Wild Boys (2011): Season 1, Episode 8 - Episode #1.8 - full transcript

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Hello, yourself.

Hand over your valuables
gold, coins, whatever you got.

This is a joke, right?

Give me the money bags,
nice and slow.

Now take your pants off.


If you think that
I'm gonna take off my...

Subtitle: ringo & Szaki & LaDa

Fire! Fire!

Let's get some buckets!

Quick, boys!
Grab that other one!

Get me some water!

Quick with that water! Hurry up!

Fill those buckets!

More water, boys! Come on!

Where's Scanlon?

- I don't know. Asleep, I guess.
- Wake him up!

We'll post a couple of guards
on your door.

I don't need protection!

This is the act of a coward.

Reports of a...
female bushranger, sir.

She held up the coach from Stanley,

fleeced the passengers
and told them to strip.

Rumour has it she did the same thing
to Jack Keenan and his gang.

You think this is funny, do you?

You don't deserve to call yourself
a policeman.

Check with your snitches.
Look under every rock.

I want her found.

And if she has crossed paths
with Jack Keenan,

we can use it to our advantage.

Start with Mary.
Find out what she knows.

She won't talk.

Then you have to be
more persuasive, Sergeant!

I was thinking, after the score,
what do you say we head west?


Yeah. I been told there's good times
to be had there, Jack.

You always think it's gonna be
different someplace else.

Look, would you just imagine it!

The streets are paved in gold

and there's beautiful women with
their own teeth and dream hands.

- Rocks.
- Gold.

- Dream hands.
- Dream hands.

Alright, I'll picture that.

- Any other guns?
- No.

Pleasure was all mine, I'm sure.

Hey there!


I've traded my cow for this lot.

Oh, accepted.

- It's kind of dark in here, isn't it?
- Oh, you get used to it.

You wouldn't know if someone
was robbing you from two feet away.

I could be a blind man and know
I'd be safe from pilferers.

See those walls?
Three-feet-thick rammed earth.

See those bars?
Thee-inch-thick reinforced iron.

You met Cyril on the way in.
Bare-knuckle champion from Goulburn.

Can kill a man with his hands.

But still, how can I be certain
my gold will be safe?

What did I just say?
No one can steal from here.

It can't be done.

And if this is what they came for,
they'd be wasting their time.

Not even a few pennyweights?

Not even a skerrick of a pennyweight.
But you can pay me for testing.

I've seen how he knows
doing the robbery around here.

No good, Dan.
It can't be done.

What do you mean?
Hey, what about the west?

What about the pretty girls, Jack?
What about...

- There's got to be a way to do that.
- We'll find something else. Let's go.

I don't like
these pants of Gunpowder's.

Don't fit or something.

Better than seeing your bony arse,

I don't like 'em.

Alright, don't do anything sudden,
but I think we're being trailed.

How many, do you reckon?
Not sure.

What did I say?
I said, don't do anything sudden!

I don't see anyone back there.

See that boulder up ahead?

- Which one, the one on the left or...
- The one on the right.

What's the difference?

Get hide behind the boulder!

What do you reckon? Traps?

Shh, shh, shh.


Oh, OK, get off me!


Why'd you shoot at us?

Got your attention, didn't I?

Are you alone?


Should make you
take your clothes off.

You could...

Or I could help you
steal the gold instead.

Don't know what you're
talking about. What gold?

Do you want to play 20 questions
and get nowhere,

or do you want to admit that
you were casing the gold essayers.

I'd persuade her to take
clothes off.

You may as well give us back
our money while you're at it.

Nice duds.

Hey, those are my pants!

Last time, I was aiming to miss.

I knew you wanted to
get into my pants!

- Oh, don't flatter yourself!
- Alright, alright!

Easy, easy, easy, easy!

Now, what were you saying?
What do you know about the gold?

I know there's a way to get it.

The only way into this little beauty
is by this reinforced steel door.

It sits about here.

Thanks, Captain.

Ouch! Charge you double for that.

On the inside there's
an inner chamber.

It's locked at all times,
steel bars.

Except for when the gold's
being stored or transported.

When's that?
I've got a contact for that.

Conrad, I want
you and the captain...

- Yeah, which one am I?
- I'm sorry?

Am I the gumnut
or the bullet?

What difference is it make?

Well, if there's none,
I'll be the bullet.

