Wasteland (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

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Come on, great.

Hang on, hang on...

What the hell are you doing?

You took the rubber off?

-Are you fucking crazy?
-I guess it slipped off.

'Slipped off' my ass.
You think I'm a moron or what?

Sorry. Don't be silly,
I'll pay you extra.

Fuck that.

What the hell are you
looking at, asshole?

-You know him?
-Mind your own fucking business.

Fucking hell.

What's up?

Ruined your gig, huh?

Does that upset you a lot?

I need to ask you something.

When you were with Sikora...

Did he want any...


Like... When we fucked?

I told you he was rough.

Maybe anal or something?



You still don't remember what time
when he picked you up that day?

I already told you.

Sometime in the afternoon.
It was getting dark.

First you said around three.
Now you're saying it was getting dark.

I just can't remember exactly.

It was after 5 p.m. when you called
that Rudi of yours to come get you.

So it couldn't have been
getting dark, could it?

I was scared. I can't
remember any more.

See you later.

-That cop came to see me.

The cop!

-What did you tell him?
-Nothing, like we agreed.

-That I don't remember.
-You keep your mouth shut, is that clear?

I'm not getting dragged in to anything
just because of some syphilitic shithead!

Is that clear?

Now fuck off.

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What do you mean by that?

They won't lock him up?

After all that?

So, they just let him go, right.

So he can roam around the village.

That's brilliant.

I guess they have no evidence
against him, do they?

Please! What more evidence do you want?

They found Misha at his cottage!
In the well!

And Hana?
How's she managing?

How do you think?

Look, there's still going to be lots
of bullshit around the referendum.

You think she can handle it?

So you can finally be rid of her?

Fuck's sake, Jitka.
Her daughter just died!

We can't ask her to pop in
to sign some stupid papers.

Well then what?

You want to ask her to resign?

You really believe she'll keep at it?

If Karel is proven
to have killed Misha?

Well none of us know
anything yet, do we?

You told us yourself about what
he did at Lukas's party.

That he scares you.
He's a madman.

You know what, Pavel?
Go fuck yourself.

He should have been under
watch a long time ago.

If it were anyone else, Hana
would have seen to it herself.

But with this, we have to
walk on eggshells, don't we?

Hi there.

We're having a meeting
about the referendum.

We didn't want to call you.

We thought...

We just didn't want to bother you.

Hi Hanka.

My condolences.

I want to bury Misha here, in Pustina.
I need permission.

You can't. Burials aren't allowed here.

You signed the ordinance yourself.

You can vote on an exception.

What exception? We can't.

-Until the referendum is over, we...
-I can't wait that long.


The whole graveyard is probably
going to move soon.

Everyone in our family has been buried there.
I want Misha to be with them.

We can't do anything about that.

You can vote for an exception.

Hanka, for Christ's sake.
Pavel is right.

That whole graveyard is probably
going to move soon.

You have a child, too, don't you?

-This isn't fair, Hanka.
-No, it's not.

-Misha should be home right now.
-We didn't kill her.

Did you never visit your
father at the cottage?


What happened between you?

I was glad we didn't have to deal with him.

Is that so hard to believe?


Klara, would you leave us
alone for a while, please?

Thank you.

Do you have anything new?

We have a timeline. We know where
Misha was before her death and when.

She was still alive just before 4:30 p.m.,
since she phoned a girl from school.

The perpetrator had relatively little time
to commit the crime and hide the body.

It had to have been someone who knew
the cottage and environs very well.

Your husband doesn't have
an alibi for that time.

And we know he was
at the cottage that afternoon.

-But you let him go, didn't you?
-That was the court's decision.

Ms Sikorova, how long has
your husband been ill?

About four years.

Did it crop up overnight, or...

...did something happen?

Ms Sikorova, it's very important
that you tell me everything, now.

We were on vacation in Spain.

One night we went down
for dinner in the hotel.

Karel stayed in the room,
finishing something.

We waited for him, but he didn't come.

So I sent Klara upstairs to get him.

She was away for a while, and then she came
back terrified, saying dad was standing

in the open window and wouldn't speak.

I ran upstairs.

He wouldn't respond to anything.
He just stood there looking down.

Then he began to speak.
His voice was totally different.

He said how beautiful it was down there,

with the lights on the sea.

I don't know how long
I talked him down for.

It was like...

He got down...

He said he was really tired
and needed to lie down.

He slept through the rest of the vacation.

When we got home, I convinced him
to see a doctor,

and they found out what
was wrong with him.

It was because of the illness
that he left the school?

Or was there something else?


He didn't have any problems at the school?

No, no.

The principal wanted him to stay.
He'd been just fine until then.

He kept busy.

Either he was at school or with us,
or working on his statues at the cottage.

