Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001): Season 5, Episode 23 - A Father's Image - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it - foodval.com
You're very good
at this, Nicholas.

Fine hand-eye coordination.

Make it go faster, huh?

It'd handle better

if you hadn't stuck that
wad of gum under it.

Yeah, well, that
wad of gum is C4.



Well, what does it do?

You're about to find out.

Nicholas, nobody ever
learned anything by being told.

They learn by example
and by experience.


What's this?

What did I just say?

I'm not going to tell you.

Just push the button.

What'll happen?

You'll see.

But I-I don't wanna...
Push the damn button.

Jeez, boss, how
about a little warning?

What did you do that for?

It was my favorite racer.

Because this is also a lesson

in not becoming
attached to things.

It's a sign of
weakness, Nicholas.

It gives your enemy
an avenue of attack.

What enemy? I loved that racer.

Mommy gave it to me.

Nicholas, you're
in my world now.

Your mother isn't.

And for the last time,
crying is not acceptable.

Hey, hey, grab him.

Nicholas? Karl,
Gary, get my son.

Come on. Get him. Get him.

They're getting away.

What's the matter with you
guys? You let a girl do your job?

You call Loomis. I
want those clowns found.

I want their ears on my
desk tomorrow by noon.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Are you okay?
Yeah, yeah, he's okay.

He's just roughed
up. Hey, that's life.

He was almost kidnapped.

Yeah, well, that's
part of the territory.


You, uh... You handled
yourself very well.

Well, thank you.

It's growing up in the south
side of Houston, I guess.

Teaching in inner-city schools.

You're a teacher, huh? Mm-hm.

You a good teacher?

I try to be.

Teach here in Dallas?

No, Houston, Third Ward.

Ah, I see.

Rough neighborhood.

Mm. I know.

I'm actually up here
interviewing for another job.

This job, how much do
they pay you, 40,000?

No. Try 18,000.

That's terrible.

That's terrible. I
can't believe that.

Um, I'll tell you what.

I'll pay you a hundred thousand.

A hundred thousand?


And you'll only have one
student, Nicholas here.

A hundred thousand a year?

Yeah. Yeah, if you check out.

Check out?

Well, you'll have
to live in my house.

One can't be too
careful these days.

Uh... Uh, well, Mr., uh...

Oh, I'm Salvatore Matacio.

At your service.

And this is my son, Nicholas.



Well, Mr. Matacio,

I think you just hired
yourself a teacher.


If you check out.

So, uh, what was your name?

Linda Justin.

Tell me about yourself,
uh, Miss Linda Justin.

You're from Houston, you say?


All right, there's the signal.
Looks like he went for it.

So far, so good.

That's easy for you to say.

She didn't have
to hit me that hard.

Let's go.

♪ In the eyes of a Ranger ♪

♪ The unsuspecting stranger ♪

♪ Had better know the truth ♪

♪ Of wrong from right ♪

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪

We think his office

is in the back on
the second floor

at the top of these stairs.

That's where his main
computer should be.

So if you can get alone with it,

attach this portable hard drive

to the serial port at the
back of his computer.

Insert this into
the 3.5 inch drive.

Type in, "A", "install", "631."

Six thirty-one?

This is a specially
encoded control disk.

Six thirty-one is
the access code

to activate two gigs
of hidden memory

in the detachable drive.

So between 'em both,

we should be able
to turbo capture

everything he's got
on his hard drive.

How long will that take?

You're gonna need
at least 15 minutes.

Angela says she's
never been inside

a real Texas
Ranger's office before.

Hi, Mommy. Oh, hi, baby.

Okay, Angela.

Ahem. We need
to talk for a minute.

I have to go away
for a little while.

And I couldn't come
home and say goodbye.

That's why Miss
Cahill brought you here.

Are you gonna catch bad people?


Please don't get killed, okay?


I promise.


We got you set
up at a local motel

under your new name.

I'm afraid it's not four-star.

But necessary for my cover.

Yeah. You okay with that?

Yeah. I really
wanna bust this guy.

Yes. Thank your
friends in Justice.

Matacio's security
hit every piece of info

we hung on the line.

Loomis. Ex-CIA.

Very thorough.

Yeah, but we got all
the bases covered.

I hope so. I don't
have to remind you

what happened to the
fed who went undercover

with Matacio last year.

May we come in?


