Wicked Tuna: North vs. South (2014–…): Season 8, Episode 10 - Wicked Tuna: North vs. South - full transcript

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In the Outer Banks...

Talking about gale
force winds at 30 to 40 knots.

The wind
never stops blowing.

Oh! My Frenzy hat.

It's just a matter
of how much...

Oh, baby! I hope
he stays on there.

Is too much.

My hands are so cold,
I can't feel 'em.

And as the second
half of the season heats up...

We got some really

serious issues
going on right now.

The fleet
throws caution to the wind.


And in these frigid waters...

I've seen a
lot of sharks today.

One mate risks it all...


To save his crew.
Mean fish.

Before it's too late.

We gotta get
in there before midnight.

We really got to
make this one count.

Come on, man. Calm down.

On "Wicked Tuna"...
There he is!

There he is!
Get 'em! Yes!

Hold on everybody!

"Outer Banks."

It's rough. Ain't gonna
do nothing but get rougher.

Despite setbacks,
Reel E' Bugging clings to a

slim lead over rivals
Offshore Outlaw and Doghouse,

with Fishin' Frenzy,
Little Shell, and Hog Wild

all within striking distance.

Meanwhile, the Rasta Rocket

looks to stay alive in
the competition as the only

boat in the fleet yet
to land their sixth fish.

Let's not get sideways
on this bar today, please.

It's a precarious situation.

Wow, we are
whipping a gale here, brother.

All right,
you ready to do this?


I think the only reason

that we are currently
in first place

is 'cause I'm constantly
pushing the envelope.

Bottom line is,
if it's blowing, we're going.

That's what it takes to get
Bluefin in the Outer Banks.

It's windy today, and
it's dangerous to fish,

but it's only gonna get worse.

In a couple days,
it's gonna be so bad,

even I won't be out here.

With more than half the quota
being caught already

at this point in the season,

it looks like
everyone's taking risks now.

Looks like everyone's
fishing bad weather.

I'm glad we're all
out here so we can keep

an eye on each other in
these dangerous conditions.


And after Greg helped me
fix my engine...

Thank you, man.
Appreciate it, buddy.

When you called me last
night, I thought it was funny,

he says,
"We're gonna get you fixed up,

we just need a
few days to catch up."

I know we're
all on the same team again.

Let the games begin.

Wow! Oh, dude.

Whipping around the point,
you feel it?


Wow, what is that?

Look at the bar!

Son of a .

I feel like I'm on my tracks,

Put my windshield wiper


- I think speed is my friend.
Yes. Yeah.

I'm not letting up, dude.

Remember last--right here.

All right.
We're on it now.

This is one where you feel like

you're making a perpetual
left turn.

Come on, turn.

All right. Well, that was fun.

Yeah, we're gonna head up the
break. I like the way it looks.

Look at this. 66.81 degrees.

Coming up to 67.

We're marking bait. We were
just 47 degrees right there.

That's less than
three-quarters of a mile.

That's all the ingredients
for sushi.

You have
to find a temperature change

in order to find
Bluefin in the Outer Banks.

You find the
break in the water.

You're looking for where
the hot water touches the cold

and the bait tends
to well up over there.

I mean, that's why
it's so important to tell

each other what we are seeing.

How about you, Rasta Rocket?

All right,
come on, Bobby.

Where you working at, dude?

738 788 right now.

Hey, what's
your temperature over there?


So you're up north of me.

All right.
Where a temperature break

will be day-to-day is
dependent on so many things.

It's currents, it's tide,
it's the moon,

and mostly it's wind.

As the wind
comes with the tides,

it'll sometimes
blend the water

and there'll barely
be a break.

All right, buddy.

Go get some coffee.

Hey, we're marking 'em.

We got nice marks
on the screen.

Let's go, boys.
Come and get some!

Fish on, baby! Tight!

Fish on!

One bait in the water.

Just like that. Bam! Bam!

Reel E' Bugging
is tight. 793 503.

Bobby's got 'em on.
Bobby Buggins.

780 503. Oh, yeah.
We're tight.

we're right there, ain't we?

We're at 492.

We're tight.
All right, get ready.

Oh, !

