Word Party (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 12 - The Lost Apple - full transcript

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Come on!

[all] Word party!

♪ The party's just begun ♪

♪ There's a word
For what we're gonna have ♪

♪ And that word is fun ♪


♪ Word party, everyone ♪

-♪ Party ♪
-♪ The word is fun ♪

♪ We're the babies
You're the big kids ♪

♪ Teach us all the words you know ♪

-♪ Ready, set, let's go!
-♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Word party ♪

♪ The party's just begun ♪

♪ There's a word
For what we're gonna have ♪

♪ And that word is fun ♪

♪ Word party ♪

[narrator] The babies
are just finishing up their lunch.

We want to play,
but Bailey is being a slowpoke eater.


Mmm, I just like to enjoy my food.

Mmm! Yummy pineapple. Hmm.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.


Oh, yes!

The banana says you're being a slowpoke.


Bananas don't talk, Kip!

I know!

-Okay, I'm done.
-[all three] Yay!

-Let's play!
-[Kip] Yeah!

What's the matter, Bailey?

Don't you like apples?

I love all kinds of fruit,
um, and especially apples.

But why not just eat it now?

Because good things
taste even better when you wait.

I'm not good at waiting!

[chuckles] Me no good too!

That's why I can't wait for playtime!

We need Clickety Clock
to tell us what time it is.

Yes! Clickety Clock, where are you?

[all] Ooh! Oh!

Uh, where he go?

Let's go find him!

-Clickety Clock!
-Clickety Clock, I'm a-comin'!

Clickety Clock!

I'll be back, apple!

♪ Clickety Clock goes tickety-tock ♪

♪ Ticking the time away ♪

♪ Clickety here ♪

♪ Clickety there ♪

♪ Where's Clickety Clock today? ♪

♪ Clickety near, Clickety far ♪

♪ Clickety big surprise ♪


-Jump time.

♪ Before your eyes ♪

♪ Clickety Clock goes tickety-tock ♪

♪ Tickety-tock goes Clickety Clock ♪

♪ Clickety-clockety, tickety-tockety ♪

♪ Clickety Clickety Clock ♪

♪ Clickety-clockety, tickety-tockety ♪

♪ Clickety Clickety Clock ♪

-[Kip] Oh, boy!

What time is it, big kids?

[drum roll]

[big kids] Time to play!

[narrator] It's time for the babies
to play! Don't forget your apple, Bailey!



[Franny] Playtime!
[Bailey] Let's play!

-Let's see.
-[Kip] What should we play?

[Franny] I don't know.

Who wants to play a brand-new game?

-Ooh! Me, me, me!
-Ooh, I wanna play!

-New game!

It's called four monkeys!

[all three] Ooh!

We each get to be a monkey,
scratching our bellies like this,

or moving our arms like this!

-Let's do it!
-Let's do it now!



I'm a monkey!

I'm a monkey too!

We're all monkeys!

-Hi, Raffe.

Lulu? What are you doing?

Oh, I play Raffe, not monkey.

But we can't play four monkeys,

if there's only one, two, three of us.

Hmm. New game.

This one's called three monkeys.

Hmm... Yeah!

That works!



Me monkey.


-We're monkeys!
-I'm a monkey!

-I'm getting hungry!
-Ooh, Raffe. Look. Yum-my!

Here, Raffe. Eat.

[munches] Chew, chew!

Okay, scratch that belly.

-Scratch your belly!
-Scratch, scratch, scratch!

Great job, Bailey! You get a banana!

-Oh, thanks! But that's okay.

All I want is my apple later.

Okay! Maybe I'll eat the banana then.

Hey! Hey, Lulu, Lulu!

Come play! This is so much fun!

[laugh and whoops]

-[Bailey] Yay!

Come on, Raffe! This way! Come on!

Put that there.

I get the Raffe...



Night-night, Raffe!

[chuckles] Here I come!


[Franny] Oh, hi, monkey Lulu!
[Kip] Come on, Lulu!

[Lulu] Okay!
[Bailey] Swing with us!


[Franny] I'm a monkey!
[Kip] I'm a monkey too!

[whooping in a conga beat]

-[all three gasp]

Oh, no! My apple, it's missing!

Where did it go?

[Franny] Remember where you put it?

I-I put it right here!

Oh. It's okay, Bail-Bail.

But I've been saving my apple all day,
and now it's gone.


Oh, poor Bailey.

Oh... [gasps]

I have an idea!

Don't worry, Bailey.

Detective Kip is on the case
of the missing apple!

Together, we will find it!

Okay, let's go.

-Where is that apple?
-I don't know.

We need to keep looking!

Lulu, Bailey is sad.

We need to keep looking for his apple.



Uh, no, Lulu. Not a ball.

An apple is a fruit!

-Oh. Fruit.


Uh, that is a fruit, Lulu,
but that's a pineapple.

It sounds like "apple," but it's not.


Lulu, do you know what an apple is?

Apple... Apple...

Uh... no.

[sighs] We didn't find the apple.

I'm not a very good detective.

It's okay, Kip. You tried.

Oh, well, thanks, Bailey. Hmm.

Ooh, hey, hey, did you guys find my apple?


And Lulu doesn't know
what an apple looks like,

so she can't really help us look.

I don't know. [sighs]

We need to teach Lulu!

And then try again!

Let's call...

[all three] Word Wally!


Yeah! Whoa!

[Franny] Word Wally, come back!

Let's go! [chuckles]


The babies are here to teach Lulu

the words for different kinds of fruit.

You help!

Let's start! [chuckles]

Oh, monkey's like this fruit.
What's it called?

-[drum roll]
-[big kids] Banana.


That fruit is yummy. What is it, big kids?

-[drum roll]
-[big kids] Pineapple.

-Pineapple! [chuckles]

Oh! My favorite!

What that, big kids?

[drum roll]

[big kids] Apple.

[laughs] Apple! Apple!

I know apple!

That's right, Lulu! You learned the words!

No! Apple! I know Bailey's apple!

[gasps] You know where my apple is?

-Oh, yay!

This calls for a...

[all] Word party!

-♪ Hey have you heard? It's a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪

-♪ Learn new words for a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪

♪ Spin while you spout them
Feel good about them ♪

♪ We love words
And it's your turn to shout them ♪

[big kids] Banana!



And those are all...

[big kids] Fruits!

Which are a kind of...

[big kids] Food!


-♪ Hey have you heard? It's a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪

-♪ Learn new words for a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪

-♪ Hey have you heard? It's a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪

-♪ Learn new words for a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪


[Kip] Balloons!


Ooh! My apple!

I missed you!

Thank you all for helping me.

I never could've found it without you.

Oh, welcome, Bail-Bail.

-He's sitting in his favorite spot!

He sure is.

Bailey happy.

-[Kip] Yeah!
-[munches] Mmm.

-Come on.

[narrator] Bailey is enjoying his apple
under his favorite tree.


Thanks for all of your help today,
big kids.

I love apples.

Almost as much as I love you.

Bye now!