Your husband sees prostitutes.

You didn't know?

Sees prostitutes... what does that mean?

He is very well known
at the local night clubs.

He's banned from some of them
for being aggressive towards the girls.

I'm telling you he's ill.

He can't control himself at times.

But someone killed Misha and hid her
so we couldn't find her!

Karel isn't able to think like that
when he's having an episode.

He's been lying to us the entire time.

He was even with a prostitute
on the day Misha disappeared.

Excuse me.

-Where are you going?
-Out for a cigarette.

Originally, the girl claimed

she was with him at the
time of Misha's death.

But now she's withdrawn her testimony.

She isn't even sure what time it was

when she got into his car by the border.

On the border?

-At the gas station? Aren't there
cameras there? -Yeah, well...

Unfortunately, they delete
the footage every two days.

Ms Sikorova, I'm sorry to have to ask...

Did your husband have any
peculiar sexual preferences?

Did he ever want you
to do anything unusual?


He never wanted anything of the sort?

Are you asking because of Misha?

What really happened to her?

Why don't you want to tell us?

We don't have the autopsy report yet.
I can't tell you anything for now.

That's all.

And tell Klara to come to the station
around four o'clock.

Thanks. Goodbye.


What did he ask about before I got here?

About how dad treated us.

What did you tell him?

Why do you always take his side, mom?

You know best what he's like.

What's he like?

You know what he did
to you a few days ago.

That was nothing.

What do you mean nothing?

He was strangling you.

No one was strangling me.

You have no idea what happened.

-Lukas saw it, too.
-I don't care what he saw.

Your father did nothing wrong.

I was there when they pulled
Misha out from the well.

Someone hid her there
so we wouldn't find her.

It was planned.

Yes, your dad is ill.

But he would have never laid
a finger on you, do you get that?

I've known him for twenty years
I know what he's like.

He would never do this.


You've met Dr. Cikrtova already.

Take a seat.

-Hello, Klara.

Thank you very much for coming.

If it were at all possible,
we'd leave the interview for later.

Unfortunately, we can't afford to wait.

Are you willing to answer a few questions?


If you're looking for Karel
he's probably asleep in his car.

The police have sealed the whole place off.

Is there anything we can do for you?

No, thanks.

Rajner told me about the girl.
You lied to me the whole time.

Were you with her when Misha died?

Do you hear?

When did you get back to the cottage?
What time was it?

You have to remember what time it was
when you picked up that girl!

Did you meet anyone there?
Did you speak to anyone?

Do you hear me?

You had bruises on your face.

Did someone beat you up?

What happened that day?

You have to remember. Was it
because of her? That girl?

She's told the police she doesn't
remember anything!

But I don't know.

I don't know if...

I didn't do something bad to Misha.

Did your relationship with your dad
only get worse when he got sick?

Or did you not get along before that?

It was before that.

Did something happen between you?

We're just very different.

-Did you ever talk about it
with your sister? -No.

-You never talked about
your dad together? -No.

Why do you keep asking what he did
when he was alone with us?

You think he molested us?

Klara, we're just trying to get all
the information we can about your father

and his relationship with
you and your sister.

He had a totally normal
relationship with us.

He never did anything to us.

Your father left the high school just before
you began attending it. Is that right?

Yeah, so what?

Do you know why he left?

What really happened to my sister?

Was she raped?

This is all still a subject
of investigation.

Yeah but this you already know.

She's my sister.

What happened to her?

Your sister was sexually abused.

That's why we called you in.

And why we need to know everything
about your relations with your father.

Only you can help us here.

Stop here.

Wait here for me.

How long do you
think you'll be?

Have you ever seen him here?


He was here a few times.

The police already asked us.

I don't know anything.

He's my husband.

Last Wednesday he picked up
one of the hookers here.

-I need to find her.
-I wasn't here.

-I had the night shift. -You know them,
don't you? You're here every day.

-You really think he did it?
-Who else? No one else was there.

-Good evening.
-Good evening.

Pump number three.
And some LM Lights, please.


-But he wouldn't steal anything, would he?
-He did the same thing at the tool shop!

I'm telling you, he's a thief.

1,280, please.


-And your change. Bye.

I told Vasek not to hire him.

I have to talk to her.
Do you know which one it is?


The police asked us about her.

She's outside.

She was just here a moment ago.

Which one is she?

I don't know.

Under thirty,

she's here almost every day.

She has a kid, sometimes
she buys him something here.

Could you...

Could you point her out to me?

I can't leave the station.

She has this beige fur coat, waist length.

Brown hair about this long.


-You're welcome.

Now where the fuck is she going?

Let's go, come on, take it and go.

You can go jerk off at the circus
for 400, you fucking idiot.


Hey, wait.

Do you know who I am?