Its head's shaking like a mug.

You saw that? We're
only in 580-foot of water.

Not like he can
dive on us 3,000 feet.

Let's shorten this leash.

Feels like a good fish.

The fish always seem
to be crazy

on this side of the change.

Big head shake.
Big. Big.

Come on, man.

Calm down! Dammit.

He's shaking like crazy.

You ready, buddy?

Big head shakes, buddy.

Mean, he's just mean.

It's gonna pull the
hook if it keeps doing that.

He's going the other
way, Bobby.

I hear you.
There he is.

He's coming at us.
I can see him.

He's right here. Swimming.

- Black-backing.
He ain't ready.

Purple-ass body, bro.
He ain't ready.

When a fish is black-backing,

you don't have
any visibility

of the white underbelly
of that fish.

It makes a harpoon shot very,
very difficult.

He just blends
in with the ocean.

Hold on! Hold on! Hold on!

- Hold on!
Starting to blow.

Hold on!

He's still charging the boat.

- Forward, Bobby, hard, hard.
Forward, forward.

Brian, it's getting rough.

You may have to give
him a little drag. Swivel.

All right,
he's coming right here.

He's gonna be up, Drew.
Right here, Drew.

Hit him!

Got him. Put that line.

Give me some slack on the line.

Tighten him up, Bri.
Tighten him up.

He's ours.
Pull a tail rope

- on him.
He's ours, man!


Number 7, baby.
Yeah! Way to go!

That fish was tough,

Dude, listen to me.
That was your best fight ever.

What a battle, bro.

Bedbugs is heading west.

Oh, boy.

Need a little bit of luck.

There's no fair weather
fishermen this year.

You're either hardcore
or you're not going.

Watch your head, watch
your head. Ready and we go.

It's pretty, man.

Wanna put a tape on it?

Yeah, let's measure him.


Yeah, man.
Yeah, boy!

Yeah, brother.
Hey, boys,

let's get him dressed up,
let's sell him,

and let's get back out here and
try to get another one before

these winds really get crazy.

65 degrees.
We just went over the change.

We got out here to the
warm water. It's pretty rough.

Just trying
to make the best out of

every day we can get out here.

Right now, the
quota's over halfway caught.

So, we're gonna push it
and take it to the limit.

If the wind's really blowing
anything over 25 knots,

we don't want no part
of it in our small boat.

The wind isn't quite
there yet,

but it's close.

Doing a split bill rig.

Trying to make him
swim down a little bit.

I want to make him swim down.
Get down a little deeper.

As soon as I can find my knife.

The key to any bait is to

present it in a way
that the fish wants to eat it.

Splitting the bill on
a ballyhoo

allows it to work like a lip,

which makes it swim
naturally in the water.

First, you need
to set the hook in

the middle
of the bait's stomach,

making sure nothing's exposed.

Then you wrap the mono
around its beak,

which will seal the mouth shut
and allow the ballyhoo to swim

in the water like it's alive.

Come on, Lord,
bless us with a fish.

We need one today.

Big mark down there
at 150-foot out there.

That's the one.
Hook up!

All right, boys,
we're tight on 792 553.

- Got 'em on.
Rocket's got 'em on now.



You good, Daniel?
I'm good.

Minnie, I know, baby.

You need to move it?

Yeah, come on help me
move it right here.

Oh, . It's
going back towards the motor.

In this rough weather,

it just makes it tough,

especially on
this little boat.

We're moving up and down a lot
more than these bigger boats.

- Are we clear?
That was ugly.

move it to the back.

He's coming this way.

All right, we're leashed.

I could try to spin us,
if you want me to.

Well, we got to spin him
one way or the other.

Those rods are all in the way
on that side.

Careful, careful with
that line.

- Shane.

Spin us real quick
to the right.

- He won't settle down.

Oh, damn.

I don't
know if he's still there.

Careful, careful with
that line.

- Shane.

Spin us
real quick to the right.

- He won't settle down.

- Right!

I don't know
if he's still there.

I think it just broke.


Still there?

What happened?

I don't know.
It just broke.


We lost him, boys.


He just lost him.



This fish right there
could've sent us home.

It would've been big.

