Workers (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Workers - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The video was provided by the prosecutor.

It's irrefutable. I couldn't say anything.

All I could do was to make the compensation.

On that typhoon day, I told Clam

to wait for the wind to die down.

But he had a job at another site

so he was in a hurry to take down the scaffold.

That's how the accident happened.

Is it my fault now?

How did the police manage to find this footage?

Where the heck did those two cars come from?

Clam just wanted to earn more.

He has so many workers on his payroll

and a family to feed.

His son is only five.

I know he was moonlighting

and I closed one eye to it.

Just like I do to your silly antics

whenever you hatched one of your

harebrained schemes to get rich quick.

I look the other way and say nothing.

I'm not trying to be an asshole

but we have rules here.

The insurance will cover the bus company's loss

but who's going to cover

the subsequent compensation?

If I really want to be an asshole

I would've made Clam pay for everything.

It's a huge sum of money.

Even if I sell all his equipment

it still won't be enough.

I'm sorry for shouting at you the other day.

But if Clam's equipment isn't enough

to cover the compensation

why not give it back to his wife

so she can pay for his medical fees?

Because, Chang...

I have to answer to the company.

I need to minimise their losses.

I managed to convince the company to wait until

Clam is out of the hospital to seek payment.

Doesn't that mean anything?

Maybe you can ask our co-workers to help him.

We have lots of workers here.

If everyone chips in a bit

you'll raise quite a sum.

Since the law can't help him

it's up to us to see what we can do. OK?

How about this?

I'll be the first to chip in.

One, two, three, four.

You'll have to do the rest.

Get everyone to help.

All right then.

Come on. We need your support.

Clam is still in hospital

but he got fired.

Please help him.

No obligation, any amount is appreciated.

Thanks... thank you.

Good luck and good health to you.

Ma'am... care to help?


Kind-hearted and pretty! What a combo!


Come on, let's all help Clam out.

We're in the same boat.

No obligation, any amount is appreciated.

Thank you... thanks a lot.

What about you?

Thanks... thank you.

God loves you! Mazu loves you.

Buddha loves you. Allah bless you.

All gods bless you. And I bless you.

Help others and you'll be blessed

with health and fortune.

Thank you. Thanks a lot.

Thank you so much! Appreciate it!

Clam is still in hospital.

He needs money for his medical bills.

Please chip in to help him.

NT$100 is good.

And NT$1,000 is even better

Thank you.

Skip one pack of cigarettes

and Clam will recover sooner.

Thank you.

Thanks a lot.

Appreciate it. Come on, Ming-qin.


Thank you.

My, aren't you generous, Ming-qin?

Isn't that the money for your drugs?

Are you sure about giving it away?

Monkey, what's that shit you're saying?

Hey, Ming-qi.

You really should watch your brother.

You think he's so simple and naïve?

Your brother is a big buyer.

You're just too dumb to realise.

Look who's talking?

You're the one buying drugs in bulk

so shut the hell up.

I heard you bought so much

you even qualified for free shipping!

You've spent all your money on drugs

and now you have none to spare for Clam.

Shut the hell up, you friggin' bastard!

This is none of your friggin' business!

You half-blind, limping slacker!

Go to hell!

What? What are you doing?

What are you doing, Ming-qin?


No! Ming-qin!

Ming-qin! Ming-qin!

This is from the Vietnamese...

Hey, they're fighting upstairs!

Stop! Come here!


Ming-qin... Ming-qin!



Lin Ming-qin!

Lin Ming-qin!

What are you doing with that rod?

Are you trying to kill someone?

Donate to help poor Clam


Put it down!

They're your co-workers, your friends!

What do you think you're doing with that rod?

Haven't you have enough of fighting?

Put it down!

-Ming-qi! -You hear me?

-Ming-qi! -What?

My wife just called.


she said Clam has passed away.

Clam is dead!

How could this be?

We were just raising money

for his medical fees.

Take care of yourselves!

Quan, focus

and be careful at the work site!

-Hi. Is this all? -Yeah.

It's 40% off for the second drink.

