X-Men: The Animated Series (1992–1997): Season 5, Episode 4 - No Mutant Is an Island - full transcript

Cyclops returns to the mansion, and is stunned to hear that Professor Xavier's powers have found Phoenix alive and well and returned to Earth.

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Previously onX-Men...

I... am... Phoenix!


It is good that you are here.

-Help me to prepare the others.
-For what?

In our hands lies the fate of
a billion star systems,

of lives beyond measure.

Unlock the power of the M'Kraan

and make the galaxy mine!


I am the guardian of
the crystal.

The galaxy is mine to destroy.

[Jean] The power has
destroyed you, D'Ken.

The galaxy shall not
share your fate.

The crystal is sealed,

but the only way to guarantee

that its power
will never be released again

is for me to take it
beyond the reach of
any living being.

[Scott] You could be
locked in here forever.

I'm only doing
what must be done.

I'm coming with you.

You can't be a part of
where I'm going.

Good-bye, my friends.
I love you all.

Good-bye, Scott.

Good-bye, my love.

[Jean] The light.

Oh, Scott,

if only you could see it.


[opening theme playing]

[Beast] "And when its
turbulent journey endeth,

the river flows into the sea.

At peace now

for all eternity."

[Rogue sniffles]

That was really nice, Hank.

And most appropriate.

Jean loved poetry.

Didn't she, Scott?

We all know the risks of
being an X-Man.

Jean knew them well.

I think this
whole thing is sick.

You're all acting like
Jean's never coming back.

But, sugar...

Maybe she's alive.

Did you ever think of that?


Let it out, baby.

Let it out.

I miss you.

I never knew how much I would.

We all miss her, Scott.

The question is,

how will we move on without her?

What's important now
is that we carry on

so that Jean's great sacrifice

won't have been in vain.

To save a world
full of prejudice?

Where humans hate us.
Is that it?

Hate and fear are
what we're fighting

to overcome, you know that.

A lot of things I thought I knew

aren't so clear to me anymore.

You are in pain, Scott.

Perhaps worse than any of us
can understand.

But in time, this feeling will--

Don't you get it?

I'm sick of the responsibility!

I'm sick of being den mother

to a bunch of
quibbling children!

I can't do it anymore!

Most of all

I'm sick of caring.

I cared for Jean.

Look where that got me.

Here, Professor.

I won't be needing
these anymore.

Scott, please!

Jean, I've been wondering...


I've been wondering,
will you marry me?


If we have children,
they'll be mutants.

They'll face the same problems
we have all their lives.

I wouldn't have it
any other way.

[boy] Die, mutant!

Johnny, stop that.

That's real impolite.

But, Ma, I'm just playing
good guys and mutants.

Well, I'm sure
that nice young man

doesn't appreciate
being called a mutant.

[girl] Scott's it!

[groans] My head!

[woman] Can I help you?
Excuse me.

Are you all right?
Are you here about an adoption?

Oh, no, I was just...

I used to live here.

Scott... Summers?

Yes, but how did... Sarah?

It's so good to see you.

It's been such a long time.

So, after my husband died,

I came back here as a volunteer.

Now I run the place.

What about you, Scott?

-You never married?

But there was someone,

but... she's gone.

And to top off a week
filled with charitable acts,

Zebediah Killgrave pledged
full college scholarships

to ten more
disadvantaged children.

That is one of the finest men
who ever lived.

I could never have
kept this place afloat
if not for him.

Not only has Mr. Killgrave
given us money,

but he adopted
four of my special kids.

When you say "special"...

I mean "mutants," Scott.

Nobody else wanted
to adopt them.

[woman] We just feel
Scott would be better off

with another family.

He has... such special needs.

A child like that
shouldn't be allowed
near other children.

You should have warned us
he wasn't normal.

[alarm beeping]

Fire! The children!

Quickly, children, downstairs!

Hey, you!

I didn't mean to do it.
It was an accident.

What were you doing,
playing with matches?

People could have been hurt.

Let him go, Scott.

I'm sorry, Sarah.

Rusty is one of the special kids
I told you about.

He was adopted by Mr. Killgrave
two days ago.

Don't make me go back.

-But Rusty, what's wrong?

Can't anybody stop this?

Let me talk to him, Sarah.

I know you didn't mean
to set that fire, Rusty.

You've got a mutant power.

It takes time
to learn how to use it.

What are you,

some kind of do-gooder
social worker?

You're a mutant.

Then, you know what it's like.

I also know
what it's like growing up

without a home, without parents.

You're fortunate
that someone wants to
give you all that.

I couldn't have made it
without help from friends

that cared about me.

Killgrave is bad news.

I'm telling you, he's wacko.

Maybe you just need
to get used to him.

But I heard him talking about
how he's gonna use

this big new project

to run the governor
out of office.

And he's got a torture chamber
In his basement.

What are you saying?

Scott, you don't have to
listen to this anymore.

Go inside, Rusty.

Nobody ever believes me!

After all Mr. Killgrave
has done for you,

you make up these lies?

Could there be any truth
to what he's saying?

-You don't know this kid, Scott.
-[siren wailing]

He's lied, he's stolen

He's been in trouble
with the police.

He's here, isn't he?

Please don't make me go back.

Rusty's having some problems
adjusting, Mr. Killgrave.

Maybe if he stayed here
for a few days--

Now, Sarah,

we've been through this before

with other "special children."

We agreed that
a clean break was best.

