Workers (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Money cures me - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Move aside!

Superintendent! We have a dead crocodile here!

Should we call the police or the ambulance?

Move aside! Move!

Out of my way! What are you doing? Hell...

What's the big deal?

I knew it must be you guys.

What's going on here?

Why do we have a crocodile falling from the sky?

Why did you choose to kill yourself?

You could have come to us with your problems.

It didn't kill itself.

It's your fault! You gave it alcohol.

It got drunk and fell down.

Don't be ridiculous.

You drank and kept a crocodile

at my construction site?

Are you trying to screw me over?

What are you doing, Ming-qi?


-Ming-qi! -Why are you going up there?

Listen, I'm not calling the police.

I don't want any trouble

from the Labour Inspection Office.

Get rid of the dead crocodile

and I want that bathtub gone now!

Hell, we have to move it again?

Damn my bad luck.

You're not the unlucky one here.

The crocodile is.

Shouldn't have filled it up with so much water.

Hey, Crocodile.

I know you wanted to make it big

but you should do it the right way.

Why were you so careless?

First nail to the east. Wood.

Bless our offspring with wellness.

-Bless them! -Bless them!

Second nail to the south. Fire.

Bless our offspring with prosperity.

-Bless them! -Bless them!

Third nail to the west. Metal.

Bless our offspring with wealth.

-Bless them! -Bless them!

Fourth nail to the north. Water.

Bless our offspring with fortune.

-Bless them! -Bless them!

Fifth nail to the centre. Earth.

Bless our offspring

with a life as long as Peng Zu.

-Bless them! -Bless them!

Who's Peng Zu?

Beats me.

How do you know this funeral rite?

I used to work for a funeral service.

I was the master of ceremonies.


Sounds like a cushy job. Why did you quit?

Day in day out, all I saw was people crying.

It's bad luck.

When my time is up

I want a joyous send-off.

Complete with singing and dancing.

Make it a party.

You just want strippers there, don't you?

You really know me.

I wonder if our crocodile

was happy before it died.

Don't worry. It was drunk

and it all happened in an instant.

I bet it didn't feel a thing.

I can't believe you gave it alcohol.

May our crocodile rest in peace.

No more pain.

No more pain.

Hi, Mei-feng.

You're here.

Hi, Dad.


Use this money to hire a caregiver.

Ming-qin, has your brother been

doing ad-hoc jobs with you?


Good that you reminded me.

Here's the money he made in the past few days.

He would only fritter it away so...

This is so thoughtful of you.

Take these apples home.

Dad won't be able to eat so many.

Don't let it go to waste.

I don't mean to be a nag, Ming-qin

but I know how hard you work

to earn your money.

You don't have to leave money

under Dad's pillow for him.

Dad has no use for the money.

Your brother's just going to waste it.

Sometimes, I feel like I'm raising two kids.

Your brother can be

even more immature than his son.

Give him an inch and he'll take a mile.

You know how reckless he gets

when he has money in his wallet.

He knows no matter

what trouble he gets himself into

you'll get him out of it.

The more you help him

the more trouble he gets himself into.

You're doing him more harm than good.

I'm sure most people are familiar with both

antiques auctions and live streaming

but have you seen an auction streamed live?

It's all meat today?

These are for our crocodile.

Of course it's all meat.

Wait! Are you that hungry?

Here. To our crocodile.

No more pain. Free and happy at last!

Bottoms up!

Hey, Ming-qi.

Why don't we skin the crocodile and make a bag?

Maybe not a big and expensive one

but a small, cheap bag is better than nothing.

Hey. Our crocodile died so tragically

and you want to skin it for a few quick bucks?

Have you no heart?

May our crocodile not be reborn on a farm

but in a river

where it can roam wild and free.

Mr Ma claims it's genuine.

So now, let's see if this Kangxi porcelain

is worth more than the NT$400,000

Mr Ma paid for it.

Will our gavel be used

to seal the deal or smash the porcelain?

