Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What kind of asshole

does that to their boss in front
of the whole organization? Huh?

- Thanks for the goddamn morale boost, you fucking cocksucker!
- I-I-I didn't mean to...

Jerry West: I tried to
give you the fucking note

- before we went into the fucking room! I did!
Oh, fuck you!

Give the note! I'm standing out
there with my dick hanging out...

Your dad doesn't own
a firearm, does he?

Get away from my door
or you're all fired!

Alrighty. Everybody back to work.
- Lon: On what?

- Big ideas.
- Rothman: Whatever that means.

You know what he likes. Go help.

cocksucker, backstabbing

son of a bitch! Fuck you!

- You're holdin' out on me, aren't you? Aren't you?
- No, no, no!

- He's fuckin' holding out on me! There's another offer!
- No, no, no!

- Who is it? Who?
- No, I... No, I told you!

I told you! It-it's
not what it is!

I'm out there moving Heaven
and Earth for you, gettin' you

whatever you need, and you leave

three fucking weeks
before training?

- I know. It's... It's not...
- You are fucking boning me, Jerry!

- Fuck you!
- It's not something I'm proud of!

- I will sue your ass.
- I'll understand. I would.

I don't need a lawsuit, Jerry!

I need a fucking coach!

You know what I think? I
think you're chicken shit.

- That's what it is.
- Yeah...

You're afraid I'm gonna
get you all the tools

you need, and you'll
still fucking lose!

- Jerry West: I'm not afraid of that.
- Bullshit!

I know it. I-I know
it for a goddamn fact

because I'm lousy at it.

I'm a... I'm a... I'm
a... I'm a... I'm a...

I'm a shit coach!

I am! I sit there, helpless,

watching these
guys, pissed to hell

that they ain't
me! And even worse,

that I can't be them!

I mean, if I could... I swear...

I swear to God, if I
could suit back up now,

I'd play for you right
now in a heartbeat!

But, I ca... I
can't... I mean, shit,

I'd die for you right now!

But I can't get you to
where you want to go,

screaming from the
fuckin' sidelines!

You're better off
with someone else.

I'll help you find
the guy. I will.

I mean, I care about
this franchise.

I'll always be a Laker.

Team is family to me.

It's my family.

Now, get out.

("My Favorite Mutiny"
by The Coup playing.

What's up, Doc? I'm
comin' for you, baby.

Come on, Larry!

- Hey, they'll let me drive.
- Pop, don't let him near my car.

Earvin Johnson Sr.: You're
right, you're right. Not my car.

Remember who you are
and where you come from.

Couldn't forget
if I tried, Mama.

My goodness.

Come on, everybody.
Let's give Junior a hug.

- Johnson Sr.: Aw, EJ.
- Y'all get on up in here now.

- We gonna miss you, EJ!
- Love you, EJ.

I'm gonna miss you all, too.

Doorman: No former players.

Check again, my man.
Come on. Pat Riley.

It-it-it's gotta be there.

- Nope.
- Can I see the next page?

Yeah, yeah.

It's the same shit.

- I'm here for Chick. Hm?
- Mm-hmm.

- Not on the list.
- Well, if I just go in there, it's not gonna be a...

Hey, hey, hey.

Come on, brother man. Come on.

Cut me some slack, will ya?

I'm not some honky
off the street, man.

I played here for five years.

Okay, I won me a ring. Alright?

I know you got a job to do,
but I have a meeting in there.

Okay, I-I promise you,
I-I'm on the list.

No former players,

brother man.

This is some bullshit.

Lon: Okay, here's one.

Um, Evel Knievel. We get him,

he jumps the full length of the
court right over Kareem's head.

- You're an idiot.
- Well, at least it's splashy.

My dad loves Hollywood,
a big production.

What about live music
for the game? A band?

: Why not Herb Alpert?

Well, since money
isn't an object...

Money is the only object.

- I just know my dad said...
- Yeah, I know what he said.

But this team has been bleeding
in attendance for 10 years.

It's been longer than that since
we broke even at the venue,

not to mention turned a profit.

Now, he wants us
spending more money.

But if we are not bringing
in enough to cover that,

we become the burden.

Now your father doesn't
strike me as a man

who likes to carry
burdens. Is that fair?

- I think he'll do what it takes.
- Rothman: I hope you're right,

but I won't spend
what I can't pay for.

So while you're
dreaming up a show,

how about we find a way
to sell some more tickets?

Jerry Buss: Alright. What
do we got? Dean Smith?


Great. Fucking retired.

Under contract,
under contract...

Bobby Knight. Like Bobby
Knight is gonna bail on college

for a team on the verge
of fucking bankruptcy.

Goddamn it!


Jerry Tarkanian... head coach
of the UNLV Runnin' Rebels,

the fastest, flashiest
thing in Nevada

not wearing pasties
and a G-string.

