X-Men: The Animated Series (1992–1997): Season 3, Episode 15 - Cold Comfort - full transcript

Iceman, a former X-Man, is caught sneaking into a federal warehouse. He is captured by his former team, but Jubilee tries to help him.

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GUARD 1: Can you
believe this heat?

GUARD 2: It's not the heat,
it's the humidity.

There you go again.
Every night the same thing!

I say heat, you say humidity.

Yeah, well, it's true.

GUARD 1: It's midnight,
and it's still 97 degrees.

That, to me, is heat.

GUARD 2: Yeah, but it's
the humidity that's
making you uncomfortable.

GUARD 1: No, the humidity
just makes me wet.

You are making me uncomfortable.

You're just bored.


Guarding an empty warehouse?
I just can't take the...

it's getting cold in here.


Just as I thought.
A faulty AE-35 unit.
We'll need a replacement.

No prob! I'll just hop
in one of the mini-jets

-and pick up a spare at the...


You know you're not
authorized to fly
the mini-jets solo.

But I'm ready!

Not according to
your simulator tests.

Jubilee, you can't
keep acting like
some impulsive child.

Well, maybe if you'd stop
treating me like one.

I didn't catch that?

CEREBRO: Attention.

I am registering
violent mutant activity.

Scanning federal satellite
transmissions to corroborate.

What type of
installation is that?

Property is identified
as a federal storage depot.

Restricted access.

Can you determine
the nature of the
attacking mutant's powers?

Formation and
manipulation of ice.

But Storm's in Africa.

Mutant has been identified.

That's Bobby.

Robert Drake.
Also known as Iceman.


I hate when I do that.

X-Men! Assemble at
theBlackbird at once!

Professor, what's our situation?

I'll explain
once we're airborne.

This better be good.

If I don't get
a full night's sleep,
I'm cranky all day.

Mansion's all locked up.
Let's jet!

No, Jubilee. You stay here
and prepare the infirmary

in case we need it.

-That's an order, young lady.

The infirmary?
What am I, a candy striper?

It's just like before.
The guy is trouble.

He's an X-Man.


What are we up against
with this Iceman?

We're not against him,

So then we're with him?

Of course not! He's destroying
federal property!

Boy, I'm glad
we cleared that up.

Bobby was one of
the original X-Men.

Until he left.


Left? As in quit or canned?

Bobby was difficult.

Always up to some mischief.

But never like this.

You always made excuses for him!

You'd never let the rest of us
get away with
half the things he did!

I'm not surprised
Drake's gone bad.
He's a renegade!

Renegade? No.
Free-spirited, perhaps.

There you go again,
coddling him.

And you are being intransigent!

Listen to me! I don't know
what Bobby's up to.

But I do not want him harmed.

He's in enough trouble as it is.

All right, split up.

We grab Iceman
and we get clear without
taking on those soldiers.

Whoa! This is getting
way too hot for me.

BEAST: I see you have
retained your engaging
sense of humor.

Beast! What's up, besides you?
Wait a minute.

Xavier sent you!

Professor Xavier was concerned
for your safety.

I don't want his help! Or yours!

OK, pal, you come easy,

or I get to make cocktail ice
for a hundred.

Sorry, pal, you're
skating on thin ice!

So are you, Drake!


A touch of overkill
there, squinty.

You have no right
to wear that uniform!

BEAST: It appears
we have overstayed our welcome.

Something tells me

this ain't your run-of-the-mill
storage depot.

You do have a great facility
for the obvious.

Professor Xavier,
we've got Drake.

But there's a small army between
us and theBlackbird.

This could get ugly.

Please look after Bobby.
I'll see what I can do.

Unusual tactic.

Eminently preferable to
a physical confrontation.

Says who?

Let's move!

I insist you tell me
what you were doing at
that government complex!

I have nothing to say to you!

We probably saved
your life last night!

Nobody asked you to.

What's with those two?
I've never seen
the Professor so angry.

It's a surrogate
father-son dynamic,

with unresolved issues
of dominance.

Beast. In English?

Bobby likes to
question authority.

You owe the Professor
an explanation.

Why? Last time I checked,
I'd flunked out of this
loony bin.

You didn't flunk.
You chose to leave.

I chose to think for myself,

instead of always playing
the good soldier boy.


Them's fighting words.

Don't push me, Drake.
I push back.

Anytime, apple polisher.
I'm right here.

Stop it! Both of you!

Are you going back
to that compound?


I cannot condone...

It's my life!

I'm not one of your
students anymore.

You can't tell me what to feel
and who to fight.

You can't send me
to detention hall.

On the contrary,

until you prove that
you are no danger to
yourself or to others,

that's exactly
where you're going.

Hey, what is this?

-That's new.
-BOBBY: Let me down.

A gravity-suspension device
I recently constructed,

using technology gleaned
from the Shi'ar craft

found in the Morlock Tunnels.

It is designed
to promote healing.

I see it also serves
another function.

You don't understand!
I've got to get back
to that depot!

Bobby, tell us why. Trust me.

Trust you? I tried that once.

I can't trust any of you.

Let me out of here!

CEREBRO: Searching for data.
Subject, Iceman.


Cut the volume down, will you?

Drake, Robert,
second member of X-Men.

Recruited by Xavier at age 16.

High potential. Low discipline.

And seriously cute.

Got to be careful
about pretty packages.

What's inside
is usually trouble.

I didn't hear you come in.
Did you know Bobby?

No. Before my time.

From what I hear, he's dangerous
to have around.

Kind of like you.


Food for the flesh
and the spirit.

My spirit and I aren't hungry.

Your attack on that
federal compound

suggests that you hunger
for something.

Revenge perhaps? Or information.

