Worst Cooks in America (2010–…): Season 12, Episode 3 - Show Me the Vegetables! - full transcript

Boot camp is transformed into a game show, Family Food, and the teams of recruits go head-to-head in trivia rounds and culinary tasks that test their knowledge.

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NARRATOR: Previously on
"Worst Cooks In America"...

Are you guys ready to play
"Go Go Kitchen Gadget"?

-Good luck.

-You got it?


-I'm so sorry, honey.
-I hate this fish.

Sylvia kind of spins
out of control.

Oh! Oh,
because the sauce doesn't...
On the plate.

The mashed potatoes
look like soup.

Kevin, I really felt you
struggled with the fish itself.

I'm terribly sorry
to have to do this.

Anne still ate my chicken,

-Priscilla, I'm so very sorry.

No more takeout for my kids,

but I'll leave the filleting
to the fishmongers.


NARRATOR: Each year, the
nation's worst cooks are drafted

into the most intense culinary
boot camp in the country.

-Is this an oven or a stove?
-I think it's a stove.

[ Laughs ]

Answering the call to lead

these recruits
is Anne Burrell...

Put it down!

...and Tyler Florence.

Your station bums me out!

-NARRATOR: Their mission...

NARRATOR: ...turn
these kitchen disasters...

I definitely just
burned my food.

...into kitchen masters.

I look real
professional right now!
Yeah! [ Laughs ]

NARRATOR: It's a high-stakes
season full of new challenges...


NARRATOR: New foods...

-[ Babbles ]
-[ Squeals ]

...and near catastrophes.

-Oh, God. No.

NARRATOR: The final two will
cook a restaurant-quality meal

for a chance to win $25,000.

-NARRATOR: It's Anne...


NARRATOR: ...versus Tyler,
as they take on...

-It's going down!
-Why are you on fire?

...the worst cooks in America.



Good morning, recruits.

ALL: Good morning, Chef!

So welcome to week 3.

So now that your culinary
education is on the fast track,

we thought that we would give
you guys a little bit of a quiz.


Ah, crap.

But we promise you
the quiz will be fun

because it comes in the form of
everyone's favorite game show,

"Family Food"!

ALL: Yeah!

I love game shows. I love games.
I love playing games.

I love talking about games.
I love calling games.

I love all the games.
I gamed the game.

I played the game,
and all the games, I win 'em.

Recruits, you will be going
head to head in three rounds.

For every correct answer,
your team will get one point.

And the winning team
will win a huge advantage.

I don't even know what it is,
but all I know is I want it,

and I need it.

So, red team,
do not let me down.

-No. We won't.

You guys can go on break.


Let the games begin!

[ Cheering ]

So our first round --
"Food Facts."

[ Slide whistle plays ]

Sharon and Sylvia,
come on up, guys.

Pop culture, music,
TV, I got it.

Food? Nuh-unh.

Black eyed peas
are not peas.

What are they?
[ Rings ]

A band.

[ Laughter ]

Come on.
♪ Let's dance, Let's dance ♪

No. Okay, Sylvia,
for the steal.
[ Trumpet plays ]


-Nice job. Nice job. Nice job.


-Oh, no.

Shatima, come on up.

My strategy, no matter what,
even if I don't know the answer,

even if I didn't hear the
question, first thing to buzz,

then everything will be okay.

All right.


Cremini, morel,
oyster and wood ear

are all varieties
of what type of edible?

[ Rings ]
Yes, Asaf.

[ Exhales deeply ]


[ Quiz show music playing ]
What is edible?

What language is this?

Sounds like something
from Pokémon. Edible, go!

[ Slide whistle plays,
trombone plays sad tune ]

Never mind.

Can I know what is edible?
I would like to know.

You can eat it.
Something you can eat.
Eat it.

[ Exhales deeply ]
Uh...a sauce or a paste?

[ Buzzer ]



What did you say?

"Carmissle," "nissle"?
I don't know what that is.

I can't even say it,
nor less tell you what it is.

Fishy fish.

[ Imitates buzzer ]
[ Buzzer ]



Epic fail.
[ Cymbal crashes ]

Garbanzo beans are
also known as what?

[ Rings ]

-Green beans?

[ Buzzer ]
[ Imitates buzzer ]


Even I know the answer.

[ Rings ]
A black bean.

-[ Imitates buzzer ]

-It's easy!
-Shh, shh, shh!

Brown beans?
[ Boing ]

[ Imitates buzzer ]

[ Laughter ]

Oy, yoy, yoy, yoy, yoy.

You got one more try.
[ Rings ]

-Fresh beans?


-I needed that question!


Lily, Robin, come on up.

[ Laughs ] Lily!

I love doing the Lily Shuffle.

[ Wacky music playing ]

Ladies, beefsteak is a variety
of what type of food?