That will be NT$48 in all.

That's NT$50 from you.

Here's your change of NT$2. Thank you.

So I'm getting a drink because

there's a discount on the second bottle?

I got this because I know you like it.

Mine's the second bottle.

Ever since I met you

I have a lot more receipts than before.

Each receipt is a testimony to our time together.

I'm going to keep these receipts

and make it into a giant heart

to put on display

on our wedding day.

The results of the receipt lottery

will be out today.

Don't forget to check your receipts.

The prize money for this week's lottery

is NT$300 million. Did you try your luck?

-I don't buy lottery. -Why not?

I don't have any luck at lottery.

Maybe your luck has changed since we met.

Do what I do.

Besides going for items on discount

I buy everything individually

to get as many receipts as possible.

To increase my odds of winning.

In the day

I go round and round

Toiling and moiling for a living

In the night

I stay in bed, tossing and turning

Sleepless but longing for a dream

I hear my rational self say

Stop hoping for more

What is not yours will never be

And that's why

The fear that I'll always be alone

creeps up on me, closer each day

So don't call me strong, don't call me brave

Because what choice do I have?

When I'm vulnerable

I wish there is someone there for me

To save me from despair

I don't expect good luck or great fortune

All I ask is for someone who truly loves me

To prove that I'm worthy of

Being cherished

Mrs Chang, where did you find her?

She sings like an angel.

I didn't find her. She found me.

You've built yourself a good reputation.

She ran away from her abusive husband

and came to me for help.

She's had a tough life.

She's so pretty

you'd think her husband would adore her

but he drinks all day.

When he's drunk, he turns his fists on her.

You don't say.

She has skin like a China doll.

It's such a pity.

Her husband wouldn't agree to a divorce.

She'd make a great wife for Ming-qin.

Hey, why for Ming-qin?

I'm pals with Chang.

Besides, I'm younger, better looking

and hung like a horse.

Why don't you find me a wife instead?

You don't need to be well hung to pee.

You're big but floppy.

You don't even have a roof over your head.

Come on. I didn't mean that.

Ming-qin lives in a rental.

It's no place to start a family either.

But he's older, he could use with a wife.

Come on. You're young and handsome

and hung like a horse.

I'll fix you up with a pretty girl.

No, I don't want any pretty girls.

I want my goddess.

(Japanese) Welcome.

Here's your super deluxe ramen

with assorted sashimi.

My goodness.

Pei-pei must have a list of wishes

as long as the Great Wall of China.

Have you ever been there?

Stop flappin' those lips.

Don't encourage him.

Don't be so cheeky!

Take it from me...

That's enough!

Cut it out.

Pei-pei, you're an interesting character.

You don't talk much

but you really can sing.

This is our first outing together

and you brought us to the temple.

That's enough. Stop it.

Where's Quan?

Is he still mad at me?

He's not mad at you. He's mad at himself.

Who's mad?

Here. I ordered this for you.

-Go on, tuck in. -OK, thanks.

-Is there chilli? -Yeah.

This is really spicy.

-That's fine. -Don't take too much.

-Is this enough? -Yeah.


You can't have anything spicy.

You need to watch your blood pressure.

Here, Pei-pei. Have some chilli too.

It makes the food taste even better.

Where are you going?

I'm going to ask the deities

when we'll be able to find

a new place to stay.

Why ask the deities? You can ask me instead.

Sit down.

I'll make enough money

to buy a nice house for the three of us.

When we have grandchildren

they can live with us too.

You hear that? That's the sound

of my prayer being answered.

-She can work magic... -And make miracles.

That's me.

Let's eat.


Are you mad at me

for not taking better care of you

when you were alive?

Or do you think you died before your time?

Or do I just not have the luck?

I noted down your time of death

down to the very second.

But none of the numbers came out in the lottery.

I know what this is about.

You think I'm a good-for-nothing.

You've always favoured Ming-qin over me.

That's fine.

Appear in his dreams then

and give him the winning numbers.

When I was little, I wanted to be an artist.

You told me I would starve.

