake for every moment
of life I have left to me.

You know, you don't realize...

...the kinds of things the living take for granted
until you don't have them anymore.

Like the evening air.

It just settles on you
like a cool blanket.

And the sky...

There's nothing like it on the other side.

You know what I missed most?

Ah, would that be me?

Yes, that would be you.

There's something I wanted to say to you.


My death was not your fault.

Things had
to play out the way they did.

Sometimes I think if I had
just said things a little differently...

...then maybe you'd have come around
before it was too late.

No. Xena, it was a miracle
you got to me at all.

See, I was convinced
I could never change.

But your words finally
found their way to my heart.

You did everything right.

Don't be so hard on yourself.


Don't give up on love.

You heard those thoughts too?


It's just that I found out
how much you meant to me one moment...

...and you were gone the next.

It hurt too much, I guess.

I started wondering if
it was ever worth it to care that much.

But it is.

One thing that I've learned...

...is that love is the strongest
power in the universe.

It's stronger than evil,
it's even stronger than death.

My feelings for you...

...were the only thing that
kept me going down there in Tartarus.

It was like I was carrying my own
Elysian Fields around inside of me.

There's somethng I've been wanting to say
to you too.


I love you.

Help us, please!

-What happened here?
-I don't know.

We were on our way to
the festival when something attacked us.

It came from nowhere...
some invisible power.

You're going to be all right.
Where did you say you were headed?

-The festival near Pylos.
-What kind of a festival?

A wedding.

Now we know where Atyminius was headed.

When was the marriage to take place?

Tonight's the ceremonial bathing.

We've gotta hurry.
The bride's in great danger.

Are you all right?

I hate jugglers.

Be glad you're not a mime.

-Where's the bride's father?
-Over there, he's in the house.


He's acting like
he's seen a ghost.

-Look... There.
-Are you all right?

I think so.

-Are you the father of the bride?

I need to talk to you.

I thought Atyminius was
killed years ago.

I heard that too, but believe me,
he's here in Pylos now.

For your daughter's sake, please,
let us help you.

All right. I'll cooperate.
What do you need?

Atyminius frequently struck
at the ceremonial bathing of the bride.

I want you to let me take
her place in the ceremony.

The traditional veil will keep my
identity concealed until the last moment.

And hopefully he'll strike by then.

And when he does, Xena
and I will handle it.

And my daughter?

She should stay here in her quarters.

No one will suspect that the bride is
home, in bed, on the night of her bathing.

What are you saying?

Dear, I have some terrible
news for you.

It's better if you can just get some rest.

I knew that you'd hear every word.

How long I've waited...

...to send you to Hades forever!

Enjoy Paradise
a while longer, Atyminius.

Stay here.

Marcus and I have something we've got to do.

What's the matter?

This helmet kept Atyminius mortal.

He could still appear in the flesh, but...

...wearing it from time to
time kept him alive.

What's your point?

If it worked for him,
it could work for me.

Marcus, do you know what you're saying?

Yeah. We could live out
our lives together.

Without the helmet of invisibility, the
wicked have no power over Hades.

He could put things back the way they were.

-What about it, Xena?
-Is that what you want?

It's what I want.

But that's the problem, isn't it?

What do you mean?

You taught me that life,
and death...

...are not about what I want.

It's about what's right.

What if Hades can't do it
without the helmet?

It's too big a chance to take.

I guess I was too good a teacher.

You were the perfect teacher.

I can't stand the thought of you
spending eternity in Tartarus.

-You are a good, good soul.
-That's the way it has to be.

-Are you dead this time?
-No. Neither is he.

Wait a second. I know this
guy. He's been dead a while.

-Well, he's not dead anymore.
-I don't believe this.

There are no rules anymore.

All right, that is it.
I'm drawing the line right here.

Somebody has to.. So,
I'm not taking either of you across...

...unless you give me a gold
coin. Now there'll be no exceptions...

No bargains, no compromises,
and absolutely no deals.

Welcome aboard.
Hope you have a great time.

Come on.
Please, make yourselves comfortable.

And keep your hands inside the boat.

Now, looking to the left,
you will see the caves of despair.

And just coming up ahead, on the right...,

...you will see the hanging gardens
of disgusting diseases.

I've got a bad feeling
about this.


Xena! Hurry!


I'm slipping.

-Did you find the helmet?

-Well, where is it?
-I hid it.


If you want to get it back, you'll have
to put Marcus among the good.

If I don't tell you what I did with
it, you may never get it back.

I can't do that. It's impossible.

Don't give me that.
You're a god.

Every man and woman can be
judged only once when they die.

-Not even I can change that.
-When they die?

All I'm asking is that you give Marcus
a hearing when he dies.

You gave him his life back
for 48 hours, remember?

He'll die again soon.

He deserves another judgment.

Well, have fun looking for that helmet.

No, wait.

All right, I give you my
word. I will judge him again.

But keep in mind that all
his past bad deeds...

-...will still weigh heavily against him.
-I want to speak on his behalf.

That won't be necessary.
I know everything that Marcus has done.

I don't just wanna talk
about what he's done.

I wanna talk about
what's in his heart.

All right, you can talk for
him. Now, where's the helmet?


Your time is up, Marcus.


Let's get it over with.

He could have kept
that helmet and lived out his life.

You know that. You see everything.

He was tempted, but in the
end, he did the right thing.

Look into his heart.

He told me once,
that in Tartarus...,

...he learned to carry
the Elysian Fields inside him.

Let him bring that love
to Paradise, where it belongs.


You must go now, Xena.

Marcus is in the Elysian
Fields forever.

Now, say goodbye.

Keep thinking of me.


He's in the Elysian Fields.

You'll be together again, one day.

We'll never be apart.

He's in here...


Subtitles: @marlonrock1986 (^^V^^)