Wicked Tuna: North vs. South (2014–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - Wicked Ride - full transcript

At the start of the 11th day on the water in North Carolina, treacherous winter weather in the Outer Banks' fishing grounds forces captains to push their limits. Southern boat Reels of Fortune holds a meager lead over last year's local champion Fishin' Frenzy, while northern boat Hard Merchandise and local all-female team Reel Action have yet to catch a fish.

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On this episode
of Wicked Tuna Outer Banks.

Yeah, ha, ha, ha!

We're on!
We're on! We're on!

Treacherous winter weather.

Follow the line, yes.

captains to push their limits.

Bro, this is bad.

Watch out! Agh!

Who will profit?

We got a tuna on! Hey!
There he is!
There he is!

And who
will pay the price?

God, this place sucks.

In a highly
regulated fishery that's
tryin' to stay sustainable.

- Damn it!
- Let's go! Let's go!

Every bluefin caught
takes a bite out of the quota!

We need this fish bad, y'all!

And every
fisherman has to battle.

Hold on, Tami!

their fair share.

Ha, ha, ha!

This is
Wicked Tuna Outer Banks.

At the start of day
11 on the water, Reels of
Fortune have a meager lead

of only two-hundred-dollars
over rival Fishin' Frenzy.

Meanwhile, northern champion
Hard Merchandise, and local
all-female boat,

Reel Action, have
yet to catch a fish.

Right there, two-tone!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yay!

All right, all right!

What do we say?
Tommy, two-tone!

Come on,
Tommy Two-tone!
Bring 'em to us!

Come on! That's
gotta be a sign for good luck
right there...

two-tone porpoises.

Right there!
Come on, two-tone!

It's the eleventh day on
the water, we haven't caught a
Bluefin yet.

There's only a couple of
boats that haven't caught
some Bluefin,

and we're one of 'em.

Trying to catch a fish out
here every day, it, it just,
it, it can work on you.

But, for my kids, I
gotta stay focused.

Paloma, she's about
to turn seventeen,
and Sophia, she's four.

It's hard sometimes, tryin'
to be a Mom, and a fisherman.

I've missed homecoming this
year, because I was out
chasin' Bluefin.

And, uh, my four-year-old,
she doesn't understand
when I'm not there at night

to read her book.

It's really hard.

The Bluefin season here
in the Outer Banks has really
been rough.

There's so many
variables for a captain to
figure out where they might

want to go and try.

That, you-you know, and we're
not catchin' fish, and it's
gettin' frustrating.

Every day that goes by,
you know, I just get a little
more desperate to get a fish

on the, on the deck.

I definitely feel like
I'm lettin' my crew down.

I mean, they're dependin' on
me to run over these fish.

And it's frustrating.

Just a whole lot of
time, a whole lot of effort
with no return.

I'm startin' to doubt
Tami's ability as a captain.

Most of the pressure
of not catching a fish
is on her shoulders.

If they could just put
one big fish on the deck,
it will make all that work

worthwhile, to me.

We need to get
some fish in the boat.

We need a paycheck.

Go get us some tuna!

Oh, boy.

Oh, this
looks terrible.


Right now, I'm just
gonna ease across the bar.

some shoals there.

waves are breaking.

Make sure I
don't tear anything up.

Aw, Dag!
I don't like this.

Nobody like
puttin' their, their
boat in jeopardy to get

out to go to work, you know.

But if we
don't go to work, we
don't make any money.

We got a $10,000 yard
bill, after the bridge ordeal.

Oh, man, here's the bad part.

Got me a bill?

I'm about to ruin'
your day, buddy.


I'm workin' hard
to pay that off.

We got this debt
still hangin' over us.

These are some really good
family friends that we need to
get this money to,

get 'em paid off so
it's not holdin' them up.


We've got a really
bad forecast for later
today and tonight.

Whenever they forecast
30 mile-an-hour wind,
for a 31-foot boat,

if it's blowin' harder
than my boat is long.

I don't wanna be there.

So, we need to get out and try
to catch one before the
weather gets bad.

It don't matter
how rough it's gonna be,
we're goin'.

I don't like this.

If the sea comes over,
it could wash my windows out.