Do you want to see the
best show in Vegas?

Fuck Falana, fuck Charo...

Which is a story, by
the way. It's him.

And sure, he's had his
share of controversy.

The college poobahs hate
him because he plays

a little loosey-goosey
with recruitment rules.

I'd put you in a
lot of pick-n-rolls.

So, there's your pick,

and there's your roll.

- I'll sign.
- Jerry Buss: Ask me, that's gumption.

Lemonade, folks.


You know West.

He throws a fit at the
beginning of every season.

Last year, he tore
down a urinal.

- This wasn't a tantrum.
- Well, I'm willing to do it if you need me.

Hell, I can call the
games and coach 'em.

No need, Chickie
Poo. I found our man.

- Tark the Shark?
- NCAA's been up his ass like Ben Wa balls.

He's got a reputation.

- Say that to my face!
- Jerry Buss: Who gives a shit?

That's amateur, alright?

The whole thing's crooked
as a fuckin' jaybird.

Last time I checked, paying
guys is legal in the pros.

Dr. Buss,

we nixed him from
contention for a reason.

In my opinion, there are
other coaches out there.

- Safer bets.
- Was Jerry West a safe bet?

- Oh boy.
- Jerry: Mm-hmm.

Because Mr. Fucking Clutch

just left us in the lurch,

and I'm a pubic hair away
from fucking training camp.

John Wooden, by the way,
retired four years ago, Bill,

so stop sending
me bullshit files!

I'm gonna ask you one question.

Does Tark the Shark
have what it takes

to take my team all the way?

- He's a hell of a coach.
- Goddamn right, he is.

Get him on the hook,
and I will reel him in.

Announcer: The game
now, well in hand.

Riley on the free throw line,
he gets the ball baseline.

And he makes the shot...
Foul on Pat Riley...

Pat Riley on the board...

: Pat Riley... no good...

Oh, fuck!



Alright. Fuck it.
I'm good. Let's go.

Patient: I tried the
thing in "Cosmo"...

He left me,

for the... for the secretary.

What's important right now is
for you to make a clean break.

Some people can't bring
themselves to do that,

so be gentle with
yourself, and...

What the fuck are you doing?

- What?
- Pat: Uh...

- Therapist: What happened to your face?
- Sorry.

Sorry, babe.

Just caught a game with
the guys on the beach.

Needed a towel. Pardon me.

He's going to be
right out of here.

I'm just gonna...


be in the garage.

You dropped a nut.

- I'm so sorry, Sandra.
- It's okay.

Are you a fucking idiot?

'Cause the calendar's
on the goddamn fridge!

I'm sorry.

I forgot.

- Maybe put a tie on the door next time.
- Mm!

- Because my career is a joke to you.
- Come on, Chris,

what do you want me to say? I
used to come home to my wife

decked out in
Frederick's of Hollywood.

Now, I got a strange
woman crying in my chair.

Chris: Yeah, well,
you know, I used to be

married to a
professional athlete,

so I guess we're even.

You're some shrink.

- You're some asshole.
- That's your diagnosis?

There's more
technical terminology,

but, yeah. Wanna hear
my treatment plan?

- Well, I'm likin' it so far. Yeah, yeah.
- Oh yeah? Are you?

I want you to find something

to do with your days.

I think I'm finding it.

- Chris Riley: No... No.
- Mm?

How about this?

Why don't you

clear the ivy out of here
and get rid of this stuff?

And then I could see
my patients in here,

and I could come home
to find you in a teddy.


Thing's redder than
a baboon's ass.

- It's a bump in the road.
- Would be

if it weren't
covering a land mine.

He didn't tell you that part?
Well, it seems that Mr. Cooke,

when he built your fabulous
stadium 12 years ago,

he didn't spend a
dime of his own money.

Did it all on
credit. Balloon loan

from Great Western Bank.

Three million cash,
due at maturity

in two months. But,
he was smart enough

to pawn it off on you
before the bill came.

Jeanie Buss: Here you go, Dad.

- Thanks, sweetie.
- Jessie Buss: Thank you. Ooh, yummy.

Jeanie Marie?

There is a big box in my closet,

way in the back. If you look
and see... I can't get it down.

- Sure.
- Jerry Buss: Yeah. Thanks, Jean Bean.

- : Mom.
- : What?

You cannot say a fucking
word about this to her.

Who got you here? We keep
each other's secrets.

- We always have.
- Jerry: You don't say a fucking word

to Frank or to anybody,
you understand?

I'm already down
a fucking coach.

People find out we're one
step ahead of the repo man,

it's gonna be you down
on the fucking sidelines.

We're not cutting bait, Mom.

I need you to figure out a
way to get us out of this.


You know, I can't say I ain't
surprised you hit me up,

the way I got in that
ass at Sterling's.

Here we go. Here we go.

Oh shit!

Spanked you.

