Wynonna Earp (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 3 - Wynonna Earp - full transcript

The team must come to terms with the consequences of their actions; someone claiming to be from Black Badge Division arrives in Purgatory.

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Previously on "Wynonna Earp"...

We are murderers

you and I.

Destined for the dark.

There is something wrong
with Dolls' drugs.

Whatever Black Badge did to Dolls,
it's made him unstable.

Cos the only way to do
what we're doing without going crazy

is to have people we fight for.


He's not breathin'.
He's gone, Wynonna.

How is he lying here?



Come and face me, you piece of shit!


Are we gonna go get her?
Give her five more minutes.

Well, what happens if
Bulshar does show?

Then my money's on
the grief-stricken demon killer.

Oh, the one who's so hammered
she can barely walk?

She's got Peacemaker. And us.

Yeah, thank God for that.

Let's finish this!

No, you're right.

Bulshar wouldn't give her
the satisfaction of coming.

She's got company.
Dammit! Wynonna!


Wynonna Earp.

Not the prick I was looking for
but a prick nonetheless.

That's what my first wife said.
And I killed her for it.

Didn't think you'd be here.

Where else would I be?
Planning a funeral.

Ah! Oh. Oh...

They said you'd shoot me on first sight.

But it was worth it to see your pain.

Shut up.

Bulshar got one of yours

which means my side, the revenants

finally got a win.

I was hoping no one else
would have to die today.

We can make it you. I aim to please.

I'm too tired to kill you.

- That makes one of us.
- Bitches!

Yeah, you better run!

You shot him right in the dick?

That was really sweet.

Right, that settles it, OK?

No one's going anywhere
alone for a while.

Not... not until we...

Until we say goodbye.

I don't know how I'm gonna
put Dolls in the ground.

So shall we call a truce
for now?

Last time we met

you had me tied to a stripper pole.

You used to like that kind of thing.

And if we're keeping score, you shot me.

Well, you did not die.

But he did.

The cards spoke to me
about the death of a great warrior.

I'm sorry.

That is not for you to apologise for.

I can tell you where he's gone.
I know where he is.

Xavier Dolls was a good man,
and now he is at peace.

Yes, well, peace is for heroes.

And my hero, the one who took down
your vampire kin, she's hurtin'.

She's the one that needs my help.

The man who died, the marshal?
Wynonna loved him too.

You might as well stop
chasing that girl.

You'd be competing with a ghost
for the rest of your days.

- Get out.
- Never ends well.

I said get out, Countessa!

What do you want from me?

I just want you to say my name.

But if not that,
can I meet your friends?

Absolutely not.

C ' e s t la vie.

We always did have terrible timing.


We were just terrible.

Oak is a more traditional choice

but our poplar is locally sourced.

So much money
for a box he'll never see.

Yeah, I'm not having a casket.

What? You're not?

It's good to have a plan

to discuss your final
wishes with your husbands.

Yeah, that's right, baby.
It is... so important.

So what do you want?

I want a sky funeral.

They put your corpse up on a scaffold
in the middle of the wilderness

attracting crows
and magpies, vultures...


They devour you, piece by piece

and then eventually they, um

dispatch your remains
back over the land.

Wow. That's, uh, very... graphic.

And ecologically conscious.

Well, I haven't really thought
about when I... if I...

Well, there's not much
"if" to it, dear.

I... guess I'll be buried with...
with Willa and Dad.

Ooh, this is awkward.

Ward only purchased two additional
spaces in the Earp family plot

one earmarked for your mother


one for your other sister, Wynonna.


Yeah, I'm not doing him, or this.


I don't... I have no idea
what Dolls would want.

You were his best friend.

- Oh, is that what I was?
- Stop.

Look, these decisions are important.

Yeah, I know.

But the thing about death,
you know, is it's forever.

You know? So there's plenty of time.

All the time in the world.

Finally planting your left foot, I see.

More like I stepped in
a frozen cow patty and I'm kinda stuck.

Looks good on ya.

I will never tire of this view.

I know I'm supposed to face the facts.

I mean, I've done all of this before.

With Daddy and Shorty, Willa.


