Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001): Season 5, Episode 19 - Walker, Texas Ranger - full transcript

The criminal that killed Walker's fiancé ten years ago is being released early from prison. He intends to seek revenge on Walker for putting him away by hurting all of Walker's friends.

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Yo, man. There's Pike.

It looks like he's serious.

Let's go.

I don't usually handle this
kind of thing myself, Trask,

but in your case, I've
made an exception.

Come on, inmates. Move, move.

Come on, come on.
Move out of the way.

Hey... Oh, hi, Mr. Pike.

Officer Rydell.

Uh, what's going on?

Somebody was fighting.

I broke it up.

Yeah? Well, thanks.

What was the fight about?

Nothing much.

Old Trask was getting a
little too ambitious, that's all.

Bit off more than he
could chew, is that it?

Exactly. Mm.

Anyone here see
who did the pounding?

How about you? MAN: No, no, sir.

Anybody over here?

No, sir.


Case closed.

Looks that way.

Oh, by the way, Mr. Pike,

I got some good
news for you, Mr. Pike.

Word is your lawyer's plea

for an early release
has been approved.

You've been a big help to
me through the years, Rydell.

Another generous deposit

will find its way into
your personal account.

Always glad to help, Mr. Pike.

All right, couple of you
guys get him to the infirmary.

Come on. Come on. Let's go.

I need to talk to you, buddy!

Yo! I got my beef with you.

You ready, Mr. Pike?

Oh, there he is. Here he comes.

Uh, excuse me, Mr. Pike...

Any statement, Mr. Pike?

Not for any of you.

What are you feeling
right now, Mr. Pike?

Free, sweetheart. Very free.

Thank you. Thank
you. Mr. Pike...

Do you still say
you're innocent?

All of you get back

and leave Mr. Pike alone.

Hey, hey, hey. This
is a great day, huh?

Great as they come,
Benny. How you doing, Jack?

Just fine, Mr. Pike.

I mean, especially now
that you're out and all.

Oh, come on,
Jack. You hate this.

No, that's... That's not true.

You hate it, and
I don't blame you.

You've been running the outfit,

and now you gotta
hand it all back.

Look, now, you've
been a great lieutenant,

but I hope you didn't
get too comfortable

sitting in the big seat.

I'd hate to lose you.

You understand me, kid?


Take it easy, man.

Six suspects were arrested

and over a hundred kilos
of heroin were confiscated,

with an estimated street
value of $20 million.

Hey, Walker, we made
the 10:00 news, man.

That's great, Trivette.

I look good, huh? This
is the biggest heroin bust

in the Metroplex area in
the last ten years. And now...

What were we talking about?

We were talking about
going away for the weekend,

but you were being evasive.

I wasn't being evasive.

I was just trying to figure out

if I could take
the time off or not.

Take the time off.

Three days of fishing,


moonlight walks.

It does sound tempting.

Perhaps a massage.

Massage? Or two.

Really? Mm-hm.

We'll have more on
Vince Pike's early release

after these messages.

Maybe I could take the time off.


Look, Cordell. You'd better
get on over here and see this.

Well, we'd better go
see what it's all about.

Bad credit? No
credit? No problem.

Come on down to
Muskrat Bob's used-car lot.

Zero percent down, $199
a month for 60 months.

What, the commercial, C.D.?

Prices are MSRP and
dealer prices may vary.

Uh-uh. You'll see.

NEWSCASTER: In a surprise move

that's certain to
cause controversy

among state
law-enforcement officials,

notorious racketeer Vince Pike
was granted an early release

from state prison.

What are you feeling, Mr. Pike?

Free, sweetheart. Very free.

Pike, convicted of conspiracy

in a sensational murder case,

was discharged from
custody this morning

after serving only ten
years of a 40-year sentence.

How could they let that
animal out in just ten years...?


Hey, are you all right?

Look, Cordell, I'm... I'm sorry.