You were with my husband last Wednesday
at a cottage near Pustina.

They said he hurt you.

I already told the cops everything.

Are you taking revenge because he hurt you?
Is that why you changed your statement?

What revenge? I just don't remember
what time I was with him.

How long were you together?
An hour? Two?

That's what you're paid for, so you
must know how long you were together.

Did he drive you back here?
What time was it?

If I knew, I would've told the cops.
Leave me alone.

You have a child too, don't you?

Does social services know
how you make your living?

They may be interested to hear!

I'm the mayor, I know them there.
All it takes is one phone call.

Go to hell.

You lying whore!
Why are you lying?

Leave her alone, bitch.

Take it, hurry up.

Come on, fuck it.

What are you looking at?

So where to now?

You know how mom was
in Prague before Christmas?


I wanted to help her with
the Christmas cookies.

To get it done in time and all.

So I made gingerbread.

I decorated it.

I really went all out on it.

My sister wasn't at home.

I went to take a shower.

She came back in the meantime.

She was hungry.

So she started eating
the gingerbread cookies.

She ate almost half of them.

When I came back to the kitchen

and saw her

sitting there stuffing her face

with the gingerbread I'd
spent so much time on...

I just got so mad.

I wanted to say something

to really hurt her feelings.

So I told her

that I never liked her.

And that I prayed as a kid

that something would happen
to her, so I'd be rid of her.

And she acted like she didn't care.


...then I heard her crying in her room.

And I was glad.

I'm sure she knew
you didn't mean it like that.

Well, come in.

Do you even realize what
you were trying to do?

You tried to blackmail a witness.

-The girl was with Karel.
-Ms Sikorova!

You threatened to have
her kid taken away!

That you're the mayor
and you can arrange it.

Honza, could you fuck off with that now?


What did she tell you?

Does she finally remember
when she was with him?

What's going to happen to Karel?

Why didn't you tell us the truth
about why he left school?

You're trying to cover up for
your husband, I understand.

And what else are you keeping from us?

Karel left school because of his illness.

There was nothing more to it.

You think this is going to help him?

Ms Sikorova,

you know perfectly well
what happened at that school.

Could you hold this, please?

It's not straight.

Like this?





I'm so sorry.

My condolences.

I need to know the name of the girl
Karel had the affair with

before he left the school.

What girl?

Milan, you know perfectly
well who I'm talking about.

You shared this office
with him for 15 years.

But I really don't know.

What's the name of the girl?

Where can I find her?

It's been four years, Hana.

Why do you want to know?

Because I didn't want to know all that time.

Where do I find that girl?



Make a few rounds, girls.
Practice your crossover.

I'm Sikorova.

What do you want from me?

Do you know what Karel is suspected of?

I know he had an affair with you.
Four years ago, at the high school.

This isn't about you.

I don't want anything from you,
and I won't tell anyone anything.

I just want to know what
happened to my daughter.

I don't know anything about that.

Misha was just a little younger than you.

I'm sorry about your daughter.
But I can't help you.

I've known about you the whole time.

What exactly happened between you?

His illness didn't start
just all of a sudden.

Illness, huh?

Did he write you love poems?
Romantic letters?

I'm sure he did.
He's such a huge romantic.

But do you know what else he is?
Maybe you wouldn't expect it of him.

Practical. Really practical.
He thinks of everything.

He knows that if he happens to
get a dumb16-year-old pregnant,

the whole thing will come out.
So you know what he tells her?

That it'll be better if he
sticks it up her backside.

Because she should save her first time
for her boyfriend, which he is not.

I hope he rots in that prison.
He deserves it.

Now the spin, girls.

Wicked, man.

Turn the lights on.

Show your tits!

Can I touch?

Well go on, blow them out!

Oh shit...

-Hey. Man, what happened?

Take a guess.

Did you call anyone?

Yeah, Venca Pistek is
on his way with a tractor.

That's some boar.

Help me drag it off. I need to get by.

Here, hold it.

Nine, ten, eleven, twelve,

thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.

Don't blow it all on bullshit.

Sign this here.

Pay the rent, first.

And buy yourself some food.

Look, Tibor...

The offer still stands.

You can stay if you want.

You're two months away
from finishing your training.

I've studied enough.

You're going to throw away
three years of work?


Call him.

He's a buddy of mine.

He has a pub, on the way to Ostrov.

It's called "U Velblouda".

He's looking for a cook.


Good luck.

See you.

You here to say goodbye?

Well you know, we're going to miss you.

You can come visit me.

There's one more thing I want.

You know what, Pasek? We'll meet up
on the outside, and there we'll talk. Okay?

Well, Tibor?

You don't want to leave?

I know you didn't do anything.

You're a sorry piece of shit.

Your pot brimmed over.

Why are you here?

