With Love (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Valentine's Day - full transcript

It’s Valentine’s Day and Lily, owning her new single life, goes to wine country by herself. However, her day of self-care is interrupted when she runs into some familiar faces. And back in Portland, things get complicated with Beatriz and her new running buddy, Leo, as Miles and Sol hit their first relationship bump.

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♪ Wind me up, watch me go ♪

♪ I'll treat the room
like a playground...

This is not a bad view
to wake up to.

Yeah? You should see mine.

God, I'm so glad our
schedules finally lined up.

Me, too. This was fun.

Well, who says
the fun needs to stop?

- Is this okay?
- Yeah.


♪ Nobody do what I do...

It's good.
Mm, it's so good.

♪ Now, baby ♪

♪ And they go one, two, three...

Actually, do you mind
just giving me a minute?


♪ Ooh ♪

Don't move.

♪ Oh ♪

♪ One, two, three,
shine a light on me ♪♪



♪ ♪

You have a fucking kid?!

Wait, wait, hold on.

Sol, I can explain.

We've been dating
for more than a month.

Why wouldn't you tell me
something like this?

It's a very complicated

- I was trying to figure out...
- I need time to process this.

Okay, please, please, please,
just don't go right now.

- Come on, let's...
- Happy Valentine's Day.


♪ ♪

- ♪ Have mercy ♪

♪ Have mercy on me, now ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ You been gone ♪

♪ Girl, you been gone
too long ♪

♪ And I want you ♪

- ♪ To come on ♪

♪ Come on home, little girl ♪

- ♪ You know I ♪♪


[BOTH] Happy Valentine's Day!

- Hi.
- Just gonna walk right in.


Um, what are y'all doing here?

Andres and I have been talking
about swinging for a while,

and now we decided
today is the day.

Uh, sad part is, I think
she's only half kidding.

It's kinda dark in here, huh?

- I like it like that.
- Mm.

We've been calling,
we've been texting, no answer,

- so we thought we'd come by.
- Yeah, what are the updates?

Here, try some pudín de pan.

No, I'm, I-I want
to stay away...

Try the pudín de pan or I'm
gonna stuff it in your mouth.

All right.

- Damn, that's good!
- Ah! I know it is.

I made it.

So... do you have
any Valentine's Day plans?

Yeah. That's it right there.

- Uh, no.
- Mm-mm.

It isn't.
You're coming with us.

Don't you want to be alone
with your beautiful girlfriend

on Valentine's Day?

Ooh, okay, Santi, I see you.

Look, I know what y'all
are trying to do, all right.

Just let me finish the chair.

Ay, por favor,
ven con nosotros y rompe

la monotonía de ver la cara
de este hombre todo el tiempo.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

You know I don't like it
when you two do

your Spanish thing.

I heard "hombre," and I'm pretty
sure you mean me.


Come out with us.
It'll be fun.

Y'all not gonna leave, are you?

- [BOTH] Uh-uh.
- Okay.

Okay, all right, I'll join.

But under one condition:
I get to choose where we go.

Ooh, I like a man who leads.

Okay, I'm starting
to not like this joke.


[HENRY] Yeah, all right.


- Smells great.
- So, for my valentine,

- I have a special
Filipino breakfast.
- Ah.

It's fried rice with tocino
and longanisa,

topped with a fried egg,
made with love.


So I thought later
this afternoon

- we can go for a hike.
- Hiking.

Yes, I definitely didn't lie
about that on our first date

- in order to seem chill.

It'll be fun, I promise.

I, um... I normally
spend Valentine's evening

at the restaurant.

My parents kind of make it
this big thing.

You know, they make it
look like a Hallmark card

threw up inside of it.

Chocolate-dipped churros.
All of the single tías

get drunk and compliment me
on my skin.

It's amazing.

Both my skin and the night.

You want to spend
Valentine's Day

with your family?

Well, I mean,
when you say it like that,

it sounds kind of weird.

I do have to admit,

sometimes it feels like
I'm not only dating you

but your entire family
as well.

It-It's not a bad thing.

I love your family.
They're freaking adorable.

You know what?

Let's do your thing.
Hiking, dinner, drinks.

It sounds great.

Minus the hiking,

but I'll make it work.


You're gonna bust out
the crop top

and combat boots, aren't you?

