When Hope Calls (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - When Hope Calls - full transcript

Lillian tries to make Grace's birthday perfect; Gabe tracks down a key witness in the robbery investigation.

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Previously on When Hope Calls...

I'm gonna go out for a few days,
work on the claim.

I didn't say for
certain that it was Sam.

I said the poster kind
of looked like him.

I never saw him with beard.

I just hope it's a misunderstanding.

What was the name of the
teller or manager again?

Mike Sinclair was the manager.

Russell Meeks was his teller.

And this home that you
and Lily had made...

the kind of home I hope to have someday.

I'm just surprised that you
think that I'm the kind of man

that would blow up a train.

You don't have to leave.

Good morning.

Oh, Gabriel, good.

You've saved me a trip to your office.

- Nothing official, I hope.
- No, um, personal.

I was wondering if you would
be free tomorrow evening.

I certainly could be.

Um... I'm planning a party

at the orphanage for Grace's birthday.

The children are going crazy
with the decorations.

A party. That sounds like fun.

It's a secret, though.

I can keep a secret.

I'm taking Grace to Pearl's

to keep her out of the house until 6,

so can you be there for 5:30?

Of course. Whatever you need.

I just... I want
everything to be perfect.

Knowing you, it will be.

I'm gonna have a new server tomorrow.

Fred's gonna be with me.

Isn't he too young to take a job?

It's vocational day at school.

And Fred was sick, so he missed it.

So, he's gonna make it up tomorrow

and he chose to work with me.

And he chose to work in a hotel?
As a server?


- What?
- Well, you'd figure a child would...

dream bigger, like a...

doctor or a lawyer.

Your uncle works in a hotel.

Well, he owns it.

Well, maybe Fred understands
that we all can't own hotels.

- I... I didn't...
- Excuse me.

I didn't... I didn't mean that.

That's lovely.

You're pretty handy.

I get by... when I'm not robbing trains.

So, you're working for Hinson now?

I am.

Do you think you'd be free
tomorrow night, after work?

It depends.

You gonna set the Mounties on me again?

It was an honest mistake.

Hold on.

What time tomorrow night?

5:30. It's for Grace's birthday.

I'll be there.

Blankets must be in here somewhere.

The girls are ready for
their bedtime story.

I'll be in in a minute.

What's this?

That is my old music box.

I remember that.

There's no music.

It's been broken for a while.

Why do you keep it?

My mom and dad gave that
to me on my fifth birthday.

It's the last one I had with them.

That was a long time ago.

Here, um... there we go. Ahem.

Can you carry these into the house?

I remember that birthday.

That was a great day.

It was.

So, birthday girl,

tomorrow after work,
coffee and a cupcake. Right?

I really don't wanna make a fuss.

Oh, honey,
you gotta let me do something.

- It's just another day.
- Not to me, it's not.

It's the day my incredible sister
came into this world.

Okay, fine.

- One cupcake.
- Perfect.

Are you sure you don't
want to do anything else?

I don't want anything.

Coffee with my sister...

that I can manage.


Where are you off to?

One of Ralph Thompson's goats has mange.

What about my mare?

I don't think she's ready yet.

Looked to me like she could
start labour anytime.

Well, if she does, have one of
your ranch hands come get me.

What, and you'll be at the Thompsons'?

Yeah, and then in town.

You mean the hotel?

Yeah, I might get a bite to eat.

You remember Mike Sinclair,

the manager of the Savings and Loan?

And Russell Meeks, his clerk?

- Sure.
- Any idea where they are now?

I haven't heard anything.

I've sent out a few inquiries
as to their whereabouts.

- No luck.
- Why are you looking for them?

They've got some answers I need.

You're not going to tell
me the questions, are you?

What was your impression of them?

You knew them as well I did.

I was only in the bank once a month
to deposit my pay.

Figured with the store,
you had more dealings with them.

Just us talking?

Of course.

Sinclair had an attitude.

