War of the Worlds (1988–1990): Season 2, Episode 6 - Seft of Emun - full transcript

Harrison falls in love with an alien who was once a slave to the Morthren and who has been revived from stasis to help them restore their power cells.

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There's rioting breaking
out throughout the city.

Fires continue to
burn everywhere.

Troops are shooting people.

My God, I... I don't know why.

There's a woman dying in front
of me, and no one's helping her.

There are conflicting reports
about who or what started the chaos.

Will someone tell
me what's happening?

This is madness.

What is this world coming to?

Got that?

Okay, let's go.

Let's get out of here, Nico.
Feds will be all over us.

It's the feds! Come
on! Let's get out of here!


What the hell was that?



I can't raise the energy levels.

The crystals are
beginning to deteriorate.

I thought a synthesis
had been achieved.

- You told us that...
- Ardix.

We have the power elements.

Good. Begin the
conversion process now.


- We're ready.
- Begin.

If the cloning is successful,

he will lead us to all the
power materials we need.

Activate the chamber.

Shut down all
non-essential systems.

Go to minimum consumption.

Aah! Aah! Aah!

Cut power! Cut power!

How could this happen?
This was your responsibility.

The human power source
is incompatible with ours.

Shut down! It's
damaging our systems.

- What are you saying?
- We're at risk!

Cut power!

Eternal Spirit of Morthrai,

we have been studying
this problem for some time,

but all of our
science has failed.

Your wisdom is needed to...


Yes, I understand.

We must achieve our goal. But...

It shall be done.

The gravity of the situation required
a decision I didn't want to make.

The Eternal made it for me.

We must remove
her from suspension.

To do that will drain what's
left of our reserve power.

Are you questioning his will?


Of course not.

Seft, High Priestess of Emun,

the crystal planet.

Reactivate her.



Torri! Torri!

Welcome, lady.

You know, I don't like
you going off alone.

Well, I don't really
have any choice.

My contact will
only deal with me.

If he sees you, we'll
be gone. How's the list?

Okay. You need to get
A, E, and D vitamins.

I'll get some sulphur
and some magnesium.

Good luck.

I wish you'd reconsider.

We need the
sunlight and the air.

Don't worry. I've
done this before.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Ready?
- Yes.

Now, you know how these work.

Spray directly in the face.

Use the central
tunnel. It's safer.


You're the only family I've got.

You, too.

There isn't anything
to be afraid of.

The technicians will ease
your transition from stasis.

Where am I?

On a planet called Earth.


How long was I in suspension?

The time it took
to cross a galaxy.

We find we have need of your
particular talents, Lady Seft.

We thought you'd
been alone too long.

Who are you?



We need crystal.

Just an interim supply
for a slight power shortage.


Imagine what would happen

if the energy feeding your
son's chamber was interrupted.

Now, let's discuss what
you need to begin your work.

Sir? Sir?

Hey, lady.

I've got some zinc
over here, man?

What do you need? I got it all,

from alum, zinc, and
everything in between.

What's your order? Mineral,
elemental, radioactive?

Minerals. I need
sulphur, magnesium.

Over there.

And the price is not negotiable.

Over here.




Who are you?

Help me.


I must know.

Know what?

Can I trust you?

Can I trust you?



We have crystal
for one power rod,

but I need a hundred
times this amount.

It is the best I can do.

The materials you brought
me are of poor quality.

They drain me.

Proceed now.

You know what will
happen to me if I continue.

I want to see my son.

He will be returned to you

when you fulfill your
part of the bargain.

Like the bargain you
made with us on Emun?

We fulfilled your need.

We gave you crystal, and our
reward was the destruction of our race.

I know the Morthern
and their bargains.

Think carefully before
you make your choice.

- Kincaid.
- Hey, Blade, nice to see you.

Got to talk to you.

So talk.

No, no. Not here.
Come back to my place.

Hey-hey, you're doing
all right for yourself, Blade.

Could be better.

Getting harder to fill
my orders these days.

Radioactive material.
The rare kind.

That's not exactly my line.

You couldn't get it if it
was. The market's dried up.

Get to the point, Blade.

All right.

I couldn't lay my hands
on vanadium or gallium

if my life depended on it.

The radioactive supply
line, it's disappeared.

There have been five hits on
my transport trucks in a month.