Yeah, I am.

♪ ♪




Hey... Wow.

What are you wearing?

Oh, you like it?

It's my new running outfit.

I heard you have to dress for
the person that you want to be,

and for me that is a person
who buys a running outfit

and actually runs in it.

you look really nice.

Thank you.

I thought I would
treat myself

to a little Valentine's gift.

Aw, shit.

I-I was gonna make you
some pancakes for breakfast.

You know what, stop.

We never do anything
today anyway, it's fine.

Oh, I know what we can do.

- I can finally go to that
running club with you today.
- Oh...

- Huh?
- That is so sweet.

But you've got
better things to do.

And besides, I'm still so slow
that you'll probably get bored.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

Okay, well, then, uh...

I'll see you
at the restaurant later?



[JORGE] It should be illegal

to invite someone
to a fitness class.

I mean, what kind of sicko
wants to pay

to watch me sweat,
grunt and fart?

Wait, you've been farting?


You didn't have to come with me.

I would have been fine
by myself.

Would you have, though?
It is Valentine's Day.

And your point?

Well, my point is,
wasn't this the weekend

that you thought Michael
was going to propose?

But instead you are
totally alone and doing yoga

with your gay, gassy brother.

I am fine.
Like really, actually fine.

There's no need
to worry about me.

In fact, I am heading
to wine country solo.

Oh, that's great.

Single gal doing
single-gal things.

I love that for you.

I love that for me more.

Wait. Didn't you and Michael
have plans

to go to wine country
at some point? [GASPS]

Oh, my God.

Are you seriously using
the reservations

that you two booked?

Okay, in my defense,
I tried to cancel.

But we'd be charged either way,
so I thought, screw it.

Why not?

And honestly,
I'm really excited

to enjoy Valentine's Day
for myself for once.

I don't have to do
bullshit girlfriend stuff.

No heavy makeup or Spanx
or tight dresses.

Just me, myself and I.

Finally a threesome
I can get behind.

Okay, I get it.
You're fine.

You, on the other hand,
don't seem fine.


Fucking hell, I'm not fine.

- Shh!
- Oh, shh! Shh! Shh!

Okay, my valentine,
are you ready?

Lista, mi amor.


- You look fabulous.
- You look beautiful.

- Hi.
- Yo.


I'm sorry, are you having
pasta for breakfast?

Yeah, it's called carbo-loading.

Well, you've been doing
a lot of it lately.

- I mean, does the loading
ever end?
- Nope.

Not for me.
I've got one of those

rainbow spinning wheels of death

mocking me with all its colors
and endless looping,

reminding me
of life's impermanence

but also its ceaseless




- You wearing workout clothes?
- Yeah.

Yoga with Lil.

I mean, the things
I do for that girl, it's insane.

Yeah? How is she?

I mean, I hope she's okay.
Not like a level of okay

that's more than normal.
I guess...

you know, I hope she's fine.

Well, I'm just a little worried
about her, to be honest.

I mean, she's going
to the winery

that her and Michael
were supposed to go to,

and she says that she's okay,

but she's always been
really good at covering.

I just wish that someone
was gonna be with her.

Like anyone.

I hate that she's gonna be
all alone.


you carbo-loaded
all over your shirt.


♪ ♪



Happy Valentine's Day to me!

[MAN] Shut the fuck up!




I thought this would have
gotten easier by now.

I think we've somehow defied
the laws of physiology

- and gotten worse.
- I know.

I feel like I'm letting down
my new running outfit.

Oh, no. You look amazing.

Ah, the speed walkers
are passing us again.

Oh, man.

Hi, Crystal. Hey, Pearl.

Ah, in their defense,
we're doing a lot more talking

- than we are running.
- At this rate,

we'd probably burn more calories
chewing food.

Oh, like a big, doughy

I bet I could burn 50 cals
just in jaw action alone.

Should we put that theory
to the test?

Sure. You got a croissant
on you?

Eh, do you trust me?

- Kinda.
- Come on.



Hi. Huh.

Somehow you've decided
on clothes

even less appropriate
for hiking

than a crop top
and combat boots. Imagine that.

Yeah, so I know that
I agreed to the hike

- and the dinner and the drinks.
- Yes, you did agree

- to those things.
- Okay.

But I was thinking, what if
we went to wine country instead?

