X-Men: The Animated Series (1992–1997): Season 3, Episode 11 - The Dark Phoenix: Part 1 - Dazzled - full transcript

Jean is beginning to lose control, and the Phoenix begins to brazenly take over at will.

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Try to remember, Jean.

You were possessed
by the Phoenix.

You took the M'Kraan Crystal
into the sun.

What happened
to you, Jean,
inside the sun?

Why hasn't
the Phoenix left you?


Jean, it's Charles.
You're going
to be all right.

We are here
with you on Muir Island.


Phoenix, why do you still
inhabit Jean's body?
Your work is done.

You do her harm by remaining!



MOIRA: I'm sorry, Charles.
I've done all I know
to do for her.

The psycho-neural therapy
calms her, but the
root problem remains.

It's time
to take her home.

Help me, Scott.


Hey, Cyke, loosen up.
How about
that Dazzler, huh?

Didn't I tell you
she's something?

Help me, Scott.


What's wrong?

It's Jean.

I can feel it.
She needs my help.

I have to put in a call
to Muir Island.

It's all
in your head.

If there was trouble,
be contacting us.

You've been worrying
too hard about Jean.
You need to relax.

You're probably right,
but I need to be sure.

Go back and enjoy
the rest of the show.

PIERCE: There she is!
Grab her!

Let go of me!

Get her in the car!

Hands off the lady.

Meddling fool!

Don't you know
who you're dealing with?


No, should I?


Not bad shooting.

But not good enough!



I'm blind!

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Thank you
for saving me.

I should be thanking you.


Who was he?

Some big shot
who won't take
no for an answer.

I hope you'll be here
tomorrow night,

in case
they come back.

Well, I...

Looks like my car
has seen better days.

I would like to
talk to you about
your mutant powers.

Tomorrow night then.
It's a date.

Where's that blasted salami?
I can smell it!


All it needs is slicing!

While you're at it,
fix one for me.


Looks like you've been
having fun without me.
Where's the Cajun?

He's still back
at the club.

I met an interesting woman
there, a mutant...

Save it. I must be
seeing things!


How are you?

The therapy helped.
I'm better.

Scott, the trip
has tired her.

Jean will be better
after some rest.

Storm, will you
take her back
to her room?

Professor Xavier
is right, Jean.

You and Scott
can have a long talk
in the morning.

Jean seems
so distant, Professor.
What can I do?

All those weeks of therapy
and she still
isn't any better!

The Phoenix
is still inside her,
that's the problem.

Moira thought it best
to continue
her treatment here.

What treatment?
It's hopeless!

How can anyone live possessed
by another being?

Especially one with
the power of the Phoenix!

I will continue to do
what I can, Scott.

But if Jean is to have
any chance of survival,

she needs to
draw strength from you.

Through your unique
psychic rapport,
you may be her only hope.

PIERCE: She was
not right for us.

Through the centuries,
only the most gifted
and the most powerful

have been allowed
to join the Inner Circle!



So, Pierce,
your failure with Dazzler
makes me wonder.

Were you trying to recruit
her for the Inner Circle
or for yourself?

I warned you, Shaw,

not to send a cyborg
to do a man's job.

Being half machine
makes me no less
a man, Leland.


I'll see you never lift
that hand against me again!

Leland! Save it
for our enemies.

You have sworn an oath
of allegiance to this club
and all its members.

Remember it.
As for you, Pierce,

the cost of that crystal
will be added
to next quarter's dues!

Forget Dazzler, Shaw!

A far greater prize
awaits recruitment
to our circle!

My psychic abilities
have discovered a creature
with more power

than even
you can imagine!


Do tell.

They call her the Phoenix.

She was the guardian
of the fantastically powerful
M'Kraan Crystal.

To protect the crystal,
she inhabited
the body of Jean Grey.


JEAN: I must hold on!

FROST: With her energy focused
by Jean's empathic abilities,

the Phoenix flew
with the crystal into
the burning heart of the sun!


JEAN: (GASPING) The light!

Oh, Scott, if only
you could see it.

The Phoenix
destroyed herself?

No! It lived!

After depositing the crystal
in the sun, this primal force
returned to Earth.

There, a still-possessed
Jean Grey

was found by
Professor Charles Xavier,
her mentor,

and leader
of the X-Men.

How is it you know
so much about
these matters, Frost?

What is the source
of your information?

Xavier's own computer!

LELAND: (LAUGHS) Impossible!

PIERCE: Leland is right,
for once.

Even your psychic powers
are no match for Xavier.

I wish I could
tell you more.

But the visions I have seen
these past days,

make me feel as if
I'm losing control.

Even I don't know
what they mean.


Phoenix, now we are one!


Jean Grey's plight
has put Xavier
under great pressure.

Some sort of transformation
has taken place that
none of us yet understands.

He's been distracted.

Until I regain control
of my subconscious,

my orders
cannot be trusted.

FROST: And he's been away
for weeks.

Now, if you'll show me
my quarters, Moira,
I need to rest.

I've not seen him
like this, Sean.

It may be even worse
than he told me!


You are driving me insane!

Still, it took
great skill to breach
his computer's security

and remain undetected.

