Will Trent (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Will Trent - full transcript

Will and Faith's investigation into a small-town murder has large implications when a connection is drawn to a cold case; the death of a security guard perplexes Angie.

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Previously on "Will Trent"...

Kenny's in the
hospital. What happened?

Stroke. While doing
the GBI's scutwork.

Good job today, you two.

I think I'm gonna keep this
little experiment going.

I slept with Ormewood.

You and I were on a break,

and I was high.

Why are you telling me this now?

Sick of secrets.

They call
him The Howling Man.

Trapped for eternity
between the worlds

of the living and the dead.

Y'all, the hairs on
my neck are buzzing.

We're standing in the
exact spot my cousin stood

when she heard The
Howling Man's screams

from beyond the grave.

It was so chilling, her
eyebrows turned white.

Yeah, your cousin
was on 'shrooms.

Was that a gun?

Let's go.

We called 911! I
think they hit a deer.

Are you okay?

W-We didn't see him.

Oh, my God!

It's a man. Oh, God.

They hit a man.

He's still breathing.

Where'd he come from?

Do you think this
is The Howling Man?

What's wrong with his eyes?

Just look up.

I'm gonna check
your pupil response.

extension 4240.

Dr. May, extension 4240.

Faith, I know it's embarrassing,

but you need to be
honest with the doctor.

You fainted. I did
not faint. I fell.

But first, her eyes rolled
to the back of her head,

then she was unconscious,
which I call fainting.

You guys keep going,
but we wait much longer,

I can't do stitches.

No! No stitches.

If you come at me
with a needle, I'll...

Steri-Strips and glue, then.

Any chance the two
of you are expecting?


Sorry, um, we're not together.

And I am definitely
not having sex,

so unless God himself is
cooking up a plan, then...

Not pregnant.

Well, in that case, I
want to run some tests.

CT, blood work.

Afraid we can't skip
the needle on that one.

Do you, uh, need
to squeeze my hand?

I need you to get out of here.


light southern breeze.

Here's your latest storm
coverage for Metro Atlanta.

As you can see through
Mississippi and...

across Alabama
this storm system is moving in fast.

This storm is coming
from the Southwest,

starting just above the Gulf...

Special Agent Will Trent.

How soon can you be down
at St. Peter's Hospital?

Pretty fast. I'm
here with Faith.

Who called you?


No one. I was there.

W... At the car accident?

What car accident?

Special Agent Will Trent.

Park Police requested
you for a case

down at Stone Mountain.

Possible kidnapping.

Ormewood and Polaski
will meet you there

to give you the details.

It's their case?

It's your case.

Keep me posted.

Push another
amp of bicarb.

I need another two units O neg.

O2 sats are falling. Hey.

Hey. What are you doing here?

He's losing blood.

Park Police called me in.

That was fast.

No, yeah, g-good.

We could use you.
This one is...

Call the blood bank. We're
gonna need more blood.

Uh, white male, early 50s,

jumped in front of a car
in the middle of nowhere.

No shirt, no shoes, no ID.

He's not expected to make it.

Ormewood's talking
to the drivers.

We got two other
witnesses at the scene.

Paramedics noticed the ligatures

on the wrists and the ankles.

He's been tortured. Yeah.

Yeah, I'm
surprised he survived long enough

to get hit by a car.

Start a Norepi drip.
Get ready to intubate.

We're gonna lose him!

Damn. I'm gonna try
for a declaration.

Uh, I'm Detective Polaski.

Can you tell me your name?

Do you understand
what's happening?

Tell us who did this.


No pulse. He's lost
too much blood.

Time of death, 19:04.

Ma'am, just take a deep breath

and try to think
about what direction

the victim was
headed when you...

Is that poor man
gonna be alright?

I always tell Henry
he drives too fast.

One ticket 10 years ago...
She never lets me forget it.

Hey, Mom, hey. Oh,
thank the heavens.

Tom, it's been a nightmare.

Yeah, well, let's
get you home, okay?

Come on.

Hi. Detective Ormewood, APD.

I just need to finish
their statements

while the details
are still fresh.

