Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001): Season 5, Episode 10 - Walker, Texas Ranger - full transcript

Alex, C.D. and a group of fifth- and sixth-grade students from a Dallas-area elementary school are kidnapped by mercenaries, who demand $10 million in ransom. To ensure their demands are met, the crooks trap the victims in the bus and park it in a landfill, then cover it with mud. Walker and Trivette race against the clock to save the students and their friends and capture the criminals - also well aware that a deadly storm system with a history of spawning deadly tornadoes.

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Although we would caution
against any undue alarm,

during the next 24
hours, I think we can

expect severe thunderstorms,

with the possibility of tornados

right here in the Metroplex.

There have already
been several sightings

and reports of
extensive twister damage

on the back edge
of that storm system.

Here at KPBL, I'll be
monitoring the situation

and bringing you
the latest updates

on the progress of this
dangerous storm system.

As you prepare to leave
office, what would you like to say

to the people of Dallas?

Play nice,

and look both ways
before crossing the street.

And there you have it, Dallas.

Some wise advice

from 10-year-old mayor
for a day Simon Purcell.

Thank you so much,
C.D. You were so helpful.

Well, it was a pleasure.

You know, you got
some real fine kids there.

Yeah, they sure are.

It's a beautiful
idea of yours, Paul,

this "Kids in Government Day."

When the mayor's away,
his aide can play. Right, sir?

That's not what I meant, Paul.

Of course not. I'm sorry, sir.

- Where's Walker?
- We're right here.

Well. Hee-hee-hee.

Well, lookie here. Look
at these new Rangers.

Aren't they cute?

Excuse me, ma'am.

Texas Rangers aren't cute.


Listen, we'd better get started.

We wanna get you all
home safe and sound

before this storm we've
got coming moves in.

We're rollin'.

On behalf of the
mayor of Dallas,

I'd like to acknowledge these
young government officials

and thank them all for
participating in our first,

and what I hope will be annual,
"Kids in Government Day."

These young people were
chosen by their teachers

on the basis of
classroom achievement.

They come from a
variety of backgrounds,

social, economic,
ethnic, and cultural.

They are a true cross-section

of the very best
of the Metroplex,

and we should all
be very proud of them.

You all did a marvelous job.

Yes. On schedule.


Okay, be careful.

Ah, yes, all right.

Thank you, Jimmy. My
pleasure, my pleasure.

Thank you, Walker.
You're welcome.

It turned out great, didn't it?

It turned out fantastic.

Don't forget about
our date tonight.

I won't. Seven o'clock,
Dawson's, right?


Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

Package is passing point alpha.

Cycle approaching
point intercept.


Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

All right, okay. That's
enough. That's enough.

I can explain.

Yes, he's a boy.
Yes, he's my friend,

but he is not my boyfriend.

I mean, not really.

What is it about men
and commitment?

I think I lost my
asthma inhaler.

Are you sure it's not...?
Is it under the seat?


Okay, so does
anybody know a song?

Miss Cahill has a
boyfriend Not that one.

It's okay.

It's all right. What happened?

What is it? What's going on?

Hold it right there, old man.

Let's go. Back up.

Keep cool, lady, or you're dead.

Let's move it, move it.
- Come on.

Sid, am I lined up?
You're ready. Let's go.

Get it up there.

Here we go.

We got it. Let's go.

It's good.

All right, hurry
up. Close it up.

The children.

They're taking the children.

All right, let's go.

They... They're
taking the children.

Somebody stop, please.

Please, stop.

They've taken the children.

Somebody help, please.

They... They've
taken the children.

Hey. Hey, help, please. Help.

They've... They've taken...
They've taken the children.


Help, please.

Help, anybody.

The children. They've
taken the children.

Help me, please.

They've taken the children.

♪ In the eyes of a Ranger ♪

♪ The unsuspecting stranger ♪

♪ Had better know the truth ♪

♪ Of wrong from right ♪

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪

Following a series of tornado
touchdowns in Erath County,

the National Weather Service
has just issued a tornado watch

for most of north-central Texas

and all of the Dallas-Fort
Worth Metroplex.

The twisters hit Maynard,
Texas a few hours ago,

causing considerable damage

and three known
deaths. Severe weather...

I think we're lookin' at a
couple of rough days, folks.

Hey, one of our Junior
Rangers left his asthma inhaler.

Johnny Villalobos.

I'll call Alex.




What's goin' on?

The cellular customer
you are calling

is either out of range or
no longer at the phone.

Something's happened, Trivette.