Wait. Really?

Yeah. Yeah.

Me and you and wine
and rolling hills

and straight couples bored
and unhappy with their

heteronormativity to gawk at.

I mean, what could be
more fun than that?


Wh-Where is this coming from?

What? Nowhere.

No, I mean, I-I just thought
that it would be fun

to get out of the city.


From wanting to spend
Valentine's Day

with his entire extended family

to planning a solo excursion
amidst a vineyard.

Who is this upgraded version
of my boyfriend? Mmm.

- Do I get to keep him?
- Yes, you do.

- Mmm.

Uh, let me, uh, change
really quick into something

a little more appropriate.

- Yeah.
- Give me a sec.





♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I think I like these.


We are going to look so good
for our men tonight.

They're not gonna know
what hit 'em.

You know, Sol,
me and your abuelo used to

go on double dates
all the time

with the various men
who courted your mom.

Mm-hmm. She was such a beauty,
just like you are.

Well, she was taken from us

way too soon.

I miss her, too.


So, about dinner.

I'm not totally sure Miles
will be joining us tonight.

- Pero why not?
- Abuelita, he has a kid.

Well, I think that's
wonderful news.

That means I could become
a great-grandmother

even sooner than I had hoped.

No, he has a kid
he didn't tell me about.

Why would he keep something
like that from me?

Is he ashamed of me?

Mi amor, how could he be?

I don't know how I feel about
dating someone with kids.

I'm not sure I want kids
in my life, to be honest.


I think you would make
an amazing parent.

Any kid would be lucky
to have you in their life.

I don't know.
It's complicated.

It may make more sense
to just end it.

Let me meet the man
first, at least. Okay?

Give him a chance
to explain himself.

You never know, Sol.

Besides, I was expecting him

to pay for our meal.

Abuelita, we're eating
at our family's restaurant.

We never pay.

Even better.

Let the gringo pay for
what he shouldn't have to.


- Hi. Can I get a table, please?
- Great.

Our Valentine's Day special is
$75 for two.

Is your partner
already seated?

Oh, no.
I'm actually here solo.

I'm riding solo.
Like the song? Ha, ha.

Oh, well, in that case,
it's our normal fee

of $50 per person.

That... makes total sense.

A 50% markup for being alone.

Because the greatest sin
one could commit these days

is being single.

[SANTIAGO] Okay, so what
you're telling me is that

because I'm without a companion,
I'm gonna be taxed?

See? He gets it.


French 75.

New Year's Eve, your fist,
someone else's face.

Right. In my fist's defense,

that guy did have
a really punchable face.

So, are you here
by yourself, too?

Uh, no, I'm actually

Although I kind of
regret it now.

- The markup here is criminal.
- Criminal.

Oh, uh, Annie, Andres,
uh, this is...

Lily Diaz.
Nice to meet you.

Okay, Latina. Dominicana.

- Mexicana.
- Cubano.

- I'm just Black, y'all.

He defended my brother's
gay honor on New Year's Eve.

I'm sorry, I-I didn't
catch your name.

- Santiago.
- Santiago.

Nice to meet you.

Are you here alone?

If so, you should join us.

It is rare that we get to meet
any of Santiago's friends.

He actually doesn't have any.

It would require him
to first be friendly.


- Really?

I mean, it would be cheaper.

I do love a good deal.

[ANNIE] Great.
It's settled, then.


[ANNIE] Yay.


Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah.

- You know, I usually hate
Valentine's Day.
- Hmm.

I try to tell myself
I won't care,

and then when it comes around,
I inevitably do care,

and then I hate myself
even more for caring.


But, uh, I got to say
my Valentine's Day is

pretty good so far.


You have any plans later?

Uh, no.

Just, um, working at
my family's restaurant,

like always.


Happy V-Day to me.

How about you?
Um, no valentine?

Oh, uh, actually,
since you're asking,

um, yes, there is someone.

I, um, I've had a crush
on them for a while,

but I... I haven't had
the courage to

do anything about it.

Her name...

...is Linda.

Oh. Oh, oh.

That's, uh, great.

Yeah. I was gonna
ask you, actually...

uh, any advice?

I'm thinking of making

my feelings clear
to her tonight.

Well, um...

you, you can't go wrong
with a bouquet.