Yeah, well, a crazed man

ran out in front of their
car and almost killed them.

Don't you think they've
had enough for one day?

Look, I get it. You guys
have been through a lot.

Which is why I was hoping
to wrap things up now,

so you won't have
to see me again.

Dr. Bender,
you're needed in pre-op.

Dr. Bender to pre-op.

Well, that was pointless.
They didn't see a damn thing.

Okay. No! No!

What the hell's your
boyfriend doing here, huh?

What, did you chase the
ambulance here, Trent?

Stay away from my case, okay?

Okay, listen. Park
Police called him in.

If we don't play ball, they
can push us off of this.

The guy's a vulture.
And a vampire.

He's a vampire vulture,
and he swoops in

and he sucks up
people's cases like...

I can hear you, you know,
through the curtain.

Everyone can.

you just accept...

Where have you been?

You have my phone, my wallet.

Where's my purse?

Relax. It's in the car.

So, what'd the tests say?

They all came back positive
for mind your business.

I am fine.

Are you doing some
sort of magic show?

You are overseeing our case.

Yeah. In the fascist
sense of the word.

You don't even know
what that means.

Hey, are you okay? I'm fine.


Someone held our victim
against his will, okay?

They burned him,
beat him, cut him...

God knows what else.

We're here to help you
try to find that someone.

As a team.


Now, I suggest we get
to the crime scene

before the storm that's coming
washes away all our evidence.

What storm?

Tell us
about the gunshot.

It sounded like it
came from over there,

but not far away.

You see where the
victim came from?

I asked the driver, but he
just stared off that way.

He might've also
been having a stroke.

Did you see anyone or
hear anything else?

Yeah. We almost got
run over by this jerk.

There was another car?

Yeah, some heartless dick
in a green pick-up truck

just blew past us,
hardly even slowed down.

Just rubbernecked
and kept going.

It's like, "Hello! Man
dying in the street."

Have some compassion.

You were recording
the whole time?

It's gonna
be our best episode.

We'll need a copy, thanks.

Then Park Police
will get you home.

right this way.

Thank you so much. Can I...

Gunshot wound was the only thing

our victim didn't have.

Well, if the suspect fired
at him while he fled,

then there's a bullet and a
casing somewhere in there.

Sure, but we gotta
wait for the K-9 guys.

No time. We're going in now.

- Alright, let's roll.
- You heard him. Let's move.

Grab a bag. Let's go.

- Let's go!
- Pass them back your way.

Need one more!

I got a rope here.

It's got blood on it.

Will. Over there.
There's a reflection.

It's a driver's
license. Georgia.

Does it belong to our victim?

I don't think so.

Any chance it
belongs to "Timothy"?

It's, uh, covered in dirt.

I don't want to compromise it.

His eyes.

The hell happened
in these woods?

Wait, wait, wait.
Alright, alright.

Alright, go.


Wow, you're drinking me
under the table, woman.

How many is that now?

Don't worry about
it. Another round!

♪ Don't you know I've tried ♪

♪ Cried, cried ♪

♪ You know how I've cried ♪

♪ An', baby ♪

♪ I've been missin' you ♪


This case stirring things up?



I should try to make this early
NA meeting.

I'm working a
big case, you know, with the GBI.


Hey, can I ask you something?

You know, some people have
a no-dogs-on-the-bed rule.


Is, uh, working with Ormewood

bad for your sobriety?

Funny you should ask,
because my sponsor

thinks sleeping with you
is bad for my sobriety.

Everything is bad
for my sobriety.

I just gotta deal with it.

Is the Ormewood question
about me or about you?

No, not me. I'm good.

So you won't be weird?

No. Not weird at all.


Good luck.

Thank you.

Alright, the media's
going wild for this one.

I have a press
conference in an hour.

What do we know?

What happened here?
Don't worry about it.

Our victims are Arthur Tealy

and Phineas Lathrop.

Middle-aged white men.

Not your typical targets
for this type of crime.

Hm, nice change of pace.

Well, come in.

I don't bite unless
you deserve it.

Where's Polaski?

The snacks in here are amazing.

Are the apples organic?

