Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001): Season 9, Episode 21 - Walker, Texas Ranger - full transcript

The end is near ... in a show told mostly in flashbacks, a wounded Walker ascends through a manufacturing plant, wounded and using his gun one bullet at a time on killers as he recounts the story of a visiting African businessman who collapses from an Ebola-like virus after infecting several people. The businessman, who has since died of the virus, was a pawn in an African diamond-smuggling ring. Now Walker has the diamonds and a whole cartel is in the building going after him. A "Dallas"-like twist ending keeps Walker going (this show and the one after it were doubled up on the same Saturday night after being postponed due to extremely low ratings).

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( tires screech)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

MAN: Did you bring my diamonds?

Yeah, I've got 'em.

Do let me see.

Place them on the
floor and step away.

First, let my partner go.


I'll let him go.

( chains jangle)

( men chuckling)

( groans)

Kill him!

Let's go, go, go!

You four, there!

The rest of you, that way! Move!

( men yelling)

Come on, hurry up!

( men shouting)

Maybe he went this way.

Blood trail, this way.

He's got to be inside.

( water dripping)

( dripping continues)

Check upstairs!

Nothing back here.

( man shouting faintly)

( cell phone beeps)

( panting)

This is Walker.

If you're listening to this...

I'm probably dead.

♪ In the eyes of a ranger ♪

♪ The unsuspecting stranger ♪

♪ Had better know the truth ♪

♪ Of wrong from right ♪

♪ 'Cause the eyes of
the ranger are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do he's going to see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas, look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
the ranger's going to be. ♪

Trivette's dead.

Victor Drake is responsible.

He found out that...

Trivette and I were...
Texas Rangers.

It all started with a murder
in a downtown hotel.

This is for you.

Thank you.

I got an idea, lover.

Let's take a shower.

Shall we? And
I'll lather you up.


( giggles)

Now, get the water nice and hot.

( water running)

Help me take my
dress off, lover?

( giggles)

One sound and I'll smash
your skull in, you hear me?

Give me your watch.

Where's your wallet?

It's here. Hurry up.

Here, take it.


Let's see what else you got.


Come on, come on.

Come on!

( groaning)

( gasps)

( moans)

Oh, God, Flint, you killed him.

Shut up. Come on!

WALKER: His body wasn't
found until the next morning.

Just in time.

Poached eggs on
toast and orange juice.

Oh, honey. It's late.

Why didn't you
wake me up earlier?

Ah, you needed your sleep.

I have so much work to
do before this baby is born.

I'm sure your colleagues
will help you out.

Oh, their hands are full.

But this looks wonderful.

( telephone rings)



Be right there.

There's been a murder downtown.

Gotta go.

Call me later.

Will do. Okay.

WALKER: I called Trivette

to meet me at the hotel.

By the time we got there, the
M.E. had removed the body.

The victim's name
was Joseph Ileka, 42.

His business card says he's

a telecommunications
consultant from Uganda.

When did he enter the country?

Flew in yesterday from Europe.

Checked in here around 4:00.

Went out to dinner. Bell
captain saw him come in

last night with a woman

he thought was a prostitute.

Did he identify the woman?

We got him going through
mug shots right now.

M.E. estimates

the time of death between
10:00 and midnight.

Put up a fight.

Probably what got him killed.

You're right.

These previous robberies
have all been smash and grab.

Nobody got hurt.

This joker thought
he was a hero.

Walker, check this out.

What have you got?

A list of military
weapons and prices.

What's that got to do
with telecommunications?


Look at this.


( whistles)

WALKER: We ran a
check on Joseph Ileka.

It wasn't long
before bells went off.

Joseph Ileka doesn't
have a criminal record,

but he's on
Interpol's watch list.

He's linked to a rebel group

in Sierra Leone.

It's called the Revolutionary
United Front, RUF.

It's a civil war that's
been going on for years.

I read horrible
stories about it.

I mean, the rebels are
terrorizing the civilians.

They're cutting off their arms

and even little children.

Interpol believes

that he's a buyer
for this rebel group.

Well, that must have been
his shopping list you found.

There's enough firepower on
there to supply a small army.

They pay for it
with the diamonds.

The rebels control most of the
diamond fields in the country.

Which keeps the war going.

Blood diamonds.

We've got something here, folks.

I broke the encryption
code on Ileka's computer.

He's been using e-mail to
communicate with someone

I think is an arms dealer.

Can you tell who it is?

