Warm and Cozy (2015): Season 1, Episode 14 - Episode #1.14 - full transcript

While the townspeople are busy preparing for an upcoming wedding, Geon Woo and Jung Joo are given a final chance to declare their feelings for one another.

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He said to wait,

but he isn't coming.


What are you doing out here?

I was giving you privacy,

so you and the Mayor
could enjoy yourselves.

Are you saying you've been here

-since he was here?

You were blocking the staircase,

but I didn't want to ask you to move

in case you'd say I was jealous
and a gross player.

So I left you two alone.

Okay. Thanks.

Thanks to you, I was comforted

and I feel at peace now.

Is the Mayor a priest? Is he a monk?

Stop pretending to be all innocent.

What was it

that you said you wanted to tell me?

You remembered?

Did you have hope as to what I'd say?

Not hope.

I was worried.


I was so worried
that you'd ask me to go with you.

I'd have to refuse,
but you said you get very hurt

if you get rejected.

You worried for nothing.

I didn't ask you to wait for me
to ask you that.

Then what was it?

Were you going to tell me
that you were going with someone else?

What is it to you
whether or not I go with someone else?

Why does it not matter?

I really want to tell you

that whether or not you leave,
it has nothing to do with me.

Just know that.

Good for you.

Just a few days ago, you were bawling
about how much you liked me.

I guess you worked hard to replace me.

-Did you...

like me as a result of effort
because you needed me, too?

How could you say that?

Hey, Jeong-ju.

Don't come in.

You're leaving, right?
Starting today, don't come anymore.


Dang it!


Geon-u? Were you here all night?

Oh, my gosh.

You're sweating. Are you sick?

I thought something was up
between you and Jeong-geun.

-Is that why?
-Leave me alone.

Don't tell Jeong-geun either.

Please leave.


Let me know if you feel very sick.



Geon-u didn't come yesterday or today,
and he won't answer his phone.

He wouldn't have left already, right?

He won't come.

He left without saying bye?

Who cares?

You're going to break the table.

You're wiping the same one nonstop.

You were sick for two days straight.

I didn't tell Jeong-geun
since you said not to,

but he kept asking for you, too.


I'll talk to him today.

Were you this sick

because of that girl?

Why would I get sick because of her?
Like she's so important.

I'm glad.

I was worried that you said you'd leave

and got sick because she dumped you.

I was not.

I'm hungry.
Tell them to bring more porridge.

Okay. Eat up.

I'm glad.


I hear Ji-won is quitting
and going to New York.

Are you going with her?

She is?

I'll eat and get my strength back
and deal with her before I leave.

I didn't say much.

I only said that I decided to go
to the same place as you.


You must still be hoping,

but my uncle doesn't like me.

I can't become
the kind of person you want.

I know that you have a flaw,

but I can't give you up.

A flaw? What flaw?

I overheard Hui-ra talking by chance.

I found out what kind of person
your father was.

Even still, I'm willing to put up with it
because that's how much I like you.

You couldn't tell her those things,
could you?

You don't want to cling onto her so much

that you'd be willing to show your flaws.

That's right.

I didn't want her to know,
because I like her.

What guy would want to show

his weaknesses to the girl he likes?

But I was so desperate,

that I considered telling her everything
and clinging on...

but it's over now.

Then go with me.

You go on your own.

I'll go on my own.

Only you know, right?

Hui-ra doesn't know yet, right?

She doesn't know.

I'm glad.

If she finds out too,

it would be hard to keep it from Hae-sil.


I'm sorry.

I told you, I'm totally fine.

I've been itching to quit anyway.

Give me some time.

Until I'm strong enough to overcome this.

Until then,

cut me some slack.

I will.

Be really good to her.

I feel like if you make her happy...

I'll feel a lot better.

What will you do...

-about the wedding?
-I'll be there,

so you don't feel bad.

The last thing I make at Warm and Cozy

will be your wedding food.

That's not so bad.



Got it. Okay.

Geon-u isn't coming.

-He isn't?
-I asked when he was coming,

and he said he wasn't.

I think he's going to stay there
until he leaves.

He is?

You should pack his things.

Why? He wants us to bring his things?

No, but...

use bringing his things as an excuse
to go see him.

Forget it. Why should I go see him?

Good thinking.

I'll pack his things and bring them down.

Bring them to him so he never comes back.

Don't come back.

Don't ever back.

So you're planning to sleep here?

Come on. I wouldn't share a bed with you.

Since you're on my side,
you should become prettier.


