Winter (2015): Season 1, Episode 5 - Winter - full transcript

Knowing there's a leak in the department, Eve keeps Indiana holed up at her place where she learns a shocking secret. Then, Eve is reeling after someone close to her fights for their life.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Karly Johansson, mother of two.

I don't remember anything
about the last three days.

You can't do this.

I need to know what you saw.

Leave me alone!

We'll find out.

Paul Pagent launched
a harassment complaint

against Detective Sgt McKenzie
two days before his murder.

We are looking at the professional
standard of your investigation.

There he is!

And in particular, the role
of the senior officers running it.

We have ID on our hit man,
Edward John Duca, aka Eddie Duca.

Indiana, where are you?
I'll meet you.

Only you.

Here's your room.
Shower down the hall.

You've got good security,
you're safe here.

This lady here is Penny Bartok,
she runs pop-up brothels.

By the time we find out
where they are, they're gone.

Where does Indiana fit in?
Was she working for Bartok?

Originally, yeah.

I know professional standards
have been giving you a hard time.

Zeigler's pretty much
at the heart of it all.

How is my boss to blame?

His daughter is.

It quotes a source
within your department, Detective.

The Premier's office.
They want to see you in person.

Took a phone call the day
before Paul Pagent was murdered

from the phone
used to call Eddie Duca.

I need to eliminate you
as a suspect.

Me? Took a call from you around
the same time. It's in my daybook.


Lachlan. What's going on?


Lachlan, talk to me!


Stay with me. Stay with me.

Come on, stay with me.

I need to use your phone.

It'll have to be quick.



Ah, Eve.

Oh, my God, is he...?
No, no, he's...

Sally, he's still in surgery.

I was checking on the kids
when I got the call.

Come and sit down.

I don't understand!
How can this happen?

We don't know.

No matter what Lachlan
and I have been through,

he's a wonderful father.

I just can't... imagine him...

They said that he was in the
car park, next to his car.

Yeah, I was on the phone
when it happened.

You were speaking to him?
So, do you know who shot him?

No, all I heard were the gunshots.

What was he working on?
Was the meeting somebody?

I don't know.
Why not?

Sally, I can assure you,
we're doing everything we can.

Don't you dare do that!

Don't you dare give me
the official line.

I know the drill.
You have nothing, do you?

You know I can't discuss that
with you.

Why can't you?

You're the head of this
investigation, aren't you?

Yes, I'm the head
of this investigation.

Excuse me?

Boss, what can I do?

Check with uniforms.

I don't care if you have to
doorknock every building

in the entire city,
find me a witness.

You want me to log that phone?

No, it's alright, I'll do it.

You know, I want to find
the bastard who did this

but if you've
lost your faith in me...

Would I have any reason to?

Check all his calls.

Incoming, outgoing texts.

Do you know what he was working on
before he left the squadron?

He was going through the
Paul Pagent murder files.

I want them locked in my office.


Boss. Any news?
EVE: He's still in theatre.

How did you go with the witness
statements from Chinatown?

They all say pretty much
the same thing.

Milo was seen chasing Duca.

But we do have one witness
from an adjoining building

see Duca term and attack
Detective Lee.

There was a fight and Duca fell.

Milo's not at fault.

OK, right.

Do a check on all of
Duca's previous arrests.

Go back to his juvenile records,

look for any names
that appear more than once.

Got it.

Whoever did this is
panicking right now.


Shooting Lachlan wasn't smart,
it was desperate.

How's Indiana?

She's asleep.
She has no idea what happened.

No idea about what?



How you holding up?


I've got something
I need to tell you.

I have Indiana.

Since when?
Two nights ago.

Do you know how many places
I've tried to find her.

She's scared, Jake.
She doesn't trust anyone?

What about you?

Well, who do you trust?

It's not that I don't
trust you, I just...

The other night at your place,
the call from work, that was her?

That was her?

She wouldn't come in
unless I kept it secret.

It was the only way
to keep her safe.

I know I should have told you.

Yeah, used should have told me,
right. She's my witness.

I want to talk to her.
Not until I do.

Just wait.


Will someone get that phone, please?

Eve. I'm so sorry.

Can I have everyone's
attention, please?

Detective Sgt McKenzie
has come out of surgery.


The next 48 hours will be critical.

He was shot twice,
once in the chest.

The bullets have been
sent to forensics.

Meanwhile, we've got a lot
to follow up on.

Any information anyone has,
I want shared.

Any lead, no matter how small,
goes on that wall

until it can be eliminated.

If anyone's got any suspicions who
might have shot Detective McKenzie,

anything that he might have
mentioned in passing,

don't hold back.

