Wild Boys (2011): Season 1, Episode 4 - Wild Boys - full transcript

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- Happy Christmas.
- You won't get away with this.

Nice to do the hard work for me.

{\pos(192,235)}Touch your pistols,

{\pos(192,235)}and she dies.

{\pos(192,235)}There's plenty for all of us.
Not need for gunfight.

{\pos(192,235)}I'm not the sharing type.

{\pos(192,235)}You don't know
how hard we've worked for this.

Tell it to the angels.

Bad news.
About Joe.

What's my little brother
got himself into now?

He's been killed.

By who?

I don't know.

Best you find that out, then.

Wild Boys - Episode 4
~ Wild Fangirl ~

Hey, buddy.
How are you?

Long time no see.

{\pos(192,230)}You remember me?

Easy, easy.

We used to be friends.

We are old mates.

{\pos(192,230)}You forgot the first rule.

{\pos(192,225)}Whoever gets up first
has to boil the billy.

{\pos(192,225)}That's a great rule for you,
considering I'm always the first one up.

I'll get the fire go.

{\pos(192,230)}As precious can be.

{\pos(192,230)}Firearms at ??? price.

{\pos(192,240)}Burn candles.
Castor oil.

{\pos(192,240)}Best prices in Hopetoun.

{\pos(192,240)}I personally guaranty it.

{\pos(192,240)}??? (name), I believe.

You robbed Macaffy's tavern.
On the Logan road.

Tie him up in the back

You know what I love
about occasions like this?

Don't imagine it's the fashion.

We don't have to move,
the scum comes to us.

Well, look at this.

And some people said I was mad
to put up a 100 guineas for the prize.

Not me. You wanna waste your money
on a stupid{\*??} nag race,

that's {\*entirely}your right,
as long as it's legal.

The Hopetoun Cup
might not be much now,

but it'll be bigger next year,
and the year after that.

The race that stops the nation.

I need a top jockey

to ride my horse Pharaoh.

Any of your traps up for the task?

If you're after Hopetoun's
best horseman that would be me.

I think you'll be a bit busy, Sergeant.

You're the best rider in town,
are you ?

No, of the entire district.

And without a wit of modesty.

Pharaoh is the best horse
by a country mile, I expect to win.

- I'd like a gallop to get to know him.
- When he gets here{\*. He's on his way out} from Sydney.

My stable foreman should be
collecting him from Stanley,

right about now.

You undermine me like that again
and you won't have a future here,

God knows you barely have one now.

Your job is to help me catch criminals,
not ride the mayor's...


- Pharaoh's a bit bigger than this nag.
- Close enough.

- Where's the money?
- That's great.

It's enough to get you started diggings
and all the tools you need.

Better ??? in a poor ???

You remember?
{\*You}Don't tell anyone about this switch.{\*, alright?}

What switch?

- You don't reckon Fife'll smell a rat?
- All he's gonna smell is money.

No one in Hopetoun had laid eyes
on the real Pharaoh.

{\*They've}Only{\*read of it} in the papers.

Take care of Pharaoh.
He's a lot ???

It's gonna work.
Come on.

Thank you, sir.

I'm told you rent rooms.

Sorry, out of luck.
They're all occupied.

Perhaps one could become...


Actually, I think
one might be free shortly.

- You're here for the race, mister...?
- Prescott.

{\*Tell me,}Should I be concerned for my safety?
I believe there was a bank robbery{\* here last week}.

I'm sure the robbers are long gone.

My son won't be very happy
to lose his room.

If you're after more money, I believe
I've adequately compensated you.

I didn't mean it like that.

I'm sure you'll be very comfortable.

I love these guns.

I've got the hand it to you, Cap.

It takes a very evil and devious mind

to come up
with a crafty plan like this.

But only one dim-witted fool
would stuff it up.

- What are you looking at me for?
- ???{\*???'s like a goose}

Hurry up with the paint job.

We need to get him in
to get our stake on.

- What are we wagering?
- Every tenner and sprat we've got.

Someone's gonna ride this beast.
Fuller's not after me.

We may as well
just fill the saddlebags with lead.

I'll fill your saddlebag
full of lead.

I'll be riding him.

the best horseman of the district.

{\*You've got}A problem with that?

- Trouble.
- Frank Butler.

I'll deal with this.