I didn't even get to talk to him properly,

but he won't come.


You're going back to the restaurant?


Well, I have to prepare
for Jeong-geun's wedding--

I thought she kicked you out.
Did she say to come back?

I didn't leave because she kicked me out,

and I'm not going back
because she told me to.

She took all the help she could from you.

How could she not even be sad
that you're leaving?

She's shameless.

She's not like that.

She worries so much about me.

Yeah, right.

She didn't call once while you were sick.

It's not like the resort is that far.

You were so good to her
when you thought she was terminally ill.

How could she not visit once?

She is so inconsiderate.

She didn't know I was sick.

She was always by my side
whenever I was sick.

You don't know anything,
so don't criticize her.

You're taking her side again!



-I'll come over.


packed your things.

-She said to bring it to you.

Forget it. I'll take care
of my own things. Just leave them there.

What? She packed my things?


You said you weren't coming back.

I heard you packed my things
so I came to pick them up.

I thought Pung-san
was going to bring it to you.

I'll get my own things.

Who are you to pack my things?

You said you weren't coming, that's why.

Sorry for coming,
even though you hoped I wouldn't show up.

-Take it.

You know, you're really shameless.

You took all the help from me,

but you're not even remotely sad
that I'm leaving?

-Thanks for everything.
-All empty words.

Were you even worried
about how I was doing?

I was very sick.

The day you cursed me and kicked me out
because I sat outside for so long

to give you and the Mayor privacy,
I caught a cold and was super sick.

You must be better now.

I was so good to you
when I thought you were terminally ill,

but you go,

"You must be better now."

That's it?

How are you so inconsiderate?


I'm shameless and inconsiderate.

You came for your things, right?

-Take them and go.
-I'll go even if you tell me to stay.

Did you come to get your things?

Are you leaving for good now?

You must have been counting the days
until I take my stuff and leave.

Well, I can't deny it.

When you acted all confident,
saying you'd buy a ring

and that we should duke it out,

that was all bullshit.

Are you just waiting for me to leave

so you can fill my empty spot?

Mr. Mayor.

You are such a coward.


Thank you.

You smacked me

on the back of my head
so that I can take a step forward.

Okay then. I'll go ring shopping now.

Geon-u, did you just provoke him

to propose to Jeong-ju?

Yes. If he throws himself at her now,

he'll get rejected instantly.

He needs to learn about timing.

Once he's rejected,

he won't be able to bring her a ring
for a while.

What if he wasn't rejected?

You might watch Jeong-ju get married
before you leave.

That won't happen.

At least while I'm still here,

there's no way she'll accept
a ring from him.

Of course.

She probably won't accept it.

Why did you come back?

I remembered something.

Did you leave something behind?

There was something I treasured,


I decided to leave it.

I think it would be much better
for it to remain here.

And I don't know if I can take it.


sorry about what I said.

You're not shameless and inconsiderate.

I told you that I respected you.

Me too.

I'm not...

okay with you leaving.


don't get sick.

It upsets me.


You know,

my brother's wedding will be here, right?

Yes. Pung-san told me.

I'll come...

prepare the wedding food myself.

And I...

leave that day.

See you then.

Sure. Okay.

See you then.

The bride is coming out.

You look good in a dress.

This is the second prettiest

I've ever seen you.

When was the prettiest?

When I fell into the water.

You looked beautiful,

as you swam toward me.

Are you saying I look the best
in a diving suit?


When I saw you...

you looked otherworldly.

I was really worried about you back then,

thinking you had given up on this world.

Even after you slapped me twice,

I wasn't upset because I could feel

that you were sincerely worried.

Sorry about

slapping you back then.

You have a warm heart.

You are a strong person.

I may get too distracted

to make this promise
at the wedding tomorrow,

so I'll make it now.

I will exercise every day

and try to prevent getting a gut.

I'll get scalp massages diligently

and make sure I don't lose my hair.

I will maintain the beauty
of this black pearl,

so if you come to hate me,

please forgive me just once.

Will you promise me that?

I will.

Here is the ring you ordered.

-Hello, Mr. Mayor.

-Are you back?

That must be the ring in the bag.

Did you see the hair?

Not anyone can pull that off.

What are you laughing about?

The Mayor picked up the ring
he had ordered.

My friend is friends with the manager
of the jewelry store,

and she said she saw the mayor there.

He even went to the barber.

I feel like today is D-Day
for this proposal.

That's our speculation.