Mr Ma, are you ready?

I'm ready.

Now, let's have the appraiser tell us its worth!

This porcelain that Mr Ma owns...

is worth NT$1 million!

NT$1 million for a lousy vase?

They dig something out from under their beds

and it's worth a million.

While we've dug out nothing but crap.

Thank you, Mr Ma

for making today's show so engaging.

And thank you for watching our show.

Don't forget to join us

at the same time next week.

Be bold and your dream just might come true!

Chang, I don't have enough money on me.

Can you pay for this meal?

The next round's on me.

Not again? My wife cut off my allowance

after she found out about us

buying the Phra Phrom statue.

But you have money tucked away.

Well, I don't have it on me right now.

You just don't want to pay for lunch!

Well, it's your turn to pay!

Can you pay for our lunch?

Hell, just my luck to be buddies with you.

What? Hey, Quan...

Where are you going?

My money's in the truck.

Hey, kiddo.

I think we've hit the jackpot this time.

Jun-jie! Where are you?

Come on out!

-Come here, quick! -What?

Come here and take some photos of this.

It's for an auction show. Here.

That cremation urn?

What do you want photos of it for?

It's not a cremation urn. It's an antique.

An antique? Really?

Look. It's written here

that it's from the Ming Dynasty.

And you believe that?

We dug this out.

We need to get it appraised.

What did you do now? Raid a tomb?

Quan dug it out while operating a digger.

-You found this at a construction site? -Yeah.

You know, there was this construction site

in Germany for an amusement park.

They dug out a dead kid.

Turned out the place

used to be an orphanage during WWII.

Lots of kids buried there.

There are more than just dead bodies underground.

You're missing the point.

They weren't just dead kids.

The point is they were dead kids from WWII.

-You know what that means? -What?

They are historical relics.

See? I told you!

I'm the chosen one.

Yeah, chosen for the rubbish heap.

You brat! Start taking the photos already.

Don't smack me on my head.

Here. Make sure you capture the details.

If it's really from the Ming Dynasty

what is it doing in Taiwan?

What's wrong with finding it in Taiwan?

Taiwan wasn't part of their territory.

Who did Taiwan belong to then?

-The Dutch. -Yeah, that's it!

Maybe the Dutch brought it over.

Hide it.

Before you mum pitches another fit.

-You're back. -You're home?

Oh hey, Ming-qin.

I asked him to join us for dinner.

Did you give her money again?

Women are all the same.

They need money to feel secure.

Why didn't you answer the phone if you're home?

I wanted you to get some groceries.

My phone didn't ring. Where's my phone?

I'll call you.

No, no... I'll find it myself.

Why is your phone in our son's room?

I was gaming on Dad's phone.

OK. Come and help me.

Dad is out of the ICU.

You'll find him in the general ward.

Go and see a doctor

before you visit him tomorrow.

Your asthma is getting worse.

You're keeping me up at night.

Doctors are useless.

Look at Clam. He's still in the hospital.

A surgery will easily cost thousands.

These doctors are just after your money.

I already know what they'll say.

"Get more rest and exercise."

If I rest, we're all going to starve.

I work my ass off everyday.

That's exercise, isn't it?

That's labour, not exercise.

Don't be stubborn.

Do you want to end up bedridden like your dad?

No, that's not going to happen.

Look how hard it is taking care of Grandpa.

If you don't take care of yourself now

I'll have to take care of you when you're ill.

-Exactly. -Please go see a doctor.

What for?

I might as well go straight to the Grim Reaper.

A doctor's just going to make me sick.

I'm not stupid.

But you sure are blind.

You little brat!

Stop it already!

You're not so different.

A deadbeat dad with his deadbeat son.

Speak for yourself. What kind of a mum are you?

What kind of a mum am I?

A tiger mum.

Nobody forced you to marry me.

I couldn't help myself.

You make a pretty tigress.

Enough of your nonsense and hurry up.