When you've got no
windows to keep the water
from comin' in...

all my electronics are history.

And you just have
waves jumpin' in your boat.

Well, you're gonna sink.

This could tear our
boats to pieces or sink 'em!

Talk about the first one
breaking the windows out...

the second one
******* sinking her!

I don't wanna
hear that!

This leaking son of
a bitch is my inheritance!

I'm gonna plug my ears!

I don't want to
think about that, man.

All right.
Uh, is that ready, Jay?

- Huh?
- Got the breakaways?

Go ahead.

You know, it's
pretty nasty out here.

Good conditions
for fishin' though.


have to look sexy.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
They will.

It's our eleventh
day of fishing, and so far,
we've got a big, fat zero.

I had a great season back
home but this trip is just
eating into my profits.

Yeah, let me get
my gear on, and then I'll
start doing the...

Yeah, yeah.

this is the ride, so it's
gonna be splashy.


It's definitely a
struggle down here this year
but one good day could

turn the whole season around.

That's how fishing goes.

I think
today's a nice fishing day.

If we can get some
marks, we can bend this rod.

We could get some
fish in the boat.

And that's what we
really desperately need,
our first one.

We're about ten grand in
the red at this point.

Not only did it cost us money
to get here, we gotta pay for
the damages to the boat,

from when we hit the bridge.

boat, we're gonna hit!

, man!

Our first bite is gonna
go to cover our expenses,
and there ain't gonna be

any money left over.

Get a fish on
this boat, because we
really need one, you know.

We came all the way up from.

We came all the way
down here from Gloucester.

And it would be nice to
get a nice, a nice paycheck.

If we don't turn
this around soon, that's gonna
be money out the window.

We're gonna get down there,
and when we find the fish,
it'll happen.

Definitely wanna
get in this game.

Ha, ha, ha, whoa! Yeah.

We haven't
caught a tuna in a week.

It's extremely
aggravating that Frenzy
and Reels of Fortune are

really ahead of us.

It sucks to be in a slump.

We gotta do whatever it takes
to catch a tuna, and if that
means riding out some gnarly

weather, that's
what we're gonna do.

Thirty knots of wind.
Yeah, baby!

Put us on some meat.

Ooh! Markin' 'em.
Markin' 'em big time.

Come on, fish! Bite.

Come on, eat that bait!

We're on,
we're on, we're on!

We're on, baby!

Look at this fish go!
He's goin', baby.

They always
love that sea star.

He is outta here, now!

Come on.
Here, here.

- I'll start, I'll rail.
- One sec.

Our first fish
is was a 400-pounder.

We need another
fish like that.

Definitely a nice
fish here, keeper.

Keep goin'.
Easy, easy, easy.

See how he's pullin' the
boat around, right now?

It's starting to
tire the fish out.

It's always stressful
having this fish on
the line, right here.

The weather down in the Outer
Banks in the winter is fierce.

It's always windy.

We're battling big
waves, and dangerous seas.

The rough weather, it's so
scary, you could lose 'em at
any point.

You're goin' up big waves,
and you're fallin' off of 'em.

You could pull a
hook at any moment.


Bro, this is bad.

Ha, ha, ha, oh!

So we're doin'
like six knots down sea.

So, you gotta put
it her in reverse.

Watch out for the wave!

Keep goin' back!
Keep goin' back!

Big wave, Tyler.

this is ****** up!

There he is!
He's on top!

Get him!

We lost it.

I can't believe it.

I'm shot.

I'm so tired.

You know, after battling
all the conditions, and we
ended up losing the fish.

There's nothing
more disappointing.

We gotta catch some fish.

Get soaked for
that piece of.

Oh, no!
Whew! Close.

Got caught on the line
and I stopped...

and she was trying to come
back and get me.

Right now,
we're neck and neck with
the Reels of Fortune.

We're $200 behind.

We've gotta do
whatever we can to take
that top spot back.

You want me
to crank this one?

Crank it up some.

I gotcha.

When you're
fishin' in the Outer Banks
in the wintertime,

the weather's a giant factor.

It changes at a
moment's notice.

We've got a short
season with a limited quota.

So even though the
weather's pickin' up,
we've gotta go fishin'.

Just go around her?