Yeah, I hear their
printer has toner.

Do you also have valet?

Um, sorry, we're just
so dazzled by the GBI.


For now, we can assume

our victims were abducted, held,

and tortured by
the same suspect.

Our working theory is
that the men were brought

to the woods to be killed,
but somehow escaped.

Lathrop climbed a tree
here, probably to hide,

but then his captor
found and shot him.

Moments later,

Tealy managed to reach the road,

but was struck by
the Coldfields here.

The question is,

why these men, and why torture?

Revenge or information?

We need to establish
a connection.

Next of kin?

Interviewing them today.

Can we talk about
how the victims

got to the woods?

I keep going back
to the green truck.

Understood, Detective,
but since we have no make,

model, year, or plate number,

let's focus on what we can
learn from the victims.

Yeah, really feeling
that team spirit.

I'll go talk to the ME.

I'll come with you.

What a treat.

I'll check with ROCIC,

see if they're following
any similar cases.

You feel okay?

I didn't see you eat breakfast.

How about you use your
keen observation skills

for the case.

I am fine.

Their insides are as
messy as their outsides.

Thanks to this.

We found it among
their clothing.

The jequirity seed,

also known as a prayer bean.

It's newly invasive to Georgia.

When crushed, it's
more toxic than ricin.

And rub a little in the eyes
and it causes blindness.

He was poisoning them
to keep them weak,

easier to hold captive.

But the blinding...

that feels personal.

Maybe it's punishment.

They saw something
they shouldn't have.

Or he didn't want to be seen.

Hey, Trent.

Take a
look at your guy's right arm.

You're gonna like this.

The wounds are similar.

Not just similar, identical.

All the wounds are.

A ritual.

The torture isn't about them,

it's about him.

You ever see anything like this?

Cigarette burns.

Just a bunch of them.

You sure?



Not everyone
appreciates this part

of the investigation.

Ah, Faith can't stomach it, huh?

That's what I love
about Polaski.

She's up for anything.

Arthur Tealy
was your father,

and you didn't notice
he was missing?

He took off when I was 8.

We didn't keep in touch.

Which is fine,

'cause he used to
knock Mom around,

and me sometimes.

Phineas and I tried a long
time to make things work.

But after I caught him

driving drunk with
the kids again...

I left.

He lost his job,

started drinking more,
if that's possible.

He called once,

at Christmas, all crying,

"I'm sorry I'm a lousy dad."

I thought, "You're
not even a dad.

You're a ghost."

His last words
were, "Timothy."

Does that mean anything to you?


He's dead.

Lousy end to a lousy life.

What do I tell my kids?

You know, he left
his driver's license

where it would be found.

He knew he wasn't gonna make it,

but he made sure to do that.

I gotta believe...

he was thinking of his family.

So you could have closure...

not have to wonder.

Are you okay?
You're kinda sweaty.


I'm fine.

If you think of anything else,

let us know.


Checking on you.

Will wants us to head back out

to the woods.

Okay, give me a minute.


I swear to God, Polaski.

Yup. Yup.

This should give us
a rough triangulation

of their starting point...

which should be
somewhere around here.

Let me see that.

But the rain washed away

any tire tracks and evidence.

What are we expecting
to find out here?

Where the victims were kept.

The Howling Man was more
than an urban legend.

Park Police confirmed hikers
have reported screams,

but they never found anything.

So you think that instead

of being brought to the woods,

they were here the whole time?

Where? Inside a hollow tree
with the Keebler Elves?

The nearest structures
are miles away from here.

Well, if they would've
been kept out here,

it would've been in
something mobile,

like a trailer or
a camper, right?

They were dumped.

The guy drove them here
in that green truck

to finish them
off, and they ran.

Stop! Don't move.

Where's the water going?

Ormewood, move.

Well, which is it?

Don't move, move...


Son of a bitch!

My ankle!

Trent, you did that on purpose!

He kept them underground.

Where no one could find them.

Oh, there's rats.

There's rats down here!

♪ Smoke rainbows ♪

♪ A halo out ♪

♪ A UFO light ♪

♪ A high glam ♪

It's all ritual.