I'm getting hungry.

15, 24...

25, 31...

40, 46...

And the special number is 5.

-Nothing for me. -Just my luck.

That's money down the drain.

Hey, don't litter. Pick up your trash.

Hey, can't you hear me?

How dare you ignore me!

Who are you? This is a construction site.

You need a permit to be here.

Superintendent! I'm sorry.

She's here to help take down the formwork.

Take down the formwork? Her?

She's small, but she works faster

and harder than the guys.

All right, if you say so.

I'll leave it to you.

So what's her name?


And I'm Balu, Superintendent.

Why don't you ever ask for my name?

Shut up, I don't need to know your name.

Be careful, Pei-pei.

These guys are a bunch of lechers.

Hey, you guys.

Behave yourselves or I'll break your legs.

Get back to work. What are you doing?

NT$200 as usual?

Quick pick.

Here. Good luck.

Thank you.

I need a girl.

Behind that door.

How much is it?

This new batch is pretty. NT$3,800.

I can give you a discount. NT$3,500.

That expensive?

-It's worth it. -Can I just go for half?

No, just kidding.

If I do it once a week with my wife

I'd save NT$14,000 a month.

NT$28,000 if we do it twice a week.

The more we do it, the more I save.

What a bargain!

I'm starving.

Wait... let's get this straight.

Who's paying for this meal?

I don't have any money on me.

It's your turn to pay, right?

Hell, aren't you calculating?

-Fine, I'm done being buddies. -Yeah?

-All right! -Fine!



Ming-qin! Have you eaten?

I'm going to have seafood.

Seafood? Great. We'll join you!

Hey, we're going for seafood. Come on!


It's on me, but he's lending me the money.

This is on me, the next round's on you.

Hi. Are you ready to order?

I want your boss to take our order.

My boss?

Yeah, your boss. Are you the boss?

Hi, gentlemen. Is this your first time here?


Your restaurant is really posh.

-Very grand. -Thank you.

I'll serve up some complimentary appetisers.

Great, thank you.

What would you like to order?

Shall I recommend a few dishes?

Jumbo shrimp, curry flavoured pumpkin stew.

Fish maw shark fin soup.

My daughter says sharks are endangered.

We shouldn't order shark fin.

Lobster with custard bun.

Ming-qin, I was kidding about

having lobsters. Don't order that.

Minced shrimp with scallops and romaine lettuce.

Provence pork ribs.

Abalone with seaweed and oyster sauce.

He's ordering the expensive stuff.

-Are you sure this is on him? -I don't know.

That's enough food for four.

Why don't you cancel the last dish?

I'll serve up fruits and dessert on the house.

Grilled eel with seasonal vegetables.

Chicken soup with soft-shelled turtle.

Oyster and mullet roe with fruit.

Won't all that cholesterol give us a stroke?

We'll eat and find out.

And a bottle of your best wine.

You have good taste, sir.

You've ordered all of our signature dishes.

Sit back and have some tea.

I'll have the kitchen prepare your dishes.


-Ming-qin! -Ming-qi...

A bowl of abalone here costs more than

what I earn in three days!

Ming-qin has always been thrifty.

What's gotten into him today?

The boss here is his ex-girlfriend.


So he's not really here to eat.

-He's here to get her back? -No.

Is that his child she's carrying?

No! She's married.


Ming-qin was 23 when they got together.

Her mum found out Ming-qin was an ironworker

and wanted to break them up.

She said she'd allow them to be together

if Ming-qin had NT$1 million.

She didn't know my family had an iron factory

and we were rich.

My dad gave her NT$2 million right away.

-Her mum was dumbfounded. -Nice!

One month later, they moved abroad

and disappeared without a trace.

So this is about the money?

No... listen.

After they broke up

Ming-qin became a different person altogether.

He felt inferior

and he blamed it all on my dad.

He picked fights with my dad

and blamed him for giving birth to him.