No, but this indicates that

he was here to take delivery
of some arms shipment.

There's a meeting scheduled

tomorrow to work
out the details.

Where's the meeting?

Texas Stadium, 3:00.

Stake it out?

Tail whoever shows up?

I doubt if they'll show
up if Ileka's not there.

You're probably right.

So what do we do?

Can you tell from
the e-mail if they met?

They're using code names.

You ask me, I don't think so.

WALKER: We made a plan for
Trivette and me to go undercover.

Trivette posed as Joseph Ileka.

And I as a... weapons expert.

( breathing heavily)

MAN: Watch your back.

He's got to be here somewhere.

Try over here.

( thunder crashes)

( garbled grunting)

MAN: Nothing there!

Still clear on my side!

( dripping water continues)

Block the stairs.

Yes, sir, Mr. Drake.

He has to be in here.

As Trivette and I
prepared to go undercover,

Gage and Sydney
found the hooker.

She was a kid who was
in way over her head.

It wasn't me!

Come on, Sparkle.

We have witnesses
who saw you with him.

They're wrong.

We can prove you
were in his room.

This is as bad as
it gets, Sparkle.

Murder while committing a felony

can land you on death
row. Do you understand that?

SYDNEY: And there's
nothing we can do to help you.

Unless you help us.

GAGE: Look, Sparkle,
who was with you?

Just tell us who stabbed him

and I promise you everything
will go so much smoother.

( coughing)

We're not getting
anything out of her.

Why don't you let me try?

Hi, Sparkle.


I'm Alex Cahill-Walker.

I'm the Assistant D.A.

Sorry I'm late.

I got halfway here and realized

that I left your
file on my desk.

So I had to waddle
all the way back.

When's your baby due?

Three weeks.

How are you?

I bet you're pretty
scared right about now.

( whispers): Yeah.

You didn't kill him, did you?

( sobbing): I could
never hurt anybody.

Of course not.

Sometimes things
just happen, you know?

I know.

So why don't you tell
me what happened?

Because I'm sure
this was not your idea.

So who got you involved in this?

I love him.

I can't do that.

I can't.

( coughing)

I don't feel good, Mrs. Walker.


I'll take you to the infirmary.

WALKER: While Alex
questioned Sparkle,

I brought the FBI into the case.

The Bureau provided Trivette
and me with documents

to establish our new identities.

We just had to hope nobody knew

what the real Joseph
Ileka looked like.

( tires squealing)

It didn't look like they
were going to show.

Almost an hour late.

Think something tipped them off?

We'll give them
another five minutes.

They're not coming.

( helicopter approaching)


( camera shutter clicks)

( shutter clicks)

You were told to come alone.

( in foreign accent):
This is Mr. Crawford.

He's a weapons expert.

He will examine the shipment.

That was not the agreement.

It's part of the agreement now.

( shutter clicks)

They're not going for it.

Search him.

This what you're looking for?


I might return this.

Do you have the diamonds?

Let's go.

( Gage groans)

WALKER: There was
no way of tracking us.

Whatever happened,
we were on our own.

We were airborne
about ten minutes.

I couldn't tell which
direction we were going.


You're trapped!

It's only a matter of
time before we find you!

Can you hear me, Ranger?

Place the diamonds on the stairs

and I might just get
tired of looking for you.

You men stay here.

Rolfe, take the others.

Begin searching
from the top floor.

Check this out!

( men shouting)

We were blindfolded

until we got
inside the building.

I apologize for the precautions.

I'm sure you understand.

Let's get to work.

By all means.

The diamonds, if you please.

Very nice.

Definitely Sierra Leone's best.

You may inspect the merchandise.

That's everything you requested.

M-16 combat
rifles, M-4 carbines,

Beretta M9 pistols,
light machine guns,

40-millimeter grenade launchers,

anti-personnel mines

and a million rounds
of assorted ammunition.


Tungsten core,
200,000 rounds of it.



When can we expect delivery?

When can you have
the rest of the diamonds?

48 hours.

Call this number
when you have them.

I expect payment
of $20 million U.S.

to be made in diamonds
of identical quality as these.

Of course.

Have them followed.

WALKER: We figured
they'd be watching us...

so we took no chances.

But there was one
thing we didn't expect.

Have these checked immediately.

FBI AGENT: The photos
taken by Ranger Cooke

identify this man,

Hendrick Rolfe, a
Danish mercenary.