My pet project that I've worked so hard on

is finally about to succeed,

so why am I heavy-hearted?

Please put them here.

-Thank you.
-Have a nice day!

The mushrooms and gulfweed are here.

The pork is coming tonight, right?

Yes. They said you need to have dombe meat
at a Jeju banquet.


Are we missing anything?

Everything Geon-u mentioned is here.

He said he'd come in the morning to cook.

It's been so long since we saw him.

You haven't seen him either, right?

-He said he was flying out

immediately after the banquet.

Should I tell him
to just come tonight instead?

We should have a farewell party.

I have plans tonight.

With the Mayor?

Are you meeting him at Sorang Sushi?

Remember what I asked you for before?

Please prepare that for me tonight.


Ms. Lee must be busy getting ready

for Hae-sil's wedding.

You should do it after things quiet down
after the wedding.


it took longer than I expected
to get the ring made,

but I need to do it before tomorrow night
if I want to play fair.

Yes, but the odds of her saying yes to you

aren't all that high.

Why don't you reconsider

the time and place?

I know

that I may be rejected.

Still, I will always get another chance,

so I want to play fair this time.



I've been backing Uk this whole time,

but what do I do about Cozy?

Mr. Jin was so good to me.

Should I repay him?


Hi, Pung-san, I'm on my way.

Don't come.

I'll go to the resort.

Why? You said to come early.

I wanted to have a farewell party for you,

but Jeong-ju can't make it, so don't come.

-She has plans

with the Mayor today.

I think he's going to propose today

because you pushed him.

Should I tell you what happens?

No, it's okay. I don't care.

I was busy anyway, so this works well.

You said you were on your way here.

How close are you?

I haven't even left yet.

I'll just go tomorrow.

It's Mr. Gong.

You know Ms. Lee's rundown house?

Let's meet there for a few minutes.

There's something you need to do quietly.

I need your cooperation.


Yes, Mr. Mayor. I'm heading out now.

I'll see you at Sorang Sushi.


Are you meeting the Mayor
dressed like that?

Yes, why?

Aren't you going on a date?

Shouldn't you dress up?

I always dress this way.

See you later.

She must not have a clue.

-Ms. Lee.
-Mr. Gong.

I was just heading to Sorang Sushi.

I know I do, but there's something
more important right now.

-What is it?
-There's a buyer

for your rundown house.

-Go right now and meet him.

Let's go.

Is he waiting inside?

-Yes. Go in.

I'm the owner...

What's going on?

Why are you here?

The buyer wanted...

Mr. Gong.

Mr. Gong.

Cozy, this is for you.

It's your last chance, so good luck.

What are you doing?

Open the door, Mr. Gong.

Mr. Gong!

Is this cooperation?


I think this was set up
for you and the Mayor,

but I think I'm in the wrong spot.



This was a planned imprisonment.

Seriously, Mr. Gong...

Give me your phone.

It's in the car. Where's yours?

Mr. Gong borrowed it on our way...

What should I do with this? Oh, no.

I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor.

Something urgent came up.
I can't make it today.

I'm really sorry.

Hello? Jeong-ju?

Jeong-ju? Hello?

There's everything here.

You can survive several days here,

no problem.

That's ridiculous.

Pick me up.
I'll climb out through the roof.

I'm not that strong.

Think of your weight.
How could I lift you up that high?

Then let me step on your shoulder.

I should be able to climb up.

I'm sure he'll come back and let us out.

Why would you risk getting injured
to get out?

What? Do you think it'll be dangerous
if you stay with me?

Why would it be dangerous?

You're just Geon-u.

"Just Geon-u"?

Now I'm just Geon-u.

My days of being the desired Geon-u

that you were so into

-weren't that long ago.

I'm the one in danger.
I know your instinctive nature.

I'd better fill my belly,
if I don't want to be eaten alive.

Do you want to eat?

No, thanks.


Come here.

It's been a while,

and we don't have much time.

Are you leaving tomorrow...

right after the wedding?


How about a farewell party?


I don't think Ms. Lee is coming.

You should just go home.

I didn't think it would work today.

He's leaving tomorrow.

I'm sure that's all she can think about.

If you knew that,
why did you prepare all this?

I wanted her to know

that I'm hot, too.

That I wasn't standing around
with my hands in my pocket

and planning to just claim the spot
next to her,

but I was hurt,

I was hot,

and I was intense.

I wanted to let her know that.

Even the master's master can only do
this much with these limited ingredients.

Here. Say "ah."

It looks good.


