Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001): Season 8, Episode 3 - Safe House - full transcript

When a man, Lloyd Allen, whose willing to testify against his boss, Vince Termin who is dangerous man who killed another man who was going to testify against him. Walker sends Gage and Cooke to get him but when they arrive Termin's men are there but they manage to get away. Walker and Trivette try to help them.

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Go, go, go.


Hey, Syd.


Nice maternal instinct.


Mama, mama.

Yes, sirree.

I sure am proud of what
you guys did out there.

You know, it kind of
reminded me of the time

that me and Cordell
were at El Paso

and we busted the Hayes gang.

Now, that Hayes
gang was the biggest,

baddest bunch of
bank-robbing buzzards

you ever saw in your life.

Cordell made a street
Santa Claus out of me,

and we made jailbirds
out of the Hayes gang.

I remember you
told me about that.

That was the time you
used your Santa beard

to tie Butch Hayes
to the chain link fence.

Yeah, C.D. forgot his handcuffs.

No, no, I didn't neither,
Cordell. Dadgumit.

There wasn't any place to
hide the cuffs in the Santa suit.

You know what, C.D.?

You've gotta write some
of these stories down.

I think it'd make a great book.

Write 'em down.


Hmm. That may be a good idea.

Oh, yeah.

I can just see you,

saddled to a word processor
banging out ten pages a day.

The only thing you've
got to have to write

is a pad and paper...
And a good quill pen.

Now, that's just about
enough out of you, young man.

All you need is the
basics when you're writing,

Your three Rs.

Three Rs? What's that, C.D.?

Wait, wait, wait. Let me guess.

Roping, riding and wrangling?

You seem like such
a nice young lady.

Cordell, come help me with
these whippersnappers, will you?

They're getting the best of me.

Somebody tell a good joke?

Oh, yeah.

Big Dog's gonna write a book.

Sydney just said
it'd be a good idea

if I wrote down some
of my experiences.

Well, I think
that's a great idea.

Thank you, Alex. Would
you like to have some lunch?

No, thank you.

I just came in to tell Walker

that Vince Termin's
accountant turned himself in

to the Louisiana authorities.


Lloyd Allen turned
himself in? Why?

Termin tried to kill him.


Is Allen willing to
testify against Termin?

Yes, he is. He and his
family are on their way back to

the Texas border in the company
of the Louisiana state troopers.


So Dallas' big time crime boss

tried to take out
his accountant.

I never thought we
could get this lucky.

Why haven't you been
able to take Termin out?

We got close. Didn't we, Walker?

What happened?

Well, a couple of years ago

Termin tried to muscle
in on this union official.

Tried to get his hands
on a fat pension fund.

Termin had his
hands into everything.

Racketeering, extortion,
blackmail, murder,

but this union guy went to
the police and he told the D.A.

that he would testify
against Termin,

so Walker and I finally got
the break that we needed.

Hey, we don't want
no trouble here.

Yeah, no problem here.

We arrested Termin,

but not without a fight.

Termin was not happy to see us,

but he had an ace up his sleeve.

Our star witness
had a little accident.

A 14-story accident.

The coroner had no
evidence of foul play,

so the death was
ruled a suicide.

With no witness,

all the charges against
Termin were dismissed.

He beat us, and he knew it.

But now we've got
another chance at him.

Gage, I want you and
Sydney to go out to the border,

meet the troopers, and
escort the accountant

and his family back to Dallas.

You got it. Yes, sir.

Boy, it's so doggone hot.

Take off your jacket, honey.

I'm an accountant.

I wanna be presentable

when I meet the Texas Rangers.

Come on, Amelia, honey.

It's time for your shot.

I'm picking flowers.

Will you hand me her
insulin pack, Lloyd?

Oh, yeah, sure.

Now, Amelia.

You want them all dead?

He's got his
little girl with him.

No, I want you to keep her alive

so that she can finger
you later in a line-up.

Just do what I told you.

Let's do it.

Kill them all.

♪ In the eyes of a Ranger ♪

♪ The unsuspecting stranger ♪

♪ Had better know the truth ♪

♪ Of wrong from right ♪

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪

We got trouble.

Stay down. Stay down.

Anybody hurt in here?

All right, come on out.

Everybody okay?

Yeah. Come on, baby.

Daddy, you're bleeding.

Oh, my God.

Why don't you let
me take a look at that?

- Let me take a look.
- Oh, no.

You know what?

Oh, no. It's just a graze.