Everything's a challenge

in the Outer Banks.

Wow! It's blowing in here.

I can't line this boat up.

Oh, boy. All right, Drew,
get ready.

We may bump.


I gotta come in
a little hard, dude.

I got no options, dude.

Nice and easy.

What are we hung on?

Nothing! It's wind!

I'm just gonna spin.
Watch your fingers.

We got it. We got it.
All right, there you go.

That should do it.

Wow, she's blowing.

Oh, they get harder and harder.

Certainly not
easy for you this year.

You know, it's just
this place this year has been

the most challenging weather
I've ever fished in a decade.

I've never, I mean, every day
is just terrible.

Looks like a pretty fish.

Yeah, it's pretty.

Let's see
what it looks like.

Let's take
a look at him.

We've had setback
after setback this season,

but I've been saying
for years,

it's will, not skill,

and we're gonna
will it to happen.

At the end of the day,
we'll find a way.

Each setback means we gotta
fish in weather

we never wanted to fish in.

But we're willing to do it.

What's the bottom line on this,
what does she weigh?

398 pounds dressed.


Dude, that's excellent!
Almost 400, dude.


Let's check it out.

When the buyer's
looking at a fish,

they want to see a cherry
red tail cut

with lots of fat
and a clear core.

Pretty nice fish today,

All right.
All right. Wow!

Nice red tail color,
and I'm seeing some fat

you can see the minors
starting to turn lighter.

Some dense fat
here on the skin.

Just getting started
going into the majors,

- but the color's good.
Let's pray we get

- a good core on this, Dennis.
Let's check it out.

Yeah, the suspense
is literally killing me.

I won't keep
you waiting any longer.

- Not bad at all.
Not bad at all.

Not bad at all.
Not bad at all.

Not a super fish, but
nice clarity in the core.

Yeah, yup.

Dennis, really,
what can you do?

What's the best price?

It's not a bad fish.
There's some fish starting to

show up in the market
now with the fishing improving,

but I'm still gonna
be able to pay you $9.

We'll take it.
Dennis, we'll take it.

- Thank you so much.
Thank you, too.

Appreciate it, man.
Thank you, guys.

All right, let's go.

We're gonna fixed
up and get another one.

We'll see you
tomorrow around lunchtime.

I sure hope so.
That's the plan.

I mean, $9 a pound,

we needed that more than ever,

every dime counts.

I mean, it's blowing
like crazy right now

but guys
are fishing through it.

So we really needed
this fish to stay at the top.

All right, boys,
let's go get another one.

Go ahead
and crank 'em up.

We're gonna switch up.

Don't put it too, too
far back there.

Every day in the
winter that we're fishing,

you've gotta
worry about the wind.

It's always a factor.

All the way?

- No.

Today they're calling

for a southeast
gale by this afternoon.

It's gonna blow at least 34,
up to 47 knots.

That's rough.
But it's wintertime.

It's the Outer Banks,

the quota's
getting eaten up.

We gotta go.

where I put mine maybe.

I don't know,
what'd he say?

He said not all the

We're gonna give it
a whirl trolling.

About that time. First light.

That's when they
like to get pretty active.

I feel like we're
in the right place, you know?

Just need that
little magic moment.

picking up for the worst.

We got a
gale coming here at noon.

- Oh, there they are.

There he is. That's long.

- Got 'em on!
Yeah, baby!

Hooked up!
We're on!

That worked out okay.
We got 'em on.

Oh, my God!

Who's that?

Greg just got tight.


Well, I love it
when a plan comes together.

One bait, one bite.

Hang on to this one.
Got him coming at me.

Coming at him.

This fish won't settle down.

This fish is crazy.

He just won't settle down.
He's all over the place.

Come on, baby.

These bigger fish
fight hard.

I'm really worried right now.

Is he still there?

You gotta be kidding me.

Please, baby, please.

Coming at him.

This fish won't settle down.

This fish is crazy.

He just won't settle down.
He's all over the place.

Come on, baby.

These bigger fish
fight hard.

I'm really worried right now.

Is he still there?

He's still there.

Got him coming at me.

- He's tight again.

He can't take that
for much longer, dude.

Mean fish down here.