- You got me.
- Hey, man, look. Getting shown out

like that would've ran most
back to college where it's safe.

You stood tall,
held your ground.

- Respect, Country.
- Earvin Johnson: Well, you know,

maybe you was right.

I mean, you didn't have
to say it like you did,

but I do got a few
things to learn.

Yes, you do indeed.

Like the shit you got on
for starters, brother.

My clothes?

- This here fly as hell.
- It's repugnant!

Them lapels look
like pelican wings,

them jeans are out of "Field Hand
Quarterly," and them boots...

Hey, hold on!

These are my favorite shoes!

I love "Saturday Night Fever,"
too, but, nigga, it's noon!

And who knew Ray
Charles is cutting hair?

This a fresh haircut, man.

Yeah, we gonna fix that, too.

Don't worry about it, young
buck. I got your back.

That's why they call
me Savoir Faire.

You settle this,
I'll settle you.

Meet me down the way. Got
some shit to show you.

Welcome to my humble

Casa de Norm.


You be owning this?

Yeah, investment
property, brother.

Oh Lord...

Givin' my eyes a stroke.


what have you brought me? Child,

you will not find Mr. Goodbar
lookin' like that.

Norman Nixon: Come on. Go easy on
him, Clarence. This boy from Michigan!

And out there, this is clean
as Afro Sheen, so I don't...

Hold on. Y'all are trippin'.

I look good. I know I look good.

Hook my brother up.
One suit on the house.

Whatever he wants,
okay? For my premiere.

Clarence: Mm, I
have just the thing.

That's right. Your boy's
about to be a movie star.

Did a flick last
spring with Dr. J.

Dr. J? Julius Erving? For real.

Yeah, big opening tonight.
Jamal and A.D. comin' through.

- You should come with.
- Damn, it gotta be tonight?

I'm supposed to be hooking
up with Dr. Buss later.

Oh, Dr. Buss. So, you
guys boys now, huh?

It ain't like that. He just been
lookin' out for a brother, that's all.

You do well with
the ladies in Ohio?

Michigan. And, yeah, I do aight.

So then you know real game
comes down to feelings.

Get a woman feeling
safe, she's yours.

Sprinkle a little
nice on top of that,

you got a freak for life.

Now, owners

play the same. You know,

tell us a whole bunch of
shit we wanna hear, and then

fuck us up the ass, no grease.

Might as well toss
money on the dresser.

Dr. Buss ain't like that.

- We cool.
- Oh yeah. Bet he says

you starting point guard, too.

That's 'cause I
am starting point.

I'd take some of that
bass out my voice, negro,

till they put you
on the floor because

word on high is West can't wait

to stick your big ass
down on the block.

You know, setting
picks, rebounding

doing shit a power forward do.

- Bullshit.
- Hey, just what I heard,

but, you know, you seein'
your boy Buss tonight, so

ask him yourself.

: Da-da-dee. Da-da-da.


- Hey, Chick. Hey.
- Chick Hearn: Hey, Pat, come on in.

Hey, listen, buddy, I'm sorry
about the other day, huh?

They put some new
gorilla on the door,

can't recognize a living
legend when they see one, huh?

- That's alright.
- Holy Christ.

What the hell did
he do to your face?

Oh no, I just, uh, I
banged it playing pickup.

- Basketball?
- Yeah.

What the hell for? I thought
you were happily retired,

you know, sailing off
into your golden years.

- Yeah, no, no. It's been good.
- Yeah?

- Yeah, real good. Yeah.
- Terrific.

- Change of pace and all.
- Sure.

Just, uh, kind of been
missing it a little.

You know, being around the game.

You wanna come to some? I
mean, I-I'm sure Buss is gonna

pack the comp list
with his bimbo coeds,

but you're, uh,
you're free to sit

- with Marge if you want.
- Actually, uh...

- I was hoping to sit with you.
- Huh?

I heard you were looking for a
new color man on the broadcast.

- You?
- I mean,

- if you're open to it.
- Patrick, I, I'm...

I'm not sure I see it.

- I work harder than anyone, you know that.
- I know.

- I know you do.
- You know it. And, hey,

I'm not gonna be here
trying to take your job.

I-I'm not looking for a bigger
gig. I just wanna, you know...

I just wanna be around
the game, you know?

I still...

I feel like I have
more to give to it.

I know I do.

Well, I gotta...

I gotta run any new guy
through Buss. I mean,

- he's very particular.
- You're not gonna regret it.

- You won't regret it.
- The problem is your voice.

- My voice? Wh-what's, uh...
- It's...

It's faggy. I'm not
saying you are one.

I mean, you're a, you're
a man's man. God knows.

But, I mean, you
close your eyes,

and you open up your
ears, and you...

You sound like a fruit.

Well, uh... Shit, that's, uh...

I mean, that's,
uh, something I can

- work on, isn't it?
- Yeah. You can work on that.