I want logbooks, calendars,
phone calls triple checked.

I don't need to remind you
how crucial this is.

Detective McKenzie
was shot for a reason

and I want to know what that was.

With any luck.

I can take over if you want to
go home and get some rest.

No, I'm good, thanks.

So, can you describe the
man you saw?

Uh... He was tall.

Not that tall.
Yeah, he was.

Not as tall as like
a basketball player.

Was he as tall
as the detective here?

Um, yeah, about that.
Did he say anything?

No, he sort of just pushed
past us on the stairs.

Is there anything in particular
you remember about him?

Did he have a beard, glasses?


And you didn't hear
the gunshots before that?

We thought it was fireworks.

We didn't even see
the guy who got shot.

Wish we did, though.
It would be pretty awesome.

Is that his blood?

We're going to need you to provide
a description to a police artist.

Do you think you can do that?

Thanks for coming in.
This is our forensic artist.

She will make a composite picture
from your descriptions.

Take all the time you need.
Fantastic, come with me.

Data came back on Detective
McKenzie's phone calls.

There's nothing to suggest
he was meeting anyone.

One of his last calls
was to the DPP's office.

There's also text messages
on his mobile

to and from the assistant DPP.

Tammy Davis?

They're of a personal nature, boss.
I'm sure they are.

Ms Davis?

If this is about the story
in the media about Zeigler...

No, are you aware that
Lachlan's been shot?

Yes, of course.

I called the hospital
and they said he's out of surgery.

There's no point in me
hanging out in the corridor

drinking bad coffee
with his ex-wife.

No, of course not.

What can I do for you, Detective?

You're one of the last people
to speak to Lachlan.

I need to know what was said.

Nothing that'll help you
find out who shot him.

If you'd let me
determine that, please.

I called him to apologise
for using our pillow talk

when he told me about
Zeigler's daughter.

And I hoped that it wouldn't
affect what we had together.

That's it?

He said that he'd come by later
and I could make it up to him.

Do you know where he was going?

Who he was meeting?
No. I didn't ask.

I understand this must be
difficult for you.

Excuse me?

It's well known that you and Lachlan
were an item years back.

Some people have trouble letting go.

How did you go?
Did you find anything useful?

You tell me.


Dead spit.

Well, I may be a bit younger
and better looking but...

Anyway, I'll take it
from here, Detective.

Winter'll ask people how to brief
before it gets distributed.

Can you send it through to me?


You and Karly must have been close?

Catching up after all those years.

Talking for ages,
like it was yesterday.

When I get together with
my girlfriends, we talk about work.

Who we've been dating.

That's not what we talked about.

So you can remember
the conversation?

A little.

It won't help your case.

How did you go with
Duca's juvenile record?

I put in a request.

I think the hypnosis may have
triggered something, but...

she's still not talking.

Did you get any sleep
at the hospital?


If you like, I can answer
all your calls and wake you up

if there's anything...

No, no, I'm just here
to change my clothes.

I'm sorry about the other detective.

Is he going to be OK?

I hope so.

Was he shot because of me?



That night at the Cave Bar.

I remember what I told Karly.

I know what made her so upset.

I hadn't seen Karly
is about eight years.

Not since I left Rocky Point.

Then suddenly, there she was.



Oh, my God!


Look at you!

You look so cool. I mean, like hot!

She told me how she married Luke
and had two kids.

Couldn't believe it.

Karly, a mum.

That's Faith, that's Lily.

Look at how cute they are!

I know, they're gorgeous,
take after me.


How is your mum?

Yeah, no, she's not great.

Dad's got lung cancer.

Doctors have given him
three months, tops.

My mum's taking it pretty rough.

INDY: It was weird.

I couldn't speak.

I couldn't say I was sorry to
hear it or I was sad for anything.

I just sat there.

Indy, what's wrong?

What's the matter?

What's the matter?
Did I say something to upset you?

Your dad raped me.

I just blurted it out.

We'd been down the beach for a swim.

Bjorn followed me into my room.

It was all over very quickly.

I didn't scream or do anything.

Did you tell anyone?

School counsellor.

Janet Pagent.

Did she report it?
I told her not to.

I didn't want anyone else to know.

I stayed with the Johanssons
another week or so

but I was terrified he was
going to do it again, so...

And I couldn't tell Karly and Emma.

They'd both been so good to me.

I just made an excuse.

You told them
you had a job in the city.

I... went to see my dad.

Told him what happened and he...

He didn't believe me.

He said I was making it up
to cause trouble.

Told me to stop bothering him.