He left home when he was 25

to join a gang.

He quit his job as an ironworker.

My dad had to go down

to the police station every other day

sometimes even in the middle of the night

to bail him out.

My dad cried and begged him to come home

but he refused.

When he was 29

he got into a gang fight

and he was stabbed a dozen times.

He nearly died.

He was in the hospital for months.

Still, he reused to come home.

But thankfully

he came back to our factory to work.

Hi there! Welcome back to our show.

Be bold and your dream just might come true.

Today, we have antique appraiser

-Mr Li here with us. -Hi.

These three gentlemen are here today

to have their item appraised.

Please say hello to our audience.


May I know how you're related?

Are you friends or relatives?

We're co-workers.

You're co-workers. I see.

Which company do you work for?

We work at construction sites.

Construction sites?

So you're construction workers.

What do you do exactly?

I'm an ironworker. He does formwork.

And he operates a digger.

But be it cranes, trucks... you name it

he can operate it.

Hey, Mr Digger.

Why do you keep looking straight ahead?

Join in the chat.

Aren't we supposed to face the camera?

-What an idiot! -Oh, Mr Digger.

You're hilarious. He's right.

We do have to face the camera

but you can look my way too.

The camera can capture you all the same.

Turn towards me. Relax...

It's all right. Join in the chat.

It's all right. Just relax.

Now, let's take a look at the urn

they've brought here.

This urn of yours is really special.

It says here that it's made in the Ming Dynasty.

And there's even a dragon drawn here.

Where did you get this?

-I dug it out. -You dug it out?

With a digger?


What else have you dug out?

Human remains...

pythons, coffins

unexploded bombs, dismembered limbs

modified guns and several safes.

Let's see if this urn is the real deal.

-Mr Li, please. -Hey, gorgeous!

NT$100's worth of unripe betel nuts.

So, Mr Li.

Please tell us how much it's worth.

-NT$600,000. -NT$600,000!

-NT$600,000! -NT$600,000!



I have NT$600,000!

-Why isn't it a million? -NT$600,000!

That dude spent NT$400,000

buying his million-dollar vase.

Ours cost us nothing!

Now we've made NT$600,000!

-Who got the better deal? -NT$600,000!

NT$600,000... NT$600,000!

Come here... sit down.

The camera's still rolling. Come back here..

Sit down.

Where are you taking me?

If you won't tell me, just drop me off here.

Drop me off here! You hear me?

If you didn't want to come with me

why did you get on my bike?

Why did you call me?

You left your number on the wall

because you wanted me to call you, right?

I didn't know what else you'd do

if I didn't call you.

Pull over!

Pull over, sir!

Pull over!

Pull over!

Show me your licence.

-Why didn't you stop? -Why should I stop?

-Don't you know you were speeding? -No!

What are you shouting for?


-Be nice to your wife! -She's not my wife!

Be nice to her, whoever she is!

Why were you speeding?

-Trying to get yourself killed? -Yeah!

So I can get reborn as a policeman!

A lawyer! A doctor! A legislator!

A restaurant owner!

Lin Ming-qin! Take it out on me if you must!

Stop yelling at the police!

Judging from its shape, the painted pattern

and the texture of the clay

this urn does date back to the Ming Dynasty.

-Yeah! -Reign marks

are a common feature on Ming porcelain.


But this urn wasn't made in an imperial kiln.

That's why it's only worth so much.

It's already a windfall to us!

This is what I like about blue-collar workers.

They're the glass-half-full sort

and they don't ask for much.

My goddess just texted me

to congratulate me on striking it rich.

I'll buy you that branded bag you've been eyeing.

Sorry about that...

Sorry about that...

Wait... I have a call coming in.


Hello to you, Mr Li and the three guests.

What a polite fellow.

May we know the purpose of your call?

I don't mean to upset anyone

but that urn isn't from the Ming Dynasty.

It's a replica I made in high school

based on a picture of a Ming porcelain

in my history textbook.

