Wayward Pines (2015–2016): Season 2, Episode 7 - Time Will Tell - full transcript

CJ reflects on his life and the great responsibilities he's had over the centuries; Theo and Megan disagree over the Abbies' intelligence.

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[narrator] It is the year 4032.

Man's destruction of the environment

has created evolutionary aberrations
known as Abbies,

that rule the Earth.

One man saw the catastrophe coming.
He created an ark for mankind

and selected a chosen few to sleep
for 2,000 years

and defy mankind's extinction.

Surrounded by mountains
and protected by an electric fence,

the last of humanity
left alive on Earth,

do their best to survive
in a town called Wayward Pines.

[narrator] Previously an
Wayward Pines...

[snarling] [gunfire]

Use the flame throwers.

[Jason] We're all still here,
because of you, CJ.

They learned how to use fire.

They learned
that the fields were important.

You make it sound
as if the Abbies had a plan.

I heard you caught
one of those creatures.

[Kerry] It's the first female
we've ever seen.

Her palm, does it have a mark?
It's like a brand.

There is
something exquisite about her.

[Theo] Temporal gyrus. Hers appears
to be double the size of ours.

Do you think she can understand us?

The Abbies have reentered the valley
outside the fence.


Are you sure the fence
is impenetrable?

The fence is secure.

- What if you're wrong?
- Then we're dead.

[Arlene] We're safe, right,
Dr. Yedlin?

[classical music playing]

[man over radio] Incoming,
we got incoming.

We can't contain them!

[woman] All the craps are dying.

Closer to home,
at Pacific Northwest residence,

they do continue
to welcome North Korean refugees.

Secretary of State, Curry,
assured reporters yesterday

that anyone crossing US borders
had been scanned for the H1R3 virus.


Was it a mistake?

[theme music playing]




Well, I suppose
no one's really sleeping.

Oh, I checked your microscope
with moldy bread,

your penicillin spores
are multiplying.

Wish we'd thought of that sooner.

You didn't think it was important
to tell me about this?

It's... it's a tribal mark.

That took a tool, that took a design,
that took a tribe.

Look, she got in here,

and none of you've been able
to figure out how.

Jason is working on that
and I'm confident--

She's not here by accident.

She understands.

And we better get
what she understands, or it is over.

And how would we go about doing that?

We establish a system.

Yes, no.

Teach her a pattern,
a common language, or understand hers.

Just like that.

Taught my dog to go outside
in two days. She's smarter than that.

Abby Comprehension 101.

Associating images with meaning
is the basis of all language.

I suppose if the female brain
is superior, then--

Communication should be successful.

Maybe even easier
than with our own species.

Hey, I'm so sorry about
what's goin' on with your wife.

She was such a visionary at one point,

with the little garages
in the backs of the houses.

Now finds her only solace
in heads of hair.

But, really, my condolences. Truly.

But don't worry about anything.

Jason's gonna find you another mate,
I'm sure.

Maybe I've already found one.

What do they eat?

Pellets made
from leftover rations mostly.

Why? Are you wanting to reward her?

I'm not using it to reward her,
I'm using it to teach her.

- Ready?
- Okay.


Green means yes.


It's for you. Yes.








She is my friend.


Am I supposed to eat one of these now?

If you perform well.


is leader.


- Bow to me a little bit.
- I beg your pardon!

Listen, I'm just trying
to show her deference.

Don't get your ego into this.
It's 'cause I'm standing up and you--

Bow a little bit.


Yes. No. Friend. Leader.

And if she doesn't speak English,
how does this help us move forward?

It's the same as
when you go to a foreign country.

You grasp concepts, body language.

Say you walk into the middle
of a family argument

in some random apartment
in North Korea.

You don't speak the language
but you know who's in power,

who's at fault, who's scared,
who's amused.

We can teach her,
and she can teach us.


Beverly, now the last time we talked,

you were having a hard time
with your marigolds.

I'm telling you, stick with it.
They keep the pests away.


Don't you listen to Harold.

He's still mad at me
from that game last week.


I told you I played pick up
in the army, didn't I?