[ Rings ]


Oh! Oh!
[ Cheering ]

[ Chanting ]
Go, Lily! Go, Lily!

Beefsteak for
my beefcake, Tyler.


Lily, Lily, Lily, Lily, Lily.

Which state in America
produces the most potatoes?

I know the answer,

but I am not going to
say Idaho on television.

[ Rings ]

[ Laughter ]

Red team, I'm telling you,
you want to win this game.

[ Singsongy ] I don't think so.
I the winner.

Okay. What product is made

by combining yeast,
barley, and hops?

[ Rings ]

[ Whimsical music playing ]

It's on the tip of my tongue.


-I know it.
-You got it. You got it.

I see it. It's on the tip
of her tongue.
Hurry up.


I just can't get it out.

-You got it!

[ Bell dings,
bloodcurdling scream ]

[ Laughter ]

-Parsley? Oy.

You can try
for the steal.


No! It was on my tongue.

I don't know about this game.

-Round two.
-We have some...


...flavored gelatin.

[ Boing ]

It'll be your job to taste,
identify the flavor,

to grab the ingredient
and buzz it in.

I really don't want
to taste this.

It's looking really sketchy.
It's not, like, a lime green.

It's sea-creature, marsh-muck,
looking green thing.

Go ahead and grab one.




It's like soap in my mouth.

I tend to swear a lot,
so I know what soap taste like.

[bleep] This is awful.

I'm literally
running to the pantry

and start guessing
things that are green

and can somewhat
taste like soap.

Come on!
[ Rings ]

No, no. Wrong.
Taste it again.

What did I do to deserve this?

-Taste it again.
-Oh, my God.

I can't tell what it is.

I'm literally grabbing
every herb in there.

I really don't know what it
could be at this point.

[ Rings ]
No. Wrong. Wrong one.

I was looking for this.
I was looking for this.

What is it? What is it?
What is it? Yeah!

Nice job. It's cilantro.

I hate cilantro, so no wonder
why I hate it so much.

-You all right?
-Yeah, I don't like cilantro.

[ Laughs ]

I mean, who puts cilantro
in Jell-O?

What kind of person does that?

That's sick, man. Sick.

Ugh. Cilantro Jell-O,
never again.

-Lily and Hazell, come on up.

-All right, Lily.
-Go, Lily.

All right, let's go.
Show 'em what you got, Lily.

Lily is the slowest thing
on this planet.

Come on, Lily. Come on.
Let's do it. Let's do it.

This should be easy.

All right, ladies.
Go ahead and try it.

Poise like a tiger. You ready?

All right, go get it.
Go get it. Go get it.

I know I'm a little slow,

and everybody is
talking...caca about me,

but I'm going to win this game,

and I'm going to tell them to
just mind their own business.


-Go, Lily!

[ All shouting at once ]

-Go, go, go, go, go!
-Slow and steady wins the race.

[ Rings ]
Ginger! Yeah, baby!

[ Bell dings ]

How did I get beat by...
Grandma Lily?

Like, I don't understand that.
What the hell?

In your face.

Nice job.

Round three, guys.

This is the round that is going
to determine the winner.

Let's have the twins.

ALL: Oh!


It's a twin face-off.

Brother versus brother.

Mano y mano.

It's Skyler versus Spencer.

For the championship
of "Family Food"!

[ Clown horn honks ]

No handshake.

Ooh la la, it's going
to be a hot fight.

This is all about
the standard breading procedure.

You have three chicken breasts,
flour, egg wash, bread crumbs.

-Spence, it's on, bro.

May the best twin win.

-Spence, Spence, go, go, go!

-You got it!
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Come on, Skyler!
-I'm feeling good.

I just have a feeling in my gut

that advantage
is basically ours.

-Come on!
-You got it! You got it!

I'm definitely
feeling nervous.

It's really close,
and he's coming inch by inch.

But I'm feeling like
a drudging machine right now.

-Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
-Oh, man.

Spencer is just moving.

He's just an animal,
a man among boys right now

I mean, guy's
looking like a beast,

and I got to pick up the pace.

[ All shouting at once ]

-[ Screaming ]
-Yes! Yes!

Spencer, you're killing me man.

-You're killing me.
-Yes! In your face, Skyler!

Hallelujah, and I'm not letting
Skyler live this down.

-Red team, my rocking red stars.

You guys came from behind,
and you won!

-Yeah! We win! Yes!

Anything is possible.

We lost again.
We're the big blue losers.

The blue-sers. Blue-ser.

Red team, congratulations.
You guys did an amazing job.

That does mean the red team will
be awarded a major advantage

that will be revealed later.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, Chef.

So the skill drill was all
about exercising your brain

with all that
culinary knowledge.

For today's main dish challenge,
we are going to be bettering you

as cooks this time
through your stomach.

We are going to be
teaching you guys

some food that goes together,
like peas and carrots.