Put an APB out on the bus.


No sign of the bus at all?

Okay, thanks.

Let's go.

Walker, those kids should've
been home an hour ago.

My phones are
ringing off the hook.

We got a definite
situation here, Walker.

Yeah, we know it.

Where you going?

To retrace the bus route.

Yeah, all right,
Ranger 1, thanks.

You guys be careful.

This wind's gettin' too heavy.

Ranger chopper's
goin' back to base.


All right. Let's go.

Come out of there.

All right, kids. Let's go.

Come on, let's move on.

Watch your step. Let's just go.

Follow them up.

That's good, right there.

Come on, old man.

Hi, kids.

Now, if you all behave
and do as you're told,

nobody's gonna get hurt,

and that is a promise.

What about him?

He's already hurt.

He needs medical attention.


Happy, Miss Cahill?

You know my name?

I wanna go home.

I wanna go home.
It's gonna be okay.

I wanna go home.
It's gonna be okay.

- No, it's not.
- Johnny's right.

Everything's gonna be okay.

Ranger Walker'll find us.

No, he won't.

No one can find us.

Well, for once, the boy's right.

It's gonna be okay.

I wanna go home.

We all wanna go home. - Yeah.

And you all will.

It's like I told Miss Cahill.

Y'all do what you're told,
and before you know it

you'll be back
with your parents,

safe and sound.


What's goin' on?

Is everything okay?

The package is delivered.


Paul, come on, we gotta get busy

and set up this
meeting with the parents.

I'm on it, sir.

Are you still there?

Is anybody hurt?

What's happening?

I'll be in touch.

What are you doing?

I'm bein' a good Ranger.

Someone stop, please.

They took the children.

They took the children.

What's wrong? They
took the children.

Who took the
children? T-t-the men.

The men with no faces.

They took the children.

Come on. You wanna
step this way, sir?

All right, now, honey.

Now, you just tell us
your name and your age

and tell your parents
everything's okay.

It's not okay, and
don't call me "honey."

I'm on a very tight schedule
and I want this statement.

Do you understand me?

Just do what he
says, all right, Leslie?

For me. Okay.

Okay. Good girl.

My name's Leslie
Kidwell. I'm 10 years old.

We're a little scared.

But Miss Cahill says
everything's gonna be okay.

I love you, Mom and Dad.

My name is Alex Cahill.
I have not been harmed.

Billy, it's okay. It's okay.

I'm sorry, darling. I know
we had a dinner date

in about 50 minutes,

but I promise I'll
make it up to you

when I see you again.

I heard tires squealin',

men shoutin', and
then kids screaming'.

That's when I came
out and I seen them men

with... W-w-with the no faces.

You mean they
were wearing masks?

Masks. Maybe that was it.

L-l-like hoods, you know?

What about weapons?

Oh, they was armed to the teeth.

Big ugly-looking guns,

and then one, two, three,

they charged up in that...

That bus and they beat
up that... That bus driver.

And then, zip-zap,

they rode that bus
right up in the back

of that big semitruck,
and then, whoosh,

they was gone.

This is good soup.

Okay, well, finish your soup
and we'll, uh, get someone

to take you over
to St. Stephen's.

You gonna find them
little boys and girls,

aren't you, Ranger?

Yeah, we're gonna find them.

Keep on moving, kids.
- All right, let's go.

Come on, now. That's it.

There you go.

All right, kid. Come on now.

See you later, Ranger Walker.

Thanks, Mr. Baker.

He said they beat up the
driver. You figure C.D.'s hurt?

Seems that way.

I'm thinkin' seasoned

Yeah, I think you're right.

We'd better get a
task force for this one.

FBI, Metro, DPS?


Walker, what do
we tell the parents?

Tell them the truth.

But what's that?

You have any leads? Not yet.

There's only one reason
those children were taken.

It's for ransom.

You're probably right, Mark.

I think we'd better
start preparing

for the kidnappers'
demands, Mark.

This is real scary, you know?

I know it is, honey,

but we all have to have
faith that it's gonna be okay.

Why are they doing this?

It's 'cause they're criminals.

Well, duh.

But what are they
gonna do to us?

You gonna cry again?


I'm just really scared, okay?

It's okay, honey.
We're all scared.

We all are. Don't cry.

Walker, it's good
to see you again.

I'm sorry about
the circumstances.

It's good to see you too, Doug.

Anything that you need
that we have, it's yours.

I appreciate it.

Take it out.

That's it. Bring it on in.


You can't do this.
They're children.


