X-Men: The Animated Series (1992–1997): Season 1, Episode 3 - Enter Magneto - full transcript

As the Beast waits for his arraignment in court in front of an anti-mutant public, Magneto tries to break Beast out of jail, only to receive resistance from Beast. An old enemy of ...

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Previously on the X-MEN...

Why are you doing this to me?
I haven't done anything.

You can help us identify
the most dangerous mutants of all.

That's the last of the mutant files.

Who are these so-called X-Men?

Wolverine! Pull back!

-What's wrong, Jean?
-JEAN: It's Morph.

Cyclops, we are being overwhelmed.

GUARD: Hold it right there!

This attack was foiled with the help

of experimental robot policemen
called Sentinels.


How would you like to locate
the Sentinels' home base?

Surrender, mutant.


Returning to base for repairs.

You miss me, petite?

-CYCLOPS: Is that all of them?
-Ain't that enough?

I'll avenge you, my friend. I swear it!

Well, get a load of that!
A mutant trying to read!

No! Look at the title. "Animal farm".
He's just looking at the pictures.

See any of your relatives
in there, hairball?


Hey! What the heck is that?

Don't try anything!


Stay put! Don't take your eyes off him!

Hey! Why me?

Make them stop!

You go to the window
and call off your freak friends!

Do it, or so help me...


Wolverine. So impulsive.

Sergeant! Wait! Sergeant!


I don't believe we've met.

-Magneto, I presume.
-Come! We must hurry!

Your solicitude is appreciated,
I assure you. I regret, however, that...

-What are you waiting for?
-My day in court, actually.

Professor Xavier and I feel...

Xavier? Charles Xavier had you break
into the Mutant Control Agency?

Reluctantly, I assure you.

And he would leave you
to rot in prison?

Not at all. My trial serves a purpose.

It shall prove my innocence
and the righteousness of our cause.

MAGNETO: What chance does a
mutant have, tried by normal humans?

GUARD 1: Cover that hole with fire.
Don't let them out!

Are these the people
whose laws you trust?

They don't seem to share
your sense of brotherhood.

They only fight because they fear us.
Because they don't yet understand.

They do understand.
Our mutant powers make us superior.

-That is why they fear us.
-That is why I must stand trial.

They must see that we are not a threat
to mankind, but are a part of it.

GUARD 2: Let's go! Come on!

The humans must be crushed
and I have the power to do it.


JUBILEE: Hey! Hot graphics!

It's a tape of tonight's news
about the detention center attack.

Who's the guy?

XAVIER: He was once a friend.

We met after a war.

I worked in a hospital,

secretly using my mental powers
to heal the survivors.

A dedicated young aide
named Magnus assisted me.

Together, we helped patients
rediscover the joy of life.

We became friends.
But for some, a war is never over.

Remnants of the army

that had so brutally occupied
his small country returned,

attempting to retake it.

We saved what patients we could,
revealing for the first time

to each other, to anyone,
our long-hidden mutant powers.

But Magnus wasn't through.

He'd lost his family when those people
overran his country.

Consumed by rage,
he tried to destroy them.

I stopped him. But I'd never seen
such a change in a man.

I tried to help him deal with his pain.

Your violence will solve nothing.

We must use our special gifts
to bring peace to mankind!

You're a fool, Charles. Look at them!

They can't even make peace
with each other.

Heaven help us if he was right.

Possessing the power of magnetism,
he began calling himself Magneto.

He and his growing legion of followers

attacked powerplants,
factories, government buildings,

determined to disrupt human society,
paving the way for mutant takeover.

JUBILEE: But you stopped him.

XAVIER: I did what I could.

But now, after all these years,
it seems he's begun again.

But the X-Men are here now, Professor.

He can't fight all of us.


WOMAN: Get out of here!
We don't want you here!

MAN: Down with mutants!

Order! Order, I say!


That's better.


(WHISPERING) It doesn't look
like it's gonna be Beast's day.

Your Honor, because of the severity
of this defendant's crime

and his demonstrated danger
to the community,

the People move to deny bail.

Your Honor, my client is charged
with a simple felony.

You're denying him bail
just because he's a mutant.

Now, Mr. Hodge, you know this court
harbors no prejudice.

Any insinuation to the contrary
will not be tolerated.

-Your Honor?
-Yes, Mr. McCoy?

May I address the court on the subject
of mitigating circumstances?

Certainly, Mr. McCoy. I wouldn't want
anyone to think we weren't being fair.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Your Honor, we mutants yearn only to
live in peace with our human brothers.

To paraphrase the Bard,
"l am a mutant.

Hath not a mutant senses
affections, fed with the same food,

warmed and cooled by the same
winter and summer as a human is?

If you prick us, do we not bleed?"

Don't tempt these people, Mr. McCoy.
Please get to the point.


Two days before the incident
in the mutant registration office,

11 mutants disappeared. Taken...

Your Honor, what possible relevance
could this have

to Mr. McCoy's criminal activities?

All were recent registrants
with the Mutant Control Agency.

Your Honor! The defendant
is attempting to justify his crime

by attacking a program
set up to help mutants!


What about the mutant attack
on the detention center last night?

-My brother was one of those guards!
-Bailiffs, remove that man!

