Would I Lie to You? (2007–…): Season 9, Episode 6 - Episode #9.6 - full transcript

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Good evening!
Welcome to Would I Lie To You -

the show with tall tales
and tantalising truths.

On David Mitchell's team tonight,
a TV presenter

whose knowledge of cars
is second only to my own.

My personal favourite is a red one.
It's Richard Hammond.

Thank you.

And a comedian who once did
a TV show for Channel 4,

where he wrestled an alligator.

Who says Sky TV has all the best
sports? It's Sean Lock.

Thank you.

And over on Lee Mack's team tonight,
someone who has helped

transform British tennis

and helped ruin British dancing.
It's Judy Murray.


And a South African comedian
who recently

performed on the Royal Variety Show.

90 minutes
of the finest entertainment

crammed into seven and a half hours.
It's Trevor Noah!


So let's begin with Round 1,
Home Truths, where our panellists

read out a statement from the card
in front of them.

Now, to make things harder,
they've never seen the card before,

they've no idea
what they'll be faced with,

and it's up to the opposing team
to sort the fact from the fiction.

Trevor, you're first up tonight.

I used to call strangers
on the telephone

and convince them that
they were talking to Nelson Mandela.

David's team.

Er, why?

Because everyone loves
Nelson Mandela.

But is it, I mean, how often did
Nelson Mandela cold-call people?

Were you selling anything,
as Nelson Mandela?

No, no, no, just...

He wasn't pretending to be Nelson
Mandela during his telesales period.

Oh, right.

How did you start the conversation?
So, if I've answered the phone...


AS NELSON MANDELA: Hello, Richard.

Whoa, it's Nelson Mandela!


What would you say next?

How are you, Richard?

I wanted to thank you

for fighting against bad things.

You haven't seen Top Gear, have you?

Who did you target?

I just dialled numbers on the phone.

What, random...random numbers?

Yeah, like, it was just, you know...

What was your hit rate on that,

for people who believed
it was Nelson Mandela, and didn't?

- 100%. - Really?

Everyone. How many did you try?

Is it just Richard - now?

It was,
yeah, it was fairly convincing.

Did you ever let the people know
at the end?

Did you go,
"Ha, it's not Nelson Mandela!"?

No, no,
because that would crush them.

How would you know when to end
the conversation as Nelson Mandela,

with this unsuspecting -
gullible, hopefully - stranger?

Well, they would think I'm Nelson
Mandela and then initially

it's "wow", and then, I guess,
the next thing becomes,

"Why are you calling?"
And then afterwards,

then they start asking questions.
"Ah, what are you up to?"
And you go, "No."

What are you wearing?

You're not wearing that shirt again,
are you, Nelson?

- I'm sick of that shirt.
- But what if you'd called,

what if you'd called an
apartheid-friendly white Afrikaner?

Feel the tension in the room.

Can I just say, Rob, have you done
light entertainment before?

You're calling me.

- OK. - Yes?

Hello, who am I speaking to?

You're talking to Tobias Cruelty.

This is some of my best work.

We're just glad it's someone else

other than Ronnie Corbett,
for a change.

Who's this that is talking to me?

This is Nelson Mandela.

What?! Where are you?

I'm free.

Are you sure
you're not Morgan Freeman?

That movie hasn't come out yet.

Well, do you know what,
I've always been pro-apartheid,

but this frank exchange of views
with you

has really turned me the other way.
I wish you all the very best.

And to you.


- So, could this be true?
- I think it's true.

- You think it's true? - Yeah. Do you?
- I'm thinking it's true as well,
- yeah.

- So you're saying true.
- We're saying true,

- we're definitely saying true.
- All right. Trevor, truth or lie?


Yes, it's true.
Trevor DID used to call people

and pretend to be Nelson Mandela.
Sean Lock, you're next.

While travelling around Europe,

my friend and I came up with
a scheme to make money on the beach.

- Lee's team. - What was it?

It was, it was jewellery.
We used to sell jewellery.

What kind of jewellery was it?

It was earrings.

And where did you get
the earrings from?


To be perfectly honest,
we'd make them.

Oh, it's home-made jewellery -
here we go.

- And where was the beach?
- Where was the beach?

It's right next to the sea.
Thank you.

It was in Greece.

What was it about being on
that beach, you thought "earrings"?


I couldn't make doughnuts.

And what did you make
the earrings out of?

Well, I didn't make them,
my friend made them.

And what did HE make them out of?


Now, this friend, Sean,
what was his name?

- Spud. - Spud? - Spud. - Spud was his name?

Spud the jeweller.

My job was to sell them.