Cordell, you need to talk to me,

I... I mean, you need
anything, just let me know.

Big Dog, what is that about?

Vince Pike.

What does Vince Pike
have to do with Walker?

He killed the woman that Cordell
was in love with ten years ago.

Cordell was gonna marry her.

Walker was gonna get married?


She was a real fine lady too,

and they were
very happy together

until Vince Pike murdered her.

♪ In the eyes of a Ranger ♪

♪ The unsuspecting stranger ♪

♪ Had better know the truth ♪

♪ Of wrong from right ♪

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪

Walker engaged to be married.

I had no idea.


Her, uh, her name
was Ellen Garrett.

She was a real fine
lady, and I liked her a lot.

Ellen was from the Midwest.

Brought with her all
those basic good sense

and ethics of the heartland.

She'd been teaching law

at the university
for the past year

and met Cordell in one of
them law-enforcement seminars.

Cord, that doesn't fit.

I'm gonna make it fit.

You'll ruin the puzzle.

Forget it.

They took to one
another right away,

and started a courtship
that always reminded me

of two strong countries
deciding to be allies.

Ah-ha, so you wanna
play rough, do you?


And within a year, he and Ellen

were planning
on getting hitched.

They were creating
a real life together,

with Ellen knowing just
how to mix Walker's business

and both their pleasures.

And all this despite the fact

that Walker and me
were working overtime

to put Vince Pike and
his gang behind bars.

Good Lord.

We got to get this fella Pike.

Pike knows we're only
one step behind him.

For his part, old Pike
was keeping busy

wiping out the competition.

They butted heads
like a pair of bulls.

Cordell knew Pike
was guilty as sin,

but the varmint was also smart,
and he had his share of luck.

Every time we'd haul him in,
he'd slip through our fingers.

Cordell, his shyster lawyer's
got a paper says let him go.

Pike was feeling the pressure.

We had him in a corner
that he couldn't get out of.

And that's when it happened.

They left them for dead.

By the time help
arrived, Ellen was gone

and Walker was
in critical condition.

It didn't take
Cordell long to trace

Ellen's murder
back to Vince Pike,

and I was with him the day
we rounded those bad boys up.

Only they weren't
so bad anymore.

One of us is going to die, Pike.

Go on.

Reach for it.

All right.

How about this?

Go ahead.

Go on, Pike. You gutless?

Don't you do it, Pike.
Sam, get on him.

Come on. Turn around.

Cordell, it's over.

Cordell, it's over.

Walker was having
a real hard time

dealing with Ellen's death.

The guilt was
beginning to get to him

and he couldn't help but feel
responsible for what happened.

Even Vince Pike's conviction
didn't help Cordell's pain.

Without Ellen around, he...

He went after the bad
guys with a vengeance,

like he didn't give a damn,
like he was asking for it.

It was during those dark days

that Cordell built
his reputation

as the best doggone
lawman in Texas,

and where the bad
guys were concerned,

the most feared.

Cordell was
completely out of control.

He just kept
pushing the envelope.

The department made
him take a leave of absence

and get his head together.

Where'd he go?

Home to the reservation.

And to White Eagle.

That's right, to White Eagle.

You have been out here
for many days, Washoe.



Has it helped?

I thought not.

There is only the pain
of losing someone.

You are a warrior,
Washoe, as I am,

and life is a war.

Isn't this true?

And in a war,
loved ones are lost.

But warriors must deal
with defeat as well as victory,

then continue the good fight.

There will be wounds and scars

upon this warrior heart,

but there will also
be that special place

to hold the memory of
the one you have lost.

The next day,

Cordell showed
up at headquarters

and asked to be
put back on duty.

This hadn't been a
problem until this evening.

That explains a lot
of things to me, C.D.

Think he needs
somebody with him?

Oh, hell, no, Jimmy.

Look at his eyes. I've
seen those eyes before.

He needs to be by himself.

A rose.

I think it's the perfect
symbol for our love.

Ask me why.