Lady, heh,

I've been waiting to
do that this whole trip.

You dirty coward.

Come on.

It's working perfectly.

Preston's arranging
for the ransom money

from a half a
dozen Dallas banks.

What's going on? Why
isn't the oxygen on the bus?

Changed my mind.

Without the oxygen, they'll die.

There's too much at stake

to leave any
witnesses, Richardson.

I'm not gonna let you do this.

I may not be a saint,
but I'm no murderer.

I am.

Fill it in.

Miss Cahill, what
are we gonna do?

What we're gonna do

is we're gonna get
real calm, all right?

That's gonna help
your breathing.

Can you do that for me?

Okay. Just quiet down.

It's all gonna be
just fine, okay?


As the storm continues
to gather strength

and move right
towards the Metroplex,

we're getting more
and more reports

of tornados on the ground

concentrated right
here in Parker County,

with a confirmed
twister touchdown

in the city of Weatherford,

where this video was
shot just before sundown.


Señora Cornell, the
boys, is there any word?

No, not yet.

Ladies and gentlemen,
this way, please.

This way.

Right into the office.
Everything's fine.

Everything's under control.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Boo who?

Oh, Leslie, don't cry.

I get it.

Well done, Sally.

Ranger Walker'll find us.

He'll get us out of here.

Yeah. Yeah, sure. Sure.

There's something
I can't figure out.

How did they know what
route the bus was going to take?

Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

Yeah, how did they know?

Miss Cahill has a boyfriend

You figurin' it might
be an inside job?

Well, we can't rule it out.

We are doing everything
we can to find your children

and bring them home safely.

Everything you can?

That is not good enough.
Now, my son is out there.

Ladies and gentlemen, please.

Please, please, I understand,

but letting go of our emotions

is not going to make
this situation any better.

Where is Paul?

We go now to Kyle Johnson
at the command center.

These 10 children
from all levels

of Dallas society

have become our
own, and all we can do

on this storm-lashed
night is hold our breath

and offer our prayers
for their safe return.

This is Kyle
Johnson reporting live

from the command center.

Back to you, Hal.

Meanwhile, the
National Weather Service

continues to issue
tornado watches...


You had us worried.

Well, heck, honey, it'd take
more than an old gun butt

to crack this old coconut.

How long since those
gutter rats buried us?

Two hours.

How are you doin'?

I'm worried.

Johnny doesn't have his inhaler.

C.D. Poor kid. ALEX: Yeah.

How much time do
you think we have?

Alex, I just don't know, honey.

Oh, C.D.

As dawn breaks
over the Metroplex,

reports continue to pour
into our weather center

of heavy damage and injuries

in the outlying counties
of Hood and Somerville,

and help is finally Another one.

Just reaching those
devastated areas.

Ranger Walker.

Yeah, we got the kids.

What proof do you have?

The Villalobos boy.

He's got asthma,

and he doesn't have his inhaler.

What do you want?

Leave 100,000 in
cash, in a trash bag

under the overpass at
Cassidy Boulevard by noon.

If we see a cop,
the kids are dead.

Hundred thousand dollars.

You really think
these are the guys?

Not really, but we
can't take a chance.

Let's go.

He asked for only a hundred.

Ransom's heading
south on Euclid.

Here it is, boys.

Piece of cake, just like I said.

Let's go.

Hands in the air. Back
away, pal. Back away.

Don't shoot. All right.

Get back here.

All right.

It ain't us. We didn't
take those kids.

I swear to God.
It ain't us, okay?


Walker was right. They
weren't the kidnappers.

How'd they find out about the
Villalobos kid having asthma?

Sanders' brother-in-law
was repairing the fax machine

when I found the inhaler.

Well, then we're back
to where we started.

We gotta find them.

The batteries are gettin' low.

So's the air in here.

Does that mean
we're going to die?

Oh, no, honey. Hey.

Nobody dies on my watch, hoss.


Agent Foster.

Hold on. Another one, Walker.

Ranger Walker.

I just saw your copycats on TV.

Not very impressive
considering the kind of kidnappers

you're looking for, is it?

Not very.

You didn't think I'd be
so stupid or so cheap,

now did you, Walker?

No. What do you want?

What everybody wants.

You'll be receiving a package.

Proof's inside.

What kind of proof
you talking about?

Nice try, Walker.

Three seconds more.

Now what?

We sign for a package.

My name's Leslie Kidwell.

I'm 10 years old.

We're a little scared.

But Miss Cahill says
everything's gonna be okay.

I love you, Mom and Dad.