Like the Savings and Loan,
or even this town,

weren't big enough for him.


Meeks had to look to Sinclair
to see which way to jump.


So, you put the cutlery
on the napkin like so.

- Oh! Good morning.
- Morning.

- You remember Fred?
- Hello, Fred.

I hear you'll be working with us today.

- Yup.
- Oh, I shouldn't say "working".

You do know there's no pay involved?

I can get more knives,
forks and plates too!

Oh, there's a lot.
I can give you a hand with that.

I got it.

I just wanted to be clear
about the money situation,

you know, so there's no expectations.

We understand. And thank you
for letting Fred help out today.

It's OK! I didn't drop them all.

It's okay! I didn't drop them all.

- I'm gonna...
- Yes, go, go. I'll take those.

- I'll get more.
- No, no. That's okay! That's okay!

Really coming along.

Better be or I'll be out of a job.

Well, looks like you're almost finished.

I don't know.
This stencil's really fighting me.

Oh. I could... help you with that.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

And that would give you
some time to show me

some marquetry and refinishing.


What's this?

Oh... I see.

Looks like it's had a rough ride.

Grace has been carrying it
around for almost 20 years.

I wanna restore it for her.


Let's see what we can do.

There's a secret to this.


Thank you, Fred.

How's the waitering business?

Great. I dropped your knife and fork.

Don't worry, they're clean.

I wiped them on my pants.

Thank you very much.

New help working out?

Well, if he stays through
the dinner shift,

I won't have a single plate left.

There you go. Enjoy.

That's good.

Someone took a bite of my pie!

I'll get you another piece.

I'll handle this.

Fred, I think you and I
need to have a little chat.

I'm so sorry.

I can see why Fred likes
the restaurant business.

I'm afraid you're right.

Excuse me.

Where did you learn to do all this?

Well, my father believed
you should learn every skill

that you can because you never
know when you might need it.


With my father, it was a fascination

with how things worked.

Being able to take something apart

and put it back together again.

Without having any pieces left over.


Put you to work, did he?

I do the building and
she does the decorating.

We make a perfect team.


Actually, it's a barter arrangement.

I'm stenciling in
return for instruction.

I think I got
the better end of the deal.

I'm really looking forward to tonight.

Me too.

I'll see you there.

Yes, you will.

Hi. I need a box of
your best chocolates.

Best box has been sold.

- Really?
- Ben Mendelson was in earlier

and he snapped them up,

but I can sell you
my second best box of chocolates,

if you think Lillian
will be okay with those.

- Oh, they're not...
- Oh, I don't need to know

who they're for.

It looks just fine. Thank you.

Constable. Sorry. This just came in.

It's marked "Urgent". Thanks.

Any reply?


"Thanks, I'm on my way." Stop.
"Signed, Kinslow."

- On your way?
- The telegram's from Constable Clark.

Meeks was reported getting
on the stage in Benson Hill.

He's headed south.

I gotta catch him at the next stop.

See Fred, I have contingency

breakage costs built into the budget,

but you already exceeded
this month's numbers.

I don't understand.

Well, for today, you're going
to just watch, and not do.

Heh heh. Mm-hmm.

You're fired, son.

Oh, excuse me.


Mr. Stewart said I was fired.

It's okay.

Everyone gets fired
from their first job.

At least you got it out of the way.

Thank you both for a fine lunch.


Ma'am. Tess needs you back at the ranch.

The mare seems to be having trouble.

- Okay, let's go.
- You're going to a ranch?!

- Can I come?
- You like ranches, do you?

Mr. Stewart has a lot of work to do.

I like animals.

I thought you wanted to learn
about working in a restaurant.

I got fired.

Please? I'll write my report
about working on a ranch.

Well, if it's okay with Miss Bennett.

Go get your coat.

I'll wait for you two outside.


Thank you.

I guess you were right all along.

Being a waiter wasn't the best choice.

I disagree.
I think it's an essential service,

and one of my favourite
people waits tables.