Okay. Why?

Because it's beautiful,

and just a little bit dangerous.

Oh, my gosh.

Now that the insurance
question's been settled,

it'll be no time at all before
that Ride-Along program

is up and running full speed.

It'll be terrific, don't
you think, Cord?

I mean, law
students riding around

with Rangers and DPS officers...

Yeah, it'll be great.

Hey, Ranger, you're
not listening today.

What's up?

Uh, nothing's up.

Oh, if this were in court,

you'd be up on
perjury right now.

Well, you know, it's kind of
hard to get a word in edgewise

when you start talking.

Oh, really?

Yeah, really.

No, come on.

You've got something
else on your mind.

It's more than my motor mouth.

Come on.



you know, no one, I mean...

I mean, no one could
love you more than I do.

I do.

Huh? You do what?

I accept.

I mean, that is if...
If you're proposing.

Yeah, that's what
I'm trying to do.

Then I accept.

Oh, because I love you.

I love you.

Cordell would've done anything
in the world to have saved her,

but she was gone, and
then he went a little bit crazy.

He got out of the
hospital too soon

and tracked down those
two shooters that Pike hired.

Texas Ranger.

Just in case any of you guys

got any doubts,

Vince Pike's on top again,

and we're gonna pick
up right where I left off.

But first things first.

And top of the list:

It's payback time
for Cordell Walker.

Yeah. Yeah, right.

You gotta be kidding, Mr. Pike.

This is not the time
for that kind of thing.

Killing a Ranger right now,

all you'd do is roust
out every cop in Texas.

We're not gonna kill him, Jack.

We're just gonna
get his attention.

How are you gonna
get his attention?

I'm gonna go after his friends.

That old man used to be
his partner, C.D. Parker,

his new partner, Trivette,

and Assistant District
Attorney Alex Cahill.

No. That is crazy. I'm
not gonna let you do it.

You will destroy everything
that I have built up.

Who you gonna side with, huh?

Right now. Him or me?

You're gonna have to make
your decisions right now.

Oh, man.

Well, come on.

Answer Jack's question.

Who's gonna side with him?

Looks like you lose, Jack.

There are some things
you just don't question!

Hey, hey, hey. Hey, Mr. Pike.

He's dead. Vince, man, listen.

I... I... I just wanna
say one thing.

I think I speak for
everybody here

when I say that there's
no problem here, okay?

Whatever you need,
whatever you want,

you just name it, it's done.

Am I right? ALL: Yeah. Yeah.




Okay, Trivette.
I'll be there soon.

Wanna take a look?

Jack Mitchell, isn't it?

Pike's right-hand man
while he was in the joint.

It's a message.

Showing the boys who's boss.

You got it. Ooh-hoo.

♪ Buffalo gal ♪

♪ Won't you come out tonight? ♪

♪ Come out tonight?
Come out tonight? ♪

♪ Buffalo gal Won't
you come out tonight? ♪

♪ Dance by the
light Of the moon ♪

♪ Oh, Buffalo gal
Won't you come...? ♪

Hey, fellas. Uh, I'm
sorry, we're not open yet.

You guys come back.

Hey, pop, what's in the pot?

Well, that's called
a Mineola Mulligan.

It's got squirrel and
quail, and first one...

Like I said, we're not open
yet. Why don't you guys...?

Wrong, pop. You ain't open ever.

You guys get out of here.

Or what?

You gonna serve us some soup?

Has it got enough garlic in it?

Where'd you learn to hit,

at a Girl Scout camp?

Easy. The boss don't want
him dead, just wishing he was.

I don't care what you
and that doctor say.

I got to get out of here.

I got to go back there
to where my business is.

I got to get out of here.
I'm tired of staying...

C.D., C.D., calm down.

You gotta listen to what
the nurses are saying.

I don't have to
do a thing but die.

Come on, now, Big
Dog. Yes, you do.

I'm not ready to do that.

No. Settle down now.

