War of the Worlds (2019–…): Season 3, Episode 2 - Episode #3.2 - full transcript

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Four months ago,

a black hole appeared on the
edge of the Earth's exosphere.

It is proof our theories
of many worlds

and many dimensions
beyond our own are true.

You're saying the black hole's
causing thousands of people

all over the world
to see things?

It can't be a coincidence.


Mission control
wants us to change orbit.

To swing by the black hole
and collect some more data.

What are they hoping to find?

Anything that explains
why it appeared.

Can I have your names, please?

Did you get it?


- I see myself with a girl.
- Emily Gresham?

The guy who killed her,
I recognized him.

Bill Ward.

You pushed her
off the roof of a hospital.

Why would you do that?

To stop the attack.

They came from the future.

We used their technology
to send me back.

I killed Emily
because I didn't want their race

to come into existence.

Then why are we
still seeing things?

Something must have gone wrong.

Who are they?

When they sent me back
through time,

some of them traveled with me.

You finish it.

You ever been to Italy?

I lived in Rome for a while.
You want to move it along?

Yes, ma'am.

Alignment should be
five and one-quarter turns.

Copy that.

Aligning sensor 2043.

So, why were you living in Rome?

I was seeing an Italian guy.

Did he have a thing
for his mother?

Alignment is good.

Copy that.

One hour short of mission time.

Good job. Come on back.

You didn't answer my question
about his mother.

Because I refuse to perpetuate
cultural stereotypes.

I'll take that as a yes.

You take it any way you like.


Richard, can you hear me?


I'm okay.

What happened?

I'm not sure.

Return to the airlock.

There's something in my helmet.

It's water.
There's water in my helmet.

You could have ruptured
your suit when you fell.

Your oxygen levels look fine.

Just keep heading
to the airlock.

I can feel it moving
'round the back of my head.

You're nearly there.

What's happening?

I can't breathe!

I can't...

I can't breathe!

Turn upside down!

You have to move the water.
Turn upside down!




I'm okay.

Follow the safety cable
back to the airlock.

I'm in.


You could have drowned.

Of all the ways to die in space,
that has to be the weirdest.

It's not funny.
You weren't responding.

What happened out there?

I saw something.

I was hallucinating.

What did you see?

The space station was shaking.

There was an explosion.

You were sucked out into space.

It could have been CO2.

It felt so real.

Your oxygen levels were normal.

We should check the sensors.

We were passing the black hole.

You think it's connected?

I don't know.

I'll check the sensors
on your suit.

He's getting weaker.

His immune system's
rejecting his new organs.

It will happen to all of us.

How long do we have?

I don't know.

He needs more blood.

We need to find a new donor.

His donor has
to be a genetic match.

It has to be Emily's brother.

His DNA doesn't carry
our mutations.

Tom's going to realize
what I'm doing.

Hiram's too important.

We can't launch the attack
without him.

I'll get the blood.

The beryllium's moderating
the matter waves.

When can we test it?


You borrow £1,000
from your bank.

And they charge you
5% compound interest.

How much do you owe
after three years?

No bank is ever
gonna lend me money.

Okay. Your dealer.

You owe your dealer £1,000.
He charges you 5% interest.

I don't know
who your dealer is, okay,

but if I owe
my dealer a grand...

- Okay.
- He's breaking my legs.

Okay, just humor me.

Okay. 5% of 1,000...

That's 50 quid.

That's it. Now just add
the 50 quid to the £1,000...

- That's for you.
- Why'd you come back?

I interviewed
the woman we caught

during the attack
on the police station.

I told her I knew who she was
and how she got here.

I told her that I knew
they were planning an attack.

- What did she say?
- She tried to kill me.

It's because it's true.
It's all true.

I believe you.

They, uh...

They broke
into a commercial laboratory

and stole some beryllium.

- What could they do with it?
- I don't know.

It's a neutron reflector.

You need to help me figure out
what they're planning.

Can you get me released?

- I don't have the authority.
- You got to get me out of here.

You're a convicted murderer.

If you want me to help you,
you gotta get me released.

Think about your wife and son.


Killing Emily
will have been for nothing

if we don't stop them this time.

Well, if you want to stop them,
you gotta get me out of here.

I can't!

Well, I guess you'll be figuring
that out by yourself then.