We'll fix that right up.

Good thing you came
along when you did.

Daddy, I'm scared.

It's gonna be okay, honey.

Everything's gonna be okay.

How do you know that, Lloyd?

How do you know
they won't try again?

You'll be safe in
Dallas, all right?

You know, Walker,

I've been thinking that
Sydney was onto something

with that book idea.

You do, huh? Uh-huh.

She was just talking
to the wrong person.

And who should she
have been talking to?

Should've been talking to me.

You? So now you're
gonna become an author?

No. We're gonna become authors.

What's this "we"
stuff, Trivette?

We're happening. We're now.

You and I are number
one best-sellers

in the making, man.

Trivette, we solve crimes.

We put criminals in jail.

There's not much
more to it than that.

No, no, no, no. Caleb
Hooks, Victor LaRue,

Bart Hawkins, Randy Schrader.

These are not run of
the mill bad guys, man.


Do you know how to write a book?

No, no, but what
about Stephen King?

Now you're comparing
yourself to Stephen King?

No, no, no. All I'm saying is

this is how we're
gonna get rich.


You don't wanna
get rich? Walker.

We're at the border, Walker.

Mr. Allen and
his family are fine,

but, uh, it was a close
call. What happened?

Termin's men took
out the troopers,

but we got here in
time to save the family.

Okay, head this way. We'll
meet you at Skyler Junction.

Trouble. Let's go.

This better be good news.

I'm afraid not, Mr. Termin.

These... These
Rangers showed up.

Are you telling me
that Lloyd is still alive?

Is that what you're
telling me, Scully?

I lost two of my best men.

I don't give a damn.

Where's the accountant now?

Highway 38, headed for Dallas.

Give me a description
of the vehicle he's in.

A car, tan, government issue.

Kill that accountant,

and anyone else
that gets in the way.

I'm so sorry that
I got you into this.

It's all gonna be okay.

It's all gonna be fine.

Mama's right, Daddy.

It's all gonna be okay,

and I'm not scared
anymore, either.

Mommy, I'm hungry.

Oh, my gosh.

We left the food
in the other car.

Oh, Amelia has to
eat on a regular basis

because of her diabetes.

There's a gas station and
country store up ahead.

We'll stop there and
get some sandwiches.


Walker, I'm telling you,

they've got these writing
programs for the computer.

They're amazing, right?

All you gotta do is type in
the story outline, all right?

That's our main point, right?

This program
formats, punctuates,

corrects the grammar,
structures the whole deal.

After that it's just words.

Words, words, words.

Words, words, words.

That's right. Then I take
it to my friend in Houston.

He's got this connection
with this New York publisher.

Tsk. Then we're rich?

Almost, almost.

First we have to be
on the best-seller list,

then we have to go to paperback,

then after that they
have to translate us

into like a hundred
different languages,

and then we are
worldwide phenomena.

Phenomena? Ha, ha, yeah.

Well, looks like you
got it all figured out.

That's right, man. Got to stay
one step ahead of the game.

You and me, we'll
be on talk shows.

I'll throw this away.

Do you have to go to
the restroom, sweetie?

Mm-hm. All right.
We'll be right back.

I'll go with you.

She's a good kid.

Yeah, she deserves
better than this.

What happened?

I told Termin I wanted out.

I... I can't believe
that I thought

that he'd just let me walk away.

Instead he sends some
ugly ex-prize fighter

named Scully after me.

And he didn't just
come after me.

He came after all of us.

My wife, my little girl.

We were on our way
to Jill's parents' house...

One, two, three, four.

When the attack came.

One, two, three.

Lloyd, what's happening?

Lloyd, no.

Oh, please!

We ended up on
the side of the road,

and Scully moved
in for the kill.

If it hadn't been for
that state trooper,

we'd be dead for sure.

And that's when you decided
to testify against Termin?

Yeah, I knew that that
was the only chance we had.

I want you to know that
you're doing the right thing.

A man like Termin
deserves to be put away.

Ranger, you tell me the truth.

You really think I'm
gonna live long enough

to testify against Termin?

Mr. Allen, I have
never lost a witness,

and I do not plan
on starting now.

Okay, guys, everybody ready?

We're ready.

Let's go.

I got this figured out, right?

We should start
with the early days.

That's back when you
were a kid on the reservation,

and I was a kid
back in Baltimore.

Trivette, no one's gonna
wanna read about our early days.

Yes, they will. That's
the character stuff.