[ Laughter ]

-Really, guys?
-[ Laughs ]

What is going on? [ Laughs ]

What kind of world
am I living in right now?

-I mean, this is bonkers.

[ Squeak ]
Is this for real?


For our main dish challenge,

we are going to be
teaching you guys

some food that goes together,
like peas and carrots.


[ Laughter ]

-No way!
-Oh! Oh!

Oh, gosh. Dancing vegetables.

Really, guys?
What's up, Doc?



[ Rapping ]
♪ Dancing with the peas ♪

♪ And the carrots in the house ♪
[ Beatboxing ]

♪ Yeah, vege-tables ♪

See vegetables can be fun,
and they are also delicious.

So today, we're going to be
forsaking the baking.
[ Slide whistle plays ]

Anne and I are both going
to demonstrate for you

a delicious, healthy,
satisfying vegetable dish.

We promise you will
not miss the meat.

BOTH: Mmm.

All right. Blue team,
inside the kitchen. Come on.

All right. Red team,
step into my vegetable garden.

We're going to make
an Eggplant Rollatini,

stuffed with
Ricotta Broccoli Rabe,

and an Heirloom Cherry
Tomato Sauce.

Yo, Chef Anne is speaking
a foreign language right now.

I've never heard these words.

So we're going to
cut this eggplant.

I have never seen an eggplant.

So we're going to
go thin slices.

They look like a larger
version of cucumbers.

Nice even coating of salt.
All right. Then in the oven.

So we are going
to make a delicious

Butternut Squash Fettuccine

with Wild Mushroom
Red Wine Cream Sauce

and roasted
Brussels sprouts.

-You guys like Brussels sprouts?

-Love 'em.
-Never had them.

You've never had
Brussels sprouts before?

-No, I haven't.
-You haven't.

I've heard awful things about
Brussels sprouts...


And I hate it.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

The second thing
you're going to do

is you're going to
cut your mushrooms,

moist your mushrooms
sort of look like raw oysters.

Absolutely delicious.

Only mushrooms
I see are the ones

I'm kicking where
I'm walking in the grass.

These are
King Trumpet mushrooms.

These are gorgeous.


But I'm a princess,

so I might be able to get down
with the King Trumpet.

[ Trumpet fanfare plays ]

Now we're going to take this one
and pop this in the oven.

Let's talk filling.

This is a very bitter green.

It's broccoli rabe.

Just give this
a little try.

Get a feel for
the flavor profile.

-[ Mouth full ] Very bitter.

-Oh, my God.
-Who eats that bitter stuff?

This is one of
my favorite vegetables ever.

Oh, Holy Lord.
This is disgusting.

We are going to do
what to them?

-Cook and shuffle.

Get oil.

-Blanch and shock.
-Blanch and shock them.

So this guy in the water,
fast blanch, then shock them.

So we're going to mix it

with ricotta cheese,
mozzarella cheese.


We're going to make
butternut squash noodles,

or what I like
to call boodles,

because it looks and
feels just like pasta.

And then we're going to
pull our spiralizer out.

[ Gong crashes ]


Looks like something
out of a horror film.

[ Bloodcurdling scream ]
Like, it's got
these razors on this end,

and this part that
sticks out on this end.

Stick it into the spikes.

Great. How many fingers
am I going to lose in this one?

Isn't that kind of cool?

Oh! That's what that does?

So you're guys are making
big boody zoodles.


And let's let this
start to kind of, like,

dance around a little bit.

[ Rapping ] ♪ Big boody zoodle,
big boody zoodle, eh ♪

♪ Big boody zoodle, twerk ♪

♪ Big boody zoodle ♪

-Big boody zoodle all day.
-Go, Chef. Go on, Chef.

Big boody zoodle.

I'm a boodle man. I can't lie.

All these vegetables can't deny.

Ooh, yeah.
Ooh, yeah, baby.
That's my chef.

We're going
to whip together

this super fresh,
quick tomato sauce.

I want to see my tomatoes
give off their juices

and kind of get, like, deflated,
almost like a deflated balloon.


[ Chuckles ]

And now we're going to work on
a Wild Mushroom Cream Sauce.

I'm very afraid of this.

We're going to add red wine.
It smells good right away.

But if Tyler likes it,
I'm going to try to like it.

I like that.
I want you to love this,
love this.

I love you.

Does this seem like
beautiful vegetable situation?

-Yes. [ Chuckles ]
-Dig in.



[ Chuckles ]

My palates were
just exploding.

It is beautiful.

Isn't that pretty, guys?
Here, come on.


That's my new favorite,
and I'm a pasta girl.

I don't miss meat.

You guys have 45 minutes

to replicate my beautiful
vegetarian dish.

-You guys ready to do this?
-Yes! Yes, Chef.

Guys, your time starts now.
Let's do it.


Okay. Okay. Chill.
Take a look at this first.

Well, that's not good.