Ms Sikorova, does your
husband use any drugs?

-No. Why?
-We got the autopsy results.

There were traces of meth in Misha's body.

Rather large traces.

We can't tell if it was
the first time she took it

-or if she took it regularly.
-That's complete nonsense.

One more thing.

The coroner found something
else on your daughter's body.

Specific biological samples.

What biological samples?

We assume they belong to the perpetrator.

We compared them to
your husband's DNA.

They don't match.

You may prepare your daughter's
body for the funeral now.


Can't you play with something else?

-Whose apple is that?

-Well pick it up then.
-I don't eat apples.

-Pick it up.
-Fucking hell.

How much water should I take?
Is this enough?

-Have you never gone to the woods before?
-I don't know if there's a pub there.

What time are we getting back?

Hang on.


-Is something wrong?
-Come with me.

Open your mouth.

That's it.

You can go.

Come on.

This one was released yesterday?


Tibor Balog.

He turned 18.


This one was on the run
when Sikorova disappeared.

Take his address,
we'll find him at his place.


Long time no see, huh?

Did the counselor tell you why we're here?

We're taking DNA samples from all the boys
who were out when Misha Sikorova was lost.

Sit down.

Open up.

That's it.

-Can I go?

I thought you cared about her.

But she meant nothing to you.

You were seeing her just so
you could get high together.

-What do you mean get high?
-Oh sorry...

You don't know anything
about drugs, right?

Misha didn't do any drugs.

I wish she didn't.

If she didn't, she might have
ended up differently that day.

But she had the bad luck
to come across you.

Bring the next one in.

...now you want to cross it over
the narrow end with your forefinger...

twist it around, first the back side,
then the front one.

That makes a loop through which
we can pull the tie through...

What a smartass.

Now all we have to do is
to tighten it so we get

a small, firm, slightly
asymmetric knot.

That sucks.

I can never remember...

Would you tie it for me, bro?

The police were at the juvie today.

They took DNA from the boys who
were out when Misha went missing.

They said she was high when she got killed.

-Jesus, bro...
-I was looking into Pasek's face

when the cop told him.
He didn't know anything.

She didn't have that shit from him.

It wasn't from me either.

-You idiot.
-Cool it.

-What's going on?
-Calm down.

What is this?



Lukas wants to tell you something.

Lukas doesn't work at the car shop.

-He makes drugs. Meth.
-That's not true.

One of the boys from
juvie is in it with him.

I slapped the bastard around a bit
and now he's talking shit about me.

-And your money comes from where?
-What money?

Mom just had to give me
a loan, wake up man!

He has a lab in the city.
I can take you there.

-What are you out of your fucking mind?
-Stop it! Stop it!

Mom, the police were at the juvie today.

Misha Sikorova was high when she died.

I don't know anything about her, man!

Go now, they're waiting for you.

-Mom, this is all bullshit.
-I said, go. Get out.

Lukas makes drugs?

Is he taking them too?

I don't know.

Who all knows about this?

I don't know.

I hope you're not planning
on telling someone.

-Mom, do you understand...
-Look, Adam...

either you come with us now
and say goodbye to Misha,

or go

and rat your own brother
out to the police.

But in that case,

don't plan on setting foot
in this house ever again.


-You got it?

-How much is that one?
-350 for the big one.

-And the smaller one?
-That's for 180.

-I'll take it.

-Keep it.


-That's fine, isn't it?
-Yeah, that's enough.

What a rip-off here.

Did you know Misha personally?

Well, we're in the same year together.

She... was really nice.

She would do anything for other people.

She always helped out, we all liked her.

When did you last see her?

Right before she disappeared.

She was at school as usual,
we talked and everything.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

Excuse me.

Turn it off.

Play this.

Play it.

-I'm telling you, play it.
-What is this?

This is what Misha listened to.

Not some stupid Beethoven.

-It's Mozart.
-Play it, then.

Go away, Karel.
I don't want you here.

I don't want to see you.

Is everything alright?

Did you hear me? Get out.

-Don't touch me.

Hanka doesn't want you here.

-Stay the fuck out of this.
-OK, I told you, come on.


Don't you dare come back in.

Go away, Karel.

Leave us alone at last.

I spoke with that Kristyna of yours.

I always wanted to believe
that it wasn't your fault,

that it wasn't you, just the illness.

But that was foolish.

This is you.

It's been you the whole time.

Just leave us be.

Get out of our lives. Stop hurting us.


I'll go first.

-Your ID.



Is it so hard for them
just to say goodbye?


Lukas, under Section 76 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, you're under arrest.

This is warrant from the state prosecutor.
Please, come with us.


-Why? What's happened?
-We'll tell you at the station. Let's go.

Wait, what did I do?

Subtitles by:
Christian Falvey