My name is Alex Cahill.

I have not been harmed.

Billy, it's okay. It's okay.

I'm sorry, darling. I know
we had a dinner date

in about 50 minutes,

but I promise I'll
make it up to you

when I see you again.

The thunder and lightning
was less than a second apart.

That means the storm
was right above them.

Alex was trying to
tell me something.

We were supposed to have
dinner at Dawson's at 7:00.

That means they
taped her at 6:10.

So if we can find where that
thunderstorm was at at 6:10,

we have an area to search.

You got it.

It's pretty slim.

Yeah, I know,

but right now that's
the only lead we've got.

A tornado smashed through
parts of West Texas last night.

At least seven
twisters touched down,

most near the small
town of Spearman.

A trailer park, a church,
and several homes

have been severely
damaged. I, um...

I thought you might need this.

Thank you, Señora Cornell.

Sarah, please.

You've worked for me for years.

Why, you practically
raised my son.

And then it took
something like this,

to bring us to a
first-name basis.

All right, according
to the weather service,

at 6:10 last evening
the main weather front

was right over
this area right here.

Ranger Walker.

Enjoy the video?

Get on with it.

All business. That's fine.

Deposit $10 million into

the International Bank of
Geneva, account number


You got 24 hours.

Well, it's a good thing we
got a jump on the ransom.

I'll get busy.

Hey, Mark.

Where's Paul Richardson?

I haven't seen
him around lately.

I don't know, but
when I find him

he's in big trouble.

As you can see,
ladies and gentlemen,

the severe thunderstorms
have finally reached us

and we have tornado
warnings in effect

for the entire
Metroplex right now.

That's Dallas and
Tarrant Counties.

It's time to take action now.

The governor has declared
a state of emergency

and has urged all residents
in the affected areas

to stay inside and
listen to this station

for further updates.

Thy will be done.


Check behind there.

- It's clear.
- Nothin' over here.

- Clear.
- How about up top?


Goddamn it.

- Clear here.
- Let's check the back.

Well, this is the last
warehouse in our target area.

Nothin' over
here. It's all clean.

What do you got?

Looks like a license number.
Wanna check it out, Doug?

They chose this
warehouse for a reason.

Wherever they are,
they're not far away.

Kids, kids, wake
up. Come back here.

Come back here. Come back.

Calm down.

Calm down.

Johnny, Johnny, you doing okay?

I'm okay. I'm okay.

What is that noise?

It can't just be the storm.

A twister.

Walker, look.

Oh, man.

Stop. Please help.

Paul Richardson.

I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Where are they?

They're over there.

The bus. They're buried alive.

See anything?


Trivette, over there.

Trivette. What?


Wait, wait. Be quiet.

Hold it, hold it.

Walker, look.

Let's go.

Listen. Listen.



They're alive.

Get back.

Come on. TRIVETTE: Come on.

Come on.

Walk over there.

Over there, over there.

Come on.

Hurry up.

Come on.

Come on. Come on, honey.

There you go. Right over there.

Come on, baby. Right over
there with the other kids.

Up we go. Get goin'.
With the other kids.

There you go. Over there.

It's coming this way.

Get the kids to
the drainage ditch.

Get 'em inside.

Get to the drainage
ditch. I'll get C.D.

Come on, C.D.

Boy, this thing's
tighter than a pig's ear.

Come on.

Watch your head.
Watch your head.

Come on, come on.

Is that everybody? Yes.

Come on.

Come on.

Miss Cahill, what
are we doing now?

It's okay. Come on out.

It's okay, it's okay.



A rainbow.

Dallas and the nation
will sleep well tonight

in the aftermath
of this extraordinary

and heroic rescue of
these brave children.


What are...? What
are we gonna do now?

You've gotta be kidding me.


Okay, maybe it didn't go
the way we wanted it to go,

but they don't know who we are,

and we're gonna
keep it that way.

Grab your gear and
let's get out of here.

Texas Rangers. Freeze.

Get to your knees.
Keep them up. Now, now.

You're gonna have to kill me.

Why don't I just make
you wish you were dead?

You can quit anytime.

Okay. Good work, Ranger.

A few days ago,

I proclaimed these young
people as the future of America,

and now with an able
assist from the present,

they have shown us that
the future is indeed bright.

♪ 'Cause the eyes
Of the Ranger ♪

♪ Are upon you ♪

♪ Any wrong you
do He's gonna see ♪

♪ When you're in
Texas Look behind you ♪

♪ 'Cause that's where
The Ranger's gonna be ♪