Who is it? Government?

I thought you could help
me. I'm losing sleep over this.

I haven't heard anything.

Hey, you open over here?

Come on, Blade, what else?

Look, I'll talk to you
in a minute, alone.

What do you need? I got it all.

From alum to zinc,
mineral. What is it you want?

Take your order.

What is the source
of your power?

It is within me.

What happened?
What's the matter?

She's failed.

I told you.

The material is inferior.

You've chosen poor samples.

Then we will correct that.

If I continue to expend my
energies working on these elements,

I will die, and so will you.

This one looks fine.

To you, I assure you, it is not.

The crystal is unstable.

Then what do you suggest?

I must go personally to
select the items I need.

Even you can understand that.

The quality of crystal
determines its life span.

Arrange it.

What can I do for you?

I need gallium, vanadium,
and anthracite coal...

The best quality you have.

Expensive items these
days. Not easy to come by.

The going price is, uh...

We didn't come
to barter with you.

Around here, that's the
name of the game, pal.


Take what you need, quickly.


We're 2 units above
minimum levels.

How much do you
know about the crystal?

Only that it's formed through
some kind of psychic merging

with the component substances.

Will it be possible for you
to reproduce the process

to make the crystal?

We'll need more time
to study its structure.

I don't think our priestess
has given us the whole story

about the crystal of Emun.

What do you mean?

I'm not sure that the
ability to manufacture crystal

is the only talent
that Seft possesses.

What happened?

We were attacked in the market.

Did you get the materials?

- No.
- Why?

Your people killed the vendor.

Humans are violent and warlike.

You don't know this planet.

You don't know how they live.

They kill each
other for trinkets.

And you destroy
the entire planet.

We welcomed you to Emun.

We would have shared
everything with you.

The Eternal demands that we
rid the universe of imperfection.

It is you who are imperfect.


You've slaughtered
millions of innocent people

and left my home a
burning wasteland.

Why didn't you let
me die with them?

Because you have a
purpose to fulfill for the Eternal

and for yourself.

You will return to the market

and get the items you
need to complete your task.

Is that understood?

Yes. I understand.

Who are you?

I am Seft of Emun.


No! God! No! No!

Harrison! Harrison!

Don't! It's a
dream. It's a dream.

You're all right.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

- I'm okay.
- Harrison?

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

Go back to bed.

Back to bed.

Go on.

Harrison, I've got
something to tell you.

- Later.
- Wait a minute. I was at the market...

I can't deal with this
right now, Kincaid.

- What's the matter?
- I got something to do.

You must never forget, Torri,

you are an Emun, of the
Ancient House of Rialtes,

and you wear this
seal of that house.

You will be the
next Crystal Master.

Perhaps you would
like to see your son, Seft.


He will be here when you return.

Be strong like your father.

Mother, what's happened?

We live among our
enemy, and we are alone.

Be brave until I return.

You are my life.

The energy levels are rising.


But we need enough crystal to
power this base beyond her life span.

Leave me alone!
Come on, you guys!



It'll be all right.

You are so like us.

They said you were violent.

- They?
- The Morthren.


The ones who come here to
destroy you and take your planet.

They're called Morthren.

I saw you with them in a dream.

You put these images in my head.

What are you doing to me?

Please trust me.

I know that this is what
you want, Harrison.

Where are we?

In a memory of my world

as it was before
the Morthren came.

What happened to your world?

I can't stay.

It's too dangerous.

- I can't let you go.
- I'll contact you.




Go to your friend,
please, Harrison.

- Not without you.
- No.

Don't let her go!

We've lost them.

You've got some
explaining to do.

There's nothing I can tell you.

She's an alien.

I know that.

What the hell are
you doing, Harrison?

I'm not sure.

But she's in trouble,
and I'm going to help her.

Help one of them? Are
you out of your mind?

She's not one of them. She
comes from a whole different world.

She's already been through
what we're going through.

I need to find out
what's happened to her.

She can help us.

What are you talking about?

Aliens, Kincaid.

They're called Morthren.
That's who we're fighting.

- We're fighting Morthren.
- Morthren?

They've already destroyed
her planet and her people.

And you believe that?

Let me tell you something.

You can't trust anybody.

Does that include me?

If I thought you'd
been compromised.

Just what would you do?