You said an ironworker makes more money.

You wanted Ming-qin to stay home

and take over your factory.

The truth is

I was the one who didn't want to stay home.

I had zero interest in being an ironworker.

I'm not like Ming-qin.

He inherited your skills and persistence.

Had I known I wouldn't earn much

as an ironworker anyway

I would've gone ahead and be an artist.



Can you hear me, Dad?

Answer me, will you?


Bloody hell! I thought that's your grandpa!

Don't creep up on me!

You nearly gave me a heart attack!

-Dad... -What?


What is it?

I think I won NT$2 million.

Won what?







Double zero...

double zero.


three-four... my god!

You've won NT$2 million!

My god! Jun-jie!

You've won NT$2 million!

You must be a genius!

You spent NT$20 and won NT$2 million!

You're incredible!

Pinch me!

Harder... harder!

My god!

Man, that hurts!

Come here...

Dad, this is my son.

My son, Jun-jie. Your grandson.

So my son is the lucky one!

You're my lucky star!

My Uranus!

My Neptune! My Pluto!

Twinkle, twinkle, little star!

Twinkle, twinkle, little star!

What are you two doing?

Come here... honey.

We're going to be rich!

I'm so tired of hearing you say that.

No... look!

Jun-jie has won the lottery.

It's NT$2 million. Look!

-Really? Let me see! -It's real!

Two frickin' million bucks! Can you believe it?

-It's real! -We're rich!

You're incredible!

When I was pregnant

a fortune-teller said he'd bring us wealth.

Yeah, I know!

Quick! Thank your grandpa. Kneel down.

Thank you so much, Dad!

Thank you, our ancestors!

Topping Out Ceremony

Ming-qi, are you thirsty?

Here, have a drink.

Wow, that's nice of you.

-Did you win the lottery? -No.

That's you, not me.

I'm thinking of opening a prawning facility.

Could you lend me NT$200,000?

I promise

I'll pay you back once I turn a profit.

What do you think?

Ming-qi, I don't need NT$200,000.

All I need is NT$20,000.

NT$5,000 for my car loan

NT$5,000 for my kid's tuition fee

-And NT$5,000 for... -Wait...

Don't tell me what you need the money for.

Tell me how you knew I won the lottery.

Quan told us.

His son, Jun-jie, bought a drink for NT$20

and won NT$2 million!

-Can you believe that? -Quan!

Here comes our hero! A round of applause!

Let's clap for our hero today.

Mr Lin Ming-qi...

What are you going around bragging?

I'm not bragging. I'm telling the truth.

This is great news.

We must let everyone know.

So they'll never look down on us again.

Don't worry. I've got this.

Come on...

Ming-qi is going to buy everyone

all grilled sausages you can eat!

I'm the one who won the lottery, not you!

Oh, it's the same thing.

Don't be mad. Relax.

Listen. I've never, in my life

been treated with such deference.

So, sit back and enjoy.

Deference? You think that's what this is?

-Don't be picky. -Ming-qi?

Yeah, what? I'm listening.

My wife is pregnant.

I thought your wife's almost 50?

Not the one at home. I mean my mistress.

I need money for the baby.

Can you float me some cash?

-Is the baby out? -Not yet.

We'll talk when the baby's out.

It'll be too late by then.

I need tonic for the mummy.

How much do you need?


I'll think about it.

Thank you. Thank you, Ming-qi.


-Boss... -Hang on a second.

What was it you used to call me again?

That dumbass. Now, it's "Boss"?

Don't hold that against me, Boss.

Here, three massage parlor vouchers

for you, Quan and Chang.

He's sucking up to us. We'll take it.

If you take this, you have to help me out.

Tell us. What do you want?

You know what Jiao does for a living.

I want to buy her out of prostitution.

You want to marry her, don't you?


I need NT$300,000.

-But don't you worry! -What's going on here?

The ceremony's over! Get back to work!

What's everyone queuing up here for?

Get cracking! Move it!

Move it! Get back to work!

Not you, Ming-qi.

Here... have a seat.