Take a seat.

My brother Joe...

He was shot dead here last week.

Your brother Joe

was killed in a bank hold-up
by one of his co-criminals.

I assumed{\*that it was something that} you'd know about it.

- You saying I killed my own brother?
- You do have a certain...


I didn't know about any bank job.

That means Joe didn't.

How did he wind up there{\*, then}?

Maybe he was being
an upright citizen.

Saw some ??? robbing a bank.

Decided to intervene.

Not for himself of course,
but for the good people of this town.

Joe was real community minded.

I'm sorry, Frank.

As far as the killing of your brother's
concerned, I can only tell you

what Mr Winston told me.

And who's Winston?

Bank manager.

Now, I'm gonna ask you again.

Who killed my brother?

I don't know...

- I swear.
- You can swear all you like.

I don't trust bank managers.
Never have, never will.

{\*Hey ??}

there's only one thing
that would make a snake like this talk.

Another snake.

I've got a name.

I've got a name.
But that's all.

Just spit it out.


One of them's name was Dan.

And he likes the cards.

Thank you, Mr Winston.

It's not gonna work.

Traps're gonna be all over this race
like flies on a dead pig.

Who else is gonna ride him?
You ?

It poses the same problem,
seeing as we're both wanted men.

- You're saying I'm not capable?
- That's exactly what I'm saying.

- I've shot men for lesser insults.
- Sure you have.

There's always a first.

Sounds to me like someone is trying
to prove something to somebody.

I hate it when you speak in riddle.
You got something to say, {\*you}spit it out.

Someone, something, somebody.

- I'd like to enter a horse in the cup.
- Name of horse?

Jack's Pride.

Jack's Pride to win.

All of it?

The lot.
On the nose.

Ticket 518.

- You get him back to Gunpowder's.
- Where are you going?

- Not Hopetoun?
- I promise I'll be extra careful.

I'll be a tragedy for me
to inherit your share of the winnings.

That would be a tragedy,
but look after this beast, alright?

He's worth more
than you and me put together.

Alright, big fella.

What do we got here?

Let's just have a little...



I haven't seen {\*anything like}these beauties.

If you do, you find me.{\*???}
I'm staying at the pub.

I'll make it worth ???

- Here. Give me that.
- Thanks.

You got a dress picked up
for the big race?

I'll be manning the bar.

Thought a smart business woman like
you'd use this event to her advantage.

I did try to get a ticket
into Fife's party.

I could{\*??} bend his ear
on a business proposition. No luck.

I can get you in.


I'm riding the mayor's horse.

Don't look so surprised.
I'm the best horseman in the district.

Some people might disagree.

Jack can disagree all he likes,
he's not in the race.

You can really get me
into Fife's official party?

I can ask.

If you were my wife,
there'd be no question.

If I were your wife, you might not
be asking me to come along.

You're a lucky mongrel, Dan.

My luck is running ???
than a two shilling ???

Sit down, friend.
You're welcome, and so is your coin.

And soon to be ???{\*parted with}

You've got a real way within cards.

I've got a vice.{\*???}

Two of them.
Women and cards.

- What about banks?
- Banks?

You seem like a real lucky bloke,

Did you have your money
in that bank that got robbed{\*last week}?

I can't hold on to it long enough ???

Lucky again.

I don't trust banks.

Always some dog out there,
ready to stick em up.

I think I'd better quit.

Before I give all this back.

You'd be crazy to quit
while your luck's running.

I'd like a chance
to win some of that pile.

You got a brother, Dan?

- He's a long way away.
- Me too.

As of last week.

He was shot dead{\*right there} in Hopetoun.

Trying to stop that robbery.

Sounds like he died a hero, then.

Not much value being a dead hero.

I think my luck's run, boys.

Condolences on your loss.

Mind if I give you{\*???}
a little bit of a touch out there.

Kings and queens.

And you fold.

You were right, sunshine.

Your lucky streak just ended.

You should have told me you were
a dentist, I'd come to see you earlier.

Who killed my brother?


{\pos(192,240)}I wasn't there.

{\pos(192,240)}I was
with the very pretty sheriff's {\*??}wife.

{\pos(192,240)}In Knockwood.

{\pos(192,240)}You're lying.

{\pos(192,240)}You're right.

She wasn't that pretty.