He didn't want me
coming round to the house.

He had a new family to project.

From me.

Why didn't you say anything?

I didn't trust anyone.

Where did you get this?

Karly's daughter, Faith.

It's a reminder of what those
little girls have lost.

I didn't know where it came from.

So you could have gone back
to Rocky Point with Karly?

I don't know.

Well, I'm not lying.
Those days are a complete blank.

Don't you think I want to remember?

I want to know who killed Karly
as much as you do.

I did not abandon my child.

I did my very best to do
whatever I could to help her.

But when drugs are involved,

no father wants to see
his child suffer.

I called this media interview today
to explain my situation

and to stop further
innuendo and gossip.

Now please, I'd ask that
you respect my privacy

and leave me and my family alone.

Indiana, if you're watching,
I forgive you.

Thank you.

Your very best.

You sure about that, Mr Zeigler?

Detective Winter, what is it now?
Detective Sgt Winter.

I'd like to talk to you
about your daughter's rape

and the subsequent cover-up.

What? There's no cover-up.

Indiana is prone to exaggeration.

I stopped believing her lies
long ago.

Well, I don't believe she's lying.

What do you want?

Everything you know
about Bjorn Johansson.

I've told you what I know.
I've never even met the man.

Were you ever contacted
by Janet Pagent?

The school counsellor.

No. Talk to Wheeler,
he can fill you in on these details.

Aren't you even going to ask?

About Indiana.

Steve, this is Eve Winter. Call me
as soon as you get this message.


How is he?

I don't know, sir.

Still in recovery,
from what I'm told.

Oh. You look as though
you could use a break.

I'm going to be here for a while.

Why don't you duck off
and grab a coffee?

I'm not allowed to
leave my post, sir.

Right answer!

(SIGHS) You're a tough bastard
to kill, McKenzie.



Detective Lee.

Tragedy, isn't it?

Well, let's hope not.

Makes you wonder though, doesn't it?

Could be any one of us
going out to meet a suspect.

Not knowing if this is the guy
that's going to pull the trigger.


What are you doing here?

Oh, we're old mates, Lachy and I.

Just wanted him to know that I won't
rest until I get the bastard.

But I guess he already knows that.

What about you?

I've got some info
for Detective Winter.

She said she'd be here.

Well, I can take it for her.
No, it's alright.

Heading back to the station?


Got a few leads to check on.


Look, I didn't know about the rape.

She had no reason to tell you.

You weren't investigating that.

Still need her to testify, Eve.

Right now she feels safe, Jake.

She's not safe, Eve.

The only way she's going to be safe
is she gives her testimony

at a committal hearing and
Penny Bartok is brought to trial.

The trial could drag on for years.

Tear her to shreds and you know it.

Well, what's the alternative?

You going to keep her hidden
at your house? For how long?

Look, I know you want to keep
her safe, I understand that.

But what about all these other girls

that Bartok brings
on a student visa?

Some of them were as young as 13.

She dopes them up, she puts them
to work in the brothel

and if there are lucky, they get
deported back to their own country

riddled with STDs
and with a raging drug habit.

Yeah, alright.


I'm not going to stand in your way
but it has to be her choice.




You shouldn't be here.
I need to get lost.

You! You're supposed to be
taking care of things,

not turning up on my doorstep.

It's too late for that.

I bought myself some time

but it won't be long before
Winter figures is out.

Well, I can get you to Laos.

You can disappear
from there, not a problem.

Just as long as I don't
disappear for good, Penny.

Oh, you don't trust me?

What do you think?

I've left instructions
with my solicitors.

Anything happens to me,
they publish my memoirs.

I want the girl gone.

What did I just tell you?
Listen to me!

If she testifies at that
committal hearing,

it's not going to matter what
you've got in your memoirs.

Do you know where she is?

I've got a fair idea.

Indy...'re the only one that can tie
Penny Bartok to this operation.

And without your evidence...

..we won't have enough
for an arrest.

And I get that
you're scared, right, I do.

But if you do this, Indy... will be making
a huge difference... all those girls' lives.

And what do you think I should do?

It's up to you.


I'll do it.

Good girl.

Thank you, Indy.

Thank you for that.

OK. So now we can link Janet
to Karly and Indiana.

But if Bjorn killed Janet
to cover up the rape,

he can't have killed Paul Pagent

because he was dying
of cancer himself.


Sally, hi.


You bring him crime photos,
I bring him pictures from the kids.

Sorry. Force of habit.

I think he'd prefer yours.

That's not true.
Lachlan loves his kids.

I know about the girlfriend.