There will be eight.
My brother and his wife

and my aunt and uncle are
all coming from Hamilton.

- Hamilton?
- They wanted us to all meet

there, but I told them
the Royal Brookfield

was as good as anything
they had in the city.

Yeah. Well, of course it is.

Everything's gotta be perfect.

- Did you put the champagne on ice?
- The champagne... Yes!

Of course, we got the champagne on ice.

Good. Okay. Well...

I'll come back later to check on things.

Sounds good. I will see you then, Ben.

So... Ben and his family

- are coming from Hamilton?
- Yes indeed.

Apparently, the Royal Brookfield

is becoming a bit of
a destination hotel.

Sounds like you might
need my help tonight.

Oh, that would be great. Are you sure?

Yeah. I'll stay and do the prep

and then I'll just leave around 6.

That'd be an enormous help.

Not that I'm not totally
in control of everything.

Just, uh, where do we keep
the champagne again?

- Root cellar.
- Right, right.

- And then the fancy table...
- The linen closet.

Thank you! Okay.

What's the problem?

I can't get it to play the music.

Let's see.


I wanted it to be perfect.

It's 20 years old,
it's been through a lot.

Sometimes you fix what you can

and be satisfied with what you can't.

I suppose.

You did a heck of a job
repairing the inlay.

- You think so?
- Yeah.

I couldn't match the grain,

so I decided to use contrasting pieces.


Pairing the different woods together...

really brings out the best in each one.

It's much more interesting.

Yeah, I thought so too.

You have a really good eye.

Are you thirsty?


- Hey.
- Hey.

Would it be possible to get
some lemonade to take away?

- Sure. How many?
- Uh, it's for Sam and I.

He's working for Hinson now,
and I'm helping him out.

- Really?
- No!

No, it's nothing like that. I just...

He has a piece he has to finish tonight,

he needed an extra set of hands.

Oh, but don't worry, no!
I told him I have to be

done in time to take my little
sister for her birthday cupcake.

Which I am...

all set for! So, you better
start thinking about your wish.

Actually, Ronnie needs an
extra set of hands tonight too.

So... sorry, I'm not gonna be
able to make our coffee date.

- But it's your birthday!
- Yeah, I told you,

it's... it's not... I just...

It doesn't matter.

But why does Ronnie need you?

Ben Mendelson is having a party,

and there's a lot of work to do.

Doesn't Ronnie have another waitress?

Yeah, um, there's just
a lot of prep, and...

I told him I would help.

Okay. What time are you gonna be home?

Around 6.

Don't worry, we can...

we'll do the cupcake another time.

Did Ronnie ask you to help, or...

are you volunteering?

I just, I knew he needed the help.

Or are you just looking for
an excuse not to celebrate?

I told you I don't like birthdays.

I don't understand why.


Do you remember your ninth birthday?


I don't.

It was probably a lot like
my eighth or my tenth.

Sometimes I would get a cookie,
sometimes I wouldn't.

You know the thing I remember
most about my birthdays?

It was the saddest time of the year,
because it is...

when I miss my family the most.

And every one reminds me of just...

being stuck in this orphanage...

and being scared and
alone and not having you

- or mom and dad.
- But Grace, I'm here now.

And we can replace all those
memories with good ones.

It doesn't work like that.


I'll get you your lemonades. I'm just...

All right, little man.
You ready? Come on, let's go.

Today's a very special day.

One of the horses is having a baby.

She's up and down a lot.

I think that foal's turned.

Okay. I'll have a look.

Who's that?

That's Fred. Grace and Lillian's.


Well, you have a mare to look to,
and I have a ranch to run;

who's gonna watch him?

I can watch myself.

Well, you'll need to.

C'mon, let's go see this mare.

What's wrong with her?

- She's having a baby.
- Your mom is having a baby?!

Come on.

I thought you were taking
Grace for coffee before the party.

- Change of plans.
- Why?

She's working at the hotel now until 6.

