Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001): Season 6, Episode 19 - Walker, Texas Ranger - full transcript

Trent has gained a lot of notoriety of being a defender of abused women. Now the abused wife of a criminal turns to him for help. At the same time Walker asks for her help to get husband.

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All right, I've
checked the house.

Everything is fine.

If you need anything,

you know where to reach me.

Otherwise, I'll be
back in the morning.


Thank you, Trent.

You're welcome.

Good night. Good night.


Kevin Richards,

I'm placing you
under citizen's arrest

for violating a
restraining order

and for criminal trespass.

Huh. You really
think you can do that?

Yeah, I do.


Like I said:

you're under arrest.

Get out of the way, Trent.

What are you doing?

Ending it.

It is ended.

He's going to jail, Donna.

Oh, right. They're gonna
keep him there 18 months tops.

He won't stop until he kills me,

and I will no
longer live in fear,

so move out of the way.

Donna, if you do
this, your life is over.

Think about it.

All the good you do,

all the... The women whose lives

you make better
through your work.

Ask yourself: is he worth it?

No, he's not.

You know...

for a big-shot lawyer,

you really are stupid.

Now I'm gonna kill you both.

Come on, hero.

What are you gonna do now?

Thank you.

I just had a gut feeling

he was gonna show up tonight.

Does that ever
happen to you, Walker?

Yes, it does. Yes,
it does, all the time.

Excuse me.

But around here,
we call it Cherokee.

What did he mean by that?

Never mind.

Wait a minute, detective.

Are you telling me that
this Trent Malloy guy

took out Kevin Richards?

He used to be a
pro football player.

That's what I'm telling you.

One of Walker's best students.

Hey, go get me
a picture of this.

Looks like we got
ourselves another Walker.

♪ In the eyes of a Ranger ♪

♪ The unsuspecting stranger ♪

♪ Had better know the truth ♪

♪ Of wrong from right ♪

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪


Ah! Ah! Ah!

Ah! Ah! Huh!

Aya! Uh!

That was good.

Very good.

Now, again, and remember,

good, loud "ki-yas."


Yes, sir!

Hya! Hya!

That's more like it.

Hya! Hya!


Good class, Sarah.


Hey, buddy, what's up? Heh.

Two words: Cindy Delvechio.

One word: no.

No? What...? What
do you mean, no?

Face it, Carlos:

every time you've tried
to fix me up with a date,

it's been a complete disaster.

What are you talking
about? That's ridiculous.

Denise Delouise.

All right, so that
one didn't go so well.

Mary Cordaro, Colleen MacAvoy...

Nuh... Louisa Reilly.

Face it, Carlos.

You like girls. I like women.

What is that supposed to mean?

How old is Cindy Delvechio?


All right, she's almost 22.

I rest my case.

It's the protection agency line.

Trent Malloy.


Don't worry about it, buddy.

If it's important,
they'll call back.


Maria! Coming!


You see this?

This is my favorite
shirt. Look at it.

It's ruined!

It's just a button.

I'll... I'll go and sew it on.

Why are you smiling?

You think this is funny?

Please, don't hurt me.

You make me sick!

Get out of here.


Take the shirt!


I'm glad you're my friend.

Well, tap.



One of these days, Walker.

Heh, heh, heh, heh. Good one.

Mikey, I'm really scared.

It's like I told you.

We... We got nothing
to worry about.

Mendoza needs us.

If he wants to sell
his drugs on campus,

he's gotta go through us.

He's supply. We're demand.

It... It's Economics 101.

I don't know, Mikey.

What if he finds out
we've been skimming?

How's he gonna find out?

He never counts it.

All right.

Just be cool, all right?

I know how to handle these guys.

Rudy, my man!

What up?

What's up, Mickey?

It's Mikey.

That my money, Mickey?

It sure is.

Fifty large.

Wanna count it?

No, that won't be necessary.

I counted it last time.

Oh, my God!

No! I didn't have anything
to do with it! No, no! No!

Do you think they
mind if I smoke?


Ah. Oh, man. Oh!

Ah. Ah!

So how's everything going?

Good, Walker.

Real good.

Karate school's going well.

My protection
agency's going good.

Family's good.

So, what's bothering ya?

I don't know.

It just seems like there are
so many people who need help.

How do you ever take time off?

Well, I tell you what...

Boy, are you asking
the wrong guy.

Oh, and what's that
supposed to mean?

Oh, please.

Boy, did you get a workout.

Yeah, because of this guy here.

Yeah? You wanna go back in?

What have you got,
Detective Sandoval?

We've got three victims:

two male, one female,

all second-year
students at Texas State.

We checked with the landlord.

The unit's rented
by one of the victims,

a girl named Sheila Lawrence.
Where's my daughter?