MAN: A lot of good men were hurt!
Is that your idea of helping mankind?

Quiet, quiet, I say!


Now, in view of the violence

of both the original offense
and last night's attempted escape,

the court feels this defendant
would pose a danger to the community

if released.

But, Your Honor...

Bail denied.


Looks like I'll have time
to catch up on my Dostoyevsky.


I'll show him a danger
to the community!

No! That's an order!

Out of my way!



WOLVERINE: Sabretooth!

You know that lunatic?

SABRETOOTH: Let him go!

-Come on! They're gonna kill him!



Where are you? I know you're close,

-Professor Xavier?

-Charles? Are you all right?
-I'm fine, Storm. Really.

You're looking for that Magneto guy.
You've been here all night.

Who is this Magneto, Professor?


CYCLOPS ON PA: Emergency!

Prepare infirmary
to receive critically injured mutant!


CYCLOPS: Everything happened
so fast.

One minute
the judge denied Beast's bail.

Then this strange mutant
just went berserk.

-Is he gonna be okay, Professor?
-He seems to have stabilized.

I'm glad.

Something about him
reminds me of Wolverine.

His name's Sabretooth.
Wolverine knows him and hates him.

-Did he give a reason?
-Does he ever?

There he is. Why don't you ask him?


Here we are.

If it weren't for Xavier...

Wolverine! Back off. Slow and easy.

I'm taking this maggot out of here,
one way or the other.

Maybe we should move him
somewhere else.

Personal vendettas have no place here.

You know we must help a mutant
if he's in trouble.

It's not personal. He's a threat.

-He was near death.
-WOLVERINE: Not near enough.

-XAVIER: Wolverine!
-Now, get out of my way.

If you take Sabretooth from this
infirmary, don't bother coming back.

But you don't know him.
He can't stay here.

That is the way some of us
felt about you when you first came.

This man's rages
seem much like your own.

Get out of my way.

Sector 37! Missile base alert!


-How can you be sure?
-I know him. Hurry! All else must wait.

-JUBILEE: Hey! Wait up!
-No, Jubilee! Not yet.

-Magneto is too dangerous.
-But, Professor Xavier...

Besides, Sabretooth needs our help.

How come we're supposed
to trash your old enemy,

but we got to go easy on mine?

MAGNETO: You dare oppose me?

Your most powerful weapons
shall destroy you,

and mutants will hide in fear no more.

GUARD: Stop that thing!
He's heading for Launch Control!

Mutant liberation begins.

COMPUTER VOICE: Initiation of launch
sequence acknowledged.

Hey, what the...

Launch at T minus three minutes.

These things have armed themselves!

Computer override!
Abort launch procedure!

-How much longer?
-A few seconds.


It can't be!
Those missiles are targeted at us!

TECHNICIAN: That's got it.

COMPUTER: Launch at
T minus two minutes, thirty seconds.

TECHNICIAN: It didn't work!
Something's maintaining the circuits!

LIEUTENANT: Everybody out! Move it!

a code red emergency! Abandon base!

Repeat! Code red emergency!
Abandon base!

I see no one.


He was here. I can still smell him.

MAGNETO: "O what a brave new world
that has such people in it!"

CYCLOPS: Magneto!

I'm glad you decided to join me
in the liberation of mutantkind.

Today begins a new world for all of us!

A world where we needn't hide
in corners and crawl in fear.

I don't know what corner
you crawled out of, bub,

but we don't find nuclear missiles
all that liberating.

Come quietly or be taken.

And I hope you want to be taken.

This is your last warning.

I had hoped that Xavier would have
realized that his childish quest

for peaceful coexistence with humans
is hopeless.

I suppose
that a civil war is your answer?

Better that we die on our feet
than live on our knees.

STORM: I cannot move!

Tell Xavier I am stronger now.

As I healed from our last encounter,
I had time to prepare.

Tell him those who oppose me
are traitors to mutantkind.

I will show him no mercy.


If Charles Xavier dreams of peace
between human and mutant,

his vision will soon become
a nightmare.

Wolverine. Storm. Are you all right?

Like new.

Nothing is broken.

-The silos!
-They are starting to launch!

Not if I can help it.

Where's the blasted switch?



-Professor! What is it?
-I was wrong!

I should have stopped him
when I had the chance!

No, Cyclops, using your optic-blast
would detonate the warheads.

Better here than over a city.

Got any other ideas?

Yes. I know what I must do.

Storm! Wait! Don't do it!

Is Storm doing
what I think she's doing?

She's going to blow up
those missiles herself!

-Storm, Storm! Answer me!
-Not now.

Storm! I sense your plan of action,
but there is no need for self-sacrifice.

Professor, I must.

Open your mind.

Absorb what Cerebro knows
about the missiles' computers.

Yes. I understand now.

I sure hope she's got this worked out.


Now, the warheads.

Control systems.

Short-circuited. Warheads disarmed.

Good work, Storm. Storm?


WOLVERINE: I'm on it!


Wolverine! Is she...

Must be our company, Cyclops.
She's asleep. She's exhausted.

-Mission accomplished, buddy.
-Okay. Let's go home.

You've trained your X-Men well, Xavier.

They defied me and delayed my war.

You and your mutants protect
the humans who seek to destroy us.

Why? Why have you turned
against your own kind?