Hey, but I'm not
a gumnut either, neither.


- Happy?
- Happy.


As I was saying, Conrad,

you and the captain
will wait here to load the gold.

Jessie, once you and I are inside,

Dan, you will lower
the explosives in through the roof.


Now, I know you're not
happy being a gumnut,

and here you are,
you're a nice, big, shiny?



I'm not happy with this plan, Jack.

What's wrong with the plan, Dan?
It's a good plan.

Well, it's a good plan if you don't mind
puting your trust in someone we barely know.

She told us exactly how
we can get at the gold.

She held us up.
She took our clothes, mate.

- She could've shot us and she didn't.
- Oh, really? Is that right?

That makes it all better then, Jack.

You know, you're the one that told me
that this job was impossible.

Oh, is that what's going on, Jack?

What, you're afraid to be outdone
by a woman?

- Oh, shut up. Shut up!
- That's what!

Is there a problem?

Yeah, there is a problem.

I don't trust you.

And you're wearing my pants.


- Don't look, Conrad.
- You reckon a good stare.

I have an interest in human anatomy.
You're just pervin'.

- Well, do you want 'em?
- No.

Keep 'em.


Mm. This plan requires
precision timing.


One wrong move from anyone,
Fuller'll be all over us.

Where'd you get it?

I've got my sources.

Ahh, can't remember
the last time I had jam!

What do you want for it?

Always so suspicious.

Well, I know a man bearing gifts
usually wants something in return.

The man who gave me this ribbon
wanted me to read him stories naked.

- Thank you, Ruby.
- I told him, "Sorry, can't read."

I do want something. Your company.
It's a beautiful day outside.

Um, I can't. I've got work to do.

Well, the thing about work is,
it'll be waiting here for you.

This offer may not
come around again.

Come on, Mary.
What say we steal ourselves an hour?

OK, let's get something straight.

The only reason
I'm giving you this job

is because your father
owns the paper.

So keep out of my way
and we might get along.

- Can you make coffee?
- No.

- Wrong answer.
- I'll learn!

Good. These need to be covered
for the next issue.

Surprise me, show me you can write.

The baptism of Luke Jeffreys,
school fete, obituaries...

What about the story on a female
bushranger everyone is talking about?

Sure. You give me an
exclusive interview, I'll print it.

Miss Fife?

Please don't give me
a headache on your first day.

Just cover the list.

What? What is it?

Just admiring the view.

Tell me more about Maryborough.

Oh, you know everything there is
to know, Mick. I'm an open book!

But one that's possibly misread.

What do you mean?

Strong businesswoman
on the outside

running three establishments
in Hopetoun by herself.

On the inside, a more vulnerable
Mary too scared to show it.

I think the book is getting a little
too sentimental.

You heard about
this female bushranger?

Oh, the town is buzzing
with talk about it.

Most of it exaggerated, no doubt.

One rumour has her holding up Jack
and demanding he take off his pants.

I would've liked to have seen that.

If she's half as good-looking
as what they say she is,

maybe he didn't mind.

You don't reckon
they're riding together, do you?

Jack and...


Just something I heard.

I wouldn't know about that.

You got a bit of jam
on your mouth right now.

Sorry, I can't do this.

My mistake.

Uh, no, no. It was mine.

Um, I have to get back.

Mary, wait.

Yah, Blue!

Go, Blue.

Alright, you wait here.
I won't be long.

Uh, I don't take kindly to orders.

Well, I have to go and see
my contact alone.

It's bloody pointless. It's
extra work. There's no extra pay.

No one wants to waste time
chasing ghosts,

they can do it themselves.


Can I go now?

Yeah, you can go.

Steady, steady! Yah, Blue!


Where are you heading
in such a hurry?

Uh, nowhere.
Just been out riding, is all.

What are you doing here?

- Uh...
- Hi!

Aren't you gonna introduce us?

Yeah, this is Mary.
Mary runs the pub.

Mary, Jessie.
Jessie, Mary.

I better go. You better, too.
Scanlon'll be along in a minute.

Mick Scanlon will arrive?
How do you know that?

I was just with...
He will be, that's all.

I've really got to go.

See you.

Yah! Come on.

Can we trust her?

Yeah, we can trust her.

So, the rumours are true.

What rumours?

- You and Jessie.
- There's nothing going on there.

You introduced me as,
"The woman who runs the pub."

What did you want me to say?