That's the stuff that makes
the readers relate to us.

What they wanna read about
is the good guys winning,

and the bad guys losing.

Exactly. Right.

See? Right there. See?

What? That's it, man.

Right now we are
a great writing team.

Well, I have to be
honest with you, Trivette.

I think you and C.D.

would make a much
better writing team.

What? No. Why?

Well, C.D.'s a
natural-born storyteller,

and you're a natural-born...

Well, think about it.

Two Rangers, two generations.

Yeah, you... I mean, you
may be onto something,

but he... He exaggerates.

That's just his imagination
working, Trivette,

which is important
for a storyteller.

Well, you have a point.

I'll tell you what. I
will broach the subject

with Big Dog when we're
finished with this assignment.

Now you're talking.


Behind us.

All right, folks, listen up.
Here's what I need you to do.

I need you to stay calm,
stay as low as you can,

and keep your
daughter between you.

- Why? What's going on?
- Just do as we say.

Mommy? Daddy?
It'll be all right, honey.

It'll be okay.

Walker, come in,
Walker. This is Gage.

We're under attack. I
repeat. We are under attack.

North on 38.

Gage, hold on. We're
headed your way.

Okay, look. If we can make
it to the Kingsford Overpass

that'll give us some cover.

I'll try and back 'em off.

Lloyd, honey.

Are they gone?

Is that it? Did we lose 'em?

It's okay, sweetie. It's okay.

Get down and hold on.

Yeah, sweetheart, that
could've been a lot worse.

Good thing you have a nice
mommy to protect you, huh?


Everything's gonna
be okay. All right?

They gonna be okay?

Yeah, just some
bumps and bruises.

We need to get Amelia
some more insulin.

I'll take care of that,
ma'am. Thank you.

Have you ever
flown in a helicopter?

No, but I've always wanted to.

Well, you're going
to get your wish.

See you at the
office. Okay, Walker.

Right this way,
folks. Over here.

You ready?

Arthur, stop with the look.

I don't pay for the look.

Lloyd's still alive.

I'm so glad that that
college education of yours

wasn't a total freaking waste.

I'm afraid there's no other
way to say this, Mr. Termin,

but you'd better start
making travel plans.

I'm not running nowhere.

That pencil-necked accountant,

he's a dead man.

I don't wanna hear
this. I can't hear this.

You asked for this.

Mr. Termin, I'm your attorney.

If I'm a party to
this conversation,

I can't be any
good to you in court.

I'm not going to court.

If you keep refusing
to take my counsel,

I'm afraid I'm going to
have to end our association.

You wanna walk?

Is that what you really
wanna do, Arthur?

'Cause that accountant,
he wanted to walk too.

Is that it?

Is that everything? That's it.

That's where all the
skeletons are hidden.

And you're willing to
testify to this in court?

Yes, I am, if I
make it that far,

which, at this point,
is still questionable.

You'll be safe now, Mr. Allen.

You don't know Vince Termin.

And you don't know
the Texas Rangers.

It's beautiful, sweetheart.

Would you like
me to print it out?


Hey, guys.

The safe house is ready.

Safe house.

I like the sound of that.

But how long do we
have to stay there?

Until after the trial.

Do you have Termin in custody?

We will soon.

Here are the warrants.

Okay. Why don't you
two get them settled in?

You got it.
Trivette, let's do it.

All right.

You got everything together?

Okay, come on, sweetie.

I'll call you when I get
down to the Caymans.

I hope you know
what you're doing.

Arthur, I always
know what I'm doing.


Mr. Termin, we got
Rangers coming this way.

Get the chopper ready.

Stall 'em, Arthur.

Five minutes. That's all I need.

Can I help you, Rangers?

We have a warrant for
Vince Termin's arrest.

Uh, I'm Mr. Termin's attorney.

Of course, I'll have to
examine the paperwork.

We also have a search warrant.

Well, I'll have to object.

Save it for the courtroom.

All right, take it down.

I've been waiting a long
time to say this, Termin.

You're under arrest, buddy.

Come on.

It's not the Ritz, but I
hope you'll be comfortable.

After everything
we've been through,

a hot shower and clean
sheets would be heaven.

Okay, but first I need to
go over a few ground rules.

And, Amelia, you
need to make sure

and listen to this too, okay?

Stay away from the windows,

and do not go near
the doors, either,

and under no circumstances
are you to use the phone.

Can I watch TV?

You know what, sweetie?