- Wow great.
- You spin it around?

Oh, here's a mark.
Here we go, guys!

We're markin' 'em.

Come on!
Bite it!

Any second now.

Bite it, bite it, bite it!


Long rigger!
We're on! Doubleheader!

- We're on, baby!
- Whew!

That's the
way to start the day!


We're on, doubleheader.

Take this up there.

Ooh, hoo, hoo, hoo!

I see Frenzy
right up ahead of you.

They got one on
right there, I think.

Frenzy just hooked up.

I've been bustin'
my ass really hard tryin'
to get on the fish,

and then Frenzy's
got a good head start.

And it's really bad when
he comes right in, sweeps
right in front of you

and hooks up with a fish.

Maybe we should just
stay right here, watch 'em
bring in the boats so we can

at least get to see one.

Let's go! Let's go!

Come down deep!

Frenzy, here ya go.

Got her?

Yup, got her.

Back the drag
down and go to the corner.

Switch sides?

Yes. Yeah.

You gotta unhook

Safety line!

It's tough for them to go.

The fish aren't gonna go
where you want 'em to go.

Sometimes they'll go one way,
sometimes they go another.

If they cross up,
you'll cut 'em off.

Yours is off, isn't it?

he's on there.

He's on
there, he's on there.

Okay, you gotta
switch sides, again.

Switch sides, again!
Unhook your safety line!

Let's go!
Let's go! Hurry up.

C'mon, c'mon!
Billon, switch sides again!

Switch sides, bud!

- Hurry up!
- Watch out!

Yours is off, isn't it?

Nah, he's on there!

He's on
there, he's on there!

Okay, you gotta
switch sides again!

Switch sides again!
Unhook your safety line!

Hurry up!
Let's go, let's go!
Billon, switch sides again!

Switch sides bud!

Watch out
for those lines.

Watch out!

Make sure your drag
is backed off when you
move that rod.

All right, I think
we're good for now.

Nick, just keep yours tight
row down right now, don't
crank on 'em.


changing direction.
You gotta switch again.

Hurry up, hurry up!

We're gonna
lose both these fish
if they get crossed up.

Come on, come on!
Put your drag
right up, Billon!

Nick, you could back
yours off a, ah, you're okay.

You're out far enough.
Lemme get down
there and take a look.



He ain't gonna answer.

He's too busy patting
himself on the back like that.

His arms are busy.

Woo hoo!
Let's go guys!
Come on!

I see color here.

Tail ropes are in the hatch.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

It's over
there, it's over there.

He's short.

Slack it
off a little bit.

Give me a little slack.


In order to maintain
a sustainable fishery, we
need to release any

Bluefin that's under 73 inches.

Let's set out here and
hook the double header.

The first
fish was a short.

This one ain't! Whoo!

This one feels good,
he, this one has a lot of
drag to start with.

It's a nice fish.
He's way out there.
I'm way into the back end.

This one here's
gonna be a good one.

There we go.


Check him
out, check him out!

Let me feel on him.

This is gonna be
a good fish here.

But I feel like this
one's got the weight.

He's gonna be a nice fish.

The last fish we
got was a small one.

We need a bigger fish.

500-pounder would be
nice to move ahead of
the Reels of Fortune.

He still hasn't settled down.


Where's my young buck?

- Right here.
- Turn the handle.

You wanna,
wanna do it, go.

I see him right there.

No, it's short.

Think so?

Think so.


He dumped
that thing, bud.

I know, but I
thought I just saw him.

If he doesn't
measure 73 inches, we
need to cut 'em lose.

We've gotta do that for the
sustainability of the species.

Swing it to me,
swing it to me.

Don't crank any more.

Let 'em down a little
bit and crank the bait.

There you go,
now pull it to me.

Meat hook's behind ya.

Right here.

I'm right here.
You got it?

You got him? Okay.

Another, another meat hook.

Under the door,
coming through.

- Let's go, let's go!
- Ah, come on!

Get him on.

One, two, three!

- One, two three. Okay.
- Woo-hoo! Yeah!

Quick! Tape.

Alright, here we go.

What we got?

- 73.
- Good! Yes!

73 inches, that's the
minimum size, bottom line
is, he's big enough,

he's going in the box,
and he's going to market.