She was very energetic.{\*??}

I don't think he's the one.

He couldn't have taken Joe.

Not by himself.

I need a bed.

Pub's full.

- You'll have to try somewhere else.
- Don't mind sharing if I have to.

You wouldn't kick a young, handsome
fella out of my bed, would you?

Who is he?

Remember this song?

We had our first dance
at your cousin's wedding.

You did that stupid bareback trick
to try to impress me.

You nearly broke both your legs.

I'm lucky nurse Mary was there
to look after me.

You know what I'm thinking?

I get to feel what you're thinking.

You... need a bath.

Guess who I saw this morning.

A wild brumby.

- He's back?
- Down by ???

- With his white filly?{\*??}
- There's no sign of her.

She must have wised up.

Got sick of his reckless ways,
decided to settle down.

With some boring old draft horse.

She'll live to regret it.

You in there?
It's Mick.

I'm in the bath, what is it?

I just spoke to Fife. You're
in his official party as my guest.

That's fantastic.
Thank you.

When I win the race,
I'll dedicate it to you.

I'll be flattered.

Thank you, Mick.

I'll let you get back to your bath{\*, then}.

Night, Mick.

Night, Mary.

Fife's official party?
Really? With Mick?

And what's all this stuff
about him winning the race?

He's riding the mayor's horse,

Is he, really?

Then good luck to him.

- Cause he'll need it.
- What does that mean?


I think we should get you
out of these wet clothes

before you catch your death.


Already did.

I've seen faster cart horses.

Is he sore?
What's the problem?

He's not sore, he's ???

He's the fastest gelding in Sydney.
Must be the man of his back.

You're dead sure it's Pharaoh?

- You think there's been a mix up?
- Or someone's pulled a switch.

You got his records of sell?

Pharaoh has a brand on his left {\*hind}quarter,
this horse doesn't.

Find the horse.
And the horse thief.

You have
the description of the stolen horse.

I want every four-legged beast
here checked.

??? no brand.

look like an idiot on some old bush nag.

When we're done here
we'll check every horse in Hopetoun.

It's your breakfast time, boys.
Ham and eggs.

I love ham and eggs.

You ever smelt skin,
burning under hot iron?

- You're wasting your time with me.
- Couldn't agree more.

Come on.

You stay here.
Keep checking the horses.

What's going on?

Just doing a spotter hunt.


Hunt your pigs somewhere else.

You'll spook the horses.

Alright, Pharaoh.

Every penny we had.

- Everything.
- Imbecile!

- I should put a bullet through you{\*right now}...
- You'd do me a favour.

What did I tell you?
It takes one idiot to ruin a master plan.

It's not ruined, we can still do it.

Come on, Jack.

These guys nearly killed me,
and you killed his brother.

Just lay low for a while.

I'll go to Hopetoun.
Sell me pistols.

You love those things.

We got to ???
from this debacle, got we?

Can't live on fresh air.

Mick Scanlon will win that race
over my dead body.

What about the traps?
What about Frank Butler?

You see this?

This is our big shot.
And you both want to walk away{\*,just like that}?

Cause you're scared of Frank Butler?

We don't even have Pharaoh.

We don't need Pharaoh.

The race starts in the clearing,

By the time the horses get here,
{\*???}they're out of sight.

- So?
- So Pharaoh'll be leading.

Of course he will.

- You can't beat him.
- I don't plan to beat him.

I plan on knock him off course
??? the race.

By pushing him down the wrong fork?

Right here.
I'll take Scanlon out.


Don't you mean Pharaoh?

Yeah, I mean Pharaoh.

Then Conrad will fly through.

On the new Jack's Pride, and win.

The new Jack's Pride?

Emelia's horse, Empress.

It's the right colour.
Fast enough.

Wait a minute. How do you know
she'll let me ride it?

Cause you're gonna ask very nicely.

All we need is entry fee.

Just a little win, yesterday.

He manages to lose a horse
and still win at poker.

Let's get this straight.

You push Pharaoh off course.

Then we're gonna see Conrad ???

It's a simple plan.

It's just got one gaping hole.

What is that?

What horse are you gonna ride?

Hey, buddy.

It's only me.

How are you doing?

Remember me?


Where's that filly of yours?

Easy, fella, easy.

You hungry?

I'm your friend, ain't I?
We're mates.