You can watch TV as much as
your mom and dad will let you.

We also have a CD player,

lots of magazines, and
a ton of food in the fridge.

So make yourselves at home.

Well, thank you.

If you'd like, you can
go ahead and go upstairs

and get comfortable and,
uh, we'll start some dinner.

You got it. Thanks.

So who's cooking
and who's cleaning?

Do you even know how to cook?

Are you kidding? Of course I do.

After all, I am a bachelor.

Oh, okay.

So, what can you cook?

French toast.

French toast. Really?

Anything else? Cinnamon toast.

Cinnamon toast?

Raisin toast.

Rye toast too.

What about dinner food?

I'll clean.

How's your arm?

Oh, I'm sore all over.


Oh, Lloyd.

I know, I know.

I'm so sorry that you and Amelia

had to go through all this.

It's not just that, it's Mom.

She must be worried sick by now.

Oh, she'll be fine.
No, it's not right

to keep her in
the dark like this.

I told her I would let her
know as soon as we were safe.

She'll know soon enough. Honey,
this is not about your mother.

This is about you and
Amelia staying alive.

What about you?
Don't worry about me.

Don't say that. Stop
saying "you and Amelia"

like you're not
going to be with us.

You're right. You're right,
you're right. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Everything's gonna be fine.

Amelia. How you doing? - Okay.

Oh, that's Miss Cahill
with Amelia's insulin.

Why don't you lie down
and get some rest?

I can give Amelia
her shot. Okay.

Thank you for driving
all the way out here, Alex.

Oh, it's my pleasure.

I brought Amelia's insulin.

It's perfect timing.

Come on, honey.
It's time for your shot.

Sydney's cooking up
a little mystery stew

if you'd like to stick around
and have something to eat.

I can't talk to you right
now, Mom, but we're all right.

I was so worried.

I'll call you as soon
as I can. I love you.

I love you too, dear.

Please be careful.

Got you.

I'm sorry I'm late.

I've been talking to Alex
Cahill in the D.A.'s office.

Don't you ever keep
me waiting again, Arthur.

Look, I'm trying to find you a
way out of this predicament,

and right now the only way
I see is you cutting a deal

with the D.A.'s office.


It's Scully.

This better be good.

It is. The accountant's
wife called her mother.

I had a tap on the
old lady's phone.

Took me all night,

but I finally tracked the
number to a location.

The Rangers are
keeping the accountant

in some house
out in the boonies.

And you know what to do.

He's as good as dead.

You and your D.A.
can stick your deal.

You won't believe this.


C.D. says he doesn't
wanna write with me.


Yeah, he says he doesn't
need me to write his stories.

Well, that's true.

Yeah. What?

You're the one that said

that we'd make a
great writing team.

Two Rangers, two generations.

I know, I know, but,

well, you know that
old Ranger saying,

one riot, one Ranger?


I guess C.D.'s version is

one writer, one Ranger.



Oh, you are so funny.

Ranger Gage, this is the
best French toast I've ever had.

Hmm. Well, thank you, honey.

Yeah, but look at
the mess you made.

I mean, look at all the dishes.

Hmm. Well, let me think.

Who did the cleaning last night?

Uh, I seem to remember a brush.

All right. We made a
deal. And some detergent.

Thank you. Mm-hm.

I'll help you, Sydney. Me too.

I'll dry.

Um, where were
you guys last night?

How you holding up?

Nervous, but okay.


Out, out. Everybody
out the back.

Here. Hurry up.

Out. Let's go, let's go.

Out. Get out.

They got out. Let's get them.

All right.


Syd, go.

Okay, everybody
under the bridge.

All right, stay here.

I'll cover them.

It's over.

You're safe now.

Miss Cahill,

after some serious

Mr. Termin's willing
to discuss a deal.

You can stick your deal.


We've got ourselves
a ringer here, kids.

What's a ringer, Mr. C.D.?

A ringer is somebody that's
played the game before.

Oh, I've been playing darts
ever since I was a little girl.

That long? My goodness.

Well, shut my mouth.

With Termin behind bars,

I can't wait to get
to New Orleans

and get our lives
back together again.

Me too.

So, Trivette? Yo?

Are you gonna put
this in your book?

I'm done with that book thing.



Pardon me?

Screenplays. That's
where the real money is.

Yeah, yeah. First
they make your movie,

then you sell your
idea to television,

then they make it
into a television series,

and then if it stays on
the air for five years,

one word.

One word?


Need an accountant?

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