He's not as big as I hoped
he'd be, but if it's good

we can move ahead of Griff.

We got a good
start to the day here.

Now, let's circle
around and find another one.

We're catching fish.
Can't ask for much more.

Fishin' Frenzy.

Come in, sweetheart.

So you got one this
morning and lost the other one?

No, we just have
one. That's all. 73 inches,
but he acted a lot bigger.

Must've been a girl.

Must've been.

Been down there working
that area all morning...

to sneak in there
and get a fish.

You got the right mark.

Let me know if
you hook up over there.


The girls have all
caught some fish before,

but this year it's
not working out for 'em.

I know Tami's probably
doubting herself now.

The bottom line is, you
go fishing, stick with your
game plan, it'll work out.



Come on, Renegade.

Renegade, come here!
Come here!

Come see Grandpa.

Renegade, come on.
Come here, buddy.
Come on. Aw yeah!

My dad
might favor Renegade.

He'll get mad at me...

and he'll look at that
dog and he'll be just
as happy as he can be.

That dog don't
ever make him mad.

- Yeah! Hey bud.
- Renegade! Hey!

Come on!
Come on, buddy! Hey.

He eat better than
I do, that's for sure.

With the forecast
as bad as it is, I wanna
try to catch one,

and get the heck out of
here as soon as we can.

We still have a balance of
about $6,300 just
to cover the yard bill.

Our last fish didn't do
as good as we'd hoped.

So, we need to
catch some tuna.

I'm markin' 'em!


We've hooked a fish here.

I'm telling ya, I had
a mark a minute ago.

We got a tuna on!

He is pulling, bud.

Oh, my gosh, he's pulling.

Get our gaffs out!

Everything's tangled up.

Jiminy Christmas.

Ahh, boy.

There we go, Jake.

Gettin' everything
straight. Gettin' ready
to deal with him.

A 4 or 500 pounder
sure would be nice right now.

We need some big fat fish
worth a lot of money, 'cause
we got some big fat bills.

He just, it really
burned her down at first.

I mean, just
really burned it down.

This could be, this
could be like a big bite.

That's right!


He feels kinda heavy there
though, doesn't he, doesn't

All right, he's
shaking his head and doing
some crazy stuff here.

They shake their
head violently.

Sometimes they'll rip so hard
that it'll, it'll pull it out.

Look at that damn
thing, shakin' his head.

Most of the time, when we lose
a fish, it's when they're
doing that head shake.

Damn he's gonna get
off, he's gonna get off.

I don't like this!

All right, he's
shaking his head and doing
some crazy stuff here.

Damn, he's gonna get
off, he's gonna get off.

Take it easy now.

There's color!

Keep her head above.
Right here.

I can't see anything.

Think we've got a
head, here comes his snout!

Renegade, get back!

Go on get
back, come on Jake!

Right here.

We're gaffing a fish,
pulling him towards the boat.

When you pull him up beside
the boat that's the most
critical time.

That's when the fish
is gonna freak out.

It's always a hold your breath
situation until you get that
gaff in him.

Got him!

Wait no, not yet.
Get the other gaff.
Bring this one home.

All right man,
watch it, take easy now.

You got him?

I'm trying to, son.

Come on man, come on.

I've lost
one of the gaffs now.

- Okay, okay.
- Oh come on, baby!

He's on the rope.

He's on the rope, but
he ain't on the rope right
yet, is he?

He ain't goin' nowhere.
He can't go nowhere.

He's beating the
**** outta my hand, I know

Alright, there he is!

God all mighty!

We got
him, we got him.
Man, that is so awesome.


Damn, Jake!

Hell, yes!
good now, brother.

Thank goodness.

Thank God, you know.
Thank God.

I got 86.

Got 86?

Hey, damn right, bud!

That's what we needed.

Come on now!
That's awesome.

Let's catch another one.

about that, Renegade?
This is what we need.

Thank goodness
we got this one.

This is gonna be a good one.

Hopefully, we can take
care of the yard bill.

If not, maybe a
good chunk of it.

And a lot of the guys had
already gone in because they
know the weather's gonna get

bad, it's gonna be
bad for a couple days.

