Where the Bears Are (2012–…): Season 2, Episode 8 - Blackmail Bears - full transcript

After coming up empty at the gym where the mysterious personal trainer who may be connected to Elliot's murder works out, the Bears track down a former friend of his to a Silver Lake diner in hopes of finding a lead to his whereabouts. But Todd's charm offensive to secure information from the hot muscle bear (Chuck Villano) sends a jealous Nelson (Ben Zook) spiraling. Todd: Ian Parks. Wood: Joe Dietl. Reggie: Rick Copp. Waiter: Zar De Oliveira.

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I can't believe we worked out at the gym all day waiting for that trainer and he was a no show.

You sat at the juice bar the whole time.

Okay, yeah. But those stools are really uncomfortable, Reggie. I've got a glute cramp.

Well, at least I worked out for an hour with the dumbbell.

Hey, I thought we agreed. No more calling me names in public.

Hang on guys. According to the manager his name is Turbo

and he quit his job a week ago to focus on his high end clients.

and he moved recently so they don't have an address for him anymore.

We're never going to find him!

Easy, spaz.

He also said he's got a work out buddy who could tell us how to find him

and that guy comes here every night after the gym for a protein shake.

Wait a minute. That's why you brought us here? I thought we came here to eat. I'm starving.

Like I said, we're never going to find him.

Come here. Wild guess. You think that might be him?

Sure. You can go over there and ask him and look like a fool if you're wrong.

I'll risk it.

He is such an idiot.

Hey. How's it going?

Omigod. Look at them flirting.

I knew Todd wanted an open relationship.

They're just talking. This is about Todd's ex Ivan, isn't it?

You feel threatened by him.

I do not feel threatened. I don't. I do not feel threatened.

We can tell when you're lying. You repeat yourself.

I do not repeat myself. I don't. I do not repeat myself.

He just repeated himself!

Oh, hell no, juice queen!

Nelson, stop! Nelson!

Exuse me.

For your information, this is my boyfriend. Yes, you heard that right. My boyfriend.

So back off, bitch!

Chuck here was just about to tell us how to get in touch with Turbo.

Yeah. Keyword. Was. But I don't need all your drama.

Wait. So you're not going to help us?

Oh, honey, help you? I just don't have time for this.

I'm not a miracle worker for Larry, Moe and Tubby.

Oh, no he didn't!

Why don't you guys go check out my diet and nutrition exercise videos on YouTube?

Body by Chuck. Over 80,000 views and counting.

That will help get you started.

Would you like to order something?

Well, sure. We might as well look at the dessert menu. Right, guys?

Don't you judge me, Brutus?

Can you at least give us a cell phone number so we can call him?

I don't have it. He changed it.

We had a falling out ever since he poached one of my clients.

What about giving us the client's name so we can track him down that way?

Well, I would but this one keeps pissing me off.

All right. We're out of here.

He's not going to give us anything. He's not even going to budge.

I didn't order this. This isn't mine.

You're the only customer in the restaurant.


I wonder how your YouTube viewers are going to feel

when they find out their fitness guru is a junk food whore!

Yeah, just like you Reggie!

What? You love junk food and you're a whore.

What a fraud! Body by Chuck? More like Body by Upchuck.

We're going to tell everybody.

All right. You win. Mary Ashley Pendleton.

Who's that?

She's my former client. The one that Turbo stole from me.

Her husband is running for City Council.

Danny Pendleton! The man Elliot was running against.

I bet he did it!

No. He wasn't at the pool party fundraiser.

He couldn't have done it.

Wait a minute. So Turbo knows both Mo Kapoor and Danny Pendleton's wife?

That's a bit of a coincidence, don't you think?

Exactly. And what if Mary Ashley was willing to do anything to insure her husband win the election

including commit murder.

You're right. We should totally check her out.

All right. Are we done? Are we good here?

Is that enough? And not a word about what you saw here tonight. So beat it.

Except you. You can stay.

I don't think so. Come on.

Hey you. That's my boyfriend. Okay?

No need to be so paranoid.

If there's one thing I'm not it's paranoid. I'm not. I am not paranoid.

Stop, I can't breathe.