♪ And a lazy song ♪

Even digging this bunker.

Suspect's repeating
something... private.

♪ And the tower of solution ♪


♪ Signed and sealed,
"Sincerely, the pollution" ♪

[ Recorder clicks ]

♪ From a holiday ♪

♪ On a holiday ♪

Is this for... praying?

Only if you're
praying for death.

"He will turn the
hearts of fathers

to their children,

or else I will come and strike

with total destruction."

Bible verses?

Only one.

Written over and
over again by hand.

Check those?

Utility lights
mess with my eyes.

These pages are all brittle.

Same verse, different

Multiple victims.

Each one doing penance
for the same thing.

Being a bad father?

How many people
were in this bunker?

I'll get Angie and Ormewood

to pull Missing Persons reports.

We took away his toys
and his playroom.

He's gonna need to
replace them soon.

Hey, hold on. Hold on.

There's something there.

It's a name.

We do have those kneelers, yes.

Of course, without the, um...

You wouldn't notice one missing?

We sold some of the older ones

in a yard sale a few years back.

Anyone could have them now.

Well, whoever did this

seems connected to the church.

We found bible verses,
uh, prayer beads...

Forgive me, but whoever did that

is a psychopath.

Or they might be using religion

to... to hide behind,

cherry pick, justify...

That's not...

All the same,

I'm gonna need you to provide
a list of parishioners,

staff, and volunteers.

Of course.

Although we don't really
keep a running list

of those people.

We've got our regulars, sure,

but people are always
dropping in and out.

Plus, all the
community activity.

We host a lot of
outreach programs...

Food banks, AA meetings,

things like that.

I mean, someone's
always coming or going.

You'll have to excuse me.

I have an appointment.

I will get you that list.

Appreciate it.

Will, come look at this one.

Read it to me.

It's an ad for jobs.

They wanna hire,

"men who are looking to
turn their lives around."


There's a bible verse
at the bottom...

"Fathers must be men of dignity,

not double-tongued,

or addicted to much wine,
or fond of sordid gain."

1 Timothy, 3:8.

You think this is our Timothy?

This is how he
lures his victims.

Hiya. I'm Duke.

Excited to hear about this job.

Was that a gun?

Was that a gun?


I wasted half
my day chasing down that number.

Flyer was a total dead end.

Phone was pay-as-you-go
and no longer activated.

No trace evidence
from the paper.

Since when did you start
carrying protein bars

in your suit?

Got something.

Guy called the tip line

after seeing Amanda's
press conference.

Oh, you shoulda seen this guy.

He must've been,
what, seven feet tall?

An actual giant.

I mean, you had
to see his shoes.

So, he said his friend Duke
went to meet about a job,

and he hasn't heard
from him since.

And Duke found out about the job

from a flyer at his AA meeting.

Yeah, cruiser called in a
location on Duke's motorcycle.

It's been sitting in front
of a rec center all day.

Great, we'll check it out.

The hell you will.
This is our lead.

It's best you, uh,

stay off crime scenes
while you're injured.

I'm not injured, I'm hurt.

And you're not in charge.

Actually, I am.

Besides, you've been doing
really promising work

with the Missing Persons files.

Do some door knocks.

Interview families, whoever
filed those reports.

You have a talent
for follow-ups.

You making fun of me? Hmm?

I don't appreciate
your sarcasm, Trent.

Absolutely not.

People enjoy talking
to you, Michael.

Maybe we should take this
conversation outside. Uh...

Stop it. What is happening?

Stop. Stop. Just stop. Okay.

We are gonna go knock
on some doors, right?

That was some Big Weird Energy.

Eh, we split
up, we get done faster.

We are not splitting
up. You're injured.

I'm not injured, I'm hurt.

Look, I just want
to finish this.

Here. Okay, yeah.

Go ahead and put
yourself your...

That's great.

Was that a gun?

Again? Will, we're here.

Let's go.

There's something off.

I just can't focus.

Was that a gun?

Was that a gun?

We called 911!

I had no idea you
were this much fun.

Stop! Faith: Hey!

Ease up.

We'll figure it out.