Take it easy, ma'am.
Oh, oh! What's happened?

Oh, God! Oh, my baby!

Oh, no, God.

No, no...

Mr. Malloy?


I-I need your help.

We didn't start out like this.

Rudy loved me.

He did.

But now, um, the
least little thing...

I mean, there was a
button missing on his shirt,

and he was upset.

I smiled because it
was so easy to fix.

Well, I read that
article in the paper

about how you helped that woman,

so I thought that maybe...

Did you fill out
a police report?


I-I mean, I can't.

Look, I know someone in
the district attorney's office.

We can get an
order of protection.

You don't understand...
who Rudy is.

Well, who is he?

You don't wanna know.

I-I... I'm sorry. Um...

Thi... This was a bad idea.

No, Maria, listen to me, please.

Whoever he is,

he's not gonna stop abusing you

unless you do
something about it.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

How can mushrooms be $7?

Order whatever you want.

It's on me.



Whatever it is you
want from me. No.

I can't believe this.

I'm hurt, Carlos.
I'm really hurt.

All I wanna do is
buy dinner for a friend.

Really? Really.

You're just buying me dinner?

I'm just buying you dinner.

No favors?

No favors.

Thanks, buddy. I... I
owe you an apology.


But you know,

since you mentioned
it... I knew it.

I just want you to
run a name for me:

Rudy Mendoza.

If something turns
up, it turns up.

If it doesn't, it doesn't.

Trent, you know
I would if I could.

Her husband beats her, Carlos.

He beats her, bad.

And she's too afraid
to go to the police.

It's totally against
department policy.

So will you do it?


What is it?

Something's going down.

Don't do anything stupid...

unless you're willing to die

for somebody else's money.

Come on, get up!

Police! Freeze!

You're under arrest.

I don't think so.

Put the gun down.




One o'clock? Okay,
Trent. I'll be there.

And thank you.

Where are you going?

The beauty parlor.

I told you.


I guess I forgot.

Heh. I don't know where
my mind has been lately.

What, no kiss goodbye?


Mm. Um.

Tell him to do something nice.

You been looking
like hell lately.


Follow her.

I'm glad you called.

I wanna do something.

I don't know what,

but I cannot go
on living like this.

An assistant district attorney?

She's a friend.

I've already told her about you,

and she's done a lot
of work in this area.

She wants to help.

We all do.

She, um...

wrote a home phone
number on the back.

I'll get that for ya.

Thank you.

Thank you for everything.

You're welcome.


Kill him.

Hey, what's up?

Got that information
on Rudy Mendoza

you asked for.

It's not good news.

Mendoza keeps
a pretty low profile,

but when I put his
name in the computer,

his file had more red flags
than a Chinese parade.

Run it down for me.

Well, he started
out as an associate

for the Del Vega cartel:
um, muscle stuff, collections.

Moved up pretty quickly behind
a reputation for ruthlessness.

I thought the Del Vegas
were out of business.

They are. Walker took
'em out about a year ago.

Yeah. Their loss
was Rudy's gain.

The word is he's taken
over most of their operation,

and he's on the verge
of taking over the rest.

Get down!

Oh, my God.

This is one of three
warehouses we own,

and with your help, we're
going to acquire five more.

Educational efforts have failed.

Demand for cocaine
and heroin is rising.

Face it, ladies and gentlemen:

the war on drugs is
over, and we have won.

To the victor go the spoils.

You will note the
quality of our product

is quite high,

as well as being
absolutely consistent.

What you are looking at here

is the minimum
standard operation,

and can be cloned
for each warehouse.

We can guarantee an
indefinitely uninterrupted flow.

Please, feel free to sample it.


What are you doing?

Get out of my way.

Señor Mendoza said
for you to stay here,

and that's what you're gonna do.


Miss Cahill.

My name is Maria Mendoza.

I-I'm sorry to
bother you this late.

Trent Malloy said he
talked to you about me.

Yes. Yes, he did.

I need to get out of here.

He's gonna kill me. I know it.

Just sit tight. I'm on my way.


I mean...

My husband, he would
never let me leave.


I'll bring someone with me
who will never let that happen.

Now, where do you live?

218 Meadowbrook.

I'll, uh, meet you out
front as soon as I can.



Let's go.

Oh, who were those guys?

I'm sorry. This...
This was all a mistake.

I mean, what can I do?

There's no place that
I can hide from him.

I need to go back.

Maybe if I apologize...

Maria, you'll be fine.

Trust me.

I never should have come
to you in the first place.

He has pictures of us.

He'll come after you too.

You don't understand
what he is capable of.

We know who Rudy is, Maria.

And I do know
what he's capable of.

Oh, my God.

He's already tried.