[newscaster] And massive explosions
continue to be seen from miles away,

as the air assault continues
with no end in sight, civilians--

[announcer] This is an alert--

[static crackling]

Please proceed--

You'll be given--

[man] Hey!

Don't move!

- I don't carry fire.
- What?

Your metal.

- Please.
- Where you from?

I haven't seen anyone in a while.


I'm CJ.


Where are you coming from?


You don't mean Old West?

- Only fragments remain.
- Yes.

It used to be beautiful.

[stuttering] How are the fish?

We're lucky the water's clean.

West. Water's potable.

Anywhere closer.

You lost someone?

Didn't everyone?

Look, I got one.


Oh. Oh, wow.


I'll go build a fire.


[moaning continues]

[Griffin panting]

- Listen, I have to go alone.
- Why?

I left when I did
just to make it easier.

How is this easier?

- We would survive together.
- No!

Who's helping you?

You're here, close, cared for.

- I can't.
- How can you not?

Help me! Take me with you.

- It's my job to take care of them.
- Why not me?

Take me!

I'm sorry. I can't.

Why do you have the right to be safe?



There are so many people
we couldn't save.

All I can save you from
is what's coming next.

You need to rest.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

We've been at this for hours.

Even if she picks up a card,

you can't tell me
it's anything more than dumb luck.

She'll prove it.

Give her food, she'll understand
that's her reward.



She wants them to have it.

- It's empathy.
- But not toward us.

How many times has she been touched
and prodded and restrained?

There are other species
that would kill us on sight,

or have no compassion for their own.
Animals who consume their offspring

in the name of survival, yet...

she's putting the lessers
above herself.

Yeah. Her lessers
who are waiting outside to kill us

any chance they get.

It's the mark on her palm.
Hassler said it was a symbol of power.

She's not just some chimp

that's repeating a sequence
for a cookie.

She's an intelligent being and...

maybe she can help us
out of this mess.

You really think that's true?

You better hope it's true.

Because it's not just their minds.
I saw them electrocute themselves.

I saw them sacrifice themselves,
so others could get in here.

And then it's just-- It's math.

And they have the numbers.

And they will win.

[radio static]

You look tired, baby.


Almost time to go back to sleep.

You're getting lazy.

I'm about to take you.

This was always your game.

I preferred when we gardened together.

My hands in the Earth.
Watching what grows.

The soil under your nails.

You washed your hands so much
your skin would crack.

But I rub them.

In the lotion that smelled like honey.

Tomatoes in the summer.

They never even made it inside.

[Eileen chuckles]

I miss the smell of summer.

What does it smell like here?
I can't tell any more.

I'm worried about you.

I knew there was a reason
why you came today.

Is it now when we go?


Baby, that's not my job.

I wish this wasn't your job,
but it is.

You can't come with me.

Soon. Maybe soon.

Miles to go.

When I come home,

when this is over,

I always thought
I would be able to find you...

and lay next to you.

But the ground that you were in,
it's not even there any more, is it?

There's just dirt.

That's not me.

Oh, you were lifted from that dirt
and became part of the air,

while I lay here...

preserved, cheating.

It's your job to be here.

But is it right?

It's what the world is now.

It won't be the world I recognize.

I've seen bombs falling like rain.

A sky that was green
with poisoned light.

There were times I wanted to call out.

But I imagined my voice spinning
around the world,

coming back to me
with no one left to hear it.

You can make the world
whatever you want.

You have that power.

I don't want to be alone.

You're not.


Where is she?

- Get her out. Get her out!
- Hey, hey.

Let her out!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

[Adam] She has the mark!

We know, we know,
she has the mark, Adam.

Then why are you keeping her here?

Look, they are gathering for her.

They are coming for her, so we need
to turn her over to them right now.

We don't know that
that's what they want.

We don't know what they want,
but she is here for a reason.

They didn't catch her.
She was sitting on a carousel.

She chose to be here.

That brand,
that brand takes months to apply.

- I have seen them do it.
- Then tell me.

What is it
that provokes them to attack?

That's an excellent question,
Dr. Yedlin.

Tell me,
which card should we try for that?