But I'm only talking about--

You know what I think of you

and the wonderful work
you do here.

You've been more than generous.

It would be a shame
If this little misunderstanding

caused me to feel differently.

Sir, the boy seems scared.

Does he have any reason to be?

Why, no.

Not having a father,

he's just not used to
the loving discipline

a boy his age needs.


You go back with Mr. Killgrave.

My boy.

You had me so worried.

After only two days

I already love you like a son.

Back to your work!

No! You can't make me!

Obey me!

No... I...

The future is now.

We will be respected.

We will overcome their hatred.

Through strength, we will lead.

The future is now.

We will be respected.

We will overcome their hatred.

Through strength, we will lead.

[kids] The future is now.

We will be respected.

The future is now.

We will be respected.

We will overcome their hatred.

Through strength, we will lead.

We will be respected...

You have a special
purpose, Rusty.

You are one of the chosen.

Soon, you will not
hide your powers.

You won't deny who you are
just to be accepted.

You will be the politicians,
the bankers,

the community leaders!

The American dream
will become a reality

For every mutant, young and old.

And when we're in charge,

we'll make them pay
for the way they've treated us!

[kids] The future is now.

We will be respected.

The future is now.

We will be respected.

And now, my young friends,

it's time to pay a little visit
to the capital building.

You, Taki, will use your
wheelchair transformation power

to gain access.

Skids and Boom Boom,
you will hold off the guards.

[gasps and screams]

And, Rusty, you'll provide me

with that
extra sense of security.

While I pay a visit
to the governor.

-You know what I want, Governor.

A Platte River project.

Obey me.

Thanks for staying
to help us out.

How was it sleeping
on the couch?


That's the first time
I've seen you smile.

Who's Jean?

You cried her name out
In your sleep.

Was she the woman you...
spoke of?


Jean was my...

Was someone I loved.


[stammering] I didn't mean to...

No. It's okay.

I just don't know
how to talk about it yet.

It'll be all right.

No. [stammering]

Look, you've been
really kind to me, Sarah,

-but I should go.
-[woman on TV]
We interrupt this broadcast

to bring you
a News Nine Special Report.

-[kids] Oh, no.
-Governor Barkley has announced

he's resigning from office,

citing health problems
as the cause.

This will likely bode well
for Zebediah Killgrave,

since the governor
has led the opposition

to Killgrave's bid to control

the multi-billion-dollar
hydroelectric facility...

Maybe rusty was right.

We've got to get the kids.

That's Killgrave's house.

I still can't believe
that a man like him

could be involved
in anything criminal.

You may be right, Sarah,

but we can't take the chance.

Wait here. It may not be safe.

But if the kids are in danger--

Wait here.
I want to see Killgrave.

I want to see Killgrave.

It's all right, Wayne.

You're Sarah's friend.

Scott summers.

I have reason to believe

Rusty and the others
are in danger.


Whatever would
give you that idea?

As you can see,
they're all perfectly safe.

I encourage the children
to improve their minds.

Children, say hello
to Mr. Summers.

[speaking woodenly]
Hello, Mr. Summers.

With discipline and hard work,

they will be the future leaders
of our community.


-Would you like a cookie?
-Are you okay?

Of course.
Everything's fine now.

I was wrong about Mr. Killgrave.


Dump him out back.

[ groaning]

I've got
a press conference to hold.


-Thank goodness.

-When I saw Killgrave drive off,

I thought something
might be wrong.

-Were the kids with him?
-I don't think so.

The basement!

I hope we're not too late.

Welcome to the final stage of
your training.

After this, you will always
be part of our family.

[all] We hear, and we obey.

Everything Killgrave
has taught you is a lie.

Acceptance must be earned,
not forced on people.

Are you kids all right?

Sarah, can we go home now?

Of course we can, darling.

How could I have been
so foolish?

Don't blame yourself, Sarah.

The whole state's
been taken in by this guy.

Whatever hold he has
on the children,

evidently isn't total.

Let's get all the kids
somewhere safe.

The press and the authorities
should be here any minute.

Sarah, when I...
used my mutant powers

back at Killgrave's,
you weren't shocked.

No. I already knew.

But when did you...

I've known since that day

back when we were kids.

When the others
were so cruel to you.

When no one would adopt you.

But you never made me feel
like an outcast,

Like the others did.

It didn't matter to me, Scott.

You were always my friend.

-Sarah, I...
-[helicopter rotors whirring]

Sarah, I know
you have my children.

They're not yours anymore.

You're making a big mistake.

No, Killgrave.

You're the one
making the mistake.

I should have made sure
I was rid of you

when I had the chance.

Grab your camera, Bill.
I gotta have this.

Humans like Sarah hate mutants.

I'll teach you to turn your back
on your own kind.


On your knees!

Yours is the only hatred
I feel, Killgrave.

As long as I'm alive,

you'll never get these children.

It's too late.

I already own them.


Obey me.



Won't... let you!

[both groan]

Taki! He's still inside!

Sarah! No!

No! Not again!


Let's get it on the air.

It's all gone, Sarah.

What will you do?

Rebuild. What else can I do?

This is my home, where I belong.

These kids are my family.

There's a place here
for you as well, Scott,
if you want it.

Part of me does, Sarah

But helping you and the children
made me realize

that there's another place
where I belong

where I'm also needed.



[alarm sounding]

It's Cerebro's autoscan.

It's found something.

She's alive.



[Scott] I miss you.

[closing theme playing]