So, what did the doctors say?

They think she killed herself.

You don't believe that?


I think
she was in another world.

She walked out
in front of the truck

because for her it wasn't there.

The filter
in your suit was clogged.

That's what caused the leak.

Wow. It usually takes
longer than that

for guys to start ignoring me.


What are you reading?

ESA sent me a paper written
by a French astrophysicist.

She thinks the gravitational
waves from the black hole

are effecting
people's consciousness.

You think that's what happened
to you? That's a big leap.

Is it? Hawking radiation
is a real phenomenon.

We've seen it,
we've measured it.

Yes, but to get from Hawking
radiation to seeing things?

If consciousness is linked
to Quantum entanglement,

then those same electrons
could be entangled

with the electrons in
the nuclei of our brain cells.

So, what is it
you think happened?

What if I was somehow
connected to another world,

on the other side
of the black hole?

The gravitational waves
spun my consciousness

into another time and place.

You think I'm crazy?

We're in a tin can
orbiting the earth.

Crazy is relative.

I think it was CO2 poisoning.

You checked the sensors.
They were fine.

It could have been
space sickness. It happens.

You hungry?

I could eat.

Where were you?

I was waiting
in the reading room.

You know what?
I'm not really in the mood.

I've got my exam in a few weeks.
You said you'd help me.

I've already helped you.

You've no idea what I did.

I sacrificed everything
for useless pricks like you.

- Fuck you.
- You're not my problem.

I'm not your dad.


This is a
message for Doctor Durand.

My name is Richard Gallagher.

I'm on board
the International Space Station.

ESA sent me your paper.

I think
your theory may be right.

On a spacewalk today,

I saw something just
as we passed by the black hole.

Electrons are emerging
from the black hole

in the form
of Hawking radiation.

What if the curved space-time
of the black hole

is opening a doorway
to another universe,

another time?

It could explain the things
that people are seeing.

I actually think
there's a way of proving it.

It seems that
Hawking's formula is wrong.

The entangled electrons are
emitting a net magnetic charge.

That's the magnetic monopole
that we first detected.

When you apply that formula
to the new metric,

you see
how the black hole is formed.

In theory we should
be able to use the same formula

to generate micro black holes
at the TeV range.

Using a particle accelerator,

it might be possible
to mimic the phenomenon.

It could open a pathway
into another world.

I got a message from an
astronaut on the Space Station.

It's incredible.

The monopole, it bends

and creates the black hole.

You're working?

You know Ella Van Cleemput
at Oxford.

I need you to persuade her

to give me some time
on the particle accelerator.


It could provide a window
into another world.

A world where
Sophia's still alive.


You should take some time to...

To grieve.

So I can sit around feeling
sorry for myself for two weeks

and then I can go?

You're not thinking straight.

All I can do is think straight.

I see problems
and I try to solve them.

I have to do this.

Then I guess I'm calling Ella.

Oh. Sorry.
I shouldn't have looked.

No, no, that's okay.

I should have packed
all of this stuff away.

I just can't seem
to get around to it.

Is he your boyfriend?

He was. He... We broke up.


He said I was too intense.

Apparently that's a bad thing.

- Mm-hmm.
- No, I mean... It's fine.

I'm amazed
it lasted as long as it did.

What are you
going to do about Bill?

He said he won't help
unless I get him released.

Is there someone you can talk to
who can get him out of prison?

Well, that's never gonna happen.

If anyone at work found out
what I was doing,

I'd be suspended.

I was thinking about Emily.

Do you think about her a lot?


You remember she had a brother?

- Can you find him?
- Why?

If this all started with Emily,
maybe he can help us.

Ella will get you time
with the accelerator.

Thank you.

She's expecting you tomorrow.


Good pizza. You should eat.

What's the painting?

Sophia had it in her room.

It's inspired
by Monet's Coquelicots.

You should come
to Oxford with me.

You want me to come with you?


It's okay if you're too busy.


I could use some company.




I found him.

You okay?

Just a few broken ribs.

Why didn't you grass on me?

'Cause I heard
snitches get stitches.

Is there something
you wanna say to me?

You say you were gonna help me,

and then you turn around
and tell me to fuck off.

You... You want me
to apologize to you?

You broke my ribs.