Ah, so you're the salesman.
So, so give us a bit of patter.

Imagine David is on the beach
in his thong, he's relaxing.

Finally he can be himself, OK?

And you come along and you look
at his ears, they're unadorned,

you think, "There's an opportunity."
Off you go.

Well, the first thing, if he's got a
thong on, I'll ask him to turn over.

Could you roll on to your back,

And would you like me to rub
a bit of cream into that area

because I don't think
that's ever seen the sunshine.

He wasn't...
The target market isn't...

Well, Richard likes
a bit of jewellery round the neck.

So sell them to Richard.

Are you having a nice time?

Yeah, I'm having a lovely time.

Do you want to buy some earrings?

- Not really, no. - All right, then.

What's wrong with ME?

Yeah, all right.
I've turned over and everything.

Then I'd do this.



What was Spud's real name?


Keith. Why did you call him Spud?

He always had a jacket on? What?

What are you thinking?

Judy, do we think
that's the truth or a lie?

- I think it's a lie.
- You don't, you're not...

I can't see him selling
beaded earrings on a beach.

Would you buy anything from him?

No, nothing.

You know, I'm going to go,
I think Judy's right.

- You think it's a lie. - Yeah.

I'm going to go with the team.

You're going to say lie.
Sean? Truth or lie?



Yes, it's true! Sean DID used
to sell earrings on the beach.

Our next round is called
This Is My...,

where we bring on a mystery guest

who has a close connection
to one of our panellists.

Now, this week each of David's team

will claim it's them
that has the genuine connection

to the guest. It's up to Lee's team
to spot who's telling the truth.

So, please welcome
this week's special guest, Ben.


So, Richard, what is Ben to you?

This is Ben,
and I once convinced him

that he'd been spooked by a ghost
in a country house.

Sean, how do you know Ben?

Well, this is Ben and I had to talk
to him for over an hour,

to keep him calm
when he got trapped in a Portaloo.

David, what's your relationship
with Ben?

This is Ben,
and he very recently took me

to my first-ever football match.


And was disappointed that I nodded
off for a bit in the second half.

Lee's team,
where do you want to start?

Well, first of all, Sean,
how was he trapped in a Portaloo?

Well, it was the lock wouldn't work,
wouldn't open.

Why was there
such a tense situation that you had

to calm him down,
why is he panicking?

Because, Ben,
as I'm sure you'll notice -

I mean, you just
have to look at him to know,

he suffers from a lot of anxieties.

I mean, he looks
so comfortable here, doesn't he,

just so relaxed under these lights.

He's not, inside he's...

Where was the Portaloo?

- On a campsite.
- Had you met him before?

I'd seen him on the campsite.

- And you'd nodded. "Hello," all that.
- Yeah.

Well, you know what it's like,
you're walking across a campsite

and you've got a toilet roll
in your hand...

Everyone knows, you know,
where you're going,

and they sort of smile at you,
the way you,

something...you've all exposed.

We've all been there. We've all been
there, and you're walking across

and you've got a toilet roll
and people go, "All right?"

And then they've got that "What,
again?" look, without saying it.

So did you go to use the Portaloo?

No. I was going out of the campsite.

And you heard, what did you hear?

Well, someone sort of...
struggling with a mechanism.

Oh, no shouting at this point?

If someone... You know,
it's a matter of politeness.

If someone's making sort
of struggling noises in a Portaloo,

you don't think you can do much
to help.

I like to think.
And even if I could,

I don't really want to get involved
in that problem.

As I was walking out, I thought -

it looks like it was
wobbling slightly -

and I went back, I said,
"Are you all right?"

And he went, "No, I'm not!"

And you talked to him
for, you said, an hour?

Yes, we just...

Well, I'm curious to know
what you filled an hour with.

Well, I just chatted.
I said, I was chatting about

how his camping weekend was going.

Well, not very well.

So you're in the thing with him

and eventually, what happened,
what was the outcome?

Yeah, how did he get out?
The guy came - the camp...

- He died in there.
- The campsite manager.

And then when he came out,

- first time you'd seen each other.
- Yeah.

And how was that?
Did you fall in love?

To be honest with you,
I think he was a bit disappointed.

It was like Blind Date.

Now, who else would you like
to quiz, Lee?

Richard, could you remind us
again, please, of your...

I once persuaded Ben
that he'd been spooked by a ghost

in a country house.

And, and what was the story -
how did you convince him?

Well, he was in a separate room and,
I saw a stool

and realised, "Hang on,
I can hit the rafters,"

knowing where he was,
"that'll sound like footsteps

coming towards him." So I did,
and he believed it was a ghost.