I didn't think I was gonna hear
from you again. Excuse me.

What do you think you're doing?
- Relax.

He's just doing his job.

What's with the computer?

We've come a long way

since chalk and blackboards.

Did you check me out yet?

Of course.

No small wonder why
you're looking for work.


Mm-hm. Breaking
that coach's nose

wasn't exactly a
brilliant career move.

He should've kept
his athletic equipment

in his locker.

I like your style, Miss Justin.

So, um, the job is still
yours, if you want it.

What kind of businessman
did you say you were?

I didn't.

She's clean.

You want the job, or not?

When do I start?

You just did.

You betcha. Thanks.

That was the motel stakeout.

Bobbie left in Matacio's limo,

suitcase on board.

She's in.

That's the easy part.

I've seen smaller
train stations.

Heh. Better than
crowded hallways, no?

Where's Nicholas?

In his room, where he belongs.

It is just not gonna work out

with that kid being
around all the time, Sal.

I mean, he's either hungry,
or he's moping around.

Do I look like a wet nurse?

Who's this?

The solution.

Linda Justin, I'd like you
to meet my wife, Rebecca.

Linda is Nicholas'

new, uh, live-in tutor.

She'll keep him
out of your hair.

Well, I certainly hope so,

because that kid
is driving me nuts.

I don't know why we have
to have him around, anyway.

Because he's the future
of the Matacio name.

You have a problem
with that? Mmm.

No, Sal, sweetheart.

I just don't want him
coming between us, that's all.

He won't.

Now, Linda is here
for one purpose:

To give Nicholas
a proper education.

Now, she's in charge of that.

I expect you to
give it every chance.

Sure, Sal.

Hm. Anything you say.

So nice to meet you.


Thank you.

Um, let's get you settled in.

We'll find Nicholas,

and no reason why lessons
can't begin right away, huh?

I want her checked out, Tom.

I already did.

Well, check deeper.

She doesn't smell right.

There's his ex-wife.

Mrs. Matacio?

We'd like to talk to you.

I don't have anything to
say to you, Ranger Walker.

We know that your
ex-husband has Nicholas now.

Thanks to his
high-priced lawyers.

But it doesn't change anything.

I still can't talk to you.

Look, the only way you're
gonna get your son back

is if we put Matacio away.

And you can help
us make that happen.

You were married
to him for eight years.

You know a lot.

And, of course, we're
offering you protective custody.

Are you going to protect
everyone I know, Miss Cahill?

I have family in Idaho,
friends in Arizona,

and he knows right
where they live.

Please, you know how it works.

But, Mrs. Matacio... It's
Brower now, Miss Cahill.

Dana Brower.

I went back to my
maiden name last year

after I lost the final
court battle for Nicky.

You should do this for Nicky.

I am doing this for Nicky.

You don't know what kind
of man you're dealing with.

Now, please, just
leave me alone.

Nine times seven, 63.

Mm-hm. Nine times
eight is 72. Mm-hm.

And nine times nine is 81.

Yes. That's very good, Nicholas.

I know. Mommy always helped me.

She's real smart.

Oh, and you can call me Nicky.

I like it better.

He's the only one
that calls me Nicholas.

You mean your dad?


You miss your mom, don't you?

Yeah, a lot.

I never liked to come
here on weekends.

Now I gotta stay
here the whole time.

I hate it here.

You came here on weekends?

Twice a month.

Mostly I just looked
out the window.

Dad was always busy, but
he made me come anyway.

Nicky, who's that?

Oh, that's Carmine.

He comes every day.

Saturday and Sunday too.


He goes up to the office,

just comes out for lunch,

and leaves at night.

He's pretty nice, though. Hm.

Gave me a piggyback ride once.

What does he do?

I don't know.

I think he just works on
my father's computers.

Have you ever
seen the computers?

No. They're in my
dad's private office.

Nobody but him,
Carmine, and Mr. Loomis

are allowed to go up there.

Not even Rebecca.

So how's it going?

Oh, i-it's great.

Uh, Nicky's very
bright for his age.

His mother kept him
well ahead of his class.

Well, she was always very
good at trivial pursuits. Heh.

But now it's time for
a little reality break.

No, please.

Excuse me?

Well, from time to time,

I'll be breaking
into your lessons

to give Nicholas here a
little glimpse of real life.

I, um... Well, I don't...

Come here, Nicholas.