-Oop! I'm sorry. [ Laughs ]
-You okay? I'm sorry.

Steven, what did the mushroom
say to the mushroom?

-I don't know.
-What did he say.

I'm a funghi.
[ Laughter ]

-That was corny.
-[ Laughs ]

Stick to your day job,

We're going to squash
the competition.

[ Rimshot ]

[ Chuckles ]

This is a good one.



It's too early for this [bleep].

I finally can grip the stupid
knife the correct way.

My knife cuts have
been getting better,

but they haven't
been perfect yet.

So this time I take extra care
to get them just right

because I want to show Chef Anne
that I'm improving.

That is a little thick.

Robin, what are you doing?

I'm just going to trim
a tiny bit of that off.

No, Robin.
You're really scaring me.

I was trimming a little bit.
But please don't cut
toward your hand.

-I promise I won't.


Who's your friend?
[ Slide whistle plays ]

In the kitchen with me today,
I take Fluffernoodle.

It's my little
good luck charm.

That is my reminder
of where hard work

and determination can get you.

To the North Pole?
[ Rimshot ]

[ High-pitched voice ]
Please make my knife cuts good,


[ Chuckles ]

What's up, Big boody zoodles?

[ Grunting ]

Oh, my gosh.

I can't get this
to really go in.

I'm surprised yet again.

Oh, my goodness. This is hard.

My recruits have issues
putting the spiralizer together.

This is how to put in here.

It's not hard.
It's just a little tricky.

Can you, like, push this all
the way in, right, dude?

Yeah. Use all your strength.

So it's really important
to make sure you kind of get,

like, as dead zero as possible
so you get one big long thread.

If not, it'll break
into pieces.
Yes, Chef.

Maybe I think I got
the wrong way around. Do I?

I use the spiralizer
or spiratizer.

Right now this machine
is not working.

She's not coming out.

I have to stick it in there
just right and get the turning,

but the thing falls off.

The little "bar-nickel"
squash falls down.


Oh, really?
Did this just happen?

Then it had the nerve
to break and fall apart.

I don't know what to do.
I don't want to lose time.

No way.


Come on, baby.


35 minutes!


-[ Whispers ] All right.
-Big boody zoodles!

Oodles and poodles
and noodles and poodles.

-Right, Lily?

That's right, girl.
I feel like I'm in a hair salon.

Just braiding.
Just braiding some squash.

-What you talking about braid?
-Mind your business over there.

Oh, you all in my business
right now talking about hair

so I need to know
what's going on.

-Look at this.

This is just like Crazy Town.

Saved it.

Oh, these are beautiful.
Look, the little trees.

Don't make a mess. Sweep up.
Please don't make a mess.

You know this bums me out,

You got stuff a little
over the floor.

Please don't make a mess.

Everybody out
in the blue team is a mess.

-Working me today.
-Chief, you got this, like,

whole disaster thing
going down here, man.

-Yeah, I know.
-Lily, please work neat.

You see all this stuff
on the floor down here?

[ Exhales deeply ]

Shatima, you see
that camera right there?

There going to turn your messy
station a part of the storyline.

-You want that?
-No, Chef.

Thank you very much.

I can't take this.

I'm asking you to keep
your station clean.

-Yes, Chef.
-Thank you.

Oh, my god. Yeah, I got it!

I don't know anything about
vegetarianism. No clue.

Chef Anne, I'm not going to lie.
I might be turning vegan now.

All right. Well, first of all,
that's not vegan

'cause vegan means no
animal products whatsoever.

The last time I've had
a vegetarian meal is probably...

[ Crickets chirping ]

...when I was like...

like, probably like, um...

Would you have ever
considered before, like,

"Oh, I'm going to
eat a vegetarian?"

No. Never.

I just know my family,
when they immigrated here,

they were vegetable farmers.
So, yeah.

Do you think
your brother would like it?

-Oh, totally.
-[ Laughs ]

I can always feel
Skyler's presence around me...

[ Harp playing glissandos ]

I mean, I really miss him
right now,

and I wish he was here
right next to me, and...


Oh, yeah. He's right there.

What a weird coincidence.

Beautiful man, just like me.
Right, Chef?

Last week,
I almost got sent home,

so I'm going to be
detail-oriented this week.

Those are great, man.
Thank you.
I know. Gorgeous, right?

-Squash fettuccine next time.
-I know, right?

In the Scouts, we were always
told to be meticulous.

You need to be
prepared for anything.

I do like your mise en place
process though, man.

You got some good-looking
mise en place going on, man.

Thank you so much, sir.

And this is a replication dish.
It needs to be exact.

You know you got 30 minutes
left, but here's the deal.

You wait until the last minute
to get started.

Listen, I understand,
like, Boy Scouts

are always prepared, man.
-Yes, Chef.

But you need to actually start
activating some of this, okay?