Now, we'll be able to
go in and celebrate.

We want a big
old fat Bluefin so
bad we can taste it.

I'm sure can see disappointment
all over my face.

Line us up
a little better.

I'm extremely
disappointed in Tami's ability
as a captain and the fact of

her not being able
to put us on Tuna.


This my little girl.
She sent me a video.

I wanna be just
like you when I grow up.

I miss you, Mommy!

That's so sweet.

Go, Reel Action!

Go, Reel Action.
That's so sweet.

You know, that's
what it's all about.

That's what's gonna
make you get up at 2 A.M.
and go fishing.

It's gonna make
you stay out here...

when the southwest
when it's blowing 30...

and you're gonna have to
risk your life to get home.

This is for them.

You know, I mean I
love it, but, it's so
I can take care of them.

We gotta get a fish,
and we gotta get it, now.


Today was a bad day.

We had one fish
on but we lost him and
now the ocean's turned

into a washing machine.

Come on!

We've got to stay out
here overnight, grind it out,
and put some fish on the deck.

Ah, ha, ha, ha!

Once you've spent the
money to get out to the
fishing grounds,

you can't afford, if you wanna
make a living, to just come in
with no fish.

You've got to stay out there
and fish through whatever
the weather throws at

you to make money.

Blowing 35 knots!

blowing its ass off.

It's definitely rough out here
and this is gonna be scary.

We're out of our
minds, we don't care!

We're just having
fun right now, dude.

Oh, yeah, they be
jumping right there.

We're putting it out.
It's rough as it can be.

This is safe.

We're gonna get our
asses kicked tonight,
no doubt about that.

I love
this weather, dude!

We can't stay out
here tonight in this!

We'll be shot!

Ah, ha, ha, ha!
It's gonna
get rough, very rough.

Everything sucks down here.

We're definitely
feeling the pitch, so I
decided to stay out in the

water to give us
more time to fish.

Maybe it wasn't such a
good idea to stay out here.

It feels like
it's getting worse.

The winds out here
are 35 knots and we're getting
8 to 10 foot seas.

You've got to keep your wits
about you, because if anything
goes wrong,

it could turn
deadly in seconds.

It's definitely a
treacherous place down here.

It's known as the Graveyard
of the Atlantic for a reason.

There's so many
shipwrecks down here.

It's not an exaggeration.


Everything sucks down here.

So I decided to stay
out in the water to give us
more time to fish.

Maybe it wasn't such a
good idea to stay out here.


Was a big, clear wave, can't
see them coming in the
darkness hit us just

right, punched us in
the windows.

I thought it
completely broke.

It's like getting a
black eye from mother nature.

Pray there's not
another big wave that
blows that window out.

Oh, my god.

The windows blow
out, boat fills up with water.

We could lose our electronics.

If that happens,
we could sink.

And if we do, we ain't
gonna last long in
these frigid waters.

Hey, Tyler, you got me?

Come in.

Go ahead Dave.

Man, this sucks.

Broke the safety glass on
the front windshield there.

Wow, that's gnarly, man.

No it didn't come in,
but it's shattered.


Hit us hard.

We hit
another wave like that and
it's going to come right in.

this place sucks.

I'll leave this radio on, Dave.
We'll be standing by.

We can't go home,
this is direction of home.

We blow out a window, we can't
go home with water
coming in the boat.

Nothing easy about
this place down here.

Hey Griff, what
do you got for me today?

We got
a nice fish man.

All right,
let's get him off and
see what we've got.

All right.

Our last fish was not
the best quality fish.

But, hopefully this
one will do better.

I've still
got about $6,300 to
cover on my yard bill.

Let's see
what she weighs.

- 314.
- Good.

All right,
let's get a core sample
and see what it looks like.

The buyer looks for
two things, they look for fat
and color.

Some fish are skinny,
they're not gonna do as
well as a short, fat fish.

I'm fat, I would be
worth a lot of money.

Look at the color.

Fat's really gonna come
out after the chill is down
you're gonna see some nice

buttery fat here
at the bottom.

It's good, yeah.
Great, man, good.

- Oh look at that.
- Wow.

- Beaming out red.
- Man, that's good.

See I'm telling you.

Well what
do you think man?