Willa twice.

This one's quite a kick in the box.

Yes, ma'am.

I still don't understand what happened
to him out there on that ledge.

We were dying, Wynonna,
and Dolls, he saved us.

Oh, love.

Oh, love...

Sometimes you get
and sometimes you get got.

Back in my day...
Oh, God, haven't I suffered enough?

Back in my day,
gunslingers that died with their boots on

they were buried at Boot Hill.

Of course, it was a flagrant popularity
contest. Cactus Pete, he got in.

He was only called that after
he got his ass so full of needles

that they had to call
in a seamstress and...

But the ritual of it...

Setting a man's horse loose to run.

Placing a fine bottle
of whiskey on his grave...

That sounds kinda nice.

Whiskey which I would
then steal because good liquor

should never be wasted on the dead.

I guess death was cheap back then.

It was never cheap.

We need to get Bulshar.

We need to do right by Dolls first.

D'you know he was from Arizona?

Does he want us to take him back there?

I figure he chose
his family and we're it.

We're all of it.

Poor asshole.

No, it's... it's inappropriate,
or, you know, disrespectful.

It is necessary. When a man dies,
he should be celebrated.

But Dolls didn't even drink!
Yeah, well, we need to.

I think Doc's right.
I think a wake would be nice.

OK, fine. I'll make sandwiches.

Pastrami, salami, egg, tuna, cucumber,
ham-and-cheese, ham, ham no cheese...

Waves, we don't need
sandwiches for an army, OK?

Dolls had five friends.

Four of them are right here.

But I'm starving. Aren't you? My God.

Is it wrong to be this hungry
when Dolls will never eat again?

Oh, my God, why can't I stop giggling?

Now who's inappropriate?

OK... hey.

I'm sorry, should I be more like you?

Yeah, rigid and unfeeling
when our friend is in the morgue

and the big dead guy
who had him killed is still out there!

Is that enough feeling for you?

I'll make sure that there's
enough libations at Shorty's

to fortify us through this.

What do we do now?



Uh, maybe we could go
to Dolls' motel room

and... find something for him to wear.

Well, how do we get in?
I've got a key.

We had a professional kind of trust.

Officers in the line of duty.

She said duty.

Yeah, she sure did, cutie.

We can go.
Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Um, we got this.

I don't even know where Dolls... is.

Jeremy's doing the autopsy.

It's routine in these
circumstances, Wynonna.

He's not cutting him up! No way.

No way!

A break-in.

Do people not have
any goddamn respect?

All they seem to have lifted
is the banana liqueur.

Howdy, partner.

Yeah, hiya.
Back for more banana liqueur?

A generous yet... baffling offer.

I did just get off a bus
and could do with a beer

but instead I find myself
being held at gunpoint

by a guy with a seriously
committed moustache.

Yeah, and you, sir,
have also drawn on me.

Thus we seem to have ourselves
a classic Mexican standoff.

It's not PC to qualify it
specifically as Mexican anymore.

Yeah, well, the bar is closed,
and will remain closed

for the rest of the afternoon.
We're holding a wake.

For Sergeant Xavier Dolls. I know.
That's why I'm here.

I'm a friend.

Yeah, well,
you better have proof, friend

cos I've got one in the chamber...

and murder on my mind.

I've seen monks with more shit.

Yeah, well,
Dolls was an enigmatic dude.

And a cop.

You guys got each other.

That's really nice.

Well, he had a traumatic past.

He did? What, with Black Badge?

So he felt like he could
help me with my own.

Nicole? Hey, what... what happened?

I was just a kid.


My parents were travelling again
and they told me

I could go to this music festival
with my aunt and uncle.


In the Ghost River Triangle?

There was an attack.

A man in leather.

So much screaming and blood.

The demon Dolls killed at the cliff?

Bondage Bob?

For years, my parents just told me
that everybody died in a forest fire

and that I had... I had
somehow escaped, but...

you know, it just didn't explain
the nightmares.

Yeah, I've...

I've heard them.

Last spring, when...
Widow Mercedes said his name...


it was like this shotgun
went off in my head.