-Yes, Chef. Right now.
-Start cooking, dude.

I mean, I'm not going to
move on to the next step

until I've done
the step perfectly.

[ Announcer voice ] Ooh!

I'm feeling good like a home run
on a Sunday afternoon. Ooh!

Your sports announcer voice

doesn't actually
make you cook better.

And Robin up to the plate.

We got some mozzarella
on deck, and it's good.

-How does your filling taste?
-It tastes good. It's...

Are you eating off
your fingers?
No, Chef.

I know you're going over
to wash that hand right now.

-Absolutely, Chef.
-That's what I thought.

All right. Blue team,
I'm begging you to work neat.

I feel like I'm in the military
half the time with him.

Like, he's like,
"Clean your station.

Your station's dirty.
What are you doing?"

I've got a sharp eye on you.

And now Tyler is
hovering over me...

You're heating your oils
a little too hot, okay?

And I don't like it.
It looks too thin.

-I want it reduced, okay?

It's really annoying me.

Look at your precision,
my friend.

-You having a good time?

Tyler, you're hovering!
Give me my space!

Now you got to put
your elbow into it, bro.

Put your elbow into it.
Elbow, elbow, elbow.

It's stressing me out, Tyler.

I need more color in those
Brussels sprouts, please.

I need more color
in those, please.

They're not cooked enough.

Don't burn your sage, bro.
Turn your heat down.

Tyler is just yelling, yelling,

Turn that heat up high. Turn it
up. Pull that sauce down.

I want thick sauce. It should
coat the back of a spoon.

I'm looking at
a messy station.


And what I want to see is
a nice, clean,

organized happy cook, okay?

-Complete total control.

Wipe your face,
lower your heart rate.

He's always yelling at me.

Do me a favor, sweetie pie.
Make sure you work neat, okay?

I'm just trying
to help these guys.

Not cool.

Please work neat, okay?
Pick it up. Thank you very much.


-Mine's in the last upper.

[ Beep ]
[ Grunts, bleep ]


I feel way more
confident than before

because if there is
something that I know,

or kind of know,
it's vegetarian cuisine.

I mean, you're
talking with someone

who's eating 12 bananas a day.

Asaf, what's going on?

Is that you smiling
while you're cooking?

-Stop it.
-I was thinking about you.

That's nice. When else do you
think about me.

I do believe that
my relationship with Chef Anne

is getting deeper.

I'm hoping to woo Chef Anne with
my Israeli charm, my friend.

[ Vocalizes in native language ]


I need a strong woman
in my life to keep me grounded,

and there is nothing more sexy
than a woman that can cook.

Stop flexing
your big, fat muscle.

Welcome to the gun show
right here.

-All right.

That's a nice little
heart for Chef Anne.


It matches mine.

[ Kisses ]

I don't need an alarm clock.
[ Timer beeping ]

My passion wakes me up.

I never thought that
there was anyone

that could annoy me
on this planet,

but I found one.
His name is Asaf.

-Hey, watch it, buddy!
-It's you. It's not from me.

-It's from you!
-Listen, she's playing.

No, I'm not playing.

I'm watching Asaf cook,

and I'm just like, "Lord Jesus,
look at this train wreck."

I'm pretty sure you
missed something,

but I'm not gonna
tell you what it is.

-Why not?

I don't need to give the enemy
any tips on what I'm doing.

This is a competition.
I want to win.

This is a kitchen
or a snake tank?

Boy, this is what
you call battleground.

All right. You want
to start the war?

You start it.
I'll finish it.

You want to battle me?
Let's go.

Bring it on.

You finally figured out
what you missed?

Yeah, thank you
for nothing.

You're trying
to sabotage me.

You're sabotaging
yourself, buddy.

-Girl, bye.
-Wait. What?

I can be sassy, too.

I'm-a see what's going
to happen with that sauce.

Man, back up off of me.
Let me finish my work over here.

This kid drives me up the wall.

Yes. Yes. Your butt crack's
hanging out, dude.

Pull your pants up.
Pull your pants up.

-Your butt crack's hanging out.
-Sorry. [ Laughs ]

Don't apologize to me.
It's your butt crack.

[ Rimshot ]

-Cracking jokes. [ Laughs ]

You got your pans wrong.
You got your pans wrong.

The most important step
of becoming a good cook

is working neat.

If you have a messy station,
you get lost.

And that's Shatima's problem.

No, just dump it in
right now.

Shatima, really?

Today I had done that
one step correctly.

Shatima, that's turning into
a paste, all right?

You might want to hit that
with a little more cream...

Can we get some
more cream to go?

I am so nervous
about getting each

and every one of
these steps correct

that I'm kind of out
of flow with the kitchen

and what's going on.

Why'd you put
the Brussels sprouts in that?

-Shootola. A mistake.
-Why'd you...

...put the Brussels sprouts
in there? A mistake, Chef.