I know they're kind of cliché,

- but roses still get me.
- Yeah, roses.

Simple. I like it.


- Thanks, Beatriz.
- Sure. [CHUCKLES]

- Cheers.
- Of course.



Okay, all right, ready?

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.

- Blackberry...
- Okay.

- Okay.
- Mm-hmm.

...cacao and...

dried herbs?

He is so annoying.

All this talk about food
is making me hungry.

Which is the worst thing
to be at a winery

because all they have here is
finger foods and cornichons,

- when all I really want
is a burger.
- Mmm.

Right? I swear,
the best meal in Portland

after a night out is
Burgerville on MLK.

I mean, to hell with
all these foodie restaurants

and their truffle cheese
and Impossible meat.

They had grass-fed before it was
cool to do grass-fed.

What, do I have tannins
in my teeth or something?

Um, Santiago here is also
obsessed with Burgerville

- in a very, very annoying way.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I'm just saying,
two hamburgers and waffle fries?

Sorry, sorry, I think you mean
two hamburgers

and shoestring fries.

I-I got to disagree.

So, Lily, not to pry,

but what's someone as
charming and lovely as you

doing up here alone
on Valentine's Day?

I had plans to
come up here with my ex,

- but we broke up.
- Oh.

And I tried to cancel
the hotel reservations,

but there was a huge fee,
so I thought,

"You know what,
let's do this solo."

- Mm-hmm.
- Why'd you break up?

Dude, you can't just ask that.

Oh, please.
You wanted to know.

Yeah, but I would've
done it better.

It's-it's all good, um...

but after three years
it just never felt...

- magical.
- Mm.

- Yeah.

Oh, you-you weren't joking.

No. Why would I be joking?

I just thought the girl

who thinks Valentine's Day
is criminal

wouldn't possibly think
love is magical.

I thought the markup
was criminal, not the day.

- Oh.

- Well, I-I think
it's all bullshit.
- Okay.


Uh, anyone want to take
a walk in the vineyard?

- This place is so cute.

Yeah, it is.

Hey, isn't that Lil?

[JORGE] What? No.

No, it's definitely, um,
not Lil. Why would Lil be here?

- Hey. Hey, Lil!
- No, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, don't!



Excuse us.



Why are we here?

Henry, because the wine
is delicious.

Tell me we aren't
stalking your sister

on Valentine's Day.

I-I could tell you that...
but I'd be lying.


Look, I don't know
what to tell you.

You're dating my whole family.

- Hi.

A table for two, please.

Do you guys serve wine here?

I'm kidding, 'cause we're at...
we're at a vineyard. It's...

You really think
all this is bullshit?

[SIGHS] I just don't think
the narrative around it

is particularly honest.

I mean, love can be great, sure,

but it can also be
very hard.

But it's definitely
not magic.

I mean, look around.

I mean, look at these couples
in their little cocoons,

thinking that they're
the only people in the world,

when, in fact, they're all
doing the same exact thing.

They're having the same fights.

They're making
the same apologies.

Thinking that they're special

and that their relationship
is different,

but really, they just, you know,
bought into a fantasy.

Wait. You think
love is a fantasy.

You don't?

I think it's the one
true thing in this world.

Wow. That's extremely naive,
no offense.

Why do people say "No offense"
when everyone knows

if you say "No offense,"
you are being offensive?

You should just say, "Offense!"

So, yes, I am offended
that you think I'm naive,

but at least I'm not a complete
and total killjoy, no offense.

[LAUGHS] I'm gonna ignore your
top-shelf pettiness for a sec.

I'm not the one living my life
like it's some fairy tale.

I hate to break it
to you, princess,

but no knight in shining armor's

gonna come in
and sweep you off your feet

and fix all your problems.
Only you can do that.

You really think
you're so original, hmm?

The first misanthrope
to ever walk the earth.

- Here we go.
- Well, news flash, buddy.

Other people have
done it before you,

but with much more originality.

Your whole shtick is not new
or interesting.

It's boring and sad.

Right. Since I'm so boring,
what the hell

- are we doing on this walk?
- You know what?

That's a good question.

I came out here to give myself
the self-love I deserve,

not to get lectured
by some sour stranger.


I'm going back to my hotel room.

Great! That's perfect!

Actually, enjoy your Julia
Roberts movies and white wine.