So, hey, this is Mary, the woman who
lets me visit her from time to time,

when she's not spending time
with sergeant Scanlon,

Which is where you just were,
was it?

What if I was?
He is interested in me.

We talk like normal people.

He's got an agenda.

And wouldn't that be
the same as yours?

No, see, I care about you.
He's just using you to get to me.

To get into my bed. Oh, ho!
Of course. It is all about you.

Yeah, damn right it is!

So are you a team now,
you and Jessie?

Not exactly, no.

Just go.

I never thought
you'd make do with Scanlon.

Got that information for me?

The gold escort
arrives tomorrow afternoon.

Hey, I don't know
what you're planning,

But the wagon is
heavily guarded.

- Who says I'm planning anything?
- Not me.

Don't get yourself killed.

Don't make a sound!

Do you know why I'm here?

You have a death wish?

What do you want?

Henry West.

You killed him.

I've no idea
what you're talking about.

I want to hear, you admit it.

Drop it!

Sir! You alright?

Drop it!

Sir, do you need assistance?

Where is she?

- Get your horses! Get after her!
- Yes, sir. Come on, boys. Go!

You sure know how to
keep a man waiting.

What happened?

You lost yourself some blood.

It'll heal.

You want to tell me
how it happened?

I had a run-in with a trapper.

I didn't see him coming.

Will you stay with me?

I'm not going anywhere.

Can I talk to you outside
for a minute, Jack?

I'll be right back.

So, are we gonna
call this plan off now?

It's a temporary hitch, that's all.

What do we know about her, Jack?

I know enough.

Mate, mate, you don't know anything.

Too busy staring at her assets.

Being blinded by what a woman
has to offer is your failing, Dan.

- It's not mine.
- Is that right?

The plan's still on!

Did you learn anything?

Nothing so far.

Well, if you can't the job done
maybe I'll need someone who can.


Clarke, sir.

Go, get some men together.

Get me information, Sergeant,
or get out of my way.

I need back copies, everything you've
got for the last three years.

I need information
about a certain Henry West.

- I'll see what I can find.

Superintendent, there are rumours
going around town...

I don't listen to rumours, Miss Fife.

In that case,

is it true you had a late-night
visit from the female bushranger?

Please excuse my young charge!

Her keenness for a story
has affected her judgement.


I heard she put a knife
to your throat.

Now, unless you can put intent
to the reason,

I can only hazard a guess as to why.

Guess away!

I'm sure our readers
would like to be informed.

- Your readers?
- Two days and she's the editor!

This is what I've got so far.

She must be quite a woman to get the
jump on the great Francis Fuller.

Don't confuse notoriety with being
worthy of note, Emilia.

This woman you so admire is nothing
more than a common criminal

and deserves what she's
got coming. A long drop.

Let me know
if you find anything else.

Stay away from what
you don't understand!

You heard him,
he threatened me!

No, he gave you sound advice.

Keep your nose
out of police business.

Fuller's not somebody
I want offside.

Sorry, Captain.

Didn't mean to take over your place
for the whole night.

Oh, that's alright.
I sleep outside all the time.

My contact tells me it's today.


Just keeps better,
doesn't it, Jack?

So who's your contact again?

A trap who doesn't mind talking
for the right coin.

Oh. Is that the same trap
that stuck a knife to you, is he?

- Nah.
- Oh, no, this is another trap?

Yeah, that's right.

Right. He's just doing it for a bit
of ha-ha, bit of funny?

No. I put a knife
to his throat.

- Ah.
- He fought back.


- Whose throat did you put a knife to?
- Fuller!

What are you talking about?
What's your history with Fuller?

I just wanted him
to admit what he'd done.

What are you talking about?
Admit what?

He killed my husband.

Don't you say anything,
I don't want to hear it.

Are you still saying that she's not
affecting your better judgement?

My better judgement left me
when I started riding with you, Dan.

Mate, you don't even know her, Jack,
you know me.

Yeah, I know you.

I know you're lazy,
I know you're arrogant,

I know you overestimate
your own abilities, Dan.

- Should we do something?
- Nah.

Not really fightin'.

Just wrestlin' around a bit.

It looks like they're fighting
to me.

- You two gonna make up?
- For what?

Giving an accurate assessment
of his character?

Stuff your plan. You know what?

I don't care about your apology.

You didn't get one.