Nurse, he's gonna
stay. It's gonna be fine.

Get me some water, will you?

My goodness.

Cordell, Cordell.
Save me, will you?

Listen, I gotta get
down to the bar tonight,

or... Or at least
by tomorrow night.

Who did this?

Well, it was three
big, ugly punks

that had hands
like cement blocks.

But the guy that led them...

Ten years ago, when we
were trying to put Pike away,

this guy used to do some
freelance muscle work for him.

Big, ugly guy.

Yeah, I remember.

J.J. Mobley. That's him.

Wa... Wait a minute. That doesn't
prove Pike's connection to this.

Proves it to me.

It's the damndest thing, Jimmy.

Cordell shot
him... Walker, wait.

I think I've known you long
enough to understand you.

Now, don't go doing
something you're gonna regret.

You are not Vince Pike.

And no matter what happens,

you cannot let him turn you
into the same thing that he is.

Come on in, Ranger.

Watch it.

Just tearing him up.

See, I've learned a few
things since you busted me.

If there's something
I'm thankful for,

prison toughened me up,

put a little steel in my guts.

So next time we
dance, I'm gonna lead.

I didn't come here to see
you flex your ego, Pike.


Well, what did
you come here for?

No, wait. Let me tell you.

You came here to
rattle my cage, right?

Stir me up?

Maybe shake me into
making a mistake, huh?

You did make a mistake.

You hurt a friend of mine.

Did I? Close friend?

Oh, golly, that's awful.

Isn't that awful?

Oh, yeah, Vince.
That's just awful.


Do whatever you
want with me, Pike,

but leave my friends out of it.

A man like you, Walker,

he shouldn't have friends.

Take that girl of
yours, for instance, uh,

What was her name?
The one that was killed?

Helen, right? No, no. Ellen.

Ellen Garrett.

She found out, didn't she?

Hm? The hard way.

Trivette's next.

Big Dog, I tell you,
you amaze me.

A man of his word.
Right? Forty-eight hours,

you're back on
your feet. I love that.

What I told you.

You should be
back in the hospital.

Oh, look out. I'm
much too ornery for that.

How about that, Cordell?

Isn't that right, Cordell?

Hm? Yeah, you're right, C.D.

Cordell, are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Hey, if you're worried
about Pike, don't be.

If he gets after us again,
we'll be ready for him.

Besides, in most circles,
we would be considered

very capable of taking
care of ourselves.

Yeah, I know, but it doesn't
stop me from worrying.

Well, it has to, because
you need to focus

on putting Pike away,
not on protecting us.


I think the key to nailing Pike
is the murder of Jack Mitchell.

Well, I'll go to work in that
direction tomorrow. No problem.


Listen, Ranger Trivette,
I ain't what you call a rat,

you know, but now
Vince starts talking about,

you know, uh, piling
up Walker's pals.

I mean... And one
of them's a DA.

I mean, come on, that's
some serious heat, man.

You know, so I just started
thinking maybe I should save

yours truly a trip to death row.

You know, anyway,
I'm ready to talk,

and if it's about Jack
Mitchell getting whacked, fine.

I'll be a rat. I
don't care, okay?

But only if I can get a
deal. Okay? I think that's fair.

I mean, you get
Vincent Pike, I get a deal.


So, what do you think?

Academy Award time, my man.

Yeah, well, I get
lucky sometimes.

Now, let's see how
good you are for real.

Oh, he'll buy it,
Vince. I'm telling you.

You just wait and see
here. Watch this. Hello?

Uh, yes, uh, give
me Trivette, please.

Yeah, Ranger James Trivette.

Right. Okay. Yeah, I'll hold.

What do you think about the law?

I mean, really and truly.


basic principles, I guess.

A code of living based
on right and wrong.


Right and wrong.

That's a pretty
complicated issue.

Not really.

There's no mystery
to what hurts people

and doesn't hurt people, Ellen.

That's true.


You always bring
me back to basics.