I prefer Reese and rosé!
And thank you. I will!

Have fun.

You know, it's actually too bad,
because you know what I thought

when I saw you earlier?



Damn it.

Look, I'm so, so sorry

that I brought you here
under false pretenses.

I'm just really worried
about Lil.

I mean, she has this way
of keeping things to herself,

especially when she's in
more pain than she lets on.

And I thought, in this way,
if she needs me,

I'm five minutes away
rather than an hour.

Look, do I love
that you lied to me? No.

Am I okay that I'm drinking
a nice-ass glass of bubbly

amid the mountains?

Yes. I'm mildly troubled

by everything you did
to get me here,

but we're here,
so let's make the most of it.

I'm really sorry, Henry.

You know, if anything,

I'm mad you didn't
give me a heads-up.

I live for secret missions.

I have several wigs.

- I crush at escape rooms.

This is miles better

than hitting up
some hipster restaurant

and feasting on yet
another broccolini dish.

Oh. I mean, we do have
giant chess here to play, so...

Oh. Are we gonna play
giant chess?

Oh, God, no, but I'm glad
that it's here. [LAUGHS]

Me, too.

Wait. There's Lily.

- Really?
- Yeah, she's on the move,
and she looks upset.

We got to go now.

But my chilled red,
though, so...

Mm. Knock that shit back, baby.

- We got to go. Ándale.
- Okay. Mm-hmm.


- I'm coming.
- Shh.

- Hurry.
- God.



- Mi amor.
- Mm.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day.

- Mmm.
- Hmm.


And don't forget.

I'm also just a girl...

standing in front of a boy...

asking him to love her.

Fucking Santiago.



What are you doing here?

Oh. Uh, I just,

you know, thought that it was
Valentine's Day, and you know,

you're here all alone, and...

Didn't you just say
that you wanted to hang out?

I did, but I didn't
realize that meant

you'd magically appear
out of thin air.

Oh, well, uh... [LAUGHS]


Are those flowers for me?

Yes. Yes, in fact,
they are for you.

Lilies for Lily.

That's... nice.


You hate lilies, don't you?

Kind of. It's the name thing,
but it's okay.

They're pretty.

Sorry. Happy Valentine's Day.
I'm just gonna...

- It's okay. You can come in.

But no funny business.

Of course. Of course.

Not a funny bone in this body.

♪ ♪


Hello. Marta.

Pleased to meet you, Miles.

- Luis.
- Miles.

It's a pleasure
to meet you both.

I've heard so much about you.



- You look gorgeous.
- I know.

Well, isn't this nice?

[MARTA] Yes, it is.

How about a round of drinks?


Hey, this is Lil.
Leave a message.

She's not answering.

I can't believe we lost her.

What if she fell into the tub?

What if... what if
she ended it all

while watching Pretty Woman?
Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!
What a horrible way to go.

Okay, let's take a deep breath.


Okay. We just need to figure out

what room she's in,
and check in on her.

Well, they're never
gonna divulge

that information at reception.

Oh, but Jorge,
you're forgetting one thing.

The Latino connection
you're always talking about.

Wow. You're right.
I taught you well.

You know, you really are good
at this whole spy thing.

Ah, would be even better
with my Zac Efron wig.

What? I'm sorry. Pause.

You have a...
you have a Zac Efron wig?

Why is this the first time
that I'm hearing about this?

Also, is it like
High School Musical Zac Efron,

or, like, what is it?
I'm sorry.

Uh, we-we have
to put a pin in that.

- Excuse me, señorita?
- Hmm?

Yo soy Latino.

I think my sister is muerta.

- I know.

That works, too.



I hear you have a child.

Uh... yeah, I do.

Well, tell me about them.
What are they like?

How old are they?
Where do they go to school?

I want to know everything.

Me, too, since as
of this morning, I knew nothing.

Yeah, leave nothing out.

Well, uh, their name's Charlie,
they're 13,

and, uh,
they're the coolest kid I know.

They go to a public school
in our neighborhood,

and before that, they went
to a Catholic private school,

but I actually,
uh, pulled them out.

Oh, yeah? Why?

Well, Charlie's genderqueer.

Or at least gender expansive.

And the, uh, Catholic school...

They didn't handle it well.

Oh. I'm so sorry.