And Dolls helped me. He got me files

he... he told me that...

Black Badge had been covering up
these massacres for years.

The Cult of Bulshar.

Oh, Nicole...

I somehow got myself
down to the river and then...

then somebody saved me...

But I couldn't save Dolls.

None of us could.

And he was trying to help me

and now he's dead.

This is all my fault.

Oh. Hey.

It's OK.

You're safe.

We can find out more, OK?

If you want to.

But, of course, this is not your fault.

Oh... God.

Ah, sorry.

- No.
- Today's about Dolls.

We got a lot to do. Let's finish up.

"To Wynonna. For when I'm gone".


Jeremy, put that scalpel down right now.

No scalpel. Calm down, Wynonna.

You're not doing an autopsy?

No, I, uh... I don't need to.

Cos I knew what was gonna
kill Dolls. So did he.

Dolls knew he was gonna... die?

Did you?

He knew? You knew?

How could you not tell me?
He didn't want me to.

I don't care.
It's called loyalty, Jeremy. Look it up.

I was respecting Dolls' wishes.

That's as loyal as it gets, Wynonna.

Do you think this was easy for me?

I don't care. If I'd known, I...

There's nothing you could've done.

I tried.

It was the drugs. It was Black Badge.

I will never forgive you for this.

I get it.

It's easier to blame me
than the dead dragon, right?

How dare you?

Pack up your science shit, Chetri.

You don't get to be
a part of this anymore.

Then Xavier, he just takes out the rest
of them with just a broken cricket bat!

Never even broke a sweat.

There she is. Wynonna Earp,
Staff Sergeant Ramon Quinn.

Just "Quinn" is fine.

Quinn is tied to the bar
with twinkly lights.

That was my doing. You're welcome.
I am not taking any chances.

Mm-mm. But you are taking
all of the whiskey.

Doc, did you know?
Know about Quinn?

No, that Dolls knew he was dying.
Of course he was dying.

His body couldn't take it anymore.

He's lucky he lasted as long as he did.
Probably by sheer will.

Never saw anyone
eat so much kale by choice.

You knew Dolls?

Better than anyone.

Quinn says there was
no way to save him.

Not without the Black Badge serum.

And nobody has any of that left.


Ah. Ooo-ee, that smack we boosted
from Shorty's is the real deal.

We get as powerful as that
Black Badge agent was

and we get to kill the Earp heir!


What's the matter, boss?


It's impossible.

How did you find us?

Someone posted an ad in the back
of Guns and Glory magazine.


Our money's on Jeremy
placing the ad, after

at Dolls' request.

It was in code

one our entire squadron used
to send a signal

so we could attend
each other's funerals

without Black Badge showing up.

Because you were all dying.
They were, or...

are, all dead.

And isn't that convenient.

Long story short,
they experimented on us.

Our genes mixed with
demon god-knows-what.

To what end?

Turn you all into super soldiers?

I'm no scientist.
I just did what I was told.

And it is not convenient.

It sucks.

I wasn't experimented on
like the rest of them.

Wrong blood type.

You two should know that Dolls
resisted BBD's modifications

as long as he could.

Broke out of our facility
and made a run for it

six times in three months.

Never really thought
of Dolls as a rebel.

He was so stubborn.

That's probably why
he lasted so much longer

than the rest of the guys.

If Dolls knew he was dying,
then why didn't he...

contact BBD, or go to a doctor or...

anything that could help him?

Maybe he stuck around for you.

No "maybe" about it.


You can stay for the wake
and then you're gone.

And, buddy, if you try
anything, today of all days...

I'm just here to pay my respects.

I swear.

Watch him.

Really watch him.

What do we do with it?

I'm no mail carrier, but give it to her?

And why is there only
a letter for Wynonna?

We know why.

- Ah, don't do that.
- What?

Don't give me that sad little
"someone-stole-my-new-puppy" look.

I don't need pity, Waves.

Well, I'm sorry if it's gonna
take me more than ten minutes

to digest that my girlfriend
was the only survivor

of a supernatural massacre.

I am sorry.

I am.



And I kind of thought you were normal.


