Woke (2017–2018): Season 1, Episode 9 - Se compromettre - full transcript

The General Assembly of the G-Spot is held in a very tense atmosphere, a few hours after a violent attack against the premises. Each side seems ready to anything and Hicham wonders who he should vote for.

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Does verbal violence
cause physical violence?

I'm almost at G Spot.

The premises
were vandalized last night.

This isn't street art.

It's disgusting.

Woke Episode 9 Compromised

Don't take it personally.

- How's Nadjet?
- She's fine.

I helped her move yesterday.


I found a great flat
and she's got a job now.


Thanks for being there for her.


- Go in strong.
- OK, OK.

Can I have another.

Let's get in there.

- Hi, Hicham.
- Hi.

Did you see what they did?


I'm glad to see you here.

Thibaut said he'd ask,
but I wasn't sure.

He didn't really ask.


I had a moment of weakness.
Now he's got me.

That bastard.

The general assembly's starting!

Take your seats.

Let's not let this take all day.

Who approves the accounts?

Everyone good. Who's against?

Any abstentions? No one.

So the accounts are approved.

That's done.

OK, Hicham?

Let's vote on the board.

Are all the candidates
on the list?

What's up?
Is something wrong?

Any other candidates?

It's like every election.

You choose
the least bad candidate.

I'd like to start

with some good news:

the judge has agreed
to accept homophobia

as an aggravating factor
in Bastien's attack.

Despite the opposition.

That's a victory

and Pm proud I achieved it,
for us all.

I'd particularly like
to thank Hicham

for his decisive involvement.

This victory marks a new start,

so I'd suggest

a new name for the organization.

Becoming Lyon's official
LGBT centre,

we'll make us more credible

and stronger

in our fight

against these hideous acts.

In that light, I, Jean-Michel,

Loic, Lucie and Esteban,

ask for your vote.

Thanks, Laurent.



Do you want to speak?

You know who I am
and what I want.

Do what you want.

After the act of vandalism
against us...

It's OK, let's have the vote.

We can't spend hours on this.

Put six names on the paper.


"Laurent, Esteban."

"Thibaut, Michael, Liao,

"Claude, Hicham, Murielle."

And the last:

"Laurent, Jean-Michel,
Loic, Murielle,

"Lucie, Esteban."

to the new board.

The meeting has given
a clear majority.

Don't forget the others.


Paid-up members
of other LGBT groups

are entitled to vote
on the board, too.

- That's never happened before.
- Oh?

Before we go upstairs
to elect the board,

can we see
which organizations are here?


You represent
Liber Homo Rhone. Right?

- Right.
- Right.

I represent Lyon University
LGBT students.

I represent Chorale Pink.

- What is this, Claude?
- What's what?

We're only following
the statutes.

Where are the statutes?

And you represent...

Gay Hikers.

This is disgusting.

- You don't have to, Hicham.
- It's done.

No, no.

I checked the statutes.

Other organizations can't count
for more than a third.

If you don't vote for Thibaut,

he won't be president.

May I introduce the new board

at G Spot.

Treasurer: Murielle.

Secretary: Liao.

And President: Thibaut.

I don't need
to put on a nice tie

to talk to people
that don't care about us.

They just want us to go.

We need to be radical.

We need to give
as good as we get.

The times we're living in
won't do anything for us.

I do things honestly.
I didn't want to use

the vandalism.


What are you doing?
Aren't you coming?