At 314 pounds dressed we
need about $20 a pound to
pay off the yard bill.

Looks good, doesn't it?

Hang on.

This is definitely the
nicest fish I've seen today.


- $22 a pound.
- Hey, man.

That's it right there.

Thanks, bud.
Thank you, sir.

Nice job.
Thank you,
man, thank you.

That's what we
needed right there, bud.

That's awesome,
that's gonna more than
pay off the yard bill.


Thanks bud, I
appreciate it, thank you, man.

Thank you, Charlie.
Thanks a lot.

Hopefully, we'll
see you tomorrow afternoon,
thank you, sir.

Nice job,
good luck tomorrow.
Thanks again.

Thank you sir.

Hey, what you doing?

Tomorrow morning, I'm gonna go
take care of business then
we're getting back to fishing.

We'll get the
stick up and really get
started here.

For right now,
it's magic hour.

Thankfully, we've made it
through the night without any
more drama or damage,

but no tunas yet and
now we gotta replace
this busted window.

More expenses, more
expenses, cause' you know
what boat stands for,

Bust Out Another Thousand.

Let's hope this is the day of
the Merch so we can get some
fish in this boat.

It looks like it's gonna be
a little calmer this morning,
so we're gonna do a little

fishing before we head in
to get that window fixed.

Last night was
rough, but we made it
out we're okay today,

and hopefully, today
can bring us a bluefin.

So I just rigged up a new
ballyhoo, there's a dead fish
that I tied on and,

uh, to make it look real.

Some of the bites have
been coming on those,
some of the bites have

been coming on the stick.

marking, we're marking.

Gotta have everything
out it seems like, cause' you
don't know if they're gonna be

on one or the other.

But at least we got
a good morning, it's
fairly calm out here.

We're on! We're on!
We're on! We're on!

We're marking!
We're marking!

Gotta have everything
out, it seems like, 'cause you
don't know if they're gonna be

on one or the other.

But, at least
we've got a good morning.

It's fairly calm out here.

We're on! We're on!
We're on! We're on!

My ballyhoo!

Hooked up!

All right.
See if we can get 'em.

I don't know what this
is, but it took one of those
baits I just made.

Right now, I'm
just babying him in.

It's not taking any more line.

Might be a
yellowfin or something, Jay.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, yeah.

Getting color in a
second, whatever it is.

Here he comes.

Coming up!

the hell is that?
Big Eye!

Big Eye tuna.
Wrong species.

Watch out!

- You okay?
- Yeah.

This isn't a
giant, uh, Atlantic Bluefin.

This is the Big Eye tuna,
another species of tuna.

He's good eatin'!

You can keep
as many as you can catch.

But unless, you
know, you're catching them
one after another,

it ain't gonna add up
to a hill of beans.

It's something to eat.

All right, Jay.

Let's head in while we can.

See if we can get
this window fixed.


We're hoping our
luck changes, 'cause
at this point,

as far as luck goes,
we've had luck,
and no luck at all.

All right!
Let this be the one.

All right.
Get away, bob!

I want
one stop shopping.

It's day 12
on the water.

We still haven't caught a damn
tuna, and I've got a crew
that's depending on me,

and my kids.

It's really hard when you've
got all these things depending
on you,

and you've gotta
make it happen.

If we don't get a tuna out
here pretty soon, I don't know
what I'm gonna do.

Woo, come on big boy.

Be a good day
to catch a Bluefin.

A big one, that is.

Dollar signs!

I am
marking up some bait.

Up and at 'em!

At 50 foot, not
real deep, even.

Big red mark.

There's one!
Come on, fish!
We need a fish.

We're not too short!

Oh, there he is,
there he is, there he is!

All right.
We have him on.

We got a fish on!

Watch your
hands, I have no drag.

Get away from it, man.

gonna get hurt, right here.

We ain't got
no ******* drag, dude.

Just go ahead, just
go ahead. Just let him run.
He's gonna run.

Just let it's, it's what we've
been waiting all this time.
Just let him run.

I got my arm against it.
It ain't gonna
get away from me.

we're losing him.

Get that ****
up and just let him run.

Not good!

- Okay.
- Got a fish on!

We gotta keep
our together.