Shaw, listen to me.

The Phoenix could be
the source
of limitless power!

Tradition demands
that such power
be wielded by us,

the Inner Circle.

If this Phoenix
is so powerful,

how can she be brought
under our control?

Tell them, Wyngarde.

The Phoenix is only
as strong as the mind
that controls her.

The mind
is the place to attack.

Tell us about
the Phoenix, Jean.

What does she want, now that
the M'Kraan Crystal is safe?

JEAN: Phoenix hungers!

PHOENIX: Yes! I hunger!

CYCLOPS: Professor, help her!

XAVIER: Control her, Jean.
Control the Phoenix!

JEAN: Professor...

Relax, it's over.


What is it, Professor?
What did you see
in Jean's mind?

It's not what I saw, Beast.
But what I felt.

Phoenix's mind
is becoming dominant.

There is turmoil,
frustration, anger,
yet an excitement.

Perhaps through Jean's body,
the Phoenix is
experiencing sensations

she has never felt before.
That may be why
she refuses to leave.

The man who tried to
kidnap that mutant
Dazzler might return.

I have to go back
to that club tonight.

You would leave me
to be with another woman?
Go then!

Jean! There is nothing
to be jealous of!

Maybe you'll have to
protect her from me!

You don't mean that.

No, of course not.
But I'm afraid
the Phoenix does.

Don't worry, my darling!
I'll stay a while longer.

We will find a way
to help you.


Cyclops, it's late.
You should be going.
I'll stay with her.

Thank you,

I'll be back soon.

She's asleep.
I'm in her mind.
Her defenses are down.

You may now enter.

And once
I'm in her mind,

I can use my power of
illusion to create
whatever reality I choose.

I believe you will find her
very susceptible.





This is all wrong!

I don't belong here!

Shh. Darling, you're safe.
That's all that matters.

But this isn't my time,
my world.

Of course it is.
But you're upset.
You nearly drowned.

Rest, my Venus.
All is well now.

You don't remember
stowing aboard my ship,

desperate to
sail to America?

My thoughts
are all jumbled.

I seem to remember
another life,
a strange one,

full of unusual people
who were
somehow my friends.

It was a dream,
nothing more.

Don't you remember
how frightened you were
when I found you?

And I took you
in my arms...

And you told me
how beautiful I looked!
Yes, yes, I do remember!

Don't let those dreams
of another life
trouble you.

Remember, my sweet,
I will always be here
when you wake.


What is it, Jean?
A nightmare?

No, just a dream.

It's just that
it felt so real.
I'd love a glass of water.

Could you...

Of course.

It was not enough!

This is a delicate business.

I had to break contact.
Someone began to intrude.

There is one with whom
she has a psychic rapport.

Jean's troubled mind
may reflexively
seek his protection.

In my presence,

she will succumb
to my illusion,
despite her protector.

Hurry! We must
find her tonight!



Jean, I hope this...

Jean! Jean!

No! Stay back!

♪ Love you ♪


Scott, am I here
looking for you?

I knew you'd be back.




Jean Grey is inside.
And I...

That's odd.
Her mood suddenly
shifted dramatically!

That's because her mind
has drifted into my world,
to be with me.

Jean, let me
introduce you to,
to Dazzler.

Who's that?
The inevitable

Hello, my dear.


I don't believe it!

Looks like
ex-girlfriend now.

Something's wrong.
I'm going after them!

Some guys just can't
take a hint!


Jean! Jean!




Thanks, Dazzler.

Those are the same guys
who tried to kidnap me!

Are you sure

this is where
they've taken her,


The nose knows, tough guy.
I don't make mistakes
about Jean.

It still bothers me that
Professor Xavier wasn't able
to find Jean telepathically.

Is her mind altered
beyond recognition?

It pains me
to say this, Cyclops,

but perhaps Jean
does not want
to be found.

What are we all
waiting for?


I got invitations
right here.

Enough for everybody!

CYCLOPS: Wait a minute!

We can't just
charge in
the front door!

There may be
innocent bystanders.

Rogue, see if
there's any way
we can get in quietly.

My pleasure, sugar!

Well, well.
What do we have here?

And do you, Jean,
take Jason as your
lawfully wedded husband,

till death
do you part?

I do.

SHAW: I now pronounce you
man and wife!
You may kiss the bride.

Storm! Get us
up there, quick!

Swirl, mighty winds,
and carry us to Jean!

Snap out of it, darling!
They got you hypnotized
or something?

Forget it, X-Man!

She's in a world
where you're nothing
but a dream!

I'll send you
off to dreamland!

Go ahead!

My mutant power
absorbs the energy
you use against me!

The more you fight,
the stronger I become!



Good work, Shaw!


PIERCE: Just flipped
your last ace, ace!

Everyone a comedian!

Drop him!




I hope
you're into recycling.

My arm! Blast you!

I believe that
pleasure is mine!


The bigger they are,
the more pieces
they make.

What? What's happening?



Thanks for
the recharge, Cyclops!




I summon the cold
of the Arctic winds!


No! Jean! Why?

Not Jean.
Only her body.

Only her delicious senses!

I am Phoenix!

Good work, my love.

Thank you, my husband!