You're both missing the point.

Those Abbies outside,
they are gathering for her.

She is their leader.
That is what the brand is for.

Fine, so maybe we should be working

so she can communicate
with our leader.

Our leader? You mean, Jason?

Yeah, you've been gone
a long time, Adam.

You have not been privy to the changes
within Wayward Pines.

You're right,
I've been gone a long time, Megan,

but it's what's outside

of Wayward Pines
that should concern you.

I'm calling Jason down. He and Kerry
are on the mountain tonight.

You need to let her go.

- I need your help.
- We've got to let her go.

Listen to me.

We're on the same side.

They vastly underestimated
these creatures.

Yeah, and these people,
they are too stupid or too blind

to do anything about it now.

I'm trying to rectify that.

You're too late.

[mechanical whirring]



Is the world ready for us
to begin construction?

Yes, last I checked,
the soil, the air, it's all good.

Back to pre-industrial levels.

What a privilege for us
to prepare for Group A's awakening.

I can only imagine what you've seen.

The world changing, like sand sifting
between your fingertips.


Are you ready?

Let us go then,

Christopher James.

[mild chuckle]

[birds chirping]

Those are here?

Don't move.

Oh, my God.

I saw a man once, a long time ago,

when he was beginning to change.

He was only the first step.

- But you were right.
- They shouldn't be here now.

Mutation should've run its course.

They should all be dead by now.

But they're here?

It didn't attack.

Maybe it's like any animal
in its natural habitat,

if we don't provoke it--

This isn't any animal, CJ.

It's mankind gone wrong.

These things stopped being human
quite some time ago.

We could go back to sleep.

If you didn't plan for this,
maybe we should.

We need to get back to the others.
There's work to be done.

How can we live here?

I had hoped that we wouldn't have
to encounter them,

but they're here,
this is the new reality,

so, we have to drive them
away from here and build a fence.

Over the settlement?

This isn't a settlement.

They don't possess our intelligence.

They don't possess
our sense of community.

They lost all that a long time ago.

This is our land now. Our land again.

I did plan for this.

I hoped I wouldn't have to see it
when I woke up, but...

don't worry, humanity will win.

[door opens]


[Kerry] Megan claims
you're establishing

some sort of communication
with the female?

We need a breakthrough before they do.

How many Abbies were here an hour ago?

And look at the monitors now.
There's over a thousand now.

- We know that they're gathering.
- Yeah, as an army would.

We need to release her now!

You're giving her too much credit.

- Wayward Pines, it was theirs first.
- We made this town.

Yeah, on the ruins
of their settlement.

To save humanity.

After we basically destroyed
the entire planet.

Look, how old is she?
How old is she, about thirty, right?

Blood tests show a mature female, yes.

Don't you get it? She was there,
when we took it away from her.

[Adam] She was there.
[Jason] Stop humanizing her.

Territoriality is
not solely a human trait.

Yeah, well, we took it back.

What's wrong with that?
It's our nature to fight.

Nothing is wrong with that.

If you don't mind fighting and losing,
them taking this place back

and then ripping every one of us
to shreds.

You have tried everything else.

They are surrounding us.
There are more of them every minute.

The only thing we have
on our side right now is science,

and that is telling us
that this is an intelligent species.

So if we can find a way
to make just even--

What? Negotiate?

Why not consider it?

You're underestimating our power here.
Pilcher always said these things--

He said a lot of things,
and that would be fine

if Wayward Pines
had remained in his head.

Maybe going down this road
buys us more time.

I don't need another naysayer.

I don't think you know
what you need right now.

I'm as surprised as anyone
to be considering this,

but even Megan has been swayed,

now that an actual
medical professional has weighed in.

Oh, I won't stand
for your condescension.

I'm merely stating a fact.

You weren't even awake
when we built this town.

I schooled you at the academy

and I have got no problem
doing it now.

Now I never denied
that you had a good head

on your shoulders, but, technically,

you were supposed
to be contributing much more

-to the future of Wayward Pines.
- Are you kidding me?

Fertility and survival
go hand in hand here.

Kerry knows
how important the program is.