Hey, Chick, all I'm
asking is a shot.


Please. Come on, I need this.

Alright. Uh...

You know what, maybe...
m-make me a tape, okay?

- I'll do it.
- No promises.

- No promises.
- Okay. Hey, you won't be sorry.

- Alright. Make me a nice tape.
- Love the hair.

- You got it. Thanks.
- Thank you. Okay.

: This is Pat Riley
for the LA Lakers.

: Yeah, I don't see it.

Jerry Tarkanian:
Alright, let's go!

Okay, watch the rebound!

Footwork! Quick hands!
Quick hands! Take your shot!

Good job!

Use your footwork!

Alright, good job! Good job!

We're gonna come back down,
we're gonna do the zigzag.

Jesus, Tark, is your AC dead?

You're gonna give these
poor kids heat stroke.

Hey. Vic Weiss.
Nice to meet you.

Tark and I have been best
friends since grade school.

I've seen him rise up to
the top of the college game,

and I'm about to blow
his fuckin' mind.

: The Lakers.

I know, I know. It's
bullshit and politics,

- but what do you call this, pal?
- We had to tape the vents.

Those NCAA scumbags
hid a camera.

I'm a persecuted man.

You're damn right, you are.

In here coaching
like Anne Frank,

schvitzing your balls off.

The bags under your eyes
got bags under their eyes.

- You sound like Lois.
- That's because she loves you, pal!

Like I do. You're
stuck here in a

fucking sand trap,

trying to defend your
name, and for what?

For this amateur baloney?

Cash your chips in.

Get what you deserve for once.

- Player: Open!
- Shit, let me hear him out at least.

How much are you in for?

What? Look,

- this is for you!
- Look,

if you need a little scratch...

I'm tellin' you,
I'm good. I'm...

I'm great.


So am I.


Okay, good job! Take it again!


I'm here for Dr. Buss.

Hi, sorry. He just started on
his hair so it could be a while.

- Do you want to come in?
- Right on.

- Thank you.
- Sure.

Dr. Buss got game of his own.

- I'm Jeanie.
- Oh! Earvin. Sorry.

You kidding? I-I
know who you are.

Do you want a Coke or something?

Uh yeah, yeah. Cool.

Thanks. So, uh

you live here with Dr. Buss?

Well, technically I
still live with my mom,

but she's down in Del Mar,
and I'm part-time at 'SC,

so I stay here the
nights she lets me.

Which isn't enough.


So your mom,

she's cool you staying
here with Dr. Buss and all?

Oh yeah. Yeah, they
split up ages ago,

so they're basically
just friends now.

Your moms was with him, too?

He's my dad.

I'm sorry. You know, you just
hear about stories about LA

and all that and...

Right on. Right on.

Jerry Buss: Is that LA's
new favorite son I hear?

- Johnson: Dr. Buss?
- Ha, ha! How you doin'?

- How was the trip?
- It was good.

So sorry I couldn't be
there to meet you myself,

- but I hope you liked that driver.
- Yeah, yeah. Smooth ride.

So, I hope you
brought your appetite

- 'cause I was thinking fondue. What do you think?

Jeanie, can you get that?

- Look, I was talking to Norm...
- Jerry: Uh-huh.

- And he was talking to Coach West.
- Jerry: Right.

- And...
It's for you, Dad. Mr. Sharman.

I'm so sorry. Hold
that thought, Earvin.

I got to take this one. Yeah.

Thank you. Hello, Bill!

Uh-huh. No, we're about
to get some lunch.

What do you mean,
not interested?

Oh, give me a fucking break.

With all due respect, Bill,
it's the fuckin' Lakers.

Bill, what did I say?

I said, if you can solve
this on the phone, great.

If you can't, I'm
going to Vegas,

so that's what I'm doing now.

Yes, right now!

Well, if you can be at the Van
Nuys airport in 20 minutes,

then you can come
with me. Goddammit.


- Is everything alright?
- Oh yeah, everything's copacetic.

Nothing for you to worry about.

I've got to go to Vegas.

Right, well, I did wanna
talk to you about something.

Yeah, and I wanna talk
to you, too. Jean Bean,

will you take our new
friend out for lunch,

go to the Derby
or something fun?

I'll be right back,
buddy! I promise!

Lakers win! Lakers win!

Aw, shit. Fuckin'
Super Glue, my ass.

Fucking... Fuck!


Fuck you, too.

Now, what did it ever do to you?

I'm sorry.

Who the fuck are you?

We met a few times.

Jack McKinney.

I'm the assistant
coach in Portland.

Oh, yeah, right.
Doc Ramsay's guy.

He lets me out of the house
sometimes. Have a minute?

Look, if you're here
about the coaching job,

I'm not the guy to talk to.
I'm out the fuckin' door.

Yeah, that's why
Bill called me down.