It's no use.
He's just playing with us.

He's no pal with you,
he was pal with me.

We're wasting our time, let's go.

What are we gonna do
about this {\*big}race{\*, then}?



Excuse me, my good man.

I was wondering if you might be
interested in taking a look

at this pair of beauties.

I sure got somebody after
a pair just like these.

I didn't say I was selling.
I want to know what they're worth.

Why would I tell you

what they're worth
if you ain't gonna sell?

{\*Because}It's good business practice.
Don't you wanna keep your customers...

Sure do, but you ain't selling,
you ain't my customer.

That's why I ain't selling em,
especially with an attitude like that.

Nice to see you.

Grab a paintbrush, you can help me
with the sign for tomorrow's race.

"Don't wage your soul."

- Gambling is the devil's work.
- You got that right.

Something wonderful
about all that horse flesh {\*being}on display.


Strong buttocks.

Powerful thighs.

Rippling muscles.

They are God's good creatures.

Can I help you?

You can't,
but I hope this gentleman can.

I'm in the market for a pair of pistols,
and couldn't help but notice.

- May I?
- Those...

Not for sale.

Nevertheless, I'd still like to know
how you came to have them.

What's it to you?

- Where's the money?
- What money?

The money stolen
from the Union Bank of Hopetoun.

The bank has paid me to recoup its cash,
and these pistols were in the same safe.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

Where's the money?

I'll count to three before my man
shoots the woman



Don't look so please with yourself.

It's still a crazy plan.
We've got those traps after us,

now we've got this Frank Butler
after us.

You know, I would say that things
can't get much worse than this.

{\pos(192,235)}I've come to collect
the bank's money.

The money you took.

I wouldn't.

Unless you want to see
that school teacher dead.

His man's got Miss Catherine, Dan.

{\*Says}He'll kill her
if we don't give him the {\*bank's}money.

Did you tell him
that we don't have it?

But we will by the end of tomorrow.

And we'll repay everything we took,
plus an extra fifty pounds for yourself.

I'm listening.

We bet it on a horse in the {\*Hopetoun}Cup.

- Which horse?
- Jack's Pride.

They say the favourite is unbeatable.

Must be the same joker
that said the bank was unrobbable.

I detect some...

- rot.{\*???}
- Only if you're not in on it.

You kill any of us,
we can't pull it off.


You bought yourself some time.

We'll meet you at the bookie's ring
after the race, give you the money.

Don't even think
of double crossing me.

Another rum down here.

- You've had a good day, Mr Prescott?
- Indeed I have, Mrs Barrett.

Indeed I have.

A very...

tricky business deal
seems to have resolved itself.

Sounds like a cause
for celebration, then.

I believe it is.

Perhaps you might
indulge me with some...

private entertainment.

Someone comes to mind
who'll suit your needs?

Come in.

I'm told you are celebrating tonight.

That I am, Miss...

Ruby, please.
Just call me Ruby.


are quite a sight,

in this fine evening.

- You're making me blush.
- Just...

One moment, my dear.

It's a nice change to entertain
a gentleman with manners like yours.

I always treat women
the way they should be treated.

What do you think?

I need to look elegant,
but not like a Christmas bubble.

So maybe not this one.

Maybe this.

What do you think?

What's going on?
Let me see.

Who did this?

Was it Prescott?

He was such a gentleman.

- You, get out of here, right now.
- Just packing.

My business here is nearly done.

A place that employs thieves is not
my idea of a proper establishment.

- I know your type.
- What type is that?

The type
that'd bash a woman for sport.

You best be careful
about such slander.

A gentleman's word
against a whore's.

You set foot in here one more time,
I'll have your balls.

Banned from this...


How devastating.

Who is this?

Freddy Fitman, bookmaker.

I've overheard him boasting
about a bet he took on the race today.

- So what?
- A big bet, Frank.

All of it
in new Hopetoun Bank's notes.

Just like the ones that were stolen.

Who made the bet?

I don't remember the bloke.

Do I need

to jog your memory?

I don't remember.

Just the horse he bet on.

Jack's Pride.

Ticket 518.


You remember the plan, right?

I'll be in the ???
to make sure Pharaoh's diverted.

where Jack's gonna take him out.

And then we see you come up a winner.

- Where is Jack?
- Don't worry, he'll be here.