Look, you came back
to Purgatory to be a cop.

- Yeah.
- Right?

Which... which means
it can't be a coincidence.

Probably not.

Which means none of us have
any free will over our lives

and then we're all gonna die
anyway, so what's the point?

The point is that I love you.

And if that's our destiny,
then I am pretty darned stoked.

Just try not to die, OK?
OK, yeah. Ditto.

Now don't you have way too many
sandwiches to make?


Someone's at the window.
We're three floors up.

- Who is it?
- Some hot Goth?

Demon? Vampire? Big Bauhaus fan?

Call me Katalin.

Oh! Nicole! She's got my purse! Quick!

Come on!

You OK?

Oh, God, I'm so sorry!

Well, she moves pretty fast
for a hot chick.

OK, you called her hot twice now.

Oh, my God. This is...

this is the worst thing
I've done since... Champ?

Nicole, Dolls' letter
to Wynonna was in there!

We can't be late to the wake.

Katalin? No, she can't be.

Can't be what?
Can't... be late for the wake.

C'mon! Let's go.

I was just, uh...

I was just making sure no one...
messed with him, just in case.

Could've asked Lonnie to do it.

Yeah, Lonnie got eaten by vampires.


Well, aren't I an asshole.

You know, I used to think
Deputy Marshall Dolls was, too.

But, you know, the more
and more I see that...

protecting the world, maybe that
requires a bit of selfishness.

You should be at the wake, Wynonna.

He was one of us

and until I can figure out
what to do with his body...

And I'll be here until you do.

Thanks, Nedley.

My privilege.

- To Dolls.
- To Dolls.

"Ain't Gonna Cry" by Larkin Poe.

Doc! Hey, hi.

Waverly, these sandwiches,
they are simply delicious.

Thanks. Listen...
No, please, if I may.

I wanna apologise
for my behaviour earlier.

Grief gives rise to much confession.

Kendrick Lamar. Listen...

Waverly, my last conversation
with Dolls...

What happened?

I told him we were destined for hell.

Doc, why would you say
something like that?

Because I am.

Because I've been there. I went there.

When Dolls shot me, when I died.
And I will return

when it's my turn to be toasted.

I am so, so, so sorry
about what happened to you

but I need your help.

Here. Now.


Dolls left something for Wynonna

a letter, and a sneaky, but yes.

OK, fine, total smoke show
with the perfect purple pout

snatched it and... disappeared.

Called herself Katalin?

For God's sakes.

I think I know who your thief is.

Thought you might.

I think it is best
if we keep this on the down-low.


Yorkie. No one could understand
a word he was saying

but he was a crack shot.

Burbs, he actually...
he got drafted into the Majors

but joined up instead.

Ah, Jingles.

Jingles. And Burb.
You got any Johns or Richards?

Nicknames are bonding.

I never even knew Burb's
real name until I went to his funeral.

- It was John-Richard.
- OK.

Our squad's less nickname-y, more
"Hey, dingus, pass me some bullets"

but we've always got
each other's backs.

Who had Dolls' back?


- Ah, you're drunk.
- Mm.

And the last one standing.

You know, every night
I lay down in bed

I say their names over and over.

Everyone who died on my watch.

The job's hard enough.
Why torture yourself? I don't.

I have tried to leave
Black Badge behind.

Good, cos they're gone.

What if they're not?

They put a lot of money into us.

Into him.

Think they're just gonna let him be?

You think they'd come for what's...
left of Dolls?

I think there's a reason the rest
of my friends' graves are unmarked.

- Oh. Hey.
- Hey, Nicole.

If you're looking for Waverly
and Doc, they just left out the back.

No, I am looking for
more vodkee, actually.

What are you doing alone down here?

You get to say goodbye, too, Jeremy.

What... happened down here?

Doc said there was a break-in.
Probably some rummies.

Doesn't the timing seem suspicious?

Well, it's Purgatory.

Last Halloween,
I saw over 20 black cats.

I swear they were all wearing bow ties.

Shit! Oh, shit!

The drugs Rosita was trying
to replicate for Dolls

the rejected formulas
that didn't work...