For what?

- For my job?
- I guess they're seeing a few people.

To be honest, I
have reservations.

Well, fuck, goddammit, so do I.

I mean, you're...
you're a number two!

I mean, this is head coach
of the fuckin' Lakers.

Hell of a team. No doubt
about it. But, uh...

Well, I've had a few head
coaching offers in the past,

none of them quite
what I'm looking for.

My wife says I'm too picky.

Always waiting for
some perfect situation

that won't ever come around.

Wai... Back the fuck up. Wha...

What isn't perfect
about this job?

Jack McKinney: Well, that's
what I wanted to ask you.

It looks great on paper.

The squad's loaded, but here
you are walking out the door.

- That's my business.
- I just wonder if you're

bumping on personalities.

You know, new owner, big star
like Kareem stuck in his ways,

maybe that's the reason your
offense got so stagnant.

- Stagnant? No...
- You know, "dump the ball in post,

watch the big man go to work."

- Dependable, conventional.
- Conventional?

I'd want to try something,
I don't know, a lot more...

- More...
- Uh...

I don't know. A lot more unique.

- Unique, yeah? Doc t...
- Bill Sharman: Hey, Jack!

- Thanks for coming down.
- Oh, thanks for having me, Bill. Jerry.

Hey, thanks for
the conversation.

I-I hope we can
finish it sometime.

- Yeah, absolutely.
- Sharman: You know Chick.

- Hey, Jack. How are you? Good to see you, pal.
- Hey, Chick. Good to see you.

No, no, no, no, Bill. I mean, what
the fucking fuck of a fuck, dude.

I mean, that guy's
a fuckin' nobody.

Yeah. Well, he's a backup.

Buss has his heart
set on Tarkanian.

You gotta be dry-fucking-
humping me, dude!

- No!
- You want my job, Jerry?

Oh, that's right. You
picked this week to retire.

But, I gotta thank you.

See, I'm learning that
life, like basketball,

it's a game of control.

Knowing what you can
and what you can't.

For instance, I
can't control you.

- That...
- I mean, I can't control Dr. Buss,

and I can't control

who he wants to
replace you with.


That's all I got, Jerry.

Unless you wanna reconsider.

Fuck no, Bill.

Then finish packing.

: What the fuck is...

Johnson: Woo!

Hey, I ain't never been to
no premiere before. Hoo-hoo!

Yeah, that don't surprise me.

Do they got popcorns
like at a regular movie?

I'm about to kick
your ass outta my car

you don't stop acting
like a bumpkin.

And don't go getting fucked up

over the celebrity
bullshit neither

because most of these stars
out here broke as fuck,

perpetrating like
they living the dream.

No, you gotta do it like

Jim Brown or OJ do.

Stay righteous, brother.

Yeah, yeah. Right on. Right on.

So, uh...


Your man Buss leave you hangin'?

He had to go to Vegas.


What that mean?

Nothin', man. Look.

Glad you could make
it, young buck.

Me, too. Me, too.

- I'm about to have fun.
- Nixon: Hey.

the red carpet!

Remember that
little chat we had, okay?

Stay cool as a fan, yeah?

Look at this.

See, stop it. Look.
Strike one. Hey!

- Hello, fellas.
- Damn! Lookin' sharp.

Where is everybody? The press
should be all up on my ass.

Shit, ain't everybody out this
motherfucker a budding all-star.

This shit cool, Storm.

Can't wait to see my man
up on the big screen.

- Hey, thank you.
- Uh, which one of you is on the Rams?

- None. We're Lakers.
- Right.

- Well, let's get a photo anyway.
Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Hold on.

Ring check, ring check.

Oh! Thank you so
much! Here we go.

Woman: Mrs. Cosby!

Oh! Look, y'all,
it's Fat Albert!

I'm gonna slide out real
quick, fellas. Do my thing.

- Hey, say hey to Bill for me.
- Nixon: Shut up.

: Man.

Magic motherfuckin' Johnson.


Nigga, Michigan State?

You made me so much
fuckin' money that game.

Stomping all up and down on
that sorry-ass Larry Bird.

- Right on, brother.
- Yeah, baby.

You's a bona fide
Civil Rights hero.

Making that ugly-ass white
boy cry on national TV? Shit!

I bet they were celebrating that
shit in the jungles of Africa.

- Man, stop! Stop, man. I just be playin' ball, man.
- Yeah, man!

- Oh, you just be playin' ball, huh?
- Yeah!

Well, my name is Zastro,

and everybody around
this motherfucker

likes to call me...


Nice to meet you, Zastro.

Well, dig this here.

I got this little
thing that I do.

It's over off of Crenshaw.

It's a little after-hours.

Do a little dancin', do a
little gamblin', and, uh,

the best damn poontang...

LA has to offer.

Close your mouth, my brother.

Take this card.

Earvin, we gotta
get to our seats.