I don't know what
the hell they're eating,

but might have to
give it a try.

Mean fish.

Come on in
here before it gets easy.

- It's about to get easy, ready?

I picked up a lot of slack.

- Get a fresh arm. There you go.
Epic battle.

We're gaining the whole time.

The fish is just swimming
out here to the southeast.

We really have not
caught up to him yet.

He's probably
up here somewhere.

We got a
southeasterly gale coming.

Not the position you want
to be in.

Want a break, Bill?
Yeah, come on.

Got his head down there.

When the wind's blowing,

the sea builds.

I can't keep the boat
right close to the fish,

so you've got to do a lot
more adjusting with the boat.

I got to jockey a lot
more with the throttle,

a lot more with the wheel,
move the boat around.

The more you
move the boat around,

the more stress
you're putting on that hook.

The bigger hole you're
putting in the fish's mouth.

The more likely
you are to lose him.

There it is, right there.

- Tail wrapped.
You get the rope,

- I'll get the gaff.
Yep, tail wrapped.

Oh, come on, baby.
Come on.

Beautiful. Almost.

I got him now. I got him.

He's ours.

That's the way you do it.
Oh, my Frenzy hat!

I'll get you another one.

I got you. You're


- How about that? All right.
Tail wrapped!

I like that.

Got him on a rope.

We'll get our bite.

They're out here.

Oh, yeah.
Congrats, Frenzy.

He's definitely bigger

than 73 inches,
so we know he's legal.

Now we get
a measurement.

- I said 90.

I'll take 'em, dude.

He was 100-incher in spirit.


Too bad the damn wind
blew my hat away.

Man, it never stops blowing
around here.


This is like
the winter of all winters.

I just can't line her up.

I think I can do a
skilly and I'll be okay.

If I do that, at least
I keep my bow a little bit.

Good golly!

Don't try this at home.

We call
that the Tokyo Drift.

Yeah, that was a
Tokyo Drift there for sure.

Let's see what we see.

All right, sounds good.
All right.

Come back
in the harbor this afternoon,

it's blowing 40 south
when I'm trying to get

the boat in for the drop-off.

There's nothing we do
down here

where the wind's not a factor.

You just learn
to deal with it.

We're just happy
to be in with a fish.

352 pounds.

Not bad.
I'm anxious to look

at the tail cut,
see if we got something there.

All right, cool.
Let's go check him out.

All right.

Here you go, guys.

We got nice red color,
but not a lot of fat.

I expect the core will be good.

Let's see what that looks like.

He's not gonna ring
the bell in Tokyo,

but he's not a bad little fish.

- I can pay you $9 a pound.

- That's all right for me.
Not too bad.

Not bad for that when it
keeps adding up. Every day.

I hope this wind
gets out of here so we can get

- out of here in the morning.
Yeah, I hope so too.

And we'll come back
and see you tomorrow.

Stay safe.
Thank you so much.

All right. Thanks, Mary.
Thanks, guys.

Thank you.
Great job.

Money in the bank.
I like it.

I'll take it.

♪ Cold water ♪

♪ All blood in my veins ♪

♪ Cold are these shoulders ♪

♪ Take the only road I know ♪

switching over to drifting just

because we're seeing some
good marks, some fish and they

don't seem to be coming
up on the top of the surface.

We're getting out here
on this change now.

The temperature is 60.

You get out here
it's gonna be rough as .

Normally we don't
drift during the day.

But when the wind is like
this, it changes everything.

It's blowing 25 to 30
knots right now and that seems

to be keeping the fish down.

If we're gonna get
one and get out of here,

we gotta get the bait to them.

As much as anything else,

the wind dictates
how you fish down here

and you
have to able to adapt.

Holy it's cold!

I need a new piece of my nail

- and one of them rubber worms.

There's all them
marks now. 80-foot.

- She's rigged up.

Ugh! 100-foot! Come on, man!

Yeah, I got to
crimp a swivel in here.

this is gonna bite anyway.

He's swimming right to it.
I can tell by the wind.

We're marking.

Here he goes. I told you!

That's gonna be a tuna.
Yeah, boy!

Yes, baby!
All right,

let's see what we got.