They're gone?
Gone like the girl in Gone Girl!

- The movie and the book!
- I'll kill you!!

Give us the Earp heir
and the rest of you can live.

Screw that.
You're all going down!

- Demons?
- Revenants.

And they're jacked up to shit.

My bad.

This is a memorial, dipshit.

D'you even bring a casserole?

Got another one!

Suck hell, revhead.

No sale.


Yeah, hey, where the hell are you?

And why d'you answer Doc's phone?

Doc shoved it at me
when he saw it was you.

We have to run an errand.

An errand in the middle of a wake?

We'll be back in two shakes.
Why? What's up?

Officer Fire Crotch.
Demon Blownoff Balls.

You smell like banana liqueur!

And you thought getting
wang-shot sucked?

Some revenants got into the lizard
drugs Jeremy made for Dolls

but no, yeah, please, take your time.


Is Wynonna OK?
Well, we probably shouldn't dally.

And we're back at the Gardner House.

What the hell was that? What were they?

Three paranormal tours with
BBD but this Fs with your S?

It's not the attack.
It's not the demons.


It's that you civilians
had access to Black Badge drugs.

We didn't have access to them.

We synthesized them.

So Dolls wouldn't have to
depend on Black Badge to live.

You can do that?
Not me. Our narc can.

He flew me into a cash register.

That's Agent Chetri.

He's a Black Badge scientist.
What the hell's he doing here?

F-ing with my S.
He was trying to keep Dolls alive.

Talk about a fail.

I, uh, I'm gonna go back to the office
and log what's left of the serum.

Make sure none of it got stolen.
Sounds like a plan.

- Look, Holliday...
- Holliday?

Can you just tell me who she is?
I mean, I have a hunch.

Many sweet autumn moons ago...

OK, Doc.

She's my wife.

Does anyone around here
not have a secret wife?

Just come in already.


Oh, are we doing introductions?

Great. Hi! I'm Waverly Earp,
and you're squatting on Gardner land

and you took something that
belongs to my dead friend Dolls

which is shitty and tacky!

And you want it back?
And I want it back!


The angel card.

Balance and moderation.

But it's upside down.

Lack of long-term vision.

Is she always
such a snoozie boots?


Give the envelope back,
or next time I bring a stake.

I thank you very much.

Did you open it? Of course not.

I'm a vampire, not an asshole.

I just wanted an invitation.

Well, then like a few selfies

and slide into my DMs
like a normal person.

- If I may...
- No, you may not!

So you slept with Doc. Who hasn't?

OK, not me, but the point is,
someone we love is dead!

If we're all destined to be here
and we're all gonna die here

we need to figure out how to be here...

I get it now.

The little one...

so fiery.

Just like Wyatt.

Waverly is not even an Earp.

She's something alright.

That's not for you.

- OK.
- And neither is this wake.

Are you really gonna do this right now?

Tough-love you back to your senses?
Feels like about that time.

A man I...

Someone I love is dead.
You're not the only one who lost him.

You don't get a monopoly
over the grief we all feel.


I'm sorry.

You don't have to be, Earp.

I know you'd rather be angry
than what you're feeling right now.

I told Jeremy to pack up
his things and leave.

Well, then you better go
make sure he doesn't.

And I shouldn't have called
you a traitorous nerdling

when I know a deception dweeb
is less harsh and more accurate.

Stay out of this, Wynonna.
What are you doing, Quinn?

Bad stuff! With my good stapler!

I need him to tell me
where he's hiding the drugs.

Alright, we can find them together.
But let Jeremy go.

He's a Black Badge lackey.
They did stuff to me too, you know!

He's just a good soldier, like you.

Just following orders?
You don't trust him either.

Actually, I do.

He is what's left of Black Badge

and they...

are gonna pay
or what they did to Dolls.

I get it, I really do.
And not just Dolls.




Yeah. Eliza.

What's the end game here, Quinn?

I inject myself with Agent Chetri's
bootleg BBD drugs

and storm Black Badge HQ.

You saw what the drugs
did to the revenants, right?

It doesn't work!

Avenge the squadron.