Yeah, that's actually
what, uh, really made me

separate myself from the Church.

Any religion that doesn't accept
my kid for who they are...

It's not a religion
I want to get on board with.

Yeah. We went through
a similar thing with Sol.

There was even a point when
we thought about walking away.

But you know what, Miles?

I finally told them,

people have taken
so much away from my Sol,

but the one thing
they cannot take away is God,

because God is for everyone.

Caso cerrado.


- I'll drink to that.
- Me, too.

Hear, hear. Salud.



I'm glad you're here.

I'm glad I'm here, too.


You're not too shabby
of a guy, Nick.

You know that?

There's a lot
of big-time assholes out there.

But you're a good one.

You're a good one too, Lil.


...myself to death. What?

- What... is this?
- Whoa.

What are you doing here?!

What are we doing here?
What the hell is he doing here?

- Well, it's-it's not
what it looks like.
- Are you sure?

'Cause it looks like

you're having a secret affair
with Nick!

- Exhibit A. See? Told you.
- No. No.

- No! No! God!
- No. Ah!

And to think
that I was worried about you.

Hey, I was worried
about her, as well.

- That's why I came out here.
- Well, you definitely chose

an interesting way
to console her, Nick.

Uh, this is a pretty
textbook way to console someone.

- Don't do that.
- Okay, okay. You're right.

I was having
a secret affair with Nick.

And we did keep it from you

because we really thought
you'd overreact.

I think I'm gonna throw up.

But it's over now
because it meant nothing.

Well... it didn't mean nothing.

Yes, it did!

Meant something to me.

- Oh.
- Oh.



Okay, yeah, all right.

Um, we're gonna...
we're gonna let you guys talk.

Uh, we'll be at the bar.

I'm still not happy
about this, Lil, but I'm...

I'm glad
that you're alive. Okay.

I'm rooting for you.




Here you are.

Excuse me. Is Beatriz around?

- Can I help you?
- Yeah.

I have a delivery for her.

From who, may I ask?


Hi, Beatriz.

What are you doing here?

Well, I...

bought these for you... Linda.

Because it means "beautiful"
in Spanish, right?

I'm sorry,
but who are you again?

I'm Leo.

I'm in a running club
with Beatriz.

And you are?

I'm Jorge.

I'm Linda's husband.

I'm sorry, Nick.

I didn't mean to give you
the wrong impression.

Today was a lot, and I was
feeling pretty lonely,

and you showing up felt...


I guess it kind of felt
like a fix.

Which I'm realizing
is something I do,

and it isn't fair to you.

Look, I have never felt this way
about someone before.

Nick, I like you so much,

but I'm not in love with you.


I'm really sorry.

Me, too.

And look, if you're gonna ask
if we can still be friends,

just... just don't.

'Cause of course...

of course the answer is "yes,"

we will still be friends.

We will always be friends,

I just can't
hear you say that right now.

Hey, if it helps at all,

you really are the best sex
I've ever had.

Yeah, that actually does.

♪ ♪


You put this on the wrong table.

Supposed to be table five.

- Sorry.
- Are you?

Sorry? 'Cause you aren't
acting like it.

I am, Jorge, seriously.

If you hadn't made a mistake and
gotten it right the first place,

you wouldn't have anything
to be sorry for, would you?

Oye, I don't know what the
hell's going on with you guys,

but you're ruining
the vibe in here.

Go outside
and figure your shit out.



I am so, so sorry, Jorge.

I don't even know what happened.

I got caught up in it.

He assumed
that I wasn't married,

and I didn't correct him.

I don't even know why.

But nothing happened, I swear.


Then let me see your phone.


Well, if nothing happened,

then let me see
your goddamn phone.

But you've been
texting him constantly?

For weeks?

And all this flirting?

I know. I'm so sorry.

What can I do
to make this right?

I can't even look
at you right now.

Please. Jorge, I am so sorry.

Did you have sex with him?

No, I swear.

Did you want to?

And if I hadn't found out
tonight, would you have done it?

No. No, I wouldn't have.

I don't believe you.

Jor... Jorge?

I just can't believe
that they lied to me.

Yeah, getting lied to.

Doesn't feel great, does it?

Mm-mm. No, it doesn't.


Okay, I see what you did there,

but this is different, right?