That's still okay.

We'll be ready
by the time she gets home.

- Oh...
- What?

She says she doesn't want
to celebrate her birthday.

Oh... You know Grace,

always putting everyone else first.

She'll change her mind once

she sees what we have in store for her.

I hope so.

When's the southbound stage due?

- Come and gone.
- Gone? How long ago?

30 minutes?

There weren't any passengers,
so no need for waiting.

There were no passengers?

No one got on here.
There was one fellow already on it.

How would I catch that stagecoach?

Take the Fraser Cut-off,
and you might have a shot.


The foal's in a good position.

It shouldn't be too much longer now.

Good. All right. Well...

I'll leave you with her.

- Mr. Stewart! Mr. Stewart!
- Sh!

Not too loud, we don't
want to spook the mare.

Something bad happened...

Lock the doors. Round 'er up.

Why would you open the gate?

I just wanted to pet one of the cows,

but they started moving.

And you didn't think
to close it behind you?

- I'm sorry.
- Yeah, well, sorry isn't gonna

get those cows back in
the corral, is it?

- What's the problem?
- I'll deal with it.

What are you doing in here?

You know, it's not a good idea
to run away from your mistakes.

I, um...

I made a mistake a moment ago.

I spoke harshly to you.

So, I came in here to fix it.

To say I'm sorry.

That's what you need to do, too.
You made a mistake,

now you should try and fix it.

I don't know how.

Come on, I'll show you.

Whoa! Hold up! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Picked up a passenger in Benson Hills?

Said he was going to catch
a train in Clearwater.

- Heading to San Francisco.
- Where is he?

Bunch of miles back,
he told me to hold up.

Took his bags and got out
in the middle of nowhere.

Where exactly is this nowhere?

Oh, what beautiful roses!

Can I get you a vase?

Please. Thank you.

They're my mother's favourite.

My father must have asked me

four times to make sure
they were the centrepiece.

- That's so sweet.
- I guess it's the kind of thing

that's kept them happily
married for 50 years.

- 50 years?!
- That's what we're celebrating,

their Golden Anniversary.

That looks good. Thank you.

I'm really hoping the Royal Brookfield

makes this a special night.

We'll do everything we can.

I'm sure.

I should get back to the store.

Yeah, um, my mom wanted to make
sure you had the lemon cake

- that she requested.
- I'll check.

Let me guess...
it's your dad's favourite?

You got it.

You've been to so much trouble.

Well... we love them.

We want to celebrate that fact.

- Looks like we're all set.
- I wanna stay.

I mean, it's their 50th anniversary,

and I think everything
should be perfect.

That would be great.

The reputation of the Royal
Brookfield is on the line.


Get ready to close the gates!

How does he do that?

Actually, the horse
does most of the work.

- Not Billy?
- No.

Cows weigh a lot more than
people, right?

But you get a good horse,
it knows what to do

and the cows listen.

Okay. Come on out.

Let's put the fence over.

All right.
Everything back the way it was.

Thank you for your help.

I like it here.

Well, I'm glad you do.

We're gonna do the count on
that south herd, Ms. Stewart?

- You go ahead with that, Billy.
- Okay.

You, um... you ever ridden a horse?


Come on.


Who's out there?

Don't come any closer.

I'm armed.


I need you to put your gun down.

- Constable Kinslow?
- Russell...

The gun.

How did you find me?

I think the question
is: why are you hiding?

- Someone's after me.
- Mike Sinclair?

How did you know?

Because I'm after him.

- Why?
- I think the man I put in jail

isn't the only one who stole from

the Brookfield Savings and Loan.

SAM: Looks like we
finished just in time.

- Yeah, luckily.
- Luck and hard work.

You did a fine job on that.

Thank you.

I'm guessing you had
an excellent teacher.

I hate to encourage you,
but I have to agree.

I just hope she likes it.

She said she didn't want
anything for her birthday.

When people go out of their
way to do nice things...

it usually pays off.