Go out in a blaze of glory.

If that's what it takes.

The only thing that matters
is doing right by the people I hurt.

What people you hurt?

Every time Dolls escaped
Black Badge custody as a kid

who do you think it was
who brought him back?

Over and over, even when he begged

because those were my orders.

I'm gonna put the gun...
and the beer down.


Levi. Shorty.

Yeah, Eliza.

- Stop. Stop.
- My sister, Willa.

My own father. Dolls.

I lied when I said I don't...

I don't torture myself
with their names.

We all have a trail of ghosts.

And a list of enemies
we want to get revenge on.

But they kill ours
and we get some of theirs.

And on and on...

until the end of time.

Going kamikaze isn't...
gonna bring them back.

No matter what we do,
they're still dead.

So what am I supposed to do?


Let it go... Quinn.

Dolls wouldn't want this for you.

Or for him.

Oh, God!

Oh, shit.


Sorry I tried to torture
and kill your friend.

Meh. He can be pretty annoying.

You want to make it up to us

find out if there's anything
left of Black Badge

and destroy the blood contracts
they made me and my team sign.

Pay a visit to Mr Moody?

Sounds like my kind of mission.

Quinn. You come back here
for any other reason

I will personally rearrange you

so that hand tattoo ends up your ass.

That's fair.

You sure?


Sergeant Dolls should
be with his friends.

Thank you.


Don't let his fire go to waste.

Uh, I just... I just relieved Nedley.


Look, Wynonna, I promise...

all I did was catalogue paranormal
entities and do some IT. I...

I had no idea what Black Badge
was doing to Dolls and his brothers.

Dolls was more than just his body.

So much more.

But we can't let
his body become currency.

No. Never again.

There's only ever been one option.

♪ I heard you rode the lightning ♪

♪ Crashed like thunder ♪

♪ You try to lift the world ♪

♪ Is it any wonder ♪

♪ The weight upon your shoulders ♪

♪ Put you under ♪

♪ Put your ear to the ground ♪

♪ Yes, I'm homeward bound ♪

♪ I won't be long ♪

♪ Put your ear to the ground ♪

♪ Far off in the distance ♪

♪ I'm running home to you ♪

♪ I'll wrap your broken bones ♪

♪ Build you new wings ♪

♪ You'll fly up towards the sun ♪

♪ Till your wings are burning ♪

♪ And when you fall again ♪

♪ I'll come running ♪

♪ Put your ear to the ground ♪

♪ Yes, I'm homeward bound ♪

♪ I won't be long ♪

♪ Put your ear to the ground ♪

♪ Far off in the distance ♪

♪ I'm running home to you. ♪

We should do this more often.

It's 20 below out.

But yeah... this is OK. Hmm.

Have you thought about your own plans
for, um... for when you go?

Go where?


Of course.

I don't have a spot
in the Earp burial plot.

Neither of us is ending up in there.

You seen the view from the graveyard?

I'm not spending eternity
facing my old high school.

So the plan is just to live forever?

Call it 80 more years
and then you and me

will be buried here on the homestead.

Side by side.

I suppose that'll do.

Don't ask if Nicole can come too.

You're my favourite person
in the whole wide world, baby girl.

And once we've defeated Bulshar,
you're stuck with me.




What's this?

Dolls left it for you. Just you.

Oh, my God, I remember that day.

What does it mean?

Keep going.

Keep fighting.

Fine. Nicole can be buried with us.

Nicole wants to be eaten by vultures
and then pooped out again.


Is there anything you will not do
to get under my skin?

You're pushing me away.
What choice did I have?

I am truly sorry about your friend.

Now, I want to believe you.

When I heard that you had died,
I could barely...

And Wyatt.

He didn't.

I heard he lived a good long life.

Moved to Hollywood.
He became a stunt rider.

Yes. He also never
stopped looking for you.

Spent thousands... hired trackers.

Ultimately it broke his heart, you know.

Before Wyatt passed,
he did me a kindness.

Told me the truth.

And when I heard that you had arisen...

I knew what I had to do.
And what is that?

Whatever it takes.

One rule.

No teeth, Kate.