It's okay. I'm fine,

and you're going to be fine too.

But we need your help.

Wh...? What do you mean?

Testify against your husband.

On the phone,

you told me that
you knew too much.

He'd kill me.

He's not gonna kill anyone.

If you testify against him,

we can put him away for good.

It's in my journal.

I wrote everything down.

It wasn't our fault.

They jumped us.

There was, like, six of 'em.

You like your job, right?

I mean, I treat you pretty good,

take care of your families.

How's your little boy doing?


Go find her.

She knows too much, Leon.

Freeze! Texas Rangers!

You're under arrest!

Drop your weapons
and get down on the floor!



Hold it.

All right, let's go.

It's a good thing
you've got that gun,

or I'd kick your butt.


Now let's go.

Here. Take him.

Good bust.

You think Mendoza will know
how we got the information?


Let's go.

They busted the warehouse.

There's only one way
they could have known.

Hire whoever you need.

Do whatever you have to do.

I want her back,
and I want her alive.

Sí, jefe.

At first, I had no idea.

He was so good to me.

And then after we
were married and I...

I found out about his business,

it was too late.

He told me that if I
ever tried to leave him,

he'd kill me.

God, I feel so stupid.

Maria, we all make mistakes...

But you recognized yours,

and you're doing
something to correct it.

That is the important thing.

Come on.

We don't want to
keep Alex waiting.

Tell me you have good news.

Es cierto.

I found a friend at the
telephone company.

A record of all the phone calls

made from here the
night that Maria left.

What is that?

That is the unlisted
home telephone number

of Assistant District
Attorney Alex Cahill.

Well, that fits.

We better get to her before
she tells them everything, eh?


Maria, you did great.

Combined with what you
guys got in the drug raid,

we should have enough to
put Mendoza away for good.

How soon can we get a warrant?

I'll get a judge right on it
as soon as the courts open.

Okay, let's start
planning the operation.

I'll contact the
other departments.


Maria, let's call it a night.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna take Maria
back to my house.

Why don't you wait
till we finish here.

Oh, Walker, we are so tired.

I promise I will call you
as soon as I get home.

Be sure and do that.

I'll walk you down to your car.

Okay, let's see.

Thanks, Trent.


Drive safe, and...

I won't forget to call when
I get home. I promise.

Good night, Trent.

Good night, Maria.

I'll see you tomorrow.

According to
Maria's information,

Mendoza was supplying
drugs to Texas state.

That means he's probably the guy

that killed those three kids.

It's gonna be real
good to get this guy

off the street.

Yeah, it sure is.

You know, Alex should
have called by now.

I'm sorry.

No one's here to take
your call right now,

but please leave your
name and number,

and we'll get back to
you as soon as we can.

She's not home.

I'll try her cell phone.


I don't like this.

What do you think we should do?

I'll put an APB out on the car.

Wait a minute.
Doesn't Alex's car

have one of those onboard
antitheft tracking devices?

Yeah, I made her put
it in a few months ago.

I'm gonna call
and get it activated.

Out of the car!

Let's go.

Leon, let her go.

She's not involved in this.

She is now.

Señor Mendoza

has very special plans for you.

And I...

have very, very
special plans for you.

Uh! Oh!



Is that any way to treat a lady?

These two ladies and
I have a little business

to take care of,
but when I do finish,

if you still want her,
you can have her.

Gracias, jefe.


I need to know what
you've told them.

Go to hell.

Oh, I plan to,

but first I'm going to
need that information.

There's nothing you can do to me

that you haven't already done.

I wouldn't bet on that.

But perhaps we can
try something else.

I'm going to ask you a question.

You're going to
tell me the truth.

If you don't...

I'm going to cut your friend.

First question.

I'll make it an easy one.

Did you tell them about the
operation in the warehouse?



Walker, they're
heading out the back!




Ahh... uah!


You okay?

Yes, yes, yes.

You all right?



I hear Los Angeles is nice.

Yeah. It seems like a
nice place for a fresh start.

Once I get settled, maybe
you can come out for a visit.

I'd like that.

Thank you, Trent.

For everything.

I'm thinking of
taking a few days off.

Carlos and I are
going over to Louisiana

and do a little bass fishing.

We thought you
might want to join us.

This cabin has
got four bedrooms.

It's right on the lake.

You can fish off the back porch.

Hmm. Sounds pretty good.

Hey, Walker. The FBI Called.

They need us for an
investigation in Flower Mound.

Oh, rats.

Well, I guess I have
to take a rain check.

You guys have a good time.

Okay, you got
it. Hey, take care.

Trent Malloy.
Personal protection.

Yes, sir. I'm sure I can help.

That's not a problem.

I've got a friend
who's real good

at getting inside information.

Uh-huh. Okay.

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