I keep on ruminating
about some...

other personal stuff.


Maybe. Hm.

My stupid detective brain

doesn't have an off switch.

Sometimes I wish it did.

Yeah, obsessive
looping thoughts.

I know them well.

You want to talk about it?

No. Yeah, copy that.

Come on.

They probably met over here,

away from people.

Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey.

Come on. Come on.

It's okay.


Alright, what do you need, huh?

Juice? Insulin?

Where's your injector?
Damn it, Trent.

I am a person dealing
with a personal matter.

Stop treating the
people in your life

like they are crime scenes.

It is hard enough
being diagnosed

with diabetes in your 30s

without having Scooby-Doo
breathing down your neck.

Ezra McCarvin had diabetes.

He was one of the little kids

I looked after in
the group home.

I can help you. If you want.

It's the needles.

And how did you know, anyway?

Fainting... dead giveaway.

Change of eating habits.

Band-Aids on your fingers.

As far as cases go,

it was a piece of cake.

Which you can't have anymore.

Blood sugar humor.

Not funny.

You know,

you could've told me.

Like you tell me
all your secrets?

You are not the only
detective here, Will.

Were you ever gonna tell
me about your reading?

Look, I get it.

You don't want people
treating you different,

wondering if you can
do your job or not.

Now you know how I feel.

You want me to do this or what?

Go on.

Hmm, not bad.




It's confetti.

Plastic, like from
a taser cartridge.

Duke was taken.

Most people
don't realize

that when a taser is fired,

it releases AFIDs...

Identification Disks...

Each with its own serial number

that traces back to the buyer.

The number on these,
they trace back to you.

Why does a pastor need a taser?

Well, I... The church
bought one years ago

for security purposes.

It's never been used.

Where'd you go

when you left us
yesterday afternoon?

I had an appointment.

With Duke Ulrich?

With my dentist.

We found the kneeler that
came from your church.

A flyer for recruiting victims,

also from your church.

And a taser cartridge
that was used

on our latest assumed victim,

registered in your name.

I gotta say, Pastor...

you're making me a believer.

I think I'd like to speak
with my attorney now.

here about Paul?

I don't know.

It's been three years
since I filed that report.

Um, uh, when he
first disappeared,

I was a mess,

but sometimes I just feel like

he walked out on me.

That's what he did
the first time.

What do you mean?

Paul's wife, his kids...
He left them for me.

Paul ever go to any
meetings, like AA?

He ever mention a
flyer about a job?

I don't think so.

What about church? Did he go?

Paul wasn't the church-y

There was this guy who worked
odd jobs at the dairy farm.

He would walk past our house

every day on his way to work,

and he would always give
Paul an earful about God.

How fathers who left their
kids are going to hell.

And Paul, he would
just laugh it off

and say that he's
already been to hell,

that's why he left his wife.

Oh, he was a jerk.

I miss him.

Remember anything
about this guy?

Young, brown hair.

Patchy beard.

Got an address for that farm?

Hey, Jimmy,

I need you to dig up
employment records

for Dresner Dairy.

Looks like it's been
closed for a while.

Yeah. And if you can, find
the number for a supervisor,

see if there were people
working here off the books

about three years ago.



Her eyebrows
turned white.

Yeah, your
cousin was on 'shrooms.

Was that a

Will, stop it.

Just listen.

That's it.

Will, what are you doing?

I said I want to
speak to my lawyer.

Judith and Henry Coldfield.

Do they have any
connection to your church?

The Coldfields?

The recording...

Their car hit
Arthur straight on.

No horn, no brakes,
not until after.

They were trying to kill him.

I know Judith.

We sheltered her
many years back,

before the death of
her first husband.

He was a monster.

No one should
suffer like this.

Did you know Judith
when this was going on?

Yes. We met at church when
she was married to Travis.

Oh, so did you kill him for her?

Or did you do it together?

Whose idea was it
to do it again?

To find other men who
deserved to be punished

and do onto them as
Travis did to you?

You searched
for men like Travis,

canvassing churches, shelters,

truck stops all
around the state.

And that's how you
found Arthur Tealy

and Phineas Lathrop.

