Wolverine (2011): Season 1, Episode 9 - Hell Road - full transcript

Logan and Yukio start down Hell Road on their way to the Dragon Palace, where Kurohagi and Mariko are to be married. Somehow the two manage to overcome the many traps that have been set ...

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Hang on!

Why's everyone so scared of this place?
It's just a street.

Just wait.

Your granddad told you
the real history of Madripoor?

Gangs from all over
the world have territories.

It's the main artery for moving drugs.

These gangs set traps all over
to catch rivals. They're so effective...

...so deadly, that even Hideki's father,
Juo Kurohagi, never set foot in that area.

Instead, he used them
to his advantage.

He didn't smash their traps by force,
he let them hold onto their territory.

He actually used the traps
as his fortress.

As gangs would not fight
each other unnecessarily...

...and with everyone at odds
with one another...

...a delicate balance of power
was struck.

Juo's Dragon Palace has a sheer cliff...

...with a dead drop to the ocean depths
to the rear...

...and Hell Road at the entrance.
Attacking it has always been unthinkable.

Whatever. I promised I'd create a ruckus.

-It was a deal with your granddad.
-A deal?

While I attract the attention of Kurohagi
and his men...

...your granddad and his men
make it into the Dragon Palace...

...through the secret tunnel.

That's the deal.

Secret underground tunnel?

So how exactly do Kurohagi and his men
get in and out of this place?

Think they have Hell Road E-Z Passes?

They get there by air.

But any unidentified helicopters or aircraft
are attacked, naturally.

You got that right, I suppose.

-What the...?
-Looks like someone's saying hello.

This is crazy.

You know, I've seen worse. Let's go.

We got to keep moving.

I'd be obliged
if you could lend me a hand.

You know,
I'm not just along for the ride here.

Knock yourself out!
Just don't scratch the ride.

Shut up and keep driving!

It's keeping with its history. That's why
the traps are surprisingly low-tech.

I guess this is where
I'm supposed to say thanks.

But I'm not gonna say it just yet. Sorry.

I wouldn't expect you to say something.
It's so unlike you.

Min? Is there a problem?

I thought I sensed something,
but maybe not.

Koh-sama! Logan's started
the journey up Hell Road!

So soon?

Good. This is what we've
been waiting for to begin our attack.

We wouldn't have survived that road
without him leading the way, but now....


You know we needed to deceive Logan
about the secret underground tunnel.

I know. This was the only choice we had.

But there's more. Your granddaughter.
She's with him.

For us, we know that our most noble
and righteous goal is to return this island...

...to its rightful state. Everything the
Kurohagi dynasty built must be destroyed.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Certain sacrifices must be made!


I thought this might be one
of their specialties.

You say that, but you're panicking.

We really fell for that one, huh?

Up there!

Looks like the welcoming committee
showed up.

How about you and I
get the hell out of here?

Look at you with the bright idea!

Damn it!

Yukio! Showtime!

Took me a bit longer,
because you were slicing and dicing.

Want to say thanks now?

What the hell are you saying?

You were only able to get out
because I went first.

What a woman!

-What's happening?
-Here we go again.

Must have pulled some kind of trigger.

Really? Hell Road.
You're living up to your reputation.

Vadhaka. You're supposed to be
an island god revered from times past.

Even though the vicious gangs of Hell
Road panicked and made room for you...

...you failed to get rid of Logan,
and dared to come back.

I should crush you and sell you for scrap
this very moment.

But I've decided to send you to AIM
and get you powered up.

You'll be returning to guard duty
for now.

And you won't dare fail me again,
because if you do, I will make you--

-What now?

Logan is advancing up Hell Road.
He's already made it past the first gate.


Alert the guests.
We shall start the ceremony at once.

Yes, sir.

Logan. Damn him!

If she's still worrying about
what's going to happen to him...

...she really is a foolish woman.

That makes her the perfect tool
for a marriage of convenience.


Can you believe this?

Kill them all!

What the hell?

Two gangs are going to war.
They're each defending their territory.

Have we heard any news
about Logan?

I don't know how anyone could survive.

If the long, delicate balance
of Hell Road has been broken...

...there's got to be a lot
of killing going on!

Well, he's got Yukio
fighting alongside him.

How does Koh-sama feel about it?

Koh-sama has made his decision.

All we have to do is fall in line
with him!

-Stop the chit-chat!

Enough! Let's keep going.

Almost there!

That's not close enough for me!

-The ground is....
-Turning into liquid!

Don't move your legs!
Water is oozing up from underground.



It looks like the joke's on us.

-Have all the preparations been made?
-Affirmative, sir.

Hell Road is directly above us.

Excellent. Open it.


If this had been us,
this would have been our fate.

-Let's move it!
-Yes, sir.

This is what became of them.
All those men we sent who never returned.

They're getting lower!

Not lowering the booms in one swoop
is in poor taste!

-Is this it then?
-Looks like it.

They wanna carve us up
like a piece of meat?

That ain't happening!

It's time!

Grab on!

We're going through! Advance!

Yes, sir. Advancing.

What's that?

The kid and the old man?

They're not supposed to be here!

I see. I'm a sucker.

They just used me
to soften up the local thugs for them.

Poor form, old man!

That's just how he is.


Yukio! You bored or something?
Let's go!


Well, well. This is getting old.


I'm not here to mess around with you!
I'm gonna have to take a rain check.


Anyone ever tell you
you could lose a few pounds?



Next time on Wolverine: "Shingen."