For what it's worth,
I think that's over.


I still don't have what you have.


There is nothing going on
between Lachlan and I.

Speak the same language,
share the same experiences.

I'll never be able
to compete with that.

You don't have to.

The truth is we were together a long
time ago and it didn't work out.

We weren't good together.

I dunno.

Maybe we're too alike.

Excuse me.

Eve Winter.


Well, why wasn't it distributed?

Yeah, alright.

Well, just get it over to the police
media unit and send me a copy ASAP.

Boss. Duca's juvenile record.

What do you expect to find?
A name.

Why wasn't the photo identikit
sent to police media?

No idea.

Oh, shit.

One of Duca's arresting officers
is a teenager.



That's him.

Wheeler shot Lachlan?

Looks like it.

He was here before,
I think I interrupted him.

Just as well you did.
Get that officer.

We got him.

No-one is to enter this room.

If Wheeler turns up, arrest him.

Arrest him?
Or shoot him. Your pick.

Need to get back to HQ.

75 grams of self-raising!

It leaves Cusco in the morning

and then you're up there with
enough time to explore the...

I did not abandon my child.

I did my very best to do
whatever I could to help her

but when drugs are involved...

I don't take drugs! father wants to
see his child suffer.

You're a liar.

I called this media interview today
to explain my situation

and to stop further
innuendo and gossip.

Now please, I'd ask that you
respect my privacy...

..and leave me and my family alone.

Indiana, if you're watching,
I forgive you.

Thank you.

He's just making excuses
for himself, Indiana.

Everyone's going to believe
he was a good father.

Poor guy just had an uncontrollable
druggie as a daughter.

I hate him.

I'm going to take a bath.

Yes, you heard me.
I want an alert on Steve Wheeler.

Consider him armed and dangerous.

Here, you drive.



Oh, hi.

If you're looking for the boss,
she's not here at the moment.

Yeah, I know. She sent me here.

I've figured it out,
others will too.

What are you talking about?

Indiana. Boss wants me to move her.


Just a sec.

Hi, boss.
Hey, Alesia.

I need you to do an immediate check
on all of Wheeler's phone records.

I'll explain later.

He's here.

He's at the front door.
Don't let him in!

Go, go, go!


You alright?

I'm so sorry, boss.

Where's Indiana?




I checked the laneway. No-one.

Wheeler must have
taken her with him.

Why would he?

I mean, why not just shoot her?
He's working for Bartok.

It's the easiest way to stop
her testifying. Right...

Where is she?

She's gone.

And where's Wheeler?
I don't know.

You're going to tell me
how you let this happen?

It's my fault.

I wasn't wearing my gun.

I... took off my holster to stretch
and then I got distracted

and then the doorbell went.

Where's your gun now?
I don't know.

Wait. Back up.

What happened before
Wheeler got here?

Indiana was watching TV.

She saw her dad say
that stuff about her.

She got really angry and then she
said she was going to have a bath.

Indiana's taken the gun.

When I went to the bathroom,
the taps were running,

the plug wasn't in.

She had no intention
of having a bath.

She was gone before
Wheeler got here.

I can check the bus depot again.

She's not running away.

I think I know where she is.

I did not abandon my child.

I did my very best to do
whatever I could to help her

but when drugs are involved,
no father...

You want a top-up?
No, I'm good, thanks, darling.

I called this media interview
today to explain my situation

and to stop further
innuendo and gossip.

Now please, I'd ask that
you respect my privacy

and leave me alone...

Hi, Dad.

I saw you on the news.

Indiana, if you're watching,
I forgive you.

You're very convincing!


You're very convincing.

"I did my best."

When I told you I was raped...

..did you do your best then?

Put down the gun, Indiana.

Why didn't you believe me?


Why didn't you believe me?

Quick, inside. She's got a gun!


You're not going anywhere
until you've told the truth.

Come on, Dad.

Tell it like it really happened.

My daughter told me she was raped.

And I told her to go away!

Come on!

Indiana. You don't want to do this.

You don't care.

You just want me to testify
at your stupid trial.

I care, Indy.
Please just put the gun down.

He lied about me.

To the whole world.
I know. I know he did.

He said I was a lying,
drug addict prostitute.

You abandoned me.

This isn't going to
help anything, Indiana.

I just want him to tell the truth.

Tell them!

The truth is that
you were a wild child,

I couldn't control you.

I thought that a stint away
from the city would do you good,

then you turn up one night
claiming to have been raped.


He meant saying you were raped,

He was shocked.

Your father didn't know
how to handle the situation.

He wasn't emotionally equipped
to deal with it and...