I need to reel
this thing on back in

and get back on target...


...because I'm not ready
to throw my tiara in just yet.

Don't let the wine
go to waste.

[ Smacks lips ]

All right. You two are winners.
You are winners.

Oh, someone took out
my eggplant.

It was the top one up here.

-Did someone take...

Mine was the top one.

[ Crash ]

-Mine is that one.
-Is yours that one?

You took my eggplant?

-Oh, Brandon.
-Oh, no.

And that's not good.
That's like...

Yo, your going to get, like,
the best eggplant ever.

-Look how good his --

Hands, why have you
betrayed me? No. [ Laughs ]

-Hey, Brandon.

Talk. Upper.
I hope you enjoy that eggplant.
I was all up in that.


Hey, Chef.
Look, I'm cutting!
Let's go everybody!

And my station's
so clean for a change.

I'm feeling good.

Sort a crush the pepper,
but just a teeny bit.

My cuts look great.

Oh, I'm finally feeling kind of
confident about something.

Kind of.
Why do I have rosemary?

I feel my confidence
building up.


-What's the matter?
-It's shattered.

The glass shattered.
The glass shattered.

The baking dish just...
[ Imitates explosion ]

15 minutes. Hurry up.

Damn it, damn it, damn it.

[ Exhales deeply ]


You guys got 15 minutes left
on the clock.

15 minutes left on the clock.

Spencer, make sure you have
good knife cuts there.

Yes, Chef.



How you coming
over there, brother?

-Living the dreams.

All right now.

-Yes, my dear.

Out of all the people that
I could've been matched with

for this table,
you're one of them.

-Smart ass.
-[ Laughs ]


-What's the matter?

It's shattered.
The glass shattered.

My glass shattered
all in the oven.

It's like a little eggplant bomb
has gone off in the oven.

The little eggplants were like,
"Help me, help me."

You have plenty
of time to finish.

[ Bleep ]

Now I have to go back
and get another eggplant

and start over again.

-Got to figure it out, right?
-All right. So do me a favor.

First, get your eggplant
in the oven. Okay?

Yes, Chef.

[ Sighs ] I'm just lost now.

Oh, your onions are burning.

-Oh, [bleep].
-Big time. Big time.

I was trying to save
the tomatoes, Chef.

Don't save the tomatoes!
Just get a whole new pan and go!

Just get your sauce built,
put your eggplant back in.

It's not a big deal.

You're making it much harder
than it needs to be.

I'm freaking out.

There's no way I'm going
to be able to do this.

Back in the oven.
Back in the oven.

Oh, my God. Do this right.
Do this right. Do this right.

-You all right there?

Stay calm. You're good.

Lily -- she's an enigma.

I don't understand
what is going on.

So I know there's
lots of steps in here.

All right? So you're going
to take that out,

but where are you
going to put it?

-Where are you going to put it?

Need to get a sheet pan, right?
With a paper towel, okay?

Someplace for it to land.

I'm cooking next to her.
It's a mess.

And I turn around
and her boodles...

[ Fanfare plays ]

...are in the pan almost done.
Her whole boodles.

Your noodles are done?
Yes. My noodles are done.
We got to get it done.

She spinned out
a whole squash faster

than I could get
the ingredients for everything.


[ Laughs ] She's like
the first one to finish.

I don't know how you do it.

You've got, like, little elves.
Where's your elves?

Where's your elves?
[ Elf giggles ]

-Where's your kitchen people?
-I put them down there.

I'm even looking for, like,
who is helping this woman?

-Did you hide them down there?

Every time.

I might just take you
to the finale with me, Lily.

-Mwah! That's a drink, kid. Wow.
-[ Laughs ]

If Lily wins, I swear to God...


I probably won't do anything,

but I will definitely
try harder next week.

Do you want
to go walk around

and see if you can help
anybody, or not really?

Not really because
this is a competition.
[ Laughs ]


-Dirty dog.
-It's all about me and Tyler.

Well, I got to appreciate that.
She's a little thug life.

You're so good to me.

Thank you so much
for getting done.

5 minutes!

Bro, you got the red wine yet,
or you want me to get it?

-Red wine vinegar.
-Red wine vinegar.

Don't want to drink this
on a Saturday night.

-4 1/2 minutes.
-A little more cream, please.

-Yes, Chef.

I think I need
a little bit more wine.

It doesn't have that
flavor just like Chef had.

No, no, no.
You don't want to...

-So I need just a teeny bit.
-Did you put wine back in now?

Yes, I did.

You can't put wine
in there at this stage.

It's going to taste
really bitter.
At this stage in the oven.

You can't do it.
Shatima, you can
never do that again.

We coating the back
of the spoon.


You got it, bud?


I want you to finish
this dish, dude.

The sauce is too thin.

Details, details,
details, Boy Scout.

I'm getting a little
flustered right now.