Last bets before entry's closed.

- Who's that?
- That's the fella from the bank.

- Are you sure?
- I'm not going in there without you.

- Sure you're in the right place?
- Seeing you here makes me wonder.

I'm supposed to be
with the Hopetoun elite.

{\*You think}It's appropriate bringing Ruby
into Fife's official party?

Half the men in there shared a bed
with Ruby, {\*surely}they can share a sandwich.

- And what about Mr Prescott?
- What about Prescott?

He did this.

{\*Are you going to}Will you let him get away with it?

I have no time for cowards.

Especially those who hit women.

I wonder if I might have a word.

A word would be the bare minimum.

I have a business proposition.

Propose away.

Fresh meat in Hopetoun's
always a problem.

You send your cattle
all the way to Shelby for slaughter.

Some ??? down south.

{\pos(192,240)}But of we were to set up
an abattoir just outside of town...

{\pos(192,240)}You could move all the meat
through my butcher shop.

{\pos(192,240)}And save one ??? costs.{\*???}

{\pos(192,240)}See me after the race.
We'll discuss it thoroughly.

The horse you entered was a gelding.

This is a mare.

You must have made a bloomer.
It was pretty busy.

Not that busy.

This is not the same Jack's Pride.

I think you're mistaken, Sir.

With respect, Miss,
how would you know?

Are you questioning me?

Should I get my father involved?

You're right.

It appears I'm in error.

Entries are now closing.
Please clear the area.

- Just wait a second.
- What for?


Late entrant.
Nick of time.

- Rider's name?
- Jack Keenan.

- You got a problem with that?
- No, not me.

- I hope you know what you're doing.
- Relax.

- It's all under control.
- Remember the plan.

Then you run Scanlon off.

Then you let Conrad win.
You got it?

I got it.

It's my plan.

Riders, take your position
at the starting line.


??? calling a nag.
That's it, arrest me.

At least that way
you won't have to race.

You really think you can win
and claim Mary your own?

That's exactly what's gonna happen.

- You'll have to beat me{\*to do that}.
- We'd better wage it{\*, then}.

Whoever finishes first wins Mary,
the loser walks away for good.

For good.

Ready, Mayor Fife.

Come on, Jack.

Come on, Jack.
Push him off.

Damn it, Jack.

Jack's Pride.
Ticket 518.

Leave him to me.

Here they come.

He's ridding Pharaoh too hard.
He'll wear him out if he's not careful.

Go, Empress.

I mean, Pharaoh.

I bet ??? for a place??

Keenan was on that other horse,
wasn't he?

Where is he?

He was on that horse,
and you know it.

You, men.
Find him.

You rode him too hard, too early,
and wore the beast out.

You call yourself a horseman,
do you?

Mayor Fife.

You said to see you after the race.
About the abbattoir.

Not now.

Not ever.

Picked a winner, friend?

You only beat me
cause my saddle slipped.

Mary's mine,
you walk away like we agreed.

You two bet on me over a horse race?

- I would have won...
- You lost fair and square.

You I can believe being so arrogant,
but Mick?

I had Fife in the palm of my hand.

And now...

Mary, wait.

What are you going to do now,
arrest me?

I'll take the ticket.

- It wasn't the deal.
- You {\*really}want to make an issue of it?

How about we split it?

{\*You're happy with}You have your head
on your shoulders{\*and a 100 guineas purse}.

Not bad for a day's work.

No, let him go.

Got lucky, eh?

For Joe.


Where is he?

Couldn't happen to a nicer fella.

I can't believe that bookie
refusing to pay out on the ticket.

{\pos(192,245)}He did make the point that Jack's Pride
had changed sex during the night.

{\pos(192,245)}At least he gave us out stakes back.

{\pos(192,255)}I would have won that race
if it wasn't for...

If it wasn't for what?

My saddle slipped.

{\pos(192,235)}What are you sniggering at?

{\pos(192,235)}Jack's Pride.

{\pos(192,235)}You would have lost all our money,
all over a woman.

Mary Barrett isn't just any woman.

What did I tell you about women?

They're like wild horses.

The more you chase,
he more they're gonna run.

Thinking of horses,
what will you do with him?

There you go, fella.

You're free.
Go find that white filly.

What are you looking at me for?

You're free, go on.

Hello, Dan.

Remember me?