The power is holding.

The Eternal will be pleased
we have our nutrients back.

And more pleased with
Torri, our new crystal maker.

Do you want to see
your mother, Torri?

- Where is she?
- She's waiting for you.

But first you must
do something for us.

I want to see my mother.

Not just yet.

First you tell us how
you make the crystal,

and then we'll take you to her.

I'm not supposed to.

Your mother already
makes crystal for us.

I think that she would
want you to help us.


What will we do with him.

Try to teach him our philosophy.

Turn him from a priest of Emun

into a Morthren with the
power to make crystal.

He is alone and needs to form
some kind of bond with others.

Why not with us?

Ardix, she made
contact with a man.

How did you
accomplish that? Tell me.

Then I will kill your son.

And finally you, priestess.


Get her out of my sight!

Not you!

Who did she meet?

She made contact with a human.

She could lead them here.

We can't afford another
conflict, especially now.

She knows that.

You have jeopardized all of us.

What shall I do?

Let her go.


Let her go to him.

Follow her and kill him.

Don't lose her.

We need 3 milligrams
of this, honey.

John, have you seen
Harrison? I'm worried about him.

We're five short.

Get your stuff
together. We're leaving.

Our security's been compromised.

What about Harrison?

He was with an alien woman.

Oh, my God.

They took Harrison?

No, they didn't take him.
He went with her willingly.

I don't believe it. There must
be some kind of explanation.

Debi, get your stuff together.

He met her at a
shop in the market.

Then I saw them leave together.

Well, maybe you saw wrong.

I don't think so.

He's involved with her.

Now get your stuff
and let's get out of here.


All right.

We'll leave the shelter.

But I still think you're
wrong about Harrison.



Meet me.

Harrison, meet me.


tell me what happened on Emun.

How did they destroy you?


Stop! Torri!

No! Torri!


Come to me. There
isn't much time.

Where are they?


Where are they?
We can destroy them.

They're too powerful.

Where are they keeping Torri?

I can't tell you.
They'll kill him.

Seft, you came to
me asking for help.

I'm telling you,
we can rescue him.

You can come live with me.

We can't live in either world.

Yes, we can.

We'll try the market.

She was there with Harrison.

I'm counting on you, Suzanne.

Look, I'll do what I have to do.

We did what you said.

We followed her,
but we lost her.

You fool. We should
never have trusted you.

- Find her.
- She vanished.

I don't know where to look.

Of course you don't.

But Seft will be
able to find her son.

Won't she, Torri?

You've been playing
games with us, haven't you?

You'll never be able to
change his Emun nature.

But he can serve a purpose.

Blend in. Look like the
garbage that lives there.

I understand. And the boy?

Keep him with you until
our soldiers are in position.

Then release him. His
mother will do the rest.

I won't help you! I won't!

You've helped us already, Torri.

Get in position!

And make sure you
return with the boy.

Tell me where the Morthren are.


What is it?

Something's happened to my son.

Lock the doors and windows.

Anyone tries to
get in, you use this.

You understand?


Be careful.

Let's go.

Tell me what's happening.

Why are they holding him?

Torri, please answer me.




They will kill us, and
this war's going to go on.

You can stop it.

How many planets
have they destroyed?

Are you going to let them destroy
us like they destroyed Emun?

And where do they go from here?

Who's next?

I'm sorry.

Torri, please answer me.

No, Mother.

He's out there.
I must go to him.

Not alone. I don't
want to lose you.


- Move away from her.
- No.

You're wrong about this.

Get out of my way.

You're going to have
to go through me.

Time for you to leave us, Torri.

You're on your own now.

Secure the area.

Harrison, John!

Stop it! She's gone!




Who are you?

I am trying to rescue my son.

And escape the Morthren.

Why should I believe that?

I believe her.

Mother, I'm frightened.


Mother, can you hear me?

He's here. Harrison,
Torri's here.

No, Harrison. It's a trap.


I thought I'd never
see you again!


Harrison, get out of there!

There's too many of them.


We will always
be together, Torri.

Yes. I know what we have to do.

Remember me.

I love you.


Come on.

She's giving us our only
chance. Come on. Go!

- Mom!
- I'm all right. Get in.

- I got to go back.
- Get in the van!

- But we've got to...
- Do it!


Give him time.