Come on. Climb the
ladder, all the way to the top.

No, please, sir. I
mean, I'm afraid.

Come on, son. It's
for your own good.

Come on, up.

Come on, son.

Mr. Matacio, I think... Quiet.

Now come on, Nicholas.
You suck it up, you jump.

I'm afraid.

Heh. Sure you are.

But it's how you deal with fear

that puts you a cut above.

Jump. Come on, I
promise I'll catch you.

I'm here for you.

Come on.

You can do it.


Oh, my God.

Are you nuts?

You will not interfere

with me teaching my
son how to be a man.

That is something you
know nothing about.

Huh? Yes.


Don't ever trust
anyone, Nicholas.


The sooner you learn
that, the better off you'll be.

Stop crying.

Come on, come on, come on.

Come on. It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be fine.

Nicky, when you
finish these questions,

I want you to read Chapter
4 in your history book, okay?

I'm gonna go to my room
and take some medication.

I'll be right back.

Are you sick, Miss Justin?

No, it's just an allergy,
but thanks for asking.

Something I can do for you?

I-I was looking for you.

Well, this area's off-limits.
Didn't Mr. Loomis explain that?

Yes, he did, but, um...
What do you want?

As a teacher, I feel
obligated to tell you that what...

The way you're treating your son

could have serious
emotional impact later on.

Uh, Miss Justin,

I think we should have a
little philosophical discussion.

Nicholas is a square-one wuss.

A blank canvas raised
by some Idaho farm girl

who I had the
misfortune of marrying.

But he's my responsibility now.

He's gotta be toughened up.

He needs a good
kick in the butt.


I'm not the heartless
monster you think I am.

The stakes are very high here.

It's important that
Nicholas gets that message.

You're not just a run-of-
the-mill businessman, are you?


No, I'm not.

I didn't think so.

Well, if you're having
second thoughts,

you're free to leave.

But if you decide to stay,

then you and I are entering
into a long-term partnership

with only one goal.

That is?

I want us, you and me,

to turn Nicholas into...

a carbon copy of me.

Anything less will be failure.

Are you up for
that, Miss Justin?

I don't know that much
about you, Mr. Matacio.


Please call me Sal.


But I think you must be

a very powerful and
very focused man.

And I can't think of a better
role model for your son.

Having you here,
Miss Justin... Linda.

Has lifted a big
load off my mind.

I've worried about that
boy being able to take over

since the time he was born.

But now I know his future...

is in our good hands.

It's the dry cleaner's line.

North Houston Cleaners.

We press to please.
How can I help you?

This is the governor's office.

We have a death threat here

and the only thing
we have to go off of

is a laundry mark
found in a motel room.

I think it's from
your establishment.

It's X-1497.

May I have a name, please?

Yeah, sure. Always happy
to help Governor Bush.

Let me check on it.

I thought Bobbie was in?

Why do you think they're
checking so late and so deep?

You recognize the voice?

Yeah, from the
wiretaps. It's Loomis.

Yeah, here we go. Linda Justin.

42 East Third, Apartment 5.

Do you have any personal
knowledge of the suspect?

Yeah, sure, Linda. Yeah,
she's been trading here for years.

She's a school teacher.

I can't believe

she's involved in
anything like this.

Can you describe her? Yeah.

Uh, 5'4", a hundred
pounds soaking wet,

mousy blond hair.

She's kind of cute.

Hates starch and, uh...

I mean, she's got
a mouth on her,

but I can't believe she'd be...

Like I said...
We'll look into it.

The governor thanks you

for your cooperation.

You bet. Anytime.

Why do you think
they're checking on her?

I don't know.

Think we oughta pull her out?

No, not yet.

Man, this feels dicey to me.

Let's give Matacio
something else to think about.

Hard to believe half
the meth in Texas

is coming out of there.

I know Kramer's in there.

He uses a computer
hooked to a satellite uplink.

If I can get to him before
he dumps the program,

we can hook Matacio to the lab.

Okay, let's do it.

Take it over to the other one.

I'll wait until
you hit the office,

then we'll take down the lab.

It's been a great week, Carmine.

Chemical suppliers
are holding the price line

and production's up 20 percent.

Good work, Kramer.

Yeah, here it comes.

I'm down-capturing
the figures now.

Looks better than
the El Paso shop.

Let's go.

Come on.

Watch it.