..he reacted badly.

Before he knew it,
he was saying all the wrong things,

he didn't realise
the damage he was doing.

Is that right?


I'm sorry.


I should have listened to you.
I was wrong.


Put the gun down.

So, what happens now?

She'll be charged with unlawful
possession of a firearm.

I expect you will be able
to post bail tonight?


She threatened to shoot me.

That's attempted murder.

After everything
you put her through,

you really want her charged?

She's a danger to herself
and others.

You sure you want to face
the media frenzy that will follow?

DPP's daughter charged
with attempted murder.

I'm not sure
they'll be so willing

to buy your version of events
this time.

We don't want her charged.

You've done enough damage.

Make it go away.

You win.

Call me when it's done.

What did he say?

He said he'll post bail.

What happened?

Indiana was charged,
Zeigler posted bail.

He came good?
Yeah, Father of the Year.

I would like to offer
my resignation.

Won't be necessary.

I stuffed up.
Yeah, we both did.

I should never have
left you alone at my place.

But Detective...

You'll be set on a gun refresher
course, I'm not letting you resign.

Any news on Wheeler?

No, he's gone to ground.

OK, could I have everyone's
attention, please?

As you all know, our number one
suspect in the attempted

homicide of Detective Sgt Lachlan
McKenzie is Steve Wheeler.

We believe he's responsible
for the death of Bjorn Johansson

and the attempted murder
of Indiana Hope Zeigler

through his association
with hit man Eddie Duca.

Now deceased.

We can establish strong links
with Penny Bartok

and believe
that he's been protecting

her illegal prostitution ring and
drug racket from the beginning.

And Karly Johansson?

We still don't know if he had
anything to do with Karly's murder.

So while it would be very tempting
to shoot him on site...

..we need him in custody
for questioning.

Now, there's limited
places he can go.

So I need a search on his house,

I need a watch on all his known
haunts, credit cards, everything.

Any leads, bring them to
me immediately.


Eve Winter.

I'll be right there.

Tough way to get out of a
professional standards interview.

They'll probably think I set it up.

I can't believe I didn't see it.

You weren't alone.

God, it's incredible.

And to think that Wheeler went to
the police academy with my boss.

Now, these are packed
full of vitamins, so good for you.

Thanks, babe.

So lucky.


I was talking to the nurses,
second bullet nicked your rib cage.

A centimetre to the left, and it
would have gone through your heart.


So, what do you need from me?

I'm sorry?

I've taken over on the
Penny Bartok prosecution.

Zeigler had to remove himself
for obvious reasons.

Do you remember anything that
happened before Wheeler shot you?

An informant called me about
a pop up brothel

operating out of an old
mattress factory.

Perfect place to hide.
You need to move before he does.

The entrance is the black door
just round the corner.

Is there any activity?

A couple of clients coming
and going, no sign of Wheeler.

OK. Alesia, you stay here,
Milo, cover the back.

You up for this?



You got an appointment?
We don't need one.

You seen this guy?

Where is he?

Hey! You pay me! Pay me now!

Yeah, yeah.

You better be helping me, Penny.

BARTOK: (ON PHONE) In Mentmore
Street, there is a Gold Commodore.

Check the glove box.

Piss off.


You got my gift?

Yeah, I got it.

Oh good, so take it
to the loading dock.

Bay 16. And the ship is the Yang Ki.

It'll take you all the way to Laos.

Any activity?
He's got the back.

Go back inside,
double-check every room.

Gold Commodore, driver's seat.

Nice doing business with you, Penny.

Yeah, send me a postcard.

Where's that backup?




How you doing?

Any news on Wheeler?

Well, he wasn't in the car.
We know that much.

We've got alerts out on him
everywhere. He won't get far.

I'm going to get him.

I want to get him
before Penny Bartok does.

Hey. You're not going anywhere,
my friend.

I can't help feeling the last
few weeks have been a distraction.

Wheeler, brothels, drugs.

None of its gotten us any closer
to finding out who killed Karly.

Thanks to your friend.

And yours.

Don't do this to me again.

Oh. I wasn't planning to.

Get some rest.

So, I've got Indiana
in the safe house.

I need to take her to Rocky Point.

You know, the committal hearing
is in a week.

Well, the sooner the better then.

I don't think so,
not this time, alright?

Indiana is close to testifying,

I'm not going to have
anything jeopardise that.

Hey, hang on.

That's alright for your case but
I've still got an unsolved murder

and two little girls who deserves to
know what happened to their mother.

You always get your own way?

-- Thanks to original subtitles creator --
-- Adjustments by Mr. Bramble --