But it can be the first fish.

That'll be nice.

I think the Reel
Action is fighting a fish.

Man, they got one on?
Looks like a nice fish.


This could be our
first fish of the season.

We're ready.

Lotta line,
lotta line went out.

It's the real deal, here.

This ain't no little tuna!

This fish took a lot of line,
and he feels really heavy.

I'm hoping for a
good 3 or 400-pounder.

We've got a lot of
catching up to do.

Give me a $5,000 fish!

Cannot see it.

No, you're
doing good, real good.

He's straight down.
Straight down?

You got an angle,
you got it. Just keep
going just like that.

Dang, he looks
like he might be coming up.

Easy with
it, easy with it!

Don't break our main line.

We got it.

Just let him sit there
for a minute. He's shaking
his head a little bit.

Can you see him?
I got a visual.
Nice and easy.

He's right there, I see color.

Oh yeah,
he's right there.
He's on number 3.

I see him!

need this fish bad, y'all.

We just need to get it
in the ******* boat...

would be preferred.

Watch it.
Keep it going forward,
keep it going forward.

Make it in a circle that way.

I'm just keeping
the line off the boat.

Whoa, where's he goin'?

Okay, stop.
Stop, right there.

Okay, stop, I got it on.

He's right there
close to the surface.

He's right under the boat.

Okay, all right, it's okay.

fish, or big fish?

He's a big one!

We need this fish,
and we just gotta get
this harpoon in.

Go, Jess, forward!
Oh, watch that bar!

Watch yourself.

We got one on.
It's a little bit rough.
We got some wind.

This could be our
first fish of the season.

He's right there,
close to the surface.

He's right under the boat,
okay, all right, it's okay.

fish or big fish?

He's a big one!

We need this fish and we
gotta get this harpoon in him.

Go Jess, forward.

Oh, watch that
pole, watch yourself.

I got him!

Thought I had him.

Where's he at?

It's all right,
just take your time,
he's right there.

Go, Jess.

I just don't wanna
break him off, is he under?

He's right here!
Yeah. Okay.
I see him.

Come on, right up here.

Get that fat bitch
up here, come on.

Get him Tami,
he's right there.

You got him that time.

- Got it.
- All right.

Just need to get a
tail wrap on that.

doing good, we're doing good.

We gotta
get a tail wrap.

We ain't got 'em till
we got a tail wrap on his ass.

Get the gaff!

I got it.
Yeah. I got him.
Tail wrap!

I know, I got
him from the tail, here.

Ready, go.
Drop it.

Got it?
Got it.
It's fine, we got him.

Okay, let's
open the tuna door.

Get the
harpoon out of the way.
Okay, where is it?

You can't pull it
through the door with a
harpoon in it.

Pull the stick through.

Here we go.
That's right.
Hold on.


I broke my finger!

Okay, ready?

We don't have the
fancy winches like some
of the other boats have,

so we gotta use pure ass to
get our fish up in the boat.

You got his tail.
Okay, ready? No.
Hold on, Tami!

On the
way, one, two, three!

Come on, hold on!

Hold on!

Hold on, hold on one more!

Yeah! Woo! Woo!

Yeah, we got him!

Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah!

- How big is this bitch?
- Uh, it's 86 inches!

Woo! Woo!

We got the!

Oh yeah!

Come here, Jessie.


They're hugging.
They must love each other.

Did they get 'em?

They put
'em in the boat.
I wanna see.

Woo hoo!

I cannot believe that.

We might have nothing
dangling between our legs, but
we can catch a fish

just like anybody else!

She's got an
injury, let me see.

I'm all
good, finger's still on.
It's all right.

I ain't worried about it.

If the worse thing to happen
is to get a broken finger,
ahh, it's all good.

Pretty work.

Good goin'.

We wanted him bad.

We, uh, triple
tag-teamed him.
And he's in the boat.

It's up to the Merch now.
It's on.


Now, how many
punches can one guy
take before ya stay down?

For now,
we'll keep going.

But it's
beginning to wear on me.
It really is.

It was our
turn, damn it.
You damn right.

How was it in there?
Choppy, choppy.

And then the fog coming
through the bridge, that
doesn't make it very much fun.