He fought in South
Africa, the Congo, Angola.

Rolfe now works for him.

TRIVETTE: That's our boy.

Victor Drake.

Born in Liverpool, the same
year the Beatles hit it big.

He got his start

smuggling chemicals to
Iraq to make nerve gas.

He's now the biggest illegal
arms dealer in the world.

And he's right in our backyard

with all the military
weapons he stole.

This is the best chance
we've had to nail Drake.

That has to be our top priority.

What about the buyers?

Yeah, Ileka was
instructed to tell them

when the deal's going down.

We can't bring them into it.

They could blow your cover.

And Drake will get away.

The buyers have the diamonds
and Drake will not turn over

the weapons until
he inspects them.

How do we get the diamonds
from them without tipping our hand?

WALKER: We had less than two
days to figure out how to do that.


Over here!

This way! Let's go!

Let's go, come on.

We'll find him!

( water dripping)

MAN: Let's go up the stairs.

♪ ♪

WALKER: Around that time, Dallas
P.D. got a tip on Sparkle's pimp.

( knocking) Dallas Police!

Hold it!

Shooting that officer
set off a manhunt.

Alex tried again to
get Sparkle to talk.

If you really love him,
you'll help us find him.

You're asking
me to sell out Flint.

I'm asking you to save his life.

Flint shot a police
officer, Sparkle.

You know what that means.

They're not going to
stop until they find him

and then who knows
what could happen.

What, you think the
cops are going to kill him?

If he resists arrest,
that is a possibility.

( crying)

Flint's best chance right now

is for you to tell
us where he is

and let the Texas
Rangers bring him in.


WALKER: Sparkle
finally came around

and gave Alex a solid lead.

( sneezing)

Bless you.

Excuse me.

SYDNEY: I hope
you're not catching

Sparkle's cold.


So do I.

It was about then Trivette
heard back from the buyers.

The buyers will arrive in Dallas
tomorrow with the diamonds.

That's the good news.

The bad news is,
they want to see Ileka

before the meeting with Drake.

I figured that.

So here's how I
think we should play it.

We thought protecting our
cover was our biggest problem.

We didn't realize

we were facing
something a lot deadlier.

We got a problem.


This is the autopsy result

from the guy that was
murdered in the hotel.

The one from Uganda.

My God.

Yeah, he had Ebola fever.

We've got a virus on our hands

that's 90% fatal and
spreads like wildfire.

This will kill thousands
if we don't contain it.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

( men shouting)

( panting)

( shouting continues)

Finding out that Ileka had
Ebola fever changed everything.

We were facing a major crisis.

The M.E. notified the
Center for Disease Control.

They sent an outbreak
response team to take charge.

Time is crucial.

Mr. Ileka entered the
country 64 hours ago.

We have to quarantine and test

everyone he came into contact
with before he was murdered.

Well, the airline gave us a
list of the passengers and crew,

so the FBI and the
DPD are working on that.

Well, what about
the murder suspect?

We're running down a
good lead on his location.

Is Sparkle infected?

She has the early symptoms.

We'll know once
we've run a blood test.

So she could be a carrier?


Doctor, my wife

and two rangers
questioned Sparkle.

Are they in danger?

Have them tested immediately.

WALKER: I remembered
what Alex said

about questioning Sparkle.

( coughs, sniffles)

I'll take you to the infirmary.

( coughing)

All we could do now was pray.

( tapping)

How are you feeling?

I'm scared.

I'm scared for the baby.

Everything is going
to be all right, Alex.

Gage and Sydney were
tested and they were fine.

They were?

Yeah, they were fine.

( sighs)

I love you.

Mrs. Walker, we have good news.

The test is negative.

You're fine.

Thank you.

Sydney and Gage
ran down the leads

Sparkle gave them on Flint.

( dance music playing)

His best friend was a bartender
he always went to in a jam.

♪ Ooh-hoo-hoo ♪

♪ Give me some loving ♪

♪ Hoo-ooh-hoo ♪

♪ Ooh-hoo-hoo-ooh... ♪

Check out the door.

I need a closer look.

♪ Give me some loving ♪

Can I have a couple
of drafts, please?

♪ Ooh-ooh-hoo, ooh-ooh-hoo ♪

♪ Give me some loving ♪

♪ Yeah... ♪

♪ Oh... ♪




GAGE: Nobody move!

Everybody stay on the ground.
You're all being detained.

Tests showed Flint
had Ebola fever.