Damn it, Emilia,

I gave you that job at the newspaper
to take your mind off that farrier.

Go cover the school fete
or ladies auxiliary meetings.

Don't go making up stories
about female bushrangers!

Not just any story but one involving
corruption and cover-up.

Please, look at this.

According to this report,

a robber by the name of Henry West
was shot at the Castlemaine Hotel

in his bed while he slept.

No proof of the identity
of the killer,

but guess who found the body?

Superintendent Fuller.

So what?

Isn't it obvious?

He killed him,
and now Jessie wants revenge.

Why am I so cursed to have a daughter
with such imagination?

- No, it's true.
- So what if it is?

The chap was a known robber.

- Where's the harm?
- I'll find some proof.

And then he shot him
in his sleep.

Bam! Just like that.

So you coming back here
was about revenge,

about getting even with Fuller.

Yep, by pulling off the biggest
gold heist right under his nose.

He'll be the laughing stock.

He's not gonna get a commission

What about you breaking
into his room?

I didn't plan that.
I saw an opportunity.

I just...I took it.

Alright boys, we still do this.
Let's get ready!

Jack! I know, young Daniel
has his faults.

If you'll advise me
to go to him on bended knees,

I don't want your advice, Cap.

Oh, far be it from me to offer
any astute observations

gleaned on my age and experience

but without young Daniel,
we're one man down.

You were right.

You're an idiot.

Possibly, yeah.

All you got is a pair.

Could still win on the draw.

Well, who's overestimating their
abilities now, Jack?

That was a rash comment.
I take it back.

Right. Is that an apology?

Yes, it is.

Not accepted.

I should have listened to you, Dan.

Vain, self-obsessed...

I never said you were vain.

- So, are you in or what?
- I'll tell you what.

You draw the highest card
and I'm in.


There's your answer.

So, you think Jack is really
in danger from Jessie?

- I don't know, but...
- But what?

I've been tasked to find out
what you know.


Fuller thinks you have information
that can help locate Jessie.

So yesterday, the picnic,
the treat of jam,

was all just a ploy
to get me talking?

I should have been honest with you

I enjoyed our time together.

I want to be with you, Mary.

That's why I'm telling you now.

I could've stayed quiet,
but I don't want us to have secrets.

There is no 'us', Mick.

- This had better be good.
- She doesn't know anything.

Let me tell you what I know.

Jessie was married to a thief
by the name of Henry West.

- What happened to him?
- Shot dead.

Give me the Gold Escort times,
will you?

Jessie and Henry West
robbed their way

around the diggings
at Castlemaine, Ballarat.

Now she's hooked up with Jack
Keenan, what does that tell you?

Thank you.

I was right.

Thieves don't change their patterns,
just their partners.

I don't get it.

The escort arrives, it's empty,
so there's nothin' to steal.

It leaves, it's heavily guarded.

Even for Jack,
that would be stupid.

But they're not interested
in hitting the escort.

They're going to hit the essayer's!

Look sharp!

Right. We wait until the robbery's
under way.

Once inside, there's no way out.

They can either surrender or be shot.

Is everyone clear?
Is there a bonus for killing 'em?

Move out!

You're under notice.
I need men I can trust.

You've got till the end of the week.

Careful where you're putting
them hands, mister!

You're not touchin' up my wife,
are you, Cyril?

- What's wrong?
- I don't like the heights.

That might be something to mention
before you go up a ladder!

Good day, sir.

Weren't you in here the other day?

Yeah. We've got enough to retire on
this time.

These rocks don't look
any more promising

than the last lot you brought in.

Hope you didn't trade any more cows
for them.

Nup. But they came with a .31.

Not so fresh now, are we?

I swear, you're as dumb as that cow
you never had!

Gunpowder ready?

Nice and easy!

Easy, Cap!


It's stuck.

It's caught,
you'll have to jiggle it.

Don't let us
be blown to pieces...

Well, what's it gonna be, friend?

I'm not your friend.

I'll see you
and raise you 10 shillings.

Come on, we've got to go. There's a
robbery down at the gold essayer's.

What's it gonna be, friend?
Are you in or out?

Nah, you're too good for me, mate.

Bit further, Cap!

You'll never get your hands
on this gold!

Whoa, easy. Gentle, gentle.

Gonna have to cut it!

Alright, hurry up!

OK. On the count of four...


- Nice catch.
- Thanks.