Hey, mind what you say.

Don't go shooting your mouth off.

If you want this urn so badly

I'll give you a 20% discount.

Sir, you claim this urn

to be a replica you made in high school

but can you prove it?

I can. I've just sent you a photo.

Oh, you did? Give me a second.

Let me see...

It does look like the same urn.

See that? It's...

What the hell?

It's exactly the same, Mr Li.

No way...

I believed in you, Mr Li!

I may have misjudged

since I performed a visual appraisal

without the use of any tools.

Judging from this photo

our caller is an extremely skilled potter.

You even got me fooled.

You should consider

going into pottery professionally.

So... I'm sorry, gentlemen.

It's not an antique after all.

This is our appraisal for it.

Thank you, Mr Digger and friends

for making today's show so engaging.

And thank you for watching our show.

Don't forget to join us again

at the same time next week.

Be bold and your dream just might come true.

Excuse me...

Oh, it's you!

Oh, you're the Phra Phrom dude.


-We're his family... -We're his family.

Lin Ming-qin is my brother. What did he do?

-He's your brother? -Yeah.


Are you all right?

Here, take this.

You'll need it here.

To keep your "backdoor" secure.

No need to thank me.

Why is she here?

Did you guys... get back together?

His family is here. I'll leave it to you.

-He's your brother? -Yeah.

We could charge him with obstruction of justice.

What happened?

We pulled him over for speeding

and he yelled at us.

He had a pregnant lady riding pillion.

We suspected that he was drunk

so we brought him in for a sobriety test.

-Sorry about this. -Take him home.

-He shouldn't be riding tonight. -OK.

I'll talk to him. So sorry about this.

Come back tomorrow for his motorcycle.

What if he had gotten into an accident?

His passenger is pregnant!

Yes... I'm really sorry.


-Are you all right? -I'm OK.

Thank goodness you're all right.

Let's go.

Where were you thinking?

She's heavily pregnant.

How could you have her on your bike?

If something were to happen

how are you going to answer for it?

Yeah, Ming-qin.

Just tell me if you're going on a date.

I could've lent you my truck.

What were you thinking buying him underpants?

Hell, it's a precaution.

I was worried for Brother Ming-qin.

What did you just call him?

Brother Ming-qin?

I don't hear you calling me your brother.

I'm his big brother, mind you.

You don't deserve that honour.

I had myself a nice little urn

I was using as my piggy bank.

If we hadn't gone on TV

I'd still have it right now.

I'll be honest with you.

If we weren't streaming live

I would've punched you.

I didn't know they'd really smash it.

I bragged about it to my wife.

Now look what happened.

This is so embarrassing.

This sucks.

Ming-qin, it has been years. Let it go.

Xiu-ling is happily married.

And she's having a baby soon.

If you really love her

you should be happy

that she has such a doting husband.

He's so much older than her.

Of course he has to dote on her.

Yeah, you're younger, but so what?

You're stubborn and ill-tempered.

If I were a woman, I'd prefer an older man

to someone like you.

Bloody hell! Slow down!

Sit properly.


Dinner's ready.

What are you standing there for?

Sit down and eat. The food's getting cold.

What a spread.


The next time you need a suit

don't wear the one you got from Uncle Ming-qi.

We'll go shopping for one that fits you better.

You saw the show?

That suit didn't fit you

but among the three bozos

you're still the best-looking one.

Here. Your favourite.

You're the best cook in the world.

That goes without saying.

You're one lucky man. Here.

Did you help your mum in the kitchen?

Yeah. I made this.

Yeah, right. You made this?

She made these two dishes.

-I can't tell. -I made them. Really.

It's this scent of hers

I can't help

but lean closer

It's this scent of hers

I can't help

but lean closer

Excuse me. Pray tell...

what have the three of you been up to?


Is Dad my sole responsibility now?

You haven't visited him for two days.

Do you expect me to do all the work?

We've hired a caregiver, haven't we?