Ming-qi, listen.

Grab a drink with me tonight.

It's been a long time.

Don't ride home tonight.

You can come in for work later tomorrow.


You need a loan from Ming-qi too?

No, don't call it a loan.

It's just a small favour.

A small favour...

So will you be paying me back?

Yes, of course! With interest.

Don't worry.

Just rest here and wait for the show to begin.

Quan can stay here and chat with you.

Take a break.

Can you believe that?

Even the superintendent wants a loan.

So, are you going to lend him the money?

I don't know.

Will he make our lives hell if I don't?

Hey, put the stools away

before anyone else sits and ask me for money.

I've only seen a queue this long at the doctor's.

Put the stools away.


The superintendent's here!

-Mei-feng. -Yeah?

Everyone at the construction site

wants to get a loan from me.

I think we should redeem our title deed

from the pawnshop.

There's no rush.

That plot of land isn't worth much anyway.

What we should do is use this money

to make even more money.

Once we're rolling in it

we'll spare some cash to redeem the title deed

and buy ourselves another house.

Exactly how do we do that?

We'll invest in stocks.

Look at those billionaire entrepreneurs

with their listed companies.

Their companies are doing really well.

Even if their business were to fail

the government will bail them out. Right?

We'll buy their stocks

reap the profits for a couple of years

and then sell them off at a profit

to make more money.

Honey, I had no idea

you're such a savvy businesswoman.

Well, blame yourself for not earning enough

for me to make any investment...

-What are you doing? -We'll talk later.

Jun-jie's not home.

We can be as loud as we want.

Lunch time!

-Hey, Mrs Chang. -Hey.

-Come on... scoot over. -Sure.

Mind your manners!

Ming-qi, here.

This is good.

-Thank you. -Give me some too.

This is not for you.

-That's too much for me. -Come on.

-Thanks, this is enough. -Eat your own food.

Hey, you two.

Just tell me what you want. We're pals.

You can talk to me.

-Ming-qi... -Yeah?


You know...


What's that?

Well, you know...


What are you saying?

You sound like a needle skipping on a record.

I'll tell him.

Well... Chang and I

need to buy a new house.

We're wondering

if we can borrow some money from you?




How much do you need?


Sure, no problem.

Thank you. Have more to eat.

It's OK...

-That's too much for me. -No, it's not.

-Here... -Hey, Ming-qi.

You won NT$2 million, right?


You know the tax is 20%, right?

Oh yes. I forgot about the tax.

Yeah. So, the tax is NT$400,000.

You're loaning NT$150,000 to Chang

NT$300,000 to Monkey, NT$20,000 to Ming

NT$200,000 to Peanut

NT$500,000 to the superintendent

NT$100,000 to Barrel, NT$8,000 to Radish

and NT$50,000 to me. So...

you have NT$272,000 left.

Why do you need NT$50,000 from me?

Everyone's borrowing money from you.

I don't want to miss out.

Miss out?

You're crazy.

-Stop talking crazy. -Ouch...

Ming-qi, have you lent them the money?


I haven't claimed the prize money yet.

I don't have any money right now.

Look, Ming-qi.

I don't think you should lend anyone money.

OK, so I won't lend you money either.

I mean...

Just kidding.

Of course I'll lend you the money.

Not just that.

I plan to give some to Clam's wife

to help her make ends meet.

Clam is gone.

I wonder how his wife is coping.

What happened here?

Pay up!

These bloody loan sharks.

Anybody home?

It's Quan here!

I'm Ming-qi!

We're here with Chang and his wife.


Where could she be?

I don't think she's home.

What do we do now?

Let's come back another day.

Yeah, we'll come back another day.

Yeah, that's all we can do.

-All right. Let's go. -Let's go.

Mrs Chang!

What happened?

The debt collectors came.

Thugs or loan sharks?

Hell, what's the difference?

I know Clam needed money to turn things around

so he borrowed from the loan sharks

using his wife and kid's passports.

But the kid's only five.

The loan sharks didn't care?

Are you stupid or what?

Those people don't care who you are

as long as they get their money back.