Traps! Traps!

Let's go! Go, go!

- You'll be dead soon.
- Are you always this much fun?

We have protocols
for every possible situation.

We're still coming in.

Right, men. Dismount!

Keep quiet.

Allright men.
Follow me! Follow me!

Keep it down.

Shh, shh.

- Where are they?
- They're inside.

Do we storm the place, sir?

Take up positions
for when they come out.

Don't worry about him.

Guns ready, man!

What are they trying to do,
blow themselves up?

I don't know, but I don't like it.

He's taken the gold down the tunnel.

Let's go. Now!

There's an escape tunnel?

Two of you are going after.

Sir, we can go round the outside
and cut them off at the tunnel exit.


Told you it'd work.

Open up!

I got it!

Come on, you big lug
get over here and get this gold.

Here, take this.

On the wagon.


Get out of here!
Get to the horses!

- I think you might need some help.
- Ah, I'll be fine. It's a big baby.

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

Can't fight.

Why is that?
You're a coward?

No, I'm not a coward.
I just don't want to hurt ya.

Your jacket...
doesn't seem quite...

and that definitely
isn't standard issue.

this is uh...

far more deadly.

- Why we stopped?
- Something isn't right.

- I'm going back.
- Yes, sir!

That's it.

Good lad.

Hey, hey, hey.
What did I miss?

Not much!

Three time bare-knuckle champion.

I've softened him up for you.

Come here! Come!

Jack! Jack!

Here we go.

I would drop that, if I were you!


I suppose you wanna play cards.

You put a knife to my throat,
would you?

How do you like it?

How do you like it?

You don't know what happened.

- The truth about your husband.
- Jessie, don't!

He killed Henry!
He killed the man that I loved!

The man you loved, was a police snitch.
He was meant to meet me that night.

But he didn't turn up.

- No, you are lying!
- Jessie!

- Keep out of it, Jack!
- You want to know, the real reason

your beloved Henry didn't show?

He was at the hotel
with a whore, Vanessa.

- No.
- Yeah, he was cheating on you.

Well, he was cheating on her too,
you wanna look from her perspective.

You know, what's really funny?
She waited until after they made love,

and then, she shot him.

If that's true, why wasn't it reported?
Why wasn't she arrested?

Jessie, if it went to trial
public had to lose a girl...

And the police'd be forced to admit
that they had a thief on their payroll.

Why waste police resources on a nothing?
That mattered to no one?

He mattered to me.

- Jessie, come on, let's go!
- No!

He's lying!

She might miss,
but I promise you I won't.

Jessie, come on!

Well, wasn't a complete balls up.

What is my share?

You are eating it.


Husband got murdered
in his sleep, right?

That makes you think twice better
he get to be with her, didn't it?

Sorry about your eye.

It's nothing.
You should see the other girl.

Are we good?

Better not for nothing, good at it.

We're out of here.

Where you headed?

Well, I've got myself a nice warm
bed waiting for me at Stanley.

Someone you know?

Not well enough to kill me.

Take it easy.

We are closing out sergeant Scanlon,
I'll have to ask you to leave.

You can hear me out
and I'm not bothering you again.

I've been straight with you for months, Mary,
you know how I feel.

Not in the habit of comparing myself
when I stack my cards against Jack.

Don't think I got a bad hand.

You used me,
manipulated my feelings.

What about you Mary?
Don't ever say no, just in case.

Don't say yes either?
Keep the door open for another.

Makes it easy for you to take
the high moral ground when it suits you.

That's not fair Mick,
and you know it!

I want to spend time with you Mary.
But if that's not enough,

I can't do anything more.


Are you doing OK?


How about you and I
head down to Ballarat?

Change of scenery?

There's plenty of gold
and fools to part it from.

You know, I've got...

kinda like the scenery,
right here.

Mary, is a lucky woman.

See you around.


All these extra work
to hunt for bushrangers?

What do we get?
It was better before he came.

And you think this will get rid of him?
You're a fool and a thief.

Nothing wrong with making
a bit of money on the side.

We all do it.
Or used to.

You are a disgrace.

It's good police work sergeant!

Was beginning to think it
was you who have done it.

Seen this?

It's the latest invention.

Instant fire.

Turn around
or I'll shoot you where you stand.

You wouldn't shoot me,
would you, Mary?

Subtitle: ringo & Szaki & LaDa