Bite, goldfish.

-Forget it.
-It's hot, so I was cooling it for you.

I was just joking.

It's cool now.

Stop fooling around.

I hear this house is haunted.

What if the ghost comes out?

-I heard the reason

this house won't sell.

There is...

-a ghost here.

A woman waiting for her husband
who went to the mainland to make money

waited and waited,

and died a sad, lonely death.


whenever a man from the mainland
comes into this house,

that ghost...

checks to see if he's her husband.




Stop it.

-Don't come closer.

if she realizes he isn't her husband,

then she--

You're the one that scared me,

so take responsibility.

I'm so scared.

I need to stay like this for a while.

I must have become a good person

because you liked me a lot.

Now, I think about...

how you'd feel first.

Even if I did as I pleased

and insisted on doing whatever I wanted,

I had faith

that you'd still like me regardless,

and I mistreated you.

Now, don't be hurt

and be upset because of me.

I will...

let you go.

The farewell party...

is over.

Let's go now.

There should be a gap
in the crumbled wall out back.

Let's go out through there.


What do you think

the ghost that lives here should say...

to her husband who went to the mainland
to scare him the most?

"I forgot you the moment you left.

I won't wait a single minute."

She should say that

to scare him the most, right?

Clean up. I'll go first.

See you tomorrow.

That really is scary.


Your phone.

-The sushi place owner dropped it off.

The Mayor kept calling.
Didn't you see him?


he didn't propose?


The Mayor was going
to propose to you there.

I see. You didn't have your phone on you.



I was just worried.
That's why I kept calling.

Nothing's up.

We don't need to meet today.

I'm already home.

Mr. Mayor.

Oh, my...

I... So...

I didn't go home.

I was going.

I'm really sorry

about today.

What I really don't get

is how far must I go
and how far must I back off?

I looked it up online,

and I found a saying that's exactly me.

"If I wait, I don't think you'll come,

but if I go closer, you may hate me.

But I can't give up on you because...

I like you so much."

Mr. Mayor,

you are...

such a good person.

I don't think I should just be
a good person anymore.

Let's stop here for today.

Let's continue tomorrow.

Mr. Mayor.

If I go, I go. If I don't, I don't.
That's how I am.

I'll think hard about it until today,

and give you a clear answer tomorrow.

I won't hesitate and make you wait.

I stood behind you,

moved next to you, and then...

I stood in front of you,

and now I must receive my final judgment.

I'll see you tomorrow.

I worked hard
to give you this opportunity.

Why didn't you tell her anything?

You wasted your effort.

What would I tell her?
I'll never see her again anyway.

Your situation...

You should've told her about your father.

I don't want to tell her about that man.

Your father

may not be that bad of a person.

I'm running away because of what he did.

But what? He isn't a bad person?

I think

you and your father should meet.

You said he left
and promised he'd never come back.

I won't return either.

I'll think about it for about a year,

and if I decide you two must meet,

I'll call you, so cooperate.

-I will not cooperate.
-When you come,

I'll give you a problem you must solve.

Is that about my father too?

I'll think very seriously about it,

before posing it to you.

If I think you two don't need to meet,

I'll bury it.

Okay, let's go.

Come on. This house is haunted.

It really is?

Is it a bitter spirit of a woman
who waited for a scoundrel

-who went to the mainland?
-Why would she be bitter?

She caught and beat up
that scoundrel husband,

and they grew old together.

Whenever her husband caused her grief,

she'd lock him in here.

It won't rain tomorrow, right?

It's an outdoor wedding,
so rain would be bad,

but rain on your wedding day
indicates a happy marriage,

so it'll be nice if it doesn't rain,
but we'll be happy if it does.

They're both good.

They say people who meet on rainy days

-have a good relationship.
-Come to think of it,

it rained the first day I came to Jeju.

-It did?
-That day,

I saw someone
on the side of the rainy coastal road.

I could never forget that image.


Is there a ticket for that flight?


Yes, that's possible.

What time?

It was the back of a woman
sitting in the rain,

looking at the ocean.

-We'll get going now.

When I looked at her,

my heart ached for some reason,
and I felt sorry for her.

That's what I remember.

The first emotion that Jeju gave you...

was sorrow.

It's similar to what you give me.

Am I like that?

Do you think

maybe the woman I saw that first day
was you?

That would mean we were brought together
by a grand destiny.

What if we were?

We are bound by an incredible destiny.



I'll head out with the bride.

Jeong-geun is almost there. So, lady...