The caregiver?

You're fine with leaving Dad in her care?

Great. I won't bother visiting Dad

at the hospital anymore then.

Pray hard that the caregiver

will take good care of your dad

when no one's watching.

Yeah, you took such great care of Dad

he got scabies.

How dare you throw that in my face!

That was two years ago

and you're bringing it up now?

Who cleaned Dad up after he soiled himself?

When Dad was choking on his phlegm

in the middle of the night...

When the pills got stuck in his throat

and he threw up all over himself...

where were you?

You were daydreaming away!

Now you're saying it's my fault Dad had scabies?

Dad is so heavy

and you never help out.

How do I turn him over on my own?

I've never once blamed you

and now you're blaming me?

How dare you!

-Don't do this, Mum! -Let go!

Your dad thinks he knows everything.

He can take care of your grandpa on his own!

If you're not going to study

leave with me!

Come on, Mum.

Apologise to her, Dad.

Relax. She just needs some fresh air.

It will calm her down.

Get up... get up!

-What? What do you want? -Get up!

Why should I have to go?

I've been taking care of this family

since the day I married you.

This is my home.

If anyone's leaving, it's you!

Get out, you jerk!

-Get out! -Bloody hell!

I didn't say I want to leave!

You crazy woman!

I'm so done with you!


Even my son has turned against me.

I might as well kill myself.

He's here, Monkey!

Come on... come on!

Hey, Ming-qi! Check this out.

-What? -Come here. Look!

It's an antique!

Crazy bugger.

Here, Mrs Chang.


-Hey, Monkey! -Yeah?

Put your potty away. It reeks.

Up yours!

What is everyone doing?

I'm paying you to work, not trade insults!

Quan! Come here.

What's wrong with you?

How could you stand him up?

That superintendent is an asshole.

You walked off leaving the digger overturned.

Now you're cursing him?

He cursed me first.

And I've done nothing wrong.

I told him I'd move the digger

after the sun came up

but he wanted it done immediately.

What was the rush?

Do you know how much it cost them

to get a crane to right the digger?

NT$130,000. And you're paying for it.


They paid half the fine for you the last time.

Now they're upset and insist you pay for this.

What? Hell!

Where am I going to get so much money?

Figure it out yourself.

I'm not paying you a single cent

until you've paid them back in full.

I got you that gig

because you begged me for extra work.

I need that superintendent's help.

I can't afford to offend him.

Pay him back or you can forget about

working at a construction site again.

There are so many construction sites in Taiwan.

I'll find a job somehow! Hell!

Hey, punk!

Don't forget you signed a contract with me!

Going to work?

What's wrong?

Your friend?

Why didn't you say so?

Shameless piece of shit! Scumbag! Asshole!

Which sewer did you crawl out from?

You turd-face, gutless tosser!

Go to hell, you shit-sucking

piss-guzzling wank-sock!

I don't mean to be so crude

but that cop is a real bastard.

What has he done to you?

Back when I worked in a brothel

he would saunter in

and demand we sleep with him for free.

He threatened to arrest us

when we turned him down.

Was he asking you for another freebie?

No, I ran into him

and he asked me how much I charge.

Lots of construction workers here.

That's why the cops patrol this area.

This place is trouble, stay away.

But I have something for my daughter.

You have a daughter?


That's her.

The one mopping the floor.

Her name is Yu.

But it's dinner time.

Lots of construction workers in there.

I don't want to run into a client in there

and embarrass her.

So I've been waiting here

for her to take a break.

Will you give this to her for me?

It's pork broth, good for her legs.

She tore her ligament

taking a bus during the typhoon.

Her foot is still in a plaster cast.

Give this to her for me

and tell her to drink every drop.

Help me out, will you? I've got to go.

Thanks! See you!


What's this?

It's from your mum. She wants you to drink it.

I'm her uncle.

Hey, Uncle.

Say hi to your cousin.

But I don't have a...