We need to
move the rod to this side.

Go around the bandit.

Watch the
line on that bandit reel now.

Watch out!
Watch that. Okay.

Crank on it if you can.

I don't know, boys,
it might be sleeping.


What are you thinking?

It's heavy. Heavier than
a shark usually is.

There you go.
Yeah, boy!


There's the fish.

We got a bite.

Yeah, boy! We got a bite!

Listen, we might have a tuna.
We're a long way from

catching it, but we need to
capitalize on it.

Come on, baby!

Let's get him, man.
Cross your fingers, boys.

Been out here.
It's rough. Ain't gonna

do nothing but get rougher.

And the Little Shell
needs a tuna, bad.

Whoo! I'm ready
to fly home, baby.

See how I
got her bent like that?

Usually a shark can't bend
that rod like that, you know.

but there's some big

sharks out here too, bud.

Hold on, boys. Hold on.

This wind is pushing us around.

Yes, sir?

Give me, let me get,
let me just get my

- sunglasses and on.

My hands are so cold,
I can't feel 'em.

The water here
is about 54 degrees.

Pretty damn cold.

I feel like
he's circling.

I thought he was too there,

but he's still got some spunk.

have fun, buddy.

There's the weight.

your leader too, Cliff.

Spin it in if you can.

Crank on it, Cliff.

Cut it. Cut it.

Crank him in there, Cliff.
Get ready to get you a dart.

- You want me to take it?
Yeah, let's trade.

Let's trade. Ready?

Come on, baby!


You gotta be me.

A big hammer. Dammit.

There he goes.
Pulled the hook.

All right.
Get them long riggers out.

I gotta call the guys.

Spent 45 minutes on a hammer.

The hook broke.

That stinks.
Nick's was a shark.

Nick's was a shark.

Part of it.

Caught many of one.

Oh, boy. I was hoping that
would be something good so we

could go home, it's so damn
rough and aggravating.

That one hurt.
That one hurt.

we put the ballyhoos out?

Yeah. Probably.
Hey, T-Rey?

Let's be speedy about

switching out here,
but let's switch out.

All right.
I really wanted to try

and catch one on this stick.

Conditions look good for it,

but we gotta
go with what's working.

I was just hearing of a lot,
a lot of rod bites.

It's a little
less overcast

than it was earlier, but the
wind is still whipping,

and it's only gonna get worse.

If we're gonna get a fish,
and get in before midnight

and back out before the real
heavy winds get here, we have

to be fishing the right gear.

out some ballyhoos,

and I got me
a mullet rigged up.

We're gonna put
that guy out there.

Like, mullet's usually a lot
of times these

Bluefin be eating blue fish.

That's about the
same size as a blue fish.

It looks quite close to 'em.

Put him out there.

Hopefully he'll get us a bite
and we can go the hell home.

Our rod's back out now,
so hopefully here in the next

few minutes before the
sun sets, we'll have us a bite.

Oh, oh. You scared the
out of me.

You love to

- climb up here like that.

I can't get up here
no other way.

A little bit
of a mark.

Come on.

Oh, baby.
Come on.

Right flat line!
There he is.

Oh, right flat line!
Taking drag or what?

Yeah. Taking drag.
Going in and out.

All right.

We got him on right here.


Jimmie got tight.

I swear, dude.
This is aggravating.

I think it's gonna be it,

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah. That's him.

that mullet really sucked.

Oh, baby. Come on, baby.
Stay on there. Stay on there.

Stay on there. Oh, baby.
I hope he stays on there.

Oh, please, stay on there.


made me nervous there.

I thought you were gonna trip
on your own feet.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

please, please stay on there.

Come on, baby. We need this one

Bad, bad, bad!

Oh, baby.
Just stay on the hook.

I'm stressed out.

I'll crank.
Want me to crank?

Yeah. I'm doing a lot of
cranking and my arm got hurt.

We gotta get
in there before midnight.

We really got to make
this one count if we wanna

stay where we're at or
even climb from where we're at.

We only have
about 14 hours

before the storm hits.

Give me another port forward.

Forward. No, no, no.
The other way.

Yeah. Put the starboard

in forward for a second.

- Want me, you want me to drive?