Time is slipping away.

Let the sauce reduce, bro.

Just let it reduce, man.
Stop stirring and let it reduce.

I was a fire explorer going off,

and we go into
burning buildings,

but just for some reason,
I can't turn up the heat here.

Why are you afraid of heat?

This is barely simmering,
and this is off.

These are raw, man. Come on.
Turn the heat up, dude.

I know I need to turn up
the heat, but safety first.

Turn the heat up,
or I'll turn the heat off, man.

-Come on.
-The heat's up.

I just hope I have enough time
to pull this off.

Now you want to start to plate,
or do you want to freak me out?

No, I'm going to start
to plate, Chef. We're good.

-Okay. Thank you very much.
-Yes, sir.

Lily, can I borrow
those minions from you?

[ Whimsical music playing ]

Hopefully, these are done.

1 minute!

Don't forget the nice, big
snow-shower cheese, right?

-Like it's Christmas morning.
-Like it's Christmas morning.

Like it's Christmas morning.
I want snow showers.

...and Tyler just gave us
the gift of cooking.

-Thank you, Chef.
-You're welcome.

Please, be cooked all the way
through, concentrating.


Nice job. Nice job. Nice job.

-You scare me, man.
-I know. Sorry, Chef.

-12 seconds, guys.

ALL: 9...8...



ANNE: That's it. Hands up.
You're done.

Oh! Thank you, Jesus.


This doesn't look too good.

I cannot even believe
that the veggie-table,

vegan, "vagan" plate was the one
to give me the most drama.

I just hope Chef loves it.
I am shaking in my tutu.



So we'll start...

with you, Asaf.

My dish looks beautiful,
like my hair.

[ Saxophone playing ]

But you know don't judge
a dish by its...beauty.


-Did you try your filling?
-Yes. Everything I tried.

-[ Mouth full ] Did you like it?
-I love it.

So what is this big puddle?

It looks like it
came off the cheese,

and the arugula feels
like it's dressed a lot.

But the eggplant tastes great,
the filling tastes great.

I think that
the sauce tastes great.
[ Exhales deeply ]

Look what happens when you
pay attention and you focus.

[ Chuckles ]

All right. Hazell.

I am worried that
my eggplant roll-up tulip

is not going to be
to her expectations.

Great knife cuts
on your basil.



[ Mouth full ]
I just got a lot of chili.

But your Eggplant Rollatini
just cooked really nicely.

Thank you, Chef.
Thank you.

Spencer, come on over.

I feel pretty good.

Everything's there.
Eggplant looks great.

I'm just praying
for the best right now.

-Did you try your filling?
-Yeah. I thought it was good.

-I think it's good, too.
-Thank you.

But it's missing salt.

I think your sauce looks like
it's cooked too much.

Your eggplant itself,
missing salt.

-Missing salt.

Definitely keep tasting
and keep tasting.
Thank you, Chef.

Sylvia, come on up.

I am so happy that at least
I got something on the plant.

Wow. All right.


Your eggplant tastes nice.
Your filling tastes nice.

But...there is not enough sauce,
and it's very spicy.

That's when
the shatter happened.

Right. And I said calm down,
and you were like...

[ Squawks ]


[ Sighs ]
You have to understand
that things go wrong

in the kitchen all the time.

-I'm very used to that.

Brandon, come on up.


How did you
find this process?

I wanted to, you know, really
knock this one out of the park.

And I felt like I did,
you know,

maybe just get into
the morning track,

not all the way out of the park.
-Okay. Yeah, I agree with you.

Robin, these are very
nicely sliced eggplant.

-Thank you.
-[ Laughs ]

Your sauce could've been cooked
more, and it's missing salt.

So I think that
you could do better.

All right. There we go.
Thank you.

Thank you.

Robin, come on up.

So tell me how you
found this process?

I'm really glad that
we covered eggplant

'cause I love eggplant.

I thought I'd kind of put
together like, "Blah,"

like, "Whoo!" [ Laughs ]

So your filling tastes
nicely seasoned,

but this is
a messy plate of food,

which is a bummer
because it tastes good,

but I want it
to look good, too.

-Yes, Chef.

I'm so sorry.

I'm going to do
better next time.

It's okay. You're going
to do awesome.

Lacey, come on up.


[ Crunching ]

[ Mouth full ] Can you hear
how crunchy these are?

-Can you hear this?
-Yeah. Yeah.

-They're kind of raw.

There's not enough cheese.

You know,
there's not enough nuance.

It's missing the black pepper
bite at the very end.

-Yeah, it's a little flat.

-Okay? All right.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, Lacey.

Steve, you're next.
Let's go.

I feel pretty good.
it's a good-looking boodle.


Wow, wow, wow.
That is great.

The Brussels sprouts
are nicely cooked.

The sauce feels a little dry,
but it's delicious, man.