I just wish I could have
gotten the music to play.

She'll appreciate it all the same.

I'd better run though,
make sure everything's ready.

Uh, you go, and I'll bring this at 5:30.

I'm gonna put another
coat of varnish on it.

Okay. I will see you then.

See you then.

Tess? Fred?

You just hold on tight.

This horse knows what he's doing.


I thought Sinclair was
stealing money from the bank,

and then doctoring the
books to make everything

look like it was fine.

So the robbery gave him
a chance to cover it all up.

Yeah, I think so.

Can you prove it?

I got to see the books one night,

but he came in and shut them real quick.

- What did you see?
- Nothing.

But I don't think he realizes that.

A friend of mine from my
hometown said Sinclair

was there looking for me.

- So you ran.
- From what I understand,

stealing money from the bank,
that's not the worst of it.

Sinclair's operation
is much bigger than that.

What do you mean?

He's been using his money
and other people's money

to invest in businesses,
but then he starts

demanding bigger and bigger
shares of the profit.

- What if they don't wanna pay?
- It's not an option.

I'd be happy to put a
man like that in jail.

I don't know anything.

I mean, not anything I could swear to

in front of a judge.

What I do know is
I'd be in serious danger

if he knew I was talking to you.


It looks terrific.

But I thought Ronnie
had other help tonight.

We all want to make it a
special night for your folks.

Thank you.

We'll be right down.
My parents are just freshening up.


Miss Grace... who gave
you those flowers?


Was it Mr. Stewart?

Vincent says he's sweet on you.

Uh, they're not for me.

They're for a celebration here tonight.

- Oh. For... who?
- You know Ben?

He runs the feed store.
It's for his family.

So... what are you two doing here?

We came to get you and Fred.

Just... you know... because.

That's so sweet.

But Fred's not here.
Mr. Stewart took him to the ranch,

and I'm staying here to
help with the dinner.

Don't worry, um,

Mr. Stewart will bring Fred home

and you can tell Miss Lillian
not to wait for me for dinner.

- Okay, but...
- We'll tell her.


- Where's Grace?
- She's working late.

She told us to tell you
not to wait on dinner.

Alright Fred, you ready to go?

Can't we stay a little longer?

I'm afraid not.
You've got a party to go to.

Can I see the baby horse first, please?

I won't let it get out.

Mind you don't get too close.

I think he had a lot of fun today.
Thank you.

Somebody had to take care of him

while you helped with the foal.

- Well, I appreciate it.
- Honestly, it was...

nice having a little boy
around the place again.

Do you remember the first
time you lassoed a steer?

Yeah, I do.

And that knot cinched so tight,

you couldn't get it off,
but you didn't give up.


Yeah, once you got the hang of it,
you were a natural.

This is the best place in the
world for a boy to grow up.

It is.

Hold on.

I want to get something before you go.

So what are you gonna do now?

Gonna follow the money trail,
see where it leads.

Well, what if you can't find any proof?

The thing about criminals is that

they always stay true to their nature.

- What do you mean?
- Sinclair will continue

to commit crimes; the next time he does,

I will be there.


Grace is working late.

I guess Gabriel is too.

Hopefully, it's nothing serious.

So, do we wait?

I don't know.

Maybe I should've listened
to Grace. She...

didn't want anything
for her birthday to begin with.

People say that all the time.

Grace is the one person
who might actually mean it.

Not wanting something doesn't
mean that you don't need it.

Would you like a little cupcake?

Oh no, that's fine.

Where were you?

I'd... like to say a few words.

50 is a lot of anniversaries.

It sure is.

In the early days, we celebrated

in a one-room log cabin,

and the bouquet was wildflowers
that I'd picked

in the pasture.

But... we remember every anniversary

because we are always
with the family that we love.

And then... and that's what...

that's what makes it special.



Happy anniversary, honey.

You're a sweetheart.


Yes. Happy anniversary, you two.

Thank you.
My family said that was as good

as anything in Hamilton.