I'm gonna
have to a little, pull,

pull on him hard right here.

I see him down there.
There's color.

I see the fish.
Yeah. I see the fish.

Yeah. No doubt. Yeah.

There he is. Oh, baby.
Come on, baby.

I see you there.

Got him right here.
Stick him in the head!

He's right here! Throw it!

Throw the dart! Throw the dart!

I see him down there.

There's color. No doubt.

Got him right here.
Stick him in the head.

Oh, baby. Come on,
baby. I see you there.

He's right here. Throw it!
Throw the dart! Throw the dart!

- All right. Gaff him, Trey.
Gaff him, Trey.

Swing your rod around.

I got him.
Okay, okay, okay.

That's it.

He's green.

Cinch it tight!
Got it.

Heck yeah, guys!

Yeah, baby!
Think we'll make it

back before midnight?

Turn right around and come back
out here and get us another one

before the wind
comes around tomorrow.

All right. Let's gets
this fish in the boat

so we can get back to the dock.

- He's bigger than I thought.
I told you.

Nice-looking tuna there.

Yeah, very pretty.
It is a pretty fish.

Very, very pretty.
Look at his belly.

Good color on him, too.

All right, 99 inches.
All right.

Time to go home.
Let's get back.

Get back here at midnight.

Hey, guys.
We're back.

Glad you made it back.
Number seven.

All right.
Let's bring him on up

and we'll get you guys
turned around.

Number 7. We got him.

You know,
we're up towards the top now.

We really got
to make sure we don't

let this ball stop rolling.

What do we got for a weight?

453 pounds dressed, guys.

All right!
Way bigger than we said.

Yup. All right.
Let's take a look at the tail.

All right.

All righty. Here it is.

Oh, it's got a beautiful
bright red color, doesn't it?


Doesn't have
a ton of fat, does he?

No, he doesn't.

He's got a nice quality though,
again, to him.

That sticky quality.
He's not watery.

It's not the watery meat.
It's nice and sticky,

but I'm sure the core will
be nice.

Let's check her out.

We'll take anything.
See, it's beautiful.

Okay. What are
you thinking for a price?

$10 a pound.
All right.

All right.
Good deal.

All right. Well, I hope I see
you first thing in the morning.

All right. Thanks, guys.
We'll see you.

Great fish.
Thank you, Mary.

See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.

We got some wind coming

middle of the day tomorrow.

Our hopes are to catch
two fish, bam, bam real quick.

All right, boys.
We gotta hurry up

and get back out there.

We got some
heavy winds coming in.

It's a huge gamble.

Once the sun comes up,
we only got two or

three hours to fish, so
we're really banking on

a little bit of luck here,
you know.

It's very,
very dangerous to be out in

heavy winds in our slow boat.

If we're out there
when the heavy winds hit,

we have no
way of escaping them.

But we just do not want
to be in the loser category.

Go big or go home.

Gale warning from noon.

South 10 to 15 increasing
25 to 35 gusts of 40.


- That's like bedbugs weather.

I'll be damned if
I'll be here past 10:00 am.

That's not happening.

Sharks everywhere.

Birds behind us there.

Just got back out here.
A bunch of bites right

around here, so
hopefully we can get our bite.

We got a lot of wind coming
in here in a little while.

And we can't be out here

on the water
when it gets here.

Some weird
looking here, dude.

It's like a bunch of slicks.
Look at this.

We really
need this bite right now

to make this grind worth it.

Looks real fishy though.

A lot of sharks everywhere.

A lot of birds picking
right here on this chain.

We'll get 'em.

getting set out here.

This wind is
picking up something fierce.

There they are. Right here,
dude. Look at that, dude.

Come on!
Any second now.

We're gonna get our asses wet
today on the back of that boat.

There he is!
There he is!

He's out! He's coming up!

He's still right here.
Right there, boy.

We're on!


Line Going Out! Got a screamer!

Right here.

Got him way back.

Took it,
like, 40 yards behind the boat.

LGO, baby.

Hey, this prop feels like

shaking real bad, man.

Feel that?

Something don't sound right.

It's got a
vibration in this prop.

You hear that?

Got a
vibration in this prop.