You can't act
like you give a shit,

then just stop giving a shit.

It's not right.

So, which is it?

I'll see you
in the reading room at 4:00.



I want my noodles
and cheese puffs back.

Fair enough.

I ate some of them.

Fair enough.

Ella's meeting us at 3:00.

How do you know her?

We used to date back in college.

- Really?
- Believe it or not,

there was a time when
I actually had a love life.

I checked us in. Third floor.

This is me.

You have my room key.



I'll meet you back in reception?


It's so good to see you.

You too. Thank you
so much for arranging this.

- Yes.
- This is Catherine.

Yeah, we actually met once
at a conference in Amsterdam.

I don't remember you.

Johannes says
you used to date him.


It's a long time ago.

I checked you in already.

Let me take you through

the IDS protocols
for the particle accelerator.


- Who are you?
- My name is Kariem.

I'd like to talk to you
about Emily.


The symbol
she had tattooed on her wrist.

Do you know why she chose it?

What's this about?

Have you seen things?
Things you don't understand?

I see myself with Emily,
but I've never met her.

I've got to go.


My number. My number.

I'd really like
to talk to you about Emily.

Maybe you can call me.

He wouldn't talk to me.

That's not a total surprise.

Some random guy turns up
and starts asking questions

about his sister
who was murdered...

I think he recognized me.

Maybe he just wants
to get on with his life.

I don't blame him.

I have to meet Zoe.

I suppose you want me to drive
you there as well, do you?

I'm not an Uber, Kariem.

We need to mirror

the frequency pattern
Richard sent.

Hopefully it will make
the monopole more stable.

And the micro black holes?

If Richard's right,
they're a natural by-product.

No one's done
anything like this before.

What if it doesn't work?

We keep trying until it does.

I have to know
if Sophia's still alive there.

We're nearing optimum velocity.

The micro black holes
are forming.

It's working.



Catherine? Catherine?

What happened?

You collapsed.

You were fitting.

It worked.

It worked.

Maybe I should
call an ambulance.

I'm fine.

What happened?

I was somewhere else.

I've seen it before.

I was looking at some notes.

There was formulas
and equations.

What kind of formulas?


Mapping the gravitational force
of the wave function.

Sophia was there.

It was different this time.


I was conscious of everything
that has happened...

I knew Sophia had died.

- How is this possible?
- I don't know.

It's some kind of...

enhanced quantum entanglement.

Our minds are somehow tuning

into multiple dimensions
and worlds.

This is incredible.


I could hold Sophia.

I thought
I'd never see her again.

I think this is the world
people have been seeing.



Are you okay?

I couldn't sleep.

You're wearing a robe.

I just had a shower.

You want to come in?


I can't stop thinking
about what happened.

You want some wine?

I've already drank too much.

- What?
- Sorry.

You're laughing at me?


It's the robe.
You look ridiculous.

You want me to take it off?


I don't know.

You could.

And then what would happen?

You could kiss me
if you wanted to.

You just lost your sister.

Maybe it made me realize
I need people in my life.

Maybe I should have
realized it sooner.



I have to get to the lab.

If you wait for me,
I'll travel in with you.

It's okay.

Is that it?
This was a one-time thing?

I hope not.
I'll see you at the lab.

So, this guy
you were living with in Rome,

what happened there?

I joined the space program.

I was gonna be away
for months at a time.

He took it personally.

Was he right to?

Maybe. It felt like
something I had to do.

For me.

He gave me the cat.

Is it waving goodbye
to your relationship?

It's for luck.

Something's happening.

The power of gravitational waves
is increasing.

The wave frequency
is normalizing.

What just happened?

I don't know.

to fall out of the sky

in East London.

Local residents
were left shocked

when hundreds of the birds

started hitting the ground
around them.

Several people were treated
for minor injuries

after being struck
by the falling starlings.

The moment it happened
was caught on video.

The environment agency
has confirmed...

Jog on!

It's investigating the incident,

but so far, its experts aren't
able to offer any explanation

as to why this strange event
may have happened.

- Hello.
- Zoe? Bill.

Have you seen this video
of these starlings

falling from the sky?

- Bill says this was them?
- Yeah.

Why did that happen here
and nowhere else?

Some of them are still alive.

- Kariem.
- Zoe, look.

The building.