Hold it right there.

Get away from the
computer. I said, back away.

Let's see your hands,
let's see your hands.

Come on, go.

I said, back off.

Did you get it?

No, he crashed the damn program.

Anything linking Matacio
to this lab is gone.

All right, now,

I know you're
Matacio's bean counter.

You help us, we help you.

It's your only option.

Are you kidding?

I'd get off easier if I put
a shotgun in my mouth

and pulled the trigger.

Is that an option?

They get anything off
of Kramer's computer?

I'm still working
on it. Still working?

It's been 30 minutes.

We're okay.

Kramer was able
to dump his program

before they got to it.

Yeah, but they got Kramer.

Yeah, well, Kramer knows enough

to keep his yap shut.

What I wanna
know is who did this.

Walker. Of course.

Let 'em in.

Come on.

Stay here. I'll be right back.


Ranger Walker.

You can't come here
without a search warrant.

No, this is a
social call, Matacio.

We just wanna make
sure that you knew

that we're the ones that
took down your meth lab.

From now on, every man-hour,

every phone call,

every paper clip expended
is gonna be devoted

to making sure that
you go to prison.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Lyle Kramer gave you up.

Lyle Kramer who?

Lyle Kramer is the man that
used to run your meth lab.


Well, if that were true,
you'd have a search warrant,

and obviously you don't,
so, um, you can leave.

I didn't catch your name.

My name is James Trivette,
Texas Ranger, Company B.

Come here.

That ties it.

Walker's dumped on
me for the last time.

Now, you call Potempa
and Brill down from Philly.

Potempa and Brill? You heard me.

Last time we used them we
had a bloodbath on our hands.

That is exactly
what I want this time.

I want Walker dead.

I want him dead yesterday!

I want him dead, Loomis.


What the hell are
you doing in here?

Sal, get up here.

And I ran out of legal pads.

I-I figured I'd find some here.

I-I didn't think it would
be a federal case.

She was nosing around.
That's enough, Rebecca.

She was looking
through the books.

I said that's enough.

I don't wanna create problems

between you two.

Sal, maybe we'd
better rethink this.

Perhaps Nicky
would be better off

with someone more
acceptable to your wife.

From now on, if you
need any supplies,

you, uh, contact
Mr. Loomis here.

Is that clear? BOBBIE: Yes.

I just don't know
what the big deal is.

I've seen more
interesting office set-ups

in a furniture store.

I mean, this is it?

This is the big, bad,
forbidden office?

That'll do, Linda.

You'd better get
back to Nicholas.

Get rid of her, Sal.

I thought I told you to stay
out of Nicholas' education.

Sal, hey, I'm not even
allowed in this room, but she...?

What the hell were
you doing here?

Trying to watch your ass.

Women, huh?

There's something
that don't feel right.

I'm starting to get
that uneasy feeling.

About Linda? I thought
you checked her out.

I did.

No, it's not about her.

What's wrong?

There's something
about Walker's partner

that's buggin'
the hell out of me.

I don't know.

Maybe it's nothing.

Well, I've learned to trust
that uneasy feeling of yours,

so just keep worrying.

I told you not to go in there.

And I should've listened.



Kramer's gonna do
the time before he talks.

So it's all still up
to Bobbie to dig

the goods out of
Matacio's computer.

Looks that way.

That's Bobbie.

"Office with computers
does not seem to exist.

Any ideas?"

That doesn't make any sense.

The size of
Matacio's organization

should have
computers to rival NASA.

Tell her we'll get back to her.

Look, I told you this morning,

I have nothing to say.

Miss Brower, there's only one

piece of information we need,

and there's no way it
can be connected to you.

With Sal Matacio, there's
no such thing as no way.

It could mean the difference

of whether you see
your son again or not.

I know you must
miss him terribly.

You have no idea, Miss Cahill.

Well, we know he's
having a hard time in there.

How do you know that?

Well, we just know.

The only information we
need is where in the house

does Matacio keep his computers.

There's no possible way

for him to know where
we got the information.

Territorial Imperative.

Robert Ardrey's book?

That's all I can tell you.

Now, please, leave me alone.

That's good work, Bruno.

And don't let her out of
your sight, huh? Yeah.

Walker and that DA
hassled Dana again.

She knows way too much.

And now that Nicholas is here,

there's no reason why
she should keep breathing.