Hi, Cousin!

Watch where you're going.

Uncle, how did you meet that cousin of mine?

What are you doing here?

Mum wants me to bring Dad to the doctor's.

Dad's eyesight is getting worse.

He keeps bumping into things.

She kicked him out of the house, didn't she?

My dad told you that?

Wow, he tells you everything.

Even the embarrassing stuff.

You know my mum.

She fights with Dad all the time

but she can't stop worrying about him.

That's women for you.

Always getting upset over one thing or another.

We just have to go along with it.

My "cousin" doesn't seem like that type though.

I'm warning you. Leave that girl alone.

So how did you get to know her?

-Bloody hell! -Be careful!

Ming-qin! Don't sneak up on me like that!

-Hey, Dad. -Jun-jie?

What are you doing here?

Mum wants me to take you to the doctor's.

I don't need a doctor.

I can't go home until you've been to one.

I need to study, you know.

Just lie to her and say I've seen a doctor.

She wants a doctor's note.


I'll ask my superintendent to write one.

Ming-qin, why don't you write one for me?

You have nice handwriting.

What do you see?


No, it's 22.

No, it's not.

Don't you know basic maths?

Two plus two is four.

Did all that studying rot your brain?


What are you doing?

Quan wants to go into recycling

to earn an extra buck.

He's losing money operating a digger.

Listen, some people have no decency.

They kick us around and look down on us.

I'd rather be my own boss

and collect recyclables for a living.

Sounds profitable!

Why didn't I think of this?

Here he goes again.

Not bad.

You've been listening to what I say.

You're a smart kid.

What's up with you?

Nothing's up with me.

You don't need any capital for this.

Listen. If you don't mind the stink, the dirt

the back-breaking labour

or being out in rain or shine

you'll make a fortune in recycling.

Sounds no different from working construction.

You need skills to be a construction worker

but not for collecting recyclables.

You just have to be hardworking for that.

Please, Ming-qi.

I need this job to pay off my debt.

I owe the superintendent lots of money.

Don't fight over this with me.

Don't worry.

We'll work together to get you out of debt

and make a fortune.

Come on.

Dad, aren't you going to see a doctor?

I don't need no doctor.

Money cures everything.

What do you see?


So this is 27, but that wasn't 22?

Stop nagging. Go home.


-Could you pick that up? -Sure.


I've got it.

OK. Let's go.

All right, let's go. Chop chop!

Stop... stop!

What is it?

What are you doing?

Hey, Granny. I'll help you with that.

Here we go!


One, two, three... push!

Thank you, young man.

You're welcome.

You take care now, Granny!


"Young man"!

Feels good to play the good Samaritan, huh?

That granny called me "young man".

I must look younger than I thought.

Ming-qi, that granny is competition.

Should you be helping her?

All she has is that tiny cart.

You have this huge truck. Relax.

Once this business takes off

we'll have our own recycling yard

and make more money.

He's an ambitious one.

Of course. I'm the chosen one.

If I can't be famous, I'll settle for being rich.

Well said. Let's have a taste of

what it's like to be rich.

Where are we going?

Where are we going?

Don't lead me astray.

I'm a married man!

I feel rejuvenated.

Like I'm 18 again.

For once, my bad back isn't bothering me.

I told you. Money cures everything.

Money keeps you healthy.

A wad of cash a day keeps the doctor away.

The rich gets to party it up

while the poor can only suck it up.

-You're a smart lad. -Hear hear!

Hi there. Wow, hunks in the house today.

Special service, anyone?

-Me! -Hey, cutie.

-Come with me. -I'm coming!

I'm going to party it up.

Go ahead. We'll just stay here.

He's going to regret overusing it

when he's old and can't get it up.

He'll be fine. He's young and strong.

Look at you, grinning away.

You had a good time in there, huh?

You should have taken up her offer.

Let me take a look.

Go ahead.

Did she serve you herself?

I'm not telling.

Where's my truck?