Well, you're absolutely welcome, Ben.

Yeah. And don't forget
to spread the word.

We will.

- Have a good night, folks.
- Thanks.

Well! Thank you for staying.

- That was lovely.
- Mhm.

I guess you'll be want
to be heading home?

- It's been a long day.
- Yeah.

Uh, Grace, there is one other thing:

I think some of the family
were up on the balcony.

Would you mind just toodeling
up there and cleaning up

whatever mess might be around?

- Sure.
- Good. Thank you.

I'll give you a hand.

Ronnie, there aren't
any dishes out here.

Oh! Neat guests. Hahaha!

That's a first. Good night.

- Oh, uh, Grace, uh...
- Yes?

I probably don't say this nearly enough,

but you do a good job here.

Uh, you actually never said that to me.

Oh, really? Haha! Well, you do.

You do a good job.

Thanks, Ronnie.

Anything else?

Uh, no. No, I guess that's it, huh?

- Well, after you.
- Thanks.


Happy Birthday, Grace!


Why is Miss Grace crying?

Because she's so happy...

I hope. Are you?

Um... yes, I think so.

Yeah, yeah...

... I'm happy.

Miss Lillian told us you love stars,

so we made star decorations.

They're beautiful.

The children have something
they want to tell you.

Miss Lillian asked us, each,

to think of one reason why we loved you.

But we couldn't do it.

Because there are so many reasons.

Nobody could think of just one!

So we made you a card and wrote down

as many things as we could fit on it.

Thank you.

I love you all of you.

I thought maybe we could try
a picnic again someday

It's beautiful. Thank you.

Um, am I supposed to fill this myself?

Nah, that'll be my birthday gift.

Happy birthday, Grace.

Thank you.


- What about me?
- Thanks, Ronnie!

Just excuse me for a second.



... is all of this okay?


You went to so much trouble.

Well, we were gonna do it at the house,

but then you were working late.

I'm sorry. I...
I didn't know that you were...

No, no. I just... I wanted to show you

that we can make great
birthday memories.


Thank you.

It's just, uh... hard.

I know.


Come on! Let's cut the cake.

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday, dear Grace ♪

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

When you blew out the candles,
what'd you wish for?

I may not know much about birthdays,

but I know if you tell,
then it won't come true.

Whatever it was, I hope you get it.

Now, time will tell.

May I have a piece?

Of course! Here you go.

Oh, I love your hat!

- Where did you get it?
- It's Mr. Stewart's.

From when he was little!

That's so sweet.

- You gave him your old hat?
- Not him. Mrs. Stewart.

Mom will never admit it, but I think

she was quite taken by this one.

Well, I guess you know what you
want to be when you grow up.

- Dont you?
- A rancher!

- Mrs. Stewart said I'm a perfect fit.
- Oh, good idea, Fred!

Not sure you're cut out for
the restaurant business.

- Can I get a flower?
- Oh, yeah.


Take this over to the
orphanage in the morning.

I don't want the boy to be cold.

Yes, ma'am.

What is that?

Grace looks like she's
okay with her party.

Yeah. Sure appears so.

Sorry I'm so late.
I had to go out of town.

Nothing serious, I hope.

I missed this party,
that's serious enough.

True. And I believe
there's no cake left.

I don't know about that.

There might be a small piece.

- Hey.
- Oh, thank you!

Thank you.

- What's this?
- It's for you.

The gifts keep coming.

Sam showed me how to repair it.

The finish is uneven and it still

- doesn't play music but...
- It's perfect.

When it hurts too much
to remember, it's like...

... you put your memories in a box...

and if you open that box...

You're happy now...
It doesn't have to stay shut.

Sam must have fixed it.

♪ Hush, little baby, don't you cry ♪

♪ Mama's gonna sing you a lullaby ♪

Feels like mom is gonna come
in and kiss us good night.

And that Mom and Dad are
wishing you happy birthday.

Thank you.