And what were you doing in this
house - is it just

an empty house where people are...?

- No, we worked together in radio.
- Yeah.

And we were doing a ghost hunt.

Why was Ben in the room by himself?

Because he just wanted to be brave
and go off,

and he'd sat in the scariest,
supposedly most-haunted room

in the house, which happened to be

directly above where I was
in the hall.

How high were the ceilings
in the room that you were in?

- Ah, fairly high, not massively high.
- How high?

If you think of me plus a chair -
about that high.

That's a very low ceiling.

Oh, give up!
Really?! Cheap shot!

- Listen, I am 6ft, if I got...
- All right, all right, we got it.

I'm just saying,
I'm 6ft and it's great.

Is it?

And how did Ben react when you were
making these noises -

- did it spook him? - Well, yeah.

He ran straight out through the
door, which would have meant running
through where the ghost was.

- Oh, I see. - So he properly panicked.
- Oh, God, absolutely terrified, yeah.

Well, I know that about Ben -
he does get very, very spooked.

Anything like that freaks him
right out.

Thank goodness he could open
the lock on that door, you know?

When did he find out
that it had all been a wheeze?

I told him about ten years later.
ROB AND LEE: Ten years?!

- Yeah. - Really? - Yeah. - You've let him
live with this trauma for ten years?

No, look at it this way -
and I explained it to him like this

at the time, cos he was quite cross,
cos you would be - and I said,

"No, listen, you've dined out
on that story, I know you have.

"You'd have told people at dinner
parties -
'I was in the most-haunted house.' "

Like people saying, "Nelson Mandela
once rung me up." Yeah.

David, remind us again, please?

This is Ben. He took me to my
first-ever football match and then

was disappointed when I dozed off
for a bit in the second half.

When was this?

This was last season.

Oh, he's already got all the words,
hasn't he?

He's been training for this one.
Last season?

Yeah. What was the match?

It was, er, association football...

..and it was between
Tottenham Hotspur and Hull.

And who won?

- Tottenham Hotspur. - How do you know?

I went to it.

And where was it played -
in Tottenham or at Hull?

- In Tottenham. - Do you remember
the name of the ground?

What if I could? Would that
make this definitely true?

Um, I'm not willing to say
how I feel about that,

until you've said it.

I'm not willing to say how I feel
about anything,

but that's just cos I'm British.

Ah, yes, it was at White Hart Lane.

Thank you.
Yes, I do have a research team.

Do you remember
the colour of the kits?

Let's say, one team was in white,

and the other team...



What colour was the goalkeeper

Green, all over,

with a little tricorn hat.

As I recall.

- So, how do you know Ben?
- He was at school with me.

OK, and if you don't like football,
why would you have gone?

Um, I'm an idiot.

I like to... No, I was about to say
I like to experience new things.

No, I don't,
but occasionally I get bullied

into experiencing new things
under peer pressure.

He said, "You're always slagging off
football -

"why don't you come along,
and the atmosphere will be great,

"you might quite like it, and then

"maybe, just maybe,
you'll shut up for a bit."

- Who were you there to support?
- Ah, well, vaguely he's a Spurs fan -

- that's the shortening. - Nice.

So I was broadly, you know,
hoping his team would win.

- Do you remember the score?
- I think there was one goal.

To the Tottenham Hotspurs?

Exactly, and it was on the basis
of THAT that the victory

was declared to be theirs.

Back to you in the studio!

All right, we need an answer.

So, Lee's team, is Ben
Richard's frightened friend,

Sean's Portaloo pal,
or David's match-day mate?

I don't see Sean chatting to
somebody trapped in a Portaloo -

he doesn't strike me...
Without laughing.

That is a very good point.
I've known Sean long enough
to know he would be going,

"Oi, come on, everyone,
let's push it over!"

Richard and the roof is where
he lost me - just the height.

Yeah, the height, it's too high.

But also, like, to exert enough
force to hear it through the roof...

Like, you maybe
would have barely touched it,

but then your height,
when we look, no. No.

I think they're saying
that in a stately home, ANY person,

however tall, plus a stool, they're
doubting. It's not just you.

- Thank you. - Oh, no, no, no, just him.
- It's just him.

He said that
like he was a Spanish ambassador

he was worried
about being insulted.

"I think, Ambassador,
it's any person -

"it's nothing to do
with your height, sir."

- So not Richard.
- What about David and the football?

Well, it is possible
that he would have a friend,

I suppose.

So what are you going to say?

- I suppose we're left with David,
are we? - Yeah. - OK.

You think it's David?

Right, Ben, would you please reveal
your true identity.