When you put it in gear,

it shakes the whole floor
back here.

What the ?

Open this engine hatch.

Looks like
an engine caught a rope.

You can definitely feel--

something's definitely

Shaking the whole ass
end of the boat.

Still doing it?

Very noticeable.

Oh, it's getting worse.

It's getting worse.

I got something caught up
in my wheel right here, Greg.

I can't really move right now.

It's not the day to be...

down out here, ya know?

No, it's not.
I'll keep you posted.

Check the fluid?

That's something in there.

Holy .

There's a rope
stuck in the prop.

You're going to have
to go overboard.

Huh? Now?

I got to cut
the boat off.


I ain't going under there

with this running.

John, you got to go over.

All right...uh...that's great.

Somebody's getting

I know
somebody got to.

Come on.
Get John ready.

He's going over.

Somebody's got to go overboard.

I'm gonna shut her off.

Got a huge pile
of rope in my wheel.

I can't even move.

is gonna jump over.

That's always
a really scary situation.

The propellers are really sharp
and the boat is moving up and

down and rocking back and forth
and you're underneath of it.

It's terrible.

Where's the goggles at?

I got 'em.
I got 'em.

That fish is coming up, too.

Eric, just take him easy,

All right.

We ain't got time for it.

We're gonna crank
the heap wide open.

I'm just gonna try
to hold the fish right here

before this storm gets here.

hold him right there.

Don't crank him to the boat.

Be careful!

Hold on, everybody!

Good God!

When the hell
did I pick the rope up?

I don't know.

This fish is
coming right for the boat.

I don't know what
you want me to do.

All right. I'm gonna shut her
down, all right?

We got some really serious
issues going on right now.

We're in some
colder water right now.

I've seen a
lot of sharks today.

And this fish is
coming at the boat.

And we got a storm coming.

Talking about gale
force winds of 30 to 40 knots.

That's why it's imperative

we get this rope
stuck out of our prop.

The engine is off.

put that knife in your mouth.

it's gonna be freezing.

You got to get
out of there fast.

Oh, man, I hate water like this.

Open the door. We'll
pull you in through the door.

Oh, man!

Might as well go
down there with a knife. Here.

All right. Check it out.

Watch your head with the boat
going up and down, all right?

Watch your head, man.

it's gonna be freezing.

You got to get
out of there fast.

Open the door. We'll
pull you in through the door.

Oh, man!

Might as well go
down there with a knife. Here.

All right. Check it out.

Watch your head with the boat
going up and down, all right?

I think he's gone!


Watch your head, man.
You got it?


Watch your head with the

boat going up and down,
all right?



Careful, big set.
Big set.

Here, hand me the knife.
Hand me the knife.

Let me know when
you're ready for it.

It's the current down here.

Ready? Got it close?

I think so.

losing energy fast.

You gotta go.

You're losing energy.

Here, you want me to
pull you to the other side so

the current don't take
you away?

Damn. Can't breathe!

Here you go.
- You got this, man.

Just relax. You got it.

If you don't get it.
You know, somebody...

else is gonna have to go.

Come on, John.
You got this .

I got it!


I got it!

Kick the door open.

Watch that. Watch it.
All right.

Slide him in!

I lost the rope.

Don't worry about it.


One, two, three.

Give me a hand.

Get on the rod.
Get on the rod.

Give him that towel!

Put that blanket on him!

All right.
I got it out.

Sounds good.

Pretty work, Adam.
- Now get your fish.

Pretty work, John.
And we still got the fish.

John, go get dry, man.

Don't need you getting sick.

Finally gotten
the rope out of the wheel.

Pretty hairy doing
that while we got a fish on,

but couldn't have
been any worse timing.

All right, we got it!

Yeeehoo! Ha ha ha.

Yeah. They're calling
for gale force winds by 10 am.

If you ask me, they're getting
here a little bit early, so.

I'm really hoping we get
this fish and get out of here.

Get yours, Adam.

Rooting for you, brother.


I'm praying.

John-Michael jumped
overboard and cut the rope out.

Now he gets to know
what a flounder feels like.

He's right there,
I think. Yeah. Deep color.

Deep color. Color! Deep color.