Clam signed the IOU and that's that.

That's why Clam juggled multiple jobs.

He was being hounded by the loan sharks.

Clam only used his son's name

to borrow money from the loan sharks

because he was wanted by the police.

What? Clam was wanted by the police?

-Yeah. -You know how Clam was.

He was a big spender.

He needed money

so he sold his identity for a measly NT$5,000.

Well, guess what happened?

His name was used for something illegal

and he became a wanted man.

What does he want? Why is he fidgeting?

He's hungry.

Here, Zhi.

Good boy. You want a cookie?

This is all you have to eat?

I can't get a job, I have to take care of Zhi.

The loan sharks come

banging on the door every day.

Good boy.

Where are you going?

I'll be back.

Is the fish fresh?

Yeah, straight off the fishing boat.

-This... give me two of this. -Sure.

This looks good.

-I'll take the lot. -Sure.

I'm taking this.

It's hot!

-Thank you. -You're welcome.

Here, I'll feed him. You eat.


It's yummy, right?

So, what's your plan?

We need a new place to live.

What's wrong with here?

Is it the loan sharks?

The landlord is kicking us out.

He wants us gone.

Can you afford to rent a new place?


What are you going to do?

Why don't you come and work for us?

I can show you the ropes.

What about my son?

Who will take care of him?

What are you doing here?

What about you?

It's our day off. Why are you here?

That's why I came to work.

It's quieter with nobody around.

Makes it easier to work.

Ming-qin, I envy you.

I wish I could be like you.

Work hard and earn lots.

But my body can't take the labour.

I don't have dreams like you do.

I don't want to go on blind dates

and I can't see Xiu-ling.

To be honest, I have nothing else to do

besides work.

You used to make models.

You're not doing that anymore?

That's a shame.

I thought of opening a shop

to sell the models you make.

You're always one for coming up with new ideas.

You even thought of going into glove puppetry.

These days

I can't even get my body to move

let alone a glove puppet.

Some days, I wake up

and my leg is totally numb.

I can't feel anything when I stand up.

I'm starting to get how it must have been

for Dad being bedridden.

When I left home and joined the gangs

you helped Dad to keep our factory running.

You and Dad worked so hard

you wrecked your health.

I blame myself for it.

If I had stayed home to help

maybe Dad would still be alive

and you'd be happier too.

Who says I'm not happy?

I want to be a hero and a saviour!

I have my sword in hand and I'm undefeatable

yet I can do nothing to save the ones I love.

There is no feeling more helpless than that.

I thrive on the failure of everyone else!

Your life ends when the music stops!

A scholar has no place on a battlefield!

Stop banging the dishes down.

Don't wash the dishes if you don't want to.

Hey! Those dishes cost money, you know?

Oh, so money is a concern now?

Why did you lose Jun-jie's receipt then?

I'm talking to you. Do you hear me?

I'm eating here!

You're wasting food over a crummy receipt?

Do you know how many people

are starving out there?

Don't try to change the subject.

Tell me the truth. Where's the receipt?

I lost it.

Lin Ming-qi!

That's not just any receipt.

That receipt is worth NT$2 million!

We kept that receipt on the altar

so our ancestors could watch over it.

Are you saying it sprouted wings and flew away?

I took it to claim the prize money

but I lost it on the way.

Why didn't you get lost instead

and leave the receipt to Jun-jie and me?

I should've gone ahead with the divorce.

I must've offended your ancestors

in my previous life

to end up your wife in this lifetime.

I've been through so much with you

all these years.

I thought I've finally paid my dues.

But, no...

I've even dragged my son down with me.

What has this got to do with Jun-jie?

It has everything to do with him!

It was his receipt and his prize money!

Money, money, money!

You're always yelling at me over money!

I'm not mad at you over the money.

I'm just mad at you!

Because you don't care about our son!

You've never spared a thought for him!

I've never spared a thought for him?

Did I let him starve? Or sleep on the streets?

Does he have to work to feed himself?

Did I let you do that, Jun-jie?