What's going on, Silk?

Walk with me.

What, y'all know each other?

Dude's shady. Lots
of those out here.

He ain't got shit
to lose. You do.

Good lookin' out, brother.

Gimme that puss...

: Oh, it's coming up right now.

Don't use it here, sittin'
on your butt! Nixon!

Was that you or...

Wait, what? Where's
the rest of it?

Back of your head
look good, man.

They oughta give
that afro an Oscar.

Nixon: Ain't that some...
some bullshit right there?

McKinney: Pick it up!
That ball does not

wanna just sit in
someone's hands.

It wants to move.

It wants to flow, like water.

Let's get a move on!

Push it faster, go!

Yeah. Like what he did there.

He ain't bad. He ain't...
He ain't fuckin' bad at all.

Look at that. Never stops going.

He's pretty fucking good.


Where is the Portland finals?


Hey. They told me you retired.

- You're not Gail.
- No.

I'm just borrowing
her eye shadow.

- What's your excuse?
- Huh?

Oh, fuck hell, I'm out the door.

No, I'm just, uh...

Yeah, Bill's just got me
helping out on the job hunt.

Well, you can put in
a good word for me.

- To coach?
- That'd be a kick.

- Right?
- Seriously?


No, Chick's, uh, is letting
me audition to be on the air.

Oh shit, Pat.

- What the fuck for?
- Glutton for punishment?

I mean, I'm telling you,

I get my ass on a golf course,

I'm never setting
foot in here again.

No good fuckin' riddance, too.


I said the same thing
about volleyball.

Month on the sand,

I didn't know what I was
gonna do with my life.

It's funny, you know.

It's not like it's
any big surprise, but

you spend your whole career

knowing it's all
gonna be over someday.

But you never really know what
over is going to feel like

until you're sittin'
on the beach.

You're a 34-year-old has-been.

And you realize,

"Holy shit. Man, I just...

I turned into my old man."

But, hey. If I was
you, it'd be different.

Look at you. You got
to be Jerry West.

You know, that kind of respect,
that kind of appreciation,

I would be thrilled to
walk away into the sunset.


I'm practicing my velvet voice.

How do I sound?


Larry: Hey, EJ! I miss you, man.

I got Junior!

Hey, man! How you been?

Oh, boy's up this early?

He's not calling
from jail, is he?

Tell Mama I ain't
calling from no jail.

Well, what you been
doing out there?

I just went out to a movie
with the fellas last night.

Oh, you making friends then?

Yeah, Pop. Good ones.

Hey. Zastro sent me.

Zastro: Here you are,
baby! Welcome to Zastro's,

where we about to show
you the time of your life.

They told me Magic's outside.

That boy wore a prom
suit to pull some pussy.

Now, you might
know magic, nigga,

but she about to make
your dick disappear.

Johnson: But, you know,

only thing on my mind
right now is ballin'.

- Oh, d-did he find a church yet?
- Johnson: Yes, ma'am.

Got hands laid on
me and everything.

Oh, good.

you're eating, too,

'cause your mama's been
cooking up a storm for us

- like it's a repast.
- Yeah, I'm eating real good.

- Tell him she made pot roast.
Hey, Pops. Can I talk to him?

I wanna tell him about
that new Tasty Ice flavor.

- We got two flavors!
We have to go.

Hey, we must be gettin'
off right now, son.

- We going to church. Love you.
Tell him we say bye!

Family: We love you!
Love you! Love you!

- Out the door! Out the door! Let's go. Let's go.
- Johnson Sr.: Let's go...

They sure are.

People think some things in
life are out of their control.

Your hair falls out

the loan comes due,
the coach quits,

and the guy you want to replace
him with is playing hard to get.

Nothing you can do!

But I don't buy into that.

I'm a math guy.

For every problem,

there is a solution.

Just... have... to

find it.

Well, no, actually,
I don't have a table,

but I-I know Jerry Tarkanian
is having dinner here,

and that's who I'm here to
see, so... I'm Dr. Jerry Buss.

I own the Los Angeles Lakers.

Maybe you've heard of them.

Yeah, I lost 10 G's
on you motherfuckers.

Oh! He's with me! He's with me.

- Doorman: Hey. Sorry.
- Joey, gentile.

Mr. Mariani. I didn't know.

Don't worry about it.

- See you later, Joey.
- You just gave him my whole wad.

Yeah, I'm sure he earned it.

And I kicked and
screamed, "I like it here.

I don't wanna go
to Los Angeles."

Blah blah blah blah blah.

Next thing you know, I fall
in love with the place.

Tark, will you
listen to the guy?

What am I doing here?

I'm eating. I'm listening.

I'm getting heartburn.

I do appreciate your
gumption. You know,

showing up like this.

I'm not going anywhere.

Johnny, you know that pomodoro

- I got coming for Lois?
- Yes, sir.