Everyone in the
bar was quarantined.

The Ebola outbreak
changed everything.

We decided to take
the buyers out early.

( gunshot)

( groans)

Up there! I'm coming!

Let's go, let's go.
Watch your back!

DRAKE: Ranger Walker,
you're a dead man.

The only decision now

is how much you will suffer.

Throw down the
briefcase with the diamonds

and I promise
you'll die quickly.

Find another way to get him.

ROLFE: Okay.

MAN: All right.

WALKER: The plan was to show

where they expected
to meet Joseph Ileka

and pretend to be the arms
dealers he was buying from.

SYDNEY: Walker says to move in

as soon as they confirm
they're the buyers.

MAN: Hey.

Qu'est-ce que vous voulez, eh?

What do you want?

My name is Victor Drake.

We're here to meet Joseph Ileka.

Joseph who?

You heard me. Joseph Ileka.

Oh, got the wrong place, huh?

This is the address
Mr. Ileka gave to us.

Do you speak English?

'Cause I speak English to
you. You don't get me, huh?

Non Joseph Ileka ici, okay?


We'll just keep the diamonds
and find another buyer.

MAN: Wait, Mr. Drake.

The merchandise
you speak of is mine.

Who are you?

General Nelson Abu.

I am Mr. Ileka's employer.

Let's do it.

So Joseph Ileka is merely
buying the arms for you?

That is correct.

How do we know you're the buyer?

Because I have the
diamonds, Mr. Drake.

( snaps fingers)

Open it.

Any more questions?


No more questions.

Texas Rangers! Freeze!

And I do have one more question.

You got a good lawyer?

Get him out of here.

WALKER: General Abu
was placed under arrest.


Now we call Drake.

It looked like our
plan was working.

( cell phone rings) Yes?

I have the diamonds.

Be ready in one hour.

I'll call your hotel
with directions.

We didn't realize that Drake
was one step ahead of us.

( glass jingles)


MAN: We got shots
fired over here!

( man yells)

isn't like Walker...

He should have
checked in by now.


That's what it looks like.

( cell phone rings)



I'm in a lot of trouble.

Where are you?

( breathing heavily)

I'm in a box factory at the
corner of Water and Pike.

We're on our way.

( sirens wailing)

( recorder beeps)

After we busted General Abu,

I went over plans
with a backup team.

Then I went to the
hotel to meet Trivette.

( door creaks)



( cell phone rings)

( ringing continues)


Hello, Ranger Walker.

You and Ranger
Trivette were good.

But not quite good enough.

I expect you're wondering
how I found out about you.

Not really.

Well, I'll tell you anyway.

Your fingerprints,

when you insisted on
firing those weapons.

Now, you have my diamonds

and I have your partner.

I suggest we trade.

When and where?

That's the spirit.

DRAKE: I'll give
directions as you drive.

Come alone.

If I detect the slightest
hint that you have backup,

Ranger Trivette will be shot.

MAN: Over there!

Let's go!

I have him pinned down!

( rapid gunfire)

( screaming)

( gun clicks)

DRAKE: Come on, come on.

( indistinct voices)

( tires squealing)

( sirens blaring)

( banging)

MAN: Come on!

( yelling and banging)

( siren wailing)

( sirens wailing)

( officers shouting)


you certainly have caused
me a great deal of trouble.

Now, give me my diamonds.

( hammer cocks)

I'll tell you again.

Give me my diamonds!

So you want the diamonds.

Then go get them.

Oh, my God.

( church bells toll)


Ah, good morning.

Oh, Walker.

Oh... I just had the
worst nightmare.

It was so real.

You were going
after this arms dealer

and you were hurt and...

and they had you trapped.

Well, at least I
get a hug out of it.

Oh... oh... Oh, my
gosh, it seemed so real.


dreams do seem real
sometimes, honey.

I don't know if
I'm just so anxious

because of the
pregnancy or what, but...

Yeah, well, that could be.

Well, there's your poached eggs

on toast, and... Oh...

orange juice.

Thank you.

( telephone rings)



I'll be right there.

There's been a murder downtown.

I've got to go.

Oh, Walker, this is too weird.


Never mind.

I'll snap out of it.

Okay. I'll call you later.

You promise?

I promise.

( sighs heavily)


( ethereal music playing)

( door opens)

( door slams)

♪ 'Cause the eyes of
the ranger are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do, he's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas, look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
the ranger's gonna be. ♪