My name is Ben...

and Richard spooked me by pretending
to be a ghost in a country house.

Really sorry, mate,
really sorry about that!

Thank you very much, Ben.

Which brings us to our final round,
Quickfire Lies, and we start with...

It's Lee.

One Saturday morning I lay on my
back in the garden and pretended

I'd fallen off a ladder
so that I could get out
of a family trip to IKEA.

- David's team.
- What had you been supposedly doing
on the ladder to fall off it?

So my wife said, "we're going to
IKEA," and I knew she'd be upset

if I said no, so I said,
"Yeah, no problems.

"Can we go in an hour?"
She went, "Yeah - why?"

- I said, "I've got to do something
in the garden." - What?

- What were you doing?
- Trimming the tree.

You so you said,
"OK, we can go to IKEA in an hour,

"I've just got to go
and trim the tree."

I didn't say I was going to trim
the tree, obviously.

I said, "I've got something to do
in the garden."

Why is it so urgent that this tree
needed to be trimmed?

You're not following this story,
are you?
I didn't need to trim the tree.

Yeah, but wouldn't she go,
"Well, do it later"?

Because it was a casual
conversation. "We're going to IKEA,"

"Can we go in an hour? Just got
to do something in the garden."

"Yeah, fine." That was it. We don't
live in a relationship where I go,

"Can we go in an hour?
I'm doing something in the garden,"

she doesn't sit me down,
put a spotlight on me and go,

"What is this thing in the garden?"

- OK. - "But you did topiary last week!"

So she's... You say you've got to do
something in the garden,

- she says, "Fine", so you walk out
into the garden. - Yes. Go to the shed.

- Explain how you set the scene.
- I go to the shed, right?

I'd picked my tool wisely,

cos I want I want to make sure
that when I when I've fallen with it

- that it looks dramatic. - Yeah.
- You know? - So what did you pick?
- Bit of secateurs - nothing -

those big giant ones, you know?

They look like old-fashioned
bull workers, but with a pair of
scissors at the end.

- And telescopic handles.
- That's the ones.

I still needed a ladder,
you're not going to get me on that.

OK. So you climb to the
top of this ladder?

I don't need to, do I?

- There's no trimming to be done!
- What?

I mean, are you forgetting...?
There is no...

I'm not Robert De Niro -
I'm not method!

"I must become the tree trimmer."

Your wife must think you're pretty
bad at it

if you can go out and presumably
instantly fall off the ladder.

I didn't say I fell off instant,
I know she's going off

to do something else. She says,
"I'm going to the shops, then."

So I know she's out,
so I position everything.

So she says in advance
of going to this shop,

she's going to the shops.

No, it's an expression,
"I'm just popping to the shops."

They don't go, "I'm popping
to the individual shop."

No, it's not an expression -
it means going to the shop.

Is it a euphemism in your house

for, what, having a poo?

I'm popping to the shops.

Is it a euphemism...

Not going to get me on one letter,
all right, I'm popping to the shop.

But she said she was popping
to the SHOP now -

shop singular -
in advance of your trip to the shop.

She might have said "shop" -
it's one letter, give me a break!

It's series nine!
She may have said shop.

Can I ask a question?

Or shops. I'm just popping out -
in fact, she said "out".

"I'm popping out."

- She was popping out!
- She was popping out. - So...

OK, so she has left the house.

She's left the house.
She's gone to the sho...p!

To buy a Curly Wurly
or Curly Wurly...s, I'm not sure.

She's gone out, I know she's going
to be gone enough time

for me to get a ladder, lie it
on its side, do the secateurs

and lie there in a position
that I would describe as...injured.

Can I ask a question?

Why didn't you want to go to IKEA?

I think I'd go to IKEA
to get out of trimming a tree.

I didn't need to trim the tree!

So your wife comes back
from the shop

before going to the shop,
for whatever reason.

We find that, weirdly, different
shops sell different things,

so I have tried. When she goes,
"I'm just going to buy

"some potatoes," I've gone, "Why
don't we wait till we're in IKEA?"

And she said, "No, you can't buy..."

As it turns out, different shops
sell different things.

So your wife comes back
from the potato shop to find...

No, it's not called the potato shop.

- You've finished trimming the tree
and fallen off a ladder. - Yes.

How much of the tree
did you get done?


Did you claim specific injuries
that you'd done,

when you said, "Oh, I've just
generally hurt..." what?

- What had you done -
what did you say to her?
- I went, I went "Argh! My leg!"

She went, "What's up with it?"

I said, "I don't know,
but I can't go to IKEA."