- Can we put a fucking rush on that?
- Johnny: Absolutely.

Tarkanian: And I'll take
an espresso, please.

It's on the house,
Coach. Go Rebels.

See, now this is
the kind of love

that you guys,

you want me to leave,
right? For what?

- These fucking phonies in Hollywood?
- Tark...

What you got here,

it's magnificent.

Of course, they love you.

But LA is gonna
love you even more.

- They are.
- Jerry: So, let me take

what you do here. The speed,

that fucking lightning offense,

let me put it on the
biggest stage there is.

Don't hide your light
under a bushel, Jerry.

You know what you got?

A really amazing head of hair.

- Really?
- Truly.

You know, I spent so
many years waging war

on this fucking thing.

Like the Battle of
the fucking Bulge.

This guy even got his
friend to come over...

- Pedro.
- And teach me how to

comb it over.

Took an hour

every day.

Still wound up looking
like a plate of spaghetti,

and I wasn't fooling anybody.

Now, I got a crew cut.

- Jerry Buss: Looks good.
- Lois thinks I look like a Basset hound.

But at least, I don't
feel like a fraud.

I'm a college coach.

That's what I am.

- W-W-What Tark's trying to say...
- Mick!

He's just saying he's
real comfortable,

and it would take a lot to, uh,

you know, make him move forward.

Okay. How much? How much?

Jerry, let's just...
Let's just say it.

- Say what we think. How much?
- Vic Weiss: Let's

spitball. Uh, at least

two, three times what he's
earning here in Vegas.

How about 10 times as much?

- Okay?
- That's a lot of money, Jerry.

That's $750,000 by the way.

And that's over how long?

Per year, every year.

Which, if I'm not
mistaken, would make you

the highest-paid
coach in sports.

Jerry, I didn't come
here to fuck around.

I came here to make
you a solid offer.

- You know, it's a lot of driving out in LA.
- Tarkanian: Vic...

And he'd need a new car. You
know, something reliable.

Luxurious. I got a dealership...

Get two. Get one
for Lois as well,

so she can do her errands.

- It's Rolls-Royce.
- Jerry: Of course, it's Rolls-Royce.

You think I'm gonna
put 'em in a Pontiac?

You see what the fuck I'm
dealing with over here?

Hey, why don't you throw
in the whole stadium?

- Tark the Shark!
- So, did we just make a deal?

That's what it
sounded like to me.

Couple cars, 750.

Are we done?

'Cause I would love to trade
in this sludge for some bubbly.

- Champagne, sir.
- Jerry Buss: Ha! Jesus.

You do get good service here.

From the gentlemen.


- Let's make this happen for everybody, alright?

- Yeah, we'll definitely do that.
- Good seeing you.

Thanks a lot. You've given
us a lot to think about.

Jerry, it was nice to meet you.

Was it just me, or did
we just get kiboshed

- by a bottle of champagne?
- Wasn't the bottle.

Who were those guys?

Come on. Who do you think?

- Bing-bing-bing-bing.
- Yeah.

Yeah. So, you know what?

We ought to kiss
their pinky rings

because they just saved
us 750,000 fassule.

How are we gonna come up
with that kind of scratch?

Let me worry about the money.

You find out what
the hell happened.

- Call a cousin or something.
- I can't call...

We're not letting
this slip away!

Pay who you gotta pay.
Just make it happen.

Fight the habit of
retreating to your head voice.

Set your chest voice free.

Oh... oh!

Instructor: Performing
vowel sounds.

Red baby buggy bumpers.

Red baby buggy bumpers...

Franklin threw Fred
three free throws.

Franklin threw Fred
three three flows...

Franklin threw Fred
three three fl... Shit!

the air in your lungs

in one large breath.

Hm, hm, hm, hm!

Let's do this, let's do this.


Lights out, folks.

Riley with the ball
shakes his shadow,

pulls up for the jumper. Good!

Two points Kentucky. Riley with
the rebound and the outlet.

Damp here on the break. Score!

What a duo. That's
a one-two punch

if I've ever seen one,
folks. Hard foul by Riley.

Took a little... wild
out of those cats.

Alright, Riley, number 42,

pops it loose and breaks away.

West, the trailer,
shoots... Scores!

'Cause he's Jerry West.
One of the best, folks,

one of the best to ever live.

And here comes f...

Pat Riley, folks, the

faggy-voiced washout
with no future,

who no one thinks
will amount to any...


I used to be married to
a professional athlete,

so I guess we're even.

What if you just cleared out
all that ivy and this stuff,

and then I could see
patients in here?

Ah! Fuck.




Did you get it out
of your system?

Those fucking roots.

- Are you feeling bleeding?
- I'll stitch it up.

Just can't stop
thinking about my dad.

Four games in the majors.

One hit.

He spent the rest of his life
trying to get back to the plate.