- No, it isn't.
- Okay, look, it's beautiful

how close you
and your family are,

but also, you guys have
some unhealthy dynamics.

All right. I mean, I know that
our codependency game is strong,

but it's just because we're
looking out for one another.

I get that's what
you're trying to do,

but you also have to let people
feel their own shit.

And you're right.

And I'm sorry for the way
that tonight turned out.


Are you kidding?

I had a blast.

I mean, babe, any time
I'm with you, I have a blast.

Okay, and honestly,
I get why you're so obsessed

with your family.
They got a good thing going on.

- Mm.
- And I can't wait

to one day become part

- of that thing.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Uh, I'm sorry
I boned your sister.

It's okay.

Bring it in.



Yeah, I'm really gonna miss her.

I mean, the things that we did
to each other's bodies just...

No, that's okay.
That's okay.

She tasted like pineapples.
I couldn't get enough.

I don't know.

I don't know that I need
to hear that, but...

- Yeah.
- I don't...

You know what?

- We're being supportive today.


Oh, ay-ay-ay.
I adore this music.

- Shall we?
- Yeah.

But there's no dance floor,

When I'm with you, mi amor,
there's always a dance floor.



Oye, Paco, sube la musica.

♪ Dicen que es mentira
que te quiero ♪

♪ Porque nunca
me habian visto enamorado ♪

Shall we?

♪ Yo te juro que yo mismo
no comprendo ♪

♪ El porque me fascina
tu mirada...

Thank you for sharing that
about Charlie.

Why didn't you tell me
about any of this sooner?

I didn't want you to think
I was using you in any way

to get close to my kid
or understand them.

I really wanted

to make sure that you knew
I liked you for you.


But I should have told you.

It was not fair of me.

I made a mistake, and I'm sorry.

Guess I was worried
I was gonna scare you away.

Oh, baby, it takes a lot more
than that to scare me.


Maybe one day in the future,
Charlie and I can meet.

I'd like that.

♪ Besame ♪

♪ Con un beso enamorado ♪

♪ Como nadie me ha besado
desde el día en que nací ♪

♪ Quiereme ♪

♪ Quiereme hasta la locura...

Enjoy the room.
It's paid for.

- I don't feel like being here.
- Mwah.

- Love you.
- Well, I love you.

- Bye.
- Bye.

I told you
wine country would be fun.


♪ ♪

Oh, my God.
Amazing thread count.

Right? [LAUGHS]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

I think you were right.

About the fries.


Thank you.

You may have been right
about some other things, also.


You might have been, too.

You know what this is?



I was gonna say
a coincidence, but...

I like your thing better.

- Mmm.


♪ I hate everyone but you ♪

♪ And it's got me so confused ♪

♪ Can't stand Cinderella ♪

♪ But fairy tales
must come true ♪

♪ 'Cause I hate everyone ♪

- ♪ But you, you, you ♪
- ♪ Hey ♪

♪ I don't really
like most people ♪

♪ 'Cause they make me
roll my eyes ♪

♪ It don't take a lot for me ♪

♪ To leave a room
without goodbyes ♪

♪ But somethin' 'bout the way ♪

♪ I don't wanna die
when I'm with you ♪

♪ I guess I wouldn't be upset ♪

♪ If you stuck around for good ♪

♪ Oh, I, I hate everyone
but you ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ And it's got me so confused ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Can't stand Cinderella ♪

♪ But fairy tales
must come true ♪

♪ 'Cause I hate everyone ♪

- ♪ But you, you, you ♪
- ♪ Hey ♪

♪ I'm not usually one
for a party ♪

♪ And I'd rather stay at home ♪

♪ But if you're gonna be there ♪

♪ I don't know, well,
maybe I'll just go ♪

♪ Somethin' 'bout the way ♪

♪ I kinda like
when you're around ♪

♪ There's somethin'
'bout the way I don't feel ♪

♪ Like I'm gonna drown ♪

♪ Oh, I, I hate everyone
but you ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ And it's got me so confused ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ Can't stand Cinderella, but
fairy tales must come true ♪

♪ 'Cause I hate everyone
but you, you, you ♪

♪ Oh! ♪

♪ Nah, nah, nah, nah ♪

♪ I hate everyone but you ♪♪

[KIDS] GloNation! Yay!