The boys are here. Oh, good.

Good. Trot 'em in, huh?

Sal, you remember Frank
Potempa and Lew-lew Brill.

Mm. Of course I do. Sit
down, fellas, sit down.

How could I forget?

Last time they were here,

the morgue had to rent
space at the icehouse.

But the Sandrene gang
never bothered you again.


No. There weren't any left.

I already filled them
in, Sal. Good, good.

Then you know who the target is.

Yeah. Some rube
cop named Walker.

Yeah, well, I wouldn't
be too quick to label him.

Oh, and there's one more
I wanna add to the list.

My ex-wife.

Ex-wives are my favorite.

Then when can I expect results?

Is tonight too soon?


Uh, Loomis, why don't you
take the boys in the kitchen,

get something to eat?

Go ahead, fellas.

Why are you
gonna kill...? Quiet.

You are never to speak

about anything you
see or hear in this house.


Do you? Yes.

'Cause if you open your mouth,

I'll have Mr. Loomis
cut out your tongue.

You got it?

Speak when you're spoken to.

Look me in the eye
when you answer.

You're a Matacio,

and you'd better
start acting like one.

Yes, sir.

Go to school.

And forget everything
you heard in this house.

And you can stop thinking
about your mother too.

You did very well on
your geography test, Nicky.

You only missed two questions,

and I know you know what
the capital of New Mexico is.



What's wrong?


Looks like something's wrong.

I can't tell you.

There's nothing you
could do about it anyway.

You're just a teacher.

Maybe there is
something I can do.

You can trust me.

I hope you know that.

Dad told some men
to kill my mommy.

How did it go with Dana?

Trivette, we have
to contact Bobbie.

We're in luck. She
just came online.

Matacio is gonna kill Dana.

Tell her we'll take care of it.

Have her look for a book
called Territorial Imperative.

You got it.

Yeah, Trivette.

Hello, Trivette. Talk to me.

I hate it when that happens.

Yeah, Trivette. Hello,
Trivette. Talk to me.

North Houston Cleaners.
We press to please.

How can I help you?

Yeah, here we go. Linda Justin.

42 East Third, Apartment 5.

Hello, Trivette. Talk to me.

Oh, my God,
please don't hurt me.

Texas Rangers. Freeze.

You okay? RANGER: Let's go.

I hoped you were wrong

when you told me
about this, Walker.

I mean, I'm the
mother of his child.

I thought if I kept quiet that
Nicky and I would be safe.

Dana, listen to me.

The only way we
can put Matacio away

is if you help us.

That's the only way I
can get your child back.

I... I saw him kill
Frank Maples.

The body is under the gazebo.


You know what time it is?

Sorry, Sal, but
we got a problem.

Remember the feeling I
had about Walker's partner?


Well, I called
Ranger's Headquarters

and sampled his voice.

Then I ran a comparative
spectral analysis

of a phone call I made to
a dry cleaners in Houston

to check out your teacher.


Same voice.

That can only mean one thing.


The teacher's a cop.

Come on.

I knew it.

Put that away.

Do you know where
your teacher is?

No. The computer room.

She doesn't know
anything about that.

Sal, she's a cop.

I mean, who knows
what she knows?

Miss Justin?

A cop?

The alarm for the front gate.

You round up the
boys. Let's get out there.

Shoot to kill.

Come on. Get down
to the front gate.

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

Catch her. And kill her.

Are you really a policeman?

What are you talking about?

Well, 'cause Dad said you were.

He and Mr. Loomis
are looking for you.

Thank you, Nicky.

I think you have to leave now.

He said they were
gonna kill you.

I really think you'd
better leave now.

Well, too bad men's brains
aren't behind their eyes,

because I saw you
coming a mile away.

Boy, that felt good.

Nicky, we gotta go. Come
on, come on. Come with me.

I can't. Dad'll kill me.

He'll have to kill me first.

Consider it done.

No, Dad.

You're going to get a
valuable lesson here, Nicholas.

When you find a
snake in a woodpile,

you cut off its head.

You are a rotten...
You are dead.

Nicholas, give me the gun.

Please, son. You can trust me.

Attaboy, Nicholas.

I knew I could trust you.

What are...? What are
you doing, Nicholas?

I trusted you!

Yeah, Dad.

I trusted you too.

Got you there, Sal.

Nice lesson.

What took you guys so long?

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