I mean, Hae-sil, you can go with me.

Thank you.

It'll be my first proper meeting

with Geon-u,

but he's going abroad
immediately after the ceremony?

-Where is he going?
-I heard New York.

Is it...

because he finds me uncomfortable?

No. Why would he find someone like...
I mean,

why would he leave the country
because he's uncomfortable with you?

That's true.

But he's leaving so suddenly.

It seems like he's running away
to avoid something bad.

It feels strange.

Let's say bye now

before the ceremony.


Control your facial expressions,

so your wife doesn't get strange ideas.


I'm really sorry.

Enough already.
How many times will you apologize?

I'll probably have to head out
before the ceremony ends

to catch my flight.

-Are you going to New York?
-I canceled that.

I'm going to Hong Kong.

I'm going to stay there for a bit,

and travel around.

You'll keep in touch with Jeong-ju,
won't you?


If she and I keep in touch...

You look really good today.

-You look good together.
-My gosh.

The bride and groom will exchange

the tokens of their love.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

You can't throw things away here.

Is that where you were?

Yes. I was changing.

I need to go.


The food is all ready.

Once the ceremony is over,

the haenyeo ladies will help with serving.

What about the wedding?

-Did you see it?
-Of course.

I need to catch my flight.

I called a cab.




I'll deposit the rent on time every month.


I guess I'll get a notification text
every month.


will you write back to confirm
you received it?

Why? Do you want to receive texts from me?


I need to confirm that
the money went in properly.

Never mind.

If I do text, you'll wait for my text
all month long.

Forget it.

Don't text.

Take care.

You're crazy sad now that I'm gone, right?

I wish you were.

I thought about it all night long,

and my conclusion is, I'm a jerk.

I wish

you wouldn't end up with someone else.

There's no guarantee I'll be back,

and I didn't ask you to wait,

but I wish you'd continue

to like me and miss me.

I hope...

these mean words will pop the last balloon

that you have left.



keep liking me.


I'm not crazy.

Okay, we will now cut the cake.

My gosh.

Okay, now the groom will...

give three cheers!

That wasn't planned.

Lovable Hae-sil!

Cute Hae-sil!

Adorable Hae-sil!

What is wrong with him?


Jeong-ju, did Geon-u leave?


He just left.


Why did you reject him
when he liked you so much?

He didn't like me.

He said he did.

He told me and to other people.

He said he liked you a lot.

Didn't he ask you to go with him,
but you refused?

Geon-u is going with Ji-won.

Ji-won is outside at the wedding.



Did Geon-u leave?


Is Jeong-ju inside?

She is.

So Geon-u left alone.

You said he asked you to go with him.

Did you misunderstand me?

I meant, I decided to go wherever he goes.

I misunderstood him because of you.

Why did you say it like that?

Because I didn't like that
he was going to cling onto you.

Regardless, he left alone,

so I'll do as I have decided.


Did Geon-u leave?


Did you see him off?

I didn't want to send him away sad.

Send him away?

Did you tell him to leave
and sent him away?

Did something happen to him?

He suddenly said he was leaving,
but he wouldn't tell me...

-why that was--
-He couldn't

tell anyone.

I'm sure he couldn't even tell you.

It may look like he was
being irresponsible and took off,

but I placed a huge burden
on his shoulders.


don't criticize him.

There was something I treasured,

but I decided to leave it.

I think

it would be much better for it
to remain here.

And I don't know if I can take it.

What are you doing?

It's a plane ticket.

There are two.

One of them is yours.

The date already passed.


He must have booked it

and canceled it when you refused to go.

See? I told you he wanted to go with you.

Jeong-ju, are you okay?

Mr. Mayor.

I think you should go to Jeong-ju.


Are you okay?

I thought it over,

and I did something wrong
that prevents me...

from being a good person.

I'm keeping something from you.


came to pick you up that night.

The things that he said to you
that you couldn't believe...

were probably all true.

Now that I've let it all out,

I feel at peace.

I will just be a good person now.

I'm just a good person,


just go.

Geon-u went to the airport, right?

Go stop him.


I'm going crazy because you're gone.

Right now,

I'm very hot.

Instead of going somewhere else,

will you go with me?

I've thought about it over and over,
and I'm going to have to cling on.

I didn't believe what you said.

I lacked the confidence...

to believe you.

You were as desperate for me
as I was for you, weren't you?

Geon-u, where are you?

Whatever you say,

I'll keep liking you.

Subtitle translation by Jeong Lee