-No! -You stole his money!

Fight all you want

but don't use me as your excuse.

I used to fantasise that I was adopted.

One day, my real dad would come for me.

And he'd be super rich.

Seems like every kid had that fantasy.

Did you?

No, my mum made it very clear to me early on.

She told me my dad was a gangster.

Have you met your dad?

My memories of him are hazy.

I remember when I was little

he'd promise to take us to the beach.

To Japan, to the US... to lots of places.

But he was all talk.

We never went anywhere.

The farthest we ever went

was to the neighbourhood convenience store.

Do you know where he is now?

Where he is?

Going in and out of jail, I guess.

Why doesn't he visit you?

Maybe he doesn't want to

get me or my mum into trouble.

He doesn't want the police or gangsters

knocking on our door in the middle of the night.

I think a single-parent family has its perks.

You wouldn't have to put up with

your parents fighting all the time.

It takes two to fight.

Your parents had another fight?


Your dad had another one of his

get-rich-quick ideas?


They were fighting over my receipt.

Your receipt?

My dad lost my winning receipt.

He lost it?


Is that what your dad said?


But that's not what I heard.

I heard your dad gave it to Clam's wife.


Everyone knew about it.

It was all the construction workers talked about

when they came here.

They said Clam's wife went to see your dad

with her son in tow

and kowtowed to him

to thank him for the NT$2 million.

I think the son has Down's syndrome.

I also heard Clam felt really bad

because he owed the three bozos

NT$20,000 in medical fees.

Who are the three bozos?

Has that got to do with your dad too?

The workers joked about your dad

giving NT$2 million to Clam's wife

so he wouldn't have to lend anyone the money.

After all, no one would

ask a widow with a kid for a loan.

Are you crying over what your dad did

or over the NT$2 million that's gone?

Don't cry...

Mrs Chang, where's Pei-pei?

She's gone.


Her husband tracked her down.

She ran away before he could drag her home.

She could've ask us for help.

We could've fought him off for her.

Fight him off? How many times can you do that?

If we weren't about to lose our house

she could've stayed with us.

I don't know where she went

or how she's going to survive.

Mrs Chang.

I know I agreed to lend you money

for your new house.

I'm sorry I can't do that now.

Are you crazy?

Clam's wife and his kid needed that money

way more than we do.

We could always rent a place to stay.

They're homeless with the loan sharks

breathing down their necks.

We're so much more fortunate.

I have a great wife.

She's so generous.

Me, generous?

I'm nothing compared to Ming-qi.

I would never have given away

my prize money just like that.

Yeah, I've got to go.

Get him to see a doctor.

His limp is getting worse.

Thankfully the weather's been holding up.

The bout of rainy weather a while back

slowed us down a little...

What's going on over there? Who's that slacker?

Ming-qi... wake up.

No, sir...

Calm down... Ming-qin.

It's blistering hot out there

and we've been working for four hours!

Don't we deserve a break?

We're humans too, you know!

If that general manager has such high standards

tell him to go out and do the work himself!

If he even lasts two hours

I'll quit and take Ming-qi with me!

No, Ming-qin.

Calm down and listen to me.

They sit behind a desk all day.

They don't get it. So just ignore them.

Tell Ming-qi to take a few days off.

I promise I'll get him his job back.

I've got this, all right?

I'll make us some tea.

Don't get upset. I'll handle it.

Here... have some tea.

Sit down... come on.

-Hello? -Hey, Ming-qi.

What is it, Ming-qin?

I've got a side gig.

Why don't you join me?

No. I've got a job building a sheet metal house.

A sheet metal house?

-By yourself? -Yeah.

Why didn't you tell me?

I can do it with you.

It's OK. The owner is in a rush to get it done.

I can do it myself.

Focus on your own work.

Come and help me if you have time to spare.

Tell the owner two pairs of hands

is faster than one.

It's OK. I can do it alone.

I need to buck up and pull my own weight.

Ming-qin, let me know

if there are jobs out there for me.

Be careful then.

I've got to go.

Talk to you again.

Bloody hell!