How do you like dem apples?

You've gone from, like, a bozo
in the kitchen to be able to,

like, knock this
out of the park.
[ Laughs ]

-Thank you.

-Shatima, you ready?

My heart is buh-poomping,
buh-poomping so fast.

I think I'm in hot water
with this one.


[ Mouth full ]
It's a little undercooked.

-It's a little raw.

-Oops, oops.
-Yeah, actually I noticed

that you put the
Brussels sprouts in the sauce

instead of putting them
on top.

Yes, that's where my mind
got "combobulated."

I saw you kind of
struggling with this today.

It felt like you
really didn't have it.

This could truly be
the fall of Princess Ti-Ti.

[ Sighs ]



Lily, how you feeling?

-Feeling really good.
-Good. Come on up. Come on up.

The Lily Train is
pulling in the station.


Boom. Pretty plate of food.

And I love this dish
because it tastes, like, meaty.

Usually, I was looking for,
where's the beef?

[ Laughter ]


-[ Whispers ] Wow. Thank you.

-Mmm, mmm, mmm-mmm, mmm.
-Thank you.

The Brussels sprouts could've
been roasted a little longer.

They're a little raw, right?

-I just think this is delicious.
-Thank you.

That's what happen
when you use your noodles.

-Skyler, how'd it go?
-I think it went all right.


The, um, butternut squash
is like too al dente.

The sauce is acidic, like,
the red wine's not cooked out.

The Brussels sprouts
are raw.

This is terrible.

I mean, it's just all looking
really bad right now.

Thank you.

Sharon, come on up, man.


Your noodles are
definitely overcooked,

and then there is something
kind of, like, twangy about it.

Are you kidding?
What did I use twangy?
[ Country music playing ]

-Is this buttermilk?
-No. It's heavy cream.

You need to put buttermilk
in this, instead of heavy cream.

I don't know.
I thought used cream.

I can see the way it's starting
to curdle like this, okay?
Yes, Chef.

I'm disappointed in myself,

but there's no use crying
over spilled buttermilk.

-Thank you.
-I apologize, Chef.


So teams, this week, we tested
your brains and your taste buds,

and we've broadened
your horizons

on the endless
possibilities of veggies.

All right. Let's start with
the good news first, shall we?

Blue team, the winner

of the vegetable challenge...



-Oh, Steven!
-Great job, man.

Whoo! Looks like
I'm the cream of the crop.

It was perfectly cooked,
couldn't be more proud.

-Thank you.
-Red team,

today the differences
between the winner

and who's going home today
were very, very minor.

But I did think that one dish
really did stand out.

The winner on the red team
this week is...



[ Cheers and applause ]

It's nice to see you
though really, like,

buckling down
and seeing things click.

Thank you, appreciate it.

Chef Anne, I knew you love me.

Also, safe this week
on the red team --

Robin, Brandon, Hazell.

That means Sylvia and Spencer,
please step forward.

So, blue team,
the other recruits

that are safe this week --

-[ Whispers ] Thank you.
-Lacey, Sharon.

That leaves Skyler and Shatima
in the bottom two.

Please step forward this way.

Sylvia, you had
a little bit of trouble.

The wheels came off the wagon.

using your mise en place

is getting more
and more successful.

But, you know, when we come
down to this situation,

it's really about the details.

I am prepared to send
one of you home,

but then I remembered...


The red team
has the advantage!

-No one's going home!

[ Laughter ]

Nobody is going home.
You guys are both safe.

Please rejoin your team.

By the grace of some food god,
I have another opportunity.

Blue team does not
have that advantage.

Shatima, you just plainly
weren't organized,

and you got lost
in your own space.

Skyler, you start
cooking way too late.

Sliding in the home plate
in the bottom of the 9th

is exciting in baseball,

but you do it in my kitchen,
and it makes me crazy.


The blue team member that's
leaving this right now is...

I'm praying right now,
"Please keep Skyler this week.

Please keep Skyler this week."


Brother, I'm really sorry.
I need your apron, please.

Yes, sir.

This experience was educational.

-Thanks, man.
-Thank you.

I want to keep expanding my
horizons of cooking and in food.

No, Skyler, please don't go.
Please, please don't let go.

Since this didn't work out,
it looks like Spencer and I

are just going to have
to have our own show,

"Twins Taking On The World,"
coming up next on Food Network.

NARRATOR: On the next
"Worst Cooks in America"...

TYLER: Today, it's all
about game day.

Being in the kitchen
makes me nervous.

Now you're throwing
sports in the mix?

[ Cheering ]

-I have no idea what this is.
-Konnichiwa? What is that?

That is nacho everyday nachos.

TYLER: We are going to be
making stuffed burgers.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay.
Let me make sure I got my corn.

You know what? You don't
have to listen to me.

But you know why
you're here, yes?

Yes, Chef.

[ Sighs ]