Punishing them for the pain

that they caused their family.

And killing them.


And what about Duke Ulrich?

Where is he?

Who shot the guy in the tree?

Someone who was
also hurt by Travis.

Someone you've been protecting

in a way you couldn't
when he was a boy.

Your son.


Will... Polaski's worried.

Says Ormewood is missing.

What's his last known location?

Are you afraid of me?

Or are you afraid of God?

Whatever you want.

Good boy.


My father used to always say,

"Destruction of
the transgressors

and of the sinners
shall be together."


"And they that forsake the Lord

shall be put to an end."

Please, let us go.

No discipline seems
pleasant at the time,

but painful.

Later on, it produces a harvest

of righteousness and peace

for those who were
trained by it.

So this is what your
father did to you?

He hurt you in a
place like this?

It was a storm cellar.

Look at you.


You're just like him.

When's it time for
you to repent, huh?

Oh, come on.


Don't call me that.

Why'd you bring me here?

Is it 'cause I
remind you of him?


Tell me, why do you blind them?

Is it 'cause you don't want us

to see how weak and
pathetic you are?

What'd you say?

You're a disgrace
to your family.

You always have been.

And no matter what you do,

you'll always just be a whiny,

filthy little sinner.

Shut up!


Let's get
eyes in the sky.

Right. Copy that.

At the perimeter.
Securing the location.

Quiet. Quiet.

Shh! Quiet.

Hey. Quiet.


It's okay.

Drop your weapon!

She said,
"Drop your weapon."

Get paramedics in here.

Alright, bring the kit.

Here, help him. Help him.

It's gonna be all right, sir.

Relax, sir. I'm gonna
check your vitals, okay?

You should let someone
take a look at you.

Oh, God.

What are you, my mother?

You should talk to someone
who'll listen, Trent.


So, green truck.

Told you.

People carry their
trauma in different ways.

It's never an excuse...

but it can be a reason.

Can I come in?


I called the endocrinologist.

I'm dealing with everything.


Don't you find
hiding your secret

more stressful than it's worth?

Amanda knows.

Yeah, I figured.


everyone else?


Before I had dyslexia,
you know what I had?




I got cigarette burns for
fetching the wrong kind of soup

from the pantry.

So I learned how to
tell the difference

in other ways.

Figured out how to
navigate the world

without words.

Every step of the way,
there was someone there

to tell me that I was broken...


I decided a long time ago

that I'm not letting anyone

look at me that way ever again.

You know that having dyslexia

does not make you broken, right?

Oh, yeah.

I do.

But knowing it and believing it

are two entirely
different things.


See you tomorrow, partner?

And for what it's worth,

the thing that you're
circling about, Angie...

I don't think it's
really about her.

I think you're trying
to figure out...

how to not get hurt again.

And there is no
salve for that, Will.

Comes with being human.

How's Ormewood?

He's fine. He's
with his family.

He's still my partner.

I could arrange
for him to go away.

Oh, you had your chance
at the dairy farm.

And you saved his
life, you sucker.

Did you build that?


What is it
with you and this dog?

Abandoned, misunderstood,


I mean, what's not to love?

I was thinking about the case.

All those victims,

and nobody noticed
they were missing.

Betty would notice
you're missing.

I wish you told me
sooner about Ormewood.

I know.

Are you worried I'm
gonna start using again?

Angie, I know all of you.

And I'm not scared.

I'm here.

Maybe that scares you, though.

Shut up.

Yeah, okay.

Maybe it does.

Taking everything one
day at a time, you know?

I'm trying.

That's all I can say.

How about the next
time you want to run...

give it 24 hours.

See if it passes.

♪ You and me ♪

♪ If the stars don't shine ♪

♪ If the moon won't rise ♪

♪ If I never see the
setting sun again ♪


♪ You won't hear me
cry as I testify ♪

♪ Please believe me, boy,
you know I wouldn't lie ♪

♪ As long as there is ♪

♪ You and me, you and me ♪
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Nobody, baby, but, ooh ♪

♪ You and me, baby ♪

- - Captions by VITAC...