- How could this be a priority--
- It is priority.

This really
is the inmates running the asylum.

Has it not occurred to anybody
in this room,

that while we're observing her,
that maybe she's observing us?

Don't you wanna come
and meet everyone?

You all can welcome Group A
without me.

Come on, CJ.

We've all worked so hard
to finally be able to wake them up.

They'll be here any minute.
Come celebrate with us.

I'm having a hard time understanding
your attitude here.

We are rebuilding the world.

I know, I saw the world fall,
all of it. I watched it, alone.

How can anyone say
what humanity will be in 2000 years?

How could we have known
it would come to this?

How could we know what this time,
this loss, would do to our souls?

He knew.

My soul is replenished.
I need you to have faith, CJ.

You say that the world fell,

but you're forgetting
all of the people

that Pilcher saved.
You are a part of that.

And what would you tell them, hmm?

Group A, you'll cut the ribbon,
you'll serve the cornbread?

And do you think they will be grateful

that we stole them
from the world they knew?

Do you think they'll be able
to comprehend what they lost?

- In time.
- In time.

Yes. I had 2,000 years to let it go.
They will lose it in seconds.

Please join us.

Group A should know
what you've done for them.

I have confidence that
they will appreciate the privilege

of our continued survival here
in Wayward Pines.

[carousel music]

[shrieking in distance]

[man] Oh, my God, this isn't real.

[man] Help me!

[man] They lied to us!

Stop! Stop! You can't leave me here.

[horns blaring]

[indistinct chatter]

[woman] This can't be true!

This isn't real!


The people...

in this town here,


Jason is our leader.

This is a waste of time.

Why is she cooperating?
I'm honestly just curious.

Given the way we've treated them,
why would she?

She's communicating, not cooperating.

If she can comprehend
even more than these simple cards,

then we move forward.

We try to show her

that not everybody in this room
is her enemy.

You should want this to work.
You should want progress.

Nobody's worked harder
for our survival than I have,

but we're in a war here, doctor.

Yes, we are.

We have to try everything.




[Jason] Doc, I wouldn't do that.
[Kerry] Stop, it'll kill you.

Dr. Yedlin, I--


[Kerry] Get him out of there!

[intense growl]

Any doubt that she controls them?

This experiment ends now.



[growling] [gunshot]

Stop! Stop!

If they can learn?
Let's teach them some consequences.


Stop! Stop!

Hey! Think about it.
If you kill her, we all die!


If she does control them,
is killing her a risk you wanna take?

I don't have an answer yet
for what will end this war,

but eliminating what I believe
is a crucial piece of it,

is not what I would advise.

Or do my words not hold any weight
for you any more?

Of course, they do.

Dr. Yedlin presents new information.

Let's think about what we can do
with that before we waste it.


It's a cruel joke, isn't it?

Here we are, last of our species.

Best of what's left.

We can't even climb out
of our own ruins to save ourselves.

You may be Jason's replacement,

but they're ours.

I've lived for many years
in Wayward Pines.

I barely remember the world
as it once was.

I worked hard... to forget it.

I'm so grateful...

to have come so far,
and to have seen so much.

It's been fascinating,

studying Margaret with you.

But at this point, we can't conclude--

Are you so indoctrinated
that you can't see

that the only animal
in this room was Jason.

I see his weaknesses, yes.

But we are not
the lesser species here.

They are not our replacement.

I won't surrender
to those kinds of thoughts.

I can't.

I'm sorry.

I'm going home.

[mild chuckle]

I mean, the hospital.

I'm gonna take a shower
and try to clear my head.

I'll be back in a couple of hours
and then we're gonna...

I don't know what we're gonna do.

CJ, you saw them first.

The Abbies.

Yes, with Pilcher.

What do you think?


Was it a mistake?

Commencing construction when we did.

Did we wake up too soon?

We've stolen centuries.

But that is a moment
that we can't take back.

Why discuss it now?

We'll gather later
to discuss protocol.

Wayward Pines did not journey
into the future

to grind to a halt at this.

I'll not allow it.

I assure you. Humanity will win.


[dramatic music playing]