Oh, !

Neutral, Adam.
Pull him up, John.

I can't.

I can't see.
He's right in the sun.

He wants to go.

He's letting go.
There he is.

That's when you get him.


Forward! Yup!

Right there. Come on, Bubba.

Get him in!
Get him on!

Throw it!

- Stick him!
Stick him!

- Got him!
Got him?

Pretty shot.

Whoo! Yeah!

Yeah! Get a tail rope on him!


Hell yeah!
Yeah, baby!

This is John-Michael's
fish right here, baby.

That's definitely
one to talk about on the docks.

All righty.
Just got him on the rope.

I got
some water in my lungs though.

I don't think it would
have been that bad but I was

fighting against the current.

You just
said you got

the rope out of
your wheel, right?

Yeah. I got it out.

We jumped over.

Cut it out.

Oh, no , Dammit.
With the fish on. Pretty work.

I mean,
I must have wrapped the rope up

as soon as I hooked the fish.

It must have been
floating in the water out here.


Fish number 7
for the Outlaw, baby.

Did the boat do that?

I think I hit it,
that's why it's hurting.

- Damn.
Hold on, man, I could--

Hazard pay, baby!
Hazard pay!

Let me,
let me scratch that scab off.

feels like there's something.

I don't care what you do to it.
It's hurting anyway.

Already picking up
pretty big.

We need to get out of here.

We need to get that fish
packed up soon.


That's called shoving it home,

Pretty work, fellas.

Wind blowin'.

88 and half.

Whoo! Uh!

- I like him.
All right.

This is kind of a
special fish, boys.

I'm just glad we're
going in with a full crew.

Get off the boat, John.
Get off the boat. Stop.

Pull the bow around.

Now go forward.
Go forward. Go forward.

- Go forward. Go forward.
Gotta help Eric,

gotta help Eric.

You got to
pull this rope.

All right.

Bow thruster baby.

Getting a little
windy today, boys.

Good job, boys.

Now we got
to walk her back.


Get one wrap on that cleat,
Eric. Temporarily. Ready?

Oh, man.

am I glad to be here right now.

We got stories.

100-foot of this in the wheel

while we're fighting the fish,

so John got to get swimming.

Oh, no.
I was thinking

about going, then I was like,

"Captain's never supposed to
leave the boat."

I said, "John!"

I'm glad you guys are safe.

So, what do you think,
should we get this up?

I would love
to get this thing up.

All right, you guys.
Let's do it.

Got a little fat.

Body hurts.

What's our weight here?

looking at 305 pounds dressed.

Very nice.
Pretty work.

Should we
take a tail cut and core?

I think so.

All right, you guys.
It's got some fat in it.

Good. Yeah.

It's a little bit dull,
but it's not a bad fish.

It has great shape to it,
it has a lot fat in it.

It's just a little light.

That's just the only thing that
I'm not really liking about it.

But as long as this
core is looking good, you guys,

you should get a decent price.

And there it is.

And there it is.

I mean, I know
they all can't be diamonds,

- but you know.

Just doesn't
have that popping color to it.

I got you. Well, what
do you think we're looking at?

Bottom line, you guys.


I can do 8 bucks
a pound.

There you go.
We'll take that.

300 dresser.

We are gonna go

- get some sleep.

- Well deserved.
And some food.

First a shower.

All right, you guys.
I'm just glad you're safe.

Yes, sir.
You made it.

- So congratulations on that.

I'll see you, Scotty.
Yeah, man.

Appreciate it.
See you later.

had to do a little extra work

for this fish, I mean,
I could cross that off my

bucket list and coming
out off of the Oregon Inlet

swimming with all these
sharks I've seen all-day long.

We're very lucky
that nobody got hurt.

We had a problem,
made a plan, and it worked out.

wind's gonna get you.

When you put her in gear,
you got to hammer it.

The Offshore Outlaws'

heroic efforts land them their
seventh fish of the season.

But it's not
enough to overtake

Reel E' Bugging, who remain
at the top of the fleet.

Meanwhile, Fishin' Frenzy
and Hog Wild's willingness

to push the envelope moved
both boats up the leaderboard.

Captioned by Captionmax.