And I claimed to have injured
my coccyx.

How long had she been gone?

It was probably four or five days
this time.

I'd say, probably about, oh,
15 to 20 minutes.

Did she still go to IKEA?
Yeah, yes, what DID she do then?

- You're there in agony.
- She came to help me.

- She helped you up. - She helped me up,
she tried to get me stood up,

- I held the base of my back -
is that where the coccyx is? - Yeah.

I held the base of my back,
like that,

and she said, "You better
come inside and sit yourself down."

I said, "But what about the trip
to IKEA? I feel I've let you down."

She said, "No, that was years ago."

I think the bit where I was
pushing it, when I shouted,

"Love, can you put
that ladder away?"

"I don't want it to go rusty -

"I might need that in a couple
of weeks, when we go to Boots."

What do you think, David -
is this true?

What do you think?

I think it's a lie.

I just think you'd save that
for something a bit more...

You think it's a waste.

Yes, a waste of an opportunity
to get out of something.

Like, a family Christmas - you
could get out of a whole Christmas.

So what are you going to say?

I think...I think
we think it's a lie.

You're saying it's a lie.
Lee, truth or lie?

It's a lie.

It's a lie. Lee didn't pretend
he'd fallen off a ladder

to get out of a family trip to IKEA.

It's Trevor.

I used to be
in a South African boy band

but we split up after three of us

were kicked by a horse
on a video shoot.

David's team?

Why was there a horse in the video?

Cos that's what you do in, like,
boy-band videos - you have a horse.

Singing to a horse.

- No, you don't sing to the horse -
the horse is there. - Why a horse?

Because, "Ladies, look at me,
I'm on a horse."

You were on the horse?

- No, but that's... - You weren't on the
horse, you were next to the horse.

We couldn't all get on the horse
cos there's four of us.

Were any of you on the horse? You had
one horse between four of you?

What was the song?

- What was the song? - Yeah.
- I Love You Baby.

The song was called I Love You Baby?

- Yes. - What are the lyrics

- of I Love You Baby?
- We're not singing to the...

It's a Xhosa song, Xhosa and Zulu,
so it's called

- I Love You Baby - that's the
translation into English. - Right.

Give us a taste of it.
How does it go?

- What, the song? - Yes, the song.
- You want me to sing it...?

Yes, I want you to sing it.

Well, I'll sing my part -
I can't sing the whole...

Imagine now, I'm the horse, right?

Here I am. Ready?

Sing to the horse.
Sing to the horse.


This wasn't a big band, was it?

This is my part,
I'm singing my part.



We all know it.

Get with it, middle-aged man -
WE all know it.



I just don't get that.
So that's definitely a song.

Do you know what they call
that sort of music?



What were you called - the boy band?

- What was the boy band called? - Yeah.

- Yeah. - This is weird cos, like,

now I have to translate everything
into English.

That's handy. Well, it would help.

No, because it was Spuxboys.

But in English
it means Sparks Boys.

Sparks Boys? Sparks Boys.

- Yes. - And no wonder it took so long
to translate that.

And what provoked the horse to
actually kick -

why did that happen?

Well, we don't know.
Everyone was standing together

and then you're singing...
Everyone's facing the camera

- while you're singing. - Yeah.

And then out of nowhere
it's just a kick and then...

Wow, but it got THREE band members?

What were the injuries?

Well, the one guy,
he got kicked the hardest

so he was really hurt, so I don't
know if he fractured his arm

or if he broke something.

Or he was going to IKEA.

"Sorry, love, I've joined a boy band
and I got kicked by a horse -

"can't make it today."

What I don't understand is
why was it the end of the group,

just one horse accident?

It's not like there was a stampede

and you got killed
by a load of horses,

and then it's just, like,
Gary Barlow's head

rolling across the field and you go,

"I think that's it, that's it.

"I think there's no more comebacks
from this."

From the horse's point of view,

the horse was destined
for great things -

he's starting to appear
in pop videos.

It's a disaster,
anyway you look at it.

Well, you say you start getting
a reputation for, you know,

lashing out in a professional
context - it can be the end.

What are you going to say, David?

It's very convincing -
I'd say it's true, I'd go true.

- I'm going to go... Yeah,
I'm going to say... - You think true?

I think it might be true.
Let's say true.

You'll say true.
OK, Trevor, truth or lie?



And that noise signals time is up,
it's the end of the show.

I can reveal that David's team
have won by

four points to one.

But, of course,
it's not just a team game,

and my individual liar of the week
this week

is Trevor Noah.


Yes, it's Trevor Noah,

he's dished out more whoppers
than a teenager in Burger King.