Chris: You know,

every patient asks me

how they turned out
like their parents.

I've never had a single one

prepared to do the work
to turn out differently.

All I've ever done is work.
I worked my whole life.

- Chris, that's all I've done.
- Mm.

Day and night, I work.

Every time I leave the...

I'd leave the court,

and I'd see him in

my mind's eye.

Fucking beer in his hand, sitting
in that ugly fucking chair.

And I'd work harder.

- At basketball.
- Yeah. What else?


There's a reason that
we bury the dead, honey.

Indians burn bodies

and Vikings send them
out to sea. It's for

the living.

So that we can move
on with our lives.

You wanna send me out to sea?

Sometimes, I really do.

I just really want you
to find something else.

Is that your big audition tape?


How'd it go?

It's terrible.

Alright. Well then...

Work harder.

What's it like out there?

Diana Ross I love her hair.

Hey, y'all.

It's for you.


Should've known.

Ten girls gathered around,
it's gotta be Earvin.

Now, you know I only
kept them on the line

so I could talk to you.

Young Johnson: Oh,
everybody's going wild!

Johnson makes the shot!

He wins the finals! Woo!

Johnson: I don't know, Cook.

The whole thing out here,

ain't like how I
thought it was gonna be.

Feel kind of small.

Like Norm.

He talk like he hot shit,

but he got all
these side hustles.

Got a store here,

a few words in a movie there,

and they all... fine with it.

It's just... I don't know.

You want more.

Of course.

They out here treating
us like we The Sylvers,

when I'm trying to
be the Jackson Five.

Michael, at that.

Damn straight.

And I ain't talkin'
no Tito or Jermaine.

But, Cook,

you shoulda seen the way that
they was up on Cosby last night.

All these eyes and cameras.

He was gettin' all the love.

If you think that's
love, Earvin.

Tsk. There you go.

Just sayin'.

Well, what you expect?

If it was up to me,

I'd have the real thing
right here with me.

- I got a test in the morning.
- Johnson: Come on, Cook.

I got a orange tree
right outside my door.

- Good night, Earvin.
- Good night, Cook.

Karen: Mm. I was thinking
a vase or maybe an orchid.

But that's the perfect touch.


I'll get it out of here.

- No rush.
- That's that for basketball.

Now what?


I had some ideas.


- Oh!
- Oh...

Such as...

Oh, come on.


Hang on. You should go
get your diaphragm on.

Or not.

We could make something new.


- Bill! Bill!
- Sharman: Not now, Jerry.

- Not now!
- Don't fucking "not now" me. I saw the progression, Bill.

This guy McKinney is a
fucking idiot savant.

I mean, first year he came in,

he turned that team in
Portland right around

- as an assistant.
- Yep.

I did. I spoke to Ramsay.
It was his X's and O's.

I mean, he took a squad of
spare parts and turned them into

a fucking Rolex, made 'em
tick right to the title.

They call it "retired"
for a reason, Jerry.

- Dr. Buss!
- Huh?

This coaching thing.

I got your guy.

Too late! Already
got my own guy.

Deal's already done.

Tark's driving out to meet
me at the Bay Club. Hey, hon?

Come on with me, and I'll
drop you off at your mother's

when I get him on
the dotted line.


Thank you for your service.

And, hey, what do you know?

I only have to change
one name on the door.

That's what you call a mitzvah!

That means good luck in Jewish.


You're done.

Lois: Oh here, I found
it. 2,500 square feet,

three bedrooms, two
and a half baths.

You gotta think big, Lois!

Something in the hills.

- You know, the stilts.
- Lois: I'm not vacuuming a mansion.

They got Mexicans for that!

Hello, Vic?
- Hey ya, Rose.

- Oh, hi, Tark.
- Vic there? We're on the road.

He didn't come
home last night.

You haven't heard from
him? He hasn't called you?

Well, you know Vic. He
probably slept at the office.

Anyway, we'll see him there.
Alright. Love you, Rose.

Honey, this one
looks really good.

Oh, honey!

Jerry: We're gonna
win it all this year.

I can see it. Tark
is the last piece.

He's gonna be worth every penny.

And it's a lot of
pennies, let me tell you.

Are you sure we can afford it?

Afford what?

Well, I-I overheard
you and Grandma.

And Claire is worried...

Because there's not that
much coming in so far.

You see that airplane up there?

You know how an airplane flies?

Like the actual physics of it?

Well, let me tell you.

It falls. No shit.

It falls out of the sky,

just fast enough
with enough velocity

that it doesn't smash
into the ground,

and then your wheels just touch,

and you're right
where you wanna be.

But, you can't tell the
paying customers that

because you can't sell
tickets falling to New York.

Jerry: But, kiddo,

you can't get
anywhere in this world

if you are afraid to fall.



So, quit worrying. I brought
you with for good luck.



They found him.

They found Vic!