I'm sorry, Hank.
I can't tell you.

By the way, where's Lorna?

This has nothing
to do with Lorna!

Who's Lorna?

Bobby, I am your friend.

I was then, I am now.

Please, tell me what happened.

BOBBY: I tried doing
what Xavier wanted.

It was never enough
to please him.

Then, after we nearly
lost Lorna, I took off.

And Lorna came with me.

I got a job.

We lived like normal people.

We weren't trying
to fight the entire world.

We were young
and very much in love.

And then the arguments began.
Always about our powers

and our duty to
use them in the fight
for mutants' rights.

Lorna sounded more
and more like Xavier.

But I still loved her.

One day I came by her apartment.

She was gone.
The place was a wreck.

My only lead was
a scrap of paper with
the name "Kirby Glen."

BEAST: The location
of that storage depot!

I think the government
grabbed Lorna.


Hank, get me out of here.

Let go of the past.
Xavier wants to help you.

But first, you must trust him.

I can't.

That's a pity, old friend.

Without trust,
the world can be a lonely place.

Yes. It can.


The book!

Bobby, I forgot to
give you... Oh, no.

BOBBY: Perfect.
They'll never expect us
to hit them again so soon.

I wouldn't be
so sure about that.

I don't care. I'm going in.

Stay put!

No way!

Would you keep it down?

I was good enough
to help you back at the mansion,

I'm good enough
to help you here.

You're right.

-Let's go.
-So, wait up!

Nail that camera.

-Let's go!

Told you,
this is a piece of cake.

And we're the crumbs!


Excellent work.
Take them inside.

When I get my hands on Drake,

he's gonna be sorry
he took Jubilee.

It's my fault.

I should have found a way
to reach him.

How do you know she didn't help
him escape?

Yes. She may have overheard
my exchange with Bobby

and had sympathy
for his dilemma.

CYCLOPS: This is Drake's fault,
not yours.

He has no respect for anyone!

Give him an order,
he ignores it.

Scott, losing Bobby again
has made me realize

that sometimes good
leadership is knowing
when not to give orders.

Don't worry. I won't say,
"I told you so."

Bobby's handiwork.
We're going in, Professor.

Keep this channel open.

XAVIER: Good luck.

FORGE: Attention,
security guards. Pull back.

Do not confront the intruders.
Leave them for us!

"Mutant project."
That sounds gross!


You wouldn't happen to have
an aspirin the size of a bus,
would you?

Sorry. Left it
in my other purse.

These metal mittens
block my powers.

Somebody really
did their homework.


Guess they forgot
to read the chapter about me.

Let's go!

Time to kiss this door goodbye!


Jubilee! How could you
help this misfit escape?

Because he needed us!

The Professor and
the rest of you guys
were too busy

condemning him to notice it!

That's ridiculous!

No, Cyclops. Jubilee is right.

I fell back into
my old role as Bobby's
disapproving headmaster.

I should have found a new role,
as his friend.

Hate to bust up
the therapy session,
but your hour is up!

Who the heck are they?

CYCLOPS: Let's move!

I got one!


Nice uniform, pal.

I don't like your attitude.

Cyclops, do you read me?

I don't understand. What gives?

I do not believe
we have been introduced.

Oh, dear.

Yo, tiny! Time for you to chill!

Stand still, will you?
Hey! Cut that out!


Go on. Take your best shot.

It's your face, pal.

What's this, a two-for-one sale?

No. It's more like
a baker's dozen!


I must do something to end this!

X-Men, the mutants
you are fighting

seem to know the limits
of your powers.

Learn from Jubilee and Cyclops.
Change adversaries.

Adjust your tactics to
throw them off balance!


Thanks a lot.

Care to trade?

With pleasure.

BOBBY: Well,
it looks like Xavier
had these guys figured.

Yeah. Not bad
for an old man, eh?

All right, where's Lorna Dane?

FORGE: She's right here.


Bobby, I...

(GASPS) Havok!

Are you all right?

Bobby, I'm sorry.

FORGE: Professor Charles Xavier.

I am Forge. That is Havok,

Multiple Man, Strong Guy,

Quicksilver, Wolfsbane.

We are a mutant team
recently formed

under the auspices of
the federal government.

What do you mean?

I work closely with
the government in this area.

I have been told
of no such program!

You, above all people,
can appreciate our need
for secrecy.

Great. Now they're hiring
mutants to wipe out
other mutants.

Not so.

We want to make the world safe
for all mutants.

Yourselves included.

Why did you attack us?

You broke into
our training camp.

I must admit
we did not warn you.

I thought a friendly
little skirmish with the X-Men

might teach us a few pointers.

I got your pointers, right here.

What are you doing here?

Forge recruited me in Seattle

because of my experience
with the X-Men.

The way you felt,
you would've tried to stop me.

So we faked my own

Why didn't you tell me later?

Let me know something?

I needed to start over,
without the X-Men.

Without you.

I would have come.
I would have...

When I joined X-Factor,
I also fell in love, with Havok.

Havok and I are fighting
to make things better
for mutants.

I'm using my powers
to help people who need me.

You've lost touch
with that, Bobby.

And when you did,
I lost touch with
what I loved about you.

I'm sorry.

You'll get over it.


Bunch of rookies.

Some other time.

I'm counting on it.


Don't go!

Yes, Bobby. Perhaps
we should all try again.

Rejoin the X-Men?

Nothing's changed, Professor.

By this afternoon,
I'd be driving you crazy.

Come on! I like
having someone around

who can get into trouble
instead of me!

Hey, thanks, kid. You're OK.

I'm counting on you
to keep this big shot
on his toes after I'm gone.

Think we'll see him again?

I can only hope.