The way you see things
and the way you feel them,

I guess that's what I
love about you so much.

You know what, lady? Hm?

I think I'm gonna keep you.

Oh, why, thank you so much, sir.

See those two stars up there?

The Cherokee call
them Oon-i loop-ti.

The Lovers.

Ah-ha, so you wanna
play rough, do you?


Alex, what are you doing here?

C.D. told me about
you and Ellen, and...

I thought it might help
if we could talk about it.

Thanks, but there's
nothing to talk about.

You told me once,

life is a series of choices

that we make that
lead us to our destiny,

and each one of us
controls our own fate.

Ellen made her
choice, Walker, not you.

There's a part of me that's

jealous of a ghost.

What she had with you,

and how you still
feel about her,

it's really beautiful.



Walker, it's Jimmy.

He has to talk to you.

What is it, Trivette?

Hey, I'm a few minutes away

from the old Redstone
meat-packing plant

in Fort Worth.

I got a call from Benny Flynn.
He said he wants to meet me.

Gave me an hour.

He says he wants
to turn over, Walker.

It could be a trap.

Yeah, or it's exactly
what we need

to put Pike behind
bars for good.

Okay, wait for
me. I'm on my way.

I gotta go.

Be careful.

Alex, thanks.

For what?

For being there.


What's up, man?

You Trivette?


Benny Flynn?

Yeah, I'm Benny Flynn, right.

Ain't nobody else here,
right? I'm Benny Flynn.

So, what's up, man? You're late.

Yeah, I know.


We need to wait a
couple minutes for Walker.

W-Walker? W-Walker's
coming here?


Oh, no way, man. No way.

You didn't say nothing
about Walker, man.

I'll tell you what, man.
I'm out of here, okay?

Forget about it.



This is Walker. Officer down

at the old Redstone
meat-packing plant.

Easy, Trivette. Easy. Easy.

Don't move. The
ambulance is on the way.

Hey, pard.


Zigged when I should've zagged.

You did go flying.

Thought you were
Superman there for a minute.

Don't you make me laugh.

You know, the flying was easy.
It's the landing that was hard.

Get some sleep.


Ranger Walker, you got a
message from a Miss Cahill's office.

They said she
wanted you to meet her

at Lake Santos as
soon as you can.

Lake Santos?
That's what they said.

Okay. Thanks.

I do.

Huh? You do what?

I accept.

I mean, that is if...
If you're proposing.

Yeah, that's what
I'm trying to do.

Why did you wanna
meet all the way out here?

Get down.

Come on.

There's somebody
who wants to see you.

Thank you, Jimmy.

My pleasure.

All right, here
are your charges.

Conspiracy to commit murder
in Jack Mitchell's homicide.

That's crazy.

Not according to
what you told Trivette.

You said that Pike killed
Jack Mitchell with a golf club.

It was just a story.
It was a story.

I said that to set him up.

Set Trivette up, right?

And that is your second charge.

Attempted murder
of two Texas Rangers

and an Assistant
District Attorney.

I was just doing
what I was told.

Well, I'm sure the judge would
take that under consideration.

If you're willing to
testify against Pike.

No way. He'll kill me.

There's a fair chance
that the state of Texas

will do that anyway.

Unless you're
willing to cooperate.

All right, get down. Drop your
weapon and hit the ground.

Go, go, go.

Hey, boss, there's
cops everywhere.

Get out there and stop them now.

Hands up!

Let's go, let's go.

Don't move.

It's over, Pike.

You're not gonna send
me back to prison, Walker.

You don't have much of a choice.

You know what I regret?

That I didn't beat
your brains out.

You said the next time
we dance, you'd lead.

Let's see if you can do that.

- OFFICEr 1: Let's go.
- Come on, move it!

Come on. Down, down. Easy.

You're a lousy dancer, Pike.

Maybe you can
dance better in prison.

Could we finish
that talk we started

about love and
ghosts and jealousy?


♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