Let's see what
you guys got for me today.


Okay, hold
it right there.

It is not real big,
but he has a real nice shape.

Hopefully, we get some
good money per pound.

Every one we can
get's gonna help us out.

That's right.

190 pounds dressed out.
Not bad.

Let's see
what she looks like.

We wanna move ahead
of Reels of Fortune.

This small fish isn't
gonna do it for us.

But if the price is good,
and we get $20 a pound,
we'll still have a good check.

All right, guys.
Let's see what we got here.


Core sample's decent.
You know, it's a smaller fish.


Small fish gotta really
have a nice shape they, uh,

he's gonna do pretty well.

These smaller fish have
been doing really well on the
market recently,

but, you know, not
a whole lot of fat.

But, still, a
little bit in there.


So what do you
think about this one?

Huh, thinking
can give you guys
$14 a pound for it.

Not bad!

All right.
We'll take that.
We'll take it.

Almost 3 grand.

I don't
know, I failed math.

I failed gym, I
failed English.

Good enough.
I barely graduated.

- Pretty good.
- But I did.

All right, man.
Thank you.
I'll see you tomorrow.

All right, let's do it.

We need to
keep going hard.

It's a quota fishery,
and, if we're not careful,
it's gonna be caught up

before we get our share.

We gotta get out
there and bust ass.

I can't
wait for my husband.

And my kids to be at the
dock and see this one.

Momma's finally gonna
come home in a better mood.

All right!

Look what we got, ET!
Good work, girls.

What'd you
think, Sophia?

Look at the big
ol' fish mommy got.

That's the biggest
Bluefin tuna I ever seen.

I know! Isn't it?

A beautiful fish.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

Teamwork, man.

Let's get this thing up
here and see what we got,

Let's get 'er off it.


All right.
Finally got one, dad.

Yeah, it's a nice one.

Look. It is.
Pretty fish.
Nice one. Yeah.

Nice job, ladies,
nice job, Tami.

- Thanks man.
- Thank you.

All right, let's see
what we got, Dennis.


The moment
of truth, Dennis.
Here we go.

All right, Dennis.
What do we got?
283 pounds.

Woo hoo!
All right! All right!
We'll take it.

Yeah. Woo.
Well done, ladies.
Butter ball.

Now we can
give everybody in the
whole entire town a piece.


We could give
everybody in the whole
entire town a piece?

I think we
might could do it.

The village will eat well.

That's for sure.

All right Dennis, let's
take a look at that core, see
what we're gonna get.


Nice core sample.

Really pleased
with the fat in here.

Some nice concentration of fat
and oily meat in the minor

Compromised somewhat, but
the meat is not burned.

It's still a pretty nice fish,
even though the meat color's
you know, not super.

So what do you think?
What do you think the price
is gonna be on this fish?

We need some money, man.

We've been making a long ride
from here to the foyer

It's 59 miles up there,
every time we have to go.

Need a big one.
Big one, big one, big one.

$16 a pound.
All right!

Thanks man.

Thanks, man.
Well done, ladies.
Thank you very much.

Yay! Reel Action!

- Yay.
- Yeah!

At the moment the fish
hit the deck, it restored
faith in Tami as a captain.

Feels really good to get the
first paycheck of the season.

Aw, I just hope we
got a bigger paycheck
than Frenzy did.

Wouldn't that be nice?

Size does matter.

Good stepping, Joe.

I'm really glad we got this
fish, the crew's really glad
we got this fish,

and it's taken a lot of
weight off our shoulders,
and now we just need to

go catch another one.

At the end of day
12 on the water, Reel Action's
first catch launches the

female trio into the
competition, and Reels of
Fortune's seven-grand payday

extends their lead over
last season's champion,
Fishin' Frenzy.

From the
Reels of Fortune, we
come with good fortune.

We caught enough fish that
I was actually able to
come over and pay my bill.

Man, I tell ya.

I told Jake, every time we
hook one, I hope we get this

That's kinda what we
were thinking every time we
heard you hook one.

We were thinking
'get him, boy'.

- Looky there.
- That's cool, man.

- Thank you, man.
- I do appreciate it.

Thank you, guys.

